#nah but i'm just . brainrot . i have so many thoughts and don't know where to begin
thefunniestguy · 2 years
who wants to give me adventure time things to rant about :],,,, /nf /hj
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stillresolved · 4 months
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NAME?: ferre :)
PRONOUNS?: they / them
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION?: tumblr ims for newcomers, discord for friends/longtime writing partners!
MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S)?: rn aeri's taken over, but on here, it rotates fairly often; i also always have brainrot for suki & patrick ♡
EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS?: 9-10 years? i started in the shitty ims of quizilla, didn't realize this is something ppl actually did as a hobby for another year before i moved to tumblr. i believe i was on-and-off for about four years before in 2018, i made calum, where the hobby became more permanent, took a year long break and then came back in 2021....u're all stuck with me for life now :)
BEST EXPERIENCE?: THE PLOTTED GROUP VERSES I HAVE WITH THE PPL :'D from the thg verse to the crime verse AND NOW!! the celebrity verse i never thought i'd get to write and plot such intricate ideas with my partners, so it makes me SO HAPPY and thankful to have stuck around here all this time; also whatever's going on with suki & her co-workers i'm in, i love it
RP PET PEEVES?: admittedly, a lot :'D but moving blogs has helped with getting away from constantly encountering these pet peeves :D if i have to name one then recently i've been getting turned off by ppl who are always their soapboxes lecturing about rp. they talk about how rp should be and how people should interact with one another, but most of the time? i hardly see them practice what they preach. if you want quality partners, you have to be one first- that's how you find ur people :/ also excessive, consistent saltiness- i get uncomfortable.
FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT?: i don't really care, just as long as there's character/relationship development going on. that being said- if you want pain that will make u yell at me in the dms, hit me up ♡ ( i have references :DD )
PLOTS OR MEMES?: honestly plots all the way, but i'm also very picky with who i plot with in-depth, so memes are good ways to break the ice.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES?: i tend to match my partners so most of the time my replies end up on the longer side...that being said, i am always down for shorter threads, it's a good exercise in brevity.
TIME TO WRITE?: recently it's been more on the weekends as i have solo writing projects i work on during the week although i do tend to hold onto completed replies/memes so that i can mass post them when i have a few more completed.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)?: NAH, one thing that's been making me happier these days is that i'm starting?? to branch out a bit more from the good beans i'm accustomed to writing....when it comes to portraying my characters, my goal isn't to make them do the right thing so much as do the most interesting ic thing ♡
tagged by: i stole it ♡ tagging: @geaesaekki @mythvoiced @velvetineblue @theimpalpable ( for when you've finished renovating :D ) @bloodxhound @byanyan @crue1 @irrwicht and you! stealing is acceptable in this house :D
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idk if you've been asked this yet but a month after the finale has anything changed with time? like your viewpoint, where you think the story is going etc.
Nah, it hasn't. I think that things are going to change because of season seven starting in January rather than September, and we don't know how many episodes they'll get (please do not make the season too short please ABC I am on my knees), so we should be careful about speculation. I'm not really speculating much right now, the strike has thrown a lot into the air.
I do still think that Buddie will go canon in season seven, my original thoughts were either the Madney wedding (which I had bet would be 7x05 since that'll be the 100th episode) or the midseason finale but now obviously I'm not sure. I hope the Madney wedding will get featured in a few episodes. But beyond that, I just really have hopes - like I hope we get a bottle episode, I hope we see a lot of Karen, etc.
So yeah. Nothing's really changed in regards to what I think will happen in season seven, but to be fair, I didn't have a lot of speculation beyond Buddie in the first place.
As far as my thoughts on the finale and where we are, I think we're in a good place. I'm very, very excited about the move to ABC. I love where Hen and Karen were left off, I'm excited about their new foster (possibly to adopt?), I'm happy and excited for the Madney wedding, and I understand where they plateau'd Buck and Eddie's journeys and I'm looking forward to the continuation in season seven. My thoughts haven't really changed. I really enjoyed season six, I'm happy with it overall, and while in a weird way I'm glad we're getting this extra long hiatus so that I have room in my brain for stuff that's not weewoo brainrot, I'm also eager for season seven.
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pashminalamb · 2 years
Why do I feel like you look amazing in blue? Like you’re sitting in class with a white sweater and dark blue jeans and cute brown ankle boots with buttons on the side and the sun shines on you just right from the window and your eyes look like they have tiny stars in them and your skin is shadowed with a dark shade on a part of your face as the other part is hit by the sunlight. This is all as you make your adorable concentrated face cause you’re paying attention in class and sit near the front. It just seems like your vibe you know? Also idk why but I can totally imagine you looking amazing in a short bobcut with blue highlights. Maybe piecing and rings too? Overall just hardcore blue fairy vibes is what I get from you.
I know it’s been a minute. Sooooo to cope with TR ending I’m currently reading Lore Olympus and I’m obsessed. Already halfway through and I just started yesterday 💀💀. I don’t choose the obsession the obsession chooses me 😌. I put off reading it for so long cause people were really pushy (and in annoying way) about it and that kinda made me lose my initial interest and I wanted to read it in my own time. I honestly end up with diet errors coping mechanisms like seriously unconscious why? (In a confused manner I mean) But like it’s a double-edged sword cause Hades and Persophone remind me so of Mikey and Takemitchy (they’re my OTP everything abt them just absolutely destroys me in a good way tho so much love and comfort and angst UGH) There had not been a night where I haven’t cried over them and their story and TR subsequent I started reading TR so like. Yeah. God I love that story so much. I cant believe it’s over. Izana brainrot still going string btw I even have a plot to our love story 😌. Lore Olympus has give me a bunch of ideas for both my love story with Izana and Takemikey fanfics 👀👀. Have you heard of Lore Olympus? It’s a webtoon and it’s just breathtaking. I highly recommend it. How are you btw? Good I hope? *sends many virtual hugs*
- ✨ anon
For the last ask. I promise I didn’t mean it in a creepy or weird way. I SWEAR IT. Its just that I love how people look aesthetically. How if you look at a person in a certain light or imagine them doing a simple task or look at a single feature they have you can see the beauty in them. It really puts a perspective on things I think. I wish one day I’ll be able to write people like that in my stories. My last ask was what I just thought how you would look aesthetically beautiful in blue shading or lighting you know? I’m sorry if it made you uncomfortable or was overbearing.
- ✨ anon
Starry!! YