1punch · 5 months
@mysteryunknown sent: 
❛ the memory hurts. ❜ - genos 
[ PROMPTED ] ...  ▬▬▬   accepting !
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CHOP CHOP CHOP, the knife in his hands drums against the wooden board as it cuts through colourful assortment of vegetables, prepared by his side. A broth sits on stove fire, the steam overwhelms the kitchen with humid warmth and a smell that shifts from raw to pleasant as more ingredients come to play. It's an old recipe he wanted to try, but Genos insisted on helping, he always insists. 
Even when Saitama just wants to do something for him, every once a while. 
For the longer part Genos took over the peeling, and Saitama over the chopping and leading the rest of the cooking session. Chatter ideally bounces back & forth between them, between little instructions and tips Saitama notes from the recipe. It's an old thing his sister helped him with over a phone call and lots of text messages and messed up tries, her cooking has always been the best; he muses out loud. 
Where did you learn how to cook ? Do you remember what was it like at home ? Was it your mother, or maybe an older sibling ?
The questions come at intervals, there is something carefree about Saitama's voice, lightness that accompanies a good mood, he really enjoyed himself away from the fuss of fights and hero work, simply doing mundane things as cooking felt grounding. And it brings forth a subtle a sense of relief, too, having moved on from suffering the unwelcomed weight of the topic of family, and actively choosing to look back at things with gritted-teeth optimism. 
Maybe he got a little carried away in his frail make-believe happiness, or maybe Genos' tone is genuinely too monotonous to read into and pick at with his dumb attention span, but the sentence makes Saitama freeze, look back at their conversation and realize he's been pushing Genos to descend down such an unpleasant mental path, and it took him this long to realize ? 
He falls silent, even the motions of his knife pauses, the sharp metal glistens; if it was new, if it was any clearer, maybe then it'd allow him to see his own face, and the blunt indifference that took the shine away from his eyes. And he refuses to look at Genos, somewhat aware of the stoic features the cyborg never seems to change out of. This was bad, wasn't it ?  Genos has already told him a lot, about repressed memories and a foggy past that promises little besides heartache upon bringing up. Genos shouldn't have to say such things twice, yet Saitama's perception seemed to be lacking when it comes to fully grasping the sensitivity of the situation. 
" Sorry, "   He says after a long time, feigning sadness that he truly wishes he could experience, the thoughtfulness in his voice is louder than anything, though. " But is it really alright like that ?  I don't know how your memory storage works, " He doesn't like how it sounds, like something out of the vocabulary of gaming sessions he spends with King, but he can't find better ways to say it. " Is it like a video game ?  If you save your process would it overwrite what has already been there ?  I mean, that would be fine in a game, but ... " 
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It's ... weird, to say the least. He supposes he should feel sympathy, but he knew well enough that understanding the weight of Genos' losses is far beyond his reach. Especially now, as time goes on and more disasters wreck through their world with utmost cruelty and bloodlust, people die all the time and that doesn't seem to change. If people were to truly pause the time to start grieving, then time would never start flowing ever again, only the agonized tears would. 
Especially now and ...  for someone like him.
" Ah , " Damp steel cuts into flesh, when did he start chopping again ?  He can't recall, and it doesn't really matter, just the blood overflowing from a cut that was a little more than a knife graze, dripping into the wooden board. Saitama quickly bites at his wounded pointer, abandoning the vegetables to go shuffle in the drawers for a couple bandaids he knew he had somewhere around here. His movements lack urgency, such a minor injury doesn't really matter ( maybe if it would hurt- maybe if would sting just a little bit - ) but if he starts neglecting the smaller thing, he knows bigger things would follow soon. And that's not something he wants to see play out. 
" There it is. " A small smile of satisfaction, he lets his finger under the tap water for a few seconds before applying the bandaid. All better. Good as new. Fantastic. 
