#n e way expect more of them when i have time to play sims bc im obsessed
pocketclowns · 1 year
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hope y’all like pancakes, meet amelia! 🥞
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askmyboys · 4 years
Asmodeus and Jimmy
First n foremost, I nEED to update this blog more often than I do ugh- but here’s two babs I made based off of sims and there is a trigger warning down there somewhere highlighted in HUGE bold text before it goes any further so please keep it in mind
| Names: Asmodeus Kosmos and Jimmy Vulcan
| Nicknames: Asmo/Kos and Jim/Vul (sometimes Jimmy likes to mess with Asmodeus and calls him momo)
| Genders: Trans FTM
| Sexualities: Asmo is gay while Jimmy is Pan
| Ages: Unknown
| Heights: Asmodeus is 7'5" while Jimmy is 5'3"
| Species/Race: Asmodeus is a demon and Jimmy is a human
| Skin Colors/Body Types: Asmodeus's skin is red and he's pretty muscular and Jimmy is fairly pale and much more chubby
| Eye Colors/Hair Colors: Asmodeus's eyes are pitch black and his hair is also black (hairstyle is: Greaser Style) and Jimmy’s eyes are a Baby Blue color (his hairstyle is really just a Manbun)
| Appearances: Asmodeus wears a Red and Black flannel with a simple black t-shirt underneath, he also wears black ripped jeans and some black multi buckle punk boots, he also has a black collar with some spikes on it he wears as well, and finally he wears some gauges. He has large pointy ears, razor sharp bear trap teeth, and a few scars here and there but nothing too severe it seems, he also has large black claws and some large black devil-esque horns and a black devil style tail (he doesn’t bother disguising himself bc he literally just does not care in the slightest, if he didn’t like the looks of his punk esque clothing he’d even keep his hooves n fur to look even more inhuman)
Jimmy wears a black and white striped suit (the white stripes are v e r y thin) with matching pants as well and some black business shoes, he also has glasses as well not for the look just bc he literally needs them to properly see anything, his outfit isn’t too spectacular or out of the ordinary but he does have a few strange scars on himself and his wrist (before conclusions are jumped too, no, it was not an intended self harm scar, he did do it for an ENTIRELY different reason and you’ll see why soon)  (oh and I almost forgot like a dumbass, Asmo is Trans thanks to his demon magic- he gave himself the body he wanted and Jimmy of course being a human, this was before he even got to meet Asmo anyways got the surgeries/took the T and all he needed and wanted ya know?)
Oh yeah and btw they both have short boxed beards.
| Personalities: Asmodeus isn’t the most… friendly neither to demons nor humans, in fact, he’s actually a cannibal- he’ll eat his own kind but he’ll also eat humans as well, he’s VERY mischievous and loves to cause trouble and pull pranks and terrify people, he’s always hated his own kind and humans both however… There IS one human he actually likes to be around and stick with, which of course at first it wasn’t that way but I’ll explain that in a bit, he’s pretty cold n cruel towards others, he’s often hungry so he feeds himself quite a lot much to a certain human’s dismay bc he’d really rather things lay low n such but lmao that’s not gonna happen fuck that, Asmo does p much what he wants WHEN he wants to and there ain’t a damn thing anybody can do about it- he truly is p much a rebel.
Onto Jimmy… Jimmy is much more kindhearted and sweeter, he’s not exactly the best with people due to a lot of anxiety and social anxiety so usually he doesn’t hang out in large gatherings and such as that, he usually spends a lot of time in his own room playing some games in his free time but usually he’s writing and working on multiple stories, now if it wasn’t obvious enough as it was, Jimmy is the human I was referring to earlier, him and Asmo live together and I’ll explain why in the side facts but for now, Jimmy’s goal is to one day became a famous author even tho he knows dealing with people and crowds will be tricky, he knows it’d be worth it in the end for sure… Absolutely LOVES animals of any kind, dogs, cats, rats, hamsters, etc you name an animal and he loves them so much he’s too scared however of Asmo eating said animals to bring one into the house unfortunately.
Jimmy loves reading as well, he’s an absolute bookworm and I’m not saying this bc he’s a writer or reads or shit like that but he genuinely is a geek, he’s a complete dork but we love him anyway I’m sure after all… Havin’ a problem with Jimmy is a death sentence with Asmodeus around.
(tl;dr: Asmo is cruel, cold, evil essentially and also a cannibal he’ll eat his own demon kind and he’ll even eat human kind, he’s VERY gluttonous so it’s hard to fill him up most of the time he can just never be satisfied, he does care about one and ONLY one human and that of course is Jimmy obviously, nobody touches or bothers Jimmy with Asmo around, he hates other humans and demons alike however, loves causing mischief and mayhem, pulling pranks, and scaring the hell out of people, always hated his own kind
Jimmy however is much more friendlier, kinder and a sweetheart, however his anxieties both social and regular anxiety gets in his way a lot so he can’t handle people and a LOT of situations tbh, he LOVES writing and hopes to one day become a famous author even if he has to deal with people he knows its worth it, loves to read as well, he’s a geek/dork and lovable as ever, 100% LOVE. FOR. ANIMALS. You let this man see a fucking puppy or hell even a baby rat and he will break down in tears bc its so damn cute, he’ll cry even worse if you let him hold a puppy or somethin like that)
| Side Facts: This is gon be a long one now… so woo boy… Jimmy despite sounding like an average normal human being p much, he’s had a very dark secret… Jimmy was actually supposed to be a cult leader at some point, however for reasons unknown that little thing didn’t work out which he is actually relatively relieved of bc truth be told he wanted no part of a cult in the slightest, that didn’t stop him from being curious about demons and such as that however… There was one demon in particular he had heard them mention quite often and it’s yep, you guessed it! Asmodeus Kosmos… His curiosity had admittedly gotten the better of him so he did some research and… 
(Trigger Warning!!! For blood, ritual esque themes, demon summoning of course annnnd p much him cutting his wrist for said ritual so if that bothers you please don’t read any further into it)
Jimmy grabbed the supplies he needed, it was pretty basic stuff such as candles, drawing an upside down pentagram, etc- he then grabbed his knife and slit his wrist, letting his blood flow out into a chalice p much and at first he thought this was the worst decision he ever made and besides nothing even happened so now he’s going to have a scar on his wrist and have to deal with lots of blood but before he could even move to go grab a towel, lo and behold… There was a bright red light and then out popped Asmodeus from the pentagram who immediately grabbed the chalice and rather greedily began slurping up the blood inside, after finishing his little… drink… He looked over at Jimmy who was honestly very mortified right about now and p much grinned at him like “Yooo! What did a lil fella like yourself summon a demon like ME for?” Asmo was definitely… shocked like… really? THIS is what summons him? Jimmy looked like any ol regular human! Nothin special! Just another snack!
