myhoneststudyblr · 4 years
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something crazy just happened...
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i started this blog a year and a half ago and i honestly never imagined i would reach 100 followers let alone 15k!!! so i want to thank you ALL for being so lovely, welcoming and supportive - whenever i come on to tumblr, the studyblr community never fails to make me smile
this studyblr has been such an important journey for me and since i’ve made it i’ve grown as a person and as a student. it has taught me so much, from good study habits and self-care tips, to even some things about who i am as a person!
since i’ve created this blog and particularly in the past few months I've had the honour to meet and get to know some truly incredible people and i want to tag some people who i love and im so thankful to for being so kind: 
(you should all go follow their blogs if you haven’t already)
(btw it is probably gonna be quite long cause i have so much to say about these incredible people!!! sorry but im not really sorry XD)
@redlitmusbluelitmus MIA!!! i have already told you so many times how glad i am that you are my friend but i am going to do it again right here cause i can!! you are quite possibly the nicest, funniest and supportive people i have ever had the pleasure to meet. we haven't known each other for that long but in that time you quickly became an amazing friend and we have always just *got* each other!!! 💕💕💕
@study-van yasemin - our first conversation was pretty much a car crash and every one since has made me laugh and look like a proper idiot cause im usually just staring at my phone! i’ve followed your blog for so long and i’m so proud of all the amazing things you are doing and i’m so glad to have you as a friend after so stalking your blog for so long 💕
@museeofmoon zainab!!! we’ve known each other only for a short time now but our friendship was pretty much immediate!!! our conversations are filled with emojis, emoticons, capitals letters and XDs and i wouldn’t have it any other way!!!!! your posts are works of art and i will forever stan them <3
@headgirlstudy Ellie - discovering your blog was one of the best things to come out of my 2020 quarantine challenge cause you have this incredible style and simple beauty to your posts that i just can’t get enough of! i’ve loved having our fangirl conversations about taylor swift and all her incredible songs! you probably don’t know this but one of those conversations took place when i was feeling very low but discussing all the songs with you lifted me up so much so thank you xxx
@jeonchemstudy DAPHNE!!! if i ever create a bujo, i want it to look like yours because honestly, i don't understand how you managed to create such beauty!! we are interested in such similar things and it’s been so cool to find a fellow Gallagher girl lover (i was so shook when i found out you loved the books cause i usually feel very alone in my loved of them XD) and someone who is obsessed with last week tonight as me!!! x
@bulletnotestudies sabrina... you are just incredible and such a joyful person!!! i will always remember you messaging me when i posted that i was stressed about an exxay exam and your message was the last thing i saw before doing it and honestly if gave me such a boost! you’re positivity and supportiveness blows me away and i want many many more conversations with you xxx
@lattesandlearning laura - you were one of the most dedicated posters throughout the quarantine challenge and i loved seeing each and every one of your posts! i’m so glad to be following your journey and seeing what you’ve accomplished even in the short amount of time that I've known you <3
@upside-down-uni mo!!! another incredibly dedicated poster in the quarantine challenge and one that i always specifically looked out for! you and your blog have truly opened my eyes to other experiences and educated me more than you know just from your responses and posts! i always see that you like my posts and even on my dumb little text posts you often reply and it always makes me smile! i’m so glad that you’ve created this officially studyblr and thankful to you for making the community even more colourful 🌈
@coffeeandpies pat, i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again but you are the basically the third person that i followed in the studyblr community and to think that we’ve actually had conversations and we are friends and mutuals is downright crazy to me because you are imo just one of those iconic blogs!!! you are a beautiful person inside and out and your text posts are hilarious and tell the best stories. thank you so much for being so lovely <3
@coralstudiies you were the first person ever to really message me on tumblr and i remember being so shook because i think your blog is just mind blowingingly incredible! every picture of your notes looks like a work of art and i don’t know how you manage to make them look so perfect!!!
@problematicprocrastinator beth, you are a pillar of positivity in this community and your supportiveness and openness is at a level that i aspire to! your morning messages are usually the first thing i see (at least when i still was going to school on the bus every morning before all of the corona stuff) and it always gave me a little boost for the day! you are an incredible writer and your dedication to supporting everyone in this community is amazing <3 (also your blog name is probably the best one i’ve ever seen and i’m so jealous ngl)
i could wax lyrical about every studyblr i know but this post is getting really long so here are more of my favourites (just know that if you are in this list i have a little monologue about how amazing you are in my head and i appreciate you so much 💕💕💕)
@chazza-studies-alevels @stuhde @captainofstudies @sosiaalitieteet @elleandhermione @mid-afternoon-tea @athenastudying @learning-to-think @serendistudy @philology-studies @rivkahstudies @emili-a-a @nabasynth @divinity-study @cals-desk @abbieestudia @studywithprincess @studybuddiesareoverrated @casual-minimalist @stu-dna @coffe-in-cup @adelinestudiess @intellectys @eintsein @einstetic
there are so so many more that could be added to this list and i’m sure i’ve forgotten people!! basically i ADORE every single person in this community and i’ve loved getting to know all of you and i hope i’ll be able to meet more people in the next few years 💕💕💕
Now here’s the blograte celebration!!!
I did a blogrates for 10k followers but i enjoyed it so much and it was a while ago now that i want to do it again with all you amazing people!!!
Must be following me although new followers are welcome too!
Must be a studyblr or at least mostly (cause I want to find some more studyblrs to follow)
Reblog this post
Send me an ask : in the ask begin with your favourite emoji so I know it is a blog rate then tell me a funny story! 
Please don’t send anons - if your studyblr is a side blog just tell me this in the ask
Please let me know what you tag your original content with (specifically if it is not in your bio) 
Please be kind and patient! i am very busy this summer with lots of work as well as running my Summer Studying Challenge so it may take me a little while to do it but hopefully, i’ll get it done as fast as possible
I will be doing these blogrates until Wednesday 22nd July 
URL | not my style | I kinda get it | awwww | I’m loving this! | how did you even come up with this masterpiece!?!??! |
Icon | what is it? | nice | aesthetic™️ | *heart eyes* | I WANT IT NOW THIS IS SO GORGEOUS |
Mobile theme | eh | nice | good | amazing | aesthetic af |
Desktop theme | default | nice | good | amazing | give me the code pls |
Following | no sorry, but you’re still amazing! | I am now omg! | how could I not?!?!! | forever and always ❤️ |
Original content | couldn’t find any :( | nice | great | well done! | I LOVE! | ABSOLUTE GOALS!!! |
i will be tagging my blograte posts with #myhoneststudyblr15k if you wanna blacklist them so your dash doesn’t get filled up!!
Thank you everyone!! <3
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myhoneststudyblr · 4 years
Ok so I’ve done a bunch of the blogrates and I’ve got quite a few more in my ask box but it’s getting very late so I’m going to go to bed and I’ll do more in the morning!!!
Thank you so much to everyone that has participated so far!!! I’ve been loving seeing everyone’s blogs in more detail and finding new blogs 💕💕💕
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myhoneststudyblr · 4 years
🤓 I feel like such a fool I’ve only just come across your 15k post - congrats??!!!! 🥳🥳 That’s amazing! Blog rates is such a nice way to celebrate. I come baring the story of my sister (who for reference is 15 years of age) who after tea one night was using the Instagram filter ‘what US state are you from?’ and after a moment triumphently announced ‘Yes!! Thats where Dracula is from😈’ in response to being given the state of Pennsylvania.
thanks bethan!!! and wow! your sister sounds just like two of my best friends! they are both so so smart (one of them is literally in MENSA!!!) but they have very little common sense and just say the dumbest things... until she was 12 one of my friends thought a tsunami was an actual army from the name XD
URL | not my style | I kinda get it | awwww | I’m loving this! | how did you even come up with this masterpiece!?!??! |
Icon | what is it? | nice | aesthetic™️ | *heart eyes* | I WANT IT NOW THIS IS SO GORGEOUS |
Mobile theme | eh | nice | good | amazing | aesthetic af |
Desktop theme | default | nice | good | amazing | give me the code pls |
Following | no sorry, but you’re still amazing! | I am now omg! | how could I not?!?!! | forever and always ❤️ |
Original content | couldn’t find any :( | nice | great | well done! | I LOVE! | ABSOLUTE GOALS!!! |
i’m so obsessed with all of your posts so everyone should go follow!!!
