antara93 · 1 year
The Efficacy of Cloth Masks Against the Omicron Variant
About cloth masks and their efficacy against the Omicron variant, it's essential to consider some key points. While cloth masks do provide a degree of protection against respiratory viruses like Omicron, it's important to acknowledge that their effectiveness might vary given the unique characteristics of this variant. Omicron's heightened transmissibility raises concerns about the ability of cloth masks to fully prevent the spread of smaller particles.
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When opting for cloth masks, experts recommend prioritizing those with multiple layers, constructed from tightly woven materials. However, in high-risk scenarios, it's prudent to explore alternatives such as surgical masks or N95 respirators for more robust protection.
For those seeking reliable surgical face masks, Myindicare emerges as a notable option. As a reputable surgical face mask manufacturer in Sodepur, Kolkata, they offer a selection of quality masks designed to meet safety standards and provide an elevated level of protection.
Ultimately, it's important to remember that a comprehensive approach, including vaccination, maintaining distance, and adhering to proper hand hygiene, remains pivotal in curbing the spread of not just Omicron, but any respiratory variant.
Visit Website at www.myindicare.com
Address- 182/S/6, Raja Ram Chandra Ghat Road Ward No. 3, Kolkata-114
Contact no- 9903808207 / 9903808150
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csrdailyupdate · 3 years
Reopening Schools after Lockdown? Top 5 Tips to Protect Your Child.
We all are fighting a battle with Covid-19 for the last eighteen months. Now as the Government has lifted the lockdown, schools have begun to reopen. One of the most difficult issues you've had as a parent is to let your child grow up safely be a kid during the COVID-19 pandemic. Now in the schools, your child will once again be introduced to hundreds of students from all across the city! Because you can no longer bind them inside your dwellings, you need to purchase enough masks and gloves for them. You can get high-quality Covid-19 essentials products from MyIndicare.
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Here are the top 5 rules you should follow for Your Child’s safety in Schools after Lockdown :
1. Wearing Face masks is a must in Schools after Lockdown
Face masks are unavoidable, and your child will be required to wear them during the whole day. As a result, you should look for ones that are made of breathable fabric and have a comfortable fit. Because printed or fancy masks are not permitted in schools, a designer surgical mask can be purchased. To ensure maximum safety, choose a set of 3 ply masks! Also, you can buy masks online without any hassles.
2. Social Distancing
It is very much needed, doesn’t matter whether you and your child are vaccinated or not. Remember that an infected person can be asymptomatic but still can infect others.
3. Disposable Gloves is Necessary
Children are nimble, and you can't keep them from touching objects or putting their hands on dangerous surfaces. You must require them to wear gloves and to refrain from touching their faces without first sanitising them. You may get the greatest quality PE gloves that are light and comfy on the skin.
4. Shields for the face
If your child takes public transportation or school buses, he or she will require face shields. They are required to wear this headgear on a daily basis while commuting to school.
5. Hand Sanitisers
Hand sanitisers are just as important as a three-layer printed surgical mask. Purchase an alcohol-based hand sanitiser and teach your kid how to use it. Make mini spray bottles and fill them with a diluted sanitiser solution for easy application.
Children are more susceptible to germs and viruses because they are less inclined to adhere to rigorous social rules. As a result, you should purchase high-quality items from MyIndicare, the Best surgical face mask manufacturer in Kolkata to ensure their safety. For the masks and gloves, choose a comfortable size and materials. Also, remember to educate them on as many laws and regulations as possible!
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new-wilderness21 · 3 years
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What Should You need to wear outside during the Covid Situation?
 Word of the numerous varieties being identified is breaking around the world, as is news from other countries that our homemade masks or other face coverings may not be up to grade. According to reports, B. 1.1.7. is already in India, and different strains are being half-tracked over the globe. The priority here is that the new strain is up to 56 percent more transmissible than the previous one and that we may need to beef up our defenses.
 We're all sick of the COVID situation, and these new strains are proving to be far more contagious and ready to spread than the COVID 19 we're now dealing with. We all know a lot more now than we ever did before, and we've just finished one of the worst breakouts and community unfold events since this began just over a year ago.
 As a result, the masks people are wearing don't appear to be enough. NIOSH, ASTM, ANSI, and CSA are all standard-setting organizations that have precise requirements for how a mask must operate to be certified to protect a user. Penetration, filtration, and fluid resistance must all be met in order to get the designation.
Neck gators, scarves, and other face-covering fabrics are a “better-than-nothing” attempt to comply with current CDC, Health Canada, and Public Health recommendations, but they offer little protection to the wearer and those around them. Unless the neck gator you got on the internet was tested to a standard, you might be surprised to learn that it does little but make you itch and possibly overheat while doing little to protect you and your family against COVID. Masks made according to the following principles are intended to protect both the wearer and those around them. If you must go out, make sure you wear an approved mask. Which we have in here.
 We hope you found this little blog helpful! Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
India, be safe.
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anishbajaj · 2 years
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samareshc · 3 years
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qualitypeacedestiny · 3 years
Why it’s necessary to wear mask
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Laboratory studies of respiratory droplets and the capacity of various masks to block them are one type of evidence. When a single sentence was spoken, hundreds of droplets ranging in size from 20 to 500 micrometres were produced, but nearly all of these droplets were stopped when the mouth was covered with a damp washcloth, according to a study employing high-speed video. Wearing a surgical mask dramatically reduced the amount of respiratory viruses emitted in droplets and aerosols in another investigation of patients with influenza or the common cold.
Masks can prevent larger ejected droplets from condensing into tiny droplets that can go further, making them more effective as a “source control.”
So, yes masks should be worn at all times, and you should maintain a social distance.
What are the best masks to use?
Only in medical settings, such as intubation, are N95 respirators required. Surgical masks are more protective than fabric masks, and some individuals prefer them since they are lighter and more pleasant to wear.
In the end, any mask that covers the nose and mouth will be beneficial.
From 2020, you may found many mask manufacturers and sellers are there in India but you will find very few numbers of sellers who actually sell genuine or original mask. A company name Myindicare, they invent a good initiative to do something for society also like, as they sell surgical masks, gowns, PE gloves & other medical textiles they donate a percentage of their profit to those needy people through different charitable organisations working for the affected masses across India through AVR Foundation.
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nilanjan9 · 4 years
Best surgical masks in India by Myindicare
Surgical Masks:
They are disposable covers that are widely used worldwide by medical professionals as Personal Protective Equipment during surgeries.
They are most effective in blocking large-particle droplets, splashes, or splatter which may contain viruses and bacteria from reaching the wearer’s mouth and nose.
Since they are single-use masks & disposable in nature, Chances of contraction due to reuse are minimized
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samareshc · 3 years
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samareshc · 3 years
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samareshc · 3 years
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samareshc · 3 years
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samareshc · 3 years
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samareshc · 3 years
Indicare care for India
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nilanjan9 · 4 years
Best facemasks manufacturer in Kolkata
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