#n from the outside it probably wasnt a big or embarassing moment at all
hierneneuro · 2 years
i am insane and need therapy !!!!!!
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tscmu · 4 years
- double unrequited
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- the second years argued. a lot. youd think the lot of them were conjoined at birth. so it wasnt surprising when a girl came into the mix, and tore their hearts into pieces, huh?
w/c- 1717 pairing/s- atsumu x fem!reader, suna x fem!reader and a lil bit of osamu x fem!reader ;) genre- idk lmao but theres a lil angst ig warnings- secondhand embarassment, TINY mention of pornography, heartbreak a/n- THIS WAS SO FUN TO WRITE EHEHEH anyway my writers block’s kinda over????anyway read 2 da end for a surprise twist ;))) 
as the sun started to set over the small area of the hyogo prefecture, all was calm. birds chirped every now and then, flying through the cold skies, enjoying the october buzz in the air. trees’ leaves were littered over the pavement and roads, crunching whenever they were squashed by an oncoming boot. however, if you were to wander through the inarizaki high school grounds on that day, you would hear a buzz of arguing from a specific gym.
“for fucks sake! samu, help yer dear brother out here.. it's pronounced gif, not whatever this ‘jif’ crap is!” the blonde haired, tall setter of the volleyball team leaned backwards on the bench, staring at someone behind him. the latter was the similar looking, gray haired opposite hitter, who just rolled his eyes at the comment.
“first off, yer no calling me yet ‘dear brother’ again. you’re getting zip from me.” he said, taking a glug out of his bottle as the blondie yelped in shock. the slightly taller, brown haired middle blocker giggled to himself. “plus, its technically jif anyway, everyone just says gif because its what society projected onto us.”
“oh, shut up with all that logical bullshit.” the blondie rolled his eyes, standing up and slamming his bottle down onto the space that was left. “oi, kita, ‘s break over?”
“i mean, technically ‘s over whenever ya want it to be. just go spike some balls or something if you’re bored.. oh, hi!” the shorter, white-and-black haired captain slowed down talking, turning to look at the door. all the boys turned around shortly after him, staring at whoever was there.
as you stood against the door, your hair blowing slightly with the wind behind you, your face slightly sweaty having run all around the school, most of them were mesmerised. your face flushed a deeper shade of red after seeing all their eyes glued to you, and you laughed a little.
“oh, sorry, i’m trying to find the girls basketball gym!” you smiled, tilting your head a little. “is this volleyball? sorry, i’m new, i just got told to go to the basketball gym after school for the first practice, but i have no idea where i'm meant to be going!” you giggled slightly, making atsumu and suna go pink. “sorry for disturbing you!” you waved slightly, hopping back down the stairs up to the doors. however, you stopped after hearing footsteps and voices behind you.
“it’s oka-” kita started to say, before sighing, seeing what was happening before him.
“i’ll help you!” atsumu shouted after you, grabbing his jersey in case you were cold.
“i can show you!” suna also shouted, pushing atsumu out the way and grabbing his bottle.
“simps..” osamu and aran both said, shaking their heads as the two boys continued to shove each other.
“no, i will.” the former's voice turned serious, slowing down as they reached the top of the steps. suna frowned, and opened his mouth to say something else, but they both got distracted as they heard your mesmerising laugh again.
“you can both come, if you want, i really don’t mind!” you smiled, doing that little head tilt again. they both nodded instantly, before frowning at each other as soon as your back was slightly turned. “okay, so i’ve walked in on about ten other clubs..”
ever since that moment, it was just a competition of who could win you over. the rest of the boys had moved on, teasing them both for their pure urge to beat each other. all of the boys argued, but nothing was ever as heated as atsumu and suna’s debates. there was a new one every time they went to practice, from something as big as the death penalty to something as tiny as how much diluting juice you put in the glass before you add the water. it was stupid, but they‘d been like that for years now.
but with this argument, it appeared neither of them were actually ahead of the other, like it usually ended up.
