sugamacchiato · 6 years
title: [untitled] pairing: yoongi/jin word count: 2.602 warnings: none i don’t think summary: it was their 12th date. things may be moving a little too quickly. 
a/n: ehh i started this a few months ago and just finished it a few days ago. i’m not exactly happy with it but it’s just writing practice so whateves 
It was their 12th date. Ten weeks of officially dating. Things had been a little awkward at first but they had found a good rhythm between them that seems to fit.
They held hands their second date, had their first (proper) kiss on the fifth one, and gotten handsy on their eleventh.
Seokjin was uncommonly nervous for a 12th date. By this point he had been pretty cozied up with his past boyfriends, but this was Min Yoongi he was dealing with and really didn’t want to mess anything up.
They had know each other so long, and with that came with a level of comfort neither of them had ever had in a relationship. It also meant that with each passing level of intimacy the pair reached, it felt like a huge shift in their relationship. It wasn’t anything bad, just different...and the slightest bit terrifying. Neither of them wanted to ruin things so it felt like they were walking eggshells a bit.
This new dynamic had been a long time coming but it felt like things had changed from one day to the next.
Yoongi had come over to watch a basketball and it was supposed to be a typical boys night in. Yoongi was just sitting there with sauce stains all over the front of his hoodie and crumbs at the corners of his mouth, his hair disheveled and the crazy sheen over his eyes he got whenever they watched a particularly good game, yet Seokjin finally knew. It was like a scene from a movie. The realization hit Seokjin straight in his chest like a sack of bricks. He was in love with his best friend.
Logically, Seokjin knew the man sitting next to him was the same he’d sat next to hundreds of times. Yoongi wasn’t any different, but as he sat there shoving potato chips into his mouth, Seokjin felt a resolve wash over him that he couldn’t quite explain. It was like something that had been there all along but had remained hidden. He’s not sure what reasoning let him to it but before his mind could talk itself out if it Seokjin was leaning in to kiss Yoongi without so much as a warning.
Their lips barely touched before Yoongi pulled back, wide-eyed and clearly at a loss.
Seokjin knew it was the wrong move but he had gotten himself into that situation so he had no other choice but to explain. “I think I’m kind of in love with you,” he blurted out a little more aggressively than me meant.
It takes a moment for Yoongi to collect his thoughts and all Seokjin really remembers from those moments was the commentary from the game blasting through the t.v. speakers. Their team was two points down with only seconds left on the scoreboard and the echoes of the commentators rang through the living room but Seokjin couldn’t look away from Yoongi. He still had crumbs on one side of his mouth and he looked kind of lost but still, Seokjin held on hope.
He wasn’t sure what he expected. Surly a equal reciprocate of his feelings was out of the question since Seokjin had just sprung this on Yoongi, but maybe a “I could maybe love you too,” wasn’t too far fetched.
Yoongi let go of the breath Seokjin hadn’t realized he was holding and readied himself for what was coming.
“I’m-” Seokjin feels the imminent blow. “I’ve been in love with you since freshman year, you idiot. I can’t believe you never noticed.”
“I- really?” Seokjin’s heart was pounding. “Why didn’t you say anything?” Before thinking better of it Seokjin wrapped a hand around Yoongi’s.
Yoongi did that cute thing when he’s feeling shy where he lowers his head and talks in a pout, “I didn’t want to ruin our friendship. Especially after we started hanging out. I’d rather be around you as a friend than not.”
Seokjin really really wanted to kiss Yoongi again, properly this time, but held back. They had plenty of time.
Both held initial apprehension when they started dating. Neither of them could even wrack up the nerve to hold the other’s hand that first date. It was awkward but it oddly felt right and even if they both walked away that evening without so much as brushing knuckles together, they both were left smiling the whole night after.
Seokjin decided to take the lead with the smaller aspects of skinship. On their second official date Seokjin was the one that reached over and tugged at Yoongi’s hand. It was a natural transition, Yoongi had strong coarse hands that felt nice against Seokjin’s soft smooth one skin.
On their fifth date, again Seokjin had been the one to kiss Yoongi. Yoongi was dropping Seokjin off at his flat. They both had been itching to kiss again and had been dancing around each other, both overly cautious. Still, Seokjin had been eager to get a taste of Yoongi’s lips again and before getting out of the car he grabbed Yoongi by the collar and kissed him quickly before running out and up the stairs to his building. He ran all the way up his stairs out of a mix of giddiness and embarrassment. He meant to give Yoongi a proper kiss but chickened out last second and settled for a peck.
Back inside his flat, when his heart finally calmed down a bit, he checks his phone and sees he had a dozen texts from Yoongi.
What the hell was that?
You call that a kiss?
Get your ass back down there and kiss me properly!
Kim Seokjin, I swear to god if you don’t get back down here now and kiss me I will never speak to you again!
The rest were just Yoongi losing his patience, it would have made Seokjin laugh but he had zipped back downstairs in a such a hurry he forgot to close his flat back up again.
Yoongi was still illegally parked in front of the building’s steps but he was waiting out on the sidewalk, and by the looks of it, really impatient. Seokjin jumps the last steps to get to Yoongi and loses his footing a bit, topping over Yoongi and pushing him back to press against his car. He doesn’t get a chance to stable out his footing before Yoongi pulls him down for a kiss. Hard.
Yoongi slips his hands around Seokjin’s waist to pull him in even further and Seokjin settles his around Yoongi’s shoulders. It’s cold out but the pair stay like that for a while, kissing on the sidewalk for anyone to see.
Weeks go by and Seokjin decides to let Yoongi decide when to take things to the next level. Yoongi was shy but Seokjin knew his impatience will get the better of him eventually so he sticks it out.
For their eleventh official date, Yoongi surprises Seokjin with a night in of Italian and a binge of a drama Seokjin’s been saying he wanted to watch.
The drama had turned out better than Yoongi had expected. He had kind of wanted to make out the whole evening but Seokjin was too engrossed with the drama. Four episodes go by and the most action Yoongi had gotten was when Seokjin grabbed onto his thigh when a stressful part was playing.
By the middle of episode five Yoongi had changed his resolve. Screw the drama and Seokjin. He got up, unceremoniously blocked Seokjin’s view to the t.v. and when Seokjin complained Yoongi just straddled his lap and started kissing him. Any dispute Seokjin was would have put up was quelled when Yoongi began pressing open mouthed kisses down Seokjin’s jaw and settled in a soft sensitive spot on Seokjin’s neck just above his left collarbone. Yoongi’s hands started roaming. Staring at Seokjin’s shoulders, moving down to his chest and running his hands up and down Seokjin’s sides. Seokjin cautiously placed his hands on Yoongi’s thighs and lightly squeezes but he was afraid to take it much farther than that, too scared Yoongi wasn’t ready. But then again, Yoongi seemed pretty willing… so maybe Seokjin could move things along. Just a little.
Only just as Seokjin was reaching for Yoongi’s waistband Yoongi’s phone went off. His mom had called to invite them over for dinner and of course Yoongi couldn’t say no to his mom. An awkwardly charged car ride later and Seokjin was left far too disappointed that evening. Dinner at Yoongi’s parents house was lovely but he would have rather been back at Yoongi’s place.
But there they were now, Their 12th date approaching and all Seokjin’s heart was beating too fast for him to get an accurate count on it. He takes a deep breath but it doesn’t help.
Yoongi was meant to pick him at the front of their apartment but between the humidity, the heat and his racing heart he felt incredibly uncomfortable. He was sweating through his deodorant and cursed Yoongi’s name for being late. He had texted he’d be a few minutes late and Seokjin decided it wasn’t worth climbing all the way back up to his flat and decided to just wait on the curb. It gave him time to overanalyze what might or might not happen this date.
They hadn’t seen each other in nearly a week and they hadn’t talked about what happened their last date. After dinner at Yoongi’s parents Yoongi had dropped Seokjin off at his place and that was that. Yoongi texted later to thank him for going with him to see his parents and that he had a good time but there was no mention of what had happened before Yoongi’s moms call came through. They had texted all week and even facetimed a few times but either they were too stubborn to bring up what had happened or too shy. Seokjin wasn’t sure anymore.
He really shouldn’t hold this much reserve around Yoongi, it was Yoongi afterall. The best-best friend he’d ever had. But really, it’s because of that that he feels himself holding back a lot more than with any of his previous relationships. If he lost Yoongi, it would hurt a lot more than any breakup he’d had. A life post-Yoongi is one he wants to continue which is probably why his heart felt like hit jumped into his throat when he saw Yoongi’s car turn the corner.
“Hey,” Yoongi says, leaning in for a kiss. Seokjin hesitates but ultimately leans in for a quick peck. If Yoongi noticed his apprehension he doesn’t let on. “You smell good,” he says instead. Seokjin thinks he may be mocking him but a quick glance told him Yoongi was flirting.
“You mean like sweat and $50 cologne? Yeah, I’ll bet.” Yoongi merely rolls his eyes.
They end up back at Yoongi’s place. It was closer to the theater. They had watched some action movie Yoongi had been obnoxiously hinting about wanting to watch but Seokjin couldn’t even tell you the main character’s name. He had been so distracted with his own thoughts the entire time to be able to focus. Yoongi took his hand half way through the movie which did help ease his nerves a little but now that they were back at Yoongi’s place, Seokjin felt hypersensitive to everything again.
Yoongi had placed his hand on his lower back when when they entered the apartment and he felt as if his skin was burning where he had touched. He was finding it harder and harder to breath and felt like he was going to throw up.
Last weekend when they had their almost moment, it felt totally different. Seokjin hadn’t had a chance to dwell on things and now that he’s with Yoongi, all his unresolved feelings seem to be pouring out of him.
