pondphuwin · 7 months
3, 12, 20 💛
hii!! thanks for making up this ask game <3
3. favorite main character
i talked about sangwoo already so i'll say my other beloved kbl main character: han jiwoo (to my star). oh.... i love him so much and i cried buckets over him while watching the second season. i love characters that put up walls and are scared to let themselves love and be loved, it's so meaningful when they finally allow themselves to be vulnerable. i think sangwoo and jiwoo's characters both capture this in their arcs so well and i hold them both very close to my heart.
12 answered here
20. actor you think is underrated
OKAY ... time to talk about my beloved aou thanaboon. i think aou is both everywhere and SEVERELY underused. he has shown that he can play such a wide range of characters but all he has ever been given are side/guest roles TT__TT i really hope his role in we are will be bigger and that he can have main roles in the future. he's so great, i love seeing him appear in every random thing, but i would love to see him take on something bigger (especially with boom) <3
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captnswilson · 1 year
2, 4 & 9 for the ask game 🧡
Thank you so much 💙 2. favorite side couple
Vegaspete my beloved! They dominated the last few episodes of kinnporsche. I'm still not over the last episode. They made me cry sooo hard.
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4. favorite side character
Vegas; the character I hated at the beginning and loved at the end ❤
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9. currently watching My School President - super cute, a lot of mutual pining, similar couple and vibe to Bad Buddy and We Best Love
Between Us - I didn't expect it to be so enjoyable, I actually like every scene of it and winteam are a great ship Never Let Me Go - the tension and chemistry between Palm and Nueng is what keeps me watching but the story isn't so interesting for now The Director Who Buys Me Dinner - I was so surprised when I found out it wasn't just a cute office romance. It's freaking soulmates trope! I'm eating so well here The New Employee - there's only one episode so far but it was really great and I'm sure I'm going to like this drama a lot
BL ask game
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sunshinechay · 1 year
3, 5 & 9 💚
3. favourite main character
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Definitely a tie between these two :) they were what drew me in as Not Me was the first OffGun show that I watched. I was looking for something similar to KinnPorsche and I was not disappointed.
Sean and White play off each other so well and are each other’s port in a storm. Each has their own strengths and weaknesses and both are able to pick themselves back up when they fall down.
If I absolutely had to pick one, I’d probably pick White but I’m going with both of them haha
5. favourite female character
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I’m probably very unoriginal with this but I fucking love Manow. She is open and fun and is always willing to be silly with Team and Pharm and honestly, those boys need that sometimes. She’s absolutely adorable and I’m really happy her love story with Pruek is getting told in Between Us.
9. currently watching
Currently I’m watching live:
Between Us
Remember Me
Gap The Series
The Director Who Buys Me Dinner
Amiero Paradox/Candy Color Paradox
The New Employee
Old series I’m watching:
Bad Buddy (first time watching)
Check Out the Series (an absolute trash watch, it’s making Unforgotten Night look like poetic cinema)
First Love, Again
Currently rewatching:
Love In The Air (on Viki this time)
Until We Meet Again
TharnType season 2 (doing a full LeoFiat rewatch so gotta start here)
I’ve seen the first episode of My School President but haven’t caught up yet and I’m also hoping to start Never Let Me Go and 10 Year Ticket soon (I know 10YT isn’t a BL but I gotta support my boy Off)
BL Ask Meme
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vera9 · 1 year
5 & 10 for the ask game 🖤
Oh hello! Thank you so much for sending an ask my way!! <3
5. favorite female character
No contest, it's Miw from 3 Will Be Free
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Like so far this is the only show I've watched where a female character is allowed to be more than a damn punchline. I still like most gals that fall into that category (Manaow from UWMA/Between Us, Gyo from Vice Versa) but Miw feels the most like an actual person. Mild delivers whenever the camera's on her, and that includes being hilarious without turning Miw into a stereotype. She's allowed to be snarky and bitchy and witty and strong and weak and sympathetic; she's an all-around fantastic character even if I disapprove of her actions sometimes (because what matters is that they make sense for her, which they do).
10. favorite bl of this year
asdkfljd well I only fell into the BL rabbit hole this year so I'm gonna have to give the honour to the show that started it all:
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KinnPorsche! It's honestly on a whole other level for me because it looks and feels so different from everything else I've seen. There's so much going on around the romance and the characters aren't just layered, those layers are perfectly portrayed by amazingly talented actors. Like sure it's not perfect (Kinn magically forgetting about Pete is gonna be my villain origin story) but it is still charming, funny, intriguing, and intense all at once. It's a mind-blowingly well made-show and I encourage anyone who hasn't to watch it <3
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uppoompat · 7 months
2, 8, 11 💜
2. favorite side couple
JengPok from Hidden Agenda, InkPa from Bad Buddy, SynNuer from Cutie Pie universe, AouFuse in Vice Versa (can you tell I'm a AouBoom enthusiast lmfao)
8. first bl
The first BL I watched was the short drama Grey Rainbow with Nut and Karn. The first full length one was probably SOTUS.