suna went for a more romantic approach with you. offering to walk you home, waiting for you after classes, walks through random forest paths on sundays. it wasn’t what he was used to, he’d never paid that much attention to girls. they all seemed to fawn over the miya twins anyway. but it was when you seemed to pay genuine attention to him, it caught his interest. 
obviously he found girls attractive, but the girls he saw online were never the same as girls in real life. not even just porn or anything, even in romance films, they were all so secretive. he didn’t really have the charm either, so he found himself just waiting for a girl to make a move, and if she didn’t, he’d just.. give up. you were unique to him, though. it got to the point where you’d wait for him after class too, wait at the front doors for him to come out so you could walk home, texting him at 9 in the morning asking if he wanted to go on that one walk again you did about a month ago. it took him by shock a little, but he didn’t want it to stop.
whereas atsumu, on the other hand..
to be frank, girls weren’t a big deal to atsumu. he’d always had that blessing of girls fawning over him, so he’d never had to worry about ‘winning over’ a girl. but it hit him when he met you.. he was gonna have to fight for you, wasn’t he?
he visioned you as a more.. modern girl. he assumed suna would go more traditional, the man had no experience with girls, for god's sake. he basically assumed he would win you over.. who wouldn’t pick him over anyone? and so he started. he did with you what he did with every girl, midnight drinking on a random roof, random shopping trips into town, secret lunchtime conversations behind the school. he didn’t think much of it at first, why would he? you were just another girl he’d probably date for what, a week or so, then you’d dump him after actually realising what he’s like. he couldn’t picture himself settling down. but.. you changed him, in a way. he finally found something he wanted to work for.
what was the one thing in common with these stories though?
you never actually showed any form of romantic interest in either of them, throughout this whole ordeal.
so then, after what felt like years, two days before atsumu left for the training camp, they decided it was the day. the day to confess.
neither of them actually knew about the other's plans, it was just pure coincidence they saw this as the opportunity. atsumu because he could try to sweep you away with him to tokyo, suna because he could tease atsumu about it while he was gone. it was a good plan, on both sides., you had to admit, after hearing it a while later. 
“the fuck’re you murmuring for?” atsumu frowned, turning around to look at suna, whose head was in his hands.
“mind your business..” the latter muttered, murmuring under his breath again, making atsumu shake his head. he wasn’t scared, why would he be? you were bound to say yes, for the past few months you’d been spending time with him. you knew what he was like, as he did with you.
“eh, suit yourself. i need to find y/n..” he said, picking up his jacket.
“what? y/n? but i need to find her!” suna snapped back into reality, his eyes wide as atsumu glanced at him
“..yeah. well, you can speak to her tomorrow or something, this is important.” he said in a careless manner, starting to walk towards the door, but stopping short, seeing the door slide open.
“oh! hey, tsumu!” you appeared from outside, your faux fur hood tickling your neck as your beaming face came into the light from the slight darkness behind you. it couldn’t help but make him smile.. god, he couldn’t wait to call you his. suna, from behind him, felt himself smile too, you were stunning. “you ready?” you looked behind atsumu, but as he whipped his head around, he realised you weren’t actually looking at suna either.
“yeah, your place tonight?” oh. oh no. as atsumu realised what was happening, his mouth dropped open. osamu stood up from the bench, his jacket slung over his shoulder as he crossed past both suna and atsumu, kissing you on the forehead.
“you bet! god, my mum’s been so excited to meet you.. bye boys!” you waved at both suna and atsumu separately, going back to chattering to osamu.
“what.. the fuck?” suna said, frowning. atsumu joined him, still in a state of shock.
“yeah, what the fuck?” he turned around, mouth still open.
“oh, you didn’t know? they’re dating, have been for what, a month or something now?” kita smiled, while aran tried not to burst out laughing to his right. “during the christmas holidays, they hung out a bit. i think y/n came looking for atsumu, but he wasn’t in, so she decided to chat to osamu instead. did you seriously not know?” kita laughed a little, and atsumu’s shock turned to anger. ths, of course, made suna burst out laughing.