Yoongi hands Seokjin a coke and sits uncomfortably close to him. It was the first time in knowing Yoongi that Seokjin didn’t feel like it was right. His nerves were getting the better of him and he hates that he’s just letting them make things awkward. The last thing he wants to do is mess things up with Yoongi, but he feels like any wrong move and everything could fall apart.
“You’re being weird,” Yoongi says. Seokjin had been zoned out and awkwardly gawks at Yoongi for a moment before processing what he said.
“Oh. Sorry.” It’s weak but he’s not sure of what else to say. He shifts in his seat but that only makes Yoongi slide into him and press even closer.
“You wanna tell me what’s on your mind? It’s not usually like you to be so reserved and I’m getting kind of worried. You’re not going to break up with me are-”
“No!” Seokjin cuts in. He sounds panicked but he hates that Yoongi would think that because of how he was acting. “That’s not why I’m being difficult.”
“You’re not really difficult. Just uncharacteristically distant. Did I say something? You seemed find when we facetimed but you’ve been really weird all night. Tell me what’s on your mind.” Yoongi sounds soft, unsure of himself. Seokjin’s angry at himself for making Yoongi feel like that and as embarrassed as he is he feels like he owes Yoongi an honest answer.
“I’m just…” Seokjin starts but he feels a wad come up to the middle of his throat. He takes a sip of his coke and tries again. “I just really don’t want to mess this up.”
He couldn’t bring himself to look at Yoongi, afraid of what he’ll see in his eyes.
“Me either,” Yoongi admits. Seokjin sneaks a glance and Yoongi offered him a soft smile. “Did last time freak you out? I didn’t mean to go so fast, I was just... I don’t know what I was but the last thing I’d ever wanted was to make you uncomfortable.”
“You didn't!” Seokjin assures him. “I don’t even know where this is coming from. I’ve been find all week but today I just started to freak out because we were going to spend time together. And… and…”
“You’re putting too much pressure on this,” Yoongi tells him. Seokjin half wants to roll his eyes because he already knew that but instead laughs.
“The last thing I’d ever want is to lose you. Moving things on has felt so natural all this time but all of a sudden I feel this huge weight fell on me when I realized what tonight might mean.”
“Hey,” Yoongi says, taking Seokjin’s hand in his. Seokjin loves the way Yoongi’s rough hands feel against his. They’re rough and strong and the way Yoongi runs his thumb against Seokjin’s palm sends shivers up Seokjin’s spine. “We don’t have to do anything you’re not ready for.”
“It’s not that I don’t want to, really. It’s more… you’re my best friend and I don’t know why all of a sudden something that really shouldn’t be a big deal is such a big deal.” Seokjin’s still not looking at Yoongi but he could tell his eyes were focused on him.
“It is a big deal though. I mean I know for some people it really isn’t or whatever - but for you and me… it’s a big deal for me too.”
Seokjin chances another glance at Yoongi and almost melts when he sees Yoongi face.
Seokjin finally gets himself together to finally look at Yoongi and return his smile. He leans in for a kiss. It’s brief and simple but it’s perfect. At least for now.
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sequenced-mutalist · 6 years
hurgh so alad’s kinda fucked and i wanted to do a small POV excerpt thing for him enjoy
context: he doesnt get better. the strain doesnt like being poked so much so it moves out.
The door of the ship hisses shut behind him, a separate hiss welling in his throat as he gasps. The Cephalon greets him. He cannot hear them. Tendrils are already stabbing into the ports of the ship, and their strangled cry meets his ears. Take them with you. They will be ours. Alad bares his teeth, gasping for air and stumbling. His hands hit the walls of the medical vessel, and he slides to the floor. There is already movement. Already a revving engine as he coughs up a handful of bloodied spores. 
A tendril runs down his face. We are here for you... Another gasp. He feels like he's drowning. Something is pulling him. Dragging. His nails run down the armrests of a medical pod, and wet tentacles wrap him in. We will keep you safe, Da'al. No. NO. He screams, fighting against the forces grasping him. Clutching him. He chokes on his own words, finding himself keeling over as a mass of biological debris forces itself upwards. It splatters in the floor, muffling the static whimpers of the forced Cephalon. You need us, Da'al... We will always be here.
The last thing he feels is salty tears in his eyes as he is locked into the pod, straps and metal surrounding him. Encasing him. He is a prisoner in his own body, and he weeps. A fist pounds on the glass, and he can barely hear his own scream scratching at his throat. You will be safe... You will be healthy...
A soft steam fills the pod. Alad spies a window on the other side of the room, watching the relay docking station grow smaller and smaller. Eyelids drooping, he finds a sickly red bile bubbling through his teeth. The straps tighten. A gasp hiccups in his throat and his vision goes dark.
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helmofhades · 10 months
hi sorry i needed to track this down real quick but i have another ACTUAL FIC THIS TIME of vinh escapades. its kind of old so shes a bit...... like you can tell im still figuring them out (which btw vinh is she/they ill jsut say that now) it is also... unifinished and probably will remain that way oops
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helmofhades · 1 year
mac wrote some weird horny shit with laz/lodun so like i figured its only fair if i write some larimar and rigel warning, its horny and also Bad
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helmofhades · 6 years
inspi ration
tldr; darv made me Gay with his fucking art and Im Just
"You ever think about just leaving it all?"
Baro perks up, quirking a brow at his companion. The relay balcony is quiet, save for the to of them. "What do you mean?" The stars glimmer overhead and the lights are dim, most of the relays inhabitants asleep or in the privacy of their quarters. Darvo leans back in his seat, leaning a leg on his discarded helmet and stretching an arm.
"You know like..." He stares up at the expanse of space above them. "Just going one day. Just going and never coming back." Ki'teer narrows his gaze in concern, confused by the Corpus's serene expression at such a topic. "Like you don't know... exactly where you're headed, but... you know that wherever you land... wherever you end up... that it's gonna be okay. That it's gonna be different." He pauses, silence briefly hanging between them. "You know?"
He looks back to find Baro awkwardly averting his gaze. A soft whir breaks the quiet as the relay's air system begins to circulate for the night. A gentle simulated breeze picks up. "And leave everything you've ever known? Sounds a bit..." Baro frowns, brushing his hair from his face. "I don't know... A bit reckless." A chuckle meets his ears.
"Yeah, but it's nothing both of us haven't done before, right?"
Ki'teer stops, staring down at his hands in his lap. Cupped around his removed helmet and veil. "Yeah, I... I suppose so..." He bites his lip. "Can't say that was really a GOOD thing, though." He briefly catches Darvo's concerned look of confusion before he sighs and straightens. "Like..! Like uprooting and moving... wasn't exactly a choice when I had to do it, you know?" 
Almost ashamed, the Corpus turns his gaze away. "Oh... Right..." He bites the inside of his lip as he watches a ship pass, shuffling his leg up a bit to rest his elbow on his knee. It takes another moment of silence for the conversation to continue, but Darvo soon clears his throat. "I mean... We can MAKE it a choice this time..?"
"You think I'd leave without you?"
Baro stops, staring at his hands in his lap before feeling himself flush with heat. A hand raises to his chest, laying delicately and almost regally over his breast. "I-... Well..." He is bashful as he looks up in the direction of the Corpus, spying that telltale grin. That heart fluttering smirk. He can't help but crack a smile himself. "I'd love to, hon..."
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sugamacchiato · 6 years
pairing: yoongi/namjoon
word count: 838 words
prompt: “I found your USB in the library computer”
a/n: more writing practice ~~ 
“Hey!” Yoongi shouted. He’d been hoping he’d see Namjoon around campus all week. They had a class together a few semesters back and contrary to what Hoseok said, Yoongi had not been smitten. Whatever, after days of keeping a sharp eye out for him (he’s really not that hard to spot. The guy is a 181cm giant and even if he wasn’t so tall his fashion sense usually catches your eye). “Namjoon wait up!”
The previous Friday Yoongi had been in the library working on an assignment for his advanced music theory class; he wanted to print it out to edit by hand so he logged onto one of the computers. When he inserted his thumbdrive he noticed someone had left theirs. He intended on giving it to the front desk to put in lost in found but he had lost track of time and when he realized he was going to be late for work if he didn’t literally leave right then he completely forgot and just shoved everything on his table into his backpack and bolted out of there. It wasn’t until the following afternoon that he dumped the contents all over his coffee table that he found the flash drive again. “Ah, fuck,” Yoongi cursed when he realized he still had it.
He knew it was a major invasion of privacy to snoop through it but Yoongi needed to figure out who’s flash drive it was. Plus he had a term paper he was procrastinating so...
There were folders and folders of assignments for classes that Yoongi either already took or was going to take. He realized the owner's name would be at the top of an assignment. He clicked on the first folder and scrolled a little. There were loads of note files and photos of notes, Yoongi figured that whoever lost it must be freaking out if they had this much data on it.
Finally opening an assignment file, Yoongi let out a dry laugh. Of fucking course.  
After figuring out the flash drive belonged to Namjoon, Yoongi brooded for two days because why did it have to specifically belong to Namjoon. He asked Hoseok to act like it was him who found it but Hoseok, being the awful friend he was, merely said to “use the opportunity to finally ask him out” and to “not miss out his chance again.” Ugh. Yoongi needed a new best friend.
But it lead to the situation that Min Yoongi currently found himself in: catching up to the 181cm giant with his 175cm self. “Yoongi hyung?” Namjoon of course looked stunned to see him. They had no reason to actually talk. “Um. What’s up?”
Yoongi really really wished the reason he got all hot and bothered was because of the little jog that took to catch up with Namjoon, but he knew it was because Namjoon was just so damn attractive and hard to look at.
