#myuni answers
myuni-moon · 2 months
Can i get hua cheng x fem reader fluff?
#time is but a number
scenario with hua cheng, in which he tells you he loves you in his own weird way
warnings: hua cheng has dark humor, suicide mentions, is this even fluff???
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The first time he said it, you thought he was joking. Hua Cheng had always been enigmatic, stranger in ways you could never quite put your finger on. In one instance, he could be completely fine - dare you say even close to sounding human. Other times, you're reminded that he was never human to begin with despite all the times he'd felt like one. Such as finding some sort of humor in the morbid and macabre, some of it not even your stomach could handle (and you've spent time in ghost city).
You had been discussing a recent rumor floating around the mortal realm, the unfortunate death of two youths - a double suicide as you recalled. It was melancholic and quite saddening, but it proved to be quite the discussion between you two over tea.
"I suppose there is something beautiful about it," you hummed, watching your reflection in the murkiness of your drink. "Choosing to die with someone, I guess." They'd never be lonely in the afterlife, you reckon. In some way, the two would always be bound in soul.
Hua Cheng only smirked, typical of him. His face betrayed no real emotion, just the simple facade he wore on a daily. You'd know that it was simply out of habit, something he came to develop in his years as a calamity. "Could you ever imagine yourself that way? Dying with someone to stay with them forever?"
"And why would I?"
"I would," he looked at you amusingly. You raised a brow in honest suspicion. Hua Cheng chuckled, "I love you."
There was a silence, more from you than him. Your mind had blanked, only because you'd never expect him to say such a thing in the middle of one of the most disturbing conversations you've had up to date. There's a twist in your gut - whether from the confession or the awkward circumstances it was said in, you're too stunned to figure out. The short pause eventually gave way to Hua Cheng's laughter.
"No need to get so caught up in it," he waved his hand in disregard, "you don't have to think too much about it."
You glared at him as heated air puffed through your nose. Of course, only Hua Cheng could make something so serious with a joke. You lightly tapped at his nose with annoyance. A mischievous glint twinkled in his eyes at the contact of your fingers with his skin. "Don't go joking about that, A-Cheng."
As he leaned into your touch, he chuckled again; who ever said he was joking?
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crystalitecloudie · 1 year
Hi! Finally my time has come as an old SAGAU fan LMAO
So the original creator of this iteration specifically is streimiv, and idk if they were specifically THE first but one of the first creators for it is myuni-moon (one of the few ogs that's even still around!) who was also involved into turning it into more of a cult thing?
Can't really tell you about imposter AU or reader being an actual God AU tho since i got tired of that really fast or more recent developments tho since after a while of that it's all that SAGAU became and with most of what attracted me to it in the first place ditched and turning very same-y i stopped interacting with it lol
Oh my God thank you!! The help is appreciated :)
UPDATE: I went and contacted the user, asking some questions. We'll see if the ask gets answered I guess
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myuni-moon · 1 year
Hiya! :D
If you're fully okay with requests... could I request hugging hcs with Ningguang, Lumine and Kokomi please?
#just relax
hugging headcannons ft. ningguang, lumine, and kokomi (romantic/platonic)
warning(s): none!
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Ningguang can be stiff at times. Perhaps tense would be a more fitting term. She tends to go rigid at physical touch due to how unaccustomed she is to it. As the Tianquan of Liyue, the only times she has ever actually been touched in her line of work is when tradition or customs allow it or when a threat is being made to her wellbeing. She has been physically affectionate with people she is close to before, but she experiences danger that is enough for her to be alert at any breach made in her personal space.
Should you ever hug her, she asks that you give her a warning that you are about to unless you want to risk being accidentally attacked by her gems. It's awkward when you first slide your arms around her since her reflexes first perceive the breach in personal space, and it'll take her a second or two before she is able to relax into your hold.
Ningguang would gingerly reciprocate your actions, arms also reaching around your frame. She doesn't squeeze you, opting to simply keep the hug breathable and comfortable - without any force needed to make you feel secure. At first glance, she might seem like the kind to back away as quickly as possible from any kind of skin contact; however, Ningguang is actually one of the few that asks for a minute longer.
Your arms that were wrapped around Ningguang's frame slowly start to retract. As your skin slides against hers, a squeeze against your own figure stops you from continuing. Ningguang simply rests her forehead on you, a sigh coming from her.