And that was when Jimmy realized… He didn’t actually know why he summoned this demon, he had no reason other than curiosity and then an even worse realization of this demon is going to be absolutely. Fucking. P i s s e d. He was lowkey freaking out, before he could even think of the proper response, he just blurted out “Uhh… C-Curiosity…?” which made Asmo’s expression drop a lil, it was more so one of confusion than anger “...Ya know, normal demons woulda been pissed but lemme tell ya somethin’ I ain’t no normal demon and I gotta admit… Outta all the human blood I’ve had, yours by far has been the fuckin’ b e s t tastin’ blood e v e r! Dunno what’cha did bud but ya definitely did somethin’ right! Well, for me at least, for you uh well not so much” Asmo definitely made ill intentions clear to Jimmy by flashing some sharp teeth (this is turning into an actual story now shit uh just roll with it and for fucks sake why can I write better when im not even trying to do an actual story?!)
Asmo of course barely gave him any time before walking over and casually grabbing his wrist, he licked the wound clean much to Jimmy’s dismay… Could demon saliva cause an infection? He didn’t exactly want to find out but it was too late now, Asmo didn’t notice the terror humans usually had for him so maybe this guy didn’t read the fine print or somethin’... “Uhh ya do realize like, I’m gonna eat’cha now right? Did you even, like, r e a d the smaller text in the books? Or did they cut that part out just hopin’ some poor soul would get devoured?” before Asmo could take a chunk out of Jimmy he quickly began to speak “Wait! I’ll… I’ll make a deal with you!” Asmo being the lil trickster that he was couldn’t r e s i s t… “Ooh… What kinda deal we talkin’ ‘ere pipsqueak?” Jimmy didn’t even know what he was saying, he just blurted the next few parts “What if I like… Help you? With, uh, the eating thing?” Asmo of course couldn’t believe his ears, he deadpanned “Ya serious? Ya gonna help me, get other humans who are basically gonna become my meal? JUST to protect yourself?” and there was a pause but before Jimmy could rephrase his question it was too late, Asmodeus grabbed his hand and shook it “You my friend have got yaself a dealio! I’ll spare ya, but uh, I expect a meal v e r y soon~” of course, now Jimmy was completely fucked… Now he had to keep this demon fed because a deal was made and he couldn’t break it or else he’d be the one eaten… And of course not to mention breaking a deal with a literal demon is not the best thing to do in any universe…
Over time of course though… Jimmy had actually begun to bond with Asmodeus, despite all the people he devoured over time… Other than his harsh exterior, rude behavior and pranks n scaring others n stuff… Asmodeus has become much nicer and kinder to him… And even opened up more to him, he knows he can’t change Asmodeus’ ways and get him to stop eating others unfortunately but… After all the time these two have spent together, all the chatting, and even all the flirting (mostly Asmo has done that to Jimmy) they have not only become best friends with each other but in fact, maybe there’s something… More going on there. Aka their dating by now, they actually love one another very much and now? Asmo could never e v e r even dream of eating Jimmy, he’s… actually even scared if he grows too hungry around Jimmy he could accidentally hurt the human… And he’d never want that now, he’d rather himself be locked away and chained up than hurt Jimmy and truth be told… Jimmy is the only being that’s ever been actually nice and kind to Asmo, even after basically threatening him at the start and kinda tormenting him with his pranks, his teasing, and scaring he was still so nice and warm towards him… He was also rather pleased to find out that not only was Jimmy not straight but also ayyy Trans Buddies!!!
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jesseneufeld · 5 years
How Long Does It Take Get Rid of Sugar Cravings After Going Keto?
One of the purported benefits of a keto diet is that it will help tame unwanted sugar cravings. On the surface, it makes sense. If you want to get rid of sugar cravings, stop including a bunch of sugar in your diet. Out of sight, out of mind.
Or does it make sense? Maybe following a ketogenic diet where even nutrient-dense carbs are limited turns sweet foods into forbidden fruit (no pun intended). Sugar could theoretically become even more tempting because you can’t have it.
So which is it? It’s clear that for a lot of people, keto does kick sugar cravings to the curb. There is abundant (anecdotal) evidence from the Keto Reset community and indeed across the keto-sphere that keto works to quash cravings and hunger. Empirical studies back this up. Compared to other diets, people find it easier to stick to their goals on keto. It’s one of the big reasons keto is so popular right now.
Of course, the next question people always ask is: How long does it take?
When Can I Expect My Sugar Cravings to Vanish?
It takes two to three days of very-low-carb eating for the liver to start pumping out ketones, and research shows that cravings are significantly reduced almost immediately as people get into ketosis. The “expert” consensus seems to be that cravings will decrease noticeably within three to ten days.
Don’t expect cravings to vanish into thin air, though. While many folks do feel significant relief from cravings almost right away, not everyone is so lucky. There is a lot of individual variability, and some people do find that their cravings are as strong as ever—or stronger—on keto. Although there’s not much research that speaks to why some people get relief where others do not, my hunch is that it depends on the root cause of your sugar cravings.
One reason you might crave sugar is simply that you’ve trained your body to rely on sugar for energy—you’re carb-dependent. Perhaps it’s not the sugar you crave specifically, so much as the energy it provides. In that case, you should notice your desire for sugar is significantly reduced as soon as your body starts to produce ketones. Moreover, I’d expect it to get easier and easier to avoid sugary treats as you become more keto-adapted.
Sugar cravings can also be conditioned (learned) responses. Decades of experience have taught you that eating sugary treats is comforting and enjoyable. You’ve come to have a strong positive association with sugar. In some ways, you might think of eating sugar as a very entrenched, reinforced habit you need to break. Habits can be broken, but it takes weeks or months, not days.
