#idk im really excited for fire & blood part 2
imaginarianisms · 5 months
okay so i have. no idea when fire & blood part 2 is gonna come out so its. Very possible i could be wrong about a few things but here's a meta on m.yriah m.artell.
m.yriah m.artell was definitely in an interesting time period even before she became queen. i&. genuinely have no idea if she'd ever know queen daenaera velaryon or (big maybe) larra rogare or any of aegon's mistresses but i& think it's definitely possible considering we don't know if daenaera outlived aegon iii but it's very possible she did, who knows, maybe she was one of myriah's mentors in king's landing. she was around the time of aegon iv targaryen, aegon the unworthy, who's just. one of the actual worst rulers of the targaryen dynasty. iirc she was the eldest of the prince of dorne's children at the time so she was set to rule dorne much like princess a.rianne m.artell in our current story is, she was meant to rule & likely had that expectation, so when baelor targaryen comes along to speak with the prince of dorne once the crazy fucker finally arrives at sunspear, to agree upon a peace which included a marriage between his cousin prince daeron & myriah martell & the two would marry once they came of age, that probably really shocked myriah bc like imagine being expected to rule dorne one day & then you have to give up that right to become queen of all the seven kingdoms one day? that must've stung a bit, too, but it's also a MASSIVE undertaking. it's one thing to rule one kingdom, but seven? that's quite a lot. there had been many queens of westeros before, but myriah martell is the TRUE first queen of the seven kingdoms, because in all the previous reigns, dorne was never truly a part of westeros, it was its own independent kingdom, it had never bowed to the targaryens during aegon's conquest, they were the only kingdom that managed to fight off the targaryens & actually WIN or the previous conquest of king daeron i targaryen, dorne only came into the fold with marriage & diplomacy. so she probably had to learn about the non-dornish kingdoms & peoples as well before becoming queen. becoming this queen, however, Also involves marrying into the family that's attempted to subjugate & conquer your people since aegon the conqueror & his sister wives (& they ACTUALLY KILLED RHAENYS & A DRAGON BY THE FUCKING WAY). like. can you imagine how appalling it must be to marry into a family that felt superior to you & entitled to YOUR land. & keep in mind said bizarre inbred family is no longer the powerhouse they once were on the heels of the war that cost them their dragons & yet they learned nothing, even now. myriah joined king's landing at such an interesting time. she's supposed to usher in peace & prosperity to the realm but how do you Do That when Everything is working against you as a foreign princess.
bc keep in mind. the grandson of queen rhaenyra i targaryen just died attempting to subjugate HER country once more & was killed under a peace banner. a loss that demanded blood & caused outrage, despite the fact that daeron the young dragon lost over 10,000 lives trying to control a land that. Didn't Belong To Him. baelor the blessed was instrumental in creating peace arranging her very own arranged marriage alliance, her own son who was meant to be one of the greatest kings is named after him but dorne is Also where women have always ruled & baelor's three sisters were imprisoned against their will in the maidenvault for a decade. that must've terrified myriah (& it didn't help that baelor quite literally walked all the way to sunspear barefoot on the hot sands, she must've been like "father...... what is this man doing.... he's crazy"). i think just the stories she's heard of daena the defiant, rhaena, queen naerys, elaena & daenerys she'd hold a great deal of pity for them bc in dorne nothing of the sort would ever happen to them let alone naerys' abuse by aegon iv who i think later in life she would've gotten along with naerys as her daughter in law & tried to take care of her bc she's decent. i& genuinely think that even when she wasn't queen yet, she would've tried to bring more women into the fold & into positions of power. something we Do know canonically is the fact that daeron ii's court was disliked for being progressive/intelligent, pro women & pro dornish, who btw are poc, so the red keep at the time would be VERY inclusive & were likely pro sex work, pro disability & pro lgbtqia+/queerness because the dornish were known for accepting women's rights & elderly rights, the rights of people with disabilities & queer people, sex workers as well as same sex/same gender relationships & polyamorous relationships, elaena targaryen was the unofficial master of coin & was trusted with state matters for daeron ii & myriah & famously sided with THEM & not her sister's son during the first blackfyre rebellion & she could've been friends w/ elaena & not to mention myriah martell would be the first non-valyrian woman of color to become queen of westeros (there were black women who ruled before her notably {technically visenya targaryen & rhaenys targaryen who're mixed as their mother was valaena velaryon} alyssa velaryon, alysanne targaryen & daenaera velaryon, but they were all valyrian & the rest of the queens were presumably all white women). that's a MASSIVE deal. & not to mention the fates of the queens before her must've shocked her bc like literally none of that would've happened in dorne.
myriah was also a princess & queen to be under a father in-law who hated & attempted to take her country AGAIN even after she married his son. i honestly can't even imagine the amount of anxiety, rage & stress this would've caused myriah & i can't imagine she didn't have to swallow racist insult after racist insult from aegon iv. like. i almost wonder if some of the targaryens after the dance of the dragons, specifically king aegon vi, daeron i targaryen the young dragon, daena the defiant, etc. were desperate to get back some of their sense of superiority after their great house lost the source of their power, the dragons (by their own making. btw), & what better way to do that then to conquer the land that aegon & his sisters couldn't with even their own dragons. what better way to prove themselves Real Dragons TM & to prove their superiority. so when they were reduced to normalcy like yknow Literally Everybody Else that must've been a real hard pill for the targaryens to swallow lmao
this is the court myriah would have to contend with & this isn't even going into the fact that even Before she became queen, she & her children were considered unworthy for not being white paleskinned purple eyed blondes bc they were dornish & the court was Very Fucking Racist Towards The Dornish. going w/ the presumption that she was born in 146 AC, myriah would've been 24 when she had baelon, 26-30 (most likely 26) when she had aerys, 27-31 (most likely 27) when she had rhaegel & 28-32 (most likely 28) when she had maekar; daeron treated his half siblings well & yet they STILL go to war against HER queenship & the rights of her trueborn children after the death of aegon iv; myriah would've been 26 at least or 38 at most when he died (daemon blackfyre also married rohanne of tyrosh during this time & aegon legitimized all his bastards including daemon blackfyre, aegor rivers / bittersteel, mya rivers, gwenys rivers, brynden rivers / bloodraven & shiera seastar on his deathbed so myriah would've known them & she would've been 26-38 when she became queen, but i'm gonna go with the maximum possible age so she'd be a year younger than daena the defiant so she'd be 26 when she became queen) depending on which year she was born bc even that's unclear but if she was born in 146 AC, she would've lived through the reigns of aegon iii, daeron i, baelor i, viserys ii, aegon iv & daeron ii & very possibly even outlived her husband & if she was born in 158 AC she would've lived through the reigns of daeron i, baelor i, viserys ii, aegon iv & daeron ii & likely outlived her husband but for my sanity's sake i'm gonna go with the prediction that she was born in or around 146 AC if not maybe a few years after, idk yet, hopefully that gets confirmed. if she was born in or around 146 AC myriah would've been 7 years older than him; daeron ii died when he was 55 in 209 AC so she would've been 62 (if she was born in 146 AC) at most when he died so she definitely lived during the blackfyre rebellions era & very well could've lived in aerys i's reign (209-221) & maekar i's reign (221-233), idk, i like to think she lived just long enough to see aegon v become king & dying of natural causes when she was 79 years old as an elderly woman but fire & blood part 2 could prove me wrong, but she would've lived past alysanne targaryen. maybe she adopted daenerys after naerys died so she could make sure daenerys would be a good, clever & intelligent full fledged leader capable of ruling dorne like she herself was meant to & then later shiera seastar after serenei of lys died & it's because of that loyalty to her adopted family that she was loyal to the targaryens (& that could be a reason why maekar beefed with brynden bc he's protective over his adopted little sister while technically she's biologically his half aunt after her mother died & her father was an asshat & maekar is the youngest of daeron & myriah's children & shiera's the only little sibling he had so he's a grumpy older brother), who knows, maybe she mentored b.etha b.lackwood for a time before she's queen.
myriah would've had to be a spectacular & aweinspiring woman to survive & thrive under the circumstances she lived through, she & daeron had a healthy marriage despite so many things working against them & daeron ii built the castle of summerhall in her honor & the peace in westeros. she must've been bold, unflinching, intelligent, confident, sometimes even arrogant bc she Knows She's That Bitch, kind, clever & regal, embodying the very words of her house "unbowed, unbent, unbroken".
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twistedyapping · 3 months
my 2 favorite lyrics of all time
i almost started yapping on my ig story again and then caught myself so im here now-
i saw sumn earlier it was one of those "pick a song that starts with the first initial of ur name" and i got excited bc i got the song with my one of my favorite lyrics of ever in it- seen it all by korn
so here are my 2 favorite lyrics ur honor:
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and what's interesting abt these two and what i caught myself abt to yap abt, is that they both come from very different eras in my life and therefore take on entirely new meanings to me- Which ya is what song lyrics are kinda supposed to do But this is just interesting 2 me-
so turbulent was the first one- heard that shit when i first listened to fandom and i was like Oh my god that is so fucking tight- and to this day it's one of my favorite parts in the song-
"you gave me hell on earth and said 'Work with it'" hit so hard for me though bc hi. my chiron is in aquarius. That's the short astrology answer but this ain't my astrology blog so what's the yapfest reason-
my entire life ur honor i have gone thru failed friendship after failed friendship, and somehow all of them managed to be with incredibly shitty people that quite literally gave me hell on earth and said work with it.
most, if not all of those friendships died off and crashed and burned along the way like an extremely elaborate dumpster fire- and it got to the point where i thought i would just never have real friends. i still think that, especially rn, but im workin thru it, it's fine 😵‍💫
the most heartbreaking part of that is the fact that since i was a wee lad i have always just wanted a group of friends to hang out with, a group that i felt secure in and nobody was out to get each other, nobody had a lack of respect for each other based on incredibly petty things, etc. always wanted that from the day i was born. And god looked me dead in the eyes and told me "LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO in what world."
perhaps this one in the future, idk, but that's where this lyric comes from. almost everyone (there being legitimately 1 exception) i have ever met has given me hell on earth and said to work with it.
now we get to the seen it all era of my life.
this is the era of my life that i am in currently where i feel like i have indeed seen it all- where all that hurt and betrayal and near-giving up on life experiences have culminated into just. life experience.
the era of my life where, using the life experience i have gained through all that absolute hell fire, i fix shit.
am i broken rn, not really, i used to be tho- But when i was broken i managed to fix myself enough to be Not broken so u can argue i guess But!!!
weird shit keeps happening in my life and i manage to keep it together now. i have done the most tedious soul searching work, i have forced myself into the depths of my mind that i really would've rathered to not go into but i did anyway for funsies, and i have figured shit out. i have found who i am, and understood that it will always change, that i am holding onto something that is never stagnant and my grip must constantly change to keep up with it, otherwise i will fall and die.
and with all of this, even though it sounds like im giving myself plenty rn, i never give myself enough credit. i been THRU IT and yet i am constantly like "Ya no it wasn't that bad tbh."
logically i can understand that i have been through a lot more than like. a born rich white guy has. But i have like no past life event permanence or something and i have to be actively thinking abt what ive gone thru in order to understand Oh ya that was. Not great.
now i am the broken one who fixed it. 💪💪💯🔥💪🔥💯🔥💪🔥💪💪🔥🔥💯💪 #stayhard 🔥💪🔥💯💪🔥🔥💯💪🔥💪🔥💪🔥💪🔥💯
anyway ya i needed to yap- that's abt it. see ya.
- 🌙 -
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wangxianficrecs · 3 years
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Fic Finder
1.  Hi, I'm looking for an Untamed fic, maybe you'll be able to help. It's a canon divergence AU in which WWX doesn't lose his core, Jiang Fengmian lives and it's implied that his core was transferred to JC (heavily implied; JFM retires as the Sect Leader after that). This is absolutely not the most important part of this fic but it's a paragraph that I've got stuck in my head and now I'm searching for the rest @_@ Thanks in advance! ~ @otemporaetmores
FOUND! by @notsobabblespace, who was reminded of  I’m aching and I know you are too by edenwolfie (part 3 in series, M, 23k, wangxian)
FOUND!  by @jim-is-spocks-thyla, who suggests ❤️ to arrive late is better than not to arrive at all by Moominmammashandbag (M, 35k, wangxian) [ETA:  Oops, not this one.  JFM has no core, but he didn’t give it to JC]
2.  Hi Mojo! I’m in need of you/your followers help in finding a fic that I read a little while ago. It was a fic where Wei WuXian and Lan WangJi lived together in Cloud Recesses and their children were Sizhui and an OOC that was younger than him. I remember SiZhui faced a lot of criticism for not being the chief cultivator’s real child? And they were happy he had a younger sibling that would be sect leader in the future because he was blood. Come to think of it, this is probably an ABO fic too. Thanks for your time 💜
FOUND! @andidontmeanto believes this is Blue Blood by PotterheadAvengerDemigod (T, 91k, wangxian, my post)
3.  Aksks it's like 3 am but I just remembered a fic and I can't find it?? I'd really, really appreciate your help. It was a wangxian fic, maybe a oneshot idk, and lwj was kind of a nerd and wwx a badboy? So basically lwj has a massive crush on him and dresses up like wwx etc. (i think he even got an undercut) and after a party they sleep with each other at lwj's place?
4.  i’m looking for a fic set in the where lwj’s mother killed his father? i don’t think that was a main plot point but it did show up in his backstory - any idea what this might be? ~ @thehype
FOUND!  @rentslirott thinks this could be ❤️the best of you by sysrae (E, 42k, wangxian, my post)
FOUND!  @castaways-logbook offers  The Right to Care by travelingneuritis (E, 39k, wangxian, WIP)
5.  ... same as #6 ...
6.  Hello friend, sorry for the inconvenience but I wanted to see if you could please find me a fic that I lost but I only remember more or less the final part, it goes more or less like this, lan zhan and wei ying are kidnapped by jin guangyao and lock them up if not I'm wrong in some cells next to lan xichen after the fights jin guangyao dies but lan xichen did know how bad jin guangyao had done and he didn't care and then to get revenge he wants to kill wei ying but lan zhan kills him and sizhui gets scared It was more or less like that, please help me ~ @isa0123lol
FOUND!  by @wangxiansfics who says that tragically it’s no longer available, but @dulachodladh found it on WaybackMachine here: Thread and Needle by haysel (M, 86k, wangxian)
7.  Hi, Mojo! I'm glad that you're back but I hope you enjoyed your time off tumblr! Can you and/or your followers help me find a fic? I think the summary was talking about wwx and somehow they were asking mingjue for help since he's the only one who can help. The summary was in italics and it's a dialogue from some guy? And a shorter summary below. Sadly this is the only thing I can remember but I hope you can still help me
FOUND!  @alwayswenning suggests love, in fire and blood by cicer (E, 360k, wangxian, has it’s own fanfic here, I just finished this last night!, my bookmark)
8.  Sorry to bombard you as soon as you're back, but this one's driving me crazy--a modern AU where they met online. WWX thinks LWJ is an old man from how he talks. I don't remember much except the excerpt made it seem like he still was amused by/enjoyed talking to him, and Wen Qing was telling him it was a bad idea and to stop. It's not How to Fall In Love With a Catfish, tho that one is brilliant! (Also any top notch identity porn would be great) Hope your break was restful, you deserve it! Thanks
Here’s my #identity porn tag, but I’m not sure about this exact story.
