juminsqrincess · 3 years
RFA + saeran’s petnames headcannons
something small to start the blog off hehe~ here are the RFA’s and saeran’s (minus v because i literally haven’t played his route or looked at him HJGHGJ sorry-) favourite pet names to call you: (minor spoilers for saeran)
not gonna lie, poor baby yoosung is probably the one *being* called the pet names most of the time; but after a while he does start to get more comfortable and less anxious and flusterable (is that word? LMAO) when giving affection to the MC. he starts off very slowly, calling you the pet names when you’re both sleepy, or when you’re focused on a game with him, so you don’t notice it too much (though his face still reddens in anticipation to your reaction) and then pet names become a more natural thing for him, and just start slipping out- especially if you give him a positive reaction because he just wants to see you happy! 
pet names include: - honey (delivered with a cheesy grin, he thinks he’s all smooth and classy) - bubby (literally just baby but with extra yoosung sweetness added - it started out as something he used in his sleepy voice and then you picked up a liking to it- it still kind of embarrasses him)  - birdie (likes the concept of you being all small and fluffy- *is small and fluffy*- yoosung’s version of the classic pet name ‘dove’) - snuggles (definitely WAS NOT the name of his old teddy bear that he MAYBE still keeps as a SECRET to cuddle when he misses you-) - his little pogchamp
pet name GOD - shamelessly started using pet names as SOON as you two hit it off, this man is a pet name machine he has TRICKS UP HIS SLEEVE. bro. he uses as many pet names as he can to figure out your weak spots and then TAKES ADVANTAGE OF THIS KNOWLEDGE. it boosts his ego to see you flustered because of him of course - though he wants you to feel special too! he has a few favourites listed here with special meaning~
pet name include: - babe/jagi/jagiya (duh bro?? its like canon or sum) - beautiful/handsome/gorgeous - whatever suits you most~ (NEED I SAY MORE? SOMEONE AS BEAUTIFUL AS HIM WILL ONLY BE WITH SOMEONE EQUALLY AS GOOD-LOOKING?? he also give constant compliments be warned) - cutie (wholesome zen moment) - good-lookin’ (said as he casually pulls you in by the waist to kiss your forehead, wow zen you’re so smoo0th) -  sexy (IT’S THE BEAST BRO)
unfortunately none of us have really seen jaehee’s more lovey-dovey side in the game - she probably prefers calling you by your name the most, and she speaks it almost like it’s a praise, but the odd time she calls you pet names just as a way to appreciate you, or to remind you that she cherishes you. does it very casually and naturally, she’s quite a steady-paced girl so she needn’t force pet names to come, they just do whenever the moment calls for it really.
pet names incluude: - love  - darling (you are dear to herr!! she’s so busy all the time - moments with you are cherished and precious - you’re like a pocket of hope and sunshine in such a grey world full of deadlines and schedules... someone she can truly relax with!) - beloved - dear(est) - sweetheart (BCS. YOU. ARE. SO SWEET! you’re always looking out for her and being so patient with her as she works - you have a heart of gold, and she admires how kind you are to the RFA members - she’s truly lucky to have won a place in your heart <3)
this man. this man is so nonchalantly smooth. he doesn’t even know it - or maybe he does - you can’t tell because he’ll just slip in a pet name mid-convo and make you mELT. when he gets soft... pet names are maybe one of his favourite things to tell you, because he gets to show you his more vulnerable and affectionate sides. he uses pet names as a way to spoil you - and spoil you he does because HIS VOICE *IS HEAVEN*, and the light kisses and touches he places on you as he speaks to you so fondly are a BIIG BONUSS. it takes him a while to start using more ‘personalized’ pet names - he sticks to the generic ones at first, they’re classy and simple - but after a while he conjures up newer ones out of his sheer emotion for you - only to be used in private though.