The complicating factor here is that sugar is not just pleasant or fun to eat, it’s also physiologically rewarding. Sugar activates neurological reward pathways, creating a physiological drive for more sugar.
For some people, sugar is so rewarding that it feels like an addiction. These are the folks who struggle the most. The question of whether sugar is a true addiction, on par with other addictive substances like nicotine, alcohol, and certain drugs, is hotly contested. Academic debates aside, many people experience sugar, and quitting sugar, as an addiction. They struggle mightily even when motivation and intention are high. One “relapse” can send them spiraling. There is no doubt that there are physiological drivers at play that keep the desire for sugar burning so hot in these individuals.
All this is to say: It’s different for everyone.
What If You’ve Been Keto For a While, Yet You’re Still Struggling with Sugar Cravings?
What does “a while” mean? As I mentioned, it takes only a matter of days for your liver to start producing ketones once you drop your carbs low enough. The full process of keto-adaptation can take months, though. A recent review concluded that while fat-oxidation rates and ketone production increase significantly in the first week or two of keto, it can take months for the whole body to become efficient at using ketones for energy.
You don’t want to wait that long, though. There are other things you can do to fight back against sugar cravings. First, make sure you are properly fueled. Caloric restriction increases the reward value of food. That means you’re more drawn to food, especially palatable foods, when you’re eating in a caloric deficit, at least at first. That’s one of the reasons I suggest eating plenty of fat and sufficient calories when transitioning to keto.
If you’re also restricting calories, chances are your cravings will diminish according to this meta-analysis, but it will happen slowly over the course of months. (The analysis also showed that it gets easier and easier over time. Good news if you can stick with it.)
It’s Not Always About the Food
Next, ensure you have your lifestyle ducks in a row. Sleep deprivation and chronic stress have been shown time and time again to cause sugar cravings as the body scrambles for quick energy. Even dehydration and boredom can trigger hunger and cravings. If you want to get rid of sugar cravings, you need to practice good self-care.
You crave sugar due to the hormonal response to those stressors, but don’t underestimate the comfort factor here, too. It doesn’t feel good to be sleep deprived, stressed, and bored. There’s a good chance you’ve used sugar in the past to lift your spirits. If you’re using sugar to self-soothe, you also need to develop better coping mechanisms.
Dig deep and look at what really underlies these sugar cravings. I suggest you start journaling about your cravings. Each time a sugar craving hits, make a note of the following:
How you’re feeling (bored, anxious, nervous, angry, etc.)
Time of day
Hunger: what time you last ate, and what you ate
Where you are
Who’s around
Any other clues to possible triggers.
After a week or two, you might be able to spot some patterns. If it’s obvious that there are specific trigger(s) like time of day, workplace stress, or fatigue that precede your cravings, work at developing other coping methods that aren’t food-related. Solve the root problem. Meditate, exercise, drink a glass of water, eat an actual meal or snack with some protein and healthy fat.
Finally, try a period of cold turkey if you haven’t yet. Eliminate all sweeteners, even keto-friendly ones like stevia. Look at your fruit and beverage habits. See if you’re still using “sweet” even if you’ve eliminated the major sources of refined sugar from your diet. On the flip side, if you’ve been cold turkey, consider allowing yourself some low-glycemic fruit, for example. Maybe being too restrictive doesn’t work for you. Try to find your personal sweet spot.
Check out this Mark’s Daily Apple post for more concrete ideas for managing cravings.
If you have tried the strategies I suggested, you’ve given yourself enough time to be fully keto-adapted, and you truly feel addicted, it might be time to seek out a doctor, nutritionist, or therapist that specializes in sugar dependency. For you, there might be physiological factors at play that mean you need additional support.
Remember, though, that occasionally wanting or even craving sugar doesn’t mean you’re doing something wrong. Don’t beat yourself up. You might need to adjust your strategy, or it might just be a blip on the radar. Once you’re metabolically flexible, you can decide on a case by case basis how to respond.
Related Posts from Mark’s Daily Apple:
Dear Mark: Your Brain on Junk Food
The Definitive Guide to Sugar
Dear Mark: Sugar Cravings
Why We Eat: Cravings
Anton SD, Moehl K, Donahoo WT, et al. Flipping the Metabolic Switch: Understanding and Applying the Health Benefits of Fasting. Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.). 2018 Feb;26(2):254-268.
Avena NM, Rada P, Hoebel BG. Evidence for sugar addiction: behavioral and neurochemical effects of intermittent, excessive sugar intake. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2008;32(1):20–39.
Berridge KC, Robinson TE, Aldridge JW. Dissecting components of reward: ‘liking’, ‘wanting’, and learning. Curr Opin Pharmacol. 2009;9(1):65–73.
DiNicolantonio JJ, O’Keefe JH, Wilson WL. Sugar addiction: is it real? A narrative review. British Journal of Sports Medicine 2018;52:910-913.
Phinney SD, Horton ES, Sims EA, Hanson JS, Danforth E Jr, LaGrange BM. Capacity for moderate exercise in obese subjects after adaptation to a hypocaloric, ketogenic diet. J Clin Invest 1980;66(5):1152–61.
Volek JS, Freidenreich DJ, Saenz C, Kunces LJ, Creighton BC, Bartley JM, Davitt PM, Munoz CX, Anderson JM, Maresh CM, et al. Metabolic characteristics of keto-adapted ultra-endurance runners. Metabolism 2016;65(3):100–10.
Wiss DA, Avena N, Rada P. Sugar Addiction: From Evolution to Revolution. Front Psychiatry. 2018;9:545.
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The post How Long Does It Take Get Rid of Sugar Cravings After Going Keto? appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
How Long Does It Take Get Rid of Sugar Cravings After Going Keto? published first on https://drugaddictionsrehab.tumblr.com/
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lauramalchowblog · 5 years
How Long Does It Take Get Rid of Sugar Cravings After Going Keto?
One of the purported benefits of a keto diet is that it will help tame unwanted sugar cravings. On the surface, it makes sense. If you want to get rid of sugar cravings, stop including a bunch of sugar in your diet. Out of sight, out of mind.
Or does it make sense? Maybe following a ketogenic diet where even nutrient-dense carbs are limited turns sweet foods into forbidden fruit (no pun intended). Sugar could theoretically become even more tempting because you can’t have it.