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" Pain is important, sometimes ...  " Right, that's where he wanted to get, it feels logical, like something Genos could make use of. Saitama returns to his task, somehow accidentally managing to look a lot more duller than he has been earlier, if that's even possible in his case. " Or at least, it can remind you of what's important, don't forget that, okay ?  " 
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tartabinger · 3 years
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@mysteryunknown​ sent: "I have acquired a meal tonight for you," A smile plays at Zhongli's lips, distantly self satisfied. They are rather peculiarly dressed down, jacket and tie absent with the aroma of spices clinging to them.
"While I will not be able to dine with you, I will be present. Please come to Wanmin when you so have the time." Though there were other high class restaurants that could cater to a celebration as such━ Wanmin was not only familiar, but welcoming still to the Fatui. It would not do to make such an occasion discomforting.
And Chef Mao was rather gracious in allowing them to work off such a hefty bill. It'd been quite some time since they'd done menial work like cooking and waiting tables. It was quite refreshing. "I must go now, Happy Birthday, Childe."
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Birthday Asks
“Oh?” Childe cocks a brow at his dear friend’s words and his own smile grows on his face. Blue eyes roam down and up their form, drinking in the choice of clothes. They look nice on them; Zhongli has always had an impeccable sense of style. And the scent of spice is not lost on Childe, in fact, it raises some questions.
But if Zhongli wishes to keep their secrets then so be it, their words seem to hint that Childe will learn of the surprise sooner or later.
“Wow, Zhongli, you really know how to treat a guy, don’t you?” he teases, chin resting in his palm. He believes it to be the first time Zhongli has paid for a meal for- him, not them both, and a small frown yanks at his features before he schools his expression. Zhongli seems proud of themself, and Childe chooses to trust them in whatever they’ve done.
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A warm smile relaxes across his face despite the goodbye and he almost forgets to speak in return. Almost.        “Thank you, Xiansheng! I won’t be long. I just need to finish this report and then I’ll head right on over.”
And that’s exactly what he does; finishes his report, informs Ekaterina of his intentions, and makes his way to Chihu Rock - and if anyone catches him with a pep in his step, they will know better than to speak of it.
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ragemuses-moved · 3 years
@mysteryunknown​ || continued from here
Staring at the mirror, Cotton Candy tried her best to somehow hide the large missing chunk of candy floss hair. Try as she might though, there was no way a gap like that was going to be hidden so easily. More sugary tears began to well up in her eyes as she realized the futility of their efforts.
♡ –} “ It’s going to take hours to grow back! I can’t go anywhere like this! ”
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She dramatically flopped face first onto her bed, glitter residue from arts and crafts projects past flying up into the air as she did. The sweet kicked her feet, sobbed and moaned quite pathetically into her pillows about her predicament. Ritsu didn’t mean it, she knew that very well. Still...
♡ –} “ It’s just...I just can’t bear to be seen by anyone, especially them like this! ” 
The date was forfeit and there was nothing she could do other than let her date know she wouldn’t be able to go.
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musesthroughtheages · 4 years
@mysteryunknown (ritsu)
New places were supposed to be exciting, but when you saw nothing but new places for long enough, it all started to get old. Goku had even been excited about this place, just from its name, but so far it was boring as all the others--and there wasn’t even any good food, much less seasoning!
He’d all but given up, having found a park bench to just lie down and starve to death on, when a smell caught his attention, and he sat right back up. “Hey! Where’d you get that?”
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storiestotell · 4 years
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She was welcome in Cloud Recesses, Lin Ming knew that, but there was still something about being here on her own that made her deeply uncomfortable. It felt like the sort of place that she would be chased out of, violently if the people were feeling particularly cruel. She had been on the receiving end of that sort of thing more than once. 
As she walked, her eyes darted back and forth, searching for any familiar face but finding nothing. It would be her luck not to find anyway knew the one time that she came here alone. Up ahead, she heard what sounded like someone practicing sword and was preparing to sneak past when Lin Ming realized it was a child, not one she had seen before. He didn’t look like one of the Lan Sect. She felt a twinge of relief and rang her bell to get his attention. 
