#mysme secret valentines 2k17
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I'm late huhuhuhuhu ;v;
Happy (day after) Valentines @virgigg
I actually had something NSFW but I felt it wasn't appropriate so I harried and did this instead
Still ended up late though huhuhuhu ;w;
I hope you like After Story Yoosung, and that you had a good Valentines day~
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itsclowreedsfault · 8 years
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{ your sorrow's in the fold     so you don't have to hide } 
a gift to @olivineonyx from your @mysmesecretvalentines
happy valentine’s day! ♥
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isuzukuretsuki · 8 years
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Valentines day gift for @decaffeinated-koala Event hosted by @mysmesecretvalentines
I hope you had a good valentines day!
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For @adorkablestarlight
I hope you like it; I had a lot of fun working on this! Wishing you a Happy Valentine's Day full of joy, love, and sweets! ❤
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Secret Valentines gift for @mysticdaddies hope you like it! it’s Saeran and MC spending Valentines Day with a shih tzu :)
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Secret Valentine
Note: MC’s name is Soneve Dove Zedseng (anagram of Godd707 ;)) Also, please spare me…I have no idea how to make chocolate :’D 
Soneve giggled softly as something bumped her nose. 
“Soneve~! Wake up Dove!” a voice singsonged in her ear.
“Nooo, it’s too early!” she groaned. “I don’t wanna get up!” 
“Open the shades Yoosungie,” the voice ordered rather playfully. 
“Aye aye sir!” another voice, cute yet boyish, answered cheerfully. 
Suddenly, a bright light streamed into the room, burning Soneve’s eyes, making her groan and bury her face into a pillow. 
“Why are you so cruel God Seven?!” she whined, her voice muffled by the pillow. “You too Yoosung! Why do you do this to you beloved?!” Soneve cried dramatically. 
“Because your two favorite boys want to spend time with their beloved girlfriend on Valentine’s Day,” Seven cooed into her ear. “Or did you forget what day it was?” 
At his words, Soneve tilted her head so one eye peeked out.
“It’s…Valentine’s Day…?” she asked uncertainly. 
“You forgot, didn’t you?” Yoosung pouted. He had hopped onto the bed next to the brown haired girl. “We even brought gifts!” 
The blonde produced a bouquet of roses, seemingly from nowhere, and gave it to Soneve to smell.
“You got…gifts?” she gasped, inhaling the flowery scent. 
“Well, yeah. We are dating, Neve,” Saeyoung piped up. He crawled over next to Yoosung and wrapped his arm around his waist and kissed the smaller boy’s forehead. Yoosung turned a shade of pink. 
“S-Saeyoung? I got this for you,” the blonde stuttered, holding out a small box. 
“Hmm? What’s this?” The redhead took the box and opened it to reveal a silver chain with a golden key with a rose entwined around it. 
“Ooh~! Shiny, shiny!” Saeyoung sang, hooking it around his neck. Soneve could’ve sworn that he had hearts in his eyes. 
“You’re just like a cat,” she remarked. 
“Meow~!” Saeyoung grinned mischievously and made a cat’s claw, swiping it playfully at Soneve and Yoosung. 
“Woof woof!” Yoosung barked playfully. 
With a devious smirk, the redhead licked the boy’s cheek, making him turn red. 
“S-Seven!” he yelped.
“I want a kiss too~!” Soneve wheedled. 
Saeyoung smirked at his girlfriend and shook his head. “Get up first, then you’ll get two.” 
The brunette immediately shot up, making the two boys laugh. 
“Now, how about that kiss?” she teased. 
Yoosung leaned over and tenderly brushed a strand of hair away, before giving her a sweet, yet short, kiss on the lips. Saeyoung grinned at her at her and beckoned her closer. Soneve obediently clambered onto his lap and the redhead leaned down and kissed her as well, his kiss lingering a bit longer than Yoosung’s. 
“Your turn, Dove,” Saeyoung smiled. 
“Quit with the nickname,” Soneve joked, secretly pleased at the pet name. Her full name was Soneve Dove Zedseng and Seven, being the hacker he was, managed to find out her full name and had started affectionately calling her ‘Dove.’ 
“You know you love it,” the redhead winked. 
Soneve rolled her eyes and kissed him. As she started to let go, he pulled her closer, deepening it. From next to him, Yoosung let out a pathetic whine. The brunette managed to escape the grasp of Seven and crawled onto the blonde and kissed him too. He sighed happily against her lips. 
“So, what’re we doing today?” Soneve asked.
“Since you forgot to get us gifts…” Saeyoung began with a grin. 
“We figured…” Yoosung continued, matching his boyfriend’s smile. 
“You could make us chocolate!” they both cheered. 
The brunette sighed. “Fine,” she agreed. She did forget to get them something after all. 
“Oh!” the redhead exclaimed. He pulled out a small box from his usual hoodie and opened it. A small silver bracelet sat in it with three charms: a flower, a heart, and a cat. “For you Soneve.” 
She blushed. “Thanks babe. You too, sweetheart.” She beamed at a blushing Yoosung. 
“And for you!” Seven pulled out a black necklace with a silver emblem. The blonde gasped. “I-Is that…!” 
“The exclusive LOLOL necklace!” Seven exclaimed dramatically. “For my prince.” 
He moved to hook it around Yoosung’s slender neck and the smaller of the two admired the silver pendant. “Wow! Thanks babe!” he gasped. 
“Anything for my two favorite people!” the redhead winked. 
“So, Luciel, what do the pendants stand for?” Soneve queried curiously. 
“Oh! I forgot to explain that,” he chuckled. “The cat is me, the flower is Yoosungie, and you’re the heart,” Luciel explained. 
“Why am I the heart?”  Soneve wondered. 
To her surprise, Yoosung chuckled and kissed her forehead. “Because you stole our hearts,” he replied sweetly, turning red at his own comment. 
“She and I stole your heart, Yoosungie~!” Seven corrected. “But both of you hacked your way into mine,” he flirted, winking. 
“Well, both of you have the keys to my heart.” Soneve smiled, nuzzling into each boy. 
The three of them sat, content with each other’s company as they cuddled. 
“This is very cheesy,” Saeyoung commented.
“Can’t deny that,” Yoosung chuckled. 
“I second that. Let’s get up now,” Soneve said. “We’re making chocolate.” 
“So!” Soneve examined their chocolate ingredients. “Shall we get started?” 
“Wait!” Yoosung bustled into the kitchen, holding a bunch of aprons. “We need these, right?” he asked.
“Good idea Yoosungie~!” Seven said, taking a pink, cat pattered apron from the pile. The redhead modeled for them, striking a pose, making the two giggle. 