“what the fuck? no, what the actual fuck? how did i not know the girl i was in love with was dating my brother?” he looked around a little, looking for assistance, but all the boys were snickering at him.
“now i think of it, that was extremely obvious.” suna said, laughing more by the second. he was sad, of course he was! the girl he was falling drastically in love with had a boyfriend, and he had no idea, that would break anyone's heart. but.. this was extremely funny.
“fine, lets just go then.” atsumu humphed, dragging his feet as he walked to the door. “to be fair, she was looking for me. probably liked me more.” he said as they reached just outside the door, and suna shoved him into the wall. “oUCH! THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR?” he yelled, making kita chuckle to himself.
these idiots.
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btssmutfic-blog · 5 years
Dance Practice Room - 1
You're exhausted, you did'nt sleep much, you had to unpacked everything yesterday as your flight was the afternoon, you unpacked the necessary but it happend to be 1 a.m when you finally got to bed. Jet lag was your habit, but still.
You're far from being shy, actually you're quite social, but you rarely give real interest to a person. You're not faking it, it's just so far, nobody were enough interesting to get along with.
You're been accepted recently in a great school of art. You're not one of the dreamer who wish to be a superstar. You just don't think you can do anything else than that. So you give it a try. You've been away just after high school, and you lost contact with most of your friends. Rough time, but it happens. It's a new city, that you've never been in, and you wish it's diffrent from the last one you were. Cause that wasn't such a good experience. But it's behind you anyway.
You're not nervous for today, you've been on your own for the past three years now.You find a sit next to the window. you stay silent, people don't really notice you, neither do you.The schedules look nice, you have method class the morning and practise the afternoon. Sing class the first two days, dance the two others and drama the friday.
You sat on the stairs in the garden of the school. You ate you apple while writing random stuff on your notebook and listening music.You saw feet getting in front of you, so you put your head up and a boy waved at you all smiling.
'Hi'. You took off your earphones and he smile, he is good looking.
'Never saw you there before'. He keep looking behind him. And smile warmly at me
'Yea, it's my first day' No tone were in your voice, it didn’t help him obviously.
'Well..' He seems embarassed, he clearly wanted to make the conversation.
You looked at him, he didn't look mean, after all, you could give it a try
'I'm y/n' You stood up and he smile again when he saw you try out something.
'Kim Taehyung, call me Tae' He smile, his smile is quite contagious.
'Is there anything more interesting behind you ?' You giggle as you caught him again looking behind. He laugh
'I just have my friend being noisy over there, we saw you so they send me to..hm..'
'That's nice' You trying to help him out, he clearly struggle to say you looked alone and they had pitty. 'Would you like to indroduce them to me ?'
He smile grew up 'Sure' He took your hand and almost run to them.
You looked at all of them, they were a lot. All eyes turned to you. But you didn't feel uncomfortable. You used to be observed, and new somewhere.'Hi, I'm y/n' They all gave their names. You obvisouly can't remember all of them. But one caught your attention.
Park Jimin.
And you're sure you caught his.
'Well nice to meet you, I don't want to seem rude but we need to go practise' One guy took his bag and reach for the shoulder of his friend, Park Jimin. You realized only when he stood up, that you were looking at each other ever since. They left with an other guy. Tae look at you with a little smile, he probably saw, but you didn't care less.
You talked a bit with them. They have been friends since a while, that's cute. You kind of miss having friends.
You've never felt weird around boys, whether they're friends to you, or more. But Park Jimin, got your attention, and it never happened in a long time. You were going straight to your next class, sing, with Tae and Jungkook. He was as nice as Tae.
The teatcher was chilling today, it's your first day so no pressure. He let sing whoever wanted to sing. And theses two put their hand up so fast everyone laugh in the room. After the class, you left with the two of them, compliment them on their voices.
It's already the end of the day, the guys are already far by now.