“Uh. I found this in the library last week,” Yoongi says pulling out the flash drive from his hoodie pocket. He doesn’t even get a chance to give his explanation since Namjoon quickly snatches the flash drive from Yoongi’s palm and Yoongi feels his heart clench a little at the look of relief on Namjoon’s face.
“Oh my god, hyung, thank you so much! You have no idea how much I looked for this thing. My whole academic life is on it.” Namjoon had a dumb little smile and goddamnit, if that wasn’t the cutest thing Yoongi had ever seen. He takes that as his cue to bow out since the last thing Yoongi needed was Namjoon to realize his red cheeks were actually a blush that he caused.
“No problem,” Yoongi tried to shrug it off but if it looked half as awkward as it felt then Yoongi was doomed. “Just next time keep a closer eye on it. You might not be so lucky if you lose it again,” he added in hopes to distract from his failed attempt of nonchalance.
“Hyung, wait!” Namjoon said, and Yoongi could have sworn there was a hint of panic in his voice. “Uh,” Namjoon stuttered, rubbing the back of his neck. Oh my god, was that a hint of pink Yoongi detected creeping up Namjoon’s neck. “Do you want to go out for coffee. Sometime. I mean, if you want.”
Yoongi’s not entirely sure if it was a thank you coffee that Namjoon was inviting him to or a date-esque coffee. “It’s alright, you don’t have to thank me for the flash drive,” Yoongi says cautiously.
Namjoon flashes him another soft smile and stuffs his hands but Yoongi notices he has his hands clenched. Maybe there’s hope after all.
“No. I mean- yes I’m really grateful you found my usb, but I’ve been um… wanting to ask you out for over a year now. And I figure this is as good of a time as any.” Yoongi can see the anticipation and hope in Namjoon’s eyes.
How could he say no?
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helmofhades · 6 years
i got sad and wrote something warning its gay
You have ripped out my soul You have TAKEN IT WHERE IS IT
You have left a hole in my heart that I can never fill again You said that like it was a good thing Why did you think that was a good thing
I am small I am alone I have a void in me a mile wide
He has ripped out my soul He has taken it I cannot find it
He's left a hole in me that i don't think should be filled That is not a good thing Why do I think it is a good thing
I am here I am alone I don't want this void to end
Another will find my soul He will take it And return it
He will find the wound in my heart and close it It is a good thing We know this is a good thing
He is with me I am not alone I know I will heal
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sugamacchiato · 6 years
the war that only lasted a week
pairing: yoongi/seokjin
word count: 1,427 words
summary: By this point, Seokjin didn’t even know what they were fighting about.
a/n: this was also writing practice from a prompt I found here on tumblr. (“if you want to get to the coffee pot, kiss me and end the war”). I posted this on my ao3 and wasn’t gonna post her here but i figure what the hell. it’s a little lame and rushed but i thought it was kinda cute. I have a few other pieces I’ve done for practice that idk if I’ll post but for now i think i’ll leave it at this. 
By this point, Seokjin didn’t even know what they were fighting about. It had been a week of tiptoeing around each other and Seokjin was sick of it. It all started out of the blue and Seokjin has wracked his brain to think what it was that set Yoongi off.
It started when they met up at their date night restaurant and out of nowhere Yoongi started brooding and wouldn’t look at Seokjin in the eye. They ate in the most uncomfortable silence that evening and he’s sure the waitress and people around noticed the weird aura at their table. Who goes out to dinner and eats in awkward silence the whole time, after all. Seokjin had tried to get to what was bothering Yoongi but after a while gave up and asked for a box, having lost his appetite.
The drive home was just as awkward but by that point Seokjin was peeved with Yoongi for embarrassing him at the restaurant and was giving Yoongi the silent treatment back. Yoongi was being a brat and normally Seokjin would let it slide but he usually knew what Yoongi was upset about and would understand what was going on.
Yoongi stomped back up to their apartment, making a point to try and close the elevator doors before Seokjin had a chance to get on. Seokjin had caught the doors before they closed so Yoongi just glared at him and continued to ignore him.
The rest of the week their apartment was like a warzone of petty gestures and continued silent treatments.
Seokjin ate all of Yoongi’s favorite protein bars because Yoongi had dropped Seokjin’s hairbrush into the toilet. Yoongi hid Seokjin’s favorite scarf so Seokjin flushed the rest of the tube of Yoongi’s special sensitivity toothpaste. It went on like that. Seokjin stole the laces off of all of Yoongi’s shoes and Yoongi took out a few bolts out of Seokjin’s desk chair. Yoongi blended together raw eggs to replace Seokjin’s morning orange juice so Seokjin replaced Yoongi’s coffee grounds with ground up dirt and as an extra feature, changed the sugar and salt just to make his morning coffee extra bitter.
At first Seokjin made the effort to try and get Yoongi to talk to him but as the pranks kept getting more and more out of hand, Seokjin’s ugly competitive side started to poke through and he upped his game to match Yoongi’s.
Oddly enough, they still slept in the same bed every night. Both with their backs to each other but both refusing to take the couch. More than one morning did Seokjin wake up to Yoongi clinging to him, probably for warmth.
One morning Seokjin woke up half an hour before their alarm went off. Yoongi had turned back to face Seokjin in his sleep and Seokjin realized how much he missed him.mIt was the first time he had properly taken a look at his boyfriend’s face in a week and Seokjin just missed him. It had been a week of petty pranks and scowls and eyerolls and Seokjin had had enough. He missed his Yoongi and looking at his boyfriend’s sleeping face Seokjin decides this ridiculous battle between them needed to come to a truce.  
Yoongi was a creature of spite and held onto his pride like his life depended on it. It was kind of annoying in instances like this where Yoongi refused to budge but Seokjin knew Yoongi was worth putting his pride aside and taking the first step in ending their fight. So he got out of bed.
Seokjin busied himself in the kitchen. He had stopped making Yoongi food after day 2 of their little silent war so he figured the best way to call the truce was with Yoongi’s favorite breakfast as a peace offering.
Seokjin heard their alarm go off in their bedroom but knew he still had at least 15 minutes before Yoongi manages to wake up and drag his ass out of bed. He placed the table settings and he hoped when Yoongi came in he would finally give in.
Footsteps heading towards the kitchen told Seokjin that Yoongi was on his way to get his morning coffee. Seokjin already had it brewing (real coffee this time) so he hoped that warmed Yoongi up a bit.
Yoongi looked a little surprised by everything. He was probably still a little sleepy so Seokjin prepared himself for extra grumpiness. Yoongi glared at the table placement but Seokjin swore he had seen Yoongi soften up after a moment. He hoped Yoongi would sit down and they’d be able to act like everything was normal and move on, but just like that Yoongi moved away. Seokjin was far too sick of this silent battle to just give up without a proper fight so instead lunged forward and blocked Yoongi's path to the coffee maker.
The scowl on Yoongi’s face would be enough to scare off anyone else but Seokjin knew that Yoongi wasn’t nearly as terrifying as he seemed to be. So he stood his ground. Only the slight pout that Yoongi’s lips naturally formed just reminded him how much he missed kissing them.
“If you want to get to the coffee pot, then kiss me and end this stupid war,” he said with far more determination than he meant. Seokjin knew there was a high risk of Yoongi just turning on his heel and walking out but he had to try.
Yoongi did consider just leaving, but really, he had let this whole thing go on far too long. It should have never gotten to this point and Yoongi has felt guilty for letting this go on for so long so he pushes himself up on his tiptoes, wraps his hand around the base of Seokjin’s neck and kisses hI'm square on the lips.
Yoongi intended it to be a quick kiss but no sooner did Seokjin wrapped his arms around Yoongi’s waist and pull him in deeper. Fuck . It had been far too long since they had kissed and Yoongi found himself angling his head and pushing deeper into the kiss.
He’s not sure how long they stood there just making out in their kitchen but when Seokjin finally pulled away Yoongi felt that ever familiar empty sensation when Seokjin stopped kissing him. He wondered how he went by so long without kissing him, it seemed like an impossible feat now that he's had a taste of them again.
“So are we okay now?” There was a horrible insecure sound to Seokjin’s voice that Yoongi hates hearing, especially since this was his fault for blowing things so out of proportion. He knew he had to get better at communicating but he thanked every star that his boyfriend was so understanding of his ridiculous feelings.
“I’m sorry,” Yoongi struggled to figure out what else to add but Seokjin cut him off with another quick kiss. When he pulled back again there was a smile that Yoongi also didn’t realize how much he missed seeing.
After they finished eating (Seokjin insisting they hold hands the entire time) Seokjin finally asks. “So, what was this fight even about? I still don’t know what we were fighting about all this time."
Yoongi looked down at his plate, still embarrassed he had made such a big deal of things. “What set me off was when you flirted with that waitress when we went out to dinner,” Yoongi half mumbled while pushing his leftovers around his plate, avoiding Seokjin’s gaze.
“You were jealous,” Seokjin says matter of factly and Yoongi purses his lips. It was honestly a dumb thing to get so upset about since Yoongi knew Seokjin was in love with him  so he was embarrassed to confess that’s why he got upset but, yeah, he had gotten really jealous.
“I’m sorry,” Seokjin said. Yoongi knew he had nothing really to be sorry about and was about to stop him but Seokjin beat him by adding “I shouldn’t have flirted with her. Especially not in front of you. You know that meant nothing to me but it inconsiderate to blatantly flirt with her right under your nose. You’re the most important person in the world to me and I promise I’ll never make you feel any less than that ever again.”