“Contestant Number One!” Soneve announced. She grandly swept her arm in the direction of Luciel. “Our sexy sinnamon roll, Godd 707!” 
Saeyoung held the pose as Yoosung clapped, discreetly admiring his boyfriend’s good looks. Soneve held an apron out to the blonde, who took it and put it on. 
“We have Contestant Number Two! Welcome, cinnamon bun, master LOLOL gamer, Yoosung!” the brunette sang, sweeping her arm to ‘reveal’ Yoosung. The blonde blushed and smiled innocently in his sky blue apron with black stars. 
“What’s with the food titles?” Seven asked. 
Soneve shrugged. “We are sort of baking, aren’t we?” 
The girl donned a gray apron with little pink hearts and Saeyoung took over announcing. 
“And last, but definitely not least, sinnamon bun with a hot ass, our saving grace, the Dove!” the redhead announced, winking at Soneve.
Said girl rolled her hazel eyes, but posed and held it for several seconds. 
“Now! It’s time to find out if Soneve Zedseng’s cooking skills are good enough to make Valentine’s Day chocolate for her boyfriends! Begin!” Soneve slammed her palm onto the counter, laughing. 
The brunette retrieved a silver bowl and the trio started throwing ingredients in. Some flour fell onto Seven, courtesy of poor, klutzy Yoosung. The the redhead knew it was on accident, he couldn’t help but take a pinch of flour and throw it into Yoosung’s face. 
“Saeyoung!” he cried out, making the redhead smirk. 
Hearing her innocent boyfriend cry out, Soneve took a spoon and flicked some sugar onto Saeyoung. 
“Don’t tease Yoosung,” she scolded as she started to beat the batter. The redhead grinned, kissing Soneve’s cheek and he wrapped his arms around Yoosung. “It was just some harmless fun,” he assured with an angelic smile. 
“Oh Seven…” Soneve sighed as she mixed the batter, turning it thick and chocolatey. 
“Yum!” Yoosung eyed the batter. “It looks good…” His mouth watered a bit. “Neve, can I have a bit?” 
“Sure!” she responded. A lightbulb lit up in her head and she swiped her finger across the edge of the bowl and stuck it in Yoosung’s mouth, causing his eyebrows to shoot straight up and his cheeks to flush. 
Soneve giggled at her boyfriend’s expression, making him smile too. Meanwhile, Saeyoung had taken some as well. 
“Ahhh…tastes great Dove!” he sighed contently. Seven’s amber eyes suddenly lit up. “Can we add Honey Buddha Chips and Ph.D. Pepper?” he asked hopefully. 
Soneve gaped at him. “Are you serious?” 
“I’m probably going to regret this…” she muttered underneath her breath. “…Sure?” 
Saeyoung squealed as he dashed into the pantry and grabbed a can of soda and a bag of chips. When he came back, Yoosung and Soneve were staring at him. 
“What?” the redhead asked, clueless. 
“You…squealed,” Yoosung choked out.
“I-It was…” Soneve stuttered. 
“SO CUTE!!!” they both shrieked in unison. 
Saeyoung laughed. “You two…” To his surprise, his boyfriend and girlfriend had launched themselves onto him, tackling him to the floor. 
“That sound was so cute and…and…PURE!” Soneve screamed. 
“Make it again!” Yoosung pleaded.
Saeyoung squealed again and Soneve and Yoosung buried their faces into the crook of his neck. 
“You two are overreacting,” he muttered, his face flushed. 
“My soul has been cleansed,” Soneve sighed wistfully. 
“Well, tonight, I’m gonna dirty your soul again,” the redhead teased suggestively, winking. 
“SEVEN!” they both screeched, turning red. 
He laughed and pulled them closer. “I love you both.” 
“Love you too,” the duo murmured. Yoosung tilted his head upwards to kiss Saeyoung, while Soneve kissed the side of his neck. 
The young man sighed blissfully and they sat on the floor for several moments, Yoosung’s face white with flour, Saeyoung’s cheek with a dash of sugar, and Soneve with cocoa powder down her apron. 
“So, how about that chocolate?” 
“Let’s get back to work.”
“SAEYOUNG! YOU PUT TOO MUCH SODA AND CHIPS IN!” Soneve shrieked, staring at the amount of chips and soda in the bowl. 
“You never said how much I could put in!” Said boy protested. 
“Ugh, I sorely regret letting him do that.” The brunette massaged her temples. 
“Hey, you never know, it might not be that bad,” Yoosung comforted, hugging her from behind. 
“I hope you’re right.” 
After Soneve managed to mostly mix the chips and soda into the batter, they poured the batter into little heart, circle, and square shapes and put it in the oven. 
“I can’t wait to taste them!” Yoosung gushed. 
“Me too!” Saeyoung echoed.
“Shall we watch a movie while we wait?” the brunette girl offered.
Yoosung could hardly breathe. He was squished in between Soneve and Saeyoung, watching a cheesy rendition of Romeo and Juliet. He didn’t mind the closeness of the two, but…he. Couldn’t. Concentrate. On. The. Movie. Why? Because the two were whispering the lines into his ear, quite sexily, he may add. 
“But soft! What light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun. Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon…” 
The blonde inhaled sharply, listening to Seven recite each line. A hand crept across his lap. Soneve’s. The redhead reached out for her as well, still murmuring lines into Yoosung’s ear. Their hands intertwined together and the blonde, feeling a bit left out, placed his hand on top of theirs. The other two twisted their hands to let him in.
“O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name. Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, and I’ll no longer be a Capulet,” Soneve read off the caption. “…What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other word would smell as sweet…”  
“I take thee at thy word. Call me but love, and I’ll be new baptized. Henceforth I never will be Romeo,” Saeyoung responded sweetly.
“You two…” Yoosung was at a loss for words. 
“Yes babe?” Soneve purred into his ear. 
“Did you need something?” Luciel asked, skipping a few lines to whisper into his ear. 
“Y-you two are distracting…” Yoosung blushed. 
“Oh?” The redhead raised an eyebrow at the blonde, then shared a mischievous look with his girlfriend on the other side. 
Soneve smirked, letting her hands trail under the blushing blonde’s shirt. “Is this distracting?” she teased. 
Yoosung bit his lip as Saeyoung nipped his neck affectionately. He was suddenly saved by the dinging of the alarm of the oven. 
“It’s done!” Soneve squealed. 
She was the first up and to the oven to take them out. The two boys followed her, watching as she pulled on a pair of oven mitts and carefully removed the tray. A sweet aroma filled the air. 
“Smells good…” Saeyoung sighed. 
“Yeah…” Yoosung inhaled. 
“Don’t touch it; we need to wait for it to cool,” Soneve instructed.
“Dammit,” the redhead groaned, his fingers hovering over the tray. 
“Saeyoung,” the brunette scolded. 