After roaming in the hallways, you find the dance practice room. Too curious, you went in one of them. It was not too big, not too small, enough to put 8-10 persons in it maybe. You plug your phone and put a random playlist. You smiled while the music filled up the room. You started to move slowly, closing your eyes. You though about your day, while dancing without even thinking of the mouvment. You were the best in this. You just know it. You catch yourself thinking of the boys. They were nice so far. But you didn't know them enough. You finally open your eyes, looking in front of you, and you saw Park Jimin, trough the miror, looking at you behind the door. You smirk, a new song started. It's dark outside, and there's no bright light, but still, he can definitly see you dancing. So you dance, as the song get more and more entertaining. You forget him for a second.  And when you turn to face him, after teasing him a bit with you sensual dance. His eyes are wide open, he definitly thought you didn't noticed him.You start walking to the door, your heart beating fast, because of the dance, of course. You open the door, and get surronded by his smell.
'What are you doing here this late ?' You smile softly.
'I..' You look in each other eyes, you can't tell he's ashamed to have been caught staring.
'You liked what you saw ?'
Is he blushing ?
He smile.‘You.. dance really well' He finally break the contact. You realize only after he put his eyes away that you were feeling hot.
'Want to see more ?' You said cockly. You usually don't play that way. You like to tease men, but it's more the kind of men that you know they like to obey, like to be submissive, and more importantly, that you'll never see again. And you didn't know anything about Park Jimin, if he wanted to be dicted, if he wanted to fucked you, or date you. It was risky, but you wanted to try. You felt that he was on for something with you. And you were curious to know what.
He look up again, and it confirm how hot you felt under his gaze. 'Please' He say softly, and you felt warm between your legs. You definitly had to try something. You just hope it wasnt too soon for him. You turn your back to him and grab a chair.
'Sit' You put the chair in the middle of the room. He looks shy but still listen to you and sit. You observed him in the miror, his hands touching nervously. You smirk and put the music back. As you turned to him, you could feel him tense. He struggled so bad to handle your gaze, he probably didn't think of any of this would happen that fast, or at all. But you didn't like to wait. If you felt it, you just do it. You start to dance, far from him for now, breaking the eye contact. You know he kept looking anyway. You dance a few moment, teasing him, rolling your hips, showing how flexible you were, to give him a taste myabe? After that, you put your chest on the back to the chair, he could see you in the miror. Your eyes looking right through his. His hands caught your attention as they carefully grab his thighs, make him do a little noise.
Wait. He moan.
The atmosphere suddendly change. You look again in his eyes. You felt something so much diffrent right now. He's aroused. I'm sure of it. And he don't seem shy about it. You stop dancing and bent over his ear.
'Would you do me a favor ?' He nods and you whispered 'Go higher' He choke in his nervous laugh. And when he saw you were not jocking, his smile faded, and the fire in his eyes came back. As you asked, he put his hand on his crotch. After you both watch his hands paving the way, he looked at you, asking with his eyes what to do now.
You said to yourself to stay focused on the game. But you couldn't keep thinking, was it still a game ? You usually don't touch them the first time, even less let them touch you, but you caught yourself thinking of making an exeption.
'Hm, good boy' You're still near his ear. After your words, you can see him blushing trough the miror. His hand squeezing his crotch on repeat. 'Are you hard already ?' He bite his lower lips, nodding. You kind of enjoy this situation. You've  already been in this, but usually, you're not this aroused, not that soon, and definitly not this distracted.
'Grab your cock for me' He open his hand immediatly and start running his hand on his cock, moaning softly. 'Such a dirty boy, I'm not even touching you and you're already hard' He don't break the contact with your eyes, you can tell he's enjoying what's happening right now, so are you.
'Touch yourself' He put his hand on the zipper but you stop him 'Tsk, tsk, not yet' His eyes are questioning yours, but he understand fast your demand. He sigh of fustration and put his hand around his dick above his pants. You stood up, still behind him, your hands next to each of his shoulders, still not touching him. But you want to, maybe more than you think.
'Good' You moan not on purpose when you saw how big his crotch is growing under his palm 'Would you like me to suck you off hm ?' His moan got louder all of a sudden, enjoying the idea. 'Hm I don't know, is your dick hard enough ?' You tease, and he fucking like it.