So which is it? It’s clear that for a lot of people, keto does kick sugar cravings to the curb. There is abundant (anecdotal) evidence from the Keto Reset community and indeed across the keto-sphere that keto works to quash cravings and hunger. Empirical studies back this up. Compared to other diets, people find it easier to stick to their goals on keto. It’s one of the big reasons keto is so popular right now.
Of course, the next question people always ask is: How long does it take?
When Can I Expect My Sugar Cravings to Vanish?
It takes two to three days of very-low-carb eating for the liver to start pumping out ketones, and research shows that cravings are significantly reduced almost immediately as people get into ketosis. The “expert” consensus seems to be that cravings will decrease noticeably within three to ten days.
Don’t expect cravings to vanish into thin air, though. While many folks do feel significant relief from cravings almost right away, not everyone is so lucky. There is a lot of individual variability, and some people do find that their cravings are as strong as ever—or stronger—on keto. Although there’s not much research that speaks to why some people get relief where others do not, my hunch is that it depends on the root cause of your sugar cravings.
One reason you might crave sugar is simply that you’ve trained your body to rely on sugar for energy—you’re carb-dependent. Perhaps it’s not the sugar you crave specifically, so much as the energy it provides. In that case, you should notice your desire for sugar is significantly reduced as soon as your body starts to produce ketones. Moreover, I’d expect it to get easier and easier to avoid sugary treats as you become more keto-adapted.
Sugar cravings can also be conditioned (learned) responses. Decades of experience have taught you that eating sugary treats is comforting and enjoyable. You’ve come to have a strong positive association with sugar. In some ways, you might think of eating sugar as a very entrenched, reinforced habit you need to break. Habits can be broken, but it takes weeks or months, not days.
The complicating factor here is that sugar is not just pleasant or fun to eat, it’s also physiologically rewarding. Sugar activates neurological reward pathways, creating a physiological drive for more sugar.
For some people, sugar is so rewarding that it feels like an addiction. These are the folks who struggle the most. The question of whether sugar is a true addiction, on par with other addictive substances like nicotine, alcohol, and certain drugs, is hotly contested. Academic debates aside, many people experience sugar, and quitting sugar, as an addiction. They struggle mightily even when motivation and intention are high. One “relapse” can send them spiraling. There is no doubt that there are physiological drivers at play that keep the desire for sugar burning so hot in these individuals.
All this is to say: It’s different for everyone.
What If You’ve Been Keto For a While, Yet You’re Still Struggling with Sugar Cravings?
What does “a while” mean? As I mentioned, it takes only a matter of days for your liver to start producing ketones once you drop your carbs low enough. The full process of keto-adaptation can take months, though. A recent review concluded that while fat-oxidation rates and ketone production increase significantly in the first week or two of keto, it can take months for the whole body to become efficient at using ketones for energy.
You don’t want to wait that long, though. There are other things you can do to fight back against sugar cravings. First, make sure you are properly fueled. Caloric restriction increases the reward value of food. That means you’re more drawn to food, especially palatable foods, when you’re eating in a caloric deficit, at least at first. That’s one of the reasons I suggest eating plenty of fat and sufficient calories when transitioning to keto.
If you’re also restricting calories, chances are your cravings will diminish according to this meta-analysis, but it will happen slowly over the course of months. (The analysis also showed that it gets easier and easier over time. Good news if you can stick with it.)
It’s Not Always About the Food
Next, ensure you have your lifestyle ducks in a row. Sleep deprivation and chronic stress have been shown time and time again to cause sugar cravings as the body scrambles for quick energy. Even dehydration and boredom can trigger hunger and cravings. If you want to get rid of sugar cravings, you need to practice good self-care.
You crave sugar due to the hormonal response to those stressors, but don’t underestimate the comfort factor here, too. It doesn’t feel good to be sleep deprived, stressed, and bored. There’s a good chance you’ve used sugar in the past to lift your spirits. If you’re using sugar to self-soothe, you also need to develop better coping mechanisms.
Dig deep and look at what really underlies these sugar cravings. I suggest you start journaling about your cravings. Each time a sugar craving hits, make a note of the following:
How you’re feeling (bored, anxious, nervous, angry, etc.)
Time of day
Hunger: what time you last ate, and what you ate
Where you are
Who’s around
Any other clues to possible triggers.
After a week or two, you might be able to spot some patterns. If it’s obvious that there are specific trigger(s) like time of day, workplace stress, or fatigue that precede your cravings, work at developing other coping methods that aren’t food-related. Solve the root problem. Meditate, exercise, drink a glass of water, eat an actual meal or snack with some protein and healthy fat.
Finally, try a period of cold turkey if you haven’t yet. Eliminate all sweeteners, even keto-friendly ones like stevia. Look at your fruit and beverage habits. See if you’re still using “sweet” even if you’ve eliminated the major sources of refined sugar from your diet. On the flip side, if you’ve been cold turkey, consider allowing yourself some low-glycemic fruit, for example. Maybe being too restrictive doesn’t work for you. Try to find your personal sweet spot.
Check out this Mark’s Daily Apple post for more concrete ideas for managing cravings.
If you have tried the strategies I suggested, you’ve given yourself enough time to be fully keto-adapted, and you truly feel addicted, it might be time to seek out a doctor, nutritionist, or therapist that specializes in sugar dependency. For you, there might be physiological factors at play that mean you need additional support.
Remember, though, that occasionally wanting or even craving sugar doesn’t mean you’re doing something wrong. Don’t beat yourself up. You might need to adjust your strategy, or it might just be a blip on the radar. Once you’re metabolically flexible, you can decide on a case by case basis how to respond.
Related Posts from Mark’s Daily Apple:
Dear Mark: Your Brain on Junk Food
The Definitive Guide to Sugar
Dear Mark: Sugar Cravings
Why We Eat: Cravings
Anton SD, Moehl K, Donahoo WT, et al. Flipping the Metabolic Switch: Understanding and Applying the Health Benefits of Fasting. Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.). 2018 Feb;26(2):254-268.
Avena NM, Rada P, Hoebel BG. Evidence for sugar addiction: behavioral and neurochemical effects of intermittent, excessive sugar intake. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2008;32(1):20–39.