“Fine, fine,” he complained. 
“We should go take a shower while we wait,” Yoosung offered. 
A devious smirk curved onto Seven’s mouth. “Oh yes. Great idea babe,” he replied, eyes glittering. 
Both Yoosung and Soneve backed away. “Uh oh…” 
“Jesus Seven…” Soneve groaned as she pulled on an oversized black shirt and underwear. “You must have a lot of pent up sexual frustration.”
Her boyfriend shrugged as he put on a pair of yellow and black cat boxers. “What can I say? I’m a loving guy,” he winked. 
Yoosung grinned as he pulled out plain blue boxers. “You think the chocolates have cooled yet?” he asked hopefully. 
“Considering how long Saeyoung kept us in the shower, definitely,” Soneve replied, flashing Seven a dirty look. 
Without even bothering to get properly dressed, the trio made their way to the kitchen, where a set of chocolates sat on the counter.
“Wait. Hold up,” Soneve said, putting up her hand. 
“What happened?” Yoosung asked curiously, glancing over her shoulder. 
The brunette grabbed two red bags and a roll of pink ribbon and she quickly filled the bags and tied the ribbons around the bags. She turned around and presented the two bags to her surprised, yet almost amused, boyfriends. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day!” 
She beamed happily and the two boys took their bags and wrapped themselves around her. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day,” they murmured into her ear. 
Saeyoung suddenly scooped her up into his arms and let Yoosung jump onto his bag. He managed to walk them all the way over to the couch, where he dropped them and jumped onto the couch next to them. 
“Shall we eat?” He opened his bag first and pulled out two chocolates. “Open up!” Seven teased. 
Soneve giggled lightly as she opened her mouth along with Yoosung. Saeyoung smiled cheekily as he placed the chocolate between his lips and fed it to her with his mouth. The girl squeaked as the chocolate entered her mouth, a slight blush coloring her cheeks. 
“S-Seven!” she squeaked. 
He chuckled and placed the other chocolate between his lips, smirking at his next target. Before Yoosung could react, the redhead had placed his lips onto his, pushing the chocolate into his mouth. Luciel watched his lovers chew the chocolate thoughtfully. 
“How is it?” he asked. 
“See for yourself,” Yoosung responded, putting a piece between his lips and feeding it to Seven. The redhead let the flavor wash over his tongue, before grimacing and sticking his tongue out.
“Ewww!” he whined. Soneve and Yoosung laughed at his expression. 
“All your fault!” Soneve accused. 
“Your fault for not specifying how much to put in!” 
“It’s implied.” 
Yoosung watched the tennis match go back and forth for a few moments, before interfering. 
“Guys, guys, it’s Valentine’s Day; can we please not fight?” he pleaded, giving them his puppy dog eyes. 
“Fine,” Soneve relented, melting at his expression. 
Seven nodded, silently pulling the girl and boy closer. 
“Sorry Dove,” he apologized. 
Yoosung smiled and snuggled into Seven’s chest. 
“Let’s eat more!” he sang. 
“You’re not serious, are you?” Soneve demanded. 
“Yes.” Yoosung glanced at the two from underneath his eyelashes. “It was fun,” he admitted.
For the next hour, the three lazily crashed on the couch, feeding each other chocolates and laughing at how bad it was. 
“God, we’re such bad cooks!” Yoosung laughed, twirling a strand go Soneve’s hair between his fingers as Seven traced his fingers up and down the blonde’s thigh. The brunette was resting her head in the crook of Saeyoung’s neck, her hands rubbing his chest. 
“I know right!” Soneve giggled, placing a piece of chocolate on the redhead’s chest and eating it. 
“Gimme one,” Saeyoung wheedled, stopping his rubbing to twist his hands into the blonde’s hair. 
Yoosung picked up a piece and dropped it into his boyfriend’s mouth. 
“Mm…so sweet,” Saeyoung sighed, grimacing towards the end. “And then…there’s that,” he grumbled. 
“You need something really sweet? Then, how about me?” Yoosung flirted, slightly red. 
The redhead immediately sat up, causing Soneve to fall off, squeaking. A devious smirk had crossed his face. 
“I like the way you think,” Saeyoung teased. 
Yoosung’s face turned crimson. “It-I-I was kidding!” he shrieked. 
“Oh, sure you were,” he taunted. 
Soneve popped up behind him. “Bedroom?” she offered wryly. 
“Hell yes.” 
Saeyoung dragged them off to the bedroom, his eyes glinting maliciously behind his glasses. 
“I’m gonna make you both see stars tonight.”
My gift for @godd707 :3 Happy Valentine's Day and I hoped you enjoyed! I couldn't put your name...sadly...so I made an anagram of your pen name: Godd Seven Zero Seven :D Sorry it's kinda...meh...anyways, I hoped you liked! I'm a huge fan of your blog and I'm honored to make this for my Senpai/Valentine ;3 And...this is too long...well, happy Valentine's Day and hope you have a great day! 
~ SoulHorse
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happy (late) valentines @yachidere!! sorry for being behind work is a pain in my butt lol
this is your highschool au, but where does jumin want to take you?? hehe thats up to you c: but i hope you like it!! and that you had a good v-day ♡
and thanks for organizing this event @mysmesecretvalentines!! it was a lot of fun ^^
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My Valentine gift to @akiza-hades-rose with Zen and MC. How fitting that it has roses ^^.
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My Valentine’s gift for @rfantabulouso
Happy Valentine’s day!! Hope you like it!
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Present for @dajackies ♡♡ Hope you like it~
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Need Each Other
         for @saeran-s 
  Saeyoung was always over the top. Saeran understood on some level that his brother overcompensated, that Saeyoung had to be that exuberant, or he’d fall into the same darkness that still so often consumed Saeran. It was easier with MC. She was quieter, calmer with him. They had history, of course, but it wasn’t the same as with Saeyoung. But he was trying, with his brother, and he acknowledged that Saeyoung was trying too. It was fragile, this life they were building. But MC refused to let either of them quit.
            “Saeran,” MC called, “Saeran, wake up. I’m going to touch your shoulder now, ok?” Her hand was feather light on his shoulder, gently rubbing to wake him up. Saeran groaned groggily and sat up. Apparently he’d fallen asleep on the couch again. MC backed off as soon as he sat up, and Saeran marveled again at her patience. Shortly after Saeran moved in, MC had explained to him (and Saeyoung, again) that she was a ‘physical touch’ person, that’s how she showed people she cared about them, and it made her feel cared for. But she wouldn’t push either of them and she never wanted to make them uncomfortable. (She had to explain this to both of them, multiple times.) Slowly, MC was teaching the brothers about positive physical interactions. So Saeran was amazed by her patience. Especially with him. She loved Saeyoung, so academically, he could understand her patience with his crazy brother. But with him? He still didn’t quite get it, no matter how many time she said, “You’re my brother, too, Saeran.”
