#how could a baby butch NOT want to grow up and be just like her!!!
maddzroks · 2 years
see ok now the thing abt watching Mulan as a baby butch is that ur like feeling and experiencing gender envy but also the movie came out the year u were born so you've just always felt THAT WAY when u watch it bc you've watched it 237 times and ur like idk what's happening but when will I b able to cut my hair like that?? I know I don't want to be a boy but I want to be a boy like she's a boy??? but what is that ??
n then if ur like me u also just love body swap episodes of cartoons bc something abt Kim possibles voice coming out of ron stoppables body is doing that Same Thing that u can't quite put ur finger on but u think 'honestly it would b cool if Kim just looked like Ron all the time!'
and then u cut ur OWN hair and when u look in the mirror it's like oh my god, THIS is That Feeling, I never thought I'd be able to feel it about myself... n when u find the word Butch it all just makes so much sense
and like how fucking cool, that now I just get to keep feeling like this EVERY day!!!
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beyondkion-blog · 27 days
Resident Evil Characters - A Summary
Note: This is entirely my own opinion and said with a heavy dose of humor
Please enjoy
Chris Redfield
Started as a twunk
Became an angry gorilla man???
Alpha Male™️
Punches boulders
Wants you to marry his sister
Hide yo kids, hide yo wife
Rude to wait staff
2/10 - Just a guy. Hit him with your car
Jill Valentine
Other OG
Arguably better main of RE1
Master of Unlocking
Bisexual Bob™️
Once got mind-controlled into going blonde
Rocket Launcher babe
Big Strap Energy
Giant anime gun
Albert Wesker
OG Baddy
Thinks he’s cool
A little too into Chris
“What are we going to do this game, Albert?”
“What we do every game, Alex: try to take over the world”
Matrix jacket
Maybe a vampire?
Looks like my uncle (derogatory)
Barry Burton
A+ line delivery
Just happy to be a part of things
Wishes his daughter would talk to him
Comes through in a pinch
Got lost on his way to The Last of Us
Father figure
Not dead out of sheer dumb luck
Rebecca Chambers
Baby butch
Sees the best in everyone
Autism be damned, my girl can work a shotgun
Mommy Domme/Babygirl switch vibes
Sweet coffee addict
Doing fine, thanks for asking
Awkward thumbs up
Billy Coen
Bad Boy™️
Never bothered to take off his handcuffs
Moral standards
Strong silent type
Whole situation could’ve been avoided by just talking about his issues but no
Queen fan
Leon S. Kennedy
If a golden retriever became a human and then got kicked every day of its life
Having a really bad first day
Into dominant women
Dumb 90s haircut
Uses comedy as a coping mechanism
Hair grows in direct correlation to his level of angst
“Hey demons, it’s me, ya boi”
Dog lover
Certified Good Boy™️
Fucked up a perfectly good rookie is what you did. Look at it, it’s got depression
Claire Redfield
College student stuck in the zombie apocalypse
Soft butch
Forced her brother to teach her how to knife fight
Really into motorcycles
Leather jacket
Rocket Launcher babe #2
Always has at least one adopted child with her
10/10 would ask to babysit
Ada Wong
Mommy. Sorry. Mommy- sorry. Mommy-
Grappling hook
Badass spy
Emotionally distant
Soft spot for cute cuddly things (Leon)
Femme fatale
Book lover
Chaotic neutral
Crossbow 😍
Could step on me and I’d say thank you
Rocket launcher babe #3
Sherry Birkin
Goosebumps protagonist
Worst parents ever tbh
Surprisingly good under pressure
Please someone get this girl some therapy
Smartest person here
One hell of a shot
The trauma is immeasurable
Somehow still doing fine
Loves her weird adopted family
Carlos Oliviera
First POC main?
Went from three polygons and a white boy haircut in the original to actual gorgeous South American hunk in the remake
Lost his accent along the way for some reason
#1 Jill simp
If Dug from Up was a guy
Only trustworthy person in the whole series
Just wants to help
Gorgeous gorgeous hair
Loves strong women
Hakuna matata
10/10 would peg
Steve Burnside
Who is this sassy lost child?
Hot Topic employee
Into Claire (she’s too old for you bud)
Thinks he’s edgy
Daddy issues
Luis Serra Navaro
If Puss in Boots was a human
The Most Extra™️
Luscious flowing locks
Definitely into bondage
Used to work for Umbrella
Trying to make up for it
Don Quixote references
Good with his hands
Praying for a threesome with Leon and Ada
Ashley Graham
Basic white girl
Always getting kidnapped
Master of Unlocking #2
Razor flip phone
Ada Wong bisexual awakening (same)
Good with a wrecking ball
Makes Leon catch her every time she has to jump a ledge (also same)
Would like to go to Hot Topic, please
Sheva Alomar
Player 2
Second POC main
Bad AI
Too good for her game
Willing to go on a suicide mission with a guy she just met
Left handed
Deserves a better stylist
Only good part of RE5
Literally my girl got done so dirty just give her another chance please
Moira Burton
“It’s not a phase, dad!”
Probably gay
Weak arms
Box dyed her hair at least once
Simple Plan playing in the background
Childhood trauma
Piers Nivans
Trying his best
Appreciates a good steak
Sick of Chris’ bullshit
Good with a rifle
Just a good man
German Shepherd boy
Jake Muller
Wesker’s son
Daddy issues
Who invited Ronan Lynch here?
Quips for days
Bad boy
Loves the type of woman who can kick his ass
The Most Edgy™️
Ethan Winters
Husband of the year
Surprisingly chill
The most basic white man in all of RE
Hands? What hands?
Functionally a lizard
Would still love you if you were a worm
Just casually knows how to craft bullets
Mia Winters
Toxic girlfriend energy
Literally possessed
Dark sense of humor
Gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss
Casually working for a bioterrorism organization
Does actually care about her family
Definitely doesn’t have a penicillin allergy
If you can’t be the girl of his dreams, you can at least be the feral swamp witch of his nightmares
Zoe Baker
Mold intolerance
Southern accent thicker than grandma’s gravy
Picked last on the playground
Somehow okay despite her brother being Like That
Joe’s favorite
Science skills
Lucas Baker
Didn’t even need the mold
Probably got at least one true crime documentary made about him
Working for Mia’s bioterrorism organization
Left his classmate rotting in the attic
Just the worst
Alcina Dimetrescu
Please step on me
Elizabeth Bathory vibes
Just fucking huge
Can turn into a dragon
Karl Heisenberg
Tumblr Sexyman
When robotics majors get weird
Fights with his siblings
Doesn’t actually care at all about Miranda
In cahoots with the lycans
Rosemary Winters
Mommy and Daddy issues
YA protagonist
Childhood trauma
Into the Mold-verse
Alternate universe Sherry Birkin
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datura-tea · 8 months
i just realized something. my player characters with bethesda-mandated family (lone wanderer gwen and sole survivor sofia) are estranged from that family. meanwhile my couriers (moz, kiwi, and avery) have pretty good relationships with their families :) that's what happens when a backstory isn't forced to your character i guess!!
details under the cut
gwen and james, though stuck in close proximity in the vault for 19 years, are as distant as can be. james has his work, his projects. gwen has all the turbulent drama of childhood and teenage life. they have their moments, but otherwise? nothing much. except for lectures and reprimands, they don't really talk, especially post-james and ellen's divorce. gwen has more of a relationship with ellen and butch than james.
their relationship gets worse topside, when after all gwen has done to get to james is pushed to the side because all james can think of is project purity. so after he dies, what does gwen do? let his pet project die as well. she doesn't even know what the passcode number is, when sarah lyons asks her. how the fuck would she know? her father barely told her anything. she didn't know ellen deloria wasn't her biological mom until after james divorced ellen and told gwen the truth. she's not even sure if he loved her for herself, or if he just loved her the way a parent loves their child - as an extension of themself and their values. now that he's dead, she'll never know for sure.
sofia has a good relationship with her family back home in the philippines, all six siblings and both parents and both sets of grandparents, and countless uncles and aunts and cousins of them. the problem is nate. and shaun, eventually. the thing is, sofia never imagined herself marrying a foreigner, much less a blue-eyed american soldier. she never would have married nate if he hadn't gotten her pregnant. but with abortion being illegal in the philippines, and with nate being "a true gentleman" in his words, there was little else she could do.
in boston, a shotgun wedding. which turned into a loveless marriage pretty quick, once the honeymoon phase wore off. homesickness. morning sickness. anti-asian racist microagressions from neighbors who've never met a filipino before, even though america annexed the philippines decades ago. a miserable life, freshly post-partum and friendless and jobless, all alone in a big house with only a baby and a robot butler for company. who wouldn't fall into a deep depression?
and don't get me started on shaun. sofia placed all her hopes and dreams and joys on meeting her baby boy and watching him grow up, teaching him tagalog and sharing with him all her favorite meals and memories. can you imagine how sofia felt, when he got kidnapped? when she spent her first year in the post-apocalypse relentlessly trying to find him? when she killed kellogg in her rage and grief over him? when, finally, they meet and he isn't a baby but an old man, the leader of the group she's looking to dismantle, and she realizes that he came from her but he's not of her, he doesn't know her and she doesn't know him, and she hates everything he stands for, but still she's his mother and she loves him but she'll never like him? can you imagine???
meanwhile: moz and her big family with her mothers dalisay and philomena, her big brother lakan with his wife guadalupe and their eight kids (all adopted), and her husband ulysses and their child ree, plus everyone in the painted hairs, everyone in their town whom she calls tito and tita and ate and kuya and bunso and totoy and nene :) nothing but love and understanding there!!
kiwi and their family of butchers and tailors - grandmother, father, mother, and brothers, all adept with shiny sharp things. strict but loving, in the "i want what i think is best for you" kind of way. kiwi would have stayed if their father didn't keep forcing the butchershop and their straight marriage to a family friend's daughter on them. honestly if kiwi went home, they'd find their father a changed man - he only wants kiwi to be happy, really; if wearing sequins and being the right-hand man of mr house is the key to that happiness, then so be it!
avery is an only son, raised by a single mother after his ncr ranger father died. he and his mother will defend each other to death - which is why avery set fire to his mother's asshole (now ex-)boyfriend's house when he hurt avery's mom. on the run, avery still writes letters home. he never leaves a return address until after he gains amnesty for his arson charge. by then, his return address is the lucky 38. his mom sends him one hell of a letter. the first thing he does after winning the battle of hoover dam is go home to his mom :)
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Werewolf Pack Intros
CW: Yandere stuff
Werewolves (from shortest to tallest because I wasn’t sure how to organize them lol):
Brat (he/him, she/her guy): Shortest, smallest. Has dyed hair in human form. Wolf form has black fur. Demanding, bratty, pouts a lot but is genuinely really sweet.