Berridge KC, Robinson TE, Aldridge JW. Dissecting components of reward: ‘liking’, ‘wanting’, and learning. Curr Opin Pharmacol. 2009;9(1):65–73.
DiNicolantonio JJ, O’Keefe JH, Wilson WL. Sugar addiction: is it real? A narrative review. British Journal of Sports Medicine 2018;52:910-913.
Phinney SD, Horton ES, Sims EA, Hanson JS, Danforth E Jr, LaGrange BM. Capacity for moderate exercise in obese subjects after adaptation to a hypocaloric, ketogenic diet. J Clin Invest 1980;66(5):1152–61.
Volek JS, Freidenreich DJ, Saenz C, Kunces LJ, Creighton BC, Bartley JM, Davitt PM, Munoz CX, Anderson JM, Maresh CM, et al. Metabolic characteristics of keto-adapted ultra-endurance runners. Metabolism 2016;65(3):100–10.
Wiss DA, Avena N, Rada P. Sugar Addiction: From Evolution to Revolution. Front Psychiatry. 2018;9:545.
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The post How Long Does It Take Get Rid of Sugar Cravings After Going Keto? appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
How Long Does It Take Get Rid of Sugar Cravings After Going Keto? published first on https://venabeahan.tumblr.com
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theisbifamilyisbi · 7 years
TIFI Chapter 1.7 Coup de Legacy
I think that’s a fitting title. 
In this chapter, I go on a roller coaster. 
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This is an ominous beginning. And don’t be fooled, the household is so big it can’t handle a thumbnail.
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Reeses cares more about the kids than their own parents. 
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Reeses: “If I kill this child, would I be the next in line for heir?”
Lollipop: “Try me bitch.” 
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For whatever reason, Twix is always geting in trouble and I never actually see her do anything. Although there was a trap in the bathroom for like two chapters that no one has hit yet (These gross peons don’t wash their hands after they use the toilet!) that I think she put there. 
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Twix: “Watcher, why do I have to stand in the GROSS TOILET AREA?”
Yes, I am making the watcher from Sims Medieval their god.
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Someone left their smol animal in the snow and it might be dying. I’m not sure.
Pocky: “If it’s a dog can I has it?”
Pocky has the dog lover trait and I don’t know if my game can handle the size of this household and pets at the same time.
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Someone used the toy chest Issy wished for! Wow. I think that’s Twix? 
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Abraham is questioning his life choices. Most notably: the one where he married the baby factory. 
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Issy wanted a party, so I did a party. This was actually a lot of fun. 
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Don’t be fooled, Reeses peed himself at the same exact time as Mochi. -10 for me.
Reeses: “Who is this Reeses fellow who peed himself? I know no such candy man.”
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This is the fun part where everyone gets presents, and Twix gets about ten because she just kept grabbing. 
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Screenshots to prove it. 
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Twix received three of the bee things, three toy ovens, three or four bears, and potentially a few more things I forgot about. Reeses got the video game, Mochi the easel, and I think Pocky got the fishbowl. 
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Pretty fairy girl is pretty. I hope she makes nice kids to outgrow the ugly townies. Like Connor there. Connor married Tori Kimura in this chapter, somewhere, since Fiona McOld died and Iqbal Aldied.
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I don’t know how I feel about this.
Lollipop: “Strange human, release me.”
Also, I think that’s the Langerak boy crushing on KitKat. 
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Connor tell your son to STOP.
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You know, Claire’s daughter hasn’t had much luck with her face these last few games I’ve played. Claire died this chapter. Actually, a lot of old people died.
I wonder if the graves slow my game?
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Yeah, that better be as far as you go. 
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Even in the winter, people still enjoy the sandbox. That’s the Langerak kid who likes KitKat. 
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Right, Snickers still exists by the way. This is him. He aged up. I forgot about him. 
Snickers: “If not for my good trait, I may have snapped and killed everyone here.”
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This is the kid of the guy who Issy tried to flirt with when Abraham was playing hard to stalk get. I think he also liked one of the girls. Dunno. 
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Look, here’s Twix getting in trouble again! I don’t know why. 
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Snickers: *Snickering* “You’re in the way of the garbage.”
Twix: “Don’t you forget. I’m mean-spirited. I will make you c r y.”
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I realized KitKat was missing. Here she is, on a random lawn doing homework. 
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Here is a kid who looks like he might break his neck. I don’t know whose kid this is. Sorry. 
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Abraham might burn down the house. 
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Abraham did not burn the house down. However he has like a level 6 or 7 logic skill and is still level 2 in the medical career. Abraham pls. 
Also, that bush. That is the murder bush. 
I don’t care about the points I’ll lose: SOMEONE DIE.
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Ah, our first victim.
Snickers: “This seems like an unsafe bush that I should not touch, as I am a precious u n k i l l a b l e child.”
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KitKat got caught by the police for being out after curfew. Whoops.
KitKat: “I swear, wasn’t my fault officer.”
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KitKat is grounded, among other upset moodlets. This means you can pretty much assume she’s entirely red for the rest of the chapter. 
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I mean, that’s okay, it’s just not what you’re supposed to wear. 
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Considering the fact KitKat has the natural cook trait and not Pocky, Pocky really likes cooking whereas KitKat has never touched the stove. 
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All I’m saying is Reeses likes the kids more than anyone else. Skittles likes them when they’re in the other room, but Reeses takes care of them and stuff. 
Speaking of Skittles, I have no idea where she goes. She doesn’t do anything interesting which is why there are so few pictures of her. 
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Issy: “WAFFLES!”
I had to remind you she was here. And that she’s pregnant. Again.
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Were trying for a good portrait picture this time. Preferably brighter than the other one. 
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Mochi was also painting at the easel she got for snowflake day. Pocky looked like they were about to fight as she walked past.
Also I thought this was a good shot to show off Mochi’s face. She has Abraham’s nose. 
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Twix is in trouble yet again. Haha. 
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Clearly the best place to bond. 
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Mochi has finished her first painting! 
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Prom overload coming. 
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Mochi actually looks so good in her formal attire. 
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Pocky looking freeesh. 
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I mean, okay. I expected like, KitKat or Pocky. But that works. 
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Helmut, is an incredibly average dude. But he’s sweet. He’s called her daily looking to chat. 