            She watched him now, carefully outside his bubble as he woke up. He focused on her and MC’s face lit up.
            “We’re going on an adventure, Saeran!” she told him excitedly.
            “An adventure?” he repeated. “We just went to the grocery store…two days ago?” Everything that involved leaving the house was an adventure to MC, and their most common ‘adventure’ was MC taking him with her when she went shopping. He carried the bags and MC always bought him something sweet for the week.
            “Not the grocery store!” MC chirped. “It’s a surprise!”
            “Walking or driving?” he asked, wandering over to the door to put on his shoes.
            “Driving,” MC said. Saeran frowned. They were driving, but they couldn’t be going somewhere populated, or MC would warn him. It couldn’t be a picnic, because Saeyoung wasn’t coming. It bothered him a little that he had no idea what MC was planning. But, after almost a year of living with Saeyoung and MC, he trusted MC.
            MC practically buzzed with excitement while she drove. Saeran watched the city pass outside his window. They didn’t talk, but that was ok. MC pulled up to a non-descript cement building and Saeran studied the sign.
            “An animal shelter?” he asked. MC nodded enthusiastically.
            “We’re going to love on the puppies and kittens!” she told him excitedly.
            “Well, that explains why Saeyoung didn’t come,” Saeran commented drily. MC groaned.
            “Can you imagine? I’d need a leash for him! I suppose I could get one of those kiddie leashes with the backpack…” Saeran smiled, just a little, at the idea of MC putting his hyperactive brother on a kiddie leash.
            A polite lady with brown hair in a neat ponytail greeted them, introducing herself as Jane and explaining the process. Saeran walked down the rows of kennels, holding out his hand for eager noses to sniff. But the one that caught his attention didn’t come to sniff his hand. The off-white dog watched him from the back of the kennel, attentive blue eyes visible over the fluffy tail tucked over his nose.
            “Can I sit with this one?” Saeran asked. MC beamed at his initiative.
            “You can try,” Jane said slowly. “We haven’t had much luck socializing him yet. He comes from kind of a rough background.” Saeran just nodded, never taking his eyes off the dog doing it’s best to be as small as possible.
            Saeran waited in a small room with benches all the way around and dog toys scattered across the floor. MC decided to play with the cats. A shelter worker brought the sad white dog to meet Saeran. He sat on the floor, knees pulled to his chest, trying to look as non-threatening as possible. The dog sniffed around the room, but didn’t approach. Saeran stayed still, waiting. The dog curled up about three feet away from Saeran. “It’s ok, buddy,” Saeran whispered. “I have kind of a rough background too.” Carefully, carefully, Saeran moved closer, moving an inch then stopping, waiting to see how the dog would react. Fifteen minutes of this careful creeping found him sitting right next to the wary dog. He had to be some sort of shepherd or husky mix, Saeran decided. Unexpectedly, the dog shifted just enough to press his nose to Saeran’s thigh. Saeran could feel his hot breath through his black skinny jeans. Slowly, slowly, Saeran moved his hand until it rested on the dog’s neck. The dog huffed, but didn’t move, and Saeran smiled. He didn’t move and neither did the dog. Saeran wasn’t sure how long they sat like that before the soft click of the latch made them both look up. Jane stood in the doorway, MC peering over her shoulder. MC’s phone was out, and the guilty look on her face said she’d been taking pictures of him again. Saeran rolled his eyes, knowing those pictures will be all over the RFA messenger later. MC took almost as many pictures as ZEN, though not nearly as many selfies. Saeran didn’t understand her need to document everything, but it made her happy, so perhaps it was ok.
            “I’m sorry,” the shelter lady said, “but it’s time to go.” Saeran nodded and carefully scooted away, allowing the woman to step forward and clip a leash to the dog’s collar. As she led him away, Saeran felt a tug of some emotion he couldn’t identify deep in his chest.
            The silent drive back to the bunker felt heavier than the drive to the shelter had. Saeran could feel it, but he couldn’t put a finger on the reason. MC worried her bottom lip between her teeth. They weren’t even halfway home when she changed direction.
            “MC?” Saeran asked. “What are you doing?”
            “Going back to get your dog, if you want him,” she said.
            “What?” Saeran said, not sure if he’d actually heard correctly.
            “We’re going to get your dog,” she repeated. “Don’t look so surprised. I talked to Saeyoung about the possibility long before I even set up this trip. I figured it would be good either way. Cuddling animals is good for your health. Science says so. But there was no way I would put you in a situation where you had to walk away if you didn’t want to. So the decision is yours, whatever you feel most comfortable with.” MC stared at him for a moment, before remember that she was the one driving and should really keep her eyes on the road. Saeran’s mind reeled.
            “But what if I wanted a snake?” he blurted, knowing full well how much MC hated snakes. Saeyoung brought home a rubber snake one time and threw it at MC as a joke. She’d panicked and locked herself in the bedroom for hours. Saeran had made himself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for supper that night, because he lacked MC’s skills in the kitchen and her conviction that they needed to eat ‘real food’ on a regular basis. Grudgingly, he’d made Saeyoung a sandwich too, as his brother was pressed up against the closed door, furiously apologizing to his fiancée.
            MC took a deep, shuddering breath.
            “If you wanted a snake, that’s what we’d bring home,” she said.  Saeran just stared at her, watching how her hands gripped the steering wheel. It struck him again just how much MC, and Saeyoung, cared about him. Even after more than a year, it still surprised him.
            “I don’t want a snake,” he said, watching MC visibly relax. “But, are you sure? Like, really sure about this?” Saeran fisted his hands in his lap. “I…I still have… bad days… and you and Saeyoung would have to take of me and the dog…” Saeran said guiltily, a tight knot in his chest. MC let go of the wheel with one hand to give his shoulder a quick squeeze, the touch barely there before it was gone again.
            “What would you like to do, Saeran? We’ll always be there to support you,” she said. Saeran took a deep breath.
            “I think,” he said slowly, “that we should go get that dog.” MC whooped. Saeran rolled his eyes. But he smiled, just a little.
            An almost incomprehensible whirlwind of activity later and Saeran found himself walking into the bunker with a dog while MC followed with her arms full of supplies. Is this really happening, Saeran wondered. It was a less common question these days, but one that still bothered him on occasion.
            “MC?” he asked, reminding himself that MC and Saeyoung wanted him to ask whenever he wasn’t sure. “MC, is this really happening?” MC paused, shifting the giant bag of dog food in her arms so she could meet his eyes. Once she had eye contact, she said,
            “Yes, Searan, this is really happening.” Saeran nodded. Opening the inner door of the bunker, Saeyoung was waiting for them. He practically vibrated with excitement. Saeran was secretly impressed with how well Saeyoung kept himself under control. Saeyoung immediately rescued MC from the bag of dog food.
            “Defender of Justice, 707, to the rescue!” he declared. “I also made supper,” he announced, sounding incredibly proud of himself. MC gave him a look that was somewhere between terrified and exasperated. Saeyoung was a literal disaster in the kitchen. Saeran wondered if he could go to Yoosung’s for supper. His meals weren’t pretty, but they were edible, which is more than could be said for Saeyoung.
            “If you cooked, why is the bunker still standing,” MC asked. Saeyoung pressed a hand to his chest, almost dropping the dog food in the process.
            “My love, you wound me! Have you no confidence in God Seven?”
            “Not if he’s cooking,” MC said drily. Saeyoung set the dog food down so he could sink dramatically to the floor.
            “Death, death!” he cried before going limp. MC looked at Saeran and rolled her eyes. Stepping over Saeyoung, MC went to assess the situation in the kitchen. He didn’t hear any immediate screaming, so it couldn’t be too bad, Saeran decided. MC reappeared and knelt next to Saeyoung.
            “You ordered take-out!” she announced, pressing a kiss to lips that quirked into a smile, though Saeyoung kept his eyes closed.
            “Up, up!” MC said. “True love’s kiss has healed you, so help me unload the car, oh Defender of Justice!” Saeran moved away from the lovey-dovey couple. They hadn’t talked about it, but Saeran thought his bedroom would be the best place for the dog to stay. It was certainly the cleanest. Searan shut his door and unclipped the leash, allowing the dog to explore.
            “I guess we need a name for you, huh, buddy? I can’t just keep calling you dog.” Saeran watched his new roommate investigate the corners of the room. “What should I call you?” Saeran mused. The dog didn’t respond, obviously, continuing his exploration of the space. Saeran settled cross-legged on his bed and watched. A vague memory pushed its way to the front of his mind, a book Saeyoung snuck home when they were little…he couldn’t remember the name of the book, or the plot, but he remembered enjoying it, remembered that the dog’s name was Scooter.
            “Scooter?” he said out loud. The dog paused and looked at him. “Scooter it is, then.” A muffled thump came from outside his door.
            “That’s probably Saeyoung and MC with the rest of your stuff,” Saeran said. Sliding off the bed, he opened the door. Saeyoung scrambled on the floor, shoving dog toys back into a bag. MC watched him with mild exasperation. Saeran took the bags from her and promptly dropped them on his bed.
            “I’ll deal with that later. I feel like we should give Scooter a chance to explore and settle in on his own. And didn’t someone mention take-out?”
            “Scooter?” Saeyoung repeated, brows furrowed. “Wasn’t there a book…?”
            “Yeah,” Saeran said, blushing slightly. “There was a book. When we were kids.” Saeyoung didn’t push it any farther, and Saeran was glad. They’d made so much progress, but talking about their childhood was still sticky, sometimes. MC grabbed both of them by the arm, linking her elbows through theirs.
            “C’mon! Saeyoung got Indian food!” Saeran let himself be led to the kitchen. Glancing back once, he saw Scooter watching with wary, interested eyes.
            Scooter hid a lot those first few weeks. Mostly in Saeran’s room, though he had the run of the bunker. Sometimes he would creep out and lay at Saeran’s end of the couch while they watched movies. Saeran snuck him popcorn when no one was looking. (MC always knew. But she didn’t say anything because she was so proud of Saeran and didn’t want to make him self-conscious.) The first major shift in Scooter’s behavior came surprisingly (or perhaps not) on the first ‘bad day’ Saeran had since bringing Scooter home.
            Saeran knew the signs. The inability to get out of bed was his first clue. The inability to care was the second. I should try to talk myself out of this, Saeran thought. I should at least try to talk myself out of bed. But that just seemed like so much effort. The weight of it threatened to crush him. The weight of my emotion is literally pining me to the bed, Saeran thought. That would be morbidly amusing if I could feel anything at all right now. Scooter whined somewhere in the room. I should open my eyes and see what he needs, Saeran thought. He didn’t open his eyes. Scooter whined again. Saeran heard scratching. Another whine. Then the soft padding of Scooter walking across the room before a wet nose touched his exposed shoulder. Saeran tried to wriggle away but Scooter’s nose followed. Saeran groaned.
            “Do you need to go out?” he asked, somewhat surprised that his voice worked. Scooter barked softly. Saeran groaned again.
            “Are you sure?” Scooter barked again. Saeran pried his eyes open. Scooter stepped back, just the tip of his tail wagging. Saeran dragged himself slowly out of the bed, wincing when his feet hit the ground. He shuffled toward the door, Scooter trotting happily at his side. Saeran crept through the bunker. He hoped desperately that he wouldn’t want to run into Saeyoung or MC. He’d lived with them long enough, they’d be able to tell it was one of his bad days. And they’d worry. They’d worry anyway, but at least they wouldn’t worry yet. Scooter did his business and Saeran shuffled back into the bunker. He curled up on his bed, utterly exhausted from even that little bit of effort. Scooter whined again. Saeran could hear him shifting, as if the dog didn’t know what to do. Me either, buddy, Saeran thought. With a soft whump, the bed dipped as Scooter jumped onto the bed. Scooter was a little unsteady as he stood on the bed, studying Saeran. Scooter had never jumped on the bed before. Scooter stepped gingerly over Saeran. Saeran watched (and lacked the motivation to do anything more than watch.) Scooter draped himself across Saeran’s chest, his head resting on Saeran’s right shoulder, the one with the Mint Eye tattoo. The weight and warmth felt nice. Safe. Calming. The looming sense of despair retreated, just a little, and Saeran drifted back to sleep.
            MC and Saeyoung stood in the doorway to Saeran’s room.
            “It’s a bad day,” Saeyoung said despondently. “He’s never miss your waffles if it wasn’t a bad day.” MC didn’t say anything for a while, just rubbed comforting circles between Saeyoung’s shoulder blades.
    ��       “But look at them, Saeyoung. Really look,” she said finally. “Saeran’s accepting comfort. Maybe not from us, not yet, but he’s come so far. And look at the dog who wouldn’t let anyone touch him when we first brought him home. Look at them, Saeyoung. And look at yourself. We’ve all come so far.” She pressed a kiss to Saeyoung’s temple, then another to his lips.
            “This, this is what family really means. Just, being here for each other.”
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Soulmate AU
Hi cutie I am your Mystic Messenger SV <3 ~ Happy v-day!
I decided to do the soulmate AU and also added few things of my own I hope thats okay! (the MCs name is Trinity!)