Girlboss(?) (she/her): Second shortest of the group, but still taller than a lot of humans. More bark than bite, and thinks of herself as a big dog and girlboss even though she’s not quite there yet.
Nerd (he/him): Shyest of the group by far; always keeps his head down/nose in a book. His wolf form has reddish brown fur, and he’s got the hardest time controlling his instincts out of the group, being the most recently turned/added to the group. The others try to drag him into their fun and shenanigans but he’s pretty reluctant and kinda touchy. Prone to angry outbursts as well— he didn’t really want to be turned or stay with the pack. Some of them are growing on him though.
Delinquent (he/him): Wolf form is dark brown. Definitely has an attitude problem, and views werewolves as being better than people. Local heartbreaker— prone to flirting and running, getting into fights at the bar, and driving just a little too fast. This adrenaline junkie doesn’t want to stop for anything— except you, baby ;)
Hunter (he/him butch): Second-tallest of the group, with a white wolf form. Fastest and most efficient at hunting. No-nonsense kinda attitude overall but remarkably chill with the others’ nonsense, for better or worse 😅
Sheriff (he/him): Tired old man. His back hurts from carrying the pack and trying to keep them a secret from the government and human residents in the area. Doesn’t really like his job, but it gives him access to destroy certain files that could expose them. It also gives him an excuse to look after that damn troublemaker.
Interpack Dynamics:
Brat + Girlboss: Frenemies with benefits. Girlboss often feels the need to fuss at Brat and keep him in line, so he’ll be poutier around her. They also fight over makeup and clothes sometimes, having similar styles.
Brat + Nerd: Brat flusters Nerd a lot, and nerd is kinda tsun/unsure about it, not used to people being so affectionate or open in attraction to him. Brat loooooves how flustered nerd gets, but also wishes he felt more comfortable around him and has a genuine crush 💔
Brat + Delinquent: they’ll hang out and cause trouble together for sure. Parties, bars, good wingmen for each other. Delinquent has a definite weakness for Brat’s, well, bratty attitude and indulges her quite a bit.
Brat + Hunter: Hunter finds himself rolling his eyes at Brat quite a bit, but can’t find it in himself to be genuinely annoyed, unlike Girlboss. Brat likes Hunter a lot, and is always trying to figure out how to get them to like him more.
Brat + Sheriff: Brat really enjoys messing with the Sheriff and getting on his nerves, but is careful to not go too far with it. The Sheriff, for his part, immediately gets a headache whenever Brat comes up to him with that mischievous smile. Does his best to be patient, even with the over-exaggerated flirting Brat likes to put on. Brat would definitely let Sheriff hit, but Sheriff doesn’t seem too interested.
Girlboss + Nerd: she’s really the one he feels most comfortable around. She likes hanging out with him as well; they like a lot of the same shows and music, and they don’t stress each other out much.
Girlboss + Delinquent: she’ll go along with his antics, but they definitely have a frenemies thing going on. They respect each other but also despise the way the other goes about doing stuff, if that makes sense? He’ll also use her head as an armrest just because it gets on her nerves😂😅
Girlboss + Hunter: Hunter and Girlboss like each other pretty well. Girlboss looks up to Hunter and has a bit of a puppy crush, wanting to get stronger and be more like him.
Girlboss + Sheriff: Sheriff has a soft spot for Girlboss; to be fair, she doesn’t give him too much trouble. She thinks he’s pretty cool, but not as cool as Hunter.
Nerd + Delinquent: really at odds over how they view being werewolves, and how they think of humans. Delinquent tends to push Nerd’s buttons and bully him. Nerd can’t quite decide if it pisses him off genuinely or if it makes him feel something a bit… different 😳
Nerd + Hunter: Hunter has conflicting feelings towards Nerd— guilt for turning him, wariness for the dangerous anger he holds inside, but also a desire to help and protect him. Nerd feels resentful of Hunter for turning him.
Nerd + Sheriff: Nerd is also pissed at Sheriff for the circumstances of his turning. Sheriff feels some guilt over this, too. They are often at odds. Usually Sheriff has to keep closest watch over Delinquent, but since Nerd came around, he’s had to keep an eye on him more.
Delinquent + Hunter: the Delinquent tests Hunter’s patience anytime he gets, but Hunter has yet to cave in. Once in a blue moon, Delinquent can also convince Hunter to go in on his harebrained schemes like kidnapping you
Delinquent + Sheriff: Headaches all around. Delinquent is pissed at the sheriff for being so uptight and controlling. Sheriff gets annoyed at the delinquent for jeopardizing the group’s low profile. Delinquent is delighted at Nerd for being angry and difficult for Sheriff and getting Sheriff off his back lol.
Hunter + Sheriff: deep mutual respect for each other, they spend more time with each other than the rest of the pack. The decision to kidnap you, which Sheriff did NOT sign off on, drives a wedge between them. It’s hard to stay angry forever when the Sheriff is forced to face the fact he’s happy you’re here to stay too…. Even if it makes his job much harder.
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thehoundwrites · 2 years
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Kinktober 2022 - Day 2 - Mommy kink
Grayson x FEM!Reader
CW: mommy kink, overstimulation, funishment, dacryphilia
Proof read: Lol no
Grayson brought you to dinner. It was beautiful, she was beautiful dressed down in her beautiful tan suit, the with a green tie that brought out her eyes in just the right way. Her hair combed slightly, you can tell she got all dressed up for you. So of course you had to match. You had your favorite fancy outfit on, whether it was your dress or your tux she said the same thing.
"You look stunning my love" she said soft lips grazing the skin of your knuckles.
Your smile widened, almost in shock from how gorgeous everything was, there was also her. The way she looked and treated you like the most beautiful girl in the world.
"I was going to say the same thing honey" you smiled at her, letting your curious eyes wonder around the room slowly panning over your lovers body shamelessly. A smirk growing on your lips.
She pulled your chair out, ordered and paid for you. She was... Truly incredible.
The day ended over your perfect night and it was time to go home. But then you let out a comment. A simple slip of the tongue, a joke that you didn't think through.
The older butch happily held open the door for you with a bright smile softening her features. And then a simple comment.
"Thank you mommy"
She didn't take it as a joke, her eyes scanned down your body her lips hung open a bit. "Mommy huh?" She quirked an eyebrow.
"Baby I-"
"No no baby, it's okay"
She closes the door on you and walked to the driver side starting the car.
"Here I thought you were going to call me mommy.." she said driving off her hand on your thigh.
"Did you want me to?" You looked at her your fingers grazing over her knuckles slightly embarrassed from your slip up.
"I love when you call me mommy, princess" she brought your hand up to her mouth kissing it.
Yet, despite it being a simple joke, it led your downhill fast. With your legs dangling off the table and on your third orgasm, her tongue traced between your lips over and over pulling moans and cries from your throat with every stroke of her finger.
Her free palm roamed you body, soaking up every bit of skin she could from her angle. With her lips pressed to your thighs sucking just enough to leave little red marks on her precious little girl.
Soft fingertips padded at your clit, slowly entering your cunt over and over and over until she picked up her pace mercilessly. Grayson's green eyes watching you from between your thighs.
"You sound so good for Mommy, dear" she teased her smirk only growing wider at your reddened face.
"Fuck Grayson-" you moaned
Her fingers fucked deep into you pulling out a loud whimper from the depths of your chest.
"C'mon darling you know what to call me"
You shook your head squinting your eyes shut as she fucked you with her fingers adding a third when you didn't answer, you were on the verge of tears with the overstimulation of your pussy.
"Pleeease" you cried out begging for her usual gentleness.
But it seems you woke a beast, passion burned in her eyes as her eyelids hung over with lust.
"Say it"
"Good girl," she said, pulling her fingers out, giving you a moment to rest and breathe.
The sudden loss of warmth was prominent as she walked away only to come back with her purple strap, your favorite. Thick, girthy and curved in all the right places, almost like it was molded for you.
"That's my girl"
She said pulling you by your ankles into the perfect position to fit her cock. The tip poked at your entrance, opening it just a bit to see the wetness trail down your skin.
"You look beautiful like this my dove" she said, picking up your legs and hanging them over her shoulder kissing your bare heel.
Her hands held your hips as she thrusted into you again and again, her grunts getting louder as you cunt squeeze her cock.
"Cum for Mommy my sweet"
And you did, but she didn't stop not until you looked like you were going to pass out. Her hips bucked desperate to hear more of those beautiful songs you couldn't stop singing. She was en
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atypical-artisan · 1 year
Punch out boxer's relationships with their mom!
Just a little thing for mother's day that I thought would be fun.
Glass Joe:
Good relationship. They've always been loving but grew closer after he left school. She supports him and his sister no matter what, so long as they're happy she is too. Mom hasn't always been able to protect him when he needed it but he still loves her and forgives her nonetheless.
Even when they disagree, they make an effort to see each other's perspective and find a middle ground. His boxing career really tests the poor woman's heart but she holds her fears back as to not discourage him too much- after all, he is his father's son.
Von Kaiser:
Never really knew her. She died when he was 3, leaving him with only a few fuzzy memories of her. If she were still alive, he likes to think they'd get along. He loved hearing about her from neighbors growing up and ended up thinking of her as a martyr. As an adult, he has a bit more nuance about her as a person, but still holds her on a pedestal.
The closest thing he had to a mother was a neighbor with kids of her own who kept a close eye on Kaiser and his brother and took care of them when she could. She left the city when he was still a child, but he never forgot her kindness.
Disco Kid:
Mother died when he was a baby. He knows nothing of her and tries not to think about her too often to avoid getting sad. When he does think about her, he ends up spiraling in grief about how much he's lost- his parents, his mom's culture, most of his family, even his name.
Has a mother figure in an old butch lady who runs a music shop not far from where he lives. She encouraged his musical interest and also introduced him to boxing as self defense. She's glad she could get him as far as he is now as his coach and proud of the effort he puts in as a boxer.
King Hippo:
Him and his mom were close when he was a kid but grew distant when he left the island to be a boxer. She didn't approve of his career, thinking he'd be better off taking in his father's job as a local storyteller and poet.
When his dad died, they reconciled and have returned to a close relationship. His mother still isn't a fan of his job, but understands that it's what her son wants to do with his life and how proud her husband was of Hippo's choice.
Piston Hondo:
Loves his mom... but whenever they spend time with each other she gets on his nerves. He knows she means well but hates how hard she is about his accomplishments. A part of him is scared that if he asserts himself, she'll disown him so he hasn't said anything about it. She's also pretty tough on his love life, always asking if he has a girlfriend and pointing out how he needs to get married and have kids like his sister.