'Yes, it is' He struggle to put the words out, as his hand went faster.
'Show me' You said harshly. Quite mad at you that you gave up so easily. But you can't wait anymore, you have to see. He suddendly stop, not sure he understand you properly. When you cock an eyebrow, meaning you're waiting, he put his pant fast to his knees, reaviling his erection.
You can't lie, your legs squeeze of surprise. He were about to put his hand on it and jerk off but, you still wanted to tease a second more. 'Tsk, tsk' He stop, his hand on his erection. 'How tiny your hand look on your big dick. I'm not sure it will fit in my pussy, she so tight right now' You tease, He tense, picturing your pussy tight around his cock, his dick ask for it so bad.
'Get up'. He stood up as fast as a shot gun, asking with his eyes the next step. 'Take your clothes off for me, would you ?' You said while walking to face him, coking your head on the side. He let go of his errection, while undressing, slowly.
'Are you teasing me Park Jimin ? ' You moan, too aroused of this situation. He smirk
'I like the sound of my name in your mouth' He finnaly spoke. Your heart beats faster to the sound of his voice. You need to focus. Don't think of that.
‘I can bet your dick would feel better than your name’ You needed him to shut up. The more he was talking, the more you were distracted. And it works. He smirk fade and he open his mouth while undressing faster. You were amazed. His body were so beautiful. You couldn't stop yourself to touch. His abs were smooth under your touch. He tense as soon as your fingertips touch his stomach, making his errection also react. You smiled while looking at his cock.
'Touch yourself' He listen. He didn't ask why that wasnt you touching him. He didn't ask anything. Usually you need to explain yourself the first time. But he didn't need to. It's just like, he knew what you wanted. He moans when he finally grab his cock and start going back and forth. You were just standing, the music still shuffuling, with your hands along your body, watching him jerking off.
'I'm so wet right now' You talked out loud this time. He looked at you while moaning. 'Sit please' He sat back, still touching his cock. You put your shirt off in a second. His eyes were wide open. He watch every movement. When you took off your pant, he followed everything. You took off your bra to reaveal your chest.
You were alone in this room, and you're sure the school wasn't that empty. You could be caught, you didn't locked the door. But you didn't really care. You got closer to him.
'Slow down, I need to catch you up baby' You naturally called him baby, you just called everyone you fuck with like that. He’s not special, and you hope he knows that.
'Oh fuck' He just say right away after you called him baby. He slowed down a little, but struggle. You placed your legs on each side of his. He looked at your eyes and slowly go down, stop by on your chest and then on your crotch. You put your hand under your pantie, starting to rub your clit. You moan of relief, finally able to touch yourself after being that aroused by him.
'Fuck you're so hot' He put his free hand up and stop, not knowing if he could touch you. He put it back.
He can actually, but you won't tell him. You want him to take iniative a little. Sometimes you like not to be in control all along. It's kind of rare. Actually you've done this once, with the only man that you used to date. You wanted to force yourself not to let him, but you wanted to. It felt weird, but at this time, it didn't matter.
'I'm so fucking wet right now' You put a finger at the entrance and slowly put it inside. 'Ah fuck' You moan of pleasure. You open your eyes, he was staring at you intensly.
'I want to taste you' He said softly, with fire in his eyes. That turned you on even more, if possible. You put out your finger and take it to his mouth. He looked right trough your eyes while putting in his mouth. 'Fuck' It was almost a whisper, 'That was hot'
'I won't be able to control myself' He stares, your eyes were questioning 'I want to touch you' You smirk, he stop touching himself and after a second, you cocked an eyebrow. He suddendly lift you up, getting the signal. He put you on the chair, sat on his knees and pulled you on the edge of the chair, spreding your legs. You put your head back.
'You're so wet oh my god' He pressed his lips a few second after saying that on your pussy. He licked one time. 'And you're taste as good as I expected' Fuck, fuck, fuck. How comes the role exchange that fast ? He started playing with his tongue, he was good. You couldn't held your moans.