Without further ado here is your fic and also Im getting used to writing fics! I hope you enjoy it~
A/N: I am so sorry I wrote so much! I don’t know if it will make sense to you , I hope you will like it. I left it there because I felt if i wrote more i would’ve wrote something that didn’t have sense. If you like this a lot and want me to write an epilogue I will. This is like the first time a write a big fanfic like this.
Word count:2,714
Sengoku Period (1467)
I saw him… he was going .. I saw the life in his eyes leaving suddenly .. and you felt your body also its life leaving you thought…
“No not now … please… why both of us … I just wanted to live a life with him…”
“Trinity… please don’t you die too…”
I guess Yoosung doesn’t realize that we are dying…
I pray that we find again ourselves… God please let me find him again let our souls find ourselves again….
We both grabbed each other’s hands and say “I love you” to each other .. as our lives in our bodies leave.
2017 (550 years later… )
A/N : They found each other every time but they always died either early or close to old age and they always died together.. but in their last life they promised to each other they would live to old age and they would find each other soon or later…
“Good morning Trinity! , you look as pretty as ever hehe” my coworker said , seriously this guy doesn’t give up. I work in SKY University library in Korea, I’ve been working here for the past 2 years. It’s close to Valentine’s day and my coworker seems to notice.
“And once again I will have to disagree, so no I won’t go on a date I am sorry but I got plans for V-day.” I look towards him and his face goes to a smirk grin.
“Oh don’t worry I’ll be successful by the end of this week to take you out on Valentine’s you’ll see.” My coworker leaves and my friend Hye-mi just looks at me like “he won’t give up” look.
“I know I know , anyway I need to go to the main office let them know that we are waiting on the new stock of books , I’ll be right back , I’ll leave you on the lookout Hye-mi” you smile as you leave and you hear Hye-mi say.
“I got you!”.
Walking towards the main office you see the same group of guys you usually see around lunch time and they start to head towards you.
“How are you Ms. Cutie” you see they have smirks in their faces and you notice they aren’t how usually they’re and you start having bad thoughts that something will happen.
“Is Ms. Trinity to you since I am staff here, and if you excuse me, I have business in the main office” , you try to pass them but they stop you.
“Trinity we just want to ask you if you would… be available for Valentine’s .” you see one of them blush and you see what’s going on..
“You see I have plans with friends on Valentine’s day , but I will be here on the morning till afternoon so if you want to come and chat , it would be nice but I can’t accept your date invitation I am sorry.” you look at them apologetically and smile .
They look a bit sad but put a smile when they hear you say you can come “chat” , “Alright then thank you! , we’ll see you later on.”
You keep walking towards the office, on your own thoughts , feeling that there was a reason something might happen today but you weren’t scared  I guess it was good kind of way?.
Yoosung was running late for class, he was running on the hallway .
“If I take the short cut through the office, I can make it ”
He thought , then he slammed against a girl. “Oh no, not now”  he thought while he looked back and noticed the girl dropped her files .
“ I am so sorry , I was in a hurry to get to class…” 
He looked at her and he felt like he got chills in his body , and felt like electricity was running through his veins and that something clicked. He felt it was fate for some reason to meet her …who was she?.
“Oh don’t worry about it is okay..” 
She looked at the guy who was staring at her. Why was he staring , oh my god did something happen to my clothes? . Trinity started looking at herself but everything was fine , then she stared back at the guy , and she felt strange like for some reason she knew this person but they never met before.
“Um, is something wrong?” 
You stare at the guy while asking him this and you see him have a shocked look on his face like he just processed that he was staring at you.
“Oh sorry I didn’t mean to stare , I just um.. oh no I am going to be late!, I am really sorry again about slamming against you but I got to go for now , um my name is Yoosung Kim later!”
Yoosung starts running again down the hallway while thinking “ She looks just like her… the girl in my dreams.. it can’t be ..”.
That Afternoon while I was getting ready to leave the library for the day , I keep having thoughts of that guy named Yoosung , like he didn’t even let me say my name and he ran off , I mean I guess he had class.
Hye-mi stared at me while I was putting away my things and smiled , 
“ Oh, what’s going on here , Trinity is smiling eh , did something happen? hmm?” 
She smirks at you and you stare at her 
“ It just a guy slammed to me this morning while he was running late for class and he started at me for what it felt like an eternity and then told me his name and ran because he was late for class. But the thing is that I feel like for some reason I was meant to meet him today…”  
You stare off into space until Hye-mi starts giggling.
“ Did you fell in love with a guy who you just met?” she smirks again ,
“Oh come one Hye-mi that’s not it! , he just looks wait no , he feels familiar like I met him before but I’ve never met him! , I don’t know any way we got to go remember friend date” 
You smile at her and you both fix everything and close the library and while walking out of the University , you see a familiar figure and stop and gasp.
Hye-mi stares at you . “ Trinity what’s wrong? are you okay ? you’re a bit pale and blushing?” 
Hye-mi looks in the place that you’re staring at and then smirks. 
“Oh so this is that guy you were talking about “ Hye-mi whispers at you ,”He is kind of cute you know “ . 
You glare at her then both of you keep walking and get close to him and you see he starts walking your way and you start to look away.
“Wait! Please the girl from this morning right!?”
You look at him and he is staring at you with a smile. 
“ Um I want to apologize again for slamming into you and also , to introduce myself properly , my name is Yoosung Kim , what’s your name miss?”
He is smiling at you and also staring at you like he knows you and cares about you.
“My name is Trinity, I work in the library here nice to meet you , and is alright about this morning don’t worry about it”. 
You smile at him and for some reason you feel like you want him to hug you.. wait what are you thinking Trinity you just met the guy! .
Hye-mi stares at you and sees you’re blushing and then says “ I am Hye-mi I also work at the library with Trinity nice to meet you , you’re welcome anytime!” Hye-mi giggles and Yoosung smiles at her 
“ Nice to meet you too , also Trinity I wanted to um”.
Trinity sees he starts shuffling his hands and staring at you like wanting to say something. “Yes?” 
“ Can you come to the coffee club , I want to make coffee for you! To make it up to you”. Yoosung blushes a bit and stares at you . 
“Um sure how about tomorrow around my break time, I wouldn’t mind having coffee ”. She smiles at Yoosung . 
“Alright I’ll see you tomorrow and also can I have your email or phone number , I can send you a text where the club is.”
“Sure , here’s my um phone number” she gave him her number their hands brushed and they felt an electricity between them and they pull back and blush a bit and Hye-mi stares at them and smirks .
“See you tomorrow Trinity!” Yoosung walks away with a smile on his face while Trinity waves. Yoosung then keeps walking home while thinking of her “I can feel its fate for some reason , is it her? the girl from the dreams that I had since little? ..”