Still, he can't help loving her for encouraging his preference for sports and convincing his dad to lay off academics. For her part, she does love him, but just wants him to be better (She's bitter about all the cheaters above him in rank)
Bear Hugger:
Great relationship! They spend as much time together as possible and get along very well. Their relationship is quite friendly and has only gotten better as he's gotten older. They like to make fun of each other and do woodworking projects.
The only major hiccup in their relationship was her initial wariness of his wife since she was 'city folk'. Bear put his foot down very quickly and she hasn't complained since. She's proud of his boxing career, but always teases him about being 'turned into an American/New Yorker'.
Great Tiger:
His mom is overprotective but he's long since accepted it as just her personality. He used to dislike her because of it but as an adult he sees things from her perspective much better and accepts her as she is. The best part is that he still gets a bunch of help with basic life stuff like laundry, cooking, and cleaning whenever he stays in India with his parents, which leaves him with a bunch more free time.
As a show of thanks, he pays for a lot of spa stuff for her and often joins the shorter trips. His mom wasn't too miffed about him using magic in the ring and finds it hilarious, unlike his dad. She's mostly happy he just found a job that's stable and that he likes, even if it's violent as hell.
Don Flamenco:
Loves his mom but they definitely have their disagreements. They butt heads quite a bit sometimes playfully, sometimes not. The big thing between them is his desire to marry Carmen.
She doesn't disapprove of Carmen as a person, but she doesn't like the idea of him marrying before 29- she got married young and wants her kids to enjoy their 20s. She also wishes he was more religious and doesn't approve of his flirtiness overall. She wasn't as bummed by his boxing career as his dad, but it still took her some time to come around to it.
Aran Ryan:
Gets along great with his mom! There was a dip in their relationship in his late teens/early 20s, but they've always loved each other a lot. Tons of playful ribbing and teasing between these two as well as a lot of open affection.
They're close enough that Aran often goes to her when he feels shitty about himself- she always knows what he needs to hear. Aran would definitely spoil her with nice things if she let him. She's very proud that he's made a name for himself as a boxer, even if he cheats (Pretty much everyone else does, so why the hell not?).
Soda Popinski:
Momma's boy. His mom is very honest with him and he adores her- to the point where she can do no wrong in his eyes (even when she is wrong). She doesn't actually care about what he chooses to do with his life, so long as he isn't malicious. Very supportive and protective of each other.
Fights with his sister if she points out any wrongdoing on their mom's part. She's proud of his career as a boxer, but much less so of his forced involvement with the Russian government or his doping to win.
Bald Bull:
So many mommy issues. Genuinely struggles to love his mom because of how bad she did at raising him/protecting him growing up. They disagree on so much it isn't even funny. There's always a lot of tension when they're in the same room. He feels like she's disappointed in him for his career choice (she is) and even hates him for how he's grown to react to the paparazzi (she does).
Still, there are moments where things are fine, almost even loving, between them. It made Bull hopeful for years that maybe his mom would become more tolerable or even work on herself but that has yet to happen. Nowadays, he avoids her if he can.
Super Macho Man:
Loves his mom to death. He isn't as close to her as his dad, but he likes spending time with her. They don't have as many shared interests as him and his dad but fish and swimming are big ones. She worries over his mental/physical health and, even if he never says it, he really appreciates her concern. Definitely close enough to rib on each other.
She's one of the few people he allows to touch his hair or drive him around. Always gives her big gifts and joins her to fancy parties when he can. She doesn't get his focus on boxing especially since he's safer pursuing one of his many other sporty interests, but at least appreciates that he isn't 100% devoted to modeling.
Mr. Sandman:
Loves his mom, but doesn't get along with her sometimes. They've had a lot of ups and downs, but they've both mellowed out as he's grown up. Their relationship was at its worst when he was a teenager. Every time they fight, they end up making up by the end of the week. They struggle to see each other's perspective and respect each other sometimes, but they always know that it's going to be okay between them.
Even with their problems, his mom is proud of her boy for having become and still trying to be a better person than he once was. Though she wishes he worked closer to home, she is very proud of his boxing career and how he doesn't let the fame get to his head.
Little Mac:
Never knew his mom. She died when he was an infant and he never had a mother figure under Doc's care. He doesn't mind that he never had a mother figure, or even a very prominent female one, but still wonders who his birth mother was. It makes him sad to have never known her but tries not to dwell on it.
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softlyapocalytpic · 1 year
Felt like I was in a mood to think about how Amy would feel about the growing romance between Butch & Lainey in our LW wanderer AU <3 @persephotea take this small silly treat
Amy was bouncing her leg hard enough that her desk was starting to rattle. Mr. Brotch looked back at her a couple times with an arch brow, but something on her face made him keep his thoughts to himself. Amata - and Freddie - didn't feel so charitable. She tried to stop, really, she did, but anytime she saw Butch giving Lainey those big ol' doe eyes when he thought no one was looking it made her want to snap her pencil.
When Lainey had started tutoring him she'd been worried. Not the Butch would try anything weird, but that he'd be a dipshit. Now Lainey was looking at him like blushy cheeks and baby doll eyes and- and she wasn't saying a word to Amy about it. Both her and Amata kept asking, but Lainey's lips were sealed.
Amy dug her pencil onto the page of the essay and tried really really hard to not be pissed off about it. What Lainey did on her own time was none of her damn business and Lainey wanted to keep secrets now than whoop-di-fucking doo. Good for her.
Someone tapped her shoulder and Amy turned to fund a marker being handed to her, big brown eyes that smiled at the corners. Lainey had leaned over, smelling like cinnamon & coffee, and her heart skipped a bit Amy looked at it warily.
"Brotch still hasn't given you the colors back?"
Amy was scowling back (she knew she shouldn't, she could hear her Dad reprimanding her) but took the marker anyway, "I'm on a two-week probation. Apparently 'the bard's work isn't for doodling'." Amy rolled her eyes, "I don't get what's so great about Romeo and Juliet anyway-"
A ruler rapped against her desk, "Lockhart, Watson. Care to share with the class?"
They both straightened up in their seat instinctively, but Amy's mouth was faster than her brain, "I mean I could, but I don't think you'd like it." She bit her tongue.
'Damn it.' She could hear Butch and the other snakes snickering on the other side of class and it made her want to punch something.
"Please, go ahead."
If it had been any other day she would've shut her mouth and apologized (probably), but having all these eyes on her made her skin crawl and she was so tired of Butch's shit. "I don't see what's so great about Romeo and Juliet."
"Why is the best love story ever written? They don't love each other- they barely know each other! Romeo was in love with someone else at the start of the story, whose to say he would've been any better to Juliet had they actually lived? It's just sad, not romantic. It shouldn't be seen as a love story, but instead what happens when-"
Brotch cut her off, "I'm glad to see you were actually paying attention to some of the lecture, but next time-" he plucked the marker out of her hand, "-try applying that to your behavior, please."
Amy slumped into her seat and propped her chin in her hand feeling all of those hot sparks flying and nowhere to put it. She zoned out the rest of the lecture feeling like moments from flying off the handle, and was going to stalk off to practice when a warm hand grabbed hers.
"Amy! Wait up!"
Cinnamon and coffee.
She felt her cheeks ignite.
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butch-bakugo · 1 year
Thats it, im talking about the perisexist aka intersexphobic side of terfs that needs to be addressed more often.
Like terfs fucking hate drag and call anyone, trans or cis, male or female, participating in it "sexual perverts" for wanting to expose children to it but claim you'll die a thousand deaths for gnc women? Bs. Drag is just gender nonconformity on fuckin steroids and it's not inherently sexual. Like why is a woman in a suit only ok to you if she walks around stateing that she is a woman but not ok if she dosent? Like yall are so trigger happy, you shoot at cis butch lesbians with short blue hair who arent actively talking about womanhood and vaginas and accuse her of being an evil tranny whose either a traitor to her fellow woman or a "tim" trying to identify as woman and making a mockery of gnc women.
Yall are so caught up on fuckin genitalia that you dont see the numerous poc cultures, non-christian religions, gnc people and intersex people you drown in your wake who were never aginest feminism but are too "trans-similar" for you to chill tf out. Ive had people tell me im "obviously a non-passing trans woman" just because im intersex with a beard.
Every single time ive addressed intersex people who can not, no matter how much you try, be sorted into male or female, ive been told we dont matter. Intersex people DO MATTER. Your not helping anyone but perisex, hormonally stable cis white women. Hormonally intersex afabs arnt gonna fucking want you, your telling them they dont matter. Physically intersex people raised as women arnt gonna want you, your telling them they dont fucking matter. Hyperandrogonious cis women dont want shit to do with you because your already accusing her of "clearly being a trans woman" because she can naturally grow a beard. The only femininity and women who benefit from terf shit are cis white gc perisex women.
Im not gonna throw away my native culture's gender variance for some white terf just because most white cultures are patriarchal. Im not gonna throw out my genderfluid religious practices for some catholic raised "anti-theist" terf who is one sentence away from saying islamophobic and anti-Semitic slurs just because she believes all muslims and jewish people are sexist and follow the sexist portions of their holy text.
I mean fuck, ive seen terfs advocate for hormonally intersex women to TAKE ESTROGEN so they look less "male" and act less "male". Ive seen them advocate for intersex (mostly afab) babies with intersex genitalia to go through Fgm, a thing they VEHEMENTLY hate just so shes more "female" and can fit their boxes better. Ive seen them say that testosterone makes you inherently violent and angry without dareing to see the actual fucking medical evidence that thats entirely untrue. Ive seen them adovocate for putting 10 year old sons of female rape victims out of shelters because "hes a man at that point" and "other women's safety comes first".... Over a hypothetical and soon to be hypothermic 10 year old boy. Some of them fully and shamelessly base their ideology around genuinely killing all men and male fetuses like... Fuck dude. I think you might need some therapy. Like i get feeling that way, im a victim of many men in my life and if i could choose a world where i can only interact with everyone but cis men, id choose it but im not advocating for the complete genocide of an entire group of people.
The way they talk about trans people smells all to familiar to any group thats gone through genocide and governmental oppression. Its similar to gay people, disabled people, women, poc, non-christians, everyone can see abit of the bigotry in their argument they see in their own oppressors and that should be a real big flashing sign that maybe terfism... Isnt the way to go. When i explain to people that radical feminism can be trans inclusive and its simply and active and deeper form of feminism, i get laughed at by both sides but its true. Tirfs do exist and they include trans and intersex and nonbinary people of all kinds and yes, that includes amabs and many progressives today would fall under that label. But heres the thing, modern day and previous forms of feminism in america have always benefited white cishet women. Susan b fucking anthony supported slavery and did not advocate for black women to be able to vote. Anti-gender variance ignores many poc cultures rich and accepting histories of transgenderism, nonbinarism and intersexuality. So many "pinnicles of feminism" that terfs hold up were racist or homophobic or anti-Semitic. Trans, nonbinary and intersex people are just white cis feminism's shiny new chew toy and they will get bored and pick a new target maybe 10 years from now. Probably disabled people.
I understand the anger many terfs carry but sympathy isnt needed here. Many of them actively ignore actual fact and relative understanding towards anything that questions their veiws and they are HAPPY to uplift racists and anti-semites and homophobes(See jk rowling) as long as their anti-trans messages are still singing. Someone who partners with the enemy to hurt others despite the enemy also supporting the things they supposedly advocate againest has no loyalty or shame. They are happy as long as they have a platform. Terfs would go on fox fucking news watching tucker carlson chuckle under his breath at their feminism and "pro-same sex attraction" ideology as long as they get that soundbite of a feminist not supporting trans pple to make all feminists, trans people and gay pple look fucking stupid.
Jk rowling isnt your fucking friend. Shes a mirror held up to YOUR community. One ive heard echos of sedmients made from outside it being ignored. Your litterally femcels. Ive seen terfs get upset at the ableism and racism within their own community thats upheld by white neurotypical women get utterly ignored. I have so many screenshots of white terfs saying the n word its not even funny yet when a tranny like me shows you evidence of the underlying racism in anti-trans/nonbinary rhetoric, you claim that theirs poc terfs. Ive seen white terfs call me a teepee n****r because i said native american people respected all genders and werent inherently patriarchal. Ive seen white terfs advocate for full on ETHNIC FUCKING CLEANSING of certain poc cultures because they had some patriarchal portions. BRUH. If your scrambling to find some crumb in your community to excuse its actions and cover up the evil everyone already pointed out, you should do some introspection into what your supporting.
Terfs dont even see the humanity in trans people or intersex people. Quoting a jewish youtuber talking about oppression he faced after trump endorsed the nazis in south carolina and said that jewish people and nazis should come to a compromise "when one side will never be happy unless their opposition is completely erraticated, there is no compromise. They simply wont stop until they are all dead or 'rehabilitated'. There is no conversation, there is only the eradication of the victims or the offending group.". Terfs are advocating for trans genocide and detranstion of those who remain. They shrink our numbers to deny us humanity and when they arnt celebrating the high trans suicide statistic, they are minimising it. They are no different from holocaust deniers, they just dont have as much support and the more of their own stances they are willing to let go of to take advantage of their shared opinions with alt-right and fascist platforms, the more their feminist and gay rights mask slip off to reveal the racist, antisemitic and hate filled rot underneath.
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tssbelivet · 2 years
Bring Me Home, Shaw: Part Two
part one | part two
Writing about these two is so much fun, so I decided to continue. I’m curious to see where the story will take them (and me). Mostly just doing this for my own entertainment, but would love to hear your thoughts if you have any! Thanks to the lovely @fantasmaenweb for proofreading this update 😌
Carson was sitting at the bar by herself, watching the crowd. She had decided to take Greta up on her invitation to have a drink. After a little stroll through the streets of Chicago and a subway ride, they had found a place that seemed to serve some good beer and play decent music. Some people were even dancing a little. 
There was this guy that had kept staring at her, until he had mustered the courage to ask her to dance. Carson was not the best in saying no, so a few minutes later she was entirely too close to this man whose shirt smelled like a mixture of corned dog and cheap aftershave. 
Greta and Jo were in the corner, doing weird dances and laughing. Every now and then, Greta’s eyes would wander and inspect the dancing situation Carson was still trapped in. She had been dropping hints to her dance partner, of her wanting to take a break and sit down for a beer, but he had been too involved in showing her his signature moves. 
She was growing more annoyed by the minute and was getting close to just walking away, when she heard a newly familiar voice. 
Greta inched herself between Carson and the man, clearly trying to save her.
 “Hey girl, we were just discussing our favorite hangover-foods and I am really just dying to hear yours!”, Greta said while grabbing her by the arm and pulling her away. 
Carson looked up to Greta and thanked her for her service. “This guy was just completely oblivious. And his dancing to that Supertramp song was just obscene, really.” 
Greta smiled and asked: “Why didn’t you just wave your wedding band at him in the first place? Doesn’t that do the trick?”
Carson was a bit taken aback by this comment. The two of them hadn’t spoken about her being married. Looking back, she might have even avoided the topic a little. But the ring was there as proof of her marital status. Of Charlie. Of her life back in Idaho.
She looked down at her hand as she was contemplating the right way to answer Greta. But before she could speak, Jo popped up and waved a pack of cigarettes in front of Greta’s face. 
“Bird, I’m gonna head out for a smoke. Wanna join me?” 
She more or less ignored the fact that the two women were - clearly - in the middle of something. 
Greta nodded while turning to face Carson. “Is that okay with you? You could have a drink at the bar and we will join you in a bit?” 
Carson gave her a small smile. “Yes, sure. I won’t go anywhere”. 
“Well, good. Because our conversation isn’t over yet”, Greta said while winking in Carson’s direction. 
As the two friends tumbled out of the bar laughing, Carson was suddenly unsure whether she should stay. Jo was clearly trying to get between her and Greta and she was actually getting pretty tired. 
She took out her phone to check how long it would take her to get to her hotel. She hadn’t really paid attention to directions on their way here. 
Instead, she had been thinking about the way Greta had looked at her at some point during dinner. They had just talked about how Jo and Greta met, back when they were still kids, playing outside in Queens. 
“Joey here was always bullied for being too manly”, Greta had said. “Baby butch vibes, probably”. 
As Jo had bursted out laughing, Greta had looked at Carson, seemingly waiting for her reaction. 
Carson had just smiled, because she didn’t really know what Greta had meant. Maybe it was some sort of inside joke between two childhood friends? Then again, the word “butch” did sound familiar to her, like she had read it somewhere before. 
She shuffled towards the bar, ordered an IPA and took slow sips from the bottle. Maybe she should just google it? As she was unlocking her phone, Greta and Jo re-entered the bar, laughing again - or still. 
Greta confidently strode towards the bar, took a sip from Carson’s drink and placed herself on the empty bar stool next to her. 
“So, where were we?” 
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moistvonlipwig · 1 year
Amphibia fandom, numbers #1,3,8,10,17,18,22,25
the character everyone gets wrong
I feel like this applies to all three of Anne and Sasha and Marcy lol...like Anne is not some innocent victim of cruel Sasha, she sucks real bad all on her own and that's what makes her growth so joyous to watch...and Sasha is not evil and tbh she's not even that mean, she's controlling to Anne obviously and that's not okay but she's not like pointlessly cruel, she's just a 13 year old girl who got put in by far the worst situation in Amphibia out of the three of them...and Marcy is not an uwu innocent baby with horrible abusive parents, she straight up kidnapped her friends and then tried to do it again because she's, again, 13 years old and can't handle the thought of losing her friends. 13 year olds can be very cruel and impulsive and selfish but they're still kids and they can still grow and Amphibia doesn't shy away from either of those truths but I feel like the fandom does not have a good grasp on them lol.
common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
When people say Grime was a good influence on Sasha. I love Grime, he is my second favorite character after Sasha herself, but he was an adult who manipulated a 13-year-old girl he had imprisoned into helping him enact state-sponsored violence which he enjoyed perpetuating because he was, per his own words, "just a bully in a tower." Even in S2 when they become genuine friends, he encourages her to lie to her friends and help him take over Amphibia. Don't get me wrong, I loved their relationship throughout the show for how odd and funny and mutually-manipulative and, yes, strangely touching it could be, but it wasn't actually healthy or positive until Grime came back to help Sasha defend Wartwood in "Turning Point".
screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
Any variant of "Marcy should've stayed in Amphibia". Um...no? First of all the lesson she needed to learn was not to hide from change but to accept and embrace it so yes she needed to go back and accept that her parents were moving. Second of all...did y'all want her to never see her friends again or...??? Like I don't think Marcy would've liked that very much! Tbh there's probably more egregiously bad takes out there but that one's the most common bad take I've seen.
worst part of fanon
I feel a little bad about this one because I know headcanons can be very personal especially ones around gender but whyyy is masc!Sasha/butch!Sasha/transmasc!Sasha such a common headcanon. That girl is sooo feminine.
there should be more of this type of fic/art
There should be more art of DOMINO because she is a cute lil kitty cat. And Anne Boonchuy would agree with me. :3
it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
"Temple Frogs"!!! Why do I never see anyone talking about "Temple Frogs"!!! It's the best episode of 3A in my opinion. The reveal that Mrs. Boonchuy had all that tupperware she had to return in the first place because the community at the Thai temple cooked for her and her husband while Anne was gone...bro that got to me. ;_; And seeing the Plantars get involved at the Thai temple was sooo sweet, especially Hop Pop learning about khon. <3 It also has great character development for Anne as she returns to a more selfish and ungrateful mode of thinking before her mom calls her out and she realizes how valuable her community is.
your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
I love how the show depicts Amphibian society such that long before Andrias is revealed to be evil there are subtle but very noticeable hints of the rot underneath the glamor of Newtopia. The fact that the frogs of Wartwood are unfazed by political corruption and are so quick to turn on outsiders and each other -- the fact that the toads despite their apparent power over the frogs are stuck living in a tower engaging in near-constant violence -- the fact that Grime used to be a gladiator implying the existence of an underclass or possibly even slave class of toads who battle each other for the newts' entertainment and to gain power over each other -- the fact that Newtopia looks as nice as it does even though the rest of this is true...the worldbuilding is so well-done and paints such a convincing portrait of a society that keeps its lower classes battling at each other's throats so that they don't band together to fight against the upper classes who keep exploiting their labor and who in turn are little more than tools of the empire themselves. And the show does all of this without acting like the frogs are all pure angels or the newts are all evil aristocrats...they're all just people amphibians.
common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
"Why wasn't Anne sad 24/7 about Marcy in 3A??? :(" Well, because Amphibia is a sitcom about frogs. And because Anne compartmentalizes and refused to believe Marcy was dead to begin with. And also she had a lot going on in 3A. But perhaps most importantly, and I cannot stress this enough, Amphibia is a sitcom about frogs.
