fyeunje-blog · 8 years
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MyungLiz cr: @_handsomeguy (twitter) Just stay with me. I'll always love you. No matter how weird and annoying are you. I love you Park Lizzy. ---- Thank you for all your attention and your love. Thank you for always come when i need you. Thank you for being my boyfriend my super-mate. I love you. Always and forever Kim Myungsoo. ---- "Aku menyukaimu." "Aku juga." "Aku mencintaimu." "Aku juga." "Aku akan selalu berada disisimu." "Aku juga. Terima kasih." ----
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callmechodingboy · 9 years
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                  Well I've seen you in jeans with no make-up on, And I've stood there in awe as your date for the prom,       I'm blessed as a man to have seen you in white,                                 But I’ve never seen anything quite like you tonight...
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soo92 · 9 years
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“you’re so squishy,” myungsoo hears lizzy mumbling in her sleep, her grip on his jacket tightens as she adds, “and warm.” he smiles, ruffles her hair and goes back to playing with his phone, his other hand lightly caresses her back. —requested by anonymous.
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yeah-afterfinite · 9 years
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Lizzy laughed and tried to push Myungsoo back to his seat but he kept trying to look at the cue card to see what embarrassing moment Lizzy had. Meanwhile, to his left, Hoya and Nana could only laugh at their members' antics. ∟ (Myungsoo x Lizzy & Hoya x Nana; requested by goldensaccharine.)
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Untitled 002
Word Count: 1.4k~ Pairing: MyungLiz Summary: Myungsoo had a day off and he watches TV (my summaries just get better and better). Myungsoo-centric I was bored and I remembered Lizzy's Weekly Idol cut and cue this. I do like the friendship between these two but I also wanted to write something where it was strictly friendship. I mean, everything isn't black and white is it? My writing is a WIP.
“... but we don't meet you as much as we did in the past.. I'm not sure why.”
“Oh! Do you think it was maybe because they fought over you?”
“I don't think so...” Lizzy squeaked out in response to the provoking question as she visibly shyed away, hiding her blush.
Myungsoo, trying to pretend that he never thought that, flicked away from channel thankful that mind-reading was not possible (even if he was alone). He stopped at a music program, thinking it was the least suspicious thing he could be walked in on by his members or manager. Yet, not matter how hard he tried, he found himself unable to concentrate on the scantily dressed idols.
“Oh! Do you think it was maybe because they fought over you?”
“I don't think so...”
I don't think so... did she really not think so?
Myungsoo sighed deeply, brushing his hand through unkempt hair (it was his day off, he was allowed to be a slob) as he rolled over on the couch, giving up his failed attempt to engage in the TV. It was futile when he couldn't get that image out of his head; the way she physically turned her scrunched up body around, hiding her pink face. Despite her entertaining reaction he could tell she was being truthful. She didn't think they had fought over her because she didn't think they saw her as a girl. He didn't blame her; they had met up so often she was practically one of the guys when she was with them but whenever they needed girl advice then they would always turn to her. It wasn't that they didn't see her as a woman, even when just the five of them would meet up she wouldn't be left out of the topic of females. Of course, they would never let her know that. It would be a lie to say that nobody had considered her at one point but they instead decided to keep it a secret between the five of them. More than anything, they valued her friendship above all before any of them decided to start something else. It was an unspoken rule, that nobody would make any move, for the sake of their friendship with her and each other.
He had actually taken it one step further, to make it clear to the group and Lizzy that he didn't see her anything more than great friends: he decided to set her up on a blind-date. Sometimes he would wonder whether it was to prove to them that he had no interest in her in that manner or if he trying to convince himself. That thought never lasted long as he pushed it out of his head. Despite doing a very great job at keeping his feelings as platonic as he could he couldn't help the secret satisfaction he felt when Lizzy informed him that the blind-date didn't work out. Should he feel so happy of a failed relationship of his friend that he had set-up?
For a while he had begun dating as well, this time managing to convince himself that the reason for the confusion over Lizzy was to do with the fact he was lonely himself and with having a girl in the group you hung out frequently with wasn't the best idea. Of course, he still had to approach someone for advice in order to not mess it up and with Lizzy being the only girl he felt comfortable with meant there wasn't much other options. He could ask his members but he'd rather save the jeering and teasing for later.
                                    *                        *                        *
“.. and you're sill worried?” Lizzy looked at him, exasperated, “You got flowers and chocolate, especially her favorite kind, and you still think that's not good enough?”
“I haven't done this in a long time, alright!” Myungsoo said in defense, “I'm just.. unsure.”
“Well, if anything, I  think she'd be more likely to say yes if you go like that.” Myungsoo looked at her in surprise, “What I mean is that you seem nervous because you really like her right? That's why you're unsure.”
Myungsoo paused thoughtfully. Was that why he was unsure about this? Was it because he was nervous about asking her or was he just unsure whether or not she was in fact the right choice?
