#myriah martell. || study.
imaginarianisms · 5 months
i just realized that myriah may have gotten along w/ melissa blackwood (brynden river / bloodraven's mother) too considering melissa was surprisingly on good terms with naerys, aemon the dragonknight & prince daeron (who later became king daeron ii the good) which is really unusual bc it's not very often that a queen is actually friends with her king's mistress, let alone the queen's beloved brother & her son so it's no doubt that melissa, an indigenous woman, would've gotten along with myriah, too. i also wouldnt be surprised if myriah straight up beefed w/ some of aegon iv's other mistresses if they even spoke one (1) ill word of naerys or melissa & maybe that's one of the reasons why myriah would've protected bloodraven & that's one of the reasons why he's loyal to the targaryens, because of his devotion to daeron & to myriah.
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horizon-verizon · 3 months
I adore you drives into house Martell/Dorne and they not being poc. As a fanfiction writter and a woman who studies in college the medieval history of the iberian peninsula I try to Stay Away from writting house Martell fics because I do not believe they are poc the way fandom describes them (especially not as dark skinned) but I fear the backlash.
But I add my two cents to it because I feel the need to say it. (Sorry you'll be the one getting it)
I think the smallfolk around certain parts of Dorne are poc. Not the nobility. Nymeria and her descendents intermarried with the Andals many times. And if all dorne nobility is poc... How is Aegon V (grandson of Myriah Martell and son of Dyanna Dayne) isn't? Or his siblings. We meet all the men - no sign of a different "Race" in any of them.
I'm a little confused by this ask, ngl. You lost me here:
I think the smallfolk around certain parts of Dorne are poc. Not the nobility. Nymeria and her descendents intermarried with the Andals many times.
If the peasants, as you say, are PoC bc the Rhoynar female soldiers intermarried w/Andal-First Men Dornish people...are you saying they did with both Dornish peasant men AND nobles? Or they only did with peasants? If the latter, that wouldn't make much sense bc the petty nobles around or those "vassals"/oathed to the Martells at the time Nymeria arrived wouldn't go umarried to any of her soldiers, therefore we'd be forced to say that yes some nobles are PoC...and only if we assume that the Martells have become as PoC as them since Nymeria married Mors.
So it sounds like you're just saying that they, the nobility, are PoC.
from GRRM's blog:
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GRRM doesn't distinguish b/t peasants and nobility when it comes him saying that he imagined them as more Mediterranean than African in appearance (and he's talking the white Med, not North Africans or Middle Easterners).
This is amok's Oberyn:
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And this is the Magali Villeneuve's Arianne Martell:
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If you're implying that there were still a few Rhoynar female soldier who married the smaller number of male Rhoynar male soldiers while the others married the Andal Dornish nobles (whether they be petty lords or the "high" lords), yeah it's possible some peasants--and a few here and there to this current time period of the main series--are what we'd call "PoC" if they lived amongst us.
But Dornish people, peasant or noble, are still monolithic to the people we'd call "white"/"BR/Germanic/NorthWestern European" white--the nonDornish Westerosi. Even they cannot be said to be PoC within the relationship of the Dornish to the Westerosi I described and discussed HERE.
Not all soldiers or warriors were peasants; some were/would be petty nobles, we simply don't have the details. A few of those female Dornish women could have married actually peasant soldiers and in the U.S. system of race, those kids' be considered "PoC", and so on so on. But this isn't the U.S.
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Even if you are a Salty Dornish [3] (the Martells), a Stony Dornish [1] (the paler ones closest to the border b/t Dorne and the rest/the Dornish Marches), or a Sandy Dornish [2], the nonDornish people actively think of them all as "Dornish" and are xenophobic to all of them. We have seen no canon different behavior towards the paler stony Dornish.
