#and i am a little tipsy
mail-me-a-snail · 9 months
sometimes the dot under vance's eyes remind me of the white spots on the back of a tiger's ears
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i don't think he got them for the same purpose though. it just looks cute. snif
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even-in-arcadia · 8 months
I am thinking tonight of Edward Little and the chains in his face -- because they're watch fobs. There are multiple different chains, and surely more than he would have had. Did he collect the chains from his dead companions? Did he add to his adornment as they died? And the symbolism of the watch chains pulling open his eyes, so he couldn't close them, always on duty, on watch. And -- as the last one left, he did watch. He watched all of them die, despite everything, unable to save them. But unable to go off duty until his captain came to relieve him.
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theteapotofdoom · 1 year
You know, last year during the first Dracula Daily event, everyone was so bewitched by the discovery of The True Dracula Story and the revelation that almost every Dracula movie adaptation is Incorrect™️, that everyone was very much Anti Count Dracula. It’s extremely valid of course since he is literally the monstrous antagonist of the story haunting our beloved polycule, and so many adaptations wrongfully portray him as a tragic hero …
BUT THAT BEING SAID I hope that the second Dracula Daily event allows people to take some distance with these feelings, and let them acknowledge that book Dracula is still one of the most iconic and hilarious character of all times.
No he is not a sexy tragic romantic hero, no he is not a misunderstood sad boy who only misses his girlfriend, and no he is not a sexy manic pixie dream boy who frees Mina from a puritan society.
But he is something also great. He is a whole ass creature. Disguised as an unhinged peepaw. Yes he hurts our protagonists, but also he is so fucking funny. Grandpa climbing the walls of his dramatic castle for no reason. Strange little creature desperately trying to act as a Normal Human Man. Most incompetent demonic creature of all times easily defeated by a bunch of bisexuals. This is is great tumblr blorbo material. Reject modernity (sexy romantic Dracula) and embrace tradition (unhinged cringe creature Dracula).
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glassfullofsass · 11 months
Went out to a brewery with a book so I could be around people without having to interact with them (I had a Day, it's fine).
Had a great time, 10/10 would recommend.
However. Let me tell you all. The book I took. The book that I picked up on my way out the door -because I am reading Stars, Hide Your Fires by Jessica Mary Best (who wrote The Strange Case of Starship Iris), which is a pretty good book (8/10 would recommend), but I am almost all the way through with it and I decided I would finish well before I was done with whatever I was consuming at the brewery- the book I fucking picked up was This is How You Lose the Time War.
Y'all I am losing my goddamned mind. I understand now why this book blew up on Twitter. I understand why people have lost their shit about this book. this book is fucking insane. I cannot. it is. it is fucking. I do not understand how people can be this goddamn horny and there's fucking nothing to do with any kind of physicality in this book.it is insane. The forbidden yearning is tangible.
I. please, I just... just, I don't know. I don't even know. just fucking leave me here to die, I guess because I am, at this point, I am a useless little fucking puddle of goo on the face of the universe.
This book has unmade me and I am barely a third of the way through with it.
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firesnap · 7 months
This is now a jellyfish blog
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skelelephant · 10 months
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Wolfstan i love u and ur fuck ass bob
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gingerwerk · 26 days
The challenge is me trying not to drink a whole bottle of wine in one sitting and my ass fails 9 times out of 10
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morgana-ren · 10 months
Prompted from your Asto Gortash Tav response!
I feel like after killing Gortash, Astarion would have endless fun teasing (durge) Tav with the gauntlet of the tyrant. Is this the kind of depraved thing Tav got up to before him? slightly jealousy/spite driven but still a lot of fun
He holds up his arm before her face, flexing his long, pale fingers in rhythmic sequence. The gaudy, arabesque golden gauntlet that adorns his hand spirals and swirls in a cryptic, pretentious design that goads an unsettling grin to spread across his face as he studies it in the light, giggling in a way that has her rolling her eyes with an exasperated huff.
"Is this what you're into, darling? Why didn't you tell me?"
She hardly remembers Gortash-- 'hardly' almost being an exaggeration. Something primal and clawing in her broken brain had responded to the sight of him; his spiced scent, the sound of his voice in her ear, the way he had eyed her as if he had wanted to tear her apart-- but her memory is a heavy stone door, firmly locking her out of her own mind and memories. He was important to her at one point, this much she knows, but whatever they had together wasn't enough for her to sacrifice the world-- her world-- at the altar of his memory.
"I don't know, Astarion. You know that."
"Oh, you must've been!" He arches a brow, giving her a scandalous smile, reaching to inhale his palm. "Seems like he hardly took it off. Still smells vaguely like you—"
"Because I just plucked it from his corpse!"
He hums dismissively, smirking insufferably as he clinks the metallic fingertips on his wrist. "I can be more eccentric, if that's what you desire—"
"He made eyes like a spurned puppy at you, darling. Hesitated to take the shot on you when he could've taken your life if he chose. You must've had something quite special—"
"Are you going to be like all evening?"
"Depends on how you'd like to spend that evening," he leans in, tongue flicking out at her neck. "I have a few ideas—"
The sharp edge of the claw glides softly along the curve of her chin. There is something in his tone that glides across her like a wayward blade, shaving across her skin and threatening to cut. It is flirtatious and inviting, but somehow disdainful and biting, in true Astarion style. There is hurt deep beneath the purr, vulnerability he desperately needs to cover up and bury beneath a mound of licentiousness.
She frowns at him, pushing his arm aside as she exhales her frustration. "Why are you acting like this?"
