emotio-nality · 7 years
ur so cute ilysm !!
aw claire what hahahah whats this for? and ahhh, says you tho omg, youre the biggest cutie ever, you’re so sweet and just so lovely I love youuuu💕💞💞
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emotio-nality · 7 years
"Once you get this, you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly. Then you have to send this to ten of your favourite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool~) 🌈🌈
aw you cutie pie, i love you!!!
okey dokey here i go (ive kind of been finding things i like about myself recently, so this shouldnt be too difficult !)
i really like the way that i am considerate about others, perhaps overly considerate but y’know, what can ya do?  i mean, when i do things, i try to make sure that it doesnt hurt anyone or if its not a great thing, that it hurts as little people as possible
i like the way i am appreciative about things,, i am able to take the time to appreciate how lovely the sky looks at any particular moment, how lucky i am to be alive in this time despite trump and hanson and all the horrible things happening in the world, how good it is to just be able to sleep in (thank god for the holidays) >> also if you give me a gift, be it a pen or a pair of socks or even a teeny doodle you literally drew right in front of me, i will be so thankful and love you forever, bc heck, its all so nice, you know? 
i like the way that i am able to create something beautiful even (especially) when im not feeling the best. like if you know me, you’ll know i write poetry, a tonne of it being fairly negative (in terms of romance, dont even ask, its just how i do) but most of it ends up pretty nice, and if i wasnt so insecure(?) about it, i would show it off and share it with everyone all of the time bc tbh i love writing poetry and making art
i love my friends. like man, i must have at least one something good about me to have such wonderful friends. and even if we arent really great friends, but weve spoken and ~bonded~ idek hahaha but we dont really speak anymore, ill still consider you as a friend (tbh unless youve done something horrible to me or to anyone im friends with, i will probably never hate you, although if you have done something horrible, ill be colder than ice towards you and be really passive aggressive and bitchy)
hmmmmmm the last one,, i think, i like my taste in music. yep, kind of an odd one, but i really really love the music i listen to. sure it might be weird mix to some people, but if it gets me feeling something (good or bad, whatever), and it has a good tune, and even better if it has good lyrics, ill probably love it. and sure, maybe ill only listen to it five times in a year, but once a good song, always a good song
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emotio-nality · 7 years
33 and 35 :)
luv you karima!! thank you for sending this in :)
33. Best day of your life?
ahhhhhhhh this is almost impossible to answer :( but when i try and think back to a happy day, the most recent memory that comes up is that one day i went to watch Beauty and the Beast with my sister and afterwards we went to the markets and art galleries and oh my gosh i had so much fun in the galleries i was so happy hahaha (i know it sounds kinda silly but it was quality bonding time with my sister and i really enjoyed it)
35. Do you wish you could ever start over?
oh, so often! like if there was this switch thing that we could use to rewind sections of our life to give us a second or third (or even fourth or fifth) chance at things i would probably almost definitely use it. i dont think id use it for little things like if i wanted to go back in time to buy that chocolate bar that i really wanted or whatever because i feel like that would just be abusing the power that you’ve been given, you get me? but if i made a complete fool of myself when i first met someone or when i was talking to someone and accidentally said something completely ridiculous or embarrassing and that jazz, like id rewind to fix those things, or go back in time and work on my assignments instead of spending all my time on instagram and tumblr,,, oops
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emotio-nality · 7 years
18 and 26 !! 🌺
ahhh thank you claire, sorry for the wait!! lov youuu
18. Obsession?
um okay so i dont actually know if im properly obsessed with anything at the moment? like i kinda go through phases for different things and stuff all the time. howeverrr one thing that ive been ‘obsessed’ with since i was like four years old, is orlando bloom (because oh my holy shit have you seen his beauty???? he is honestly a flippin beautiful human being and he is so pure and i love him)  i wouldnt exactly say that im still obsessed with him as the intensity has dramatically decreased as the years have gone on, like i still adore him, but i dont know if i would say that i was still obsessed with him.
OH but a current obsession is matcha icecream!! oh my gosh i love love love it, its so nice and clean tasting and just really nice
26. Best thing that has ever happened to you?
(ofc one of the best things was meeting you claire, bc you are truly one of the sweetest people ive ever had the pleasure of knowing) honestly cant really think of any actual single event apart from that hahah, so im just gonna say that moving from my primary school to our highschool was one of the best things to happen to me as it has seriously changed my life, 90% for the better, especially with all the good people i have met and become friends with (@ all my irl mutuals, i love y’all), so yeah
okay hopefully those are good enough answers, they were pretty difficult questions and i tried my best hahah
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emotio-nality · 7 years
19 + 25
ah thank you for sending this in! (sorry its so late, ive been a little busy)
19. If you had one wish, what would it be?
ahhhmmm, this is actually kinda difficult for me to answer and im not entirely sure i can come up with only one definite wish apart from the obvious cheeky one where i wish for more wishes butttt im pretty sure that goes against the rules of the game ,, sooo okay but when it really comes down to it, i wish that there was world peace and that things such as racism, sexism, ableism, classism and just discrimination in general didnt exist.