We also don't know where exactly in Dorne Sylvenna Sand (a peasant) was from or what she looked like, but she was known as Dornish and the "laws" that Gaemon Palehair/his mother Essie laid out in KL are thought to have come from Sylvenna's background and closeness influencing those laws to protect women. Those Gyldayn calls "outrageous":
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Skin color is definitely something these nonDornish make to orientalize or fetishize some Dornish people or to identify them bc you do find the darkest kind tones more in Dorne than anywhere else. But again, some Dornish people (and I mean entire populations) are pale, have the accents, may even practice male primogeniture but are still subject to xenophobia from nonDornish people in text.
And if all dorne nobility is poc... How is Aegon V (grandson of Myriah Martell and son of Dyanna Dayne) isn't? Or his siblings. We meet all the men - no sign of a different "Race" in any of them.
The Daynes are the paler "stony" Dornish.
Aegon was also never going to be considered PoC or Dornish or Dornish adjacent bc he came out with pale skin, violet eyes, and silverish-goldish hair.
And he is not a Dornish-raised person, but was born and raised outside of Dorne in the royal family.
So yeah.
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morningflew · 2 months
HEADCANON — LOVE AND MARRIAGE : five years after the death of her first husband, princess rhaena married ser garmund hightower, with whom she had six daughters: valaena, coryn, daenys, lysandra, tamsin, and rhaella.
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valaena "laena" hightower (born 141 AC) - the eldest. rhaena wanted a daughter of her own to name after her mother, just like her twin sister baela did, but chose to make it a diminutive for a distinction between her and her niece. valaena is almost exclusively referred to as "laena" amongst close friends and family. laena was a carbon copy of her mother, if not so much in face then in disposition. she is betrothed to and eventually marries her stepsister alysanne's second son, laenor.
laena's family is even more prolific than her own as she gives birth to seven children later in life: four boys and three girls. her husband dies in battle in 196 AC and she outlives him by three years, dying of consumption.
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*has the targaryen silver hair
coryn hightower (born 143 AC) - coryn was born in the summertime and had a personality that could not have been more suited for the season. of all the girls, rhaena and garmund had the most difficulty trying to keep her behaved; as a child she was often scolded by her septa for rushing through her lessons to play outside. coryn mellowed over time, but she was always known to be the liveliest of the hightower children. she marries a year after her older sister to a secondborn son from house celtigar.
there has been much speculation over the name chosen for coryn, with it being very similar to the name of rhaena's first husband, ser corwyn corbray. rhaena has never commented on the fact and coryn has never asked.
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*has the targaryen silver hair
daenys hightower (born 146 AC) - while many tend to think she was named after her ancestor, her name is actually a middle ground between her grandfather daemon's and great-grandmother rhaenys'. much like daenys the dreamer, daenys once dreamt about taking up the faith and becoming a septa, and she resigned herself to this fate for years as she studied the holy texts. she gave up this aspiration upon attending her first ball and realizing she'd like to fall in love.
daenys, however, was very nitpicky with her suitors and it took years to marry her off. she eventually marries a cousin of queen myriah and prince maron martell of dorne, the heir to house allyrion of godsgrace.
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lysandra, tamsin, and rhaella hightower (born 151 AC) - rhaena had always thought she would have twins like her mother did, but she never once considered the possibility of triplets. the girls came early; rhaena's labours lasted for over a day and the attending maester believed she wouldn't make it, nor would the child. but when dawn broke, she had two more daughters in her arms while garmund held another. amongst all sisters, they took the most after their father.
lysandra was a lot like her aunt baela, tomboyish and wild, and her partner in crime was rhaella more often than it was tamsin. the firstborn and lastborn triplet were the same side of the same coin. tamsin was relegated as the mediator between the two and didn't much like their antics. she kept close to their eldest sister, laena.
all three were betrothed around the same time. as expected, tamsin was the first to marry and does so even a few months earlier than her older sister daenys. she married into house mullendore. rhaella married into house velaryon, a distant relative of theirs descending from vaemond velaryon. lysandra married into house tully and though her husband died within three months of their marriage, she stayed in riverrun as a companion to his sister, who'd grown fond of her and she had likewise grown fond of.