Yoongi doesn’t know what to say so he kisses Seokjin. He kisses him hard and deep. He’s not sure what on earth he did to deserve such an amazing and understanding boyfriend but Yoongi just loves his amazing boyfriend.
16 notes · View notes
sugamacchiato · 7 years
[3/3] two lefts don’t make a right…but three do
Pairing: Yoongi / Seokjin
Summary: Yoongi and Seokjin celebrate their fifth wedding anniversary. 
Word count: pt3 2,953 & 5,748 overall
Genre: Uh… my sad attempts at humor? idk it’s pretty light imo
Warnings: other than light swearing none I don’t think?
pt1 here | pt2 here
Even after 12 years Yoongi still can’t help but smile stupidly into Seokjin’s lips when Seokjin wakes him up with his “I can’t believe I’ve put up with your ass for 12 years” kiss. His morning breath is probably disgusting but Yoongi hears no protests from Seokjin when he deepens the kiss, pulling him over so Seokjin hovers on top of him as Yoongi threads his hands through his hair.
Pulling away, Seokjin has that infuriating smirk on his face that would irritate Yoongi a whole lot more if it was any other day. “Happy anniversary babe,” he says, leaning over the side of their bed to grab his gift for Seokjin.
They were celebrating their fifth anniversary as a married couple that day. A lot had happened in the last four years. They had moved into a larger apartment and despite Yoongi’s initial hesitation had adopted two fur babies. Seokjin brought back Jjanggu randomly one evening without so much as a heads up text to Yoongi. It took Yoongi a few days to warm up to their new addition to the family but after waking up from a nap on the couch to find Jjangu cuddled into his side all of Yoongi’s initial hesitation wafted into the air.
Holly’s addition to the family was much smoother. One of Yoongi’s coworker’s dog had just had a litter so when Yoongi stopped by one afternoon and his coworker asked if he wanted to meet the babies Yoongi couldn’t say no. He had no intentions to bring home a new puppy but when one of the little fluff balls climbed into his lap, something inside his heart snapped and he left their house with Holly in one arm and the big stack of files in the other.
Yoongi walked into their apartment that evening with Holly in hand and simply placed him on Seokjin’s lap. “Who’s this?” Seokjin asked skeptically. “Your new son,” Yoongi answered matter-of-factly with a half shrug and the discussion ended with an amused scoff from Seokjin.
Besides that one week Seokjin had gotten so passive aggressively jealous over one of Yoongi’s new friends that culminated to a massive fight (which in turn led to another week of Seokjin groveling to make it up to Yoongi) the couple had lived in relative peace. All other disagreements and disputes far too childish to cause any damage to the foundation to their relationship. They bickered but they did it with love so there was never anything difficult about their relationship.
Between Seokjin fussing over what to wear for the day and Yoongi overcooking their breakfast it was like any other day. They had exchanged gifts earlier but they had no other real plans. They decided ages ago that if their anniversary landed on a weekend they’d bother doing something more special than gift exchange or special meal but since it was a work day this time around they would settle in for a usual easy movie night in with double extra butter popcorn and a bottle of wine.
That evening when Yoongi gets home he expects Seokjin to have picked out some thriller or horror movie to watch (“We can’t watch a romance movie on our anniversary, Yoongi! We’re supposed to be the happy couple tonight!” he clamored on when Yoongi questioned his movie pick the first time he chose a graphic genre for their anniversary movie night). Yoongi doesn’t really know how to react when he sees the DVD from their wedding loaded up on their TV. He places the take-out fried chicken Seokjin had texted him to pick up on the coffee table next to the expensive champagne Seokjin likes to keep on hand for special occasions.
“Seokjin?” Yoongi calls through their apartment and is answered immediately with the sound of rustling coming from somewhere in their apartment followed by the unmistakable patter of Jjanggu and Holly’s nails running on the hardwood.
Yoongi bends down to greet his two overly excited furbabies and the three are met moments later by Seokjin who was already in his pajamas and ready for their lazy evening in. Standing back up, Yoongi doesn’t even get a moment to compose himself before Seokjin swoops down for a kiss. Yoongi feels hands wrap around his waist and pull him forward and he instinctively wraps his arms around his husbands neck and pushes himself up on his toes. A lifetime ago Yoongi was embarrassed about how he melted whenever Seokjin kissed him like this but Seokjin has always been so brazenly obvious about how much he liked having Yoongi in his arms that Yoongi stopped feeling so self conscious about being so needy.
“Hey,” Seokjin murmurs once they pull apart but tightens his grip on Yoongi’s hips to keep him from moving away. Yoongi hums in response but suddenly remembers their wedding DVD.
“Where the hell did you even find that thing?” Yoongi asks, motioning at the TV. The menu image was a photo of them posing with their marriage certificate. When Seokjin proposed they had decided to just go into city hall and sign the papers but Yoongi knew that he was just doing that to make him happy. He recruited his and Seokjin’s mothers to help him plan a surprise wedding, nothing big of course. But since they were actually going to do this getting married thing Yoongi figured they’d give in to tradition and actually have a wedding. Seokjin’s mother is probably the worse person at keeping surprises secret so when she unintentionally let it slip Seokjin took over all the details and Yoongi’s small wedding got a bit more out of hand than he had hoped. Still nothing major but definitely bigger than just a backyard thing he had been picturing.
Seokjin asked Jungkook to be their videographer and he put together the whole thing. He did a great job with the editing but they’ve only seen it once years ago. They didn’t even make it to the end since Yoongi got bored halfway through and just straddled Seokjin’s lap and started making out with him instead. Yoongi hadn’t seen the DVD since then.
“It was in the box titled ‘sentimental shit’ we stuffed in a corner of the hall closet when we moved in,” Seokjin says, letting Yoongi go and walking over to bend down next to the box sitting next to their coffee table that he missed when he walked in. Yoongi remembers that box since he was the one that titled it but he just thought it was filled with photo albums and stuff from their childhoods. “Look what else I found in here!” Seokjin says, pulling out one of Yoongi’s old composition books.
He had most of his other ones stored in his office but that specific one held the notes for the song Yoongi composed for Seokjin for their wedding day. Yoongi gave Seokjin two sets of vows that day: the ones he declared at the altar for the world to hear and the ones he gave Seokjin later that day in private through song. They were all the promises he only wanted Seokjin to hear and even though Yoongi was half mortified to sing them to him, both due to it being an overly mushy gesture and because he’s not the most confident in his singing voice, he left Seokjin speechless… a feat Yoongi can count on one hand how many times he’s been able to do.
“I totally forgot about this thing,” Yoongi grins while he flips through the pages. He agonized about that song for weeks and can’t help but laugh at all the crossed out passages he scribbled over in frustration. “Oh my god! I can’t believe I wrote some of this shit,” he said far too amused going through the thoughts of his past self. “Fuck, I was whipped for you. It’s honestly kind of gross.”
“Oh, please! You still totally are!” Seokjin mocked. He had settled in on the couch already. “You still creepily stare at my ass all the time! In public too! Where people can see you being a creep, Yoongi!”
“Hey,” Yoongi interjected. “Me perving on your ass is not the same as being the lovesick puppy who ‘vows to love you even when I hate you. What even is that? I think I stole that from Grey’s Anatomy.” Yoongi was still far too engrossed in his composition notebook he didn’t realize Seokjin was staring at him.
“Maybe.” Seokjin sighed. Holly had hopped up on the couch and curled up next to him. “But you have kept that vow though.”
Yoongi looked up at his husband who was looking at him with those stupid stars in his eyes he got whenever he was trying to be gentle and makes Yoongi blush. “Go change so we can watch this thing,” he says after a minute. Yoongi didn’t bother hiding the smile that had creeped onto his face.
Seokjin had already popped the bottle of champagne and was on his second piece of chicken when Yoongi came back, pajama’d-up and ready for the sap fest of corny vows and intoxicated speeches. There was nothing truly extraordinary about their wedding. It was a basic ‘obligatory-romcom-ending-scene-cookie-cutter’ wedding and while it was still one of Yoongi’s most emotionally charged days of his life he didn’t look back on it often. His actual marriage to Seokjin is what he treasured but still it’s been more or less five years since they’ve watched the DVD so an evening of good old fashioned nostalgia is probably overdue. Yoongi also figures it’s time Seokjin find out the truth so either way he’s in for an interesting evening.
The opening photoshoot montage makes Yoongi laugh. Seokjin was a natural in front of the camera and looked great... Yoongi on the other hand was overly posed and his forced smile made him look sort of like a scarecrow. “We look like a puppet and ventriloquist,” Yoongi says, amused more by Seokjin’s laugh than the actual photos.
The first half of the DVD is pretty boring. Their wedding ceremony was lovely but honestly it did drag on too long. Seokjin curls into Yoongi’s chest with a hum when they start reciting their vows. “I wish we had gotten your real vows on video,” Seokjin says, adjusting his head so he’s looking up at Yoongi.
“No way. Those were only meant for you,” Yoongi half heartedly protests. Seokjin doesn’t press further and merely presses a kiss to the base of Yoongi’s jaw, curling back further into Yoongi’s chest.
Their reception is a cringefest. Last time they didn’t make it to the reception part before Yoongi got impatient. Oddly enough Yoongi had somehow repressed most of what happened. Their mom’s a crying mess, both their dad’s drunk off their ass, and can’t forget to give honorable mention to the “what you’d like to say to the happy couple” clips that Jungkook got from all their friends and family with various crude innuendos about their wedding night.
The rest of the DVD is uneventful by comparison. A lot of dancing and half drunk speeches from random friends and family members. Overall it was an average wedding day. Nothing too spectacular but Yoongi has to admit that even he enjoyed looking back at it.
