#nah bro. get out the bungee cords
boogieboba · 2 years
If din had somehow managed to get ig-11 up and working last episode, i firmly believe din would’ve strapped him to the roof of the starfighter like a mattress. bc how else would he get that lanky ass droid to the surface? sit in his lap?
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dangledoop · 8 years
oh! I was tagged by @rogue-demonhunter​, thanks bro :)
rules: complete the survey and say who tagged you in the beginning. when you’re finished, tag people to do this survey. have fun and enjoy! tagging: @jedimasterhyladae​ and whoever ends up reading this they can do it as well :) 1. Are you named after someone? Nah, but i share my mother’s middle name 2. When was the last time you cried? uhhhh, fuck, i dunno, i guess whenever i was depressed last (usually cry at some point when im depressed but sometimes i don't) 3. Do you like your handwriting? only when i write my own name, any other word in my handwriting is just complete trash 4. What is your favourite lunch meat? i like all kinds of lunch meat (except for head cheese and lyoner sausage, that shit is fuckin gross) 5. Do you have kids? hell no 6. If you were another person would you be friends with you? sure. 7. Do you use sarcasm? yup :D 8. Do you still have your tonsils? yes 9. Would you bungee jump? to be honest, i think i’d rather skydive than bungee jump. At least you would have a parachute if you were skydiving, the cord or whatever could break if you bungee jumped. So, no, i wouldn't. 10. What is your favourite type of cereal? Fruit Loops, yo 11. Do you untie your shoe laces when you take them off? no way, laces are a bitch to tie up so i keep them tied as long as i can. 12. Do you think you’re a strong person? lol im on the borderline of wimp to average. 13. What is your favourite ice cream flavour? cookie dough and moose tracks, that shit is fuckin delicious. 14. What is the first thing you notice about people? idfk...their face? personality? 15. What is the least favourite physical thing about yourself? my weight 16. What colour pants and shoes are you wearing now? im actually wearing light grey shorts and shoes aren't currently on my feet. 17. What are you listening to right now? Blue by A Perfect Circle (the instruments used in the beginning of that song are calming to me, idk why) 18. If you were a crayon what colour would you be? eh, probably any kind of blue, purple, maybe neon green. 19. Favourite smell? Floral smells....just the smell of the outdoors is nice, especially when you’re in a forest or in a plains type area. 20. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? if skype counts then @rogue-demonhunter​ but if on an actual phone then my school counsellor  21. Favourite sport to watch? I’m not one for sports 22. Hair colour? i have thick ass hair so the color depends on which part of my hair. For the most part its light brown, kind of an ashy light brown i guess (in the summer there's blondish highlights) and underneath its a darker brown with some red highlights (think i got that part of my hair colour from my mom). 23. Eye colour?  blue 24. Do you wear contacts? nope, but I’ve considered getting contacts of different colours, but i wanna get more ear piercings first (only one i have is the standard lobe one). 25. Favourite food? ah, that's a toughy but i would round it down to pho or pasta, i could eat that shit all day...well, not really cuz i would vomit but y’know what i mean :) 26. Scary movies or comedy? both 27. Last movie you watched? the Ghostbusters reboot, pretty shitty in my opinion but the fight scene was actually cool. They used different gadgets, dodged attacks from the ghosts and whatnot, whereas in the original they kinda just stood there and shot their proton beams at the ghosts. 28. What colour of shirt are you wearing? light blue 29. Summer or winter? when its winter, i want it to be summer and when its summer, i want to be winter. but if i had to pick then probably summer because my birthday is in that season and summer’s aren't always so dreadfully hot (at least where i am) but hot nonetheless. 30. Hugs or kisses? Hugs because so little people can kiss you and i only accept kisses from family (more so my mother and aunt) 31. What book are you currently reading? fuck, i haven't read an actual book in a long time(that doesn't mean i don't read at all), been wanting to read a good novel, hard to find anything interesting, though. 32. Who do you miss right now? my friends and i know this isn't a person but my old school that i used to go to from kindergarten to grade 7. It got torn down in 2014, so many memories there :) 33. What is on your mousepad right now? A CUTE PUPPY! ITS SO CUTE! :3 (a 13 year old me would've hated it and wanted something edgy but when i got for Christmas this year i was like “yo...i love puppies” lol) 34. What is the last TV program you watched? The Walking Dead...ugh, im just waiting for all of the season 7 episodes to come out (are they all out now?) so i can just binge watch so i don't have watch a boring episode then wait a week to watch another boring episode. Episode 1 of season 7 was brutal and i was excited for future episodes but....that show isn’t going anywhere but i’ll still watch it just in case it does go somewhere.. 35. What is the best sound? the ocean :) also when you can hear wind whistling it sounds pretty cool. 36. Rolling Stones or the Beatles? haven't listened much to either but The Beatles 37. Do you have a special talent? art?...i guess? idk im not even good at that tbh, trying to get better tho 38. Where were you born? in a hospital somewhere in Canada
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