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laannie0803 · 4 years
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El rey Aerys I Targaryen fue el segundo hijo del rey Daeron II Targaryen y la reina Myriah Martell. Fue Rey de los Siete Reinos entre 209 y 221 d.C.
Compartía con su padre la afición por la lectura, los libros, las profecías y el misterio.
Desposó a su prima, Lady Aelinor Penrose, pero nunca mostró ningún interés en tener hijos con ella. Se rumoreaba que Aerys ni siquiera había consumado el matrimonio.
Siendo un niño su sobrino, el príncipe Aegon, escuchó a Aerys leer en una profecía sobre el retorno a la vida de los dragones.
El nuevo rey Aerys I nombró a su tío Brynden Ríos como Mano del Rey y le dejó gobernar para dedicarse al estudio de los libros y el saber popular. Durante su reinado fue un erudito que prefería leer a gobernar; comenzó el dicho en los Siete Reinos de que "Aerys se llevará un libro a su cama antes que a su esposa". Como Aerys I aún no había engendrado hijos con su esposa Aelinor, su Consejo Privado, creyendo que Aerys I evitaba su cama porque le disgustaba, instó a Aerys a dejar a Aelinor y a tomar otra esposa. Sin embargo, Aerys no quería ni oír hablar del tema, y permanecieron casados.
Como Aerys I era visto como un monarca reservista y débil, los Feugoscuro trataron de tomar partido. Lord Gormon Peake, un leal a los Fuegoscuro, guió a Daemon II Fuegoscuro en su regreso a Poniente, e intentó reunir apoyo para una revuelta, la Segunda Rebelión Fuegoscuro. Gracias a la red de espías de Lord Cuervo de Sangre, y las intervenciones de Ser Duncan el Alto y su escudero, la rebelión quedó en un intento fallido durante el Torneo de Murosblancos.
Debido a que su matrimonio con su prima Aelinor Penrose no produjo hijos, en el curso de su reinado Aerys I reconoció varios herederos, aunque ninguno fue hijo suyo. Su hermano Rhaegel había muerto en 215 d.C. durante un festín, ahogado con un pastel de lamprea. El hijo de Rhaegel, Aelor, se convirtió entonces en Príncipe de Rocadragón y heredero al trono. Sin embargo, dos años después, Aelor murió en un grotesco accidente a manos de su propia hermana gemela y esposa, Aelora, en circunstancias desconocidas que la dejaron loca de dolor. Aelora pasó a ser Princesa de Rocadragón y heredera al trono.
La Tercera Rebelión Fuegoscuro tuvo lugar en 219 d.C. y terminó con la captura de Aegor Ríos y la muerte de Haegon Fuegoscuro. Aceroamargo fue hecho prisionero en Desembarco del Rey. Mientras que Cuervo de Sangre y Aerion Targaryen querían que Aceroamargo fuera ejecutado, el rey Aerys se mostró misericordioso, dándole la opción de pasar el resto de sus días como hermano juramentado de la Guardia de la Noche. El navío que se encargó de transportarlo hacia el Muro fue interceptado cerca de Guardiaoriente del Mar por algunos partidarios Fuegoscuro, con lo que Aegor pudo ser rescatado y regresó con la Compañía Dorada al otro lado del Mar Angosto.
Finalmente, Aerys I fue sucedido a su muerte en 221 d.C. por su hermano Maekar.
King Aerys I Targaryen was the second son of King Daeron II Targaryen and Queen Myriah Martell. He was King of the Seven Kingdoms between 209 and 221 AD.
He shared with his father a fondness for reading, books, prophecies and mystery.
He married his cousin, Lady Aelinor Penrose, but never showed any interest in having children with her. It was rumored that Aerys had not even consummated the marriage.
As a child, his nephew, Prince Aegon, heard Aerys read in a prophecy about the return to life of dragons.