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It’s kinda weird brother and sister are prom king and queen but I guess they don’t look too related.
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Pocky didn’t really have much of a good night. 
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That’s the first time I’ve seen this message for prom, but WHAT THE HELL THAT’S SO MEAN.
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Mochi found a dude, which is cool.
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There was honestly so much more. SO MUCH MORE. But I figured it’s kind of boring to see the same messages so. 
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Look at dem crowns. 
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I am determined to get a decent painting of her. 
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And then she went into labor. Snickers is concerned. 
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Skittles does not care. 
Skittles: “Mother, you have had so many of us you should no longer feel pain.”
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You would think Abraham would be kind of used to his wife having children by now. 
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Issy: “Glow my child, shine!”
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Sugar Daddy Isbi is actually very pretty when she grows up and I’m not sure what traits she has. I’ll remember them for the next update. 
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So, KitKat was off on a date while Issy was giving birth. 
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That’s the Langerak kid I think. They talked for like seconds. 
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He left and went into the spa. KitKat didn’t seem to mind though.
KitKat: “I don’t do blondes.”
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Twix: “Isn’t that picture older than I am?”
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Lollipop: “I don’t trust you to hold me, old man.”
Abraham: *Traumatized for life*
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Sometime later, I forgot Twix existed and she aged up.
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I don’t remember what trait she got either, since she’s not important and my game is closed and takes twenty minutes to open. Like Twix is so unimportant I always forget her name, I forgot to put her in my family memo where I keep track of traits and etc, and I keep think she’s Mochi.
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The llama mascot is back. Abraham and he are ready to brawl. 
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Issy: “Chicken legs, Daddy.”
Daddy: *Does not realize her nickname yet*
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These two blocked the door for awhile. 
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Why is your artistic ability regressing!? 
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Skittles: “Mom I swear if you even THINK of having another baby-”
Snickers: “This house is already trash!”
KitKat: “Ooh, another date? Wait, what do you mean you’re not the blonde guy.”
Issy: “Waffles!” (:
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KitKat: “Weren’t you into my sister?”
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Rudolph: *sweating* “I’m tired okay.”
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This child is not ready for what is going to be coming. 
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Tanning at night, that makes sense. What, are you paling instead? 
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Well, this was to be expected. 
KitKat: “If I date you can we not?”
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KitKat: “MOM STAHP!”
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Mother daughter bonding. Exactly what I want to see! 
And no fucking lamp in the way 
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Shit. I get points off for this, because this is just sad. How do you get a toddler to pass out like this. 
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I’m not sure where these ramen noodles came from. How do you even get ramen in this game? 
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I updated the graveyard. It’s getting pretty full. 
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Well damn, Mochi survived. 
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I thought this was a nice shot, even if he’s out breaking curfew. 
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Did I mention Issy decided she wanted another baby?
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Other than this being a good movie, that’s me right now. 
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Hooray! Lollipop’s birthday! She got the Perfectionist trait. I don’t know why I don’t have a screenshot of her.
Oh. I know why. 
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Twix isn’t that ugly from the side like this.
Pocky: “It’s my birthday bitch and I’m going to fuck everything up.”
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She fucked it up.
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Well fuck, you rolled the insane trait.
Pocky: “What the fuck mom wasn’t talking to herself all these years!?”
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Pocky: “I can feel it coming. The stupidity. The insanity.”
Please stop.
Pocky: “You can’t make me, Voice.”
Pls. Pls no. 
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On that abrupt note, bye Reeses. 
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Bye KitKat.
Onwards to PURPLE BABIES. 
Well this is awkward, Issy is literally still pregnant and I now need her to auto finish the Abraham portrait. 
Births: (9) +45 100K Simoleons: (1) +40 Honor Roll: (2) + 10
Bladder Fail: (5) -25 Passing Out: (2) -10
Total: 65
I went down :(
Previous: 1.6 Bc Heir Vote No Longer Matters
Next:      Pocky’s first chapter as heir!
0 notes
bwicblog · 7 years
AA: fun facts!
AA: no one can drnive and vans do N Ö T float if they fall off the brnidge. AA: like, at A L L. the curntains did tho. >:}
ID: ahahah what.
AA: what, you soak so much yrn eyes fell out??
LC: [ Are YYou still high from last night, AA. ]
LC: [ I hope that's not the case, but I'd rather ask. ]
AA: none of you have any fucking idea of how mind honey wornks and it's, like, sornt of endearning! like talking to a bunch of six sweep olds. AA: six sweep olds w v borning lusii and no telly, bc they'rne locked in theirn hives all night. >:}
AA: dd on wtf yrn whatting, hads.
LC: [ I never indulged mYYself in trYYing it and nor do I have anYY plans of trYYing it in the future, so feel free to enlighten me. ]
ID: sorry for not trying something that would either freak my psi out of do nothing. =:P
AA: dnw, dnw, I formgive you forn being hells lame.
LC: [ Well I'd rather saYY it's not up in mYY alleYY of interests. ]
AA: lmao. AA: say it eight morne times, mb it'll stick. >:}
ID: also what is whatting sip send deets if you want me deets.
ID: unless you're asking why i'm whatting over floating vans and shit.
ID: because that should y'know. explain itself.
AA: let me diagrnam this forn you.
AA: me, innocently drniving, with Lal shrnieking in my flaps. AA: van: bad at changing lanes, orn, like, evernything evern. AA: rnivern, rnight the fuck therne.
AA: rnivern / (brnidge)-(van-rnoad) = rnivern/van.
AA: which does not float.
AA: that help??
ID: woowwww. uh. sorry?
AA: haha, what. no. omg, it's supposed to be funny, dude.
AA: like, it ain't M Y van.
ID: oh. well as long as it isn't yours. =:P
AA: y, exactly. >:}
LC: [ Well that sounds quite eventful. ]
LC: [ So are YYou alright? I hope YYou didn't lose anYY limbs.* ]
AA: just forn rnef, btw, lal scrneams like a pupa.
ID: i am not surprised by this news.
AA: y, y, jfc. wasn't even nearn me. AA: ow we'd totes be telling a diff storny abt someone getting drnagged out of the rnivern and fed theirn rnotating wheel device.
ID: get that half-drowned squeakbeast something to eat and he'll be fiiine.