'Oh Jimin, fuck' He moan after earing his name, sending vibration against your pussy. You almost screamed. He put one figer inside of you and start going faster with his tongue and now, his finger.
'Jimin, oh my, I'm, I-' You kept moaning, feeling you were close.
'Come for me' He said, adding another finger.
'Fuck, hm, fuck' You know you were so close, you were about to explode. You moan a last time and came all over his face.
'Fuck, Park Jimin you-' You couldn't finish your sentense, trying to catch your breath. He put his head away, smiling at you all innocently. He stood up and start to be nervous. You catch your breath after few second and saw him, not that confident anymore.
He just made you come, and was all nervous now ? 'Are you okay ? No that confident anymore ?' You tease, and he blushed. You stood up, facing him, close, he was still hard. You came closer, but not too much, just to not touching him. Fuck you were aroused again. Already on for another round. You looked at his face but he looked away. You took his chin in your hand, and you felt shiver in your spine, just at this simple contact. He looked at you, waiting. As you started to smirk, you put your other hand on his cock, grabbing it firmly. He moan, his timidity suddendly disappared. You start moving, is dick getting a little bit harder. He slowly push you till you hit the wall. You stoped everything, he scofed of your behavior, put you up, again, so you crossed your legs around him, feeling his errection. He put you on the table right away, and let you go. He took his cock in his hand, place it to your entrance and stoped, looking worried for a second and with his other hand, he put his finger next to your entrance and smile.
'Already wet ?' You rolled your eyes of amusement. He grab your waist fermerly and say in a rough voice 'Don't roll your eyes to me' he smirked and put his dick into you and stop a moment, letting you adjust to his size.You choked and were even more amused. He moans asking you if he could move now. You nod and he stared to move. Slowly at first, you synchronized your moans.
'Fuck.. you are.. so tight' He put his head back, licking his lips
'Jimin, go faster' You softly said, as a please. He suddendly moan and went faster. You were almost cryin. He were rough, but didn't hurt you at all. You were coming again. 'Fuck Jimin, you're so big.. you make me come again' You could feel he liked what you said, he start to rub your clit with his hand, and you felt sent to heaven. 'Don't stop baby, I'm coming' You said. And a few moment later you came, tighten your walls again his dick. He kept fucking you hard. It was his turn now.
'Oh fuck, you're tight as fuck y/n, I can't handle more'
'Wait!' You said, still trying to catch your breath. He looked into yours eyes, cocking an eybrow. 'Can I taste you ?'
'Oh fuck yes' He said right away, getting off of you, feeling a void now. You were down on your knees, feeling yours weak. ‘Oh fuck this view' He said, puting his hard dick in your mouth 'You look so innoncent fuck' Yea, it was on purpose. You know that turn on every guy. You started to suck him off, you know you're really good at this. You know what to do and when. 'Oh I'm so close, your mouth feel so warm, I just-' He stop talking and moans loudly when you put his dick on the end of your throat.
'FUCK Y/N!' You started to played with his balls, already hard, giving you the hint that he was really close to come 'I'm coming in a second, if you don't want to..you know' He said carefully, that was cute, he cared about it, but you stay still and he bite his lips, knowing what that meant 'Fuck you're so hot I-' You deeptroath him again and start to suck him so fast. He came seconds later. 'Oh fuck' He say that while you swallows every each of his semence. You take a drop in the corner of your mouth with your thumb and lick it. 'Damn y/n that’s hot.' He smiled while you get up to stood him, face to face
'I like when you say my name too' You smiled and turn to get your stuff, dressing up, just like him. When you turn around, he was all dressed up and was looking at you, waiting for, you didin't even know what.
'We should do that more often' You said passing by him, smiling to yourself. He grab your arm to stop you and your face was so close to him, you caught yourself being nervous.
'I see you tomorrow then' He smirked and look at your lips intensly. You smile and he drop your arm softly. You left the room.
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