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addison-dykegomery · 8 days
& to the points you made in my other ask, yes, yes and yesss. LOVE what you said about maggie like so true. i get being territorial but the fans go past that and get viciously nasty and it negates any real criticisms. she’s my baby but im glad she’s free from the show tbh because they weren’t giving her anything to work with anyway.
and SLC forever! pls go on about puppy amelia if u want lol because on paper she’s exactly the kind of character i should live for but ive never been able to get into her? idky like even knowing her plot of private practice hasn’t helped. and i wanna get the hype i have fomo lmao
& to ur other ask where you outlined ur faves and potential ships, first of all, inspired choices love it. and second, you didn’t ask but i would add tedstina. didn’t see it for the first time but on my second watch they jumped out to me and they’ve been my main non canon ship forever. cannot believe the writers had them arguing over that man when they could’ve ditched him to go eat each other out and then cured heart disease or something. a shame lmao 3/3
i feel the same way, if you asked me to tell you what maggie did in her last 3-4 seasons on the show i would have to plead the fifth or something because i genuinely do not know 😭 but i do remember watching those seasons and being like damn i miss s11-12 maggie (the riggs drama between her and meredith was like contender for top 5 annoying things to happen on this stupid ass show and it pretty much went downhill from there)
puppy amelia... um okay 😶 well what do you wanna know 🤪
no um 😭 like ok idk i just love when characters are all "i love you please let me love you and please love me back" and the other person is like.. cold and lowkey hates them at first but reluctantly grows to love them.. and lets them sleep curled up at the foot of their bed or reaches out to pet their hair when they've had a bad day like OKAY !!!!! will never forgive the writers for forgetting about mermelia after s12 like it was genuinely the most complex, angsty, bordering on sadomasochistic relationship to ever happen on this godforsaken show okay stop I NEED TO SHUT UP NOW but like as i said . it was/is GENUINE brainrot.
(side note whenever i rewatch s12 i get this like. overwhelming instinct to protect and take care of amelia like i literally become a butch lesbian for her. my butch lesbian serve 💅)
(in particular i also think the whole "meredith forgiving amelia for being the wrong sister and the wrong shepherd" is so...... mitski washing machine heart "i know who you pretend i am".... much to consider)
ok now i will shut up frfr this is what happens when you ask me about mermelia and girl don't get me Started on addimelia because genuinely i'm Kind of deranged, but you know what, i love myself and that's all that matters ❤️
anywayyy 😋 yes you probably didn't see but shortly after posting that i went back to add tedstina because HELLO, how could i forget about tedstina (well i haven't rewatched their main seasons for a long time that's how), i don't know what those two had going on but it was definitely something homosexual. there was a man there for some reason but literallyyy cristina going on and on about how much she loves teddy (esp when you consider that her type is canonically tall and blonde *cough* izzie) and teddy being like wow cristina you're my best student you're so smart and talented and let's make out 🥰
thank you soooo much for these anons, they really make my day (even if i don't get to them immediately) and please stay in contact even though there won't be new episodes for a while <3
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falloutstasis · 9 months
Growing up fast Part 1
I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.
Nine Years Ago Vault 101
“Happy birthday!”
Poor ten year old Alexandra Gonzalez had to start her birthday off with the lights flashing on her eyes. As she covered her eyes with her arms, she heard Officer Gomez yell out, “Stanley, you turned the lights on too fast! You blinded the poor kid!”
As soon as she lowered her arms, she had the biggest smile on her face.
"Happy birthday, honey! I can't believe you're already 10! I'm so proud of you." Her father, James Gonzalez, equally just as happy as his daughter. "If only your mother..." He would have a somber look to his face to go with his smile, if it weren't for the fact that the Overseer interrupted him.
"Congratulations, young lady! I don't have to tell you how special this day is, do I?" He asked.
Alex shook her head in response.
"Good!" He handed her very own Pip-Boy as a gift for her tenth birthday. "Down here in Vault 101, when you turn ten, you're ready to take your first official Vault responsibilities. I present to you your very own Pip-Boy 3000!"
It fit easy on her wrist. Like a glove!
"Thank you, Mr. Overseer." Alex said, with smile. "I'll take good care of it!"
"That's wonderful! Because you'll be getting your first work assignment tomorrow!"
And with that he walked off, out of the kitchen room and on his way to the Overseer's office.
"Enjoy your party! You're only ten once, so have fun!" James cheered.
Quest Started: Growing up Fast
□ Happy birthday! Enjoy your 10th birthday party!
The first person she talked to was her best friend of course: Amata!
"Happy birthday! I hope you liked it."
She knew Amata since they were babies and hung out together ever since. Amata looked like if she had something behind her hands. She was hiding something for sure.
"I liked it a lot, thanks." Alex grinned. "Thanks for doing this for me."
"You're welcome! But you're dad did most of it. I just helped with the decorations. But, hey, you'll never guess what I got for you! Come on, guess!" She urged, hoping that she didn't have to wait too long for Alex to correctly guess.
And she was right. After thinking very hard on what gift she was given by Amata, she lowered her shoulders in defeat. "I really don't know..."
She giggled, revealing the famous comic book series, Grognak the Barbarian. "It's issue 14 of Grognak the Barbarian! I made sure to have it in good condition too!"
Alex gasped ever so softly that only could be heard by Amata. She held it up to her so she can take it. "I found this in a box of my father's old things, believe it or not. I couldn't ever imagine him reading comic books."
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Alex whispered, trying so hard not to get too excited. "This is one of best gifts ever!"
"I knew you like it!" Amata cheered.
For the rest of the birthday event, she just talked with Amata. They only stopped talking to one another only to eat some cake. But after that, they went right back to chatting. She never really talked to Butch and his friends, mainly because they were all bullies. They'll make fun of her the minute she'll greet them.
After a while, James pulls her daughter aside, leading her outside the kitchen room. "I just had word with Jonas that our surprise present is ready. He's waiting for you downstairs on the Reactor Level. I'm sure no one would mind if you slip out for a few minutes."
"Okay, dad." Alex nodded. All Alex did was follow the arrows that lead to the Reactor Level. She went downstairs and to her left, where she meet with Jonas himself, waiting beside a closed gate.
"Hey there, kiddo! Happy birthday! Hang on a minute. I think your dad wants to give you the surprise himself."
James was not too far behind the two and only a moment later, he joined them.
"Are you ready for your surprise?" He asked.
"What kind of surprise?"
"Well, the Overseer gave you your very own Pip-Boy. Now you're old enough to do some work. I figure it's best to start early for this." He handed Alex a BB gun, along with BB bullets to go with the gun.
Alex stared at the weapon blankly, getting a little confused she asked, "What is this, dad?"
"You're own BB gun! It's a little old, but it should be good for you to practice on shooting your targets."
Alex was startled at first. "I-I'm gonna shoot something?!"
Jonas stepped in. "Don't worry, kiddo! This thing is just for practice. I'm sure you're not going to do this all the time. When you're grown up, you'll have to handle a real gun."
James nodded. "He's right. For now, you'll handle this BB gun."
"But, Dad! The Overseer said we can't shoot guns here." Alex said, still a little unsure.
"We can't, unless we want the Overseer beating down our door. Jonas and I found a place where we can."
The gate that was in front of the three opened. Both Jonas and James led Alex down a short hallway where they were meet with a targeting range.
"You can come down here and shoot any time you want."
It was still weird for Alex to be shooting anything at all. But times were tough out there in the Wasteland, sooner or later, she was going to have to learn how to shoot. Finally, she smiled at her father.
"Thanks, Dad."
"You're welcome, sweetie. Happy birthday."
She walked over to Jonas. "Thanks, Jonas."
"Ah, you're welcome, darlin'. Happy birthday." He patted her on her head, giving it a little ruffle. "I hope you have fun with it."
She went over to the targeting range and aimed her BB gun at the targets. She shot those targets near the middle a few times, but other wise hit the mark on all three of them.
"Ew, a radroach." Alex looked and sounded disgusted when the radroach appeared in front of her. She quickly shot it once and it was down.
Quest Completed: Growing up Fast
■ Happy birthday! Enjoy your 10th birthday party!
Ouest Started: Picture Imperfect
□ Get to class and talk to Mr. Brotch about the G.O.A.T.
Six years later Vault 101
"You are a perfectly healthy 16 year old girl, so yes, you have to go to class to take the G.O.A.T exam."
No matter how pouty she was, there was no way of getting out of the G.O.A.T exam.
AND with another pout, she crossed her arms. "I don't get why we have to take it. Can't we just...say what job we really want when we're older?"
James shook his head. "That doesn't work like that with the Overseer." Well, nothing does apparently according to Jonas.
"This involves communication with you, the teacher, and the Overseer himself."
"If you say so, Dad."
He chuckled and patted his daughter on the back lightly. "Go on then. Go take the G.O.A.T."
With that, Alex removed herself from her father's office, greeted Jonas on her way out, and proceeded towards the classroom where the G.O.A.T test will be taking place. Along the way, she was stopped in her tracks when she spotted Amata being bullied by Butch and his 'Tunnel Snakes'. She rolled her eyes at the bullies and went towards the group.
Butch had quickly eyed at the best friend of Amata. "Look who it is, boys." He showed a boy-ish grin. "It's Miss Goodie-Two-Shoes!"
"Are you being assholes again?" Alex asked.
Right away, his anger-as well as the other tunnel snakes attentions-are now all on Alex. She ignored their anger, seeing as nothing more than an act.
"Can you do that somewhere else? And away from Amata, please?"
"Listen here." Butch pointed at her. "Just because your dad is one of the doctors here, that doesn't mean you get to be some big shot."
"No. I'm not some big shot." Alex stated firmly, tilting her head to the side to look at him right in the eye. "I'm acting like this because you and your stupid gang are bulling Amata. And you know me, Butch. I don't like bullies. I don't care where they're from."
There was a stare down from the two. Seeing now that he was distracted, Amata quickly ran behind Alex, standing behind her.
"If you keep messing with her, I'll tell my dad. Then he'll tell the Overseer. I'm sure you and I both know how that conversation is going to work out."
Admittedly, Alex really doesn't know the extent of her dad and the Overseer's relationship. She just hopes that Butch takes her bluff.
Butch scoffed. "Come on, Tunnel Snakes. We got to get to take the G.O.A.T test anyway." With one shout of 'Tunnel Snakes rule!' the gang finally left Amata and Alex alone.
"Thanks a billion, Alex." Amata sighed, moving to be in front of Alex. "I have no idea why they don't leave me alone."
She shook her head. "I have no idea either."
"Come on. Let's head to class."
Alex followed while Amata lead her to class. When they entered, most of the other students, Tunnel Snakes included, were already there waiting for the class to start. Her seat was behind Amata's.
Once he saw that everyone was in their seats, Mr. Brotch stood up from his desk.
"Alright. Now that everyone is in the classroom, we can finally take the G.O.A.T. No talking and keep your eyes to yourself."
■ Get to class and talk to Mr. Brotch about the G.O.A.T.
Three years later Vault 101
Amata quickly opened the door to Alex's room, shaking her quickly and urgently. "Get up! Come on, Alex! Wake up!"