pet names include:  - the usual at first, dear, beloved, honey, love - AND THEN BOOM: precious (you are the most precious thing in his life HANDS DOWN. gets so sentimental when he uses it aswell - will whisper it to you before bed or when he’s trying to comfort you - nothing in this world compares to how much you mean to him) - kitten (yeah you thought i would stop myself - no.) - mr/mrs/mx* han (after you get married he does this a lot in public - maybe to show off a little bit and see everyone’s surprised faces as he follows it with ‘dear’ or something - he isn’t big into PDA but he has his smug sneaky ways of letting you know that he is thankful to have you) - HIS prince/princess/your majesty/highness: (DUUUDE... he wants the BEST for you - you’ve finally shown him what the wonderful feelings of love do! you hold that power over him at least! ...will kiss your hand when he uses this)
saeyoung has... stranger more unique ways to show you affection, and the pet names he uses do not escape his whacky tendencies - uses pet names as a way to put a smile on your face and to make you laugh, to see that cute bright smile on your face! of course though, saeyoung has a (small) share of pet names that are more sensical and have some sort of more obvious meaning behind them. he starts off using dumb pet names, then as he gets emotionally attached stops, then he accepts he loves you and starts using really cheesey pet names, theenn he regains some of his happiness with you and becomes more jokey again (WHEW!). 
pet names include: (besides the normal boooring ones /j) - his star (you guided him to his happiness... you shone for him brightly when he had no shine himself - you cheered him up with your beauty and warmth - and you guys did kick ass stuff in his good end like it was a MOVIE or something – also spaaace??) - weird food names - starts off as honey and sweetie pie - gets weird fast... will call you his chip and his nurse pepper ( doctor is reserved for the drink - otherwise it gets confusing) - LOWKEY MAKES FUN OF YOU... if you’re short he’ll call you shortie - if you’re tall he calls you tallie (haha funny.) if you’re blonde he calls you blondie, and if you have freckles or dimples OR GLASSES - consider it your new name. also starts calling you after the things you wear - if you wear chains, he calls you chains, if you wear dramatic makeup, he starts calling you a diva - will call you noob i’m sorry - sweet cheeks (SEVEN WHICH CHEEKS-) - boople snoot (yes.) - his galaxy (the seven alternative to my world)
okay so - it’s assumed that saeran is actually a DID system but i’m writing for good end saeran because um - lets be honest the alters were not the most healthy and probably wouldn’t have been doing any pet name calling (ray being too insecure, black suit saeran and unknown... being black suit saeran and unknown? it would have been sarcastic and mean)
after all of the hardships you guys had gone through... saeran was TERRIFIED that you would leave because why on earth would you want to stick by with him i mean?? all he had known his whole life is literally mistreatment he thought you were too good to be true. but you stuck by and you gave him what he had needed for so long - you always made him feel safe and he finally belonged somewhere, felt like the world wasn’t ALWAYS out for him, he could breathe easier now. very reluctant at first - messing up with you especially gave him paralyzing fear. but then you showed him such loyalty, he looked at you and saw that yes you made mistakes, that you were human, and you reminded him that it was okay to be human too. so slowly he trusted that you would accept him being affectionate back - he wanted to appreciate you like you appreciated him - despite all of the flaws he saw in himself constantly. (WHOO I LOVE SAERAN SO MUCH OMG CAN YOU TELL??)
