unrival · 7 months
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@ifbench / @mysterydungecn sent in.
A soft knock is heard on your door. If you were to look outside, at first glance, nothing would seem amiss. However, if you were to look closely, you might notice a trio of almost-invisible Pokemon. A Pikachu, an Eevee, and a Riolu. You could see right through them. They were each holding a woven basket, as translucent as themselves. The Eevee carried theirs in their mouth. Perhaps they were out trick-or-treating? Will you give the phantoms anything?
Night reigned. Dark velvet stretched overhead, smatterings of silver-gold stars glowing in oscillation.
The door clicked closed behind him.
Leon had just arrived home, from a Halloween party. The celebration was invigorating and joyous, but the moment he returned to his abode, it was all sucked clean from his lungs, leaving him in a sigh. His house, a mansion that was gifted from the ex-chairman shortly after first win of the league championship, felt so sterile and cold. Even all after all these years, it still felt empty and unwelcoming. He’d tried to fill it up with goods and décor, but it still was lacking.
Maybe he had too many sad memories here.
He trudged his way to the kitchen, seeking a glass of water, but found his endeavour fractured by a soft—but no doubt audible—knock on his front door. His brows furrowed. How could someone get in here? They would’ve had to climb the looming metal gates and everything …
He cracked the door open. No one? Then, did his gaze pull down.
Looks like he had guests, in the form of small, translucent phantoms.
“How’d you …”  He shook off the initial shock, a grin blossoming upon lips. Then did a laugh bubble up and out of him, holding a single finger up, indicating for them to wait.  “Give me one moment. I’ll be right back!”
Back he returned, with a big orange-and-purple cardboard box, balanced precariously upon an open palm.
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“You’re lucky I have some of these left! Some special, pokémon-friendly goods to celebrate Halloween! We gooooot … some themed poffins and pokéblocks, and also these cute little peanut butter ball things. And some nutty, choco kinda things, too! Here!”
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mirroredranger · 8 months
🎵 for @mysterydungecn? The whole setting if possibile, but if not, then any character your muse has interacted with is fine!
Lyric Reminders
"A world of Pokemon? What a wonderful place it must be..."
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ifbench · 2 years
If anyone's checking out this blog right now after I followed them: Hi! I run a few Pokemon askblogs at @ask-team-searchlights and @wingsofachampion, and I also do a bit of RP on them. I've also made two blogs specifically for RP, my muses, though, to seperate it from the askblog stuff and hopefully make it more accessible. You can find them at @mysterydungecn and @achampionswings!
I'm also starting to post rambles about various things on this blog itself, primarily about PMD and my PMD fics. I love PMD so much.
(I hope I'm doing this right, I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing.)
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mysterydungecn · 8 months
New blog name.
humanandpokemonworlds -> mysterydungecn
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mxstball · 8 months
(To a muse of your choice.)
A soft knock is heard on your door.
If you were to look outside, at first glance, nothing would seem amiss.
However, if you were to look closely, you might notice a trio of almost-invisible Pokemon. A Pikachu, an Eevee, and a Riolu. You could see right through them.
They were each holding a woven basket, as translucent as themselves. The Eevee carried theirs in their mouth.
Perhaps they were out trick-or-treating?
Will you give the phantoms anything?
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The door wasn't necessarily answered. At least, it wasn't opened. Instead, a certain dragon descended from the top of the tower to greet the guests.
Why, how exquisite the costumes were! It was like he couldn't see them at all! Luckily, his sense of smell was enough to sniff out the trick-or-treaters.
Oh, what is this? It must be the souls of the departed, for they crave the sweets of the living!
Rayquaza reached into his bag and filled the three invisible baskets with candy and pastries -- from chocolate bars to homemade, individually wrapped cakes.
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Happy Halloween, little ones.
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silentchamp · 7 months
🕯️ for the entity that summoned you to the world of @mysterydungecn.
Candle for your thoughts. | no longer accepting.
His thoughts about this unknown, yet possibly higher being obviously can't be written down on paper--given that the champion has been turned into a quadrupedal critter. Though, his feelings and considerations have been molded together over a series of multiple sleepless nights.
[ Did that voice send me here? Why would they? For what purpose...?
I don't particularly understand. This feels like a giant dream. Is it? It feels too real, so I don't know.
I wanna go home, but I wanna see what's in store here. Destiny, or something.
But...why? I want to know, why. Don't think they'll answer me. Don't see it happening...
