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Clearest my face has been for a while, the rest of my body isn't doing so good but at least I have a soft face :)
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Dear Santa, for Christmas I would like a new set of skin. Thanks a bunch, Hannah xoxo
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My camera quality doesn't even begin to show how horrendous my skin actually looks. Thank goodness for painkillers to numb this nightmare. I don't know how I've progressed back to this. It's like I'm taking one step forward and three steps backwards. I'm so close to giving up.
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Looks like I might have yet another case of eczema herpecticum. If I'm right then this is the fifth case of it ive had in three years, it's supposed to be pretty rare and even rarer to reoccur so WHAT THE FUCK SKIN?!
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Swollen eyes
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Nothing like a good skin day to lift my mood.
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No swelling! Yay :D I've even been outside already today, my eyes got a bit watery and itchy but nothing compared to the last few days! Yayayayayayay
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