pet names include: - angel (do i need to explain this?? you’ve saved his life - his future, everything. he sees you with a halo around your head constantly, even at your darkest moments, because he’s been there before too!) - flower (at first glance may seem like a cute thing because ray liked gardening - which sure part of it is that - but moreover he talks about your beauty when he uses this pet name, about how happy you make him, he sees you as someone delicate and gentle yet at the same time someone bold and bright - someone that the world NEEDS) - sunshine (you brighten his day, his month, his year, his life - aaand well a garden does need sunshine doesn’t it? you keep him going when he feels like giving up) - love and dear (too classic not to be included with a man that wore fancy suits JHGH)  - sweetheart/sweetie/honey (along with his big sweet tooth - he thinks you’re the sweetest person he’s ever met) - sugarplum (pls let me have this)
*mx is like m(r)s and mr but for non-binary folks :)
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mysmeshcs · 7 years
hey! i've been having a lot of trouble lately with my mom, and i'd love to read everybody/choi boys reacting to mc with an alcoholic and emotionally abusive mother. i'm sorry if this seems weird! i'm just having a lot more trouble than usual dealing with this lately and i really need some sort of comfort. tysm! ❤
I haven’t write in a while so sorry if it’s sucks but my askbox is always open for anything~ c: I hope everything will be fine with you dear, and feel free to send me an ask/ IM if you need to talk with someone ❤❤❤ || @depresseddweeb
Choi boys:
both of them already knew from the background check on you
offers you to stay with them
Saeran probably will try really hard to convice you to stay with him and leave your abusive mother
they might hacked and done a few things as a revenge
will take legal acts against her if you want to
lot of praises
and pranks
and cosplaying
rip Vanderwood and Zen
and horrible puns
Seven pls
they will come even at 4 am for you 
Saeran will cook for you 
breakfasts in bed woohoo
he might feed you btw
also he will share his ice cream with you
they will support you no matter what
cuddles? hELL YEAH
Seven will hack your phone for memes
I’m sorry if it’s not good enough for you ;;3;;
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kyojuuros · 7 years
ayyyyy what is a ghost's favourite dessert? Boo-Berry pie with I-scream OuO -pun anon [ you can find me on @mysmeshcs requests are still opened~ *shameless self promo oops* uwu ]
ice cream sounds amazing haha~
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mysmeshcs · 7 years
Hey! Could you write a scenario/headcanons for MC running an imagines blog for Haikyuu if you've ever seen it or just some other miscellaneous thing? Also I hope you feel better
oh shoot i forget if i requested who could you do RFA + Saeran?
that’s pretty much an old request but I’ll go with shingeki no kyojin since I have also a side blog for this ;D
thinks it’s cool bc you’re so creative with your writing
really likes reading your writing
follows you too but probably block the spoilers tag
sends you asks on anon too
when he founds out it’s your blog he wasn’t sure if to follow you bc of privacy or not
sees you followers list and follows you
sends flirts asks but you know very well it’s him so you flirt back pretending you don’t know anything
also cheers you up with your writing
probably stayed up all night to read all
offers you to write his next script bc bABE YOU’RE SO DAMN GOOD
like Zen wasn’t sure at first but still follows you
on his breaks he’ll check your blog to see if you’ve posted any new writing
also gets you merch of snk
Jumin pls
you kinda need to explain snk to him
enjoys reading your writing too
but not really into the manga/ anime but she tried
sends asks on anon
also gets excited when she gets a notification on a new post
lets you know she’s reading
will help you answering some of your asks when you’re stuck
actually already knew and he is following you but you don’t know
he’s sending you the most requests than the others on anon ofc
especially random nsfw
flirts with you on anon
also bad puns and memes about the manga & the anime
won’t admit it but he likes reading your writing
even more the fluff ones
tsundere Saeran is tsundere
he’ll send you nsfw asks just for your reactions whatever on anon or not
might and might not will start reading the manga/ watching the anime
pretty much gets ideas what else he can do with the 3DMG belts if you know what I mean lolol;;;;
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mysmeshcs · 7 years
"You were so excited about your first job in awhile, you need it for your recovery. First time full time job at a sewing factory, but it wasn't your fault they didn't took care as they should've about the sewing machine. It frustrated you so much to the point you've named it 'bitch'... Yet, 2 weeks later you've been fired. Illegally."
....Ohai there I'm trying to write again so here have a teaser for an old request? oOPS?
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mysmeshcs · 7 years
Hello hello Uhm....... Write some headcanons about sleepy Seven! TAHNK you!
he can be very grumpy and later apologize if he snapped at you
or very calm and/or childish
like he will literally lay down and snuggle MC quietly
more like use her chest as a pillow
loves that MC plays with his hair
also soft face kisses
especially forehead kisses
just listening to MC’s heartbeats will make him fall asleep
and also when MC caresses his back gently
will drool on 
he will whine if MC will have to get up to pee
^pouty 707
he’s too cute
MC.exe stopped working
probably will ask for a bedtime story
sometimes he’ll intial nap time on his own and drag MC to bed
when he’s very sleepy he’s the small spoon
that’s all I could do I’m so sorry ;_____;
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mysmeshcs · 7 years
hiiiii do you have any headcanons for how the rfa members kiss? or like, where they love to kiss mc/how often etc?