15k Blograte Celebration / Send me the ask 
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myhoneststudyblr · 4 years
I’m taking a little break for lunch but I’ll be back at the blogrates very soon!!! Keep sending them in 💕
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myhoneststudyblr · 4 years
🍾 ☕ congrats on 15k! Amazing! I'd love a blog rate (my original content is tagged #mine). My funny story: While skiing I once broke one of my skis and had to ski down the mountain with one ski left. It took aaaages, but it was kinda fun! :)
hi! i’ve followed your blog for so long (i love all your tips!) but never realised that you are also called sophie!!! <3
i am very impressed that you actually managed to ski on one ski cause that sounds downright impossible to me (as someone who despite skiing since little kid, the last time i skied a few years back was absolutely terrified the whole time)
URL | not my style | I kinda get it | awwww | I’m loving this! | how did you even come up with this masterpiece!?!??! |
Icon | what is it? | nice | aesthetic™️ | *heart eyes* | I WANT IT NOW THIS IS SO GORGEOUS | (i’ve been so jealous of it for a really long time!!!)
Mobile theme | eh | nice | good | amazing | aesthetic af |
Desktop theme | default | nice | good | amazing | give me the code pls |
Following | no sorry, but you’re still amazing! | I am now omg! | how could I not?!?!! | forever and always ❤️ |
Original content | couldn’t find any :( | nice | great | well done! | I LOVE! | ABSOLUTE GOALS!!! |
i find your blog so so interesting cause you post stuff in a load of my target languages!!!
15k Blograte Celebration / Send me the ask
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myhoneststudyblr · 4 years
🌷my funny story is 1 of many involving me and cooking - i accidentally set the oven gloves on fire when i was trying to grill some halloumi because i forgot to turn down the gas before reaching to readjust the griddle. luckily no one got burnt and the oven gloves are fine! congratulations on 15k 🌷
oh wow! i’m glad that you are ok tho!!! i’ve got a friend that sounds a lot like you in the kitchen - somehow she once burnt rice (like how do you even do that) and got asked to choose another option for school looking classes XD
URL | not my style | I kinda get it | awwww | I’m loving this! | how did you even come up with this masterpiece!?!??! |
Icon | what is it? | nice | aesthetic™️ | *heart eyes* | I WANT IT NOW THIS IS SO GORGEOUS |
Mobile theme | eh | nice | good | amazing | aesthetic af |
Desktop theme | default | nice | good | amazing | give me the code pls |
Following | no sorry, but you’re still amazing! | I am now omg! | how could I not?!?!! | forever and always ❤️ |
Original content | couldn’t find any :( | nice | great | well done! | I LOVE! | ABSOLUTE GOALS!!! |
your original content is so beautiful wow!!!
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myhoneststudyblr · 4 years
💐 hey! congrats on 15K! funny story: my mum and i were once in line at the supermarket and we left and she told me that the man in front of us was the president lmao 😂 i really need to pay more attention to the people around me, who knows who else i could’ve met in supermarket queues!
oh. my. god. that is so so brilliant and has such a vibe to it!!! i would probably be the same tho or realise as soon as i left!
URL | not my style | I kinda get it | awwww | I’m loving this! | how did you even come up with this masterpiece!?!??! |
Icon | what is it? | nice | aesthetic™️ | *heart eyes* | I WANT IT NOW THIS IS SO GORGEOUS |
Mobile theme | eh | nice | good | amazing | aesthetic af |
Desktop theme | default | nice | good | amazing | give me the code pls |
Following | no sorry, but you’re still amazing! | I am now omg! | how could I not?!?!! | forever and always ❤️ |
Original content | couldn’t find any :( | nice | great | well done! | I LOVE! | ABSOLUTE GOALS!!! |
15k Blograte Celebration / Send me the ask
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myhoneststudyblr · 4 years
Congratulations again my dear!!! You truly deserve every follow💕 So I guess emoji time 🪐 I’ve a recent one where my friend went to swimming at midnight even though I told her it was a bad idea than got stuck on one of those floaty things for an hour while we had to call the sea cops (I really don’t know their name) to get her @study-van
thanks yasemin!!! <3 that is such a cool emoji btw!! and for some reason i find the phrase sea cops absolutely hilarious like i’m genuinely laughing so much and i don’t know why XD 
URL | not my style | I kinda get it | awwww | I’m loving this! | how did you even come up with this masterpiece!?!??! |
Icon | what is it? | nice | aesthetic™️ | *heart eyes* | I WANT IT NOW THIS IS SO GORGEOUS |
Mobile theme | eh | nice | good | amazing | aesthetic af |
Desktop theme | default | nice | good | amazing | give me the code pls | (i’ve never actually looked at your desktop blog before but omg it suits your blog so much!!!)
Following | no sorry, but you’re still amazing! | I am now omg! | how could I not?!?!! | forever and always ❤️ |
Original content | couldn’t find any :( | nice | great | well done! | I LOVE! | ABSOLUTE GOALS!!! |
this one was super easy to do cause i know your blog so well 
15k Blogrates Celebration / Send me the ask
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myhoneststudyblr · 4 years
❄ 15k?!? Congrats!! I didn't log to tumblr cause I had exams and I missed it! A funny story is some years ago we went to have tea with my parents and my dad saw some containers with pumps and thought oh cool! Sanitizer! So he put some in his hand and try to share ith us... IT WAS SYRUP! The most sticky thing I've ever touched. We still laugh about it to this day.
hi! thank you so much!!! and honestly that is one of the best stories i’ve ever heard and i can practically *feel* the stickiness omg XD
URL | not my style | I kinda get it | awwww | I’m loving this! | how did you even come up with this masterpiece!?!??! |
Icon | what is it? | nice | aesthetic™️ | *heart eyes* | I WANT IT NOW THIS IS SO GORGEOUS |
Mobile theme | eh | nice | good | amazing | aesthetic af |
Desktop theme | default | nice | good | amazing | give me the code pls |
Following | no sorry, but you’re still amazing! | I am now omg! | how could I not?!?!! | forever and always ❤️ |
Original content | couldn’t find any :( | nice | great | well done! | I LOVE! | ABSOLUTE GOALS!!! |
15k Blograte Celebration / Send me the ask
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myhoneststudyblr · 4 years
I’m going to be doing more blogrates now!!! If you want to take part keep sending the asks in 💕
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myhoneststudyblr · 4 years
☕️ hey, i’m new but was hoping to see if you had any advice for how i can improve! my funny story is something i’ve been thinking about a lot lately as i’m trying to speak german.. when i took a uni course my prof would always pronounce my name wrong, and now after i had the same prof for two semesters, i got so used to saying my name incorrectly that i do it unconsciously now whenever i introduce myself in german lmao
that is so funny! thinking about it i kinda pronounce my name slightly differently (a bit more stressed) than usual when i speak in german XD 
URL | not my style | I kinda get it | awwww | I’m loving this! | how did you even come up with this masterpiece!?!??! |
Icon | what is it? | nice | aesthetic™️ | *heart eyes* | I WANT IT NOW THIS IS SO GORGEOUS |
Mobile theme | eh | nice | good | amazing | aesthetic af |
Desktop theme | default | nice | good | amazing | give me the code pls |
Following | no sorry, but you’re still amazing! | I am now omg! | how could I not?!?!! | forever and always ❤️ |
Original content | couldn’t find any :( | nice | great | well done! | I LOVE! | ABSOLUTE GOALS!!! |
15k Blograte Celebration / Send me the ask
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myhoneststudyblr · 4 years
sophie my sweetheart congrats on 15k 💞❤️💖🥰 i’m so proud. i think i post original content under #mine? LOL i cant remember but you’ve seen it so 😁 ok so funny story i once lit a pot on fire in my apartment because i forgot olive oil has a low smoke point and there was like a HUGE orange flame aaaa. but bc i’m a chemistry student and things lighting on fire is fairly normal i managed to put it out quickly. i had to open all the windows to get the smoke out rip. anyway congrats again!! - daphne
thanks daphne!!!! <3 at least you knew what to do cause that could have ended badly! cooking stories and mishaps are usually the most dramatic i love them!!
URL | not my style | I kinda get it | awwww | I’m loving this! | how did you even come up with this masterpiece!?!??! |
Icon | what is it? | nice | aesthetic™️ | *heart eyes* | I WANT IT NOW THIS IS SO GORGEOUS |
Mobile theme | eh | nice | good | amazing | aesthetic af |
Desktop theme | default | nice | good | amazing | give me the code pls |
Following | no sorry, but you’re still amazing! | I am now omg! | how could I not?!?!! | forever and always ❤️ |
Original content | couldn’t find any :( | nice | great | well done! | I LOVE! | ABSOLUTE GOALS!!! |
this is the first time that i’ve seen your new desktop theme and i love it so so much!!!! <3
15k Blograte Celebration / Send me the ask
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myhoneststudyblr · 4 years
🌸 congratulations sophie!! i love your blog and you deserve this so so much!! my funny story is from a while back, and bland, but my best friend and i did a john mulaney marathon on netflix, and at the exact same time, completely randomly, we started repeating exactly what he was saying. (it was the "street smarts" bit from kid gorgeous, in case anyone wants to know) it was completely random but hilarious.