“Look here Myungsoo,” Lizzy began when she could see his conflicted expression. Myungsoo faced her, she was serious now and this wasn't often, “You only need to be sure of one thing when you go to her: do you like her? It's a simple question but at the same time it can be hard to answer. We're not talking about marriage here,” she smiled at him and he couldn't help it as he found himself smiling back, “right now, attraction and interest is more than enough. If you keep this in mind when you go to her and reveal how you really feel there's no way she would reject you. Besides, with that face, the real problem here is if you look better than her when you're confessing,” She grinned at him, lightly ruffling his hair. He closed his eyes at her touch thinking about her words. Do you like her? She's pretty.
Do you like her? … she's nice. Do you like her? …
“I didn't think you could get so serious.” He said, more to himself than her and regretted it immediately when she moved her hand away from him, folding her arms with a huff.
“Hey! I can be serious too you know!” She pouted at him, feigning a hurt expression. Cute.
“Now go! You've free loaded long enough here. If Kahi comes she'll start saying stuff.” She began ushering him towards the door, “Text me how it goes!” She called as she gave him a final push through the door before closing it.
Myungsoo didn't move, instead standing on the spot. He tried to not feel hurt that Lizzy seemed so happy for him making a move on another girl. Why should he feel hurt?
She's one of your closest friends, idiot. You should be feeling bad if she wasn’t happy for you, not when she's being so supportive.
Agreeing with his conscious, he shrugged off his childishness, as he made his way to meet the girl he decided to be with - no, the girl he wanted  to be with. Do you like her?
The relationship had lasted for almost over year before they broke-up. Many may have seen it as a success, having been in a relationship for such a time, yet Myungsoo couldn't find himself feeling happy over it. He was more glad that it was over, always feeling like he was lying to the girl and himself and having to put on an act when he was with her. She was nice but.. Do you like her?
                                    *                        *                        *
He was brought out of his realms as a familiar voice came up on TV. The music program was still on but it was Lizzy's stage. She was dressed in a modest Hanbok styled dress, her face seeming to radiate. She really did grow up well in the past years, Myungsoo mused to himself as he noticed the way her looks become more feminine yet holding the familiar sense of cuteness. Myungsoo sat up, watching her with more concentration than what would be considered normal. He didn't realise the smile he had watching her until it disappeared when the male idol made a guest appearance on her stage. She had linked arms with him (and also the other people on stage too but Myungsoo ignored that), leaning in to him in time with the music before letting go and dancing around with the other dancers. He leaned back, some tension leaving him but his frown remained.
“Nice song, huh.”
Myungsoo turned his head to the source of the voice so fast he was sure he damaged something in his neck. Woohyun stood behind him, elbows leaning on the edge of the couch as he stared ahead at the screen.
Myungsoo, massaging his neck, looked at him suspiciously, “how long have you been here?”
Woohyun smiled at him pleasantly, and this only made the younger feel more unease, “A while.” Was his simple response before he went to put on his shoes to leave. Myungsoo wasn't sure whether or not to question him further but decided to leave it. It was better if neither mentioned anything.
“Oh, and Myungsoo,” Woohyun had his hand on the handle and the younger looked towards his direction, “Yonghwa didn't do anything wrong, it's not normal to get jealous over nothing. If it was Niel instead then I'd understand-”
The rest was cut off as he dodged the pillow aimed for his head before he ran out, his laughter loud and obnoxious. Myungsoo glared at where Woohyun had been standing.
Now that he thought about it, he and Lizzy really hadn't met up in a long time..
… maybe another chapter... I dunno  ;;
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x1414x-blog · 9 years
1414 - 1415
Last year, January 2014, our first meeting as the admin and the member, as Luhan and Jin. You were asked my help for the agency’s event through dm. And we didn’t stop there. After the event have ended, we continued sending message to each other, getting know more about each other, and calling each other with nicknames. Remember when you sent me dm at midnight, and i immediately replied? 
If you’ve never asked for my help, there’d never been us. There would be just you, and there would be just me, and maybe one of us have left, or maybe both of us. But God knows what’s best.
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(cr to: owner, source: google)
To be honest, when i’ve finally had feelings for you, you’re deactivated your account and left for hiatus, i was upset and sad, thought there wouldn’t be any chance for me. I thought you would never comeback, But suddenly, after 2 months (of waiting?), someone’s popped up on my mention, changed the character to Hyunsik, said “bunny, still remember me?”
I was startled and happy at the same time that i ignored the recent mentions to replied yours. I missed you so much.
Days passed, we’ve known about each other better.
On April 1st, we went for a date at the Coffee Shop. We had such wonderful times and good talks.
you asked me out, to be your girlfriend, I answered yes, because I couldn’t lie about how I feel, I really liked you.
(p.s: I thought at first it was an April’s fool x) )
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( cr to: owner, source: google)
You had problems back then, and you know that i’d always be with you, through the joy and sorrow.
We were never fight, but yes, we had arguments, problems, different opinions, jealousy, but we’re always found the way out for the better. 
And our love grows. 
I’m no longer like him, I love him.
After 2 months being in the relationship, and you changed your character (again) to Gikwang, then Myungsoo, you proposed me to be your one and only.
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(cr to: owner, source: google)
We got married on the 1st of July, right on our 3rd monthversary.