It was a lovely evening but Yoongi is a little disappointed. Jungkook, that brat, added a credits section where he credited himself for everything. Yoongi opted to skip that part and started clearing the mess off their coffee table and heading to the kitchen to drop off their dirty dishes in the sink.
When he comes back into the living room he’s met with a slack jawed Seokjin, eyes widened and his finger on the pause button. “You look like you just saw a ghost,” Yoongi says, far more amused over his husband’s state to immediately look at what caused it.
“What the fuck?” Seokjin curses under his breath. Yoongi gives him a look and turns to the TV. He feels laughter bubble up in the back of his throat but holds it back. He wants to see what Seokjin has to say still.
“Yoongi,” Seokjin says after a beat. “What day is it today?”
Yoongi can’t help a smile, “the 16th.” He bites his tongue again.
Seokjin looks as if his entire world has been a lie. He can’t take his eye off the TV screen. It was a shot of them at the altar sharing their first kiss as a married couple with the words “Congratulations Seokjin and Yoongi. Married on November 15th, 2017” displayed.
Yoongi can’t contain his laughter any longer and busts out laughing much harder than he intended. This moment has been five years in the making and Yoongi was savoring every second of it. “I can’t believe it took so long. “
Seokjin snaps his head back from the TV to look at Yoongi. “You knew?” he asks, betrayal dripping from his words. Yoongi’s still smiling, far too amused by his husbands revelation. “You knew all this time and you never bothered to tell me?”
Seokjin was getting pinker and pinker by the second, he was at a loss for words and Yoongi could see he was about to pop. “Babe, deep breaths,” he reminds him. If looks could kill, Yoongi would be dead on the floor from the glare Seokjin was giving him.
“So let me get this straight,” Seokjin began again, “for the last four years…. You’ve just let me believe our anniversary was on the 16th?” Seokjin’s still fuming and Yoongi’s finding it harder to keep his laughter in. “Why?” he asks, this time narrowing his gaze on Yoongi.
Instead of responding right away, Yoongi presses himself against Seokjin and pushes himself on his toes to give a quick kiss to calm him down even just a little. “Do you remember our fourth anniversary?” Yoongi asks coyly.
“What the hell does that have to do with anything Yoongi?” Seokjin snaps and tries to push Yoongi off but he stays resolute. Seokjin looks annoyed but doesn’t move to get Yoongi off him again.
Seokjin was a stickler for dates and Yoongi knew he’d be horrified to find out he’s been wrong all these years. He had been preparing for the pushback but in all honesty Yoongi hadn’t expected Seokjin to take this long to figure it out. The longer it dragged out the bigger of a deal it was going to be so Yoongi was expecting fireworks and fire.
“Babe, think hard about our fourth anniversary?” Yoongi tells him. Seokjin furrows his brows as he tried to piece together what that meant.
“So...” Seokjin starts, still putting together what was going on. “For the last five years of our marriage… you just let me go on believing that our anniversary was on the 16th because… you’re a petty asshole?”
Yoongi rolls his eyes. Seokjin still wasn’t getting it.
Seokjin was getting even more frustrated and pushed Yoongi off him, reaching for his champagne glass and downing the rest of it.
“Babe,” Yoongi tries again, “I forgot our fourth anniversary and you were such a dick about it for the next three years. Ring any bells?”
“THIS IS A REVENGE PRANK?” Seokjin yells indignantly. He’s bright pink and Yoongi’s pretty sure he sees fumes coming out of his ears. “Min Yoongi, tell me you’re not so petty to let me go on believing our anniversary was on the wrong day for five years?”
“Wish I could,” Yoongi says with a little shrug. His shit-eating grin only annoying Seokjin more. “But hey! It’s not all my fault! You’re the one that got the date wrong. And need I remind you that you were so passive agressive about me forgetting our anniversary.”
“But I didn’t forget, Yoongi. I just… must’ve put the wrong date in my calendar.” Seokjin’s reduced to a pouting mess. He pours himself another glass of champagne and the red in his cheeks starts going down.
“You’re such an asshole,” Seokjin says after a beat. “I forgave you after three years. I haven’t reminded you once after we got married.” He’s almost sheepish it’s then that Yoongi starts to feel a little guilty.
“You know,” Yoongi says, taking a seat next to Seokjin on the couch, “I was so pissed at you.” Seokjin raises a brow. “That first anniversary. I thought you had forgotten altogether. I waited the whole day for you to remember. I was fuming when you came home late from dinner with your brother and still hadn’t remembered what day it was.”
“Why didn’t you tell me then? Why keep up this lie for so long?”
“You said it yourself, I’m a petty asshole,” Yoongi says, it pulls the slightest smile out of Seokjin.
“I can’t believe you.”
“I love you, you know that right?”
Yoongi didn’t expect Seokjin to kiss him just then but he pushes further into him. Seokjin pulls back with a huff, “It’s been 12 years now…. 12 years of putting up with your bullshit. I deserve a medal. At least a plaque.”
Yoongi hadn’t expected Seokjin to forgive him so soon. He had planned on having to grovel for a bit. Even at his worst and most annoying Seokjin always gives into Yoongi.
“12 years.” Yoongi intertwines his fingers into Seokjin’s. He places a soft kiss at  the top of his hand and looks Seokjin in the eyes. He was still a little pink. Yoongi liked looking at him when he’s like this. Stripped of his defenses, allowing Yoongi to see him at his weakest. “Here’s to many more.”
“Yeah, yeah…many more to come where I can get you back for this humiliation,” Seokjin adds.
“Fair enough.”
15 notes · View notes
sugamacchiato · 6 years
pairing: seokjin/yoongi
word count: 594
prompt: “You’re so cute.” “I think what you mean is mysterious and dangerous.” “Nah. I definitely mean cute.”
a/n: this was just something I whipped up a few months ago as writing practice. it’s nothing special or even good but i figured i’d just post it here bc why not :]]
When he saw Yoongi walk up the parking lot towards the restaurant Seokjin was so ready to wring Namjoon’s neck out. Really? Min Yoongi? Your idea of a set up for me is your scary friend MIN YOON-doesn’t-give-a-fuck-GI? Seokjin typed into his phone and hit send right as Yoongi passed through the front doors.
Seokjin watched him scan the restaurant and silently prayed that he was wrong and that Yoongi was there meeting someone else. He looked almost a little sheepish and unsure standing there looking through the tables of people. Not entirely sure what compelled him to motion towards Yoongi since he was still unsure himself if Yoongi was even there for him, but something in Seokjin felt like he needed to save Yoongi. Seokjin’s phone buzzed right as Yoongi saw him so he missed the surprised look when Yoongi saw who he was there to meet.
Hyung, trust me. I wouldn’t have set this up if I didn't’ think you two would hit it off, the text message read. Seokjin didn’t have time to reply since Yoongi was literally pulling out the chair in front of him but caught a glimpse of the other text message Namjoon sent. Besides I’m like 99% sure he likes you. Just give him a chance.
Well that’s something Seokjin never expected to read. Yoongi was always so distant with him when he went over to Namjoon and his place. Was it really because Yoongi felt shy around him?
“I didn’t know it was you Namjoon was setting me up with,” Yoongi mumbled, more to himself but Seokjin appreciated the dust of pink that rises in his cheeks. He almost couldn't believe Yoongi was blushing.
“He didn’t tell me either. I was expecting the tech guy from his firm or something.” Seokjin realizes it was the wrong thing to say because he immediately notices Yoongi clam up. Seokjin hasn’t treated Yoongi all that much before but there was something in him tonight that Seokjin had never noticed before. “I’m glad it was you though,” he adds both in hopes to put Yoongi at ease and to test the waters of what to expect the rest of date.
The tint in Yoongi’s cheeks deepen and it’s sweet to watch Yoongi fumble to find what to say. Seokjin decides maybe Min Yoongi isn’t all that scary after all. If he was so nervous to talk to him like this then maybe Yoongi really did like Seokjin, and really, if Seokjin’s being honest, he’s kind of had a thing for Yoongi all along too. Just too shy to actually admit it.
The date goes off better than even Seokjin expected. Yoongi doesn’t seem to mind that Seokjin often goes off on random tangents and Seokjin really likes the way Yoongi’s eyes crinkle up when he smiles.
At the end of their meal even Seokjin is surprised that he’s disappointed the date is over. They had both taken their cars so Seokjin expected that to be the end of the night but when Yoongi suggested taking a walk around the block Seokjin agreed all too quickly. He would have felt embarrassed if his reaction didn’t elicit such a big smile from Yoongi.
“You’re so cute, I wasn’t expecting you to be so cute” Seokjin says, deciding to be bold and grab Yoongi’s hand.
“Cute? I think you mean mysterious and dangerous,” Yoong protests, giving Seokjin’s hand a little squeeze. His blush was back and Seokjin could tell Yoongi was avoiding his gaze because he was embarrassed.
“Nah. I definitely mean cute.”
9 notes · View notes
sugamacchiato · 7 years
more of the same
Pairing: Yoongi/Jin
Summary: A snapshot of the beggining of Yoongi and Seokjin’s relationship.
Word count: 2,169
Genre: Prequel/College!AU
Warnings: none?
a/n: this was originally written to go in part 3 of two lefts don’t make a right...but three do (which you can find here here & here) but I didn’t think it fit so I cut it orz but i loved this scene so much I couldn’t delete it so, yeah, I made it the prequel. It’s has some rough edges and is a little choppy at the end but I oddly think it turned out okay.
