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allergic reaction to a serum that had almond oil in it which always flares up my skin (i didn’t read the ingredients so its my own fault really!)
swollen eyes and blotchy skin (can’t really tell from the picture) 
this is only the beginning but hopefully it wonbt get much worse as long as i dont use that serum again. 
i found out i was allergic to almonds when i got my hair tested and it has changed my life. i used to use almond milk all the time and now i’ve stopped my skin is usually pretty good. i didn’t believe in hair testing but now i 100% believe that it’s right because it’s changed my life.  
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the doctors to me i was wrong and steroids were the only option to fix my eczema.
the dermatologist i saw said the same thing and discharged me because i wouldn’t use steroids.
i was determined to prove them wrong.. and thats exactly what i did.
you can hardly recognise me in some of the photos of my tsw but look at me now. 
my skin is clear, i dont have to constantly moisturise of hide indoors and have 4 baths a day in seaweed and salt. i dont leave a trail of dead skin were ever i go and im not embarrassed when a stranger asks whats wrong with my skin. 
i actually have a good relationship with my skin now. i look after it well and stay away from potential irritants. i dont get flare ups unless its allergy related and even then it only lasts a few days and i DONT treat it with steroids. 
hope this gives motivation to anyone struggling with tsw at the moment or anyone who is considering it. 
message me if you need advice or just fancy a chat. 
much love xx
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hey guys, 
i havent been using tumblr for a while, i’m slowly replying to all the messages ive been sent over the last few months so im very sorry for the long delay! 
my skin has been very good lately, ive only had flare ups that are caused by allergic reactions or sensitivities. 
i am so glad i stopped the steroid creams, i have never had no eczema until now but it was a long, hard, painful battle with lots of ups and downs. it took about 4 years to get to this point but the first 2 years were the worst and it started getting better from there. 
anyone who is considering withdrawing needs to understand that it is not easy. its the worst pain ive ever been through and it was a huge challenge - mentally and physically but it has made me so much stronger and more confident because i no longer have to worry about people staring and comenting on my eczema. 
i wish you guys all the best, im going to try to use tumblr more often so feel free to send a message and i will get back to you as soon as i can! 
you guys supported me through my journey and i hope this gives anyone struggling with tsw some hope and comfort that it does get better and you will make it through. much love, 
hannah xx
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hey guys
sorry i havent dropped in for a while, my skin has been AMAZING lately. 
I guess i’ve finally made it through my journey of steroid withdrawal, it’s been tough but i did it and it’s made me a much stronger person. 
feel free to still message me with questions and love, i will keep this blog open for you guys and will update occasionally. 
i love you all, i wouldn’t have got through this without your help and support, thank you thank you thank you. 
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they call me slim shady
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no no no 
i have too much too do to have a flare up right now.
i’m already fucking miserable, i have to pack up my flat by myself and move it into a caravan, try and find somewhere to live, sort out all the money i owe everyone and 6 billion other things and now i have to deal with a fucking flare up. 
I’ve only been out of hospital a week but i can;t see it lasting too much longer. At least they give me valium in there when i’m distressed. 
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Hi - thank you so much sharing for your story - it gives me so much hope that I can get through this. I'm just starting TSW (a few weeks in) and experiencing severe swelling of my face. Did you experience that? How long does it take to go away?
it varies for everyone, i had a swollen face for about a week at first and then it went down and i thought it was getting better and then it swelled again and so on and so forth. Every so often i still wake up with swollen eyes and its been 3 years! 
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So a few days ago I found out that I have eczema herpecticum and it is literally everywhere it's around my eyes on my neck and arms and it hurts so bad. Today I am going to get my eyes checked to see if it did any damage to them.
aw man eczema herpeceticum is literally the worse pain i have ever been in. i feel for you, hope your eyes are okay and i wish you a speedy recovery
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Hi do you have recurring H.E. The anti viral meds that doctors employ for my daughters re-occurrences are acyclovir and or Valganciclovir. They work if started early but as time goes on these meds are proving less effective. Are you using any other therapies to help prevent flair ups and to ease the virus when full blown? Thanks Dave
i recently had my hair tested for food allergies/sensitivities along with deficiencies and it came back with some interesting results that showed i am deficient in a few things. Since then i have been taking floradix multi vitamin & iron which is made from natural ingredients and to start with i honestly noticed a huge difference. i also changed my diet to suit what had been suggested by the nutritionist and it seemed to be working really well until about 3 days ago when i had a minor skin flare which turned into what looks like the start of H.E. The difference this time though is that is hasn’t spread much, it basically stayed in one place and is around the size of a 2 pence piece. It’s like a just have a coldsore on my face. All i’ve used on it is acyclovir cream (for coldsores) and tonnes of coconut oil but tried my best to avoid cross contamination.                 
My theory is that my immune system is a lot stronger now that it has been over the last few years, however just before this flare i did have a coldsore on my lip (which i get very frequently and often are the cause of my H.E.) I’m currently going through a very stressful time in my life and i think my body does not know how to cope other than by causing me more stress! 
I recommend getting a hair test done, they are pretty accurate and a good nutritionalist will really take the time to help your daughter out by advising her on ways to boost her bodies natural immune system and get her back on track. 
Hope this helps at all x. 
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I can't remember a time in my life where my skin has been this good. Whatever I'm doing I must be doing it right!
It's times like this where it feels like all the pain I went through after stopping topical steroids was actually worth it. It's been three years of hell but It's made me a much stronger person and improved my skin 100%. I'm sure I'll get another flare up but each one is less severe than the previous, perhaps some day I will actually be completely eczema free :D
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Good skin, good mood
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Clearest my face has been for a while, the rest of my body isn't doing so good but at least I have a soft face :)
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Hi, I was scrolling through posts about eczema and I came across your blog and my heart melts for you lady. You are a trooper! Have you heard of Secretly Obvious? First the Intense Acne Regimen cleared up my cystic acne, and then their Shea butter with argan oil and carrot seed oil cleared up both my eczema and my chronic hives. I tried all sorts of weird remedies and ointments and cremes and this stuff was the only thing that worked its seriously amazing. Just try a sample! Good luck!
Thanks for the advice, I'll have a look into it :)
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Hi! I just discovered your blog and I want to say I'm really thankful a blog like yours exist! I've suffered with chronic eczema since I was six, and 19 now. This year I've dealt with the worst eczema flare ups I've ever had and it fucking felt like hell on earth x1000000 and when I scratch I end up with very deep sores all over my body. I literally thought that nobody else would understand my pain, and it does not help my depression at all. But you are awesome!!! You're beautiful and wonderful
Aw thank you sweetie, I hope you're skin has improved and you are doing well x
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Netflix and flare.
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my response to “you should see a doctor” 98% of the time is just “haha yeah probably” followed by me not seeing a doctor
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Has anyone had allergy testing and deficiency tests done on there hair?
I'm getting it done on Wednesday because there's a two year waiting list on the only allergy clinic in Wales and my doctor won't refer me anyway because 'I'm not dying or a child.' I'm just curious to know how legit it is? Message me if you have any info :)
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