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detectivekambe · 4 years
It was another day at the Metropolitan Police Department when the detective was given an order to investigate a domestic dispute at a local convenience store just blocks away. While there were bigger more detailed missions set on his horizon, he was often called in for smaller side tasks given the nature of his occupation. After rejoining the department as a detective once again, he had been tasked with many domestic occurrences on top of personal family issues since.
Pulling up into the parking lot of the convenience store, Daisuke slipped on his favorite pair of sunglasses as he ventured inside, expecting to possibly break up the scene of a fight or place someone under arrest for disorderly conduct based on the details given to him by the head of his department.
He immediately furrowed his brows at the hectic scene before his eyes upon entering the establishment. A whole aisle of merchandise, toppled over and destroyed as if a possible scuffle had taken place. The special sunglasses worn had taken a scan of the entire store, noting tiny details that could be easily missed with the naked eye. All matters of evidence had pointed to a single woman, who seemed to be caught up with a very upset store owner.
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❝ What happened here?, ❞ Daisuke asked, pulling off his sunglasses as he singled out the pair and approached, ignoring the startled customers who were curiously watching from the sidelines. Despite the damning evidence HEUSC had collected under his surveillance, it was hard to believe that this young woman single handedly caused such extraordinary damage to this store...but he wanted to hear her story nonetheless.
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❝ ━ H-Hanguang-jūn seems quite kind! ❞ He blurts from as he peers around the corner, a hesitant smile on his face. Senjuro didn’t /mean/ to be nosy, but he’d just gotten lost and wandered towards the sound of her ranting in this undisturbed corner. ❝ You don’t like him...? ❞
“I don’t see that I have much reason to.” She doesn’t necessarily dislike him either, though. There are people she trusts a whole lot more and a whole lot less than Master Lan. Her opinion hasn’t improved much since learning that this place is where he came from. Where people think a rock that tells them not to smile too much is a rational thing to devote their lives to believing.
Mei leans back and looks (yes, only now) at the person she’s talking to. Well, mostly at his hair. There’s no judgement in her face, merely a distant stare. “Do you?”
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kurocrane · 5 years
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⦗ @mysteryunknown​ asked: ❝ ... Here. ❞ She presents the small boy with a plain plastic baggie tied with a simple bow ; anything more complicated and he might just try to eat the thing whole. They're cookies, heart shaped but dark with chocolate icing. For the sake of the student body, it was easier to give him things before he asked for them. If everyone else had treats, he needed them too. ❝ Be good today. ❞ ⦘
“Eeeh?”   the   supernatural   glanced   up   at   the   green-haired   teen.   As   his   amber   eyes   concentrated   on   the   GIFT   brought,   Tsukasa   beamed   brightly   and   dropped   his   toy   train   on   the   wet   floor.   Unable   to   contain   his   EXCITEMENT,   the   child   stomped   heavily   towards   his   assistant.   He   quickly   grabbed   the   bag   filled   with   heart-shaped   cookies.   
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“—OH!   Sakura,   does   this   mean   we’re   DATING   now?”   Tsukasa   asked,   contemplating   on   the   meaning   of   these   treats   he   acquired.   “Because,   y’know,   I   don’t   wanna   date   you.   I   mean,   you   wouldn’t   even   KISS   me,   remember?”      the   supernatural   continued.  
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crookdwish · 5 years
@mysteryunknown​​  said »»  A sigh leaves her. ❝ Tsukasa. Those weren't for you. ❞ Her gaze drifts over the ransacked array of treats she'd prepared ; half eaten or gone entirely.. Did he spit THAT one out? In her hand sits an untouched bag, adorned with a sweet ribbon. It's filled with treats, surely better than what she'd prepared to share with her class. ❝ All you had to do was wait. Now you can't have the one actually for you. ❞ There it goes, tucked into the folds of her skirt.