Half the world didn’t think Yoongi and Seokjin would make it past six months of dating. “Seokjin’s a bossy spitfire and Yoongi’s a grumpy perfectionist, how long do you think before they’ll be at each other’s throats?” the couple would hear them whisper behind their backs. It bothered Yoongi but Seokjin was oddly unaffected by it. Yoongi hated he was so insecure but Seokjin would never make him feel less. “I like you,” Seokjin would declare. “I know you’re a good guy so who cares what they think?” It didn’t really matter that Yoongi sometimes had trouble expressing his feelings properly since Seokjin never expected him to. Seokjin always seemed to recognize how Yoongi felt anyway and never asked anything from him. He was also overly forward and bold in letting Yoongi know how much he liked him so Yoongi’s doubts were always easily chased away despite the annoying gossip.
Truthfully, through those basic descriptions people saw them as it was understandable why they didn’t think Yoongi and Seokjin would work. Even at face value they made little sense. Seokjin was tall, handsome, with twinkles in his eyes while Yoongi was small and always looked perpetually unimpressed. Even Yoongi’s first impression of Seokjin hadn’t been the most favorable. They had met at Yoongi’s freshman orientation. Seokjin was the upperclassman that had been assigned to Yoongi’s tour group and even though he never spoke to Seokjin directly, Yoongi did walk away slightly vexed from the elder’s obnoxious laugh.
Yoongi later learned to find Seokjin’s ridiculous sense of humor charming (though even to this day he rarely admits it out loud) but that first day Yoongi found it difficult to not roll his eyes or groan periodically as Seokjin led the group on a tour of the campus and seemed physically unable to pass up the opportunity to make some joke or pun of the names of buildings. Despite earning only meager half-laughs from the unimpressed freshman Seokjin didn’t let that  discourage him and even if half the time it was just him manically laughing at his own jokes he didn’t let up once. Yoongi admits, he was impressed with his shamelessness but it still didn’t mean the elder wasn’t annoying.
After that first day Yoongi would see Seokjin around campus every so often but other than a quick double take, because let’s be honest—Seokjin is hot as fuck, Yoongi just kept walking by. It wasn’t until the following year that Seokjin TA’ed Yoongi’s intro to marketing class that they actually started talking. Unfortunately for Yoongi (or so he thought at the time) Seokjin had taken an extra liking to picking on him and randomly calling on him to participate. Seokjin wasn’t a dick about singling him out exactly. Yoongi knew he was pushing him more because Yoongi offered a lot of relevant discourse to whatever topic they were on, but as a general rule Yoongi prefered to just keep his head down and do his work in class.
Seokjin is an unabashed flirt by nature and Yoongi refused to accept that no matter how different the demeanor of Seokjin’s flirting with him in comparison to the rest of the students, Seokjin was trying to tell him anything. Yoongi was mortified when he finally realized he had a crush on the guy.
He had made the mistake of arriving early to class one day (Yoongi has always refused to admit he was already smitten by that point but that’s another story) and got stuck with Seokjin alone for a good 15 minutes. They had drafts of a project to turn in so Yoongi didn’t really think much when Seokjin suggested he look over Yoongi’s draft before class. However, Yoongi in no way expected Seokjin to awkwardly hover next to his desk as he read Yoongi’s work and then lean over next to him, arm-to-arm, to make notes and suggestions. The other side of his desk was closed off and Yoongi swore Seokjin leaned in when Yoongi tried to put distance between them. Yoongi was trapped. He sat there helplessly knowing he could do nothing to stop the blush he felt creeping up his neck. Yoongi still has no memory of what the hell Seokjin even said to him because he was so hyper aware of every shift in Seokjin’s arm against his. It also didn’t help that Yoongi got super weird and refused to look over at Seokjin every time he turned his head to make eye contact. Yoongi could hear the smile on his face and it irritated him but he didn’t trust himself to not say something embarrassing. Seokjin has somehow always had the ability to render Yoongi completely stupid, a skill that he abuses even after so many years.
Yoongi hated how he was almost disappointed when Seokjin finally put an appropriate amount of distance between them as soon as other students started filtering into the classroom but he knew he was so screwed. Yoongi can only assume he looked as flustered as he felt the entire hour because Seokjin did him the favor of not making him join that day’s discussion.
After that Yoongi never arrived early again and was always the first one to bolt out the door as soon as the hour was up. Seokjin would still pick on Yoongi to participate and Yoongi did the best he could to brush off suggestive comments and ignore pointed stares because he didn’t trust his judgement since there was a high probability he was just being delusional.
On the last day of the semester Seokjin asked Yoongi to stay behind to talk to him. Yoongi still laughs because he remembers praying to every star in the galaxy for the floor to open up and swallow him whole. No matter how much he begged his heart to please please please slow down, he felt it speed up even more as he helplessly watched the rest of his classmates leave the room.
At the time Yoongi was way too smitten so he felt like he was on pins and needles when Seokjin sat down in the desk in front of his, facing Yoongi. Looking back Yoongi thinks the whole thing was rather sleazy and often makes fun of Seokjin for having preyed on a sweet, innocent underclassmen (“Innocent? Pfft! Yah! Min Yoongi, stop telling lies! You were far from innocent!” he always protests).
Seokjin was anything but subtle in his confession. “I like you Min Yoongi,” he had said so matter-of-factly that Yoongi didn’t quite compute that it was an actual confession he was receiving. “Now that I’m not your teacher anymore there is nothing stopping me from asking you out. So… do you want to go out with me?”
Blinking awkwardly at Seokjin as he sat there expectantly waiting for Yoongi’s answer definitely wasn’t one of Min Yoongi’s smoothest moments. It was likely only about a minute he sat there gaping but it felt much longer. Yoongi later learned that Seokjin had been holding his breath and that despite his confident attitude he was still nervous.
“Umm,” Yoongi started, thoughts still racing through his head and unsure of what he wanted to say. Well he wanted to say yes but his mouth betrayed him. “Why?”
Of all the possible reactions Seokjin could have given he pouted. Seokjin pouted! Bottom lip jutted out and puppy dog eyes glistening. Yoongi expected him to say something along the line of “why not?” as in, “why not? I have nothing better to do” or “why not? I have nothing to lose,” but Seokjin surprised him.
“You’re cute,” he started, he was looking directly at Yoongi which made him squirm a little. “And I think you’re sweet. I bullied you all semester and you never waivered. You’re smart. I never caught you off guard with any question. You carry yourself with a sort of harsh vibe but one little knock and that facade comes falling down and you turn into a pink bumbling mess. You pout when you talk and honestly I find that so adorable I can’t stand it.” Yoongi felt his heart in his throat but Seokjin was smiling. “And if I’m being totally honest here I’ve had a mini crush on you since orientation last year. I thought you were hot.”
“You remember that?” Yoongi asked, surprised he found his voice.
“Yeah, I do. You stood in the back and were annoyed with all my jokes,” he says with a small laugh. “After that I’d see you around campus and stared at you until you were out of sight. All my friends made so much fun of me for my crush on you. I wanted to ask you out before but I didn’t think you liked me… or possibly even remembered me.”
Yoongi really didn’t want to believe what he was hearing was true, he wanted so bad to think Seokjin was lying. How could someone like Seokjin have a crush on someone like Yoongi? But there was something that didn’t let Yoongi be his usual destructive self and made him accept what he was hearing was actually how Seokjin felt. Seokjin was being so real with him and even though he appeared confident there was still that little bit of hesitation that drove Yoongi kind of mad.
“When I saw your name on the class list I kinda had a panic attack. I wasn’t totally sure it was you since, who knows, there may have been another Min Yoongi. But it was you and… yeah. You know the rest.”
“You picked on me for the whole semester because you liked me?” Yoongi asks, finally a little more relaxed. “Isn’t that a little… grade school?”
Seokjin smiled again. Yoongi decides right then and there he likes pulling smiles out of Seokjin. “Hey! It wasn’t just because of that,” he protested. “Well, maybe at first I picked on you because I just wanted to hear you talk and, okay yeah, I was being a bit creepy because I wanted to hear your voice but then after I realized you had a lot of good opinions that I felt would make the class better. So, yeah… I picked on you.”
Yoongi’s ears were burning. Not only did Seokjin just admit he liked Yoongi’s voice, but he smiling even wider and Yoongi felt like swooning. But he still had to keep some semblance of composure.
“So what do you say?” Seokjin says after a moment. “Do you want to go out with me? It’s not just me right? I wasn’t sure at first but I think you might like me too… so what do you say?”
Seokjin had his heart on his sleeve and Yoongi never expected such a confession. He was at a loss for words but there was a telltale feeling in his gut.
“Yeah. Yeah I’d like that.” Yoongi’s really proud that his voice didn’t stutter because his heart was pounding a thousand beats a minute. “I like you a lot too.” He hadn’t given his mouth permission to say that last bit, it had just slipped out, but he’s glad it did because Seokjin’s looking at him with that annoying glimmer in his eye that Yoongi still pretends to be annoyed at. Looking back, the moment Yoongi remembers most is the one right after Yoongi had accepted to go out with him. It was like Yoongi had handed him the world and Yoongi was sure there was no one more beautiful. Yoongi’s pretty sure that’s the moment he fell in love with Seokjin. He didn’t realize it until much later when Seokjin was dropping him off at his dorm, they had just gone to see a weird French film Seokjin insisted on. Even though Yoongi had dozed off through parts of the first half, the second half was really quite good so coming back they were both in a really good mood. It wasn’t until they were at Yoongi’s door that Yoongi realized he really didn’t want Seokjin to go. Not just leave him that night, he wanted to be around Seokjin all the time. Yoongi invited him into his dorm and before the night was over Yoongi inadvertently blurted out that they should live together next semester. The rest of their story was history.