"Please, just for a second longer." She says. Her voice is meek, very much unlike her usual tone.
She reminds you of a child, pleading for small yet endearing affections. It makes you wonder a little, just how much did Ningguang have to grow up at such a young age? You'd heard stories of her selling by the coast of Yaoguang shoal, but it was only now that it settled in. You could only imagine how a young child could struggle to support themselves, working every day under the beating sun - an image so divorced to her current disposition.
So you let her stay that way a little bit longer, bodies once gain sharing that comfortable warmth. She sighs into your skin as her body language loosens up. Then you hear it, a mumble.
"Thank you."
Lumine's hugs are what you would expect it to be: welcoming. She is not a stranger to physical touch from friends, and she has spent many a time hugging some of them if requested (yes, even Paimon). Her body is built due to all the physical work she expends her energy on every day, so it's no surprise if her hugs also make you feel protected.
Her hugs don't last long for a few reasons. First is that she's always on the move, but she takes the few moments she gets to give you a hug if you ask for one. Second is the fact that her body has a tendency to be warmer than others, which may lead to some overheating; this is brought about adaptations from her experience traveling Teyvat (Paimon once ended up as a sort of teddy bear one night, and she ended up crying for Lumine to wake up since the rise in temperature was starting to feel extremely uncomfortable).
Overall, Lumine's hugs are homey and safe. If you ever have the chance to hug her, go for it (100% Paimon-approved despite the previous mishap).
It had been so long since you last saw Lumine. Despite letters being exchanged between you two every now and then, it felt like forever since your last meeting. That was why when you chanced upon curious whispers of the Honorary Knight entering the borders of Mondstadt, you couldn't help but show your excitement.
The citizens of Mondstadt were also quick to notice, watching you linger by the bridge or the stalls near the entrance. Other knights of Favonius also noticed the way you perked up every time you spotted anyone with blonde hair.
Bystanders looked upon you endearingly. Even more so when you rushed from under the arch and across the bridge without warning.
"Lumine!" You shouted, and everyone knew that the hero of Teyvat had finally appeared.
Lumine's laugh sounded like bells as you barreled into her awaiting arms. Even with so much force, her strength stopped her from tipping over as one typically would. Your arms wrapped around her shoulders, face burying in the crook of her neck. The feeling of your breath against her skin warmed her heart.
A hand rested upon your head. "I'm back."
Kokomi is unaccustomed to physical affections, which might be able to be attributed to her status as a priestess. That alone leaves her busy, and though she works with multiple people in just a day, she doesn't regularly come into physical contact with them. Even if she does, the most that she's ever experienced is a handshake or tap on the shoulder.
Like Ningguang, she tenses at first when hugged. Her muscles go taught, and she tried hard not to let any discomfort slip onto her countenance. She'll try to ask you questions or talk to you in an attempt to dispell any such awkardness that she feels. Over time, as she gets used to physical contact with you, her hugs start to feel more comfortable. She also starts reciprocating physical affections little by little, like starting to hug you back or patting your head in some instances.
Kokomi's hugs are awkard at first, so expect her freezing up or her mouth ends up pressed into a thin lne. The more she gets used to it, however, the more her hugs start to feel like flowing water (as poetic as it sounds). It's calming and very grounding. It seems like hugs are much-needed breathers for both of you.
You sat in Kokomi's little sanctuary, reading away as you waited for her to finish her duties. On the table in front of you, a plate of mochi was set. You made it, hoping to get Kokomi to take a rest and sit with you for a while. The crunch of her sandals reverberated in the small space, and you put your book down, standing up to greet her.
"Kokomi, hey! How are-" You're immediately cut off by her arms snaking around your torso and pulling you closer. You were taken aback, but your hands soon found purchase on her back, rubbing up and down.
"My apologies for startling you," she whsipered, "I just couldn't help myself."
You closed your eyes, continuing your previous ministrations. "It's okay. You can always catch a break, you know? If you want to, I could even spend it with you."
Her hold on you tightened; the change was minute, but it's one you caught instantly. Kokomi sighed, shoulders sagging. You took it as your cue to bring up the food on the table. "C'mon, I made some dango. You should eat before you go back and do what priestesses like you do on a regular."
She let out a giggle before (almost disappointingly) detaching from you and sitting down in the chair adjacent yours. Her eyes peered onto the book also set on the table.