Groggy, Alex slowly woke up. She sat up, but didn't get up from her bed. "What..? What's the matter, Amata?"
"My father's men are looking left and right for you. They..." She looked away, a look of hurt written in her features. "They killed Jonas."
Alex fully stood up to face Amata. "T-They did what...?"
"I'm so sorry, Alex. I know how much he meant to you, but he's gone."
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bre-meister · 2 years
I love the recent prompt for the greens
#1 and #7 for butchercup again
"Your child's been kicking me all day." "Oh, so now it's my child?" & "I already want more!" "Let's see how we're handling the first one."
“Ugh,” Buttercup grunted, hand moving to smooth over a spot on her round belly, “your child’s been kicking me all day!”
Butch paused what he was doing by the stove to look over at his wife. The woman in question was resting on the couch with her feet up. A movie was playing on the television in front of her but Butch could tell she was only half watching it. Most of her attention seemed to be on the life growing inside of her.
“Oh, so now he's my child?”
He handed her a bright green mug of hot chocolate with a mountain of whipped cream and marshmallows threatening to fall over on top. Buttercup beamed at the sweet treat before pouting at the mug it was held in; the words Mama Bear spelled out in swirling, glittery black lettering. In Butch’s other hand was a matching dark green mug inscribed with Papa Bear and in the cabinet with all their other mugs and cups rested a mini one that read Baby Bear. The set had been an extra shower gift from Bubbles. Buttercup had thanked her sister while somehow also managing to complain about how cliche it all was but Butch could tell she secretly loved the mugs. He’d seen her own green one sitting in the dish rack many times though she tried to hide it. 
“Mhm,” she hummed as Butch lifted her legs and replaced them on his lap once he was settled on the sofa, “I thought you knew by now that whenever he’s up to no good then it’s totally your fault.”
“Must be the Rowdy blood in the little snail. You know how mischievous we can be,” Butch tickled her bare feet as if to prove a point.
“Our son is not a snail! Stop saying that,” her laughter prevented her threat from sounding threatening at all.
“And he might not also be a he and yet you keep calling him that. I say we agree to disagree,” Butch shruged as animatiedly as possible without spilling his drink.
“Uh huh. That better also be hot chocolate by the way. If I can’t have caffeine in this house then neither can you.”
“Nothing but chocolatey goodness here my dear lady,” Butch finished off his drink. He placed his mug on the coffee table in front of them and began to massage her feet.
Buttercup signed into her mug at the welcome ministrations. While her kid had been kicking up a storm all day her feet and back had been aching from being on her feet most of the day as well. There had been a fundraiser at the elementary school the girls attended all those years ago. Every year they offer their time and services to help and, despite several people including her sisters and husbands assuring her she could sit this year’s event out, Buttercup would be damned if she missed it. She was pregnant, not terminally ill. 
“Can you rub my back for me later?” she asked a little sheepishly. 
She could tell from the look on Butch’s face that he wanted to lecture her about taking it easy again but he held back. He knew it would only escalate into an argument and with Buttercup’s hormones as wild as they were at the moment there was no telling how that would end. Instead, he just answered in an affirmative and reassured her that he would do anything she needed of him.
They sat in silence for a while watching the movie. The original one had gone off and Buttercup had picked another one although Butch could tell she was still a bit distracted. Her hand kept moving around to different spots on her stomach and a few times he even thought he saw her wince. 
“He still moving a lot?”
“Oh? Um, ya. I think all the commotion from today had got him excited.” Buttercup smiled at the fact Butch called their child a he but continued on as if she hadn’t heard it.
“A whole bunch of people kept asking if they could touch my bump. It was like he was performing or something. It’s crazy, I know. My sisters thought it was funny though. I bet it is super funny when you’re not the one whose insides are being rearranged.” 
“Well, can I feel?” His wife gave him a weird look before answering,
“You're his dad, you don’t ever have to ask me that.”
“You never know, just trying to be safe.” He joked while Buttercup moved his hand to where their child was being the most active.
“Hey there little snail,” Buttercup scoffed at the name while Butch leaned in closer, “I know you’re just trying to be super cool and all like your old man, but maybe try giving your mom a break. She's doing her best growing you and all that. She could really use the rest.”
They continued on like that for a bit - Butch carresing her bump while talking gently to their child. Every now and again he would leave a small kiss where a little hand or foot and just been on the other side of her skin. Buttercup thought it was adorable. Eventually, the child settled down and the couple decided to retire to bed before they accidentally fell asleep on the couch.
“Ya know,” Butch said quietly as he rubbed her back, using a little extra pressure in the spots he knew hurt the most, “is it weird that I kind of already want more?”
“Let’s see how we handle this one first,” Buttercup sighed as his deft fingers raked over a particularly tense spot between her shoulders.
She had no doubt in her mind that her and Butch would be good parents. However, she wasn't exactly ready to commit herself to the idea of another child. She wasn’t opposed to it either though.
“Just so you know, you’re carrying the next one.”
Butched laughed as he helped her lay down and re-arrange the pillows until she was comfortable. Once she found her position for the night, she reached behind her and pulled him as close as she could. Together they laid and Buttercup thought about what having two children with Butch might possibly look like.
“Fuck,” her curse broke through the silence.
“What? Are you ok?” Butch asked, worriedly.
“Yea, I just have to piss.”
Butch tried to suppress his laugh as Buttercup scooted her way to the end of the bed and headed for the bathroom.
“You better stop laughing. If you ever want another kid you’re gonna have to go through this yourself.” Buttercup said as a call back to her earlier joke.
Butch stopped trying to hide his laughter and Buttercup’s own chuckles were cut off as the door to the bathroom closed behind her.
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starboywille · 3 years
Au idea: Wille being an exhausted 25 year old dad of a 10 year old little girl taking his daughter to her piano lessons and going weak at the knees for her instructor
Okay folks this is gonna be a honker of a post, an au of sorts that I made through collaboration and communism with these fine folks of the yr discord server: @tooindecisivetopickaurl @purplehoodiesimon @ungaroyals
It’s Wille and Felice’s kid, they were rebellious in high school, trying to pull away from their respective family images: Wille’s mom a ceo of whatever you feel like sunshine and Felice’s parents being modern day nobility.
A complete accident made by two barely teenagers just trying to like be themselves. They get kicked out of their homes but because Kristina isn’t like the devil; she’s just a bitch thank you very much, she gets them the worlds rattiest apartment in the middle of a shitty neighborhood and gives Wille enough money a month for food and bus fair. It fucking blows but that’s how the cookie crumbles
Thank god they have Madison, the worlds best fuckin friend, who upon hearing the news, decided to become a one man show and strong arm her parents into letting her not only stay in Stockholm but help with living expenses by becoming their roommate.
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Because Madison is literally god, they name the kid after her, dubbing a literal 5 minute old infant Junior. So she’s Junior for life and everyone just accepts this little curly haired tyrant whenever she corrects them.
Wille and Felice didn’t even last in a relationship; realizing they were more suited to Besties till death due them part than they were anything else. Broke up before their daughter was even born thusly leaving them wide open for dating whomever they so choose *cough cough*
So when Felice and Madison get together no one bats an eye and they become Daddy, Mama, Mom and Junior. A happy family of four that doesn’t need anyone else.
Madison and Wille are also besties, Madison wants to push every button Wille has and Wille does his damnedest not to make sure Junior’s first word isn’t “fucking Madison” (affectionate)
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And then time goes on and all of a sudden Madison and Felice are married and they’re all still living in a ratty apartment that’s been absolutely destroyed and lived in by this weird little family and everyone’s happy as they can be. Junior’s getting old enough for school and they have money but they’re in such a shit neighborhood that none of these three want to put their beloved little curly cue, big green eyed little brown baby in them. So Wille reaches out to his mother.
She’s kept in contact throughout the years, made sure to at least be in her grand baby’s life even if she didn’t like how Junior came into creation. Like I said; she’s a bitch not the devil. So Wille asks and Kristina says “okay, I’ll help but only if she grows up with some manners.”
Junior gets to go to a good school, The Parents™️ able to turn on the “we grew up rich so eat shit” whenever they have to deal with annoying ass wasp-y parents and annoying ass spoiled little tots. They make it work.
So when Madison introduces her girlfriend Rosh when Junior is nine and three quarters daddy how could you just say she’s nine? it’s completely normal and no one bats an eye. Felice and Madison have been experimenting and just enjoying peoples company and they have rules set so Junior isn’t involved unless it’s real and serious so Wille takes one look at the absolute Butch Lesbian reading to his baby girl about soccer, he just nods and accepts that this is a new person in his life.
He wears a wedding ring, wasp moms are notorious and fucking annoying and he likes to trip them up by saying both Felice and Madison are his wife.
In comes Simon, Rosh’s bestie and piano teacher for little bratty rich kids. For nearly three months he heard Rosh talk on and on and on about this girl she was seeing who’s married Simon? How cool is that! A two for one deal who fucking like me? Nice and who’s Simon to rain on her parade. On top of that he hears about their roommate? Or he thinks it’s their roommate anyways, some guy who lives with them who - according to Rosh, has an ass that just won’t quit. A bonafide twunk himbo crossbreed.
But Simon is too focused on his job, on teaching little kids the basics and trying hard not to call them little crotch goblins to their faces. Their parents spend a fortune sending them to him. And he’s not a complete idiot.
So one day this absolutely stunning woman and her beautiful little girl who’s smart and funny and actually incredibly talented walk through his door and he’s like damn i wanna keep you forever. He gets to know her mom - Felice, and the kiddo - Madison but her name is Junior got that? And decides that she makes the rest of the day better.
And Junior goes home and tells her daddy and her mom and Rosh, who’s she’s started calling Ima after about a month of Rosh coming over and finding out Rosh was Jewish, all about her cool new piano teacher who’s funny and smart and has really pretty hair. And Wille smiles, love in his eyes for his baby girl and promises he’ll come to her practice one day.
He does just that two weeks later. And my god does his heart stop the second he sees who’s been teaching his daughter. The worlds most beautiful man: tan skin, curly hair, the biggest eyes eyes ever seen on a person and - he’s a little ashamed to admit this - the fattest ass. They lock eyes and it’s like the world stands still, both of their orbits colliding in an unfixable, irreplaceable way.
Wille starts picking Junior up every week.
The girls make fun of him mercilessly.
Simon and Wille get closer and closer, Simon noticing Wille’s wedding band and thinking Jesus Christ I can’t fall for a married man! His wife is a literal angel! Which is true but oh so wrong.
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They are stupid men who are dumb and don’t understand that words are an option until they finally do because once again Madison and Felice to the rescue. So then Simon finally visits the house he realizes oh my god these people are poor. And then he sees Rosh and he’s like BITCH WHAT???? And Rosh just looks at him like he’s an absolute idiot moron and promptly calls him an idiot moron. Junior laughs.