Next day
While in the library Trinity receives a text from Yoosung telling her that the club is on the second floor and that she can come now .She starts smiling and says “Okay I am heading to the club and taking my break!” 
Hye-mi smiles and waves “Go get the man!”
“Hye-mi is not like that! later ~”
At the club Yoosung was fidgeting, should he tell her that he’s been dreaming about her since as long as he can remember … were they fated mates, he thought this was like the red string of fate his mom told him when he was little, could it be real?.
“Yoosung? may I enter?” Trinity comes in and Yoosung smiles at her. 
“Sit down Trinity I’ll prepare a cappuccino for you what kind do you like? Do you want it with chocolate flavor or plain or vanilla?” He smiles and blushes.
“If you don’t mind I would like chocolate with whip cream”
She smiles and blushes a bit, she starts looking around after he goes to prepare her drink , she looks around and her eyes keep going back to him moving swiftly his hand as he makes her drink.
“Why do I feel… like I want to be with him…also that I know him, last night I had a the dream I usually had when I was little … of a guy that was looking for him and for some reason that guy looks like Yoosung..”
She was lost in her thoughts that she didn’t notice tears were forming in her eyes.
“Alright Trinity here is your… oh my god are you okay?!”. 
He puts the cappuccino next to you and grabs your hands.
“Why are you crying , are you okay?”. 
He looks at you with a worried look and goes around the counter to sit next to you and wraps his hands around yours. “Are you okay Trinity?” 
You look at him, at his beautiful soft purple eyes as your tears run down your face. 
“Yoosung,.. I know this may sound absurd and of course very weird but, I feel like I have met you before and thats impossible because I just met you yesterday , but since yesterday I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind , also a dream I haven’t had in a while now re appeared again and for some reason I feel like the person in that dream calling to me is you Yoosung..”.
 You look at him and you see he is not in complete shocked at all , why doesn’t he look shocked usually guys are shocked right.
 Your thoughts were all over the place mostly because Yoosung wasn’t shocked.
So it is her she is the girl in my dreams. 
Yoosung thoughts were all over the place to , he also felt like he knew her , specially when their hands touched , his heart was beating so fast he thought she would hear it. 
“Trinity… I also feel like I known you since forever, I have dreamt since I was little that a girl was calling out to me , telling me to find her , that she needs me , she had a sad look in her eyes and she looks like you”
He stops to look at her while she has a surprise look in her face.
“Trinity let me ask you… do you believe in fate and reincarnation? , I believe in it since my mom would tell me stories on different things , then I started to have these dreams when I was little of this girl who wanted to see me and needed me , I always thought she was my princess or mate”
He stops to laugh a bit and blush “ So when I saw you and after I ran to class I thought about my dreams and how the girl looks like you , and I came to a conclusion last night , maybe  you are her and the dreams I had are memories from my past life with you” .
 Yoosung grabs one of my hands and holds it and then smiles at me.
“Yoosung.. you had dreams too? I had dreams of a person, a guy who was looking for me telling me to find him, that he wants me to be close. I didn’t pay attention much when I was little but as I grew up I kept having them, so when you ran in to me yesterday and I looked at you staring at me I thought I feel like I met this man before… and now this huh”. 
She smiles a bit sadly but she is a bit happy to.
“May I ask you out if you would accept, I want to get to know you a bit better, I won’t let anything happen to you” 
He smiles a bit childish “I know we just met but I want to get to know you and maybe even be together with you in the future?” he looks at you.
“Are you saying we are fated pairs?” she looks at him in a caring look. 
“We can’t see it but I feel like there is a red string of fate around us and that it was fated us to meet in this era and we go to the same university, we live in Korea, like that’s way too much of a coincidence”. Yoosung says while smiling a bit.
Trinity giggles “Okay, you can take me out plus is it okay if we go to the town library I want to find out something, I want to see if we can find something about our past lives, to be honest I feel a strong connection to you like I love you .. Oh! sorry!”
Trinity starts blushing a lot. Yoosung put his palm in my cheek 
“Is okay , if we are fated pairs , and we been dreaming about each other since little and we finally found each other I don’t plan to let you go so even if you love another person I won’t allow it because” 
He gets close and whispers “ Ever since long time ago you have been mine .. Trinity.” he looks at you and kisses your cheek then eyelids, he kisses your tears away, then your lips.
“Yoosung..I missed you .. I don’t want that tragedy again… don’t leave me alone okay.” She sniffs and smiles a bit 
“ I won’t I promise”.Yoosung smiles and hugs her.
After this Trinity and Yoosung found out that they did have past lives and apparently they met in every life time but a tragedy always happened that separated them in death… they vowed to protect and help each other out , since Yoosung was studying to become a veterinarian , you promised to help him out . Trinity and Yoosung may have declared their feelings for themselves that day but they didn’t start dating till 4 months after.
They had a V-day date at the library first, then went to eat ending with going to the park where Yoosung gave Trinity roses. 
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For @stardustseven
It starts with the writing. Sometimes, people just wake up with pen markings on their arms, markings they don’t remember drawing on themselves. Some brush it off as forgetfulness. Others know straightaway. They all reach the same conclusion in the end. They’ve seen their mate. Mate, or the longer term “soulmate” was the “too rare to be common, too common to be rare” phenomenon of two souls being equal to each other. Of course, it’s not all daisies and sunshine after the markings begin, no sir. First, it’s the tracking down. For some it’s easy- that new waitress at the restaurant, that guy who just moved in above, those kinds. For others it’s hard- waking up face down in a bar after getting rip-roaring drunk with floral writing on your hand and no memory of the last 18 hours is not a good start. And for others still it’s a challenge- a story that went viral a few days ago was about a man who found his mate by watching a short advertisement- in Chinese. It took him months to find the ad, a year to learn basic Chinese, and another 2 to find and propose to his mate on the spot(they got married 2 years later). And for some, it’s a special sort of hell- perhaps they find their mate in another relationship-or, God forbid, married. Others find their mates and get together, only to fall horribly apart due to clashing personalities or mental problems. Just because their souls were equal, doesn’t mean their hearts were as well. Ironically, it was these relationships that almost always ended with abuse, crime, and on a really bad day, death. Luciel had always thought himself to be the latter. *** It started with a hacking. Ok, a lot of things in his life started with a hacking. But this one didn’t have anything to do with him. Well, it kinda did. Anyway- He noticed the newcomer right away. He stared at her screen name. MC? He messaged the group members as he worked, drawing their attention to the trespasser. It wasn’t a dual download, like he had suggested, but neither was it a robot. An actual human being had entered the chatroom without his permission.  Their IP address wasn’t encrypted so he gained access to the phone with ease, digging into their social media (barely anything), gallery (nothing-was this a new phone?) and anywhere else he could find clues about this MC. The name implied it was female, but he’d been fooled before. It wasn’t until he switched to location tracking when he noticed where she was. Rika’s apartment. He told the others(who proceeded to freak out a bit) while he hacked into the security cameras in the house. He hadn’t done that in a year-plus he made damn good firewalls-so it took him sometime to see their intruder’s face. And she was… She was… He felt his skin go hot. He wasn’t even looking at her face yet; just the monochrome silhouette of a woman no older than he. What’s wrong with me? He shifted in his computer seat, taking a large swig of Phd. Pepper as the woman turned to look up at the camera. Luciel spat out his drink as electricity jolted down his spine. He hunched over as he coughed, hands grasping the desk as he expelled the carbonated beverage. Straightening, he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand when he noticed something on the inside of his right wrist. It was a word-“tintinnabulation?” in sharp but elegant handwriting. He moved his gaze to the rest of his arm; slowly, as if he was writing them himself, other words and phrases also began to dot the rest of his forearm. He looked back at the girl; she was rubbing her arms. And looking directly at the camera. Ah, shit. *** She was a writer. His arms told him that much. The next five days were filled with things to do; if he wasn’t working he was doing what V wanted him to do, or he was on the messenger, talking with the members in his usual style; all jokes and laughs. But mostly, he was writing on his hand. It took him a minute after the initial shock to remember that he could write back on himself as well-using washable markers he wrote on his palm, keeping an eye on the security camera to see her reaction. He laughed when she jumped at the letters forming in her hand, but then peered closer to read his message. Hello, MC.
  She looked at it for a bit. Her gaze flickered to the camera, but then she had a pen in her hand and was writing back. Luciel felt pressure, the telltale prickle of taking a pen to flesh. He waited. Luciel. Back and forth they communed, writing at first small questions and answers to each other. What are you from? What do you like? It soon digressed, however, into silly banter and stupid drawings scrawled on different regions of their bodies. There were times when he would wake up and go to the bathroom, only to find his face vandalized to look like a cat. Suppressing a smile, he had called her and teased her in a cat like voice “Come on, nya~ Rub it off nya~”, all while he watched her giggle on the sofa at Rikas apartment, wearing an identical set of whiskers on her face as well. He was still chuckling when the alert came in. He stared at his screen, aghast and perplexed at the crimson skull flashing on top strings of code. He leapt into action, trying to trace to incoming hacker and block them. It was too late, however-the intruder had already started tampering with security controls long before the system had even registered their presence. Luciel was left to survey whatever damage they had wreaked. He paled as he scanned for the change in the lines of code, while accessing security. The change wasnt much-a few words here, a command there, but the result was horrendous. The bomb. He checked the system twice, then another time to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. The screen stayed the same. The bomb. Before Rika had died, she had become…paranoid. Convinced that someone would try to access the sensitive information about party guests without the RFA’s knowledge…she had taken extreme measures. One of those measures was to install a bomb into her apartment. When the system picked up an unauthorized entry, it was to detonate the bomb, which could wipe out the whole floor-or maybe the building itself. And it was hacked. He called V. He also told the members in the chatroom what had happened, and warned MC to stay put, lest she trip the bomb. He switched all screens around him to the security feed of the building, save for a laptop, which he used to try and fix the issue. He looked at his hand for a moment, almost anticipating a sign from MC. When she didn’t reach out, he scrawled two words across his hand before sinking back into his computer chair to work. I’m sorry. Exactly 26.5 hours later, he’s still awake. The running anthem of itsallmyfaultitsallmyfault is an effective way to ward off sleep, as well as the five one liter bottles of Ph.D Pepper that littered his workspace. He still hadn’t made much headway into cracking the code surrounding the bomb controls. At worst, they’d have to go in there and disarm the bomb manually-risking the lives of many people. Including MC. MC. Exactly 2.26 hours after he apologized, she got back to him. The feeling of being drawn on plagued his upper body for hours as she wrote messages to him. His phone was off, so the only way to get his attention was to literally draw on him. It did a good job too; he found himself tearing away from the computer screen once in a while to glance at his hands or arms. Are you alright? Turn on your phone!!! Answer me you @$!&# Are you sleeping? I miss you. I’m worried about you. Luciel, please. The last one was bolded and underlined, as if she had traced it over and over again. He stared at it for a while, his emotions swirling under his golden eyes. He pulled up a small tablet, tapping a few icons to pull up the security footage of Rika’s flat. MC was still there, laying sideways on the couch. Her long brown hair was pushed to the side, so her closed eyes and pursed lips were visible, as well as her two hands, which were clasped together to her chest. She looked a bit like she was praying. The thought of that made him smile. He reached out, the tips of his fingers gently playing along the side of the screen, around her small, monochrome figure. “Sorry,” he muttered softly as he stroked her back. What he was apologizing for, he wasn’t sure anymore. Whether he was talking about ignoring her, or just being her soulmate in general. He didn’t deserve her. He didn’t think he ever would. Then the screen flickered, and cut out. What the? Luciel tapped the screen, once, twice, before putting two and two together. It wasn’t that the tablet was broken, but the security feed had been cut. The security- He felt pain race down his forearm, he looked down to see words in big, hurried font appearing on him. The ink was red, looking perversely and terrifyingly like blood. HELP. Luciels blood ran cold. No.nonononononononono- He rushed back to his computer, but then stopped. He couldn’t help her from here. Swiveling on his chair, he reached for a pen. What happened? Intruder. One. He wants to take me. Where are you? Her response to this took a while. When she did, her writing was shaky and sloppy, as if she couldn’t see exactly what she was doing. Hiding The g was slanted to the right. There might have been something that frightened her-something like- He grabbed his phone, dialing one of the few numbers he had. “Hello?” the man who answered was calm, if not puzzled at why he  was being called at such an unholy hour. “Send the police to **** Building!! Apartment ****! And bodyguards! Hurry up!” “What?” Jumin asked. “Where is that? And why-” he paused, his mind processing the information. “MC?” Luciel didn’t say anything, breathing hard. “Alright.” He hung up. Luciel breathed. He leaned back in his chair, combing his hand through his hair and closing his eyes. He didn’t wake up for a while. Not to see the small words forming on his wrist, just like the first day the connected. Thank you.
————————– Hello! I know this isn’t great and technically unfinished but this is all I can give you…if you want you can contact me and I’ll try to end it XD
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Here’s my valentine gift for @onceandalwaysenglishmajor !
They wanted Yoosung and Saeran being cute and fluffy, so I decided on a Valentine’s Day ice cream date! I hope you like it!
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My valentines gift for @spaceblue
Happy Valentines day!!!!
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