fake30clip · 4 months
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i make junkkk cases. hmu sellin them for $25
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nathalywrivera · 5 years
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I like the idea of holding hands for three months before kissing.
#nathrodite #littlemissplaylist #musikahija
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#mypersonalpost #Tumblrpride #pride2017 🌈❤
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helenaaa915-blog · 8 years
So this past week has been a really tough week for me. I been put down so bad that it has made me feel like I am a real complete failure.... It made me think that I maybe Im just a stupid person that will never achieve in anything. The words that were said to me keep repeating in my head like a disc. I cried and cried and cried. But then as I am going through my IG I start reading these quotes that hit me. All these quotes that appeared on my timeline just came in at the right time. Some said "dont give up" "show people that they are wrong" "dont let negativity affect you" I can keep going.... But the point to this is that it made me realize that I can not let anyone keep treating me mean. I have to prove them wrong and let them realize that they are wrong. I have to take anyway this negativity away and let the possitive vibes come to me. If I walk away from them they will regret what they did wrong. So I am throwing this out because alot of people are or have through this and you feel you are not worth it. But let me tell you, YOU ARE. We are not perfect human beings but we can prove we have something special. Keep fighting for yourself and dont let anyone break you.
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nekogirl91 · 8 years
When you want express your feelings
When I want talk about how I feel about my break up, it make me feel like no one really don't wants to hear about it. That make me want distances myself away. I been crying evey day in my sleep about these feelings I have. Sometime I feel like i really dont have real friends. I would like someone call me or text me to check up on me. I wish someone can come visit me or hang out with me. Sometime I want disappeared from everyone. I want drink my problem away sometime maybe that make me happy everyday. There are time i want yell and scream my problems. I freak out alot. I am not very sociable with people. I feel like I am not very good cosplayer. I feel like giving up on cosplay. I want someone ask me to hang out in cosplay but I dont get that at all. I wish had better job. Eveyday I put a fake smile on my face. I feel like slowly go back to my old habits. This what I feel everyday and I feel like have no one beside me at all!
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mini-feelings-blog · 8 years
I have lots of friends. Friends I party with, friends I cry with, friends I can talk to and then my best friends. I don't have many best friends but that's the point isn't it. You need those who are there for you. I recently got into Grey's Anatomy, there Meredith Grey and Christina Yang become best friends. They are each other's "person". I then realize that we all have our own "person" as well. They are more than best friends. They are sisters. They party together, cry together, laugh, talk you name it. I would love to say I have found my "person", but I don't think I have. Lots of people may be close to being my "person", but are they really? One day I will fine this person I know it, you will too. One thing I know is that you can't go out searching for them, it's like your true love. You must wait and see for the beauty to come, after the all the madness the word has to offer.
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nathalywrivera · 5 years
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And I, infinitesimal being, drunk with the great starry void, likeness, image of mystery, I felt myself a pure part of the abyss, I wheeled with the stars, my heart broke loose on the wind.
Pablo Neruda
#nathrodite #littlemissplaylist #musikahija 
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#mypersonalpost #Tumblrpride #pride2017 🌈❤
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Can I just say that I'm loving dean and seth fighting each other again..AMBROLLINS IS ALIVEEEEE
Ahem.. sorry.. 😀😂 😃😃😃
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haveyoumissedme · 8 years
I start prac in less than an hour
I'm so fucking nervous, like I actually feel sick because of such high anxiety. I hope I don't make a fool of myself 😳😔😭 - 1st June 2016
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just-an0ther-dream · 8 years
Que a cada novo dia, possamos criar novos momentos, dividir novos segredos e escrever, juntas, páginas da nossa história.
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haveyoumissedme · 8 years
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Caught up with this lovely gal for the first time, in a very long time, today & I have missed her so much. I haven't laughed/smiled like that outside of TAFE for a very long time. ❤️😂 #soupqueens - 29/5/16
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daisymbabyy · 9 years
Intro 11/29/2012
Baby Steps So the reason I came up with baby steps as the title is quite simple… All my life i always rushed into everything, I was never a very patient girl and now that I’m older I’ve realized that sometimes you have to take baby steps in order for things to work. The past three years for me have been so life changing that i literally had to learn how to just stop, smell the flowers and just breathe life in. Ive never been good at dealing with change, change terrified me before… Until life just took a turn in front of me and i had no choice but to accept what was happening around me. 2011 was the year it all changed for me my life turned completely upside down. My life changed in the blink of an eye I found out in October 2011 that I was gonna have a baby and honestly it was the most terrifying yet exciting moment of my life, there I was 19 years old crazy in love and terrified of the fact that I was gonna bring a human into this world. I remember that my mom was very mad at me but I also remember that never once did my parents tell me to get rid of the baby. They supported me every step of the way, my dad used to stop by my job and bring me food so that according to him “my twins would get the proper nutrition” daddy always loved kids he was crazy about them and I know he was so excited about the fact that he would have his own little grandchild. One day, I remember that I finished all of my lunch and I was still so hungry so I called my dad and I asked him if he could bring me lunch because I was really hungry and I had a headache. He laughed at me and few minutes later he showed up at my job with a big homemade burrito and fruit and yogurt. He packed it all in a cute little lunchbox for me he even stayed and talked to me for a little while. That night he and my mom were going to a wedding and he invited me but I had plans to go out and have dinner with my ex-boyfriend so I told him that I was good and I would just see him later on that night. That night on the way home we laughed, we cried and just talked about everything that was happening. He dropped me off at home and that was it… I went out to dinner and while I was at dinner I got the Call. My mom was hysterical and well she told us to head to the hospital. After that all i can remember is that there were mostly tears a lot of tears. My dad died that night November 5th, 2011 he had a massive heart attack no chance to say goodbye, just suddenly gone. I remember people would try to hold me tell me it would be okay… But how could it possibly be ok? My dad was gone just like that and I couldn’t change that.they let us into this room so we could see daddy and he looked like he was sleeping his golden hair was still as shiny as can be and his body still as warm as ever. I felt the room spin that whole night was a blur, people came and went and hugged me tight but all I could do was cry my heart felt like it was lodged in my throat and I just felt lost. It wasn’t till Luis arrived that I felt like I could breathe again… He held me together while everything was falling apart. It took hours for my brother to arrive, his bloodshot eyes broke my heart I think deep down inside he was hoping that my dad was okay, and that it was nothing big… But all I could do was hold on to him and cry he knew exactly what happened without me having to say another word. People came so fast, daddy’s room was full of visitors all people who cared about our family one way or another. The hardest part was next, being that I was the oldest and my mom was broken… I had to chose the funeral home that daddy would be transported to. I don’t think anyone ever imagines that they’ll have to do that and it was so hard but Luis held my hand through it all not once did he leave my side that night. Eventually everyone went home including my mom and brother. Luis and I stayed behind, the funeral home director was going to pick up my dads body so I had to stay and make sure he took the right person… Having to see my dads lifeless body was just too much. That night was just too much. I couldn’t sleep that night, I kept closing my eyes like a child and wishing that when I woke up it would all just be a dream and daddy would be ok; reality hit me like a brick the next morning and all I could do was scream. The house was filled with people cooking and cleaning for us but no one was hungry. Luis would sit with me for hours at a time because I wouldn’t eat he kept reminding me that I had to eat for the baby… But how could I? How could I eat when my best friend was gone.
Eventually I ate something and somehow through all the pain I found some strength to keep going. I had to choose my dad’s casket. And once again Luis didn’t leave my side helped me through the difficult parts. I have to say though the most complicated part of all of this, the most painful part in all of this was picking out dads clothes. This it was put in my room so that my mom, wouldn’t have to see it. I would just stare and cry because I was so afraid that it wouldn’t fit him. November 8, 2011 that was the day that made everything the most real for me. I have my first ultrasound that day… I remember Luis was as giddy as a little kid that was about to get ice cream for the first time. We heard the heartbeat for the first time and i was so mad, yes it kills me to say it. But i was mad. How could it be that this baby inside of my had a strong heartbeat and my dad was dead. I regret feeling that way now but at the moment all i felt was anger, sadness and frustration. Little did i know that, that small little heartbeat would change my life and take all that pain away… My dad was laid to rest, he had the most beautiful services imaginable and im so thankful to everyone who helped us it meant the world to us and it helped us get through our pain one way or another. My dad was a great man, a jokester, a sweet and loving human who never got mad. He was my bedt friend and the man i looked up to. It still break my heart to know that he wont be here to complain about my boyfriends, or get asked for approval for my hand in marriage, he wont walk me down the isle. He will never get to experience the love and joy that his beautiful grandbaby has to give. We lost a life but we gained a new heartbeat a new life Camila Natali ❤️ R.I.P daddy I’ll love you forever 🎈
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