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Anyways now they’re a family. Wille and Simon, Felice and Madison and Rosh. And Junior. daddy, papa, mama, mom, ima. And junior.
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This is Our Au. Communism. Like Simon would’ve wanted.
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
Let the Games Begin!
Tw: violence
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Maggie’s POV:
I woke up to the smell of roses, and I scrunched my brow in confusion. I turned to see a bouquet arranged on my pillow with a not attached to it. Now I must admit, while it was a nice gesture, the flowers weren’t quite up to my standard. Roses had to be perfect. I smiled nonetheless less, pulling the note of the flowers. I noted that the thorns were still attached. Unusual choice.
“Good Morning Sunshine, meet me downstairs, I have a surprise for you.”
I furrowed my brows even further. A surprise from Oswald was never good. Normally he placed out an outfit for me in the mornings he was actually here, but one glance told me that Tabitha had pick out the outfit this morning.
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I had to admit, she did have good tatse. I carefully made my way downstairs, weary of what was awaiting me. And my fears grew even more when I saw everyone gathered in the living room. Y/N and Victor were back, Tabitha and Butch were sitting on the ends of the couch, and Oswald stood in front of them with a big smile on his face. I narrowed my eyes.
“Good morning” I announced my presence.
“Ahhh, Maggie, you’re awake!”
Oswald hobbled over to me. He engulfed me in a hug, but noticed when I neglected to hug back.
“What’s wrong?” He asked.
“I don’t like surprises Ozzy, they make me anxious.” I spoke honestly.
“We’ll then my dear, let me show you what we have in store today.”
I saw a smirk grow on Y/N face and I couldn’t help but become more anxious. He placed his hand behind my back and lead me to a room at the far end of house. Everyone followed behind. He flicked on the lights and I instantly recognised the situation in front of me. There was someone strapped to a chair in the Center of the room with a bag over their head.
“We found Wendell” Oswald said cheerful.
I couldn’t help it when my heart sank. As much as I hated this man, it felt wrong to see him so vulnerable. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked back to see Y/N.
“We’ll that’s not the expression I was hoping to see on your face Kitten.”
I sighed.
“It’s just, early. I only just woke up, haven’t even had breakfast yet.” I lied.
“Oh you poor baby.” She jeered.
Victor snickered from his spot next to him.
“I don’t know Love, torture sessions are always better on a full stomach.” He took my side.
I shrugged off Y/N hand.
“Thank you Oswald, really…”
I couldn’t think of a way to get out of this. Letting him get tortured was one thing, but I had an inkling that wasn’t how this was going to go. Y/N definitely had her hand in this, and if she had her way, which she usually did, she’d want me to get personal with this. She’d want me to kill him. I could feel an involuntary shiver crawl up my spine.
“Why don’t you get started without us Oswald.” Butch spoke up. “Tabby and I will take Maggie to get some breakfast. We don’t want her passing out from low blood sugar right?”
Oswald thought on it for a moment before lamenting.
“Yes, of course. My apologises, I just got so excited. I promise not to have too much fun while your gone.” He spoke to me.
“By all means Oswald, you found him, finders keepers.”
I gave him a kiss on the top of his head before following Tabitha out of the room. She pulled me to the side of the hall.
“You were shaking like a leaf in there Sweet Girl, what’s wrong?”
Butch placed a comforting hand on my back, running it up and down my spine. The warmth of it felt nice.
“It’s, it’s just a lot you know. I mean it’s been weeks since it happened, and I don’t even remember it. And I wanna be mad, I want to hate him, maybe I fucking do, I don’t know. But what I do know is, I don’t think I’m cut out for this. I don’t mind it when you guys do it, I would never tell you what to do…” I rambled.
I felt a sharp sting on my face, and suddenly realised I’d been slapped.
“Breath Maggie.” Tabitha demanded.
“How the fuck is slapping me supposed to help?” I questioned.
She shrugged.
“Works in the movies.”
I rolled my eyes.
“Look kid. This Wendell guy fucked you up pretty bad, if anything, he deserves what’s about to happen to him. At the end of the day, he’s your target, if you don’t want to be so hands on I’m sure Oswald will understand.”
I sighed heavily.
“Can we talk about this after I eat? I’m sure he’s not going anywhere anytime soon. Make me those pancakes again?”
I gave him my best puppy dog eyes, which I’m sure I didn’t even need to use. He chuckled, lifting me up and throwing me over his shoulder. He carried me into the kitchen and I laughed Rey whole way there.
“There’s the sound we like to hear.” Tabitha purred.
“Yeah yeah, no more grumpy serious me today. I get it.”
“Everything’s about you today Maggie. I hope you know that everyone in this house, in one way or another, cares about you a hell of a lot.” Butch said.
“I Know, and I appreciate it. I may not understand it, but i don’t really understand a lot of things in Gotham.” I joked.
Tabitha talked me down all of breakfast, calming my nerves. Hurting people who have hurt you should be easy. But something about this whole situation felt off. Sure we’d bickered back and forth for a while now, but I never imagined Wendell would actually attempt to kill me. It like he knew Y/N was always around to stop him. But maybe that was the point, maybe he was hiding his time until she was busy. No matter how much I tried to remember I just couldn’t imagine it.
“You ready to go back? Oswald will have my head if we don’t return.”
“Wouldn’t want you to lose that now would we?” I teased.
Butch rolled his eyes. I reached out my hand going that ‘grabby’ motion that toddlers did and he looked at me confused. But he walked closer none the less and that’s when I planned my attack. I jumped on his back and wrapped my arms around him.
“Onward my noble steed!” I laughed out in a huff.
I frowned when he didn’t move.
“Oh come on! You get to pick me up and carry me around whenever you please, but when I wanna be carried it’s a no?” I pouted.
“She’s got a point Darling.” Tabitha said, stealing the last pancake from my abandoned plate and shoving it in her mouth.
“Fine, by you owe Tabs and I another movie night. No falling asleep this time, no matter how adorable you are.” He mumbled the last part.
I chose for his sake to ignore it.
“Fuck yes! I’m gonna me you watch My Blood Valentine and you’re gonna love it!”
“My Bloody what?”
“Is that a threat or a promise Bunny?” Tabitha asked.
“Both.” I narrowed my eyes at her.
“Fascinating.” She ruffled my hair.
We made our way back to the usually abandoned, but now very busy wing of the house. I hopped of his back before we made it the door. I didn’t want anyone to question my newfound closeness to the two assassins. Oswald would throw a monumental fit if he’d found out what we’d done at his club.
I had heard stories about Oswald’s Wrath, but I’d yet to see it in action. And boy was it terrifying. He had this intensity about him when he was focused, and I was glad I had yet to fall victim to it. The sight of him standing there, holding a bat and covered in blood sent shivers down my spine. But I pushed ahead like this was your average Tuesday, and I supposed to the people in the room it was.
“Oh Maggie, you’ve come to join us!” Oswald exclaimed.
He calmly handed off the Bat to Y/N. I locked eyes with her for a moment, and I swear I saw a hint of guilt. It was so subtly, and happened so quickly, that it was more likely I’d imagined it. She tortured people all the time, why would this be any different. I mean she’d literally shot him the first time I met him.
“So, what do you think? Would you like to take a crack at him?” He asked, gleefully.
I knew better than to say no to Oswald, but I just couldn’t get myself in the right mindset right now. Torturing someone was a lot.
“Maybe I could just watch for right now?” I suggested.
Tabitha seemed to notice my reservation and she gave me a soft smile from across the room. She took a pointedly deep breath while looking at me, which I gratefully mimicked.
“I dont exactly know what I’m doing.” I clarified.
Y/N spoke up this time.
“We’ll than why don’t you watch the master at work?”
Before my attention was even fully on her, a loud Whack sounded through the room. The sound of the bat hitting his rib cage echoed in my ears in and cringed. It was quickly followed by the sound of Victors laughter. I watched as she handed him the bat and walked over to the metal table beside where Wendell was placed. She reached for a pair of pliers and grabbed them with vigour. Wendell squirmed as she walked back over to him, seemingly knowing what was to come.
“What finger should I start with Kitten?” She asked.
I sighed heavily. I had to pick an answer or she’d make this worse for everyone involved.
“Trigger finger.” I tried to keep my tone bored and disinterested.
“Excellent choice!” She said with a smirk.
I watched as she clamped the pliers down on his finger.
“You’d do well to scream for me, won’t you boy?” She taunted. “Oh wait, you can’t, not with that rag in your mouth.”
It was like watching her kick a puppy. Granted a very violent and deranged puppy. But something about this whole situation felt off. He didn’t look like a man who was guilty, at least not of the crime he was being tried for. He looked genuinely scared, and hell, I would be too.
She began to wiggle the pliers, twisting them both side to side and up and down. I watched as his nail lifted at the edges, the red starting to build up. With a glance at me, she ripped them towards her with force and a strangled cry left his mouth. Though it sounded more like a gargle. I couldn’t stop myself from flinching, but I had just hoped no one had noticed. This went on until his right hand was fingernail-less. She let out a sigh and turned to Victor.
“I’m bored. He’s boring.”
It was like watching a lightbulb go off in her head.
“But you, Kitten, aren’t boring.” She handed me the pliers.
I glared at her before rolling my eyes. She really was a sadistic creep sometimes. But it suited her well. Tabitha seemed to also perk up at this, drawing closer, but not too close as to cause suspicion.
“It’s really simple, just twist and pull, even a baby could do it.” Y/N explained.
‘Patronise me again and I’ll rip off your fingernails’ I thought.
I finally approached Wendell, crouching down to look him in the eyes. But I didn’t see what I expected. I mean the anger was there, that was obvious. But he seems genuinely terrified, I guess it didn’t feel good to be on the other end of this. But I also saw distrust, and confusion in his eyes. It was confusing, it’s why I never liked to look at peoples eyes for too long. They told you everything you needed to know, they were so personal. But I guess this was personal.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before clamping down in a fingernail on the left hand. I honestly wasn’t even sure which one I picked, and I didn’t much care. With one more deep breath I copied Y/N’s earlier movements but much quicker, ripping the nail from his skin. It was an odd sensation to be sure. I quickly discarded the nail in the trash and handed off the pliers back to her.
“Oh come on princess , I know you can do better than that” Victor said.
I pushed past him, walking over to the table of tools. I ran my hands over a few of them, before I felt a soft wood. It felt nice compared to all the cold metal. An ice pick. Without hesitation I walked back over to Wendell. I locked eyes with Victor and blindly stabbed into Wendell’s hand.
“There, you happy?”