"Oh, that's one of my favorites!"
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myuni-moon · 1 year
hfhzkrhzkjfzmjd thank u for the god tier dan heng yandere fic 🥰 please write more for him!! (or even a sequel where he does enact those dark plans of his 👀)
thank you! i'm really glad you all liked it huhu. not a fic but i suppose i can muse about it. more utc!
warning: yandere (sensitive content ahead, read at your own risk), drugging, abduction
this can go about two ways: first is where he completely gives into all his animalistic urge, and the second is a more rational way of going about it.
the first way happens when dan heng gets triggered in some way, acting completely out of impulse. it could be that you were injured badly, and it causes him to enter his form as imbibitor lunae. the assailant to your injury is promptly taken care of, but dan heng still remains feral. the only thing going through his brain is "my mate is hurt, and it's my job to protect them." that translates to taking you somewhere he deems safe (somewhere no one can't find you), even if he has to drag you by the neck-- he is not taking any chances. he will follow his instincts depite your protests. he doesn't want to hurt you, protectiveness ingrained in his very muscles; however, he knows that he has to do what must be done if he wants to keep you by his side.
it can also happen if he feels threatened in his position as your beloved. he's possessive by nature, draconic at his very core. he's not above just snatching you away the moment someone gets too close for his liking. he hopes you aren't too upset with him when he ends up clawing someone's eyes out for even looking at you in a way that's not platonic. in this scenario, he isn't as dimissive of your distaste towards his own actions. in fact, the entire thing can be avoided if you satiate him. coming back to his side, spending more time with him, letting him scent you even if you aren't aware at all.
your abduction is more likely to happen when he's in a rational, more human, state. dan heng had been mostly in control of his animalisitc side up until that point, so he still has some emblance of self-control (even if his draconic side seems to force its way somehow). he likes to be prepared, and dan heng makes sure that everything goes as smoothly as possible. he might knock you out after drawing you away from the rest of the group and defecting entirely. if you ever catch onto his obsessiveness, he'll drug you. he's still wise in his own ways, even if he's not too sure of his past memories. he has an expanse of knowledge; it's not too far-detched to say he acquired the knowledge needed to knock you out with a slip of something into your food or a cloth over your nose.
either way, it ends with you in his clutches as he tries to evade the forces that are keen on tracking him down. he's not backing down, not when he finally has you in his grasp. chances are he might even follow a different path if only to secure you. the aeons all look down upon your situation in curiosity and amusement. whether one is willing to help you out really depends. after all, an audience loves a good show.
it just so happens, yours is the most interesting tragedy so far.
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myuni-moon · 15 hours
Hello this is me Aya.. ‏🇵🇸
Imagine having everything and suddenly you wake up with nothing left.That's exactly what happened with us .we moved from having everything to having nothing.In a blink of an eye ,we lost everything, our house ,dreams,
memories belongings and our works. We are starting from zero and need your help to climb the leader step by step from scratch.
All the positive words cannot express how generous you are, especially in sharing my posts to inform other donors about the people of Gaza who are still suffering from the terrible conditions caused by the unjust war on Gaza!
Please continue to support us by donating directly or by sharing the link to let others know. Don't hesitate to help people in difficult and miserable times until the dark days are over.
boosting again!
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myuni-moon · 10 months
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I may be shmol, but that ain't stoppin me from interacting with you.
joke's on you because I'm short too (I'm 5'3/~160cm). short people are always welcome to my blog 😌
tall people have to pay a fine for the neck pain they might cause me <//3
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myuni-moon · 1 year
Myuni you are my internet crush and I love you
Thank you for being such an *amazing* writer
(⁠´⁠∩⁠。⁠•⁠ ⁠ᵕ⁠ ⁠•⁠。⁠∩⁠`⁠)
hi hi! thank you for the compliment hehe
since you're so sweet, i'll give you all a little treat. let me share some of my recent brainrots mwehehehehe
tw: child abandonement mention, yandere content, slight violence
i was thinking about platonic yandere!kaeya who receives a report about theft happening in the market. nothing too bad, just a few fruits or skewers that go missing every few days. still, it's become a cause of concern. as the cavalry captain, he's on the case.