There's a lilt to his lips that she catches; a slight downturn that even he doesn't catch before she sees it. It's a flash expression but she knows him well enough to catch the glimpse before it fades. He says nothing, nose upturned and fingers still furling-- and yet, he blinks down at the gauntlet, his eyes narrowing and mouth puckering into a slight scowl.
"Are you jealous, Astarion?"
"What?" He scoffs, waving his hand in front of his face dismissively. "What a laugh! Don't be absurd—"
"Oh, you so are!"
She swears she sees his pale cheeks flush, adams apple bobbing ever so slightly. If he hadn't recently fed, it probably wouldn't have been noticeable at all.
"Ridiculous," He puffs air out of his nose, sneering. "Did you see him? That hair and ridiculous outfit? By the Gods, at least put some effort in. Apostle of a God--"
She reaches forward, curling her hand in his, worming her fingers underneath the edges of the ostentatious piece, hearing it drop to the floor with an insignificant clink.
"I did see him--" She reaches up, smoothing the curve of his cheek, coaxing him to look at her. His eyes flick over, wide and red and round, a flash of vulnerability in them as he meets her gaze. "--And I see you."
His hand finds its way to match hers, his knuckles entwining with her love and warmth. He leans in to the touch, a soft sound from his throat as he does. His face falls, and for a moment-- a singular, beautiful moment-- his mask falls away.
"I see who is on the floor, and who stands beside me now. Do you?"
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excelsior9173 · 7 days
i feel like i need an international friend to follow me around for a month and then give me a list of all my “canadianisms”
because obviously as a canadian these things won’t stand out to me. i have no idea what mannerisms/slang/behaviours are culturally significant all the time (obviously i know the stereotypical ones and slang is regional so that’s kind of difficult lol)
i swear i come on the internet everyday and am all “this is a completely normal thing to do/say” and then i’ll see a post and realize that like “no that’s not normal it makes it glaringly obvious you’re canadian” like ??? that’s so cool to me! that there are things i do and say that are so ingrained they are second nature and ignored but signal to people not from here that i am canadian!
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lunainthemoona · 14 days
hey!! i came across this video on my tiktok recently by someone named Lila, and i asked her if she was cool for me to respost this on tumblr (they said yes) because i think they made some really great points that i would love to add on to.
while on the internet, it is SO important to learn how to distance yourself. when you’re too wrapped up in the internet its so easy to get overwhelmed by information and hate and just. negative things, but those things DO NOT define you as a person!! i wish this was taught and talked about more!! other people do NOT define who you are as a person, whether it’s something they’re saying to you or as Lila said, how they identify! you are your own person, and how you define yourself is up to YOU.
now, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t identities that are harmful. i’ve been listening to the afab transfem conversation, ive been harassed over it. transmisogyny is a serious issue in the trans community and i wish it was addressed more seriously. i will absolutely recognize the TERF’s that are using the term. the issue is, that is still an identity. so many people, especially intersex people, have explained genuine medical reasonings and other reasons for why they use this term.
this is where i once again talk about distancing yourself. i am not trying to say dont worry about these things, because discourse within the community IS important! it helps bring things to attention! but like Lila and other people i mentioned ^ have said, not only are a lot of the terms people are using medical (nobody’s business, people don’t owe you their medical information or history. you are not their family or their doctor.) but there are people who hate the entire community regardless of what they identify as. harassing other minorities is not the answer.
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defsiarte · 1 month
thinking about ace attorney and how every one of the main defense attorneys has their own weirdgirl in their corner. Where does athena fit into that? It feels weird calling her a weirdgirl bc like she passed the bar and therefore is an attorney in her own right. but at the same time, when we see her she's usually taking a backseat role to Apollo or Phoenix. If she isn't the designated weirdgirl for aa5, who do we consider hers?
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byanyan · 2 months
i don't experience gender envy often......... but when i do, it's fucking jungkook's fault 😤😤
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the-holy-ghosted · 2 months
i forgot that shows can be good. sometimes
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rubyloops · 3 months
“We will order room service and we’ll have it sent here.”
“You’re a very clever man.”
ReGenesis, Season 1 Episode 5 “The Oldest Virus”
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crepusculum-rattus · 10 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Philza Hardcore - Fandom Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Phil Watson | Philza, Phil Watson | Philza's Chat Additional Tags: Phil Watson | Philza's Hardcore Series, Greater Spawn Islands (Philza Hardcore Season Four), Human Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Phil Watson-centric (Video Blogging RPF), small mentions of the s4 gods, Alternate Universe, i mean it's kinda an AU but also kinda not so. take that tag as u will Series: Part 1 of you can't crawl back without making a choice Summary:
Phil takes a deep breath of fresh air and laughs on the exhale. It’s beautiful, this new world. Entirely untouched by anyone but the Universe itself. The wind blows gently across his face, pulling some of his hair into his eyes– it feels like a playful greeting, and he grins. He throws his arms out to either side of him and closes his eyes with a wide smile.
“Fucking finally,” he says to no one but the open sky, “Freedom.”
OR, the very very beginning of Phil's adventures in Hardcore Season 4
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hopetorun · 5 months
my plans for this afternoon were to walk the brooklyn bridge and then get an early dinner with a friend and we did those things and then we were like, but what if next we go to the canadian-themed bar to experience that during the nhl playoffs which is how we ended up watching the third period and overtime of the canucks game at a bar that was maybe 35% canucks fans, 20% preds fans, and 45% rangers fans waiting for the canucks/preds game to end so they could watch their team which was a 10/10 experience i had a blast
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