          How  could  he  ever  wait  when  such  tasty  goodies  were  strewn  in  cute  little  bags  all  around  the  room..  Never  has  the  little  ghost  experienced  anything  so  tempting  in  his  entire..  death..  The  sugary  scent  filling  the  enclosed  environment,  making  the  predicament  twice  as  difficult  to  simply  ignore.  It  certainly  didn’t  help  that  the  boy  was  useless  when  all  that  required  of  him  was  listening  to  directions..  Wrapping  paper  and  crumbs  scattered  miscellaneously  in  the  room  while  a  few  rejected  goodies  ( some  only  living  to  experience  a  single  bite )  were  tossed  callously  to  the  floor..  The  fashion  in  which  this  act  of  animosity  was  executed  displayed  an  abhorrent  disregard  for  just  how  much  time  and  effort  Sakura  might’ve  actually  put  into  those  treats..  and  there  existed  not  the  vaguest  hint  of  regret  anywhere  on  Tsukasa’s  features  when  the  girl  walked  in,  that  is..  until  the  particularly  lavished  goodie-bag  woo’d  his  vision  before  being  tucked  away.
                    Like  a  moth  drawn  to  a  flame,  the  bag  thats  contents  he’d  been  violating  in  search  for  his  most  favored  treats  was  dropped  without  hesitation,  and  he  was  now  floating  mere  inches  away  from  his  assistance’s  face..  Expression  suggesting  that,  out  of  the  two  of  them,  he  was  truly  the  one  suffering  injustice.
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❝ hoohhh...!!?  but  i  couldn’t  help  myself!!  you’re  not  actually  that  mad  are  you??  you  wouldn’t  hold  out  on  me!!  c’mon,  lemme  have  it!!  i  promise  i  won’t  eat  the  the  rest!!  i’ll  even  trade  you  for  it!! ❞
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ragemuses-moved · 4 years
“ i’m gonna kill them. ” ritsu @ cc after the 15th time she cries to him abt being heartbroken
Protective Prompts
With a horrified gasp, Cotton Candy grabbed Ritsu’s arm, her eyes still brimming with upset tears.
♡ –} “ No, no no! My heart won’t be able to take it! ”
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♡ –} “ I...I’ll heal...Maybe...maybe someday I’ll find someone I can be happy with... ”
If she wasn’t in her current state, she’d understand that he wasn’t being serious (probably). Though it was fair to note, she didn’t say he couldn’t do anything to the latest person to crush her feelings.
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fxtelism-moved · 3 years
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LEAVE A 🌺 IN MY INBOX TO GIVE MY MUSE A FLOWER. - @mysteryunknown​ sent: 🌺 - ritsu to chloe
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Even it was a small flower, it was more than enough to bring a smile on her features. “Ah, t-thank you, R-Ritsu-kun! It’s s-so pretty...!~” She chirped, tenderly holding the new flower in her hand. 
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storiestotell · 4 years
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@mysteryunknown​ asked:  “ don’t you understand? i love you. and nothing you’ve done, no matter how much of a monster you think you are, is gonna change that! ” jihiko
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She tried.
She tried not only to keep the tears back, not only to keep her chest from heaving, but tried to keep the brown of her iris from going red. Her nails dug into her palms hard enough to leave marks, hard enough to break the skin in places. Jihiko’s whole body trembled from trying but in the end, it wasn’t enough. 
A sob escaped her and Jihiko buried her face into her now bloody palms. There were words stuck in her throat but she couldn’t get them out, only the crying. It felt awful; this was not the sort of cathartic from the movies or late at night. Jihiko had seen this sort of crying before, in the hospital, when a patient died and all that was left were those broken hearted in grief. 
This was like losing something. This was grief. 
“Ritsu-chan, I am a monster.” Her voice cracked, choked on the tears, and the words were stuttering. “I’m not human. I’ve done awful things, I’m so sorry.”
- misc. emotional prompts
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innosen · 3 years
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the grump and the sunshine / accepting !