it isn't long until he finds this little brat, hiding away in a small cave by the whispering woods. your clothes are dirty, and you're scratched up to your legs. your hair is messy, and your face is dusted with dirt. you remind him of some kind of animal, especially so when you stare him down like one the moment he comes close and protectively gather the stolen food in your arms as if they were priceless jewels.
even so, kaeya recognizes you as the scared child you truly are. he shows he means no harm, speaking gently and softly as he kneels down to your level. "hey there," his voice bounces off the walls, "what's your name?"
it takes him handing you an apple and letting you munch on it before you allow him to even come near you. kaeya is finally able to sit right next to you. he sighs and asks you a few questions. it's not long until he realizes you're a child abandoned by their parents, left to steal and live a life of misery if you hadn't already perished to
a small twinge of pity and maybe even sadness tugs at his heartstrings because he too knows what it feels like to be abandoned, but even then, his own father was kind enough to leave him in good care -- unlike your parents. he ends up taking you to the knights of favonius after assuring you you wouldn't get in trouble (he also thought it was kind of cute the way you clung onto him and cried for him not to put you behind bars). a bit of discussion later with jean, and you're put into his care since you were already somewhat familiar with him.
it's a chore at first, maybe, but he grows a soft spot for you. who wouldn't when this lovely little thing won't leave him alone? you follow him around and try to help him with paperwork even with the limitations of your vocabulary and skills. you clap and laugh when he shows off the little tricks he can conjure with his vision. somehow, you put a little bit of color into his life again.
after a while, there's nothing he won't do for you. in classic kaeya fashion, he pokes fun and teases you, but he'll get rid of whatever makes you cry. you might not even notice it, but if you bat your eyes and tug on his scarf, you can get away with anything. you can even pull him away from the tavern early. just drop by, and he'll be so concerned as to what you're doing there. he fusses so much that he ends up taking you home and just spending the rest of the day just doing whatever you want to do.
he loves it the most when you call him "brother." he doesn't like to be called dad or anything of the sort ("i'm not that old, am i?" he drunkenly sulked once at the tavern after you accidentally called him dad). he doesn't smile sincerely very often, but he just beams whenever you come running to him, calling him brother after a hard day at work.
during the attack of abyss mages on the city, he gets worried about you the most. before having to defend and serve as a knight, he actually leaves you in the care of dawn winery because he knows that you'll be safe and secure there. he hates to leave you, but he just jokes it off, so you won't have to worry too much.
"don't miss me too much, okay? i'll only be gone for a little while." his words seem way too nostalgic, and the mood of the situtation just feels all too familiar. "be good while I'm away. just stay here, and don't go outside until I come back. If anything happens, the adults can take care of you." you're crying into his uniform, but he knows you'll follow his words. you're a good kid like that.
when he's finally in the fray, he's ruthless. so much more than he usually is. he just wants to come back to you, pinching your cheeks as you tell him you missed him so much. he clicks his tongue when another wave of monsters of the abyss enter the city. he knows what signed up for, and he's happy to defend mondstadt, but this was the reason why he had to be away from you -- why you had to cry.
that to him was enough of a reason not to care. so he doesn't care what he has to do to come home to your smiling face, even if that means raising hell before freezing it over.
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myuni-moon · 2 months
YEEEOW HELLO HELLO !!! so happy to see u alive nd kicking again !!! ^^
YESSS WELCOME BACK TO THE BLOG! it's so nice to be back :))
it's been pretty hectic on my end the last few months since i'll be going to college soon (ur girl myuni is about to head off into the city which is kinda scary ngl). but hopefully, i'll be able to post more huhu.
speaking of posts, other than the sagau reboot, another series(?) will hopefully launch soon too!!
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myuni-moon · 2 months
omg hii!! so happy to hear from you again 🩷🙏
hiii! so glad to be back :DD i've found more time (and energy) to commit to writing recently. hopefully, i'll be here longer than last time
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myuni-moon · 1 year
I'm bored, so I'll answer some of the questions you posed:
1. Why is reader regarded as a deity? How does lore or history change because of it?
-This could be from them creating Teyvat, and having an active role throughout history; due to The Primordial One and The Second Who Came, this is made a little more odd, but it could be said 'The Creator' wasn't forgotten, and vanished sometime after the Archon War; anything during it is up to the writer.
2. Why does reader get golden blood all of a sudden? What modified their body structure for it to occur? Are there any other changes to their body?