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(cr to: owner, source: tumblr)
I’m so blessed. We are so blessed to have 4 childrens (and 2 children-in-law, also 1 grandson *_*) in our life that make us a very happy family. 
“You don’t choose your family. They’re God’s gift to you, as you are to them”
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“Happy anniversary, Mama and Baba *smiles*” - Kyungsoo
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“Happy anniversary mama and Baba *^* look at the new hat i got~ *chuckles then smiles*” - Hera
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“*eyesmiles* *chuckles* Baba and Mama~ happy anniversary~” - Yein
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“*being sassy classy and awesome as always* *congratulates happy anniversary to mama and baba through body language* - Bianca
(cr to: owner, source: google)
And today, April 1st 2015, is our 1st anniversary. I can’t even begin to describe how crazy and amazing is that we have already been in a relationship an entire year.
Dear Myungsoo,
1 year ago, today, I was getting ready for our date. I kept thinking about how much I had feelings for you and how I couldn’t imagine life if you really left, and 9 months ago, I was getting ready to walk down the aisle towards you. I can honesty say I love you even more than I did a year ago. You and I have had an incredible journey so far. From when you asked me to date, exactly today, a year ago. To when you asked me to marry you. To when we said our vow in a barn of our friends and family. This first year of our relationship has been incredible and has been the best year of my life, and I know that every year we are married it is only going to get better.
Thankyou for loving me, pursuing me furiously, and for serving me every day. You are an amazing bestfriend, boyfriend, enemy, and husband, I couldn’t thank you enough for asking me to be your one and only. I love being in a relationship with you. I love waking up next to you and laughing with you in the mornings. I love snuggling close to you at night and hugging you 1000 times a day. I love being goofy with you and I love our serious talks. I love that you are my best friend. Being in a relationship with you is the biggest joy I have ever experienced and I feel like the luckiest woman alive. You are such a steady and secure influence in my life. You have thaught me more than I thought possible. Thankyou for always being there for me, thankyou for always listening to my problems, thankyou for always understanding me, thankyou for the charms you’ve always given me eversince our 1st monthversary, thankyou for every dates you take me, thankyou for the times you give, thankyou for always loving me. You have truly shown me what it means to love someone unconditionally.
I’m blessed to be yours.
I love you, Kim Myungsoo.
Happy 1st Year Anniversary, I can’t wait for the years to come.
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(cr to: owner, source: google, tumblr; callmechodingboy, soo92, fyeah-afterfinite)
“I choose you. And I’ll choose you, over and over. Without pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat. I’ll keep choosing you.”
Happy 1st Anniversary to the one i love most,
Kim Myungsoo
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(cr to: owner, source: tumblr; callmechodingboy, soo92)
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myungeuna · 10 years
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“wake up, soo-yah.” “too early, soo-yah.”
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jakkobee · 11 years
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stunningraicon-blog · 12 years
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Myungsoo - Lizzy's high jump
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callmechodingboy · 10 years
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INFINITE's MyungSoo joins After School's Lizzy on a food program "Tasty Road" as new mc Read more
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soo92 · 10 years
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myungliz taking a commemorative photo after their amusement park date —requested by goldensaccharine
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yeah-afterfinite · 11 years
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∟ Myungsoo x Lizzy; requested by infinit-el-yours. (☆彡)
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x1414x-blog · 10 years
Happy 6th Monthsary, baby
After a half-year of being together, I just can’t believe how happy I have been. You make me feel like I can do anything—and with you by my side, I know that I can. They say that the first year of matrimony is the hardest and, if that’s so, we really have an easy life ahead of us! Of course, things can’t always be perfect, but they’ve been very, very good, and I’m so grateful to you for that.
Thank you for being so good to me and for being so loving, patient, and kind. You’re as thoughtful today as you were on our first date. Do you remember how nervous we were around each other back then? Things got better as we got to know each other more. I’m thankful that you’re so willing to listen to me and to share with me your feelings and dreams, even your concerns and your worries. I always heard how important open communication was in marriage, and now I wholeheartedly believe it.
I honestly can’t think of how my life would be without you in it other than barren, bleak, cold, and meaningless. I know that as the years pass, the love that we share will continue to grow. I look forward to those years when we’ll be raising our kids together, building a home, and fulfilling our dreams. Crazy as it may sound, I even look forward to growing old together. I once heard that men are like fine wine—they only improve with age. The thought of all the upcoming years spent by your side brings me a joy and a peace that I can hardly comprehend. I know that, no matter what, we’ll stay together, through thick and thin. That’s what real love and commitment is all about, and that’s what I have for you.
Happy 6th Monthsary, Kim Myungsoo. I love you so much, just the same, and as every seconds passed, my love for you grows up.
Yours always and forever,
Lizzy Kim♡
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myungeuna · 10 years
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be mine japan myungsoo x flashback lizzy ∟ inspired by callmechodingboy's ☆; soo pic by ©
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soo92 · 10 years
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lizzy has always been the one who waits for myungsoo on their dates (no, she doesn’t mind because myungsoo always has that shy smile whenever he’s late and she loves it)
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callmechodingboy · 10 years
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"........?" "가자" "ㅋㅋㅋㅋ"
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