I'm the anon for #8 on the fic finder. Though I'm excited to read it, the suggested fic isn't the one I was looking for. I swear I thought I saw it on here around a month ago or slightly more, but searches have failed me.
FOUND!  Rating: General Audiences by Mishaa (T, 18k, wangxian WIP) -  mysterious author LWJ (speculated to be an old man because of his formality) and infamous artist WWX paired up for an Untamed Big Bang (in an AU where JGY was the series’ antiheroic protagonist; this fic was written before the release of CQL.)
FOUND?  could you be looking for  Something Real by Latios (G, 5k, wangxian, my post) - wwx thinks lwj is an old man, but there’s no WQ.  There are many pictures of bunnies.
SIMILAR! @emilysidhe thought of ID Bro Saga by Bowandtie (T, 39k, wangxian)
9.  Hey, how are you? Could you help me please? I've read 3 fanfics once, but I can't find them anymore. 1 - Nanny Problem, Wei is going to be the babysitter of A-Yuan, he is an omega and Lan is an alpha. 2 - Doctor Perfect, Yibo is an omega nurse and Xiao is an alpha doctor. 3 - The Baby of my Omega, Yibo is omega and Xiao is alpha, both of them are bodyguards, but Yibo has to protect Xiao in the beginning. I think they were at ao3, but I really can't find them. Can you help me please? Thank you!! ~ @weallmad
10.  Hi! Im happy you’re back. I hope you had a good break. I missed your recommendations, but at the same time i got a break from fics and actually studied to my tests haha.  [Ah!  I’m glad to hear your time was spent productively!]  I’m looking for a fic like Linger in the Sun by etymologyplayground. In the fic im looking for wangxian slowly lose their senses instead of all of them at once. Like they lose their hearing, then touch, sight etc, They can’t see each other or hear each other. I’m sorry i can’t explain very well.
FOUND?  Could you be thinking of  ❤️shadows in the sun rise by Yuu_chi (E, 25k, wangxian)?  Only lwj losese his senses one by one in this one, though.
11.  heyyy im trying to find this fic where wwx died the first time he was thrown in to the burial mounds then 10 years later he gets resurrected or something. I can't find it on AO3 and it's been bugging me for days. Thank you!
FOUND!  Well, @moku-youbi offers both of these as possibilities:
Did I Not Explain Why the Sunset Turns Red? by 3988Akasha (E, 100k, wangxian)
we're starting at the end by Miss_Enthusiasimal (M, 95k, wangxian)
12.  Hi I am looking for a fic where wwx is a witch (/mage?) in a world where magic is being persecuted (especially in Gusu) except for Yunmeng/Lanling I think but they're still frowned upon nonetheless. Then after accidentally hurting Shijie, wwx runs away, and ends up hiding in Gusu pretending to be a servant to lwj (lwj is a prince, lxc is the emperor) but lwj actually knows of his identity and tries not-so-discreetly to protect him from being caught. Thanks!
FOUND! by @bibliobasilisk who gives us Witchfinder by misbehavingvigilante (E, 86k, wangxian)
13.  Hi! Firstly, I'm glad to see you're back, and I hope your break was a good one! I'm trying to find a LWJ/WWX story that I had planned to read and ending up losing before I could. It was set in the immediate aftermath of the 33 lashes, LWJ is in the Jingshi recovering when a healer(?) discovers he's pregnant (by WWX). It may have been a/b/o verse, but I'm not 100% on that. Part of the story was a flashback to when WWX was still alive. Thank you!
FOUND!  by nonny themself.  It’s Unexpected Surprise by Glucose_Gremlin (E, 4k, wangxian)
SIMILAR! @mondelgel suggests my heart is kept as pure as ice in a jade vase/一片冰心在玉壶 by Daledesu (M, 21k, wangxian, WIP)
SIMILAR! from @impending-cuttlefish:  something new, something white, something blue by ariskamalt (E, 140k, wangxian, WIP)
14.  I'm trying to find this one fic where Jin Ling finds this diary that Wei Ying wrote as the Yiling Patriarch that basically reveals everything, including the golden core reveal and it even has training tips that helps Jon Ling improve. When Wei Ying comes back, he tries everything to keep him there because he is THE best uncle now. I need to find it because it is a N E E D.
FOUND? by @theladypeartree who says, “The Truth (Untold) is jl reading jyl's journals, not wwx's though. And mordant is jl returning wwx's journals that he found, not grew up with. Neither fit #14 properly, but I seriously could not find anything closer after two solid days of searching. Good luck!“
The Truth (Untold) by anxiouswreck0_0 (g, 3k, wangxian, jin ling & wei wuxian)
or this one on ffn:
mordant by tennisnotensai (M, 18k, wangxian, here’s the link for mobile)
15.  I have heard tell of a Sizhui/Jingyi fic where the boys end up going to Wangxian for advice about how to be intimate. Can you help me find it?
FOUND!  @manaika-chan says this one is On Advisement by LaMachina17 (M, 19k, wangxian, zhuiling, chengyi)
16.  nm
17.  Hi! Sorry, do you happen to know that nsfw fic where wwx is still studying in the cloud recesses and he’s reading a novel (im not sure if it was from nhs) that features a cultivator couple and there’s a scene in the book where the woman was pegging her husband? Basically wwx got curious about this and tried fingering himself. I remember he was hiding in the back mountains and then lwj eventually caught him
FOUND?  Could you be thinking of  Deep in the Woods by malkinmalkout (E, 5k, wangxian, my post)?
18.  Ahhh I'm going crazy trying to think of a fic that I've read where Lan Zhan killed Wen Chao in a locker room and nie huaisang stood guard outside the door! Then lan zhan went to lan huan and said I killed someone and he said did they deserve it? Then it's fine. And I can't remember the name of the fic! Have you heard of it? ~ @uchihaautumn
FOUND! @artemisisdiana offers So Full Of Love (Wouldn't Know Where to Start) by witchupbitch (M, 54k, wangxian, WIP)
19.  Hi, I was wondering if you could help me find a fic. I read it a while ago and I don't really remember all the details but it was a modern au where Lan Wangji was a police officer in this small town and Wei Wuxian comes back after years, having left the town due to some stuff. Thank you in advance.
Btw love your blog. I live for your fic recs.  [Thank you!]
FOUND?  Could you be looking for medium blues by dark_and_terrible (E,193k,  wangxian)?  It appears to be taken down atm, but it might come back (it’s done it before).
FOUND! by @grannyweatherwaxshat who offers When a Bird Flies, It Leaves Feathers by Bem_Kofi (not rated, 75k, wangxian)
20.  Hi mojo!! First of all I luv your blog Thank you so much for all those ficrecs.  [You’re welcome!]  Actually I’m looking for a fic I read months ago. I probably found the fic from your blog. But I can’t seem to find it now 😢 it was a modern au wangxian fic (inspired by call me by ur name?) wwx was like 5 years older than lwj. (And lwj was like 16?) Wwx lives in another city but he spent around a year in cloud recesses with lwj in the past. And wwx yanli and jc visits cloud recesses again and wangxian gets 2gether
[My ko-fi.]
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lilyclawthorne · 3 years
Separate Tides Thoughts
This is literally just a bunch of very stream of consciousness writing, from pretty much every time i had a thought about something while rewatching the episode so it may be messy/all over the place
my immediate concern about these videos luz is sending that aren’t going through, is what if the emperor does manage to even briefly open a portal?? would all of her messages suddenly go through only to not be able to contact again?? and maybe that’s why it kinda looks like a detective/conspiracy board behind camila in the trailer because she has plenty of information from luz herself that she now needs to piece together. 
completely unimportant detail but i figured lilith’s gem was like eda’s, in how eda’s gem seems to be a part of her, but we can see in luz’s video that it seems to be attached to lilith’s old dress so just what the fuck is up with eda having a gem in her body 
also the fact that they decided to be bounty hunters was odd to me, but it’s clear they really need the money. it was also clear later on that not only did eda not want luz to go after the selkidomus to keep her safe, but also because it was an innocent creature. part of me can’t help but wonder if internally a part of eda didn’t want to go after bigger bounties because having once been the biggest bounty herself, she knows that if the emperor wants them that badly then they may actually not be bad at all
i hate that last season everyone was cheering for eda to be freed, but now without magic they’re very willing to take advantage of her and talk about her. it’s mean and i expected public gossip to happen more for lilith for being a traitor, but then again people may not know about her magic yet so maybe they do still fear her a bit. all of this kinda tells me though that people bought belos’ crap about eda being stripped of her magic because she’s a wild witch, so they’re all judging her again
i love how bitter lilith is about the golden guard. also teen? kinda curious if any of our teens would’ve known him when very young or if he was raised specifically for this role
i like the detail on belos’ statue where there’s a crack over his eye around the same spot luz broke his mask
love how much eda cares for luz and puts her needs first and buying her the only foods she can digest and likes. such a mom. it’s also very clear that she’s struggling and doesn’t want luz to worry about it at all. also side note, love that lilith was asking about apple blood, pls let these sisters get drunk together.
it does not surprise me that eda likes to bring up the curse pretty casually as a retort back at lilith. it seems very in her nature to use it like that, but i can’t help but wonder if she’s avoiding actually addressing it. and if she keeps joking, will that affect lilith into like, idk a breakdown that forces the two of them to talk about it. 
LULU?? BESTIE?? thanks hooty i hate it
Luz you’re doing amazing sweetie, show them you’re no sea squirt. 
okay so now we can clearly see lilith’s magic is on it’s last legs. almost got herself fucking killed by some fire bees. that being said i’m very concerned about her whole “who am i without magic? without a coven?” i think she kinda misses the structure, and is still used to only knowing what to do simply because she had a leader to follow. 
“I AM A WITCH, UNHINGED” i think she’ll be adapting to the chaotic nature of the owl house crew in no time though if she keeps acting like this
“some kind of weird bird worm” i mean she’s not wrong....
“you have no idea what im going through” dramatic emo ass bitch
it does not surprise me that after pardoning eda, the coven would jump at the first opportunity to arrest her again. pretty sure she’ll be a wanted criminal again in no time.
golden guard very much concerns me. villains that go from really fun to intimidating or threatening as fast he seems to do here are ones i worry about. it kinda feels like he enjoys scaring people?? idk im not sure how to describe it. anyways threatening to hold them over the boiling seas where even the steam will give them third degrees feels really fucking cruel but maybe im empathizing here because at the time of writing this im still suffering from second degree burns i got three weeks ago so third degree sounds horrifying rn
love how excited lilith is seeing hooty at work when she’s not the one getting beaten up. 
I’m glad luz and eda are talking about luz’s guilt and that eda knows what she’s been carrying around now. i didn’t want to see luz carry around all that guilt for so long she’s too good for that AND its misplaced guilt. 
i do love though how at the beginning of the episodes we see the lengths eda will go to by prioritizing food for luz first and doing everything she can to keep the girl safe, and then we come back full circle to seeing the lengths luz is willing to go to for eda as well 
“my life is pretty great because i’m friends with luz the human” brb im CRYING.
Luz is SO clever. This girl is so smart and creative and her solution for helping the selkidomus is just wonderful. And also look at that fake selkidomus she made!! That is amazing!!
pls the raspberry Luz gave the golden guard was adorable
i LOVE the parallel between eda doing her first light glyphs and when luz did her first ones. i’m also glad eda didn’t struggle with the glyph like i’ve seen some people worry could have happened
just occurred to me that eda mentioned the gris will sell at the night market. its probably nothing but does make me concerned about them becoming night market vendors instead.
HOOTCIFER? thanks lilith i hate it. also combine it with lulu and you get lucifer. 
it’s hard to hear but as we go further into the scrying potion and see the emperor, and the very end of the “what are we eating” conversation that’s fading out from the owl house we hear lilith say “i’m fine with whatever, things are starting to feel right again” and idk if she means since she left the coven or for the first time since she was a kid but either way im so glad to hear it
also my brother pointed out belos is probably saying “knock knock human” because he knows he’s being spied on by the owl house with the potion and i hate that because if the emperor takes any action because of it, it’ll probably be another lilith fucked up moment because she didn’t think it through.
also, one other thing i couldn’t help but do in this episode was notice some parallels between luz and lilith! they’re both going out of their way to try and do something for eda, and are both insistent that they have to do this alone. but also lilith’s line about “you have no idea what im going through” really did make me think perhaps underneath everything she has a dramatic personality, and luz does too at times for fun and wouldn’t it be cute if they got along over something like that.