LC: [ Well... Who is Lal, if I maYY ask. ] LC: [ Are theYY the jadeblood who talks in brackets? The rounded brackets, that is. ]
AA: he's the one w the least stupid quirnk. >:} l
LC: [ I am positive mYY quirk is quite understandable. ] LC: [ Compared to some others I have seen around here. ]
AA: and why I gotta feed him?? AA: if I keep feeding him, he's totes gonna E X P E C T it. and then I'll have two dunpsterns to thrnow fish at. >:{
AA: y, but it's still stupid. soz, do not make the rnules, I only, like, tell 'em.
ID: i mean fiiine don't feed him. if it means i don't get fed.
LC: [ ... Can I raise mYY virtual hand in giving aid to YYou guYYs? ] LC: [ I usuallYY have spare meat that I just tend to put awaYY into storage and I usuallYY trYY to help out others where I can so... ]
AA: hahaha. AA: n. AA: just bought a bag of frnied flowerns, srny2say, ourn rnoadsnack fest is S E T.
ID: i'm busy putting my tent up but hey thanks for the offer.
ID: riding my lusus around this fair is like. totes a thing i can do and look normal.
AA: but did you unbrnaid yrn hairn and put those glitternwings on firnst??
AA: bc I am like, 99% surne that's how you rnly fit in.
LC: [ Ah, gotcha. I am still keeping an eYYe out on this... phenomenon. ProbablYY will for the entire week... ]
ID: ...i mean i could make wings.
ID: but my hair unbraided is just asking it to get all tangled and shit.
AA: no fairn forn you, bluedude?
AA: and then brnush it firnst, duh. AA: orn pourn oil in it. AA: just, like, the entirne bottle.
ID: fuck that. my hair is a hassle down. it's like. ass-length.
LC: [ I am not reallYY fond of big crowds - and those are part of faires. ] LC: [ I prefer more quiet events when it comes to it - and well, given the current on-goings YYou won't reallYY get anYY of that, unless YYou are going for a hive visit. ] LC: [ And mYY neighbourhood has been buzzing even more since this asteroid came to our vision, on top of all of this. ]
SA: Round brackets. did you mean parenthenses, LC.
ID: heyyy prisma. you on your way to the faire?
SA: I am waiting at the station now.
ID: sweeetttt.
AA: omg, yessss.
ID: i need to figure out where pheres is. he better be thankful, i drummed up business for him.
AA: arne you hanging w us, prnisma?? orn did I, like, not buy enough pizza 2 rnaise yrn hrnt lvls?
SA: my... what levels?
SA: am I a dating sim character.
AA: lmfao, he's same place as always. lame ass rnust cirncle.
ID: please sip, he only eats sushi and fancy thin- ahahaha
ID: prisma confirmed for playing sims.
AA: omg, you got the rnef, but not lowbie slang!!
SA: I will come see you all. But right now I am looking forward to lying in my hotel room.
AA: y, you arne. >:}
SA: I play games.
ID: you don't play games in the sims pris, you play god.
SA: Are you talking about convincing WC to visit?
ID: yes! and you.
ID: sip on a scale of 1 to 10 how much of a chance is it that pheres is gonna put me in a stripper outfit.
AA: uhhh.
ID: because apparently that sight will offend pris' sensitivie ganderbulbs.
AA: gimme a pic of you again.
invertedDissident has sent imafairyprincewithabraid.png!
SA: I would rather not see the torso and bare chest of someone i've only known for 24 hours.
LC: [ Oh, uhm, YYes Prisma, YYes. ] LC: [ I assume most of YYou are going to attend the faire? ]
AA: lmfao, totes 8, soz. AA: even w the long hairn. AA: but dnw, I'll give you my coat, dude. >:} save prni's delicate bulbs.
ID: live a little prisma. =:P you're probs gonna see a lot of chests at this place, no shirts is historic.
ID: well fuck, sorry pris. i'm a stripper now.
AA: yrn only a strnippern if yrn taking it off, dude m
AA: dude.*
ID: i have a lil more class than that.
ID: also sip do you really expect me to wear your coat.
ID: that won't fit for shit.
AA: good!! I'm p surne that doesn't match the shop aesthetic. >:}
SA: yes, LC. does that frighten you?
AA: omfg. AA: how do you know until you trny?? I'm like. at least half as wide as you, dude, you ain't exactly swole.
ID: pris ofered me his coat, how tall are you pris.
ID: like half my fronds will be uncovered.
SA: 5'9.
AA: >:{
SA: More in heels.
ID: see pris is closer. i can wear his coat better.
AA: see, he's still shorntern.
SA: I will avert my eyes accordingly at this "historic dress"
ID: by a lot less!
ID: sorry we aren't all daytables sip. =:P
AA: omfg. my coat is bettern, but, like, 'kay, whatevern.
AA: srny we arnen't all S T Ö RN K S. >:}
ID: besides i guess the stripper costume will be nice. it's fucking hot with that fucking fireball in the sky.
SA: storks?
SA: My coat is rather nice despite the heat.
ID: because we're tall.
AA: big birnds! wait, n, let me keep this in theme.
ID: i run hot pris, it's a thing i have to worry about more.
AA: hat holding devicesn
AA: !
SA: ...?
SA: make sure you have water.
ID: i do, don't worry! but yeah i get fucking heat exhaustion or whatever it's called easy.
AA: huh. that a psi thing, too?
ID: since like. too much heat fries your pan and shit.
SA: No, that is a biological trait.
ID: yeah. don't worry, i know i'm a fucking mess.
ID: no pris, i run. hot.
SA: But don't all low bloods?
AA: lmao, prniiiii.
AA: not flatscans. ain't you evern hearnd of burn out?
ID: you'll see pris. i make other rusts seem nippy.
AA: it's sornta fucking liternal. >:}
SA: 😫
SA: I need coffee.
ID: get some then you nerd. unless you can't.
SA: I'm boarding, I'll have to wait for the steward.
SA: Are you not very warm, Sipara?
WA: |>|>| What's the haps dudes!! And gals!! |<|<| WA: |>|>| Í heard there was some faíre and that the world was ending? :D |<|<|
SA: superstition.
ID: there's a fair and definitely a meteor that wants to murder us all.