-It wasn't always golden blood, it was a MacGuffin to help distinguish between the 'true' and 'imposter' Creator. The change could be them being transported to Teyvat, wherein one might say Teyvat itself is alive and helped its 'parent'. Any other changes is up to the writer once again; personally I'm a fan of their eyes changing to different characters' Constellations.
3. How are they actually transported to the world of Teyvat? What kind of role do they take up in the grand scheme of things? What influences can they exert (economically, culturally, etc.) in Teyvat?
-As the Creator, they're basically the Ruler of Rulers; they are allowed additional says on a Nation's matters, and allowed to impose their own, so long as others agree; normally, it would go ahead, but in places like Liyue, the Liyue Qixing would like to make sure they don't always have to relay on deities. How they got there is usually waking up there, but another I like is that Teyvat, and Genshin, is a parallel world in the form of a video game, allowing them to create a way to transport you there, like a portal, or summon, or the such.
4. How does it all affect reader's mental, emotional, or physical wellbeing?
-Depends on the writer; I write the reader, or Darlin', with the mindset of them being used to it, and tries their best throughout. Physically, with characters like Childe, Cyno or even Keqing, would help you in defending yourself; you could do so yourself, they're sure, but it never is harmful to relearn the basics. And, emotionally; well, I'd enjoy it, that's for sure; again, it all just depends on the writer.
I know I didn't need to write this, but meh xd
I hope this somewhat helps, Myuni! :D
I've wanted to share my thoughts and workarounds through my own writing, but I couldn't help but want to discuss after reading your ask.
this is going to be long, so all content utc!
I wanted to tie my oc a bit to the lore of my version of SAGAU. Mikoto would be a placeholder or test character, the first one to be fleshed out but only added to the game as an npc and reduced to nothing more than a name passed around. However, during the development process of the game. eventually, this small sentient piece of code would gain the desire to "exist." I believe that human desire or anything akin to it can be a powerful force because by wanting something to exist, essentially a parallel world is opened up where this is possible. in the case for Mikoto, a whole parallel world - where genshin is the real world - is made. another little alternative I can see is that through the existence of the game in our world, a parallel is opened up, and the desire for Mikoto to exist is strong enough for the laws of the universe to acknowledege it and make him exist in the parallel world in which the conciousness of both characters are connected and aware of what is happening on both dimensions. I also like to think that if the latter is the plot point decided upon, it means that this paradox may unknowingly influence the characters in the other dimension, creating this version of them that can be rather unstable and one that can eventually gain access to our reality through the breach between worlds.
Moving forward, the reason why the characters may think the reader to be a deity or a powerful entity can be tied to mikoto as well. The developers would also be some sort of "test player," which would be the first other conscious being Mikoto will be able to interact with. This sparks a curiosity that would overtime develop into devotion and an unhealthy dependency since Mikoto is alone. Since the developers would be able to change the game's functions, mechanics, and certain objects - among other things, Mikoto might see the player as someone capable of changing everything as he knows it. That would carry over into the other universe. This causes the lore to change where an all-powerful being regarded as the world's god or creator.
The transportation of reader to SAGAU I chalk up to the characters' shared desire for the reader exist to their realm and a little bit of Science (mainly Physics, and I'm not even going to try to explain how this might work - seeing as I specialize in BioChem and not Physics). I like to think that they are able to make a vessel within their world, which they can then use to hold the reader's consciousness after transporting it to SAGAU. The characters would try to make this vessel as close to your likeness as possible, but some notable changes would be your aging and a few modifications to your appearance if you request. You age slower in your new body - if you ever age at all. Golden blood can be a modification given.
As for the influences of the reader, I firmly believe that the reader will take the role of a leader of sorts. I believe it's a psychological result of having everything you knew just change. Your psyche would be in shambles, so it can be that the first instinct is to try to grasp something stable to keep you grounded. It just so happens that you're being offered a role as a deity, which gives you something you can use to ground yourself. By giving yourself a role, you are able to define something that is somewhat tangible. Of course, this would need a period of adjustment, which your lovely acolytes are more than happy to help you get through. Your tasks after getting used to being a deity would be learning; after all, knowledge is power. You must know Teyvat's conditions and history before you can even do something about them. You might typically find yourself learning things pertaining to Social Science - economics, politics, etc.