also this episode? great for pictures of lilith with messy hair, of her screaming, or general annoyance, so, enjoy:
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pls i love this face and the noise she makes at this moment as well as her little ear twitch ^
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this is my favorite messy hair screenshot  simply because it looks SO fluffy here and i want that for her ^
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this particular screenshot ain’t about lilith, it’s about the face eda is making here and how cute it is!! ^
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gayhokage · 3 years
spoiler free thoughts on mugen train movie: it was great!! stunning animation, great new soundtrack, great voice performances (i watched subbed) paced the story really well. i went in with high expectations and wasn't let down! 10/10 can't wait for everyone to get the chance to watch it :D
spoilers (and more in depth) under the cut:
wanna say that i am being Incredibly nit-picky in some of this. the movie was truly amazing and i enjoyed every second of it. i'm just gonna graze through the manga chapters the movie covered to help myself remember / point out what i liked / disliked
the second demon rengoku killed on the train i didn’t really think was necessary? i think maybe they were just trying to fill up more time, have it make more sense why tanjiro & crew liked / thought rengoku was so cool (it did give rengoku a better chance to show off his power and skill to them for the first time)
the animation used to rengoku’s flames was GORGEOUS (of course) it looked so beautiful
the dream sequences were done so well!! honestly zenitsu’s dream was super cute and boss inosuke’s and his minions.. inosuke you are so important to me i hope he knows that. THANK GOD for shiny acorns!!! genuinely one of my fav parts in the manga it’s so cute and silly i love seeing inosuke being friends with nezuko
senjurou sounded Nothing like how i’ve been imagining his voice up to this point. i’ve always read his voice as very soft like a younger child since he’s so young and has a kinder nature, so i’m not gonna lie i was a little thrown off by that lol
tanjiro pulling himself into the water in his dream was so beautifully done honestly that was one of my fav scenes just bc it was so pretty
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i was pretty upset that the detail about rengoku's spiritual core being brittle was left out, i feel like that's such a Huge detail about his character (since we only get to know him for such a short amount of time) maybe it was mentioned in the film and im just forgetting
nezuko's flames burning around tanjiro during his dream looked So Beautiful i was truly just awed throughout the whole film by how beautiful the animation was
tanjiro’s youngest brother crying when he was trying to leave the dream crushed me honestly that got the water works going lol i know the big moment of that scene was nezuko but; someone in the theater gasped Really loud when nezuko showed up in tanjiro's dream and it added so much drama lol so thank u to that person for upping the emotion
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this whole part was the Real tear jerker of the movie^
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i wish this scene had more been More? idk i was really looking forward to how this scene would end up in the movie and it was really just tanjiro screaming and then showed blood on the snow. i know it was shown multiple times later during the fight with enmu but. was hoping for something more i guess! esp i think the first time showing it should've been a Big Deal idk
during this scene tho i Loved that there was like a piano version of kamado tanjiro no uta and also a piano / softer version of gurenge; idk which played during these scene but i heard and picked up on both and really loved that
on another soundtrack note: the clarinet (or maybe bass clarinet) that played for what im guessing was enmu's theme was sooo good congrats to any composer that can get me to enjoy the clarinet lol
tanjiro's dream subconsciousness was sooo beautiful and so were the little fire spirits that lived there i think it continued to perfectly capture tanjiro's kindheartedness
tanjiro's nightmare was also so well done. i thought that was one of the best part of the movie tbh
actually my biggest complaint about the movie was how awkward and out of place the 3D / CGI looked compared to season 1 of the anime. the "guts" inside the train just looked really gross and poorly done
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[anime vs manga comparison] (also my friend said that enmu made him think of orochimaru LOL)
another thing was the train being covered with enmu's flesh or guts after their head was cut off just looked so gross and weird, i wish that hadn't been changed / added in the movie
and with the weird / gross looking 3D it made tanjiro and inosuke's fight together to find enmu's neck just a little rough to watch. i think it would've been better if there wasn't so much of enmu's flesh all over the train
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i wish this had been shown in the movie since it didn't make it into the story of the manga. the movie just showed nezuko burning inosuke and zenitsu with her fire (which is how she woke tanjiro up, so i guess it makes sense that it would work for those two as well)
after enmu was defeated i thought it was insane how clear of an image of kokushibo we got!!! we've only (barely) seen silhouettes of him up to this point in the anime, and since we also got such a clear picture of daki (with season 2 on the way) it makes me excited to think that we will see him in season 2 as well (along with the other upper moons; and hopefully get the whole series animated lol)
the fight against akaza was outstanding and amazing. truly have no words lol. unfortunately i missed a small part of the fight bc i had to go use the bathroom (my friend said i missed the coolest part of their fight) but akaza looked SO GOOD and the fight was so well animated and i Loved akaza's voice - not how i had been imaging his voice but it still fit him so well (wasn't such a major difference like with senjurou lol) and the music that played during their fight was great. the purposeful silence in some parts of their fight was perfectly placed to make it more tense and emotional (also rengoku blocking akaza's punches with his sword. king shit)
i really liked this detail, both with enmu and akaza, that their screams are apparently So Loud, i guess that's something you dont really pick up when you're reading
when rengoku's mother showed up and inosuke started crying that's what really did it in for me lol i tried to keep myself from crying too hard / loud in the theater but i know once i watch it alone im gonna be bawling
where the movie chose to end was really interesting to me. i thought for sure the movie was going to include tanjiro's visit to senjurou so im a little surprised that that's being held off until season 2. it really will make it mandatory for anime viewers to watch the movie before starting season 2
anyways if you read all of this ily and i am kissing you <3
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Yandere Virgil chapter 3
Summary: Virgil’s deal with the mysterious ‘Rem’ needs to be filled. So Virgil finds a way to expel of Remy Skyes and makes his worst ever mistake.
Warnings: Food mentioned, plotting murder, murder, brief description of dead bodies, cursing (2), blood mentioned, injury mentioned, fire mentioned, near-death experiences.
Ships: one-sided moxiety, RemyxPatton slightly
      Virgil walked through the cafeteria staring down at his feet. A week had passed since Logan’s murder, and a week had passed since he made a deal to kill Remy Skye. He had two weeks, two minuscule weeks to kill Remy or…. He didn’t know what would happen. But Virgil really didn’t want to find out. 
       He arrived at the table he and Patton always sat at (well… Logan and Roman also sat there, or at least used to). He took his seat next to Patton, who immediately leaned on Virgil. This had been happening a lot recently since Patton had been taking the deaths of his friends not very well, but at least Virgil was there to comfort him. They sat in comfortable silence for a bit till Patton spoke up, “Virge, I’m scared.” “Why would that be Pat?” Patton looked at Virgil, “I know that Roman and Logan’s deaths look like accidences but” Patton paused for a second, “what if they weren’t?” Virgil’s eyes grew big, as Patton continued talking, “And...and,” tears started to roll down Patton’s face, “what if I lose you?” Virgil pulled Patton into the closest hug he could. “Shh, Pat it’s ok. You’re not gonna lose me I promise.” Virgil sat there, holding Patton as Patton continued to cry, it took a bit, but Patton had managed to calm down. “Sorry about that Virge,” Patton said, gaze resting on the floor. Virgil put a hand on Patton’s shoulder, “It’s ok Pat, and it’s ok to be scared.” Pat looked up at Virgil and nodded, before giving him a shy yet genuine smile. A smile that was so rare since the passing of Roman. A smile that made Virgil’s heart flutter. A smile that Virgil fell in love with.
       A bell rung, signaling the end of final period. Virgil gathered his stuff and made his way out of the classroom, heading for the door at the front of the school. He made his way through crowds of students and eventually made it to the front doors. Stepping through the doors, Virgil looked around the front area od the school till he spotted Patton who was talking to...Remy. Virgil’s eyes grew wide and his breathing picked up. Why was Remy talking to Patton? Is Remy flirting with Patton? Countless more questions ran through Virgil’s head before he calmed himself enough to be able to walk towards Patton and Remy. “Ya, the party’s from 8 to 10 at my place tomorrow, you better not miss it, girl.” Virgil heard Remy say. Virgil was hoping the anger he was feeling didn’t seep out and onto his face. “Of course I’ll be there Remy!” Patton said, tone bubbly and excited. Remy walked away before Virgil had arrived, but Remy had left oh so many bread crumbs that would lead to his very own demise.
     Virgil arrived in math class on the morning of the party, taking his typical seat in the back of the room. Nothing seemed unordinary till Virgil opened his math binder. In it were the typical scattered papers and notes, but on top of everything was a party invitation. An invitation to none other than Remy’s party (with Rem signed in the bottom corner,). Murmuring a thank you under his breath to this mysterious 'Rem', Virgil flipped the invitation over reading to read the details. The party was as Remy said from 8 to 10 tonight, at 118 Greencircle (which Virgil presumed was Remy's address). The invitation had been obviously stolen, though, maybe Virgil would take the hint from Rem that now was the time to strike.
     Virgil stared from across the street at the house he was about to infiltrate. The house had rainbow light flowing out of it, and Virgil could faintly hear the music from it. Virgil was shaking, like fully shaking. Unlike any business he had conducted at school, this was loud and there were SO many people, along with a higher risk to be caught. Virgil pulled his patchwork jacket close to him as he walked shakily across the street, towards the front lawn when he saw them. Them, as in people including Remy sitting on the porch, he was walking towards. Virgil's breathing hitched before he immediately ran for the bushes on the side of the house and ducked into them. Virgil's breathing was heavy, and he desperately hoping the people on the porch were to busy drinking punch and talking to notice him walk towards the house. 
     Virgil sat in the bushes staring at the wall of the house he was next to. His plan of sneaking in and desperately avoiding anyone he knew, had been foiled and he needed a new one. That's when he heard a girlish squeal followed by a distressed Remy screaming, "GIRL, I WALK INTO THE DOOR OF MY OWN HOUSE FOR MY OWN PARTY AND GET A BUCKET OF PUNCH POURED ON ME!?!?" Virgil smirked. Whether this was Rem’s doing or the universe itself, Virgil couldn’t help but feel a bit lucky. "THANKS, BITCHES, IM GOING TO GET CHANGED UPSTAIRS" he heard Remy scream again. Ah, so Virgil had a place to head to. Virgil stood up, staring at the siding on the house. There was no he would be able to grip onto it and climb up. But the ivy running all up and down the sides, he might just be able to climb that. The pressure from the clock and thought of his and Rem's deal pushed him to start climbing without a second thought. 
     The ivy was thornless, but still hard to climb up and had very few places Virgil could put his feet, not to mention the house he was climbing was also two stories. The worst though happened about halfway up the house. 
     Virgil's hands gripped the ivy, like a lifeline. He barely dared to even breathe, scared it would lead to ripping the ivy he was holding on. Virgil moved his left hand a little higher, grabbing a new strand of ivy and pulling himself farther up. He pulled his body up, and his left foot rested on another part of the ivy when he felt it break from under him. His hands slid down the ivy as his feet dangled off the side of the house. His hands gripped to the ivy, like his life depended on it, wait, his life did depend on it. This was it. Life or death. Mustering up all the strength and adrenaline he could, Virgil pulled himself up and grabbed a nearby window sill as he felt all the ivy he was gripping snap. Virgil pulled himself onto the sill, his breaths coming in gasping, wavy lengths. The sill was barely big enough for him to sit on, but it felt sturdy enough to support him. Virgil wished he could have tried to calm himself, but the clock was ticking and Remy wasn't gonna be in the bathroom all night. 
     Virgil pushed his face against the glass of the window, it seemed to be a bedroom of some sort. Backing away from the glass, Virgil looked up to the next window sill. It wasn't that high above him, and he jumped and got a good enough grip to pull himself up. The window obviously belonged to the bathroom, the lights were on so you could easily see the toilet, sink, and shower. Most importantly though Remy was there, staring at himself in the mirror. 
     Virgil could taste the victory on his tongue, or maybe that was the blood from him biting his cheek out of nerves. It took a moment but Virgil managed to open the semi-broken (which had already been broken) window and was now able to access the bathroom. Remy was talking on the phone, supposedly to someone who was not able to make the party and not paying attention to his surroundings. "Agh, girl these bitches decide to pour a bowl of punch on my head and it's still sticking to my fingers and I'm gonna have to blow dry my hair!" Virgil silently snickered at Remy’s overdramatic tone. The person on the other end spoke up, "try soaking your hand in warm water or something, idk that might help." The voice was unrecognizable to Virgil, "Fine I'll see if that helps," Remy said as he turned on the facet. 
     It was unexpected, it was sudden, and Remy never saw it. He thought he was alone, except for Tayln over the phone (He had called them complaining Patton looked way too cute in the outfit they were wearing). He had just turned on the water, trying to rid his fingers of the annoying sticky feeling they retained from having punch poured over him when in barely the blink of an eye, he saw his hairdryer fall into the sink. Almost instantly, Remy felt the electricity pulse through him. Through his hands, then his arms, through his torso, then right to his brain. 
He was dead before his body hit the floor.
      Virgil watched from the side as Remy’s body hit the white tile floor of the bathroom. It was strange how weird people looked when they had that spark of life removed from them. They looked almost clouded, their eyes no longer glowing. Virgil could see that even through Remy’s sunglasses. 
    “Hello there? Rems, you there?” The person from Remy’s phone asked. Virgil froze up. There was no way in hell he’d be able to answer that. He quickly weighed his options before clicking the end call button. Virgil let out a shaky sigh, his eye’s resting to the sink that he’d turned into a murder weapon. How much of this was he willing to do for Patton? Patton… The one thing keeping him going. Patton. Virgil couldn’t help but smile at the thought of him. 
      Right before Virgil could go on to start daydream he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, notifying him of a new text. 
“Good work. Remy has been...dealt with. Though you now have a party full of people with a missing host, and a most likely distressed friend you hung up on. Not to mention the fingerprints on the side of the house and window. Nevertheless, I’m going to offer my help to you. There is another person hot on my tail, and I need them removed. You agree to take care of them, I’ll clean up this party and evidence. Do we have a deal?
     Virgil had never realized how much evidence he made, nor how glad he really was to have Rem. He quickly texted back his agreement.
 “Fine, I agree to help you.”
  “I’m glad”
A second passed before Virgil received another text,
“I’m gonna need you to leave that house, there should be an easy exit from the master bedroom connected to the bathroom you’re in. Bedroom also seems to be deserted.”
     Virgil tucked his phone in his pocket before walking over to a near door. Opening it he was greeted with the sight of the master bedroom. Pulling out his phone he texted Rem again,
“What type of exit am I looking for?”
“Window closes to the bed has a tree outside of it. Jump on to it and climb down, tell me when you’re on the other side of the road.”
      Virgil turned off his phone and made his way to the window. Rem was correct, a large birch tree sat right outside the window. Unlocking the window and opening it, Virgil gave no second thought before jumping into the tree. That was a mistake. He ended up slamming into one of the branches and hurting his ribs. He had to keep going though. He didn’t have long before someone went looking for Remy and found him dead. High on adrenaline and fear, Virgil made his way done the tree (trying to ignore the stinging pain from his most likely bruised ribs). 
    At the base of the tree, Virgil took a few deep breaths, yet as much as he wanted it to be over it wasn’t. He still needed to make it to the other side of the road. With one hand gripping his side and hurt ribs, Virgil sulking made his way over to the side of the road (making sure to check for cars, he had already had too many near-death experiences today). Once there Virgil practically fell onto the side of the road and laid there. He was exhausted. Slowly he pulled his phone out of his pocket.
“I’m at the side of the road”
He laid his phone on his chest and felt himself smile slightly. It was over, Remy was dead. He just had one more person to get rid of and if you were smart he wouldn’t need rem’s hel-.
All thoughts were cut off by the smell of smoke and sounds of screams. 
     Virgil hastily stood up and looked at the scene in front of him. Remy’s house was fully ablaze, people were filling out of it, and smoke was rising up from the house. Virgil grabbed his phone and frantically started typing.
Rem responded back quickly
“Removed evidence. The fingerprints and body are simply burned away, and the people in the house are leaving. The whole thing will look like someone simply left a burner on or dropped a cigarette in the wrong place.”
Virgil’s eyes drifted back to the sea of people now in front of the house.
“And he is completely safe.” 
Rem’s response was delivered with a picture of Patton right outside the house, he seemed to be on the phone panicking, most likely calling 911 or his family. 
Rem sent another message soon after,
“Now if you’re done panicking, I have another client you need to expel of.”
     The message was sent with a picture of a person called Damion ‘Deceit’ Nova. Virgil’s eyes grew as he stared at the picture. Damion was the kid everyone was scared of, he was rumored to be part of some mafia and was that was always in fights. Fights, that ended oftentimes in blood and potentially the other person not walking out. Damion was heavily dangerous and could probably snap Virgil right in half.
“I assume you know who this is,”
Virgil typed his response, panicked thoughts running through his head on about how long he would have to expel of Damion
“I cleaned up one of your messes, you’re cleaning up one of mine. You have 3 weeks, I expect Damion gone.”
Virgil would have texted Rem, but he knew there was no hope in bargaining with the mysterious figure. Virgil stared up at the still burning house. He really was screwed, wasn’t he?