They had been together for 12 years that year. Most couples had ups and downs, but contrary to what everyone had told them they had made it. They’ve lived in a blissful sort of harmony that Yoongi never really imagined he’d have,
Yoongi was shy which made him hard to get to know. He had some rough edges that most people didn’t bother looking past so he was constantly being misjudged. Seokjin always had a way of not just seeing past all of that but also making Yoongi feel more at home than with anyone or anywhere else. He’s not sure what their future holds for them… but if it’s more of what they’ve already had for so long, Yoongi can’t wait for it.
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sugamacchiato · 7 years
[1/3] two lefts don’t make a right...but three do
Pairing: Yoongi / Seokjin
Summary: Yoongi thinks Seokjin forgot their anniversary.
Word count: 960 for pt1
Genre: Uh… my sad attempts at humor? maybe? idk it’s pretty light imo but it ain’t fluff ~
Warnings: other than light swearing none I don’t think?
a/n: m’kay welp I haven’t posted anything since 2014 but recently I’ve been trying to get back into the fanficdom. I’m rusty as frick but I still don’t totally hate the way this turned out despite being frustrated with it being kind of stiff and lacking any real soul but whatever. It’s self-edited so…sorry orz This has three parts and I’m definitely not as clever as I think I am but if something doesn’t quite make sense, it’s not suppose to yet lol
Yoongi doesn’t like to think he’s all that petty. Sure, if Seokjin “accidentally” dyes all his underwear various shades of spotted pinks, (“it was an oversight, Yoongi! My red shirt just happened to blend into your load of whites. It could happen to anyone!”) Yoongi would “accidentally” throw out that piece of cake Seokjin had been saving for his cheat day (“it was moldy! Do you really think I’d let you eat that and get sick? Absolutely not!”). It was technically true. He would never let Seokjin do stupid shit that would get himself hurt or sick, but it had more to do for the sake of Yoongi’s sanity. Sickly Seokjin is the world’s worst patient. Bossiness and neediness amped up to overload levels and Yoongi can only take so much complaining from him before he spikes Seokjin’s echinacea tea with whatever sleeping pills Hoseok had dropped off in their mailbox that one time attached with a “don’t give him more than two pills every 12 hours xD”  post-it wrapped around the bottle in place of it’s label.
Whatever. That’s besides the point. Point being, Yoongi is definitely not that petty (shut up!). However, he wakes up the morning after their first anniversary of being a married couple to an empty bed and the ever-familiar compulsion of wanting to shove Kim Seokjin into a pool filled with starving sharks while pulling up a lawn chair with that cake Seokjin saves for his cheat day to enjoy the show.
Yoongi spent the previous day holding his breath in anticipation because maybe, just maybe, Seokjin would’ve remembered it was their anniversary. With that ridiculous outdated day planner he carries around how couldn’t he? Seokjin’s biggest pet peeve is being late or forgetting a previous commitment. He’s super anal about it and has never forgotten an event and the only times he’s ever been late were cause of circumstances he couldn’t control so they don’t count. But the longer the day dragged on without so much as an indication that his idiot husband had something planned the more irritated Yoongi got. He went to sleep that night with the promise of retaliation the next day.
Six! They’d celebrated six anniversaries together so far and Seokjin isn’t one to expect grand gestures or lavish gift exchanges, and Yoongi loves him for that, but he had given Yoongi so much attitude when Yoongi had accidentally forgotten their fourth one. Their two subsequent anniversaries Seokjin had also been anything but subtle in reminding Yoongi their special day was coming up.
The year before, the pair had decided that would be the last time they’d celebrate their anniversary of starting dating and switch to just celebrating their wedding anniversary. The dates were only weeks apart anyway so it didn’t really matter. And look, Yoongi doesn’t so much care about celebrating a random day they had chosen to legalize their relationship, what irked him was that it was the first celebration of this specific random day and Seokjin had given him so much shit the last three years over forgetting their other anniversary. Yoongi was ready to be a passive aggressive prick the whole damned day so that when Seokjin finally snapped and angrily asked him what his problem was, Yoongi would throw Seokjin’s mistake in his face… and then, of course, proceed in continuing being the same asshole each anniversary for the rest of their lives as Seokjin had been about their past three.
Rustling from somewhere in their apartment let Yoongi know that Seokjin was still home and Yoongi angrily throws off the covers and stomps down the hall, spiteful resolution coursing through his slim frame. He makes out that Seokjin’s in the kitchen but before he reaches him the sight in their living room stops him stiff. What the hell? Yoongi gapes.
Seokjin had laid out their expensive tablecloth and china they had received as wedding gifts on their coffee table. There were mimosas and what smelled like freshly baked bread and Seokjin’s famous origami bunny napkins placed neatly in the center of the plates. Yoongi wasn’t sure what was going on but he suspected it had to be Seokjin’s way of apologizing for forgetting their anniversary. He must’ve known he fucked up since he had yet allowed the use of any of their expensive wedding gifts so this had to be his special way of saying I’m sorry.
“Oh! You’re up! Good,” Seokjin pipes, popping out from their kitchen, far too chipper and without a trace of remorse. Pushing Yoongi out of the way, Seokjin places a covered dish on the table and all Yoongi can do is stare at him incredulously because he’s still not exactly sure what’s happening. When he turns back around Yoongi momentarily registers Seokjin is still in his pajamas as he watches him wipe his hands on his apron before reaching up to wrap a hand around the base of Yoongi’s neck and leaning down to place a kiss on his lips. If he’s honest, Yoongi kind of hates how soft and stupid he still gets when Seokjin kisses him because whenever Seokjin’s lips connect with his he somehow manages to forget the rest of the world exists. If he’s being even more honest with himself he only says he hates it because it still scares him a little how one tiny action has such an effect on him.
“I can’t believe I’ve put up with your ass for seven years now,” Seokjin hums after pulling away and breaking Yoongi from his stupor. It takes a moment longer for Yoongi to register what he said but as as soon as it hits him Yoongi realizes what’s actually going on. “Happy anniversary, Yoongi.” Yoongi can’t help but laugh in disbelief.  
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sugamacchiato · 7 years
[2/3] two lefts don’t make a right...but three do
Pairing: Yoongi / Seokjin
Summary: Yoongi thinks Seokjin forgot their anniversary
Word count: 1,815
Genre: Uh… my sad attempts at humor? idk it’s pretty light imo but it ain’t fluff exactly ~
Warnings: other than light swearing none I don’t think?
a/n: lol so this takes place the day BEFORE the events of pt1 ~ I started writing this part originally as part of p1 but I didn’t like the flow of things so I took it and bc of that it’s kind of mostly a filler chapter. That being said, it was also my favorite part to write which is why I couldn’t bring myself to delete it altogether and just made it pt2 tho I did almost rip my hair out trying to make this part flow better. I don’t know how to words so byeeeeeeeee
pt1 here
Yoongi really should have been more suspicious when Seokjin didn’t drop any crass reminders in the weeks leading up to their anniversary, but he simply took it as Seokjin deciding to finally stop being a patronizing dick. New date, fresh start, Yoongi reasoned.
Little red flags did go off when Yoongi was woken up by his usual alarm and not with an “I can’t believe I’ve put up with your ass for seven years now” kiss but he shrugged it off when he heard Seokjin in the shower. Seokjin probably wanted him to sleep in a little longer but forgot to actually turn off his alarm. Yoongi expected some tepid remark about whatever he had planned when Seokjin stepped out of the bathroom but was only informed that he had some meeting on the other side of the city and would have to head out a little early before he vanished into their closet.
Seokjin was testing him, Yoongi realized, to see if he had indeed forgotten their anniversary without any of his irritating reminders. Like hell if he was going to give Seokjin the satisfaction. He knew Seokjin would keep the charade up for a good while just for the sake of being petty but Yoongi planned to nip that in the butt early by sneaking up behind Seokjin as he walked out the door and pull him down for an “I can’t believe I’ve been legally bound to your ass for a year now” kiss. The idea was that since Seokjin was already on his way out he wouldn’t have time to sit back and pout which would’ve given Yoongi the triumphant last word. For the moment, at least.
Their morning went on like most; only a quipped comment from Yoongi here and there, annoyed that Seokjin would put him through this whole farce. He got a few pointed looks from Seokjin but Yoongi’s too often grumpy in the morning before he’s had his coffee so it wasn’t uncommon for Seokjin to just let Yoongi’s snide comments slide without contest.
Seokjin was a pretty good actor and when he wanted he’d fool pretty much anyone. With Yoongi though, Seokjin could only ever keep up with facades for so long before Yoongi would pick up on some subtle inconsistency in personality that give him away. The longer their morning went on, the closer Yoongi scrutinized Seokjin’s every move, trying to catch any indication of his husband’s theatrics. Seokjin eventually caught onto Yoongi’s unusual surveying of him and crossingly reminded him of the thousands of photos Yoongi kept of him on his phone and if he wanted to be creepy to use those in the meantime. Seokjin was running late which in turn made him intolerably snippy. Yoongi’s snarky comments earlier probably didn’t help the matter and he almost regretted them...almost.
Watching Seokjin curse up a storm while rampaging around their apartment looking for his lost keys was Yoongi’s first real tip that Seokjin wasn’t keeping up with some agenda. He was always way too suave and put together while he kept an act up. His sleeve could catch fire and he probably wouldn’t break character. Which meant...that Seokjin had actually forgotten their wedding anniversary. What the fuck?