Celestia, I'm just going to headcannon for this, would be affected by the factors discussed previously. Their roles are still unclear, so I designate them to a bystander position as of the moment. They let you play god or are fully supportive of it, but their intentions may bleed somewhere into the series.
This SAGAU concept I just proposed can be adopted by anyone. Instead of Mikoto, one can also insert any character (oc or canonical).
Anyways, that's all I have hehe. Regarding au's, I'll touch up on that when I have the time. Thank you for sending in an ask :))
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myuni-moon · 1 year
you guess me I guess you...Who are you???
hello there! I'm not entirely sure what this is supposed to mean or be, but I suppose I'll humor this ask.
who am I, indeed? that is a tough question. I am Myuni, but that isn't the answer, is it? Myuni is this blog's persona, a writer posting fanfiction online. that's all there is to it there, but who I truly am? that is something I'd never let this place will ever know. I, Myuni, am a writer who publishes fanfiction online that may include disturbing content not suitable for young audiences.
as for you, who are you? you could be someone I've met online before, but chances are you are just someone that has simply stumbled upon my blog trying to find out what this blog is for. if so, welcome to the blog. I reckon you must be searching for something to read, so read as much as you like (as long as you are above 15). if you're not here to read at all, how curious.
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myuni-moon · 2 years
I gotta ask, how would the archons or anyone else react to reader being overwhelmed with being like a whole deity sudently. Cuz i fell like unless they wore a deity before it would be a loot to get used to.
Sorry if u already answered this i just got here and this queschon would not let me be. 😅
I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK LIKE 3 MONTHS FOR ME TO ANSWER. I've been busy with school since I'm in senior high and will be off to college in 2 years (give or take).
Anyways, in my sagau, I do hc that the reader is human, so they'd most likely be overwhelmed with all the deity talk. Though, I firmly believe that the archons have a work-away around this.
First, they'll just give you the rundown of what's happening; most likely, you'll be disoriented. They'll let you adjust to the circumstance, teaching you about the current world little by little while caring for you and observing your behavior. Your existence within Teyvat itself will be kept as a secrecy until your mental state is stable enough that you won't go into shock from overstimulation. The list of people you interact with is also limited to ensure you don't get overwhelmed either. This list at least consists of Zhongli, Venti, Ei, Baizhu (who's in charge of weekly check-ups in case your body develops certain medical conditions from a difference in environment), and the adepti. Individuals who know of your existence outside of that list are Diluc, Ningguang, and Nahida. The dendro archon does know that you are in Teyvat but doesn't possess the capacity to visit or see you because of the work to be done in Sumeru after recent events.
The reader would only be exposed to the public after much deliberation and have well-adjusted to life in Teyvat for the most part. There would be some responsibilities for you after the proclamation that you are indeed the beloved god of all beings in Teyvat. These mostly consist of being a public figure and being a symbol for peace and unity such as doing charity work or making public appearances. You do hold some form of diplomatic power. You are able to influence governments and policies, but you don't create, instate, or abolish laws directly. It just feels or looks like it due to how willing people would bend to you.
Here comes the saying "with great power, comes great responsibility." At some point, you do have to take up the mantle of being a leader. You're not necessarily outgoing, charismatic, or strong, but you do fall into the role of being a ruler or leader. You have to think about the factors in which your actions can affect the world around you. You can bring seven nations to war on a whim and bring chaos to the lives of normal citizens, simply by swaying political opinions and government decisions. Or you can work out diplomatic meetings for countries to reach a compromise rather let them settle it through bloodshed. Overall, the title of being Teyvat's god doesn't mean you'll just sit around and be pampered all day (as lovely as that sounds), you still do have responsibilities, but you don't exactly work unless the situation is dire or intense.
This would definitely be more than overwhelming, especially if you aren't in a leadership role or don't have a very assertive personality. Hence, your services aren't enacted unless the safety of an entire nation is being threatened or the majority are suffering. In those cases, such as the vision hunt decree in Inazuma, you should be able to call for the abolishment of the decree because of public outcry. The archons would take care of such before it gets to that level because they don't want you to get stressed out. To them, your health is top priority. They don't delve into matters of nations they're not an archon of, but if it helps alleviate your situation, they'll do anything-- even if it is rather extreme.