I have done something like that here so let’s go with how often for this request for RFA, Saeran, V and Vanderwood c:
whenever he can he will
but he’s kinda shy about it too
yet he’ll kiss your cheek a lot outside
be damn sure you’ll get a couple of morning kisses
actually whenever he have a chance to kiss you he will
so like…. 24/7
it doesn’t matter which type of kiss btw
love to let the others how much he loves you
more affectionate in private than in public
but whenever she can, she at least will kiss your head/ forehead/ cheek
probably he’s more affectionate in private than in public
but here and there he’ll kiss you and he won’t care if someone is staring
24/7 as well if not more
he can be very affectionate
loves to tease you espcially outside and it turns into teasing contest
sometimes he’ll drop his work, drag you to bed to cuddle time and probably will kiss you so much everywhere
he just love to hear your laugh
you’ll sit on his lap while he’s working be sure he’ll kiss your head a lot
….probably also more affectionate in private than in public
unless someone is staring at you and he notice it so he’ll kiss you out of nowhere then smirk at him
might apologize later
after a few times you start doing the same
10/10 approves it
he’s affactionate as well
doesn’t matter if youare both at home or not
*cough* tsundere alart *cough*
pretty much more affectionate at home than outside
707 will tease him for this
good morning kiss? yep
good night kiss? ofc
sometimes he’ll randomly kiss your face for no reason at all
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mysmeshcs · 7 years
Can I get a headcanon where Yoosung is feeling romantic or something? Like he starts attacking MC with cute kisses? Which leads to er--more kissing and stuff? 😂 sorry if this bothers you. I like the way you write hc's for Yoosung. Where he's not a sub crybaby who yells RIKA RIKA every second. Thank you
sorry it took me so long~ even longer to post a hc I missed work all week bc of the con lol I don’t want to go tomorrow sOB
so you came home pretty earlier from work and hella tired
and with bad mood
you found yoosung spending his day off playing LOLOL ofc
so you just plop on sat on his lap
pretty much using his shoulder as a pillow
he lost oh well
cuddles you then picks you up and carrys you to bed to be more comfortable
you’re still refusing to talk about your day
more cuddles
he run his fingers through your soft hair
then peppers your face with lot of kisses
and your neck
especially where you’re ticklish 
he won’t stop until you’re at least giggling
and you do
guess what?.. more cuddles and then your stomach make noises
trying not to laugh at it
t r y i n g
makes for you lunch in bed
feeds you btw
also feeds you mouth to mouth 
welp probably last time he’s asking seven for advice
lol nope
soon it escalates quickly to fun time eue
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mysmeshcs · 7 years
Can you write something for MC asking the RFA (separately) to play a horror game with them?
considering that I only played one of corpse party games  and nvere even cleared ch. 1 - so let’s go with this? || @jumindoesisgay
actually it was his idea and you thought it would be good idea
welp oops
you’ve only started to play it and both of you shitting yourself
and then the lights went off
now both of you scream
you’re almost crying
picks you up and carrys you to bed
lot of cuddles
he stayed up all night awake to make sure you’re okay
he doesn’t get it but still sits down and pla– I mean watching you playing
a small break from work won’t kill
rip jaehee
jumin pls
he asks a lot of questions
like jfc jumin chill
you didn’t had any problems with the nurse room part
but when the soul of the little boy started following you, you were hella stressed
so at night you made him to come with you to the bathroom
bless him for waiting too
he takes a day off from work to take care of you
brings elizabeth 3rd to you when he made you breakfast
so you had to use your special pouting face to convince him
also that you know that zen the knight will save you
he didn’t liked that idea knowing you’re not good with horror in general but still went with it
so you sat on his lap when you started to play corpse party - blood covered
everything went fine until you got to the nurse room part
both of you screamed
you almost peed on yourself
you’re hiding your face in his chest
so he turn it off and picks you up princess style
carrying you to bed
lot of cuddles under the blanket
you had to sleep with the lights on
you tried to bribe convince her with coffee
and with a breakfast in bed
when you’re feeding her
but she still refused to play with you or let you play knowing later you’ll have nightmares
…..but you still played on your day off
the entire day until she came back home from your coffee shop
so in bed you were clinging to her
refusing to even go to pee by yourself
mama jaehee mode on
anyway you’ll get your scolding later
so you came up with a brilliant idea of asking him to play with you
more like you sat on his lap while wearing his headphones around your neck
the only problem is that you can’t handle well horror
saeyoung agrees 
both of you started to play one of the corpse party games -  Sachiko’s Game of Love ♥ Hysteric Birthday 2U
only 30 min the game and both of laughing like crazies
I mean I can’t take that game seriously
and now you can’t even take it seriously after he told you that pikachu and sachiko have the same VA
they do
is it me or my writing sucks recently
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mysmeshcs · 7 years
could i ask a fluffy request? for RFA+V+Saeran+Vanderwood on their fav kinds of kisses/how they kiss? thank you !
( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡♡♡
he’s actually like to kiss your cheek randomly when he hugs you
and your head 
especially if you fell asleep in his arms
this girl is all about forehead kisses as well
like seriously
also random kisses
and the tip of your nose
like if you’re playing with her hair when both of you relxing together on the couch 
she’ll 100% randomly will kiss you softly and quickly on your lips
she might flush adorably on the way
the more bare skin you show the more kisses you’ll recieve
he loves you so much he loves to be way more affectionate with you in private
it won’t lead to anything if you’re not up to it 
but he just love to hear your giggles
and when you say it’s tickling when he softly kissing your neck and your waist
and he damn knows it
big fan of forehead kisses
also when both of just making out and nothing else happens…. yet 
such a teaser
it doesn’t matter whatever you’re doing he’ll kiss your hand
also when you’re cuddling and he’s the big spoon as always he’ll kiss you forehead and/ or the top of your head
quality time doesn’t need to escalate to other things eue
dork alert
but he’s your dork
eskimo kiss? hELL YEAH
he loves to shower your face and neck with lot of kisses just to hear your laugh
also raspberry kisses
99% you’ll never know when it’s coming
claims dramatically he need kisses so he can keep working
bless his poor soul
when he’s 100% in fluffy mood when you guys are just chilling in bed/ laying outside and stare and the sky be sure he’ll start cuddling you
not giving a damn about the others
really into in slow make out sessions with you
loves when you sits in his lap so he can use your shoulder as a pillow
and on the way tease you when he starts kissing your neck
you saw it coming
definitely kisses on you head
and forehead
and he says your lips are so soft it’s his favorite place
now he’s a tsundere and you know it very well
that’s why you love to tease him
or use your pouty face 
he won’t admit it but you’re so adorable when you pout 
he must kiss your forehead
he’s a big fan of forehead kisses
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mysmeshcs · 7 years
so because I'm shitty with updating this writing blog, I have decided to do a small MysMes cosplay giveaway that I'll tailor sew it as an apology for barely posting here~
Let's get to the rules--
the winner askbox must be open - I'll 48 hours for a reply because timezones sucks
you must be able to give me the shipping address or have a parental permission for this
it'll be tailor made which means I'll ask you for your measurements
the winner will choose only one outfit version of one character
It'll be shipped with EMS with tracking number
please remember that it'll take me some time to sew it too ( I started also to work ) but I'll keep the winner updated about it
One like/ reblog is counted
Also my main blog is Chungary so the winner will get a message from it
Giveaway ends on april 13rd
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mysmeshcs · 7 years
ayyyyy how about RFA + Saeran + MC who has a bunny~~ (☆▽☆)
welllll I have a bunny so fluff ahead (☆▽☆)
adores your bunnies the moment he saw them
although he had no idea how to take care of them
but he learns quickly how to
when he won’t give them enough attention they’ll let him know very well
then when one of them passed away and the other one got depressed
so both of you in turns spend most of your time with your bunny
making sure it won’t eat too much
and doesn’t get upset when your bunny is biting you
after a few month he bring another bunny to be with yours
lets say your bunny gets jealous and want both of your attention even more
make sure your bunny is always healthy and happy
bunnies can get depressed and it’s broke my heart when it happened to my bunny; all she wanted to do was eating.