11. most anticipated upcoming bl
Oh man, my two most anticipated of this year have already aired/started airing but looking ahead to next year I'm really excited for Wandee Goodday, My Stand-In (Up leading another BL I can't wait) and honestly anything that's coming out of Dee Hup House lmfao
send me some bl asks~
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ellsieee · 1 year
10 songs on your playlist right now
Rules: you can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. put your playlist on shuffle and list the first ten songs, and then tag ten people. no skipping!
Tagged by @wanderlust-in-my-soul ages ago, but I was too distracted busy to finish this until now. 👀😅
I'll be honest, I am a boring old person and mostly listen to podcasts these days so I'm not really up to date with what's hot in music now. I do watch a lot of dramas and variety shows though so that's where most of my music comes from.
Monsters - Zhou Shen
I like his cover more than the original tbh. I'm always amazed with shenshen's vocals. A good song to listen to when I need some encouragement.
How Could I Leave You Behind - 黃奕儒 Ezu
Ahh History 3 Trapped by beloved. It's one of the early bls that I watched thinking the premise for both couples was completely ridiculous and unrealistic, but I loved it anyway.
Dancing With the Devil - Isbanky
Say what you want about Big Dragon (personally I loved it), but the theme song is good. This song just reminds me of the push and pull that made Mangkorn and Yai so good together.
Under Mt Fuji - Hacken Lee & Zhou Shen
My favorite Qin Shen Shen duet. I've listened to this song countless times, it's even my ringtone, despite the fact that it's a bit of a bummer song since it's about a breakup. 😅 The vocals are so good though! Hacken is the harmonization king for a reason.
Traffic Light - Hacken Lee & Bibi Zhou
"The light was clearly green, turned red with a blink of an eye. Even if we decide to be brave, can we save ourselves?" I sang this song at KTV so many times back in the day. I love this cover as duet with Hacken killing it with the harmonization again.
Traffic Accident - Dann & Mujin
I'm surprised this was the only song that came up from the Unintentional Love Story OST. 😅 I love this song because it's catchy and it reminds me of different scenes from the series, with my favorite being the scene where Taejoon and Wonyoung spray each other with water while washing the car.
Into1 - Into1
What can I say? I still like teenybopper bops and Into1's debut song is the epitome of that. I never grew out of it, sorry not sorry.
Bicycle (remix empty chair) - George Lam & Mike Tsang
This cover and remix is so good! George's voice is so distinctive. This song is about a person looking back at their relationship with their father and my inner self tears up every time I hear it.
Inflation - Earnest Jackson
"Inflation is in the nation." Of course I would vibe with a song that complains about inflation. I just couldn't believe there was one.
Moment - Jeff Satur
I miss JeffGame so much. I loved Ingredients for the softness and domesticity and this song captures that feeling perfectly.
I never who to tag for these things, as I don't want to annoy or pressure anyone. I'll tag @bluespring864, @kingfisherprince, @vickyawesome99, @victooooorious, @lfcwifenspice, @alphapackfeels, @benkaaoi, @mybabybright, and anyone else that wants to do this. Feel free to ignore me.
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hedgewyse · 1 year
1 & 7 for the ask game 💚
Thank you for the ask @mybabybright! 💕 1 - favourite main couple
Once again we have to tackle the 'is The Untamed a BL' argument. Because at 50 episodes there is plenty of time to do some real character growth, and it's the ultimate Good Boy who lives by the rule book falls for the Bad Guy doing evil things and spurned by the society Good Boy has spent his life revering… and I just think Lan Wanji and Wei Wuxian are an unbeatable couple for that. They have layers.
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If not Untamed, then my choice is Kang Seo Joon and Han Ji Woo from To My Star. Again, it helps that they have two series so we get growth, and I tend to like more adult plots/problems. I just love the way they learn to live with one another, navigate the awkwardness of life and relationship pain, and adjust to each other. I have a lot of time for 'your flaws don't seem like flaws to me'.
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I'm guessing this is a little surprising given my reblogs, but a lot of other mains have a trope that I drool over but I find one of them annoying. These two are one of the few couples where I genuinely love them both.
Others I considered: FighterTutor, PatPran, WeiLan
7 - top 5 bl
The Untamed (if we're counting it!)