Maybe someday I'll find out. Maybe someday they'll reveal themselves to me. ]
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monterraverde · 8 months
(@mysterydungecn) Later, three cookies, shaped like a Pikachu, an Eevee, and a Riolu, would appear near Rika. They seemed freshly baked.
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"Aw- Heh... Well aren't they sweet. Thank you, friends."
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tapuhauko · 8 months
Examine! The Tree of Life!
Send “Examine!” and an item or person and I’ll write an RPG description of it/them. - Accepting // @ifbench / @mysterydungecn
It's the Tree of Life. A strangely huge tree, though it might just seem that way because you are now an Alolan Raichu. There's lights hanging from it, but you're not sure how or what they truly are.
Either way, the view's mesmerizing, and you can't help but stare at the Tree.
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mirroredranger · 8 months
💫 for mysterydungecn?
Positivity Power Hour (open)
Bench!!! You're doing fantastic! You've been so super welcoming to me joining the campaign. I really appreciate all that you're doing with it and being so inclusive. I'm really having fun and really anticipate seeing how things go. And I really do love how you have built up the world for your blog.
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silentchamp · 8 months
A soft knock is heard on your door.
If you were to look outside, at first glance, nothing would seem amiss.
However, if you were to look closely, you might notice a trio of almost-invisible Pokemon. A Pikachu, an Eevee, and a Riolu. You could see right through them.
They were each holding a woven basket, as translucent as themselves. The Eevee carried theirs in their mouth.
Perhaps they were out trick-or-treating?
Will you give the phantoms anything?
The champion has to tug his mask over his head to get a second look, make sure he wasn't hallucinating in any way shape or form. This thing could get hot and stuffy, especially when you dedicated yourself to wearing it the entire time, including when you, well, weren't handing out candy.
Yet, even without his sweaty mask and limited peripheral, there they were, real as a rattata. It was...impossible. Eyes were wide with a mixture of shock and surprise, mouth slightly agape.
Lips straighten as Red looks down at his bowl of candy, and then back at the trio of spirits gathered on his doorstep. He sets it down in favor of another, a pail filled to the brim with pokebeans, poffins, and berries; clearly designated for pokemon rather than any human trick-or-treaters.
So many strange happenings had occurred this month in Kanto, this had simply been the cherubi on top. That was like his home region, though, so it's not as if Red could particularly complain.
Crouching down to meet the level of all of them, Red beckons the ghostly pokemon closer, holding out the bowl with both hands. His Myers mask sits hanging off his head, trainer's sweet smile visible for them all to see.
There wasn't danger here.
Pick one, little ones--any of them could be yours.
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monterraverde · 8 months
A soft knock is heard on your door.
If you were to look outside, at first glance, nothing would seem amiss.
However, if you were to look closely, you might notice a trio of almost-invisible Pokemon. A Pikachu, an Eevee, and a Riolu. You could see right through them.
They were each holding a woven basket, as translucent as themselves. The Eevee carried theirs in their mouth.
Perhaps they were out trick-or-treating?
Will you give the phantoms anything?
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It's a tradition from another region that was under Paldean rule for a long time, one that migrated over to the region proper when people started moving there after the borders were open.
A Marigolds strong scent is said to help guide spirits to the afterlife, and she prays that they help these little ones find their way. A single flower is laid gingerly into the baskets, and the spirits given a soft and sympathetic smile.
"Safe journey, little ones."
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mirroredranger · 8 months
(@mysterydungecn) Later, three cookies, shaped like a Pikachu, an Eevee, and a Riolu, would appear near Valerie. They seemed freshly baked.
Huh? She doesn't remember baking these. And they're.... Just like the Pokemon she gave candy to. Valerie opened the door check to see if they're there. Well, she'll enjoy the fresh cookies.
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mirroredranger · 8 months
A soft knock is heard on your door.
If you were to look outside, at first glance, nothing would seem amiss.
However, if you were to look closely, you might notice a trio of almost-invisible Pokemon. A Pikachu, an Eevee, and a Riolu. You could see right through them.
They were each holding a woven basket, as translucent as themselves. The Eevee carried theirs in their mouth.
Perhaps they were out trick-or-treating?
Will you give the phantoms anything?
"Huh?" Valerie swore she heard someone knock on the door. But then she catches the movement as she was looking to the side. "Oh! How cute! Hold on!"
Ducking inside her door, Valerie retrieves the Pokemon candy bowl! From the Zubat shaped bowl, Valerie gives out a giant scoop of candy for each bag.
"Can you carry that alright?" She's watching to make sure it's not too much for Eevee, wouldn't want to break a tooth from too much weight!
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