so you finally moved in with him
and the first thing you bring with you is your bunny
he’s screaming internally bc fur
luckily he’s not allergic to it
actually likes to take care of your bunny and feed it
when you get roses your bunny gets one too
….and eats it
pretends to be hurt bc your bunny rejected him
also lot of selfies with your bunny
you wasn’t sure how Jumin wuld react when you first brought your bunny with you
and he wasn’t sure how Elizabeth 3rd would react 
so you released your bunny on your shared bed with Elly
it looked like bith of them getting along together
also your bunny is rubbing its chin on Jumin
and is doing ‘blinkys’
Jumin.exe is confused so you have to explain to him
want it or not your bunny now owes a small bed and the best suitable food
might and might not peed on Jumin’s bed lol
same with Jumin - you wasn’t sure how she would react
but she’s pretty much fine with it bc it doesn’t shades a lot of fur right?
…….well your bunny started to pulling off its own fur and just sat there with it in the mouth
I s2g I got so scared when my bunny had done it for the first time but it’s pretty normal–
highkey freaks out and carefully trying to take it out
your bunny? puts it’s back in it’s mouth
apparently trying to make a nest
finds out your bunny is a female
your bunny is super comfortable around jaehee that most of the time your bunny just lying down
likes to lick her hand and ask for patting
bunnies abuser as well
probably laughed when you tried to catch your bunny
….until he had to do it
not so funny now isn’t?
likes to pat your bunny
actually gives it more attention than to you at some point
your bunny calms him too
your bunny loves to lay down on him
gets your bunny lot of toys 
also builds you a bunny robot
freaks out the first time your bunny nibbles on his laptop cables
now he’s babyproofing the house for your bunny
his favorite time now is cuddling you with your bunny on your shared bed
pretty much likes to be around your bunny
and cuddle it on his bed
you teach him how to hold a bunny properly so he won’t drop it
he still make sure your bunny won’t find a way down to the floor
both of you and Saeyoung noticed how much it calms him down
and so he tried to get your bunny a company with another bunny as a superise
both of them literally fighting on the bed
like seriously he had to put back the new bunny in the cage bc it’s so scared of your bunny
Saeran kinda sulks and thinks your bunny dislikes the new one 
until you told him that bunnies acts that way bc they’re not used to each other
for a while he put the cages almost next to each other so they’ll get used to be together
and when they did he pretty much enjoyed his free time to bond with them
like to feed them with lettuce
more like to hold it a bit higher so they’ll stand on the feet and eat
likes to gives your bunny water from a cup
only after 6 months my bunnies got used to be together
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mysmeshcs · 7 years
Valentine's with 707 please!
happy valentine’s day nonny~ ouo
he was preparing things for this special day secretly
like a month or two he was already working on it so you’ll have the best day of your life
I mean you played his valentine dlc so like that and even better
the entire day is all about you and spending the time with you only
he made you a breakfast and fed you half of the time mouth to mouth in bed
it might escalated quickly to him eating something else ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
you ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
welp that was a pleasent way of really getting up 
Saeyoung specially made you a new robot present
also got you your favorite flowers with express shipping
he might ordered too much lol
also a set of earings and a necklace with a moonstone jewels
he tried to make you home made chocolate
…..combined with hbc
d o r k
well it doesn’t taste bad 
lot of puns and jokes more than usual
most of the day you spent at home messing around wth the others in the chat
but later in the afternoon he took you out on a special date in Zen’s secret place and prepeared a picnic there 
both of you stargazing too
you’re using him as a pillow while wearing his hoodie
c u d d l e s 
and forehead kisses
like a lot
and teasing
it might and might not escalated again 
and both of you enjoyed it you might do it again in private public place
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mysmeshcs · 7 years
Hello! Please can I have fluffy Seven, Saeran and MC having a lil sleepover with movies and ice cream and HBC and Dr. Pepper and UGH please I need flufffffff XD THANK YOU
fluff to everyone \o/
it was actually MC’s idea for a sleepover 
and Saeyoung love the idea so much he literally shoved his work to somewhere else in his room
