#n idk if there r any other butches that feel like this abt mulan but when i always loved
maddzroks · 2 years
see ok now the thing abt watching Mulan as a baby butch is that ur like feeling and experiencing gender envy but also the movie came out the year u were born so you've just always felt THAT WAY when u watch it bc you've watched it 237 times and ur like idk what's happening but when will I b able to cut my hair like that?? I know I don't want to be a boy but I want to be a boy like she's a boy??? but what is that ??
n then if ur like me u also just love body swap episodes of cartoons bc something abt Kim possibles voice coming out of ron stoppables body is doing that Same Thing that u can't quite put ur finger on but u think 'honestly it would b cool if Kim just looked like Ron all the time!'
and then u cut ur OWN hair and when u look in the mirror it's like oh my god, THIS is That Feeling, I never thought I'd be able to feel it about myself... n when u find the word Butch it all just makes so much sense
and like how fucking cool, that now I just get to keep feeling like this EVERY day!!!
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