#mythical-syrup masterlist
snippychicke · 9 months
Cats & Ships part seven
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Title: Cats & Ships
Overall Rating: Teen for now, will go into mature at a future date
Trigger warnings: Nothing beyond what's in the live-action series. I mean, Kuro's still manipulative and paranoid. It gets better tho? Slowly?
Pairings: Captain Kuro (Klahadore)/Reader; hints of Kaya/Usopp
Summary: It started out as a means to get information as Khaladore. Who would be better to provide information regarding the high seas than Syrup Village’s Harbormaster? Except, for the first time in a very long time, Kuro found himself trusting, and even liking, the young woman he shared tea with every week. 
And then the Straw Hat Pirates arrived and ruined his plans. Except fate decided his story wasn’t done there. 
Nor was yours.
Masterlist here! | Read on Ao3!
Maple town was a far different town several hours later. The survivors of the Jones Crew had been set out to sea in dinghy with just enough food and water to reach the next isle (at the insistence of the townspeople, Kuro personally wanted to simply execute them all.) 
The loot the Jones had was split between the Black Cat crew and the village. And the kegs of liquor and crates of food opened for a town-wide celebration. Once more Kuro's men filled the tavern, though this time the villagers had little qualms intermixing. Vibrant music was playing, and Jango was happily leading a dancing troupe. 
From a small corner booth, Kuro watched with very mild interest, fingers tapping on the table as he waited. He should have followed you. You were already wavering between your drinks and the letdown of the fight. 
Finally, just when he was about to give into the little insistent voice in his head, you breezed through the open doors of the tavern, holding a very annoyed black and white cat above your head. "Tada !"
No one understood what you were doing with the cat, but applauded anyway with cheers. Kuro-the-cat looked about as pleased with the ruckus as the pirate captain himself. (Granted, he hadn't exactly stopped you when you had the bright idea to fetch the cat from your home.)
 "If he kills you in your sleep, I will not be surprised," Kuro stated as you approached, and accepted the cat as soon as you offered it. 
"As long as you promise to take care of the little shit, that's all I care about," You smiled as the tuxedo-colored cat purred and rubbed against the harsh pirate captain, obviously very happy to be reunited considering a second ago he had been ready to dart away.
And to be completely fair, Kuro was happy as well, in his own way. After all, being the feared captain of the Black Cats meant that it was rare for anything to be happy to see him. 
Yet even as he ran his hands along the cat's black silky coat, Kuro's eyes drifted towards you, sitting on the same rounded bench seat, but fair distance between you, with a warm expression as you sipped your drink. He couldn't deny the odd sensation that grew in his chest seeing you… happy. Relaxed.
Even if you had a handful of dressed injuries. 
You had terrified him when he had first caught sight of you swinging that old sword with absolutely no skill. As undeniably beautiful it had been, you had been in danger , likely moments from death. 
As much as he hated having to be cautious in a fight, much preferring to losing himself in the craze of battle, the urge to protect you was stronger. 
Kuro still wasn't sure what compelled him to confess everything to you, or why he was so irritated by the idea you thought you weren't special . All those weeks of being slowly driven insane by the craving to see you, and you thought he cared nothing for you?
Did you understand what it meant for him to admit he trusted you? You and you alone? 
"Is it silly that I still have a hard time believing I named him after you," You interrupted his inner reflection as you leaned into his personal space to scratch the cat between the ears. "I mean, back then Captain Kuro was some mythical figure to me. A legend with a rather handsome face. And I mean, you look every bit as handsome as your poster but you're also… you." 
He found it amusing as you frowned, face turning faintly pink as you realized what you had admitted out loud. Oh, he was aware you had found him attractive; had known since he found out about his namesake. But it soothed some part of him to hear you still thought that. 
"I don't find it 'silly', per se," He blamed the alcohol he had for giving into the impulse to lean over slightly, catching your eye with a rather devious smile. He truly felt like a cat that had caught a canary as he rested one arm along the back of the bench behind you. "But I do find it rather flattering." 
There was that blush he enjoyed so much. He could watch it bloom down your neck, across the small bit of your chest peeking from beneath your top.
And watching you look away, covering your face, was even more adorable. "Is it hot in here?" You muttered rubbing your face. 
"You do look rather red," He couldn't help but tease, leaning close to faux whisper in your ear. "You wouldn't happen to be blushing would you?" 
Your eyes widened, before you pushed him playfully. "Oh shut it. I've just had too much to drink." You huffed as you crossed your arms "Such a meanie. Teasing me after I dragged Kuro from my house. He does not like going to new places, you know." 
Kuro hummed thoughtfully, looking back down at the cat. "Yet another thing we have in common." He paused for a moment before shooting you a glance. "As well as our tolerance for you, I suppose." 
Despite your earlier insistence that you had too much, you took another sip of your drink. Though Kuro wondered if it was to give you courage as you leaned into his side, resting your head on his shoulder. "You're both lucky I'm so fond of you." 
The soft show of affection was not something the pirate captain was used to. His heart squeezed in his chest as he slowly moved his arm to wrap around your shoulders. 
Last time he was able to enjoy a moment like this, it had been a fortuitous accident. This time… was purposeful, showing your trust in him. 
He failed spectacularly , Kuro realized with a sigh as he pulled you closer. There was no way he was going to dispel his feelings for you. Not in the foreseeable future, at least.
Which meant he was going to have to adjust his plans. 
You… had fallen asleep. 
You had fallen asleep against him. 
Kuro wasn't sure what to do, which was novelty in and of itself. His arm was still wrapped around you, even as you snuggled deeper into his side. 
Most of the tavern had settled down, and he could feel the siren lure of bed himself. But… to wake you? Leave you? Neither sounded ideal. 
The young apprentice chef from before seemed to notice his predicament. "I can help her home, sir" They offered. "I know where she lives." 
Kuro was not about to leave you in someone else's hands. However….
Nudging his namesake from his lap, Kuro managed to stand and then pick you up without causing you to wake. You nestled closer to his chest with a soft sigh, but otherwise continued to sleep. "Lead the way." 
Thankfully your home wasn't too far, lights on and door unlocked from when you had fetched Kuro. 
He made a note to inform you your coworker seemed to have no qualms letting a stranger help you home, far too trusting. 
Not that he had any ill intent. Other than taking off your shoes, he left you dressed as he set you down in your bed. Granted, the temptation to settle next to you was strong as he stroked your face, indulging himself in a moment to enjoy your beauty. 
"You've completely ruined my plans," He confessed, caressing your face softly. "And yet, I'm only mildly annoyed." 
Forgetting you would be impossible, yet staying with you would only put a target on your back. He needed to figure out a way to keep you safe, but one where he didn't abandon you completely… despite the fact it made the most logical sense. 
After all, staying away from you felt as wrong as not having the cat claws by his side. 
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mychemicalblog · 4 years
MCR Fanart Archive - @ mythical-syrup
All current archived art by @ mythical-syrup
Current Archived Works: 1
Earliest: Happy March 22nd - March 22nd 2020
Listed in order from most recent to earliest
Happy March 22nd (cake art / not band member centered / Reunion Era / March 22nd 2020)
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