“Very” he smiled at me.
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I nodded my head toward Wendell, singling at Victor to have his go ahead. He gleefully walked over to the trembling man. I turned around to see Tabitha smiling at me, but Butch’s eyebrows were scrunched in confusion. I just shrugged. I walked over to Oswald and he pulled me into a side hug.
“How did it feel? You know, I’m very proud of you Maggie.”
“Not many people would actually be brave enough to hurt their abuser back. You did well. I knew you had some fire in you.” He complimented.
I chuckled dryly. It was odd, to have someone be happy that I’d just stabbed some. I bent down to whisper in his ear.
“Would you- would you mind if I had a moment alone with him?”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea-“
“Please, Ozzy. I just, I need to hear him say it, I need to hear him say what he did to me. You’ll be right outside the door, I’ll scream if I need you.” I begged.
He nodded solemnly.
“Ten minutes, not a second more.”
“Victor!” He shouted suddenly.
The madman in question stopped what he was doing, and it was now I noticed Wendell was entirely missing a finger. It took everything in me to to let out the most disappointed sigh I had ever had.
“Step away from the Victim, little Maggie here wants some time with him.”
He looked toward the door and everyone seemed to catch his drift. Butch placed a gentle hand on my shoulder before leaving. I smiled up at him. The second I heard the door shut I rushed forward to the man in the chair.
“I’m gonna be blunt, if I take of this gag and you scream, I’ll call Victor back in her to cut out your tongue, got it?”
He nodded. I slowly removed the gag, testing him.
“You fucking bitch” he hissed.
I slapped him across the face.
“We don’t have time for insults right now. Somethings wrong here, and I can’t pinpoint it. And I’d feel pretty fucking bad if I let them kill you before I figure this out.”
“What game are you playing? You know I didn’t do anything to you!”
“Actually that’s the thing Wendell. I don’t. I don’t remember that night, or that week for that matter. You did threaten me last time we spoke, it wouldn’t be unreasonable for you to come back and try to finish the job.”
“If I wanted you dead, you would be, here untie me and I’ll show you.”
I rolled my eyes.
“Did you, or did you not torture me?”
“No. I didn’t.”
“And you’re aren’t lying to me right now?”
“No. I’m not. I had a hit on the other side of town, Barbara Kean ordered it, talk to her, she’s my alibi.”
“I Will. Why would someone set you up? Who wants you dead?”
“Half the fucking city Little Girl, this is Gotham, everyone wants everyone dead.”
“Shame, you could have been more useful. Clocks ticking Wendell, talk, or don’t, I don’t really care at this point.”
I tried to be nonchalant to see if that would make him talk, but much to my dismay it didn’t. When that didn’t work, I switched up my tactic.
“Look, they’re gonna come back in here and I won’t be able to stop them from what they’re about to do.”
“Please, you have them wrapped so tightly around those fingers of yours, they’d do anything for you.”
“If you really think that, you’re delusional. Liek you said, this is Gotham. And if they don’t want me dead yet, I’m gonna do everything in my power to keep it that way. It’s that simple.”
“Good to see you aren’t as naive as I thought you were. You’ve grown since our last real encounter.”
“It appears I have… oppps, times up.” I said. “Sorry about this.”
“Sorry about wh-“
I shoved the gag back into his mouth. As I heard the door click I picked up the knife and plunged it into his shoulder, carful to avoid any major arteries.
“You stupid Bastard!”
I played up my role. I mean I did want to stab him, even if I find out he isn’t lying, he’s still not a friend. It was easy to make my emotions believable, for the tears I just thought back to the day Moira was killed in front of us, and for the rage I just imagined I was stabbing Slade. I felt strong arms around me pulling me back.
“Shhh, it’s ok, just breath Maggie, can you do that for me?”
It was Butch. I could feel eyes on us but I didn’t much care. If this was the worst thing they suspected me of, being friends with Butch, then it worked out in my favour.
“I hate him!” I cried.
I threw my arms over Butch’s shoulder, engulfing him into a hug.
“Ew” I heard Victor say.
Then a smack sounded through the air and I knew Y/N had slapped him. Despite not looking at him, I could feel Oswald shaking with rage.
“We should get rid of this leech!” He shouted. “Nobody makes Maggie cry!”
“Just say the word Boss.” Victor said with boredom in his tone. 
I heard the click of Victors gun and I flinched.
“No wait!” I shouted.
I pushed myself away from Butch and locked eyes with Victor.
“Don’t kill him.”
“Why not?”
“Yes, Little one, why shouldn’t we kill him? That cute little heart of yours is getting in the way. Turn it off.” Y/N suggested.
“There’s nothing wrong with having a heart, Y/N. But that’s not what I mean. Killing him would be too easy. I don’t care what you do with him, just don’t kill him.”
Y/N clasped her hands together over her mouth, being her smile. But Victor broke out in a full grin.
“I knew I trained you well Kitten.” She complimented.
“You heard her.” Oswald ordered.
I turned back around and sunk my face back into Butch’s neck. I had to admit, his scent was addicting. No wonder Tabitha was in love with this gentle giant. He held me close. Tabitha stroked my hair from above.
“Why don’t we go bake something?” Oswald asked me.
It was clear he was trying to cheer me up. I shook my head.
“Do you want to watch that movie you were talking about earlier?” Tabitha suggested.
I again shook my head. I finally pulled back to look at the trio.
“I think I just wanna take a nap.” I concluded.
“I’ll walk you to your room.” Oswald said.
“No, I just wanna be alone right now.” I concluded.
“Alright. I don’t like seeing you sad like this” Oswald relented.
I offered him a weak smile.
“Naps make things all better.” I joked.
I bid everyone a goodbye, Y/N and Vic paying no attention to me as they went to work on Wendell. The idiot should have spoke up when he had the chance. Everything was so blurry and so confusing right now. Before I knew it I let my feet Cary me all the way back to my apartment. The lock was still broken so I pushed my way through the door. I threw myself onto my bed, screaming into the pillow to release what was left of my pent up frustration. Oswald would be mad but I could deal with that later, the threat had been subdued.
That’s when I felt it, something was in my bed. I flailed my arm around until I heard a thunk. I’m confusion I raised my head from the pillow, finally taking a deep breath I wasn’t even aware I was holding in. There on my bed was a book. I sat up and flipped it over on my hands. My eyes widened, it was stunning. I opened it up and note fell out.
“Dear Maggie, I enjoyed our spontaneous visit the other day. I thought a lot about what you said about my taste in literature, and you were right. I am too predictable. So I read some of your favourites, and I’d love to discuss them sometime. But it felt a waste to just put this book back on my shelf to collect dust, I figured you’d cherish it more then I could. See you soon, your friend, Bruce Wayne.”
I couldn’t help the squeal that bubbled in my throat. God why did this kid have to be so adorable. Everything he did was so pointed and thoughtful. It made me have hope for the future of this god forsaken town. A book club did sound fun. I’d have to write him back. I took a moment to study the book thoroughly. The cover was stunning, and it seemed to be a rare combined copy fo Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking glass. But it was the back of the front cover that caught my attention.
“Twinkle twinkle little bat, how I wonder where you’re at! Up above the world you fly, like a tea-tray in the sky!” - Lewis Carroll
I froze. It was his actual signature. I was holding a signed copy of Alice in Wonderland. I was glad nobody could see me “fangirling” right now because I’d be incredibly embarrassed. I hugged the book tightly and fell back onto my bed. Emotionally I was exhausted.
“What an odd poem” I spoke out loud, to no one in particular.
I fell asleep with the book in my hands. Dreaming of places with redder roses.
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An: Alice in wonderland is genuinely one of my favourite books of all time. I’ve been obsessed with it since I could read. So it’s obvious I love Jervis Tetch very very much!
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powerpuff-ali · 3 years
Maybe your out of ideas at this point but I'll just try, more brotherly love rrb hcs pwease 👉👈😃😌
Hiii!!! I'm sorry this was sitting in my drafts for a bit I love asks like these btw 😭 I spend way too much time thinking about the boys and their
Loving Brotherly HC pt 4
Ok, so the boys take father's day very seriously. Maybe even more so than the girls.
How serious? They bust Mojo out of prison to spend the day with him. They usually have a cook out where Brick man's the grill, Butch buys the paper plates and sodas, and Boomer is on chip n dip duty
It's really the only time their well behaved during their childhood
As they get older, they really only celebrate it amongst themselves (mostly Brick)
It's a way to really celebrate and acknowledge the fact that he had to "grow up" a little faster than the other 2 to make sure they'd actually survive
What are loving siblings if you don't fight with them? Brick and Butch are usually at each other's throats while Boomer acts as the referee "No dudes, let's be smart and bring it off."
The SpongeBob reference immediately brings Butch and Brick together to roast him
What started as a fight ends as a roast and they're back to normal again- "I may watch baby cartoons but at least my hair doesn't feel like a helmet!" "Silence, child! I might use a lot of gel but at least I won't be bald before 30." "I'm not taking shxt from the guy who compensates for his height with his hair. Borrow a pair of heels from dad and then come talk to me."
Butch is very supportive of his brothers when they get jobs so much so that he helps himself to their employee discount and they let him
To add, Butch is the cheapest out of the 3. However for his brothers, he has no problem spending a bit extra... Even if it means he has to sell himself
"a new hat? Butch, this is like $3k! Damnit, did you at least make sure you didn't get caught?" "Um, I actually paid for this." "With what money?" "Princess paid me for my services and I don't want to talk about it."
(Princess pays Butch to be her assistant when she goes shopping. The derogatory work in question? Forcing him to pay her compliments and also, he's her arm candy. Nothing more than being seen with her because she couldn't care less about him. Also, "Hot people don't have to pay for things")
Brick is the nagging sibling but only because he cares a lot about their well being. "Boomer, why haven't you been taking your vitamins?!" "The little girl creeps me out! I only like the dinosaur!" *Brick aggressively trying to force the gummy in his mouth*
Brick is also the moodiest of the 3. So when he's locked away in his room, Butch and Boomer do everything and anything to cheer him up. One time it was a round of rock'em sock'em robots. Another time it was reenacting the "shark bait, ooh ha ha" scene from Finding Nemo complete with body paint, explosive science experiments, and loud screeching sounds
The first one to go through heart break was Boomer bc long story short, his favorite actress quit acting and now he'd never see her again
So what did Brick and Butch do for Boomer? They made him his favorite food and suffered through a 3 season marathon so Boomer could properly say goodbye to her
They throw house parties between the three of them just because... Actually I'm pretty sure this one's canon? In the episode Bubble Boy, there's a line "Why'd you take all your clothes off?" "Yeah, we're not here to have a party..."
They have a .... Chaotic kinda love for each other 😅
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