Vanderwood is going to be pissed lol
Saeyoung makes a big fort with MC
Saeran wasn’t ready for this when he came back home from Yoosung
but MC managed to convince him to join to them
more like bribed him with a trip for the ice cream shop the day after
Saeran wasn’t really up to it until he heard MC’s roasting the poor movie choices of Saeyoung
both of them making fun of the movie while Saeyoung dramaticlly impersonates it
MC’s like an angel to him but there she is - highkey roasting the movie
that sleepover gets a small twist - hacking contest
MC and Saeyoung are crossdressing to make fun of the movie
and Saeran is dragged into it as well
let him to eat his ice cream in peace pls
He’s sharing it only with MC while Saeyoung is trying to feed her mouth to mouth with hbc
they’re stargazing in the living room thanks to something Saeyoung made as a superise
also the 3 of them cuddle while MC is in the middle
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mysmeshcs · 7 years
so I feel like shit from tooth ache so here have Zen & Saeyoung + MC with tooth ache hcs that no one asked for
you really meant to take care of it
....at some point
....when you won't be able to stand the pain anymore
so both of you were fooling around on the couch when it got intense
and then you yelped and bited his tounge
zen starts to apologize thinking he might have crossed the line
then you tell him you have a half broken tooth in your mouth and it starts to hurt like hell again
immediately takes you to a decent dentist
holds your hand during the entire time
takes a few days off to take care of you
be damn sure he'll feed you in bed
he did noticed a change in your diet
and he also knew it's not your monthly time
also the fact that most of the things you're trying to eat makes you cry
although you're denying it
MC pls
sits you down to a talk 
and then you tell him about your tooth and the dentist who said he doesn't want to responsible about it
707 is hella pissed but won't show it
takes you to a better dentist
also horrible puns
707 nurse at your service
later hacks into his info and make sure he won't get a job in this medical field anymore
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mysmeshcs · 7 years
Hiiii~ hmmm can I request for RFA + V and Saeran meeting a really smol, chubby, insecure and self conscious MC(if u don't mind) :) Thankyouuuuuu~ *hugs
there you go hun~ cookiekiller02
likes the fact you’re smaller than him
he’s the big spoon
but he won’t make fun of your height
everyday he’ll tell you something he loves about you
never compares you to anyone else
you’re gorgeous
he’s proud to be your boyfriend like seriously
yandere mode on if anyone said something on you
literally thinks you’re a goddess
loves to hug you
you’re so soft 
never makes fun of you or compare you to the others
you’re saying shit about yourself? he’ll list at least 10 things he loves about you
and he never repeated himself
a lot of compliments
he’s 100% sure he’s blessed that he met you
piggy rides
“Damn babe you’re even hotter than me, I hope our fans will be able to handle how gorgeous you’re”
adores you so much
you’re so smol and cutie
is that heaven???
was she just got visited by an angel??
loves to cuddle you
leaves you cute notes to cheer you up
mama Jaehee mode on if you’re feeling bad
a lot of it
you’re the most beautiul woman he met
and he’ll let you know always
won’t accept anyone saying a bad word on you or to you
rip them
will get you the best clothes that flatters your body
he loves you the way you look
would never even imply anything about your weight
you want to lose some weight in healthy way? fine, he’ll help you with it
you’re not chubby but full of lot of love and fluff~!
adores you
lets you know everytime how much you’re so beautiful
he loves how you’re so small and fit in his arms perfectly when he cuddles you
never makes jokes that will make you feel bad with yourself but still have horrible puns
sometimes fakes his death horribly, saying he needs you on his lap to keep working but that always ends in bed lolol
body worshiping you
you’re so warm and smol
like personal heater to him
Saeran pls
super protective about you
also loves to hold you more like cling when he’s cold
sometimes he fakes his cold just so he can hug you
at first he wasn’t sure how to deal with you when you said bad things about yourself
but now he drags you to bed to show you in special way how much he loves you eue
welp he can’t see but that doesn’t stopping him
on a hot day he’ll claim he’s cold just so he can stop working and hug you
like everyone else he loves to cuddle you and do nothing
you’re the best thing that happened to him
he’s the big spoon
showers you with love and compliments
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