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lizziebennet · 6 years
AURORA. Very important question for you on this Tuesday night - what is your opinion on the HP scores and could you order them from fav to least fav?
what an excellent and essential question. i admit that it’s hard for me to approach this matter from an objective point of view as obviously my opinions of these scores are very intensely affected by nostalgia and my experience w the film itself, but i shall try my hardest to just evaluate the scores on their own merit. 
7. deathly hallows part 1&2 by alexandre desplat
i remember when it was announced desplat was going to be doing the last 2 films and it was so exciting to have such a Hot Composer taking on the final two films… but i gotta say he severely disappointed me and i haven’t forgiven desplat since. these films–especially part 2–were the culmination of the entire franchise, and should’ve been fucking epic masterpieces that evoked the previous films’ score. instead, desplat largely ignored the iconic potter themes that williams and others created and went in his own direction which like… isn’t really the right move for the last 2 films of a franchise imo. 
and im just not super a fan of what he came up with?? like ‘lily’s theme’ is good, but im not sure it really fits potter?? and i just feel like a lot of the final battle stuff could’ve been so much more epic and emotional like. it doesn’t take a lot for a bitch to cry in a harry potter movie but desplat wasn’t helping me out u know. anyway i honestly like the score he did for fucking new moon better than for potter which …….is not great. 
6. order of the phoenix by nicholas hooper 
i am trying not to let my hatred of this movie cloud my judgement here but like even so i think this is one of the weaker scores. there are just so many annoying tracks lmaooo that like they blast at the wizarding world parks u know. like umbridge’s theme… i get its SUPPOSED to be annoying but still its not a fave. and like i think again the stuff in the ministry of magic during the fight scenes couldve been better. its just not a fave tbh but i do like a few themes like particularly the track ‘a journey to hogwarts’ is very sweet and sirius’s death moment was well done. but overall there are more tracks on this one i skip than play. 
5. chamber of secrets by john williams
this is where things get rly tricky bc i legit love the rest of these scores. but i have to put chamber here because i feel like a lot of its greatness piggybacks off the genius of the score of sorcerer’s stone... which isn’t a bad thing at all but. it doesn’t bring a ton of new stuff to the table. however i do love the ‘fawkes the phoenix’ theme!!! so!! much!!! and lockhart’s theme is very funny and cute. we do edge into a saccharine territory a bit when it comes to tracks like ‘reunion of friends’ but like i cry every time so who fucking cares. 
4. half-blood prince by nicholas hooper
i really really love this score as a stand alone score, and i almost put it higher on this list but i feel like this score totally abandons all the potter scores that have come before it and does its totally own new thing. this isn’t really the scores fault, as im sure like david yates told hooper to do this you know, but it deviates so far from the original themes instead of just adding onto them, so much so that if you just heard it without watching the movie you might not even associate it with the potter movies at all. again, this probably isn’t hooper’s fault but i think this was a big mistake for the sonic evolution of the movies. the potter movies failed to create a cohesive sound across all the films, and i think it is worse for it. can u imagine if the harry potter movies were like the lord of the rings movies, where they bring back themes from the first movie in the final one and the audience recognizes them subconsciously and the moment is all the more emotional because of it? tbh just a missed opportunity imo. 
but anyway just about this score on its own, it has some of the best standalone tracks in the entire movies tbh. the one that stands out the most to me is of course ‘dumbledore’s farewell.’ such a hauntingly beautiful song--i remember seeing this movie for the first time and this track pierced me to my core. i also love how this score uses harp like in ‘when ginny kissed harry,’ and how it uses choral arrangements?? like in ‘in noctem.’ honestly i adore this score so much but i have to rank it lower because i doesn’t feel like it serves its purpose in the potter movies as a whole well :( 
3. goblet of fire by patrick doyle
idk why patrick doyle only did the 1 movie because i really like this score. i know its super hard to follow up john fucking williams lmaooo but i feel like he did a pretty good job of drawing from the original williams themes but also incorporating some new stuff to fit the darker tone of the movie. there are some of my favorite potter tracks of all time on this score like ‘death of cedric’ which is so haunting and perfect and ‘harry in winter’ which is so beautiful and potter-esque. he also did a really good job with the action scenes in the graveyard which is v important to me. and the diegetic music in the yule ball stuff is so funny and lovely at the same time. 
2. sorcerer’s stone by john williams 
the fucking classic. the og. like, what is there to say?? talented brilliant incredible amazing showstopping never the same totally unique. like only john williams could create such an iconic theme. it’s hard for me to be objective here because i was young enough when the first movie came out that ‘hedwig’s theme’ /is/ harry potter to me, they are one in the same, you cannot separate them in my mind. but truly williams captured the magic of the harry potter world in music and enchanted everyone with this score. 
i also love the little medieval-y influences in this score that were dropped by chamber of secrets. like with the harp moments and in ‘diagon alley and the gringotts vault’ and ‘in ‘hogwarts forever!’ there’s just a very majestic and antique vibe that i really dig that didn’t really carry over to the other movies. 
i will say sometime williams gets very... williams-y in his very uhh loud?? and kinda frantic composing u can hear in like ‘the quidditch match’ which isn’t my favorite way to do action scenes, but like who the fuck cares u know the pros of this score far outweigh it. 
like. just. so manyyy iconic themes that have so much EMOTIONAL WEIGHT!!! like the moment u see hogwarts for the first time and the choral vocals... and the bells in ‘christmas at hogwarts.’ and who can keep a dry eye during ‘leaving hogwarts’??? NOT I!!!!!!!!!!! such a gentle theme of longing and home and yearning and family and bittersweet loss. it starts so small and intimate but then swELLS to this grand and sweeping tune. it’s stunning. 
1. prisoner of azkaban by john williams
this is PEAK!!! potter for me. again, hard to be objective because this is the best my favorite harry potter movie, but i also truly think this is the best score because it carries over the iconic themes of the first two movies but adds a quirky and dramatic flair that fits the tone of the movie cuaron was trying to make u know? i think u can really tell that cuaron had a lot of imput on the score and didn’t just let williams do whatever he wanted, because we get a really interesting, stylized sound that is really different from williams usual fare in such a great way. but, it still is a williams score and because of that it shines and also weaves in the past movies’ themes to give us an outstanding amalgamation of sound and melody. 
like we start with ‘lumos!’ which gets us right back into the potter universe but then we get a series of quirky new themes, like the waltz for aunt marge, the jazzy knight bus theme, and the medieval choral rendition of ‘double trouble’... iconic. and we get the dark and disturbing dementors theme (’apparition on the train’) which is very understated for a williams score and extremely effective. 
however ,,,, we do not abandon the themes from prior movies!!!!! a great illustration of how williams takes those old potter themes and adapts them for this movie can be seen in ‘secrets of the castle.’ this minimalist take on hedwigs theme is a completely different tone from the original, but still establishes that we are in the same sonic world as that film. you can also see this in ‘the portrait gallery’ where an old potter theme is played on some kind of woodwind (idk sorry) and a harpsichord, giving the odd, quirky, vintage feel of the movie but still keeping with the established potter musical world. 
i really love the ~medieval vibes~ that this score gives me and i wish this was something later scores went back to (instead of going in a jazz direction..looking at you hooper). theres a lot of traditional sounding instruments used that give it a real rustic, celtic feel rather than the grand classicism of a full orchestral sound that the first 2 movies use. a lot of harps, strings, and woodwinds!!!! 
some of my favorite tracks of all time are on this score. ‘window to the past’ is just... a triumph of emotion. its absolutely stunning in its simplicity in the beginning, and how it builds toward the end. the return of that theme in ‘finale’ when sirius is saying goodbye to harry...i truly sob every time. the isolated vocals in ‘the patronus light’ truly embody the purity of that awe and joy when the patronus is cast. and of course, of course, ‘buckbeak’s flight’ is an absolute magical joy ride captured in sound. williams refrains from using a full orchestra for most of the score, so when everyone plays together in moments like this you get the full grandeur of the scene just... bAM! it’s so fucking well done and just... perfect. 
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kkyuproof · 6 years
Jikook/Kookmin Fic Rec Part 1
(Part 2 Here)
I’ve slowly been building up my list of KM fics and thought I might as well share them with the rest of the Tumblr-sphere (and organize them all because if the rest of my life is a mess, at least my fav fics can be orderly amirite)! I’m somewhat new to BTS and KM so it’s not too big a list, but I’m going to be updating this as I find more that I enjoy :) Happy Reading! 
(most of these are probs old fics because like i said IM NEW HERE IM SO SORRY, but i hope you still find it helpful idk man)
Mostly Fluffy Fics
you are the ruler of the stars (and my heart) by cygnus (sunsprite) | Words: 18k | Jimin reluctantly joins his college’s Space and Astronomy club on the basis of Taehyung’s persuasion. Surrounded by a group of unnecessarily tall space nerds, he unexpectedly finds himself falling in love with one of them.
OH MY GOD THIS WAS SO CUTE. One of my fav fluffy fics to be honest. I was squealing basically the whole time i was reading. love.
i’ll stick to you like glue-cose by cygnus (sunsprite) | Words: 7k |  Jimin merely wanted to study in peace, yet a certain five-foot ten frat boy -- unfortunately also a past hookup -- that epitomizes the very definition of smugness in one entire body whose ego is as big and full-scaled as the national debt, won’t let him.
Another super cute fluffy fic!!! i just found this author and the fluff is just so amazingly written and not cliche at all and ugh. JK acts like he’s all suave but he’s really just a big softie and AH. 
friday nights (with you) by kstorms | Words: 24k |  How a random night at a karaoke bar leaves Jimin with two new friends and a frowny, terribly handsome crush.
Anther classic tbh. I think I’ve read this through like four or five times bc i have literally no life and enjoy this VERY well written humor. There’s like zero angst in this and it’s all mostly Taehyung being a very cute little shit to JK (KM is there obvs and they super cute but ya know). Def a must read.
competency at its highest potency by MauveTarte | Words: 10k | State-Sponsored Runs are the excitement of every Alpha and Omega youth.
Jimin has one final chance at this bonding thing before his life goes to shit.
the one and only ABO fic i’ve read with NO SMUT. that’s right, ya heathens! this one is solely plot driven (and super fluffy). It’s cute af and Taehyung is an amazing friend :)
(my heart beats) for you by sabotagemyheart | Words: 17k | In which Jungkook, as a child, befriends the exceptionally adorable, small and friendless Jimin, not knowing that after a few years, he’ll be wrecking this very boy underneath himself making him whimper out his name.
okay LISTEnn. This summary makes this fic sound a lot dirtier than it is (ok yes it’s smutty BUT there’s more fluff in this than anything else. its so so so cute.)
Mostly Smutty Fics
Studio 2 by Charmander | Words: 20k WIP | Somewhere along the way, Jimin lost that passion he used to pour into his art, watching as it slipped through his very fingers. But street kid Jungkook is all heart and soul, and he’s more than willing to help Jimin learn to burn with the same fire he carries inside himself.
okay so this one is very plot heavy (as is most of Charmander’s fics) so don’t think you’re getting JUST smut. it has an amazing storyline about sexuality struggles and i think a lot of you would enjoy it! (the smut is bomb af tho sooo) 
Starstruck by SugaTheTurtle | Words: 5k |  Everyone is attracted to idols at one point or another. As part of Big Hit’s staff, Jimin really shouldn’t still be as attracted to Jungkook as he was at the beginning. Maybe if he wasn’t he wouldn’t be stuck hiding inside a closet in his dressing room silently praying that the idol was reaching for the zipper on his pants to change into something more comfortable.
ALRIGHTY HERE WE GO LADIES AND GENTS. This is for all you kinky fuckers out there who love pure smut. It was very interesting at first but as it progressed i was like whoaoaa i need some holy water. this fic is the epitome of “well, that escalated quickly” (but it’s still not rushed ??? which like...how?) enjoy! lmao.
Interlude by Bunbungee | Words: 9k | Jungkook has fallen in love at first listen with Jimin’s interlude and he won’t stop until he finds out why he is reacting so strongly to it. His search for answers takes a new turn when, one night, he discovers just how much the song can affect him.
Okay this was smutty, but still SUPER CUTE bc jeon is his typical shy bunny self who’s super oblivious and jimin is just a sweetheart. looooove.
Wet Depths by WorldwideWriter | Words: 10k | All it takes for Jungkook to break is a slightly unfair swimming competition and a too seductive Jimin.
GIVE ME ALL THE ENEMIES TO LOVERS FICS hell yes. I love their dynamic in this one, they hate each other (but they really don’t lol like come on.) and the sexual tension is insane.
everybody’s watching him, but he’s looking at you by jonghyunslisterine | Words: 6k|   In which Jimin formulates a three-step plan to get the hot bouncer to notice him. (Spoiler: it doesn’t go quite as expected.)
okay this is smutty but also super cute so like idk where to put it but jimin wears a thong in it so i think the smut category will suffice. a quick read but so worth it, JK is a lowkey sweetheart.
Blood & Chocolate by MyHope (CutesyMe) | Words: 35k | “What if I only want you to sit on my lap?” the stranger asks, which is an odd request. People always want Jimin to dance for them. Only sometimes do they ask of him to just sit on their lap but event hen he has to move in some way and not just sit still.
“Same price,” Jimin retorts.
Jungkook spreads his legs slightly and motions to his lap as if it’s the best seat that has ever been offered to Jimin. “Be my guest.”
so i don’t really know what to say here but i loved their dynamic in this fic?? i love the way JK treats JM in this ahhhh its SMUTTY AF but he still super sweet and protective.  There’s sooooome angst but it’s not too bad. Good plot.
New Heights by Charmander | Words 11k| There’s no better way to remind yourself that you’re alive than tempting fate from 700 meters above the ground and the searing touch of another’s fingers dragging down your chest.
1000% my favorite smut fic out there. the dialogue written in this fic is so well-done and absolutely hilarious. Sexual tension is CRAZY. love his fics.
give in to the game by cherrygloss | Words: 23k | “Jimin, if you honestly think that I’m going to pretend to be your boyfriend so you can make your ex jealous, then you’re out of your mind.”
im s oRRY, i know this is mostly smut aljfdlkaldfj my thirsty ass has bookmarked so many smut fics but i can’t help it oof. but this is super cute smut with some feeliins.
Nu ABO: A Memoir by Park Jimin by decompositionbooks | Words: 34k | The world didn’t think it was necessary to give him a guide when it shoved all of these omega hormones at him, so here it is, Park Jimin’s handbook to dealing with heats, unrequited love, and Jeon Jungkook.
WOOH another classic! I live for jealous/protective!JK idk its just super cute. my fav ABO fic!!
two sides; same story by namjoone | Words: 12k | Okay, so maybe Jimin thinks his neighbor is hot.
A little.
Okay, maybe a lot.
haha ohhhh man i love mutual pining. they’re both totally dumb at the beginning of this and i live for it. also some hoottttttt ass smut. (bc i need jesus at this point)
Not a Girl by PinkBTS | Words: 8k | Jeongguk isn’t sure what he did in his previous life to deserve this but he probably screwed up big time...he’s kinda grateful though.
A story about Santa, assumptions and thick-rimmed glasses.
