#n his black sclera gleams. hes very pretty
mail-me-a-snail · 9 months
sometimes the dot under vance's eyes remind me of the white spots on the back of a tiger's ears
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i don't think he got them for the same purpose though. it just looks cute. snif
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twsted-princess · 5 years
A Meeting in Shadows
A little something for @dragongambler, our Lovecraft D&D inserts first meeting. I need to dust off my writing skills so why not.
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Our scene takes us to a town, a normal town just like the rest. In this ordinary town sits a tavern and as the sun sets the tavern becomes alive with sounds of drunken laughter, the calls for more of ale, and the quiet playing of a lute as the patrons enjoy themselves a night. The pub wasn’t terribly crowded so there were tables in the back which was perfect for a warlock trying to read in semi peace. Raiden was the warlock in question.
With a small tankard of water in one hand and their other hand skimming over the page of the book, they read through the history of R’lyeh a sunken supposedly holding a terrible monster, that sentence got a chuckle out of them as they personally knew the “monster” in question. The candlelight flickered as they turned the page and looked up from their book to see the door open and a figure stepped in. They were wearing a cloak and once the figure was seated the cloak was removed, there sat a fairly pretty young women. Her lilac dress barely touching the ground and the illuminating candles made her blue eyes gleam. She let out a sigh and brush her light brown hair off her shoulders, immediately some the guests were gawking at her and there were some murmurs of drunk men trying to get their buddies into talking to the maiden. 
Raiden just rolled their eyes at the men, the girl looked slightly nervous and given her looks it was obvious that she was of nobility. She was prime flirting material and right in the center of a potential cockfight. The first of the men stood, although he did have quite a bit to drink. He stumbled with a sense of pride towards the girl and placed his elbow on the table, trying to still be smooth.
“Sooooo.....you’re not-” a alcohol induced hiccup broke up but he continued “from around here aren’t cha?” A grin grew on his face as the girl forced herself to smile at him and shook her head, “N-No I’m from up north” was all that came out. “Well, seeing as your sitting here by your lonesome self, why don’t you join me and the rest of the boys for a drink?” he says as he gestures back to the table “We’ll keep ya company for the night....and maybe in your bed if you want to~”. His grin grew devilish as his eyes practically undressed her, the young lady’s smile dropped and she took a breath in before speaking. “My apologies, but I’m already betrothed to someone and he would be very displeased so I ask of you to cease your flirting.” her words were firm but gentle as if it’s a first warning but he didn’t take the hint “Ah don’t worry about it. Your husband’s not here and surely he won’t find it~” “He will know and he’ll be deeply mad.” She said as her eyes wondered around for a another seat away from the perverted buffoon. Her eyes fell on Raiden and in a silent plead of help they moved out the chair next to them. She then got up, excusing herself from the conversation and hurried to Raiden’s table. She was taken back a bit by Raiden’s bright red eye with black sclera while their other eye was a light blue but she didn’t mind it for that long. The flirter scoffed and drags his feet back to his table. “Thank you” was all the maiden said as she sat next to the reader, Raiden smiled and placed an order for another water to the bar maiden. The two exchanged names, Melanie was the maiden’s name and Raiden smiled “It’s nothing really, you should be more careful. Don’t you have guards or someone to protect you? You are a noble after all.” 
Melanie eyes drifted to the table at those words, “I- I do have guards.......but I wanted to get away for a bit since they were breathing down my neck ever since we left.” Raiden’s brow cocked as Mel took her tankard and sipped “Let me guess, parents order?” A nod from the maiden confirmed their guess and she cradled her cheek with her hand as she watch the candle flame dance. “Really it’s all because of who I’m engaged to. My parents and everyone don’t understand when I say he’s a good man. They think he’s just a chaotic monster out for world domination”. That caught Raiden’s attention, a being of chaos? It sounds too familiar but they needed more, “Who are you marrying in question?” they asked and as soon as those got out Melanie looked around, as to make sure no one was listening in. “Please don’t panic when you see this but-” Melanie then lifted up her long hair and turned to show Raiden her back, they scanned until they found it, a inverted black ankh on the back of her neck. The mark of the Crawling Chaos himself Nyarlathotep. As she turned back away she looked embarrassed, but Raiden only smiled and patted her on the shoulder. “So the Black Pharaoh took you as his bride?”    Melanie blushed at the word “bride” and nodded, a genuine smile grew as she thought about her soon to-be husband. Raiden’s smile grew as well and Mel looked at them with a confused look “You’re not weirded out by that? Usually people would think I’m a maniac when I show them that.” Raiden just gave her a knowing look, “Not really but I now know i just found a kindred soul.” Melanie tilted her head at the statement and Raiden simply pointed to their red eye “How do think I got this?” Mel then asked “So...are you married to an unknown god?” Now it was Raiden’s turn to blush and they waved their hand in front of them “W- Well not exactly!!! But um- if Cthulhu wanted to I......” They stammered for a bit until they words got un-tied “So let’s get this straight. We’re both people who’ve gotten into contact with these unknown gods and now we’re on a mission involving them right? Let’s join forces and learn together!! I’ll be able to learn more about these dark forces and you might be able to married your husband as soon as possible, what do you say?” Melanie’s face lit up, her smile was full and bright as the two clanked their tankards together at this newfound team.  
And thus in this normal town a friendship is created, with a new adventure just beginning for the duo.
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