myhomeselection · 2 years
How Does A Bean To Cup Coffee Machine Work?
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The popularity of coffee is at an all-time high with the marketing of the drink as a work booster in our times of work-obsessed and work-frenzy environments. Popular culture and popular media have contributed to this perception of the drink, which has also contributed to the skyrocketing of the drink. You just need to find out how does a bean to cup coffee machine work to make the best coffee, so find the answer further below!
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myhomeselection · 2 years
Is Slow Cooking Healthy?
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Slow cookers are very easy to use and a great way to make a delicious meal too. But that is not the end of the benefits they bring along. When you are using this style of cooking, you don’t have to worry about timing yourself. But, is slow cooking healthy too?
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myhomeselection · 2 years
Why Is Deep Fat Frying Unhealthy?
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French fries. Fried Chicken. Potato chips. These are mouth-watering foods that everyone likes, nay loves. But no one is under the impression that fried foods are good for their health. So, is deep fat frying unhealthy for you?
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myhomeselection · 2 years
9 Juice Recipes For Diet And Weight Loss
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There are many diets and eating plans out there. Most popular is probably a low-carb or whole foods diet. The same method may not work for everyone. Always consult your doctor first on any diet plan you consider following.
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myhomeselection · 2 years
Where Is Basmati Rice From?
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Basmati rice is one of the most fragrant rice varieties in the world. They are popular for their quality and feel. They are slender, aromatic and have incredible taste. This makes them quite popular across the world. But do you know where is basmati rice from? What are its origins and what makes it tick?
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myhomeselection · 2 years
Is Rice A Good Source Of Nutrition
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Rice is a staple in many different countries and their cultures. It has been around for thousands of years and is consumed and celebrated in many different ways. In Italy, they like it in the form of a risotto. In Spain, it’s paella and in the southern US it’s common in the form of jambalaya. It’s also a staple in India, Colombia, China, Mexico and more. Only one question is there to be answered is rice a good source of nutrition?
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myhomeselection · 2 years
How Does Slow Cooking Work?
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Slow cooking requires you to cook certain kinds of food in a slow way, as the name suggests. This generally involves keeping certain settings such as temperature lower than you usually would so that you can cook the meat or vegetables as thoroughly as possible. We will explain to you how does slow cooking work in detail further below.
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myhomeselection · 2 years
How Do Multi Cookers Work?
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Whether you are trying to use it like a pressure cooker or a crock pot which lets you slow cook a meal, you’ve got yourself a real winner if you have a multi cooker. Here’s all you need to know about the kitchen’s magic box.
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myhomeselection · 2 years
Brown Rice Vs White Rice
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We all know of those friends and family members who are proud of themselves for switching to brown rice either because they want to lose a few pounds or get healthier or both. First of all, good for them. Whatever works, right? Find more about a comparison of brown rice vs white rice.
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myhomeselection · 2 years
Are Air Fryers Healthy? Benefits And Risks
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Ever get that craving for chips straight from the fryer or amazing crispy, salty coating on foods that make your mouth start to water? Though we know this food isn’t the best for us we still love to indulge every now and then to get that deep fried hit! What if there was healthier way to still achieve a similar result? Would you, do it? Air Fryers are hot on the market right now and claiming they are the healthy version of deep frying. Is this true? Let’s check it out!
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myhomeselection · 2 years
4 Types Of Coffee Beans
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I asked a few friends and colleagues if they knew what types of coffee beans there are in the world and which ones were their favourite, their answers were quite alarming. Almost all of them answered that there are light, medium and dark roast beans, most of them prefer medium or dark roasts and although I do agree with the ones who prefer dark roasts, I was very concerned that they thought the roast defines the type of bean.
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myhomeselection · 2 years
French Press Vs Pour Over Coffee: Which Method Is Better?
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We’ve all met coffee snobs, in fact, some of us may even be one. The list of coffee debates is endless, but you’re here for one reason: French Press vs Pour Over.
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myhomeselection · 2 years
15 Nutribullet Recipes (Non-Smoothie Ideas)
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I just absolutely love my Nutribullet blender. If you ask any Nutribullet owner what they think of the blender they would either love it or hate it. Those who love it have created a cult-like following and those who hate it have only one thing they complain about.
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myhomeselection · 3 years
Coffee Vs Tea: Which Is Better For You?
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If you’re like me, most people start their day with tea or coffee. We often feel like we cannot function until some of this delicious brew has touched our lips and sparks up the mind. In our fast-paced society a caffeine hit from tea or coffee feels like it keeps us going and gives us superhuman energy to achieve the mountains of work or tasks we need to do each day to stay on top of everything.
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myhomeselection · 3 years
7 Delicious Ninja Foodi Blender Recipes
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If you have read my review on the Ninja Foodi Blender and you have made the great decision to invest in one, you should be very excited about what the future has in store for you! It is always exciting to unbox a new appliance, especially if you know it is a great product. But once the excitement of unboxing is over the anxiety usually kicks in – ‘what am I supposed to do with this machine?' Luckily, I have got you covered, here are 7 Ninja Foodi Blender Recipes that I have tried and tested. I have made these with other appliances in the past, however, this new machine made it all so much easier.
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myhomeselection · 3 years
In Search Of The Perfect Decaf Coffee Beans
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In the world of coffee consumers, decaf drinkers are sometimes a much maligned second class. People tend to believe that decaf doesn’t taste or good or that it’s “not real coffee”, sometimes you’ll even hear tropes like “why bother drinking coffee at all if it’s decaf?” Well, much to the chagrin of the caffeine-loving coffee purists of the world, decaf is real coffee, and with the right bean, it can deliver all the delicious roasted goodness of regular coffee without any of the jitters.
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