AHHHHH  this is so funny and awkward and hot and EVERYTHING. I live for frat!bangtan with my whole heart. 
Downpour by kikistiel (Kikai) | Words: 15k | Jimin doesn’t know what it is. But now, he’s not sure he’s ready for summer to be over just yet.
IM SCREAMING. This was almost poetically good (aka A+ writing oh my gerrrd). It’s kinda angsty too like a bit but its also so sweet i love it :( go read pls.
How to Seduce Your Dance Teacher by Jeon Jungkook by soranosuzu | Words: 5k | Currently there are a million thoughts racing through Jungkook’s brain, but two very prominent ones finally beat their way to the forefront of his mind. First, Jimin is hot as hell and Jungkook needs to find a way to get into his pants. Second (and maybe slightly more urgent than the first), Jungkook needs to find a way to prevent himself from popping a boner every time Jimin does that in the future and, more importantly, right now.
(aka AU in which Jungkook devises a plan to seduce his ridiculously hot dance teacher Jimin)
HELLL YEAH. that is all.
i like how desperate you seem (in the way you look at me) by fatal (cumrich) | Words: 71k WIP | Packs merge all the time. It’s survival, Jimin knows that, but what he’s not prepared for is the attention he’s getting from a certain Jeon Jungkook, the alpha’s son.
yeeesss we got some more ABO up in this biiiiihhcc. It’s not done yet, but i strongly urge you to read!! so goooood and the smut is A1.
Mostly Angst
The Bet by jonghyunslisterine | Words: 46k |  Where Jeon Jungkook makes a bet that he can get the notoriously single Park Jimin to sleep with him by the end of the semester. 
Needless to say, things don’t go exactly as planned.
Yes i had to include this lovely classic :) Still one of my favs and probably always will be *shrug*. I’m not usually an angst person but this is like the perfect dosage for me to handle lol. If you haven’t read it yet, what are you doing with your life honestly go do it lmao.
lost stars by pjungkook | Words: 25k | Park Jimin has another maknae in his life and Jeon Jungkook is completely losing it.
have you ever felt like your heart was being smushed under an eighteen wheeler and your chest was caving in? Yeah that was me during this fic. But it’s sososo good and i promise there’s still fluff (i cannot live through angst without fluff) so READ.
Falling for you again by Rose_gold715 | Words: 30k | Jungkook loses all memory of the last five years of his life.
Jimin is scared he will never love him again.
wow okay so this one was a tear-jerker. you sympathize with both JK and JM but you’re also sort of frustrated with them at the same time?? soso good, definitely give it a read.
serendipity (none of this is a coincidence) by nclnns | Words: 30k | Jimin feels like crying.
Because the boy -- Jeon Jungkook as he had learnt a week ago -- is the exact opposite of Jimin.
And he’s the person Jimin’s boyfriend has been cheating on him with.
In which Jimin finds out that Taehyung is cheating on him with a boy named Jeon Jungkook and in the quest to understand what went wrong, he ends up falling in love with said boy.
so i haven’t read this one in a few months but i remember it being one of the first KM fics i had ever bookmarked, so it must have hit me in some way. JK is a sweetie though from what i remember.
On Patrol by Ragi | Words: 129k| Officer Jeon has his eyes on Mr. Adorable. Officer Min has a strange neighbor he can’t seem to keep out of his life. Captain Kim finds comfort in his son’s homeroom teacher. 
Well, cops need some loving too, right?
Okay so this isn’t like suuuuper angsty but it’s also not smutty nor super fluffy either??? So idk where to put it but i think angst fits this most. I also laughed quite a bit during this so it has humor!! Tae is also like an 8 year-old kid LDJAFODJOA (ft. Sope and Namjin)
we’re not broken just bent by calipha | Words 16k | “You’ll die,” Jimin hisses and they’re so close now that his perfect illusion is broken. Jungkook can see his dark circles, can see Jimin’s lips, red and raw from biting.
“I did almost die in this house once, five years ago,” he whispers, watching as Jimin clenches his jaw but doesn’t look away. “I think I can handle more. I’m bigger and stronger now, see?” Jimin holds his gaze for two seconds before it tracks south to move down Jungkook’s body.
MY HARRY POTTER LOVIN ASS IS VERY SATISFIED. jimin is just a misunderstood bb and jungkook is trying SO HARD not to pine ajweklfkldf.
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typicalmidnight · 6 years
iron man 2 running commentary
okay so watching iron man 2 for the first time and i have a feeling im gonna have lots of commentary to share so it will all be under the cut! i’m gonna keep updating it as i watch!
*starts watching iron man 2 without watching iron man first cause it’s not on netflix and is only 2 minutes in but completely confused*
*questions my intelligence because i was able to understand the other marvel movies without watching other ones first*
*wonders if somehow i haven’t seen enough tony stark on tumblr to understand but i’ve somehow seen enough of other things to understand other movies*
*cue suprised and upset anon* sorry anon!!
okay anon!! help me pls! is the guy in the very beginning of iron man 2 someone from the first movie, and if he is who is he?? or is he new in this movie? edit: nevermind i looked it up
omg the first scene we see iron man is so cooool i love it!
holy sh*t he just landed on a stage omggg *freaks out so much because WOW*
im not even 7 minutes in yet but WOW IM SHOOK
i litterally just watched that first scene of tony/iron man in awe the whole time
“the possibility of world peace” BAAAAAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAAAAAA there’s a whole lot in store for the world, and i can guarantee it wont be peaceful lol
the stark expo is year long?!?!!?!!??? wow....
oooh oooh oooh that’s happy!
tony with kids awww
wait what did tony do??
AHHHHH pepper!!
does tony like pepper yet?? are they dating??
god tony. his sense of humor omg.
pepper isnt impressed lol
tony is so savage we stan a queen lol
you’re right, it isn’t canada cause we’re AWESOME and dont have ppl trying to get rid of iron man
rhodey!! i know who that is!
litterally everything tony says is amazing
oooooh whats tony up to?...
world peace? dream on tony
did he just say f**k you to tony stark? UM NO YOU DID NOT
oof the scenes with this bad dude are boring
wait i take that back HE JUST CUT A TV IN HALF!!
“wake up, daddy’s home” god i love tony
i think im getting too excited about everything lolll
tony insulting that robot arm thing gives me life
whats that thing in tony’s chest?? im guessing it has something to do with him being iron man and was part of the first movie
im confused about the relationship between pepper and tony
oooh shes ceo congrats to her!!
is this actually good tho?? the look on her face isnt great
oh okay its good she was just suprised
are those like fake documents or something?
i got way too excited there and hit my wrist on my wall and now it hurts
wait he doesn’t know nat yet??? HOW?!
also ummm natalie rushman?? that name kinda suits her?? ish idk
NATASHA IS A QUEEEEEEN!!!! I STANNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i also got so excited about nat that my eyes started to water
“i want one” okay tony nat could knock you out in a second and she for sure doesn’t need a man! also PEPPER!!!!!! LIKE WHAT ABOUT HER!
its the grand prix! it looks just like it does in cars 2!! lollll i was super shooketh about that when i made the connection
WAIT is tony gonna drive that race car??? is he gonna race??? OMG i hope he does
also my wrist still hurts
wait pepper is suprised?? tony you didnt tell pepper? TONY YOU DIDNT TELL PEPPER??? TONY COME ONNNNNN
also is nat working for tony or something
oof its 12 am i should sleep i have school tmrw
haha bish that reporter lady left cause ur boring and nobody cares about you
omg tony is racing tony is racing TONY IS RACING TONY IS RACING!!!! TONY PLS DONT DIE OR SOMETHING
hello my name is leea and i’m a huge drama queen that loves and cares so much about tony stark
im still super dramatic lol
and also 100% convinced tony is gonna die even tho i know that wont happen
i hit my elbow and my head (not too hard dont worry) and the elbow is the same arm that i hurt my wrist so now my arm hurts from my elbow to my hand
i litterally pressed play and then pressed pause two seconds later ooooof
peppers face omg she is shooketh lol
WTF IS HE DOING??!!!!!! also wth is he wearing on his chest?
OOOOOOOOOMG he has his slicy electricity weapon thingies TONY IS GONNA DIE AHHHH
^big example of me being a drama queen and innocent and sweet at the same time
i paused it right before he hits the car omg the suspense!!!!!
IM BREATHING SO DEEP AND FAST RIGHT NOW IM PANICKING FOR TONY (it’s called hyperventalating. future me remembered the word lol)
dude WHYYY would you take off your helmet??!!!!
there is a dude coming to kill you and i think a helmet would help protect you idiot!!
i just choked because i was like WHAT JUST HAPPENED
there are cars exploding behind him and this dude just doesnt care!!
why have i started saying dude?
owww my wrist hurts
typing hurts
its actually really not that bad im dramatic
is pepper gonna save tony????
does the case have the rescue armor ive read about?????
*facepalms* tony WHY did you just hit him on the head with whatever that was??? what did you think it would accomplish??????? this dude just sliced your car in half and tried to kill you, do you think you can take him out by hitting him on the head??? just get tf out of there!!!
i just hit my head again (not hard it fine)
okay i’m going to bed cause its almost 1 am and i have school. anyway, this is the 100th comment which is kinda good to leave off at! i’ll finish watching tmrw and keep posting!
okay i’m back! about to start watching the movie!
ahhhhhh poor tony!!! i’m only a few seconds in but already panicking for him!!
omg hes getting ready to kill tony!! and tony is just lying on the ground!!!
pepper and happy come save him! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!
or nat!!!!
ahhhhhhhhh tonys gonna die!!!!!!!!!!!!!
with every second i freak out moreeeee
oh thank GOD tony moved!!!
that car just exploded omg tony almost diedddd!!!
how tf is he so calm!!!!????!?!?!?!?!?
i mean hes not that calm but way calmer than any normal human should be in this situation
is he just like used to people trying to kill him??
OMG thats soo saaaaaaaddddd
please run over him!!!
but they hit the bad guy yay!!!
awww tony is bleeding!
well i mean thats kinda expected lol
oof tony is mad
shes acting like a mom lol
tony just GET IN THE CAR
okay pepper i love you but JUST GIVE TONY THE CASE
tony your armor is taking WAY TOO LONG to get on!!!
like not old
but compared to his current suit
the “it’s nanotech. you like it?” one
its nothing
#drama queen much? #yes thats me
love how i’ve only gotten 3 more minutes into the movie and i’m already at 47 comments
omg poor tony!!!!
can everyone just leave my dad alone PLEASE
oh thank god tony is okay hes not dead he won for now
eww he just spat out a bunch of blood
“you loose” how??? like what???
ooooooooooh wait no is tony gonna get in trouble.......
i forgot to say this yesterday but this whole scene with the guy on the track and stuff and the exploding cars in kinda similar to cars 2
i guess you cant have a racing scene in a movie without a car exploding tho
what is up with that guy with glasses?? like hes weird i dont trust him
why arent there subtitles translating whatever language they are speaking in (french? idk)
ya its french
ofc tony talks about the technology lol
and critcizes the bad guy’s
tony this guy tried to kill you WHY are you sitting down next to him??!!?
that guy is weird and kinda creepy
okay just f off senator dude nobody likes you, your opinion isnt valid, and i wanna punch you
“these suits exist now”????? wtf b*tch no they dont!
wait what ever happened to nat??
pepper is really responsible shes great i love her
what does that note say???
omg is that a bomb or something??!
why do guards always help prisoners escape like seriously
is that guy gonna take his place or something??
also he kinda looks like haymitch from hunger games
omg wait WTF WAS THAT
i was right! it was a bomb!
why did they throw him in a truck??
omg why are they in an airport?!
are they gonna help him escape??!!
why is there a table and people....
is that glasses guy sitting at the table?
i was right it is glasses guy!
i didn’t trust him from the start
why is he helping him tho...
friend? fan? what is going on?!!!???
YAYYYYY theres nat!!!
“erratic behaviour”??? what are you talking about???? he just saved himself from being killed how is that erratic?????!!
awwww poor tony
i beleive in you tony, and i love you, but no honey, you don’t know exactly what you’re doing you need help!
“software sh*t” aaaaaaaaaaahahahahhaahhaaaaa
make iron man look like an antique? ya no way is that gonna happen
is nat his assistant or something im a bit confused
aww tony is like so depressed i feel so bad for him!!
stannnnn nat
back on watch? what does that mean...
omg tony is so drunkkkkkk nooooo
ohhhhh tonyyyyy noooo come onnnn
you’re so drunk dude stopppp
god tony you’re so drunk pleaseee
wait why is rhodey fighting him anyway?
wow this is my 101 comment today and i’ve only watched 20 mins today
omggggg people are recordingggg this isn’t gonna end well
*sighs* oh god tony dont yell at them whyyyyy
omg tonys in the fire place!!!
omg that just happened. they just fired at each other.
also just saying tony, he does have what it takes to be war machine cause he continues to be...
ohhhh is tony okay??
im confused tho why did they start fighting in the first place?
okay i just looked it up, it was because he was being irresponsible and drunk, and putting people at the party in danger, and he wouldnt stop
ngl its getting kinda tiring to keep updating this but i’m gonna keep going cause i want this record for myself, and i’m not gonna quit something
ok i’m gonna continue the movie tmrw cause its prob gonna be a snow day (lol i left off at 111)
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majorxsportyxboy · 6 years
Lazytown Season 1 Episode 2, Defeeted: The Rewatch
aleardy had his table down and ready to go
there was actually a little creaky sound when him stretched
is that a ball or an egg he just produced from nowhere and kickflipped into the wall
he sticks a dry toothbrush in his mouth with no toothpaste on it. not just in this episode either like it’s routine with him. ( i mean obviously it would look even weirder otherwise tbh but STILL )
once again, he did not put his seatbelt on. a headcanon waits hesitantly in the wings.
i’m so stupid because it took me til like midway season two...when the themesong goes “with Pixel, Stingy, and Trixie, too” Trixie's holding a marker and standing in front of a poster of the mayor. The poster has a mustache and beard on it and for a long time i was just like ‘‘does he have facial hair in the show??? No??? why does the poster???” and then i finally Realized and yeah jsyk i’m an absolute dumbass there we have it
“I know someone who can help” you can say his name mayor. Stephanie know him too mayor. why you being this way mayor.
i love how none of the proposed backstories actually fit with what’s presented in the show, not even the entire pilot episode. amazing.
mail tube is different
“I can allways count onn SporTaCus” always. always implies recurrence. the mayor has counted on him before and apparently last year Sporp taught the kids to play baseball but that can’t have been pre-series because Sporp had only ‘heard of Lazytown before’ and the mayor had never met him but if it’s post-pilot that means there’s been an entire year of Sporp coming to Lazytown that we don’t actually get to see and Stephanie is actually on her second year in Lazytown as of this episode. The lack of any of the kids thinking Sporpy Thoughts would be suspect if it wasn’t common practice for them to completely forget everything he’s taught them the second he leaves. It’s an uncomfy fit but i GUESS
 Eefrow decal!