@mysteryunknown​ said: " of course i remembered. i remember everything about you. " from grandpa zhongli who doesn't understand memes but remembers all the little dumb kid stuff they're told
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as    if    being    picked    up    from    school    by    her    ALL-TIME    FAVORITE    grandfather    wasn’t    a    surprise    enough,    the    said    older    just    had    to    raise    the    bar    EVEN    HIGHER    when    they    suddenly    gifted    her    with    a    pink    POCKY    box    while    on    the    way    back    home.    FOR    A    QUICK    MOMENT    shocked    hues    looked    up    from    the    snack    in    her    hands    to    zhongli.    ❛    you    remembered    my    favorite    snack    !    ❜    evidently    cheery    was    the    grin    that    now    beamed    on    pudgy    features.    they    remembered    !    
❛    thank    you    ojiisan,    you’re    really    the    best    !    ❜    speedily    did    fingers    work    through    the    packaging;    carefully    opening    the    box,    followed    by    the    plastic    within.    as    soon    as    the    strawberry-coated    breadsticks    were    IN    SIGHT,    the    girl    took    a    piece    and    then    offered    it    to    her    companion.    ❛    come    on    let’s    share    this.    ❜    
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musesthroughtheages · 4 years
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@mysteryunknown​ said:  ❛  Wei-qianbei! ❜ Senjuro is smiling long before his approach, Ritsu trailing behind like a shadow ; the latter is the only one to give a bow. ❛  Happy birthday. We made you lunch! Its something from back home, but as spicy as could be. ❜ His merry tone drops a level. ❛ Ritsu-shixiong burnt his mouth so I had to taste test after... but I think its very good. ❜ Ritsu sniffs indignantly and with a heavy ( read: swollen ) tongue, speaks. ❛  Unagi Hitsumabushi. Waiting in the jingshi. ❜
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“You cooked for me?” Wei Wuxian’s surprise was enough to keep him from having to hide a laugh at Ritsu’s state, and for a moment, all he could do was stare at the two boys. Then, slowly, wonder gave way to gratitude and into delight as his face broke into a wide grin. 
“Did Lan Zhan tell you the day? No matter--let’s go eat before it gets cold, since you’ve put in all this work!” he announced happily, gesturing for the two of them to lead the way. “Especially something all the way from your home. Unagi was ‘eel’, wasn’t it? What’s the rest? No, no, wait, I’ll find out soon enough, won’t I? Thank you!”
He dropped the last part casually, as if it were an afterthought, but the softness crept into his tone anyway. 
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blind--magic · 4 years
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@mysteryunknown​ asked:  “ what can i do? ” - ritsu !! wiggles fingers hi
“I just- I need a moment.” Masha had to remind herself to take deep breaths. Calming down was her first priority. Then she could work through other steps. After a couple of moments she straightens up slightly, looking towards where the boy was.
“I- I dropped my cane.” There’s a hint of embarrassment to her voice now. As normally she tried to not do that. It was pretty important to keep it with her while she was out and about. “Could you please help me find it?”
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“Do you know who I am???” sen @ mei very teary :(
There’s a lot she could say to that. A lot of the last few days have been a bad blur; the heavy fever she’d had only now subsiding enough for her to have the energy to keep her eyes open long enough to look around the room she’s in. Part of her wants to argue the question is silly, but who knows, maybe at some point she was out of it enough to mistake one person for another- or forget them entirely.
Of course, she does know who he is right now. He’s the annoyingly bright-eyed kid. His hair is wacky and his view of the world is one she will never relate to or understand. He’s got some strange, optimistic hopes, which she has yet to figure out if he really believes in them, or just wants to convince himself to believe them.
Mei sighs quietly, then takes in a long breath to make herself sit up to be closer to eye-level with the boy next to her.
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“Yeah. Of course I know.” She raises a heavy arm to rest in his stupid, crazy hair, ruffling it slowly. Her voice is soft. “What are you doing here?”
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