inkeyjay · 1 year
The Veiled ✨, tarot card for Syl, a friend's character in my campaign.
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The Veiled is about masks, upon masks upon masks. Concealed intentions, but in a subtle way. Of course people know there is something off with you, but can't quite put a finger about it. But you shouldn't forget: the more layers and veils you put in between yourself and the world, the more your own vision can be fogged.
The mask is always there, weighting, no matter what you do. It may be difficult to see at first thought.
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inkeyjay · 1 year
Dnd time! The wheel of fortune 🍊
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This Sunday's session, Claudia Nerón, rightful heir of Izael's crown and princess of Qhar offered her helping hand to the city of Arca, ravaged by a drought. She shared boxes upon boxes of fresh fruit, just picked from the trees up in the gardens of the palace. She also promised to help with the drought, starting to build a branch in Arca's aqueduct that would provide water to all the city and not just the palaces.
This was received by cheers and ovations, and panicked screams when the princess's lady in waiting and dear friend fell to the ground, greenish hue of her dress turning red, a dagger on her stomach. A dagger that miraculously flew through the Colosseum, only to fail its mark.
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