Sporp managed not to say “I’ve got mail”
He looks so concerned
I got so used to the cartoony eyebrows on him that it’s weird to see him without them
also it looks like his whiskers change over the course of the series too
“I need your help. - The Mayor” first of all i love that this is what correspondence between these two looks like there’s just something hilarious about it idk
“This Must Be Important” ohh Sporty Sporty Sporty
the little noise when he :}D and shrugs at his own self omg he’s tinkerbell
still didn’t put the seatbelt on
apparently he calmly parks the airship and then just materializes outside of it like he’s been shot from a canon
“Mister Mayor” aw
No but in this episode sport just looks like he has the mother of all fevers tho Sporp are you okay? all of your blood is in your face. 
him asking about floods and fires could get a pass bc okay maybe he thinks one of the houses had a pipe bust and they called him instead of a plumber, or maybe there was a little kitchen fire and they called him instead of a fireman, but earthquake...that’s...that’s real solid guess sporky
does he just really want to do some major superhero stuff is that it
that “WHAT” on “no one wants to go outside and play” his whole face. he’s so offended.
this poor put-upon elf
wait he says “I’m declaring Sportacular Spectacle Day...Today” does that mean this is a new holiday he just invented? still doesn’t take care of the ‘last year’ comment but hmmmmm
Sporp sounds so freaked out when he’s saying he better go practice like i think the mayor straight up scared him XD
Good-For-Nothing, Warm-Hearted, Generous, Healthy Quack Meter: 1
Sportakook meter: 3
“This was my favorite day before Sportakook came to town” I feel like this could be a highly multipurpose meme like “This was my favorite _____ before ______”??
“The Town Hero will be the Town Zero” HERO TO ZERO IN NO TIME FLAT
why is every machine in this show the thus-and-such xthousand like
“Hippety Hop Hippety Hop Sportacus (HE SAID HIS NAME RIGHT) is going to Flop!” is this the origin of Sportaflop
“Too Loony, Too Moony...Puny...”
Stephanie: “So every year, Sportacus does a special stunt” Pixel: “Exactly, on the Sportacular Spectacle Day” Mr. Scheving I just want to talk. None of these kids had heard of Sportacus? Before Pilot? Stephanie was the first to find out about him? And now she? is having to ask the other kids? About Sportacus? MR SCHEVING ARE YOU SURE
i  counted and there are like around 40+ houses on the Lazytown map so unless they’re all abandoned there’s like a bunch of people in Lazytown who i guess were just like “Elf? In this town? Not  for me thanks” and they just hide during the episodes
Sporp, after one success: “I’m ready” yeah u only need to do something right one time before performing it in front of spectators u don’t have to make sure u can do it right every time or anything
Robbie: “My name is Rob U. Blind” Sporp, thinking: “I trust him”
ngl when Robbie poured that stuff on Sporp’s shoes Sporp actually did look in that moment like he could kill a man. the entire time the shoes were being cleaned i swear he was really fighting the urge to snap. he looked so tried X’D
Sporty those fake shoes don’t even really look like your real shoes baby come on
He’s so mad he doesn’t even say bye he just hops in the shoes and leaves
Robbo just called him Sportacus again what
“Are ya nervous?” “Ummmm....just a little bit” i love him. so much.
Where’s Mr. Scheving’s Oscar for acting like he can’t control his leggies the  floppy sporp acting is a sportacular spectacle in itself amazing standing ovation robbie this is cruel
“My feet are going cuckoo” is that how you would describe it sportacus
Boy has to be exhausted after this im surprised he didn’t start hollering for an apple at some point
Between this and the scrapped Lazydance i can only assume that they were determined to get rid of any suppositions the audience might have had about Sporp’s invincibility as quickly as humanly possible. like “okay, Pilot’s done. Now let’s immediately let Robbie Wreck Him”
“In front of the kids”
love how they all sit there and stare at him the whole time while he’s looking like “hjálp!"
i mean to their credit they did all offer suggestions while staring at him
bless him he just looked at his foot and went “STAY”
*after watching him suffer for a couple minutes* “was that part of his act?” “no, something’s really wrong” “.......okay let’s go help him!” these kids are my reason for living
he’s still yelling at his feet to stay
so much of this song consists of the kids just climbing sporp like he’s a cat-tree. it’s adorable.
i still don’t know how walking on hands overrides the uncontrollable feets but ALRIGHT SPORTY YOU DO YOU
what is Robbie even saying right here?
Whatever He called him just then meter: 1
Robbie keeps saying Sport’s name right in this episode and i’m uncomfortable with this
this man backbends sm when he handstand that ain’t right dude how have you not hurt yo self at this point
“Wonderful. Now go join the circus” I can’t believe Robbie just murdered him onstage in front of everyone
Robbie dude youre enjoying this just a liiiiiiiitle bit Too Much
“I can stand still!” the only time in Sporp’s life he’s excited to say that
“But where are my shoos” BOY
this Bing Bang. oh muy gud. oh muy gud  it’s PURE
sporp keeps looking at stephanie like he hasn’t actually learned this dance yet is this partial remnants of lazydance or
this one didn’t end in Robbie’s lair like usual
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obannthepunished · 6 years
well that backstory drop was everything that I had hoped for pretty much I took some pretty long notes imo?? (extra note: i take these for personal use theres just so much shite im sorry) Anyway I tried to transcribe most of the molly scene so its probably spelled like SHIT cause i was typing on one laptop and looking at the other
that outta the way, heres my notes from this week
Mollymauk knows Exactly whats fucking happening ((Additional later note: No he does not. Fuck.) "its lucien from two years ago" "this is my nightmare just go with it" (high pitched) "I'LlL eXpLaIn LatEr" So very very very stressed and panicky
Tabaxi: I'm sorry for using your old name. "Nonagon." Jesus CHRIST FUCKING MOLLY "we watched you die" Cree? Kree? Pronounced that way. Organisation name "Tomb Takers"
The gentleman: a (pale?) teal-skinned, dark haired character leather gloves + black hair (shoulderish length) "Perpetually sweating" ew lmao. dampness. (Uhhhh water genasi???? >This isnt canon just based on what I know?) Long table
Kree (sp) takes blood from them as collateral, can track with it? Beau to Fjord: ... Can I borrow a tusk
"Lets gamble" - The gentleman, gambling with Fjord 50 gold buy in, "If I win, you're mine. If you win, we do business." Bets up to 300gp each (600 total) Fjord wins. Oh jesus CHRIST. That was so stressful RIP the chance of me sleeping again.
Kara is there. shes been informing about the knights of requital
Molly + Beau associated with the murder of the high ricter. "I can make this investigation... go away (fwoosh)" " favour in kind" a wall with a purple light and an abandoned research facility. The Gentleman wants them to check it out. "Find a way in. Enquire. Seek and clear the space of any dangers. Hostile creatures. Return with any of your findings."
Nott "would you pass a test for us" two vials of alcohol, one of acid, reasonably the same colour. "this is alcohol. This is alcohol. THIS ONE is Acid." (drinks the fucking acid) (ooc excitement OOOOOH, THAT IS SO BALLER)
Beau (gives Kara a wink) (to Fjord) "Deal with that later" "Boutta say the same"
"Undead ghost things" and Taliesin and Ashley share just like a Look (Molly's thing is undead iirc??? and fiend? idk i need to do research)
Beau deliberately fucking up nonagon is very very funny. Nonotech. Nantucket.
A constant lucien stream of "we'll talk about this later" and "It's Lucien in this bar"
Yasha "i think im just looking for answers for something and i dont know if i recieved any more" Caleb insisting theres no pressure to tell them things when Nott is pressing for information. I love Caleb. Hes wonderful. Someone smooch him.
Caleb: we have been getting our hands dirty are you sure you want to get your hands dirty with us? yasha: thats all I like to do, my friend Lucien: It's a sight to behold! (followed by That Taliesin Grin. you KNOW the one.)
Yasha is from Xhorhas. I can't spell. You know what im aiming for lulu spell check it later. Southern parts of Xhorhas, not where the assassin(s) were from. Has been in the empire for "about a year and a half" ("when did i meet you?" to Molly.)
Hes so stressed. Its so wonderful. I love this.
They go to talk to Kara shes sharpening blades. She fuckin hates xhorhasians. So does the gentleman apparently. Worked for him for 8 years. relationship of convenience. "You got a nice face" - Beau to Kara. "Looks like we're in bed one way or the other" Kara jokes about working together Beau: I mean... Fjord: Leave that one alone. Leave that one alone. Beau: ...Okay.
Drop of the greatsword is "moontouched"?????
(re the xhorhasian longsword) It's taller than Nott Yasha: (in the voice when things are adorable) It's taller than Nott? Lucien: Many things are taller than Nott.
The ogre is 10 or 11 feet tall. Thats taller than my room. My room is only like 8 feet tall.
Caleb introduces himself with his full name. I dont think this has ever happened. EDIT: @madnessiseverything
caleb has actually introduced himself with his full name a few times if i recall. for example with the knights of requital (i think??) and back in trostenwald comes to mind immediately
I’m still learning to be an encyclopaedia again thanks friend Jester uses the wand of smiles. "Kutha" is the Ogre's name (Late afternoon they leave)
theyre in Molly + Fjords room iirc cause Horus?(Sp) is in there (He leaves to Beau and Jester’s room wholst they talk)
Beau "i have dated way too many Luciens before" (Also applioes to marisha)
"why do you have so many names" "I woke up without any names or any past buried in the ground two years ago" "my firs memory my oldest memory is dirt in my face underground" Zone of truth is cast!!! Pass: Beau, Fjord Fail: Nott, Molly, Yasha, Caleb Molly has No Fucking Idea who he is. Gods the fandom called this. "some asshole got buried in the dirt. FUCK HIM." disassociates Lucien with Molly. Got more tattoos. days between waking up and the carnival. barely speaking. woke up alone. Cakeb: are you a good guy? Molly:..... I'd like to think so. "a few months after I came to, I started noticing I could do (blood hunter) things." (Ices a dagger) He really doesnt wanna know who he used to be. GOD I CALLED THE FLASHBACKS. A fuckup: Mollymauk finds someone in the group super attractive Yasha: "yes there are people here that i think are very attractive and charming but that doesnt mean I'll act on that." mollys just holdiong a glowing bedpost. radiant glow. "i am told, though i dont really remember this part, that I only said the word empty over and over for the first week" can you imagine how it would feel to not feel anything about anything that has happened to you so far? everyone but beau: no beau: yes. Molly:... why am i not surprised. "The Moonweaver"??? ooh son. "never trust the truth. Truth is vicious. The truth thinks that you owe it something. I like my bullshit. It's good, it's happy, It makes other people happy." "do you know who the moonweaver is?" "No." "Good. The swords are cheap carnival glass."
Moonweaver is elven deity, god over the night and shadow, music, not one of the approved religions. not a betrayer god, is inspiration for classic art, caretaker of evening trysts.
fjord: its you thats special, not your swords "i feel tinges of things on occasion. Nothing I like." "i may be a liar but I'm never a betrayer." Oooh molly actually somewhat believes in fortune telling. "I left EVERY TOWN better than I found it." Snake with red eye on palm and opposite side. Eye in floral arrangement. Crimson. Same place he bleeds on his neck in the peacock feathers. "i need to protect you snd myself from whatever that is. Its a wildcard." "I feel like youre fretfully ignorant and full of platitudes but I sstill like you" - Molly to Nott
oh on the undead again- it is Molly's thing, I was right. Wispy orb things haunt areas where they seek life force. Will-o-wisps. Thats hot. Lmao cause theyre often fire??? LMAO SON.
molly get suncomfortably close to fjord as he bonds with the new blade and puts hand on his chest "The power was in you... all along. SEE YOU AT BREAKFAST! :D"
Beau: (asks Caleb to buy her something sharp she can throw) DO NOT *FUCK ME* HERE CALEB, DO NOT FUCK ME. Caleb: ... Not interested, but-
"Zemnians dont tell jokes. They experience only pain." (OOC Sam its just funny)
Pumat Prime a little surlier than the others.
Yasha rocking that fucked charisma <3
Fjord BUYS THE FUCKING 800GP CLOAK? JESUS. Yasha pays 80GP (10gp discount) for 2 healing potions Caleb buys ink + parchment.
Yasha assumes Fjord's making fun of her awwwww!!! Hes being genuone complimenting her haggling skill bless.
Caleb is so 100% aware how FUCKING gay Beau is for yasha honestly. theres no way. (Additional later note confirmed in a gag mostly OOC, in character but not? in canon)
Beau playing the parental figure to horus, did you get everything? go pee one more time before you leave!
Molly sees guards and splits from the group to hide at The LEaky Tap.
they put a bag over Horus' head. its funny. Creepy card dealer gnome "dweeze"??
Beau and Caleb holdin hands. so fuckign adorable. "beau doesnt like me much." (beau holds him so he doesnt fall) ((NOTE @ ME this is a Good One. Think about it.)