Any other day Yoongi would find it amusing how easily Seokjin’s over-the-top dramatics were instantly appeased the the moment he found whatever he had been looking for. His husband’s childish tantrums were some of Yoongi’s favorites to tease him about since Seokjin always tried to keep some semblance of an adult character. Yoongi loved the indignant pouting when he’d make hinted remarks about Seokjin’s less than composed episodes. That morning however, Yoongi watched in disbelief as the black cloud lifted over Seokjin’s head and replaced with rainbow glitter (or whatever the hell it was that made him so damn glowy), he grabbed his briefcase and mindlessly hummed that annoying song from a gum CF he’s had stuck in his head for weeks while heading out the door. But right as he walked out he stopped when he realized something and turned back.
Awkwardly maneuvering through their furniture, Seokjin trotted back where Yoongi stood uselessly at the other end of the living room. The tiniest bit of doubt that maybe Seokjin was acting clouded Yoongi’s judgement of what to expect when Seokjin reached him. When Seokjin merely leaned down and pressed a quick peck onto Yoongi’s lips before turning around with a vague wail as a goodbye, Yoongi couldn't help the slightest dejected feeling pooled in his stomach because how the hell could Seokjin forget their damned anniversary?
He waited all day for an “oh my god, I fucked up!” text from his soon-to-be-ex husband which would soon have been followed by six or seven “this wasn’t my fault” excuses texts and one last “I’ll make it up to you” text, but they never came. The longer the day dragged on the more irritated Yoongi got with Seokjin for forgetting.
He jumped when Seokjin’s ID finally appeared on his screen but it was only a text letting Yoongi know that he was going to have dinner and drinks with his brother and not to wait up for him. Yoongi was so livid he was ready to all but ask him for a divorce.
But no, Yoongi thought, there was still time left in the day and he would at least give Seokjin the benefit of the doubt until midnight.
  Yoongi carelessly flipped through the book Seokjin had on his nightstand while he waited for him to get home. He wasn’t actually reading but it was a good way to keep his jittery hands busy while he came up with a passive-aggressive way of letting Seokjin know it was their anniversary.
Yoongi’s anniversary gift for Seokjin was still tucked behind their armoire and he thought about sliding it under Seokjin’s side of the bed so when he got down on hands and knees looking for his other slipper (which Yoongi would’ve made sure would never be seen again) he’d see the neatly wrapped package and card and realize. It may have slipped his mind that it was their anniversary but there was no way Seokjin didn’t know the actual calendar date.
Yoongi was so caught up in his petty delusions of imagining himself silently staring Seokjin down while he tried to piece together an excuse that when he heard the front door he panicked. He had completely lost track of time and instead of coming up with a quick plan b he just stuck his nose into the book in his lap and mechanically followed the lines of text despite still not actually reading a single word. It seemed Yoongi opted for the ‘pretend everything’s still okay’ route and he mentally slapped himself but it was too late since he heard Seokjin was just up the hall.
He was still focused on the progression of the lines when Seokjin entered the room but Yoongi doesn’t know how he didn’t hurl it at Seokjin’s head when he heard his smug laugh. “What?” he asked, looking up at Seokjin and glad he sounded casual enough to not raise any suspicion just yet.
“It’s cute that you’re pretending to read while waiting for me,” Seokjin mused, nodding at the book in Yoongi’s hands. The pompous tone in Seokjin’s voice rubbed Yoongi the wrong way as he was already upset with him. Him being bratty wasn’t helping.
“I’m not pretending,” Yoongi protested. He was getting huffy and if he were dealing with anyone besides Seokjin, Yoongi would have taken a moment to bite his tongue and pull his thoughts together. Unfortunately, he was dealing with Seokjin and Yoongi always seemed to let his emotions get the better of him with matters relating to his husband.
Seokjin seemed to have taken Yoongi’s defensiveness as just him being stubborn and not actually upset with him since he just nodded to the book in his hands again and asked him how he had managed to get through over half the book in only a few hours. Yoongi knew that bitingly replying he had always been a fast reader was a weak excuse but he couldn’t stop himself. So when Seokjin asked him which character he thought the traitor on the island was, all Yoongi could do was look at him stupidly for a moment before Seokjin smiled softly and disappeared into their bathroom.
Slamming the book shut in frustration, Yoongi scanned their room with new resolve to find a clever way to let Seokjin know he had forgotten their anniversary. His eyes circled around and landed on the book in his lap. His jaw dropped. The Transformation of Korean Law: 1900-1950 was the title printed on the cover and whether from anger or embarrassment Yoongi’s face flared up. Son-of-a-bitch!
Yoongi was debating between setting the book on fire and chucking it out their ninth story window when he heard Seokjin sneer loudly from across the room. He stood just outside their bathroom doing nothing to restrain the self-satisfying look of amusement from seeing Yoongi had realized his double play. He couldn’t believe he played himself so fabulously and then walked so easily into Seokjin’s trap.
Seokjin shook his head and without another word climbed into bed, took the book in his husband’s lap and placed it back on his nightstand before turning back around and placing a kiss unceremoniously on Yoongi’s lips. He snuggled into the covers and it wasn’t long before he was asleep. Yoongi was still both upset with Seokjin for forgetting their anniversary and with himself for letting his spite control his actions that he decidedly stayed up to brood a bit longer.
Okay. Seokjin had won this round, Yoongi admitted after a while of glowering. He knew his dumb husband wasn’t even aware they were in battle but whatever, that’s another issue. He ultimately decided he would get his retribution the following day and settled in to sleep.
Despite being upset with him the whole day, Yoongi still finds peace in Seokjin’s soft snores and muddled grumbles. Sleeping Seokjin looks like an angel and Yoongi always tries to keep his eyes open a second longer because, not to be cheesy, but even after all these years there’s still something breathtaking about Seokjin being the last thing he sees before falling asleep.
With a final sigh, Yoongi said goodbye to their first anniversary as a married couple and dozed off with an inherent smile when he felt Seokjin pull closer into him and wrap an arm around his waist. Whatever ridiculous issue they had with each other, Yoongi still loved how neither of them let it really get in the way of their relationship. They may go to bed in the middle of a silent fight but it always seems to melt away, even if only a little, as they slept.
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helmofhades · 6 years
hey i never showed off my ficlet of defector Vor so like uh......................
When the guards had mentioned a "special" prisoner for her, she'd imagined a simple Grineer soldier like a Nox or Manic. Yet nothing could prepare her for what stood in front of her desk at the moment...
A whole slew of soldiers had filed into her office, their captive restrained between them. She couldn't blame them, either. Straightening, the grineer woman narrowed her gaze, shooting it briefly at the one that had addressed her. "Where did you say you found him?" Cressa Tal, their leader, folded her arms as she eyed the prisoner with obvious disgust as her subordinate answered.
"He had literally approached one of our outposts, ma'am. Nothing sneaky or violent, but..." The soldier paused, glancing back at the prisoner. "You can understand our wish to restrain him, yes?"
Cressa nodded at the man briefly. "Of course." She unfolded her arms, a hand brushing along the desk's edge as he locked gazes with the one and only Captain Vor. If anything, he seemed more annoyed with their treatment of him than angry or fearful. Weapons taken, arms restrained. Those of the Meridian had taken no chances with this one. He'd scoffed at the soldier's words, rolling his eyes as he switched weight from one foot to the other. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but... could it be you've had a change of heart?" Cressa quirked a brow at him, smirking and speaking in a taunting tone. Another scoff came from the restrained Grineer. 
For a moment, he observed her, sliding his gaze around the room to count just how many firearms were pointed at him. Too many to care, happened to be the answer. With a frown, he straightened himself. "You could say that..." came a somewhat condescending tone. Regardless if he was in the position to be a dick or not, old habits die hard. "Although considering this treatment, I doubt any of you will belive me so-" He made an attempt to reach for the left side of his armored suit, flinching a bit as the restraints roped his arms back together and several gun barrels leaned into his back as a warning. The only answer to their prodding was a frustrated sigh from Vor as he rolled his eyes again. "Fine. Left side. Upper compartment..."
He turned his torso a bit, seeming to nudge the left side of his hip towards Cressa. With another quirked brow, she stepped towards him, fully confident in those around to make sure he didn't backstab her at the last second. Several small squares lined the side of his armor, serving as safe keeping for anything found in the field. Gently pressing the bottom one inwards, it popped out, displaying a square of dark metal about a quarter of the size of her palm.
Plucking it up, the woman rolled it in her hand for a moment to observe before pressing the compartment closed. She turned back towards the desk, meandering back behind it as she worked with the device. As the metal parted into four corners, Vor shifted a bit uneasily, keeping his eye on the others. Stopping, Cressa found the device bloom into a hard light square. A datapad. Tapping a few buttons on the menu, the stored data slowly brought her to widen her eyes. That taunting, disbelieving smirk fled in return for a shocked expression. Text flew across the screen. Grineer codes and battle plans. Even the schedule for the movement of the Kuva Fortress. "Is that enough to change your mind about my allegiance?" Looking up, she found an expetant Vor staring her down. Slowly but surely, her slack jaw turned into an estatic grin.
"I knew today was gonna be lucky..."
0 notes
helmofhades · 6 years
um this is gay and depressing but if i dont post this ill Die
There is pain in existance A hole in my mind and heart I don't want it filled I'm empty
Let me lie here A husk of a being Let me rot into the ground again Let me flourish in the cells of something else
I wasn't meant to be here You say that means I'm meant for greatness But I can't look past the Void in my soul He wants me back and I cannot deny him
Why must life ache so much It doesn't for everyone But for some reason it stabs daggers in my mind It is numbing my immortal soul
You want to fix me You want to fix yourself I say its a lost cause But I can't be that honest with you
Not yet
Not while there's still hope in your heart Not while there's a SPARK in your MIND YOU ARE MY ONLY LIFELINE PLEASE DON'T LET GO
The Void awaits my return I am both eagar and hesitant You need me here but I must go I cannot leave you
Not yet
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