Most likely, they'll even keep problems a secret and solve it themselves. You might not even notice anything's wrong with how well they might even deal with it. They don't like bringing any of their quarrels when they come see you either. Like mentioned in the past, there's a neutrality "rule" where it's a cease-fire in your presence. The moment you walk into the room, they have to act civil even if they don't want to get along. If the harbingers or the cryo archon ever come to visit, they leave the combat and grudges behind in favor of giving you all their care and attention. There might be animosity between Zhongli and Childe after the latter released an ancient god and almost flooded Liyue harbor; however, for your sake, they play nice. If they ever start acting up, just give them a look, and they'll stand down.
For any breakdowns from overstimulation, you're taken somewhere else that guarantees your privacy. You're taken back to your bedroom where only Zhongli and Baizhu are allowed to tend to you, and you'll stay there until they are assured of your good health. It'll be a few weeks as well until you're able to go out and return to your duties; even then, you're constantly monitored for a few days after that. At any sign of discomfort, the archons are quick to distract you from whatever makes you feel overwhelmed. They usually take you somewhere secluded and calm you down with soothing words and gentle touches. Venti plays his lyre and tells you tales from times long past. Zhongli keeps you in an embrace, shielding you away from the world for the time being. Ei does breathing exercises with you and suggests to try a bit of meditation once you're well enough.
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myuni-moon · 1 year
Hello! Idk you already have been asked this, but are you going to write the new characters for genshin? Cause i just went to see the characters that you write for, and the new ones aren't there
Have a good day/night and take care
(* ̄▽ ̄)ノ~~ ♪
unfortunately, i'm no longer playing genshin at the moment, so i'm very much lost with the new characters. i've read a few fics out of curiosity, but i'm not very confident in characterizing them.
i might give them a try though somewhere in the future (however, it might take me some extensive research saklngksafjnh)
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myuni-moon · 1 year
Hello, Myuni! How have you been doing today??? Hopefully good.
Hello! I'm doing well!
I got a chance to rest today, and I might be able to post soon. I also started watching Castlevania on Netflix. So far, it's pretty interesting (not recommended tho for ppl sensitive to gore and violence). I also started reading the manga for To Your Eternity after watching it, and again, it's kind of not recommended for ppl sensitive to gore and violence. It's really touching tho, and I caught myself tearing up a few times.
That's all I have so far. Thanks for asking (^人^)
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myuni-moon · 1 year
Good to hear, and I've been good as well!
I could go on--Murder Drones Episode 5 on June 5th, me being able to play Honkai Star Rail on June 7th--but in regards to SAGAU? Same old, honestly :3
Again, I hope you're well, Myuni; you're a good egg :3 /lh
I had the chance to play star rail during release, and it's been pretty fun so far. I play on my tablet, so I have a bit of a hard time with controls-- but it's easier to play on mobile than genshin, so that's a plus! i kind of like the turn-based rpg system for the game, but I kind of want to turn off the ultimate animations (I'm not sure if there's an option for that, but I'm at least 60% sure there isn't). The only 5* I currently have there are Gepard and Seele (my favorite wlw <33).
SAGAU has had a lot of plot holes I wanted to try addressing or fixing within my writing to make it sound less like a revenge fantasy turned coping mechanism which only purpose was to fuel someone's god complex and into a more fleshed-out and overall dynamic concept which it orginally was. Stuff like:
Why is reader regarded as a deity? How does lore or history change because of it?
Why does reader get golden blood all of a sudden? What modified their body structure for it to occur? Are there any other changes to their body?
How are they actually transported to the world of Teyvat? What kind of role do they take up in the grand scheme of things? What influences can they exert (economically, culturally, etc.) in Teyvat?
How does it all affect reader's mental, emotional, or physical wellbeing?
Also, thank you hehe. I guess I can be considered a good egg, but I'm just your usual fangirl trying to survive life lol
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myuni-moon · 1 year
omg myuni hiiii
Sorry, just wanted to drop by and say; hey, how are you? :3
hi, I'm doing pretty well surprisingly! been so busy doing school, but since the year is over, I wanted to write again. It might take some time, but I should have some content up again soon.
on another note, how are you? I haven't been active writing SAGAU lately, but I might write smth with similar themes for star rail. I'll maybe still write smth for SAGAU if I happen to have a good idea (assuming I have enough brain juice and time)
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