25. Worst thing that has ever happened to you?
hmm, another difficult question, anon, hahahah. i kinda feel like anything i say to answer this would never really actually be the worst thing that’s ever happened to me, because it would constantly be changing based on the relativity and technicality of the event that we are putting under this title… but talking simply, i‘d probably say losing some of my best friends over the years (yes i know technically that’s multiple occasions but shh, this is my post ;p), because i think its always hauntingly sad that you could be so close to someone and suddenly just lose everything you once had with them (esp when you lose all contact with them!! like i just wanna know how youre doing but i have no way of asking),, and its even worse when you kinda end on bad terms, like i really think that’s one of the worst things that could happen to you/me
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emotio-nality · 7 years
Once you get this you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly, and send it to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable). SPREAD POSITIVITY!
okay i actually typed out my whole answer before but i accidentally deleted the tab :’((( so here goes
1. i like that im able to appreciate art and history and all that jazz, bc a lot of people i know dont give a crap about any of it and i honestly wonder how 
2. i like that i tend to be a pretty nice person,, like, i will only dislike you and be rude/mean/ignore you if i find that you’ve done something that i find intolerable. i find that there are probably only two or three people that i seriously cannot stand being around (no names will be mentioned bc i dont like drama), and yeah, they probably know i dont like them (although if they dont… honestly dont know how they wouldnt have figured out by now..)
3. i like that i try to better myself and learn from my mistakes as well as other people’s mistakes
4. i think i kinda like my hands despite (and also because of) how small and dainty???? they are .. also like my hands bc of their capability to create and draw and write and honestly i dont know who i would even be if i couldnt do any of those things
5. lastly! (really struggling to come up with one bc i cant remember my previous answer oops) ummmmm.. i guess, i like my capacity and capability to love? bc i love a lot of things and people and once i do, i really really love them. like,, i wont half-ass it, imma put my entire heart and soul into you if i love you (which is probably super duper detrimental to my wellbeing if anything should go wrong..)
anywayyyy, i hope these were good claire! thank you for sending this to me even though i had to think for almost a whole day about what to answer with
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emotio-nality · 7 years
40 if ur still answering
aw of course im still answering them (im a sucker for receiving questions bc it makes me feel kinda validated).  thank you for sending this innn!!!
40. Do you believe in love?
love. L-O-V-E. luhvvvv. i wholeheartedly and completely believe in love with all of my soul and am unashamedly in love with the idea and concept of love. 
sorry if you just wanted a short answer, but boy, im probably gonna write a paragraph that goes for 4.6 years hahahaha ,, sorryyyy
but i truly believe that love is something that no human/living creature can live without. like obviously some people are incapable of love but in my opinion, without love, you cant live to the fullest extent, you dont feel as deeply, you dont really live? to me, i kind of believe that one of the purposes of life is to love. it sounds simple and cheesy but honestly, when you love, you are bearing your heart and although you are making yourself vulnerable, you kind of need to be able to do so and learn how to be true and open with others and trust that they are doing the same because it allows you to become close to other people in an honest way. and the action of loving someone is so pure and wholesome aqnd when they love you back (not necessarily romantically or sexually or anything, but also platonically, or sensually or with a familial love) it is honestly one of the fulfilling things that could ever happen to you. (i know this is me just rambling and not really making sense but oh well) love is love and love is good!!
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emotio-nality · 7 years
thankyou lovely person for sending this in!!
9: What’s your dream job?
to be completely honest, im not entirely sure. although!! I know I would love to do something regarding art and/or history, so at the moment I kinda really like the idea of working in an art gallery, not too sure as what though…
oh well! I’ll figure out one day, hopefully soon 😊
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emotio-nality · 7 years
Pass the happy along! When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and then send it to the last 10 people in your activity ~
aw thank you, cherub!!
one of the first things that makes me happy is doing art and stuff and seeing the final product (only when it looks good tho :/ when i dont think it looks good enough i have to actually stop myself from tearing it up)
reading a good book is so nice as well oh my gosh ,, nevermind that i havent read anything for almost two months oops, but when i do actually read, its so good!
going to art galleries and museums and pretty places and doing fun things with friends and my sister and nice people really excites me! like, i really love being surrounded by art and being in nice (and old) beautiful buildings and just being surrounded by beauty
when my phone vibrates and its because ive gotten a message from a friend who wants to talk to me!! (the feeling of validation is addictive)
ahh a final thing that makes me happy? … when im outside (which is hardly ever) and i see a nice garden or something and there are bees buzzing about the flowers and they seem so content and yeah, it makes me happy
ahahah these were probably a lil pathetic but those are a few things that make me happy :)
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emotio-nality · 7 years
36! 😊
thank you for sending this in, I love youu!!