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Layers, layers, layers. Everything from the names and how they change (or don't), the dynamics around spiritual weapons and who can touch them, the incredible angst around the golden core (which completely passed me by the first watch because I didn't KNOW. I DIDN'T KNOW! I guess I thought yeah he's given up his magic its sad. NO, MY FRIEND! He's given up his EVERYTHING. His status in society which was already strained given he's an orphan. His place as head disciple. His magic. His IMMORTALITY. And thus His Future With LWJ *weeping, I am weeping!* no wonder he didn't want to tell him!). It just has so much hidden depth, and slowly peeling it apart has been like peeling off layers of angst around my poor heart.
Utsukushi Kare/My Beautiful Man
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This has such hidden depths. There's a big element of misunderstanding and missed signals between the leads which leads to a really interesting reversal of the uke/seme dynamic. They're both so wonderfully awkward, and eventually realising and beginning to learn to navigate each other is very sweet.
To My Star/To My Star2
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For reasons mentioned above already. Also I like that they are working adult jobs and adult lives and trying to make sense of their feelings amongst all that. It's so bloody relateable, honestly.
Love in the Air
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Not even gonna pretend. The incredible acting in the high heat scenes is my interest in this (plus a bit of motorbikes I guess). They took one look at how high KP raised the bar, then gave it a Red Bull. There are a bunch of other good things about it, but the heat was it for me.
Semantic Error
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This is such a perfect little all-rounder. It's really well paced, there's very relaxed bi rep, the friends feel real, the respect for touching consent is good, the little thrills of experimentation that our very serious SanWoo allows himself, the way JaeYoung is such a good chaotic foil for SanWoos seriousness, how very natural they seem together in the end. It's so Feel Good, I love it. Also it gave us Song JiOh *heart eyes*
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Others I considered: Bad Buddy, We Best Love, Kinnporsche, History3: Make our days count
Things I'd like to have included: The Devil Judge (if it was BL), Choco Milk Shake (if it was truly poly), Love is Science (almost poly, almost a BL, not quite either)
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patandpran · 4 years
16, 31, 33 & 43 for the 2g ask game! 💙
16. Which actor from the series makes you a simp?
Okay I have to put two answers for this because I can’t only choose one. Sorry not sorry.
First of all, I have never felt so captivated by a human being as I was when I first saw Bright. It’s honestly embarrassing how much I love him. He’s talented, kind, musically inclined and so open. I just... would really love to have a conversation with him with maybe a quick make out session as long as he was okay with that (my husband would just have to deal with it). I just... everything about him makes my stomach do summersaults...
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My second love is a bit more of a recent discovery. I am completely infatuated by Toptap. I am a dance teacher so this might be a bit why I adore him. He is such a talented dancer and there’s something about him that makes me just want to know MORE. Plus, when he got tearyeyed at the end of the last reaction video for Ep1 on still 2gether, I was right there with him.
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31. Who would be the most fun character to follow on Instagram? Why?
Oh jeez. Probably Boss. He’s such a clown that I think his feed would always be so random and fun to follow. Plus, he would do random live-streams just to irritate his friends and his stories would be entertaining.
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Also, the above was SUCH a look.
33. Which character would you want to be your best friend?
I’m going to go with the one that reminds me most of my best friend in real life and it would be Fong. I think he gives such sage advice and cares super deeply for his friends. He’s just A+ when it comes to friendship.
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43. Fave sibling moment
Oh jeez. I think I’m going to have to go with the Tine and Type sleepover because it was so precious. I love that Type was there for Tine when he needed him the most. 💙💙💙🥺🥺🥺💙💙💙
Thank you so much for the asks! This is way too much fun!!
Xx cass
2gether ask game
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earthfluuke · 4 years
8, 11, & 25 for the ask game! Thanks so much for playing 🤩
hello! thank you so much for making the ask game!!
8: first bl
the original 2moons. i watched it in january of 2018.
11: most anticipated upcoming bl
oh, there are so many! tale of thousand stars, thonhon chonlathee, manner of death, between us, 2moons3...so, so many!
25: favorite friends
gmmtv’s ‘00 line (nanon, chimon, and ohm) as well as gmmtv’s ‘91 line (arm, off, and tay). also the friendship all six moons have is very sweet, and i adore them. oh! and frank and drake.
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wjmild · 4 years
Until We Meet Again or Dark Blue Kiss 💙
this one was hard bay.... but i ended up doing UWMA bc I answered petekao for the last make me choose and i wanted to give uwma some love
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6, 10 & 16!
Thank youuu!!! ❤ 
6. favorite siblings
Tul and TIn from Love by Chance 
fhdskh jk jk jk. think I have to say Rain and Sun from Dark Blue Kiss! I love their interactions so much and you can really see how much they love each other but also how much they annoy each other hahha Oh! Also Good and Love from Great Men Academy! Their relationship was so incredibly sweet! 
10. favorite bl of this year
Can I say Love By Chance s2 even though it’s not out yet? XD 
This is kinda a hard one cause while I enjoyed all the BLs I saw this year, I wasn’t as invested in them as I was with a lot of the BLs that came out before. I supposed 2Gether was the best in terms of an overall show 
16. favorite trope
I... love it... when the grumpy one... falls in love with the sunshine one... I am soft. Bonus if either or both are total dumbasses 
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longinglook · 4 years
So I just binged your our last page fic, and omg I love it so much! I’m a sucker for soulmate aus in general, but this was so creative in how it tied in to the actual show. I particularly liked the part where Zon complained that he feels like a side character in his own love story because omg that’s so true 😂 I legit forget that fttt aren’t supposed to be the main couple in wru. Thanks for writing ☺️ Off to binge your other works now!
Thank you so much for enjoying our last page!! It’s been such an amazingly rewarding experience, I just wish I had more time to properly focus on it and update more frequently. I didn’t think it would get such good feedback, and it changed my mind on my ability to write multi chapter fics.
I really want to do justice to the last two chapters, so instead of writing them in a hurry I’m waiting to have a few days of free time to fully dedicate myself to them so I’ll be satisfied with the final result.
I hope you’ll like my other works as well, I am euqally as proud of all of them, even if they’re smaller and less complex.
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tansbun · 4 years
1, 9 & 16 for the ask game! 💜
hello!! thanks for asking and i’m so sorry it took me some time to reply, i suddenly got pretty busy these past few days.
1. favorite main couple
oooo that’s a difficult one. either tharntype or aepete. or inkorn, but idk if they are a main couple??
9. currently watching
love by chance 2 :) and i’m tee me too.
16. favorite trope
enemies or friends to lovers. bonus points if it’s enemies to friends to lovers.
ask me bl drama stuff :)
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mosbanks · 4 years
2, 18 & 24 💜
Favourite Side Couple: i have 3 favourite side couple which is PureFolk, WinTeam and MingKit
Favourite Male Actor: i have quite a few favourites but my all time fave is Fiat Pattadon i just love him so much
Dream Actor Pairing: i want to see OffTay as a couple i think they would go together so well i also want to see PerthMark again because i loved them in the stranded 
BL Ask Game!
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petekaos · 4 years
1, 2 & 11 for the bl ask game! Thanks so much for playing 😍
hiii hello!! thank you so much for making the ask game!
1. favourite main couple
oh mann where! to start! i gotta say petekao (dbk) and sarawatine (2gether). they’re both just... top tier couples who have more parallels and similarities than may meet the eye at first glance. also, anyone who knows me knows that i adore them :^) oh! and shao fei and tang yi (history 3: trapped). adore them!
2. favourite side couple
side couples!! i’m not particularly sure if i’m one of those people who gets side couple syndrome more than most, but let’s go canonical side couples... i’d have to say ramking. those two... oh man.
11. most anticipated upcoming bl
oh there’s so many, aren’t there? i’d say for me the ones i’m most excited for are a tale of thousand stars and manner of death. the premises are amazing and the cast? top tier. thonhon chonlathee is also something i’m pumped for. and this isn’t a ‘bl’ technically but the gifted graduation! that one is gonna be so great and i can’t wait to see my kids on screen again :^)
send me bl asks from this list!
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taeminie · 4 years
21, 22 & 24 for the ask game! 💕💖
hii omg u created the game so thank u for the entertainment hehe 🥰🥰🥰 hope you’re having a lovely day/night
21. favorite newcomer: win metawin 🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣 i can’t believe he’s new!!! the talent that boy has to portray a character like tine (and the character development???) yeah i really hope he gets his award next year and this is just the beginning for him which is crazy.
22. favorite veteran: my two faves gun atthaphan and james teeradon. i always put them both together and they call themselves the 1.75cm duo lmao. but yeah to me those two have been around a long time and can do any role that they take on to perfection. (tho i wish james came back to acting i miss him)
24. dream actor pairing:
OOF i have so many i’m gonna say 4
for bl: i would love to see bright and gulf, i feel like they’re both excellent actors who could have really good chemistry (sound a bit strange to have gulf with someone who’s not mew but like listen.. theyre friends and who knows 👀)
(and special mention a brightwinjoss 3wbf style drama hmmmm)
(And well james and gun like i mentioned would literally be my dream come true like i’d give it ALL. and james have said he wants a drama with gun as well so... manifesting 🔮✨😳)
for gl: mild lapassalan and goy arachaporn . this is not only my lesbian brain speaking but they actually have soo much chemistry and are friends irl so what’s stopping them!!! honestly feel like an action drama with them would be insane.
and well of course lovefilm like i cant even beg enough times... they are carrying the earnpear canon agenda so they deserve a gl.. (im excited to see them on tour with the 2gether cast in october i just love their moments together and they look like they get along soo well)
thanks for making this game and for the asks i had a lot of fun hehe 💜💜💜💜💜
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