WA: |>|>| Of course ít ís!! Others just looove freakín out about ít!! |<|<|
SA: You are awfully excited for so early.
ID: some trolls are evening trolls. the fucking monsters.
WA: |>|>| Well thís líght ís rad but could tone down the party a líl |<|<| WA: |>|>| Well that's how Í roll |<|<| WA: |>|>| And you are happy íf you see me excíted ís all Í can say ;D |<|<|
SA: I am not happy seeing you excited. But I am happy you are excited.
SA: ?
AA: eeeh, I'm rnusty wnarm. like, not 'melt a goddamn carnbonatorn' psi warnm. you evern thought abt, like, installing a coolant, hads? AA: .. wait shit arnen't you sparnky too?
SA: it's disgusting.
ID: i ain't installing shit. i'm perfect the way i am. =:P
SA: I see, AA.
WA: |>|>| Haha, ísn't that what everyone loves to call "contradíctory"? |<|<| WA: |>|>| But works! |<|<|
ID: pris is totes sparky.
SA: I am not electrokinetic.
ID: sparkplug is slang for having psi pris.
SA: It isn't contradictory at all.
SA: that's awful.
SA: I dont like being compared to an engine piece.
ID: well that's how a lot of trolls see us. so.
ID: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
SA: I am not anymore and i will take issue with anyone who thinks so.
SA: i'm too tired to be this salty.
ID: just don't get huffy when other lowbloods use it. we use it as a. 'hahahah we're all clearly engine pieces to the highbloods aren't we.'
ID: highbloods use it as. 'yeah you're totes going in my ship and there's nothing you can do about it'.
SA: 😦
SA: alright.
SA sends TheMostTiredPsioninTheWorld.png
ID: D:= you okay there bud?
AA: haha, yeah, don't sweat it, brno. I wasn't trnying to yank yrn chain, shit's just the way ppl talk. unless they'rne, like, above yellow, then dd and I'll brneak theirn fangs forn you. >:}
AA: jfc.
ID: also yeah, if they're too cold for psi they're too cold to clal us sparkplugs.
AA: go get some coffee.
LC: [ Well it's good that YYou don't need to deal with that anYYmore Prisma. ] LC: [ ... Can't saYY much other than I hope most others won't just get reduced to such levels. ]
SA: I will keep this in mind, Sipara, Hadean. Don't worry about cracking them. I will do.
SA: I'm alright. I ordered a cappuccino.
ID: well hopefully that helps. lc you got a name?
AA: put sugarn in!! it'll totes help.
AA: ain't lc yern?? orn was that anothern blue. >:?
SA: LC, the reality is more upsetting thinking i am not there and yet i still am.
LC: [ YYes Hadean, it's still YYerman. ]
SA: but i will protect other psions if I can.
SA: yern.
ID: riight i meant wa. sorry, steering a lusus and typing!
LC: [ I guess that works, since... Sipara? Gave me that nickname. ]
AA: lmao, texting and drniving?
AA: shame on fucking you. don'tcha know that shit's illegal? >:}
ID: that's me! my lusus won't just dumbly drive in to a pole or anything stfu. =:P
SA: Is your lusus a draft animal?
ID: uh he's a horned hoofbeast. not really draft but. he looks cool.
ID: one sec i'll take a pic.
invertedDissident has sent mylususiscool.png!
SA: a gemsbok.
SA: we had them near my home city.
AA: .. you should make him a crnown to match yrn fakey fake wings. >:}
ID: don't tell me you ate them pris.
WA: |>|>| So who else ís goíng to thís faír? |<|<| WA: |>|>| Heard ít wíll be more fun and that there wíll be fíghtíng? Í am totally down for that ;D |<|<|
SA: No. They simply roamed.
SA: I am. Are you going to fight Hadean too?
ID: totes fighting! i'm fighting.
SA: I will fight anyone. but it won't be in a ring.
ID: you don't win money outside of the ring pris.
WA: |>|>| Í totally could! Ít's a good practíce ;D |<|<|
SA: oh i don't need the money. I just eant to kick their ass
SA: I'm joking.
WA: |>|>| Haha luckíly Í am good! But Í tend to go to the ríngs when needed |<|<|
AA: omg, prni.
AA: fight me!!
AA: it'll be wicked fun.
SA: Okay.
WA: |>|>| Fíght círcle?? |<|<|
AA: omg omg yesss. AA: only if you pay, WA.
WA: |>|>| Pay for fíghtíng ya? |<|<| WA: |>|>| Maybe Í wíll! >:) |<|<| WA: |>|>| But you guys keep talkíng about fíghtíng and hypíng me up! |<|<|
LC: [ All this talk about fighting. ] LC: [ Just don't break eachother's limbs if YYou are not planning to fight for YYour life. ] LC: [ Which doesn't seem to be the case. ]
SA: 😃 no promises.
LC: [ Well I have nothing else to saYY in that case. ] WA: |>|>| Dude you are not our lusus!! |<|<| WA: |>|>| We can handle ourselves ;D |<|<| LC: [ YYeah well, caution is never a bad thing. ]
ID: sorry i got distracted looking at things.
SA: I was napping.
ID: well nap if you need it dude.
AA: did you get coffee??
SA: Yes, I got cappuccino
AA: >:?
SA: why >:?
AA: idk what that is, dude. is that, like, rneal orn fake coffee?
SA: It's sort of like sweet coffee.
SA: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4f/Cappuccino_at_Lund.jpg
AA: !!! AA: wtf, that's qt.
SA: It's also hazelnutflavored.
AA: that looks way bettern than phern's shit, negl.
ID: does it taste nice? =:?
SA: What do they drink?
SA: Yes, it does. It's very nice, considering it has been raining nonstop in Provenance for a few days.
SA: It's sweet and sort of nutty, but also sharp.
SA: i wish i had a pillow.
SA: How far are you all from Cascara?
WA: |>|>| Ha! Around another níght's travel! |<|<| WA: |>|>| Then Í wíll be present >:) |<|<|
ID: i'm in cascara. eyeing up all these stalls.
AA: like. uhhh.
AA: fourn hourns, p much.
AA: also damn, that doesn't sound bad. and IDK. he just, like, stews beans.
AA: and is like. B'L U H B'L U H, crneam ruins the flavourn. >:}
SA: what a bitter person.
0 notes