my-protection · 3 years
Which is the best face mask for contamination?
The COVID-19 pandemic showed us the significance of keeping a protected and clean way of life. As of late, analysts have discovered that 'Rising contamination load is an impetus in exasperating COVID-19 cases'. So this time, we must be worried about being protected from the pandemic just as the contamination.
Air Pollution in India is nearly higher than in different nations and has a helpless air quality file. In addition, the Particulate Matter of 2.5 fixations is in excess of multiple times the WHO proposal. Intensive security and insurance while venturing outside can be guaranteed by wearing covers having high proficiency in controlling the contamination and the infection.
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'MY' Series 3 Anti Pollution cover is an elite veil that gives you first-class insurance against poisons, destructive gases (SOx, NOx, CO), and microbes including, COVID-19. Inbuilt with actuated carbon and copper channels inside its triple activity layers, it eliminates 99.96% of germs. The extra particulate channel gives superb assurance against contamination and channels particles of size up to 2.5 PM. Ensured by associations like DSIR and CPCSEA, Series 3 Mask with Particulate channel gives you the best-ever security and assurance consistently!
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my-protection · 3 years
What is the best antipollution face mask for a person living in a city with a poor air quality index?
Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a constant problem going on, which is air pollution. Most major industrial hubs and cities have poor air quality due to the release of harmful gases into the atmosphere without proper filtration. This results in many respiratory diseases and discomfort while inhaling air. Moreover, according to some sources, a Particulate Matter of 2.5 concentration in Indian air is currently 5 times above WHO exposure recommendation. This proves to be a significant concern for many living in cities that have a low air quality index.
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So to remain safe under such circumstances, the only solution is to switch to masks that tackle pollution along with harmful bacteria and viruses. Startups like 'MY' have come up with innovative and effective face-masks like Mask Series 3 to ensure that you remain safe from air pollution and the pandemic.
Certified by organizations like DSIR and CPCSEA, this face mask prevents and kills 99.96% of germs with its triple action layers impregnated with activated carbon and copper filters. It also comes with an additional particulate filter that filters particles as small as PM 2.5 and harmful gases like SOx & NOx with a threshold of 42 hours.
“Be sure to breathe comfortably and stay on top of your game with the best-ever protection!”
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my-protection · 3 years
Is there a mask that filters all the pollution in the air and gives 100% clean air or close to it to breathe?
Face masks have become the new normal ever since COVID-19 began. There were many face masks available in the market claiming to give a variety of results. Out of all things, a perfect face mask is something that gives you the best fit, comfort, and protection against the virus along with harmful pollutants.
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After the second wave, double masking became a need due to the situation. While on the other hand, face masks with triple layers were also given importance due to the fact that it was able to stop the viral spread substantially along with trapping the larger droplets from a sneeze or cough.
Face masks like 'MY' Series 3 Anti Pollution Mask gives you the ideal fit, comfort, and the best-ever protection with its triple action filter layers inbuilt with activated carbon and copper filters. It also comes with a particulate filter that filters particles as tiny as PM 2.5 while having a threshold of 42 hours that protects you from noxious gases like NO2, SO2, and CO. Certified by organizations like DSIR and CPCSEA, this face mask proves to kill 99.96% of germs with its antiviral, anti-bacterial & anti-pollution formula delivering you top-notch protection ever!
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my-protection · 3 years
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What is the best way to protect against the most harmful viruses? According to the National Geographic Society, “An estimated ten nonillion (10 to the 31st power) individual viruses exist on our planet—enough to assign one to every star in the universe 100 million times over”. But , not all viruses are pathogenic and some even play vital roles in our ecosystem. Pathogenic viruses have always wreaked havoc in our lives and, we have to realise that they are inevitable since even the common cold spreads by a virus called the rhinovirus.
Talking about this COVID -19, it is a distressing situation for us to overcome. We have to keep in mind that we live along with different kinds of harmful viruses, bacteria and many other microbes and so we should take preventive actions accordingly.
Staying healthy and safe among this COVID-19 and other harmful viruses should be meticulously taken care of. To lead a healthy and sound life amidst this pandemic and viruses, start wearing a mask that has activated carbon and copper impregnated in it since these elements have inbuilt anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-pollution properties. Also, make sure that your face mask has three layers with a triple-action filter so that it can provide additional protection wherever you go.
You can find all these properties together in, 'MY' Mask Series 1 and Series 3 that makes your new normal both trendy and modern. Choose your mask wisely as it has a huge say in your daily routine and health. Stay Safe! Stay Happy!
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