that’s quite impressive that you both could quote it!!! i’m so glad that you like my blog <3
URL | not my style | I kinda get it | awwww | I’m loving this! | how did you even come up with this masterpiece!?!??! |
Icon | what is it? | nice | aesthetic™️ | *heart eyes* | I WANT IT NOW THIS IS SO GORGEOUS |
Mobile theme | eh | nice | good | amazing | aesthetic af |
Desktop theme | default | nice | good | amazing | give me the code pls |
Following | no sorry, but you’re still amazing! | I am now omg! | how could I not?!?!! | forever and always ❤️ |
Original content | couldn’t find any :( | nice | great | well done! | I LOVE! | ABSOLUTE GOALS!!! |
15k Blograte Celebration / Send me the ask
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myhoneststudyblr · 4 years
🌙 congrats again my dear!! so once I was in a social science class and my bestie was sitting next to me and this new song of ariana just came out that time (7 rings) and both of just had this urge to sing the chorus but our sir is just v strict in all this but she still whispered the first lines and my principal was on a round and SOMEHOW, she came into the classroom and complete the rest of it and we went like akjajajaja and then she left lmao the expression of the whole class was 💀💀💀
your principal sounds like the coolest person ever! 
URL | not my style | I kinda get it | awwww | I’m loving this! | how did you even come up with this masterpiece!?!??! |
Icon | what is it? | nice | aesthetic™️ | *heart eyes* | I WANT IT NOW THIS IS SO GORGEOUS |
Mobile theme | eh | nice | good | amazing | aesthetic af |
Desktop theme | default | nice | good | amazing | give me the code pls |
Following | no sorry, but you’re still amazing! | I am now omg! | how could I not?!?!! | forever and always ❤️ |
Original content | couldn’t find any :( | nice | great | well done! | I LOVE! | ABSOLUTE GOALS!!! |
everyone go follow zainab for one of the best studyblrs out there!!!
15k Blograte Celebration / Send me the ask
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myhoneststudyblr · 4 years
🤍 I'm sooo late. I think a funny story would be the time my mum and I visited London. We took the river bus on the Thames and ended up lost because we stopped in a small station and didn't know where the hell were we. Thing is we wanted to get back and took the first river bus that came. We got on, the ferry shuttled to and fro and we spent like 30 min waiting for it to return. Turns out that this ferry was only used for crossing the river. I srsly never felt more dumb in my life.
that’s so funny XD
URL | not my style | I kinda get it | awwww | I’m loving this! | how did you even come up with this masterpiece!?!??! |
Icon | what is it? | nice | aesthetic™️ | *heart eyes* | I WANT IT NOW THIS IS SO GORGEOUS |
Mobile theme | eh | nice | good | amazing | aesthetic af |
Desktop theme | default | nice | good | amazing | give me the code pls |
Following | no sorry, but you’re still amazing! | I am now omg! | how could I not?!?!! | forever and always ❤️ |
Original content | couldn’t find any :( | nice | great | well done! | I LOVE! | ABSOLUTE GOALS!!! |
15k Blograte Celebration / Send me the ask 
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myhoneststudyblr · 4 years
💖Congratulations on 15k!!! My studyblr is @studiac and my hashtag is #studiac It was teacher's day so my friends and I played a prank on teachers we didn't like. I made cupcakes but instead of putting suger I I put in the same amount of salt. I still remember the reaction of teachers when they ate it. It was hilarious.
omg!! i would never have the courage to do that!!! i would probably chicken out at the last minute XD
URL | not my style | I kinda get it | awwww | I’m loving this! | how did you even come up with this masterpiece!?!??! |
Icon | what is it? | nice | aesthetic™️ | *heart eyes* | I WANT IT NOW THIS IS SO GORGEOUS |
Mobile theme | eh | nice | good | amazing | aesthetic af |
Desktop theme | default | nice | good | amazing | give me the code pls |
Following | no sorry, but you’re still amazing! | I am now omg! | how could I not?!?!! | forever and always ❤️ |
Original content | couldn’t find any :( | nice | great | well done! | I LOVE! | ABSOLUTE GOALS!!! |
i’ve loved seeing your posts for my new challenge and I've completely fallen in love with your posts!!!
15k Blograte Celebration / Send me the ask
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