Order in tunnel Fjord, Yasha, Molly, Jester, Beau, Nott, Caleb
"do you know how to drive a boat" Nott lmao
This weeks Nott stance from lulu: like 5/10 (About the same as last week)
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so I watched Annabelle for the first time yesterday and I went in all excited cause it was hyped up to be great and I love the Conjuring movies but holy shit: • Okay so right off the bat, they open and close the movie with scenes about the Actual Annabelle Case, but then create a fictional plot around the doll??? What??? Why??? • “Their daughter ran away two years ago so we aren’t allowed to talk about my pregnancy” • As someone who used to have an impressive collection of porcelain dolls...the are usually not that creepy holy shit. I’ve only seen one creepy porcelain doll in my life, and it’s in my kitchen as we speak. Still not as overly-dramatic as they made the Annabelle doll. In the actual, real life case, the doll was a Raggedy Anne, and frankly? That would have been creepier to use? Something so iconically innocent? This was just trying too hard. • Satanists breaking into the house, that’s a very common and relatable problem • The dramatic drop of blood from the girl’s neck onto the doll’s face, the Satanic symbol smeared in blood... 5 Edgy 9 Me • Okay you wanna know what the God damn scariest part of this movie was???? When the doctor firmly puts her on bed rest, and then she just continues to walk around and work and do her job normally???? Are you lost on the concept of bed rest???? She’s out here hearing noises and shit and I’m just screaming at my tv “WHY WONT YOU TAKE CARE OF YOUR BABY???” bitch literally got stabbed in the stomach and thinks she can walk around like nothing’s wrong BYE • I was ranting about that literally all night • She tells her husband she wants to get rid of the doll, which is understandable, but then he just??? Throws it in the garbage???? Like 1) We know they’re having money troubles and 2) We know the doll was really expensive. Pawn it, you dumbass. You don’t have to tell the buyers a cult member held it in their arms after she slit her throat! That’s not information that needs to come up! This couple is just flat out exasperating. • All the zoom-in shots of her fingers at the sewing machine were 100% more nerve racking than anything else that happened in this damn film • How the fuck did she not smell that fire • h o w • So this chick gets stabbed in her uterus and then falls on her stomach while inhaling smoke and you want me to believe this baby came out 100% fine?? K. • Why was their apartment literally bigger than their house had been • You know when I met John Zaffis and he was complaining that when every true ghost case his name is remotely attached to gets turned into a movie they never make a fictionalized version of him in the film but instead add in a priest that just looks like him, I thought it had to be an exaggeration...but they...they really did just create a priest and cast a guy that looks like him...why is this a curse he must bear...I don’t understand...Just put the man in your movies... • Literally what the hell was up with the kids on the steps did we ever get a full explanation for that???? • Bookshop lady sees random woman outside, decides to run out and give her a free book for literally no God damn reason. more at six. • Okay so the doll somehow followed them to the apartment and that wasn’t a paranormal giveaway??? John, Mia, come on. • And okay I can respect her wanting to keep it and all but why would she put it in her fucking baby’s room are you kidding me. What sense does that make. • John was a Good Husband and I respect him but that boy was an idiot; Mia was a complete dumbass most of the film. So it was very hard for me to feel sympathetic towards them for most of the events??? idk • The ghost apparently couldn’t decide whether or not it wanted to be seen as 7-year old Annabelle, Adult Annabelle, or an Actual Demon...calm down? I get spirits like being dramatic but we need some consistency I’m sorry • Literally what the fuck was going on in that basement scene. Like...what • “You won’t mind if I just keep this one for myself then...” Um no Mia he should mind??? That’s a Literal Crime Scene Photo??? It’s evidence for the case??? You can’t just take it jfc • And the thing is??? She took that picture because she wanted to research the Satanic Symbol, but like??? We never actually did find out what that symbol stood for???? • Local Woman Is Shown To Be Suicidal In The Past So We Won’t Feel As Bad When She Sacrifices Herself Later. More at six. • This doll just kept...deteriorating throughout the entire movie??? Like she collects porcelain dolls you’d think she be able to do something about that • Local Woman Figures Out Doll Is Possessed, Still Keeps It Right Over Her Baby’s Crib For A Bit. more at six. • When the John Zaffis Priest(tm) offered to take the doll I was just like...My dude. My dude. No. • Like FIRST OFF if anything fucking bless the doll and the apartment before you leave??? Come on??? You know this is a serious enough situation that you wanna call the Warren’s in but you’re not gonna actively do anything about it until morning? Bye. • “MAY GOD HAVE MERCY ON YOUR SOUL” calm down, Satan. • John Zaffis Priest(tm) : *literally sees the ghost/demon of a girl who used to belong to his church standing a few feet behind him* • John Zaffis Priest(tm) : *decides that’s not his damn business and tries to enter the church and ignore it* • I was so pleasantly surprised he survived that honestly • Remember kids: If demons need your consent to steal your souls, than you need consent to have sex. Don’t be worse than demons. • That whole scene where the baby was screaming but you can’t find her??? We get it, you’ve seen Poltergeist. • Ooooh girl when she was bashing Annabelle’s head into the crib and then threw her on the ground- I was waiting for a shot where we find out that had actually been her baby. They fucking let me down there. That would off been a great scene (fucked up, but it is a horror movie after all) • Dramatic Scenes Of The Husband Running Home. Will He Get There In Time? More at six. • Why do they have to hold the doll as they kill themselves • I like how both women were immediately ready to die for the baby but the man was just like “why don’t we all take a breather and discuss this further over coffee” while a demon is wrecking havoc in the room around him • Local Woman Believes Her Greater Purpose In Life Is To Kill Herself So A Baby Will Live, more at RIGHT NOW BECAUSE IM PISSED ABOUT THAT FUCKING SCENE • Like if you wanna ignore everything but the base of it- Evelyn was only suicidal in the first place because she wanted to see her daughter again. Something tells me if your soul is sacrificed to Satan you WONT BE SEEING YOUR FUCKING DAUGHTER AGAIN • THE DEMONS JUST HAVE HER FOREVER NOW. WHAT THE FUCK • W H Y • WHO THOUGHT THAT WAS A GOOD ENDING • HOW MANY PEOPLE SAW THIS MOVIE AND HAD NO PROBLEM WITH THAT BEFORE IT WAS RELEASED • U G H • And then the doll just ~mysteriously moves away from the crime scene alone~ and ends up in a fucking antique shop okay • Why did it take like a full year for John Zaffis Priest(tm) to get that picture of Mia and the baby developed for them • About 20 minutes after suffering through this film I found myself in a parking lot of a TGI Friday’s and got jump-scared by an old man in a car staring at me and I experienced more true terror in that one moment than I did during the entirety of this shit film • Overall: Waste of time and I feel lied to 3/10 do not recommend unless you’re really easy to scare
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can i have a little vent sesh about my autoimmune disease
im not really looking for advice... just to get it all out. -- for those who are reading and dont know: i was disagnosed with an unodentifyable autoimmune disease two years aho that causes intense, full bodied pains, exhaustion, and stomach problems. $2400 in blood tests and they still couldn't pinpoint what was wrong with me and they won't know until it gets worse. -- Last week zoo camp started. Zoo camp is my most favorite part of the year. I look forward to it starting in October. Why? because i get to hang around kids who love animals and i get to tell then cool things about the animals and i just play all day. i goof around and make funny faces and animal noises and say ridiculous things all to make the kids laugh... or at the very least... make them think im a teensy bit weird and crazy BUT ITS OK TO BE WEIRD AND CRAZY. All of that takes the utmost energy to perform- day in from 830 am to day out at 430 pm, 5 days a week, 7 weeks in a row. Pure top of the line quality work... every day because thats what these kids that i have known since they first started zoo camp at 5 years old expect of me. Plus its a new camp every week so its crummy to give your best one week and then be crabby apple seed the next. I cant find it- my energy or interest in zoo camp. I feel physically tired like i ran a marathon every day. My muscles and joints are constantly on fire. On fire isnt even a way to describe it. It feels like being stung a million times all over. Every bone has rusted to the next. Sometimws i get reaaaalllyy bad stomach cramps like im going to throw up. I can barely think let alone be the happy and excited person i am when i dont have full body aches. i trudge along the day wondering if my leg is going to fall off at the knee because it hurts to bad to walk. or maybe my pelvis will cleave in two. or maybe my hands will just stop working altogether. I already missed 2 days of work and we just finished the first week of zoo camp. I felt like a total dick today because i had to leave again and we were already short staffed. i barely made it to lunch without feeling like i has to cry. the team i work with is so damn understanding but... i feel selfish. like i cant keep doing this to them but idk what i am supposed to do. i cant exactly stuck around and sob im front of a group of 5th and 6th graders. im frustrated. ive been trying a new diet, i cant exercise because it hurts so bad during but WAY WORSE the next day, i cant find a new doctor to take me in because my town only has 2 practices. My doctor refuses to medicate me until they know my kidneys and liver are failing (or some shit like that). most of all I want to be able to enjoy my favorite time of year again and make all these kids really happy and excited about zoos and animals. im so upset that this is my life. sorry and thanks for listening. ill probably delete this later.
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junhuisflower · 7 years
11 Questions
more like 22 questions for me 
So, I was tagged by @rapmonphile and @chim-jiminie-cricket to do this ask tag! (a long long long time ago but I really wanted to do this so i hope you don’t mind me suddenly popping in your activity with this) but yeah, thank you so much cuties!! 
A. always post the rules. Answer the questions then write 11 new ones.
B. Tag 11 people and link them to the post. Tell the person who tagged you that you’ve answered their question.
I tag: @peachymyg  @yourhopeyourangeeel and @rainjimin hope you guys don’t mind! Just though this was fun! 
My questions: (im putting my questions at the beginning cause this is gonna be a long post and this way, if you don’t want to read it, you don’t have to scroll all the way down to get to them ^^)
1. Who’s your bias group? (if you have one, if not then next questions are for you!)
2. Top 3 fav girl groups? And your bias from each group?
3. Top 3 fav boy groups? And your bias from each group?
4. Who’s your ultimate bias?
5. If you could say anything you want to your bias, what would you say? (I hope it’s okay to copy your question Chim! I just think this is such a cute question and I really want to see what others have to say!)
6. Favorite kpop music video?
7. If you could only listen to one BTS song for the rest of your life what song would you choose?
8. Favorite BTS album? and why?
9. Favorite lyrics from BTS?
10. First member that caught your attention in BTS? Why?
11. Who from BTS would you rather have as your brother?
CHIM’s QUESTIONS (ah idk your name so I wrote Chim! Hope you don’t mind)
1. How did you discover BTS?
Well, I first heard of them through an account here on tumblr (i don’t remember her url, but it’s from the artist Laia López, @itslopez on ig) and she started to reblog bts (specially jungkook) and her drawings of bts were so cute and i decided to give it a go at the time but I didn’t pay enough attention to them I guess (STUPID ME) and then this year I don’t quite remember how I actually started to actively listen to bts but here I am! (I think it was because some other accounts I followed turned into kpop ones too and I think that Laia also was posting more about Tae and I got curious again and yeah!) 
2. When did you become apart of ARMY?
February this year. I’m a baby fan, I still have so much to learn and see/watch omg so many bangtan bombs I haven’t watched yet for example askfdghsgfhg
3. What was your first k-pop song from memory?
I think my first kpop song was either Fire or Dope, and it was like early last year, but I only got into kpop this year. I DON’T UNDERSTAND WHAT TOOK ME SO LONG OMG WHY DID I NOT PAY ATTENTION TO IT AT THE TIME?!?!
4. Do you watch anime? If so, what’s your favourite anime?
Not really, no. But I’ve been meaning to start watching! I really wanna watch Attack on Titan, I heard it’s really good.
5. How many biases do you have, who are they (kpop in general)? 
omg, okay SO:
for BTS Jimin is my bias, but Jin is wanting to share the throne tbh
then Wonho and Hyungwon (I really can’t decide and I honestly bias everyone in Monsta X most of the times)
in got7 is Mark and Youngjae (but Yugyeom and Jaebum are testing me……. and also i love Jackson’s humor and Jinyoung’s sass and BamBam is the cutest…… i basically love everyone okay)
Jae from Day6 and Chen from EXO (but i still don’t know much about them and their groups)
6. What would you say to your BTS bias if you ever met him?
there’s so much I would want to say to Jimin… but mainly that I love him a lot, that he genuinely makes me so so happy and I’d thank him for everything. I would want to tell him that he is so talented and hardworking and that everyone values him and he is worth so much. I’m so proud of him and I feel so happy for him and for everything he accomplished so far with his brothers. I would tell him to take care of himself, cause he’s health is important and I just want him to be happy and healthy.  But in reality i would just say something really short and shy like “I love you so much! Thank you for everything!” and just die of embarrassment ahahah 
7. Would you rather date or become best friends your bias? 
honestly don’t know ahah I first would like to think that he would like me enough to be my friend. Aaaaah i really don’t know but tbh it’s easier for me to imagine me dating Jin than me dating Jimin, idk why??? I mean thinking about dating Jimin is awesome but I something tells me we would work better has best friends
8. What is your favourite song at the moment? (I have 4)
All In - Monsta X
Never Ever - GOT7
Cactus - A.C.E
9. Do you know any K-pop choreography? If so, which choreography?
Oh god 😂😂😂 I have tried to dance to some, but nope I can’t dance. The only kpop dance that a kinda know (and really badly) is Baepsae
10. Do a lot of people you know in real life also listen/enjoy k-pop?
No, no one actually… Which is kinda sad tbh cause sometimes I wish I could talk about it with my friends and like share the excitement but they think kpop is weird. And even if they don’t like it, I wish I could talk about it, make references about it or even have bts/monsta x/any of my biases as my lockscreen/homescreen without hearing some dumb comment about it…. because apparently having the people/person that inspires you and makes you happy and that you love as your phone backgroud is something childish and weird -.- Even the other day, I had a monsta x home screen and a friend saw it and was like “uhm why do you have 1d has your background???” and I said it wasn’t and their response was  “oh they’re the 1d from korea” and another friend just said “that’s even worse” like why??? Why is it so bad? Even when they just ask “who is that?” like its not the question but the tone they use….  im sorry about the rant, but this actually makes me sad :( 
11. What k-dramas would you recommend to everyone? 
I don’t watch kdramas… 😥 I really want to tho… But I still haven’t had the time and I actually don’t know where to watch them or what to watch, so like if anyone wants to help I’d be really happy and love you forever!
1.What is your favorite BTS music video? 
hmmmmmmmm tough question……… I adore Blood, Sweat & Tears Korean ver. (cause it was the mv that got me into bts and I was mesmerized by it), but I NEED U and RUN are pretty awesome, specially I NEED U omg it always gets to me
2.Who was your first bias in BTS, and why did he catch your attention?? 
Rap Monster! Cause he was the only face I could recognize in all the mvs at the time and his lips and voice and just the way he rapped “peaches and cream, sweeter than sweet, chocolate cheeks, chocolate wings” just made me melt right then and there, I would literally go back on the mv just to listen to that part countless times
3.Who is your BTS bias now? Any bias wreckers? 
Now my bias is Jimin. My bias wrecker is Jin.
4.Who are your OTPs? Namjin, Vmin, Yoonseok, Yoonmin
5.Who in BTS do you think has the best style?
hmmm that’s a hard question…. But if I really had to choose, personally, either Jin or Hobi. But we all know that Tae is the fashionista
6.Name 5 of your fave BTS songs:
You Never Walk Alone
House of Cards
Hold Me Tight
7.If you could be in a relationship with any k-pop idol, who would you pick, and why? 
This question is hard, like really really hard and I’ve been thinking about it for a while now and there were several idols on the list ahahah but I think I would pick Jin, I just think he would be a really caring and supportive boyfriend, always there for you and always looking out for you. Pretty romantic and cheesy sometimes and I like that (even though I sometimes say that i don’t). His hugs would be the best, really affectionate too! Dad jokes, I love dad jokes tbh so yeah lots of those if we were in a relationship ahah. Also, I feel like he would be the type to buy you flowers and well I love love flowers! And not to forget that he cooks, so bonus points for that! (also i have this ideal date with him on my head that would consist on cooking with him and just being all lovey dovey and lots of laughs and !!!! aaskgfdjh) . 
Idk there’s a lot more about him that makes me think he would be a really great boyfriend but I would be here for ever if I wrote it all ahahah also some people say is vanilla in bed but i disagree okay!! I think he would be somewhat dom! an he would be into pet names okay?? okay!!
8. Fav BTS era? either fire or run era 
9.Who in BTS do you think would be your best friend? 
idkkkkk, ah i feel like neither of them would like me enough to be best friends with tbh….. Hobi maybe? or Tae? I think that we have some things in common. But then thinking more about it, Yoongi reminds me a lot of one of my friends and we get along really well, so maybe Yoongi would  
10.What’s your fave hair color for each member of BTS?  
Jin - BLONDE 100% or that pinkie shade from bst
Jimin - black is the nº1 fav but i fell in love with Jimin when he had pink hair soooooo that one is also my fav ahaha (shoutout to the silver hair and orange hair too tho)
Jungkook - I love that black with purple tones or something that he had in Dope era, a lot!!