The new king Aerys I named his uncle Brynden Ríos as Mano del Rey and let him rule to devote himself to the study of books and popular knowledge. During his reign he was a scholar who preferred to read than to rule; began the saying in the Seven Kingdoms that "Aerys will take a book to his bed before his wife". As Aerys I had not yet fathered children with his wife Aelinor, his Privy Council, believing that Aerys I avoided his bed because he disliked him, urged Aerys to leave Aelinor and take another wife. However, Aerys did not even want to hear about it, and they remained married.
As Aerys I was seen as a weak and reservist monarch, the Feugoscuro tried to take sides. Lord Gormon Peake, a loyal to the Darkfires, guided Daemon II Darkfire on his return to Westeros, and attempted to muster support for a revolt, the Second Darkfire Rebellion. Thanks to the Blood Raven Lord's spy network, and the interventions of Ser Duncan the Tall and his squire, the rebellion was left unsuccessful during the White Walls Tournament.
Due to the fact that his marriage with his cousin Aelinor Penrose did not produce children, in the course of his reign Aerys I recognized several heirs, although none were his son. His brother Rhaegel had died in A.D. 215. during a feast, drowned in a lamprey cake. Rhaegel's son Aelor then became Prince of Dragonstone and heir to the throne. However, two years later, Aelor died in a grotesque accident at the hands of his own twin sister and wife, Aelora, in unknown circumstances that left him insane with pain. Aelora became Princess of Dragonstone and heir to the throne.
The Third Fuegoscuro Rebellion took place in A.D. 219. and ended with the capture of Aegor Ríos and the death of Haegon Firefighter. Aceroamargo was taken prisoner in King's Landing. While Blood Raven and Aerion Targaryen wanted Bittersweet to be executed, King Aerys was gracious, giving him the option to spend the rest of his days as a sworn brother of the Night's Watch. The ship that was in charge of transporting it to the Wall was intercepted near Guardiaoriente del Mar by some Fuegoscuro supporters, with which Aegor could be rescued and returned with the Golden Company to the other side of the Narrow Sea.
Finally, Aerys I was succeeded upon his death in A.D. 221. by his brother Maekar.
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imaginarianisms · 5 months
okay so i have. no idea when fire & blood part 2 is gonna come out so its. Very possible i could be wrong about a few things but here's a meta on m.yriah m.artell.
m.yriah m.artell was definitely in an interesting time period even before she became queen. i&. genuinely have no idea if she'd ever know queen daenaera velaryon or (big maybe) larra rogare or any of aegon's mistresses but i& think it's definitely possible considering we don't know if daenaera outlived aegon iii but it's very possible she did, who knows, maybe she was one of myriah's mentors in king's landing. she was around the time of aegon iv targaryen, aegon the unworthy, who's just. one of the actual worst rulers of the targaryen dynasty. iirc she was the eldest of the prince of dorne's children at the time so she was set to rule dorne much like princess a.rianne m.artell in our current story is, she was meant to rule & likely had that expectation, so when baelor targaryen comes along to speak with the prince of dorne once the crazy fucker finally arrives at sunspear, to agree upon a peace which included a marriage between his cousin prince daeron & myriah martell & the two would marry once they came of age, that probably really shocked myriah bc like imagine being expected to rule dorne one day & then you have to give up that right to become queen of all the seven kingdoms one day? that must've stung a bit, too, but it's also a MASSIVE undertaking. it's one thing to rule one kingdom, but seven? that's quite a lot. there had been many queens of westeros before, but myriah martell is the TRUE first queen of the seven kingdoms, because in all the previous reigns, dorne was never truly a part of westeros, it was its own independent kingdom, it had never bowed to the targaryens during aegon's conquest, they were the only kingdom that managed to fight off the targaryens & actually WIN or the previous conquest of king daeron i targaryen, dorne only came into the fold with marriage & diplomacy. so she probably had to learn about the non-dornish kingdoms & peoples as well before becoming queen. becoming this queen, however, Also involves marrying into the family that's attempted to subjugate & conquer your people since aegon the conqueror & his sister wives (& they ACTUALLY KILLED RHAENYS & A DRAGON BY THE FUCKING WAY). like. can you imagine how appalling it must be to marry into a family that felt superior to you & entitled to YOUR land. & keep in mind said bizarre inbred family is no longer the powerhouse they once were on the heels of the war that cost them their dragons & yet they learned nothing, even now. myriah joined king's landing at such an interesting time. she's supposed to usher in peace & prosperity to the realm but how do you Do That when Everything is working against you as a foreign princess.
bc keep in mind. the grandson of queen rhaenyra i targaryen just died attempting to subjugate HER country once more & was killed under a peace banner. a loss that demanded blood & caused outrage, despite the fact that daeron the young dragon lost over 10,000 lives trying to control a land that. Didn't Belong To Him. baelor the blessed was instrumental in creating peace arranging her very own arranged marriage alliance, her own son who was meant to be one of the greatest kings is named after him but dorne is Also where women have always ruled & baelor's three sisters were imprisoned against their will in the maidenvault for a decade. that must've terrified myriah (& it didn't help that baelor quite literally walked all the way to sunspear barefoot on the hot sands, she must've been like "father...... what is this man doing.... he's crazy"). i think just the stories she's heard of daena the defiant, rhaena, queen naerys, elaena & daenerys she'd hold a great deal of pity for them bc in dorne nothing of the sort would ever happen to them let alone naerys' abuse by aegon iv who i think later in life she would've gotten along with naerys as her daughter in law & tried to take care of her bc she's decent. i& genuinely think that even when she wasn't queen yet, she would've tried to bring more women into the fold & into positions of power. something we Do know canonically is the fact that daeron ii's court was disliked for being progressive/intelligent, pro women & pro dornish, who btw are poc, so the red keep at the time would be VERY inclusive & were likely pro sex work, pro disability & pro lgbtqia+/queerness because the dornish were known for accepting women's rights & elderly rights, the rights of people with disabilities & queer people, sex workers as well as same sex/same gender relationships & polyamorous relationships, elaena targaryen was the unofficial master of coin & was trusted with state matters for daeron ii & myriah & famously sided with THEM & not her sister's son during the first blackfyre rebellion & she could've been friends w/ elaena & not to mention myriah martell would be the first non-valyrian woman of color to become queen of westeros (there were black women who ruled before her notably {technically visenya targaryen & rhaenys targaryen who're mixed as their mother was valaena velaryon} alyssa velaryon, alysanne targaryen & daenaera velaryon, but they were all valyrian & the rest of the queens were presumably all white women). that's a MASSIVE deal. & not to mention the fates of the queens before her must've shocked her bc like literally none of that would've happened in dorne.
myriah was also a princess & queen to be under a father in-law who hated & attempted to take her country AGAIN even after she married his son. i honestly can't even imagine the amount of anxiety, rage & stress this would've caused myriah & i can't imagine she didn't have to swallow racist insult after racist insult from aegon iv. like. i almost wonder if some of the targaryens after the dance of the dragons, specifically king aegon vi, daeron i targaryen the young dragon, daena the defiant, etc. were desperate to get back some of their sense of superiority after their great house lost the source of their power, the dragons (by their own making. btw), & what better way to do that then to conquer the land that aegon & his sisters couldn't with even their own dragons. what better way to prove themselves Real Dragons TM & to prove their superiority. so when they were reduced to normalcy like yknow Literally Everybody Else that must've been a real hard pill for the targaryens to swallow lmao
this is the court myriah would have to contend with & this isn't even going into the fact that even Before she became queen, she & her children were considered unworthy for not being white paleskinned purple eyed blondes bc they were dornish & the court was Very Fucking Racist Towards The Dornish. going w/ the presumption that she was born in 146 AC, myriah would've been 24 when she had baelon, 26-30 (most likely 26) when she had aerys, 27-31 (most likely 27) when she had rhaegel & 28-32 (most likely 28) when she had maekar; daeron treated his half siblings well & yet they STILL go to war against HER queenship & the rights of her trueborn children after the death of aegon iv; myriah would've been 26 at least or 38 at most when he died (daemon blackfyre also married rohanne of tyrosh during this time & aegon legitimized all his bastards including daemon blackfyre, aegor rivers / bittersteel, mya rivers, gwenys rivers, brynden rivers / bloodraven & shiera seastar on his deathbed so myriah would've known them & she would've been 26-38 when she became queen, but i'm gonna go with the maximum possible age so she'd be a year younger than daena the defiant so she'd be 26 when she became queen) depending on which year she was born bc even that's unclear but if she was born in 146 AC, she would've lived through the reigns of aegon iii, daeron i, baelor i, viserys ii, aegon iv & daeron ii & very possibly even outlived her husband & if she was born in 158 AC she would've lived through the reigns of daeron i, baelor i, viserys ii, aegon iv & daeron ii & likely outlived her husband but for my sanity's sake i'm gonna go with the prediction that she was born in or around 146 AC if not maybe a few years after, idk yet, hopefully that gets confirmed. if she was born in or around 146 AC myriah would've been 7 years older than him; daeron ii died when he was 55 in 209 AC so she would've been 62 (if she was born in 146 AC) at most when he died so she definitely lived during the blackfyre rebellions era & very well could've lived in aerys i's reign (209-221) & maekar i's reign (221-233), idk, i like to think she lived just long enough to see aegon v become king & dying of natural causes when she was 79 years old as an elderly woman but fire & blood part 2 could prove me wrong, but she would've lived past alysanne targaryen. maybe she adopted daenerys after naerys died so she could make sure daenerys would be a good, clever & intelligent full fledged leader capable of ruling dorne like she herself was meant to & then later shiera seastar after serenei of lys died & it's because of that loyalty to her adopted family that she was loyal to the targaryens (& that could be a reason why maekar beefed with brynden bc he's protective over his adopted little sister while technically she's biologically his half aunt after her mother died & her father was an asshat & maekar is the youngest of daeron & myriah's children & shiera's the only little sibling he had so he's a grumpy older brother), who knows, maybe she mentored b.etha b.lackwood for a time before she's queen.
myriah would've had to be a spectacular & aweinspiring woman to survive & thrive under the circumstances she lived through, she & daeron had a healthy marriage despite so many things working against them & daeron ii built the castle of summerhall in her honor & the peace in westeros. she must've been bold, unflinching, intelligent, confident, sometimes even arrogant bc she Knows She's That Bitch, kind, clever & regal, embodying the very words of her house "unbowed, unbent, unbroken".
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imaginarianisms · 5 months
this is a possible ref & could be wrong but if myriah was born in 146 AC, she would've been a year older than rhaena targaryen & 4 years older than elaena targaryen & she would've been 7 years old when the last dragon died (& her future husband daeron ii the good is born) during the reign of aegon iii the dragonbane & would've been 11 years old when aegon iii targaryen died of consumption aka tuberculosis & daeron i is crowned & would've been 15 when daeron died & baelor is crowned king & 15-16 when bellenora otherys was born, she would've been 24 when daemon waters is born, 25 when baelor died & viserys ii targaryen was made king, 26 when daenerys & aegor rivers / bittersteel were born & later that same year viserys died & aegon iv is made king. she'd be 28 when aegon threatened to conquer dorne & 29 when brynden rivers / bloodraven is born, & at earliest 32 when shiera seastar was born & 36 when daemon waters is knighted & 38 when aegon iv dies & 41 when her little brother maron marries daenerys & 42 when summerhall is created on the boundaries of the reach, the stormlands & dorne meet in her honor & 50 when the first blackfyre rebellion happened, 52 when aemon (who became maester aemon of the night's watch) was born & 54 when aegon v the unlikely is born & she's a grandmeemaw.
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