36: Any bad habits?
ahh I have so many but im kinda working on breaking them, so I guess that’s good? I think my top 3 worst habits are probably (not exactly in any particular order):
over thinking - im always going over old chats and conversations that ive had with people and wishing I had said or done something slightly differently to have received a different outcome, which obviously is pointless bc once something is done its done. also I always overanalyse situations and things like my body and I end up feeling horrible and stupid (BUT I am working on it, and my body image isnt as bad as it used to be, so thats a positive!)
procrastinating - man I have the worst time management skills ever, I constantly put off things I have to do, even when I have the perfect chance to work on it, I wont do it until im stressing out about how I dont have any time left 
constantly putting myself down and scrutinizing whatever I make/do - I always compare my work and pick out all the negative things and criticise everything and it only leads to feeling bad, and im kinda learning to tell myself that even if it is bad or if I don’t like it, someone else will probably like or see the positives that I cant.
so im kinda working on fixing them and I am making progress (less so with procrastination, but one day i’ll get there) so yeah :)
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emotio-nality · 8 years
what's ur favourite flower?
oh boy, this is such a difficult question, i cant possibly just give a singular flower name, because they are all so beautiful!!
but yeah, i adore roses and daisies and hydrangea and sunflowers and dandelions and waterlilies and oh so many! 
also love love love those teeny tiny flowers that spring up in the grass in little patches, they’re so adorable but i dunno what they’re called
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emotio-nality · 8 years
how do you feel about the night sky?
oh my gosh!!! !
dude, you know how much i love it. 
like all those stars; and the moon; and ohmygosh when there are softly glowing clouds  ; just oh man
really gets my heart pumping, yknow
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emotio-nality · 8 years
how do you deal w streess
tbh, not well at all hahah
i kinda tend to put off a lot of my work until the worst possible moment: right before its due!!!!! 
and i really need to stop.
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emotio-nality · 8 years
What do u love most about urself?
hmm, this is actually a question that makes me think really hard. like, not because i completely hate everything about myself but i tend to always focus on the things i dont like about myself. 
if you had asked me this last year i would have said my hair immediately, but now that ¾ of it is gone,,, i dont think thats my answer anymore.
sorry i know im rambling at the moment but i really am trying to figure out what to put down as the answer. 
okay so! i think, perhaps the thing i love most about myself, is my ability to appreciate the little things. i mean, its not as though a lot of people normally take the time out of their day to just pause and reflect on their surroundings or their feelings and what others feel and what other people’s actions may mean.
bc ive noticed that at school, apart from certain people, ill be like ‘oh hey the clouds look so pretty right now’ and then they’ll say ‘its just the sky, it looks the same everyday’ but little do they know, it really doesnt. the clouds are different every single day and every minute they are changing based on the wind or how fast the water vapours are forming the cloud and what time of day it is and what temperature it is, it is always changing and that is the beauty of nature. nothing is the same. everything is temporary and we need to take the time to appreciate the formation of the clouds no matter the time of day. also, people tend not to look down or up when they’re walking, they just stare straight ahead and in doing so, they miss out on so many little details like dew on the grass or, little patches of clover growing through the pavement, and colourful birds in the trees, and little bumblebees buzzing about the little wildflowers that are sprouting about in the grass. and of course, they dont notice the beauty of the clouds because they arent looking up. and they miss out on so much but they dont even realise ,,, 
tl;dr :: and wow this got really long oops, but yeah, so i guess the thing i love the most about myself is my appreciation of the little details
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emotio-nality · 8 years
what do u deem as the best aspect of relationships?
thank you so much for sending this in!! I think the mutual support and respect between the people in the relationship is definitely one of the best aspects, because its so pure and the people just want the best for each other (for most relationships). and although i’ve never been in one myself, I really just want to be able to show my affection for someone and be there for them whenever they need someone to lean on or even just encourage them through whatever.
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emotio-nality · 8 years
I really love your URL! It's very cute ♡
omgosh im so sorry i dont know when you sent this but i just saw it and thank youuuuu!!!!! i adore your URL too, its so lovely and i always think of little bumblebees buzzing around whenever i see it
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