Tae - I really like to see Tae with light brown hair tbh he looks really cute like that
Yoongi - black hair on him it’s my fav look but i also really loved the blonde hair during Agust D
Hobi - i really like to see him with black hair but he looked really good with orange hair too
Namjoo - i love joon with silver hair and light brown (dark blonde??)
11.Pick 3 members of BTS to go on a vacation/road trip with: 
hmmm probably Jin, Hobi and Namjoon 
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tr1via-seesaw · 7 years
Holy mackerel here we go
😍 who is your bias?
Jhope and Suga!!!!!!!!
😈 and your biaswrecker?
💿 hyyh or wings?
hyyh but by like less than half a step theyre both My Eras tbh like wings was my first era and i love the story and the aesthetic but hyyh is my home tbh
🎶 what’s your favourite song at the moment?
💙 hyung line or maknae line? 
HYUNG LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
💃 who is your favourite dancer?
ahh hard one i think just bc i really like the modern dance style id have to say jimin but i really like the way hobi does his style so im like????
🔥 RM, 1VERSE or Agust D?
Agust D!!!!!!
🌱 your favourite member in maknae line
Jimin i think???
🌳 and the hyung line
📆 how long have you been a fan?
swathi got me into bts august of 2016 i think like i remember getting into them right as school was starting (good timing)
👬 your otp
🎤 your favourite cover by the members
Fool by jungkook i think or rainism yeeeee
♋ do you share a zodiac sign with any of the members? 
👀 your favourite part in cypher 4 
suga’s rolex :’^)
💞 ot3 war: vminkook or yoonminseok
vminkook im so soft for the maknae line ot3
👽 describe taehyung with 3 emojis
🗣 what’s your favourite solo song?
Mama, Awake, or First Love!
👥 and the duet
I ate well with Sope :’^)
🖊 who do you think is the best song writer?
rapmon or suga! I really like all the intricate language and metaphors that rapmon writes, but suga really shows his passion and emotions in his songs
💣 we are bulletproof 1 or 2
………………… 2 but tbh i cant listen to those songs bc im reminded of rapmons shitty hair 🕳️ 🚶
🤗 if you could spend the whole day with a member who would it be and what would you do?
haslkjf this is really self indulgent but honestly id love to spend a day at a museum or aquarium with jhope ;w;;;
🐰 describe jungkook with 3 emojis
👺 who do you think is the meme-iest one from the meme squad?
🗺 where are you from? had they ever been there?
I’m on the east coast USA! im a few hours from it but theyve been to NYC and i got to see them live //cries
🏝 which member would you take with you on a deserted island?
jin or jungkook :L
💰 do you have any merch?
…….. i may have impulse bought an army bomb at the concert……….. hglaskjf im actually really happy i did it was the only merch left by the time i got there and i said i wouldnt but i did and its awesome i love it. i also have like. a shit ton of posters, both parts of the HYYH photobook/album, and a few photocards
🔪 your favourite part in cypher 3
suga’s rap aka the reason im a Bad Lesbian :’^)
🐕 choose the bts dog
taehyung :^)    (mickey!)
🍑 describe jimin in 3 emojis
🗡 in hunger games who do you think would die first and who will survive to the end?
jhope dies first probably jin lives till the end against jungkook through sheer force of will
🍻 which member would you want to grab beer with?
rapmon tbh! id honestly love to just like talk to him abt deep stuff for a while i feel like hed be a really cool philosophy buddy :P
👣 have you ever tried to learn any of their dances?
YA BOI I KNOW BAEPSAE AND BLOOD SWEAT & TEARS ALL THE WAY THROUGH!!! i know most of Fire as well and im very lowkey learning i need you!!! im also doing jimin’s live version of Lie!!! theyre really fun dances but a lot of the moves take a lot of practice OTL
👓 describe namjoon in 3 emojis
🐻 ryan the bear or kumamon
👔 what’s your hogwarts house? where do you think each memeber belongs?
Hufflepuff and they already confirmed where so im happy to be in the same house as hobi lolol
🏃 in scale from jungkook to namjoon how fast do you run?
suga sleeping :L
📸 concerts or fansigns
ahhh idk i think concerts in terms of the whole experience and also if i ever got the chance to go to a fansign id probably be too excited to even try to say anything
😇 describe hoseok in 3 emojis
😸 are you shy and pure like jimin or freaky and naughty like taehyung?
okay first off who made this that though jimin was pure what the fuck???? 
💣 what’s your favourite bangtan bomb (video not lightstick)
🛩 bon voyage or american hustle life
bon voyage!!!! they had so much fun with each other im !!!!!!
📖 do you write fanfiction?
not technically??? i mean ive done a few drabbles on their characters from HYYH and WINGS but none of those like “BTS x reader” or anything tbh those kinda weird me out 
📣 which cypher do you like the most?
cypher 3!!!!!
🐢 describe yoongi in 3 emojis
😪 what’s the best song to listen before falling asleep?
2! 3! Hoping for better days, Butterfly (prologue mix), Awake (ironically :P), love is not over, or whalien 52
📚 share your favourite fanfic
dont have one
🎬 if there was a movie made about any member what kind of movie would it be?
tbh id die for an adpatation of demian with the boys like that’d be So Good also i read the majority of the book imagining Pistorius as yoongi so,,,,,
🙋 have you ever met them in person?
does being within a hundred feet of them at a concert count :L
💁 describe jin in 3 emojis
😓 war of hormones or boy in luv
war of hormones!!!!
🌈 most to least Not Straight in your opinion
yoongi (the big bi), namjoon (the big bi pt 2), taehyung, jhope, jimin, jin, jungkook
🖍 who’s drawings do you like the most: jungkook’s or jimin’s?
🤔 spring day or not today? 
spring day 
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Episode 6 Confessionals
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I mean I didn't make the idol play. But um #LUKEDIDTHAT. Love he did that. But Lexi self voting??? Ruining Luke's plan of getting someone out? ICONIC!! Poor Lexi is prob going to go home lol. But I'm happy the idol I found did something but sad that its now gone and a new one? might be able to be found for those  4 remaining.
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One more fake swap / fake merge and I'm going to vote myself off this island.
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So iconically, Luke idolled, which i'm happy about. I'm NOT happy about Ryan being voted out considering I was kind of wanting to play a game with him. It also doesn't make sense considering... he's tried in every challenge, and has helped out the tribe greatly imo, but then again - we don't know the social dynamics and tribe outlook on their tribe. Carson told me he found an idol, and i'm superbly excited. Will he use it on me? Likely not. But it's still good to know we have it in OUR possession, and i'm not planning on leaking a word. The fact that he told me is satisfying though, and I do truly feel as if he's my #1 in the game right now. The challenge? Pass. It's something... logic puzzles are... awful (yet a little fun at times, sure). The cup thing... whomst... and the counting? I'm fairly triggered. I'm going to likely sit out because i'm busy today and I just couldn't care or want to do ANY of that. also why is there no SWAP!
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Last tribal was fun with my idol play but Lexi made it less iconic with the self vote but that was completely understandable since she has a lot going on personally and I hope she's okay <3 It worked well in the sense that Jordan and Jay can still convince Lexi that they just had to do what they had to do with the tie and they saved her over Ryan. I compleTELY FUCKED UP THE COUNTING PART OF THE CHALLENGE WHICH I WAS ALREADY EH ABOUT DOING SINCE IT'S THE WORST BUT EUUURGH I MESSED UP. I'm hoping that we can win but if we don't then I hope I can trust Jay and Jordan enough to keep our 3 alliance strong and just vote our Lexi unanimously providing she doesn't have an idol or anything like that. I'll make an update after results...
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Can you believe we win again? If we merge, it's gonna be 7-3. What a time to be alive!!! 
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WHEWWWW i searched Mancos for the idol bc of my idol clue i got and i fucking found the idol and wow... i decided to tell Zach because I definitiely wanna nurture a relationship with him (love him so much) and we're a dynamic duo for sure!! i only talk to hi9m though and i def gotta fix that. playing this game AND another game at once is just a bit much but im still doing my best.
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OKAY IM SCREAMING HOW DID I EVEN GET ANOTHER REWARD?? Idk how many rewards there have been in total bc I forgot but I've gotten 3 and didn't do 1 bc it was too risky but like what the heck how is this even happening?? I'm shook 
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WE WON IMMUNITY YESSS!!! going into the final 10 7-3 is definitiely amazing and im assuming luke goes on the other tribe. im fine with that bc it seems like everyone on my tribe is close to luke, so theyll be closer to me if hes gone!! im definitiely enjoying this tribe but like.. where does everyone stand?? who knows. we havent gone to a tribal since eric combusted and i dont know where i stand. i trust zach and i kinda trust bryce even if we dont talk strategy but idk where everyone else stands. katie truists me i think, but idk if i talk to her enough for it to be a FULL trust between us?? shes probably the one i trust the most after the other 2. charlotte is... whew?? she hates zach im pretty sure so like... idk about that personally. shes a good player and also like... idk i just dont talk to her as much as the other returnees. willow is cool and shes super nice but we NEVER talk strategy and also she like gave tons of info to eric allegedly then voted him out so idk if i can trust that rlly but like  thats a bit hypocritical bc i kinda used him too. i need to try talking more strategy with her. and chris... we talk and they're pleasant conversations but like willow, i dont talk strategy enough with him. plus hes a good game player from what ive seen in this game?? i know hes busy so i just gotta start getting a bit more out of him. my social game has def been slipping and if i dont get it up, im looking at a merge boot status bc tbh? i think im a pretty big threat. ideally, jordan pines is merge boot, then we can use lexi/jay to possibly get out some of our tribe, maybe charlotte?? on second thought i could use jordan for that too but like.. i dont trust jordan lmao. IDEALLY, id like a boot order of... f10: jordan f9: charlotte f8: lexi f7: willow f6: chris f5: jay f4: bryce f3: katie/zach, depends on who i think i can win easier against?? then ideally a final 2 of me winning. but survivor is always changing, so nothing is for sure. thats just how id LIKE it to happen, but nothing is gonna happen exactly so ill just pray!!
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We lost immunity...again...shocker! Jay approached me earlier to potentially blindside Jordan and get him out since he's a huge threat at the upcoming merge but ultimately decided that using his connection with Katie and his reputation as a meat shield would be to our advantage since we're both winners and that is enough to get people to target us. It feels weird working this closely with Jay. If we merge next then plan to get Katie using Jordan, Carson using Jay and Zach using myself and then add Charlotte into the group and we should have a strong group. I also want to find out who gave me the immunity idol so I can first of all thank them, second of all ask them why and third if all work with them. I just hope I'm not being screwed by Jay the same way he was trying to screw Pines. 
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Confessional #1 this round: Fuck ulta, i hate this tribe, i want to leave, ryan palmer let me go home
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I accidently self voted last round and it tied between me and ryan because luke used an idol. so they voted ry out and i cried alittle. thats about all. 
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Confessional #2- Rip Lexi, this is wrong, how the fuck are we gonna be at 3 players, after this wtf they have an entire tribe waiting to fight us
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Im so happy we won again to be able to go into a merge with 7-3 majority maybe and a 4 person group into the 10 person game! Things are going well
Wish I can find the idol and hope luke doesnt go out either here
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bye lexi! honestly like... idk. all newbies on their tribe are gone, it's so funny. im anticipating merge! or a swap.. or something. its 7v3 for crying out loud! im not sure what my move is going forward, but i think im confident. just kidding, i'm likely leaving. this is a bs conf but i may make one tomorrow hehe
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haha I beat Jay
wow can't believe I'm this seasons challenge beast
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We're really that tribe that's completely decimating everything.
I've been out all day and I see that they voted out Lexi. Every tribal that Jordan pines makes it through makes me even more nervous about getting to a merge with him around. We didn't have a good history in our last game but I'm hoping that there are more people around with bad blood with him so I can kinda just get by without getting any shots fired at me. I just want to go into a merge already. None of this potential "tribe swap" to make things even for one more round. I usually get fucked in a swap and I'd rather not have history repeat itself.
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Over the course of the past week or so, i've been attempting to mend things with Charlotte. She's the only person that I feel like would be dead set on getting rid of me, so to weaken that desire would be sufficient. I also want to work on Katie and Chris a bit more so that the newbies (since i'm already decent with Willow, I believe) would be more loyal to me. I need opportunities! As for the pending upcoming merge or swap, i'm not ready. I would hope the 7 Ulta stay together for a BIT or something, like vote out Jordan. I'm semi-close with Jay and Luke, so would I want to vote them out right away? Well, in the wise words of Jay - absolutely not. But I would if I had to. I'd be more lenient with voting Jay since i'm now developing a friendship with Luke (because of another ORG) and I really like him, he's a cool kid. Him and I have NEVER worked together in past ORGs so if we manage to survive and make it on a tribe together, it'll be something refreshing. Carson's still my favourite though. He's a social god and it's scary. The kid has school from like 7-3pm and still finds more time to message me somehow or someway. It's... wildt. I trust him to an extent and him and I both have agreed that like we'll go far but obviously we are bale to betray one another if essential to our own game. I likely won't make it that far though RIP. I told him i'd be his lapdog, despite the tag of the season o.O Bryce. I didn't mention him yet. He's cool, him and I rarely talk but I think he's overall a great person. I'd like to talk to him more but our last conversation felt dull and I can't force a convo (not his fault, communication is indeed a two way street.) Nonetheless, it's something I may have to work on for my game. Also lowkey it's so funny because two tribals ago, you provoked the question regarding returnees and newbies, and here are some facts: - Ryan asked you to stop shoving it down his throat. He got voted out consequently. Iconic, right? - All newbies on their side are eliminated - All the boots in the game in general are newbies (with the exception of my Bahamas representative Willa...RIP good soul. The good die young!) So basically a returnee will win this game. It might be slightly worrying to Katie/Willow/Chris and they may want to extend and form bonds with OG Copa so that they have backup, because obviously there's a trend with voting out the newbies. Anyway, this is my third confessional this round... more than expected hehe hope you enjoy! P.S look at this rude ass message: On 2017-09-14, at 6:36 PM, carson wrote: > Use the Golden Rope to hang urself please HSDGNISDGNDS It was so funny I choked bye now
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I seriously thought I was being screwed this round because I didn't think Jay would flip on Lexi but he did and I'm still here! 5 votes against me and I'm still here which is great!! There are only 3 of us left on Copa and we're an alliance so if we don't swap/merge and lose immunity then....it's going to suck. I think maybe I'd be in the middle? But equally Jordan and Jay have known each other a lot longer than they've known me so they might see me as disposable and get rid of me which I hope isn't the case. I really wanna merge and go work with Zach, Charlotte and Carson who I know and think I could work well with. Also Bryce, a newbie from last season, someone who I'd be interested in hooking up with in this game and working with!
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So I got another advantage which is lit, I guess all these advantages are making up for kvaloya, anyway who knows how I'm gonna be able to explain the randomized vote?
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Okay so like I just realized I'm in another game with Eric. And I kinda led the charge to get him voted out so I'm trying to win immunity otherwise he is totally killing me so sorry this is a terrible confessional but I'm STRESSING. 
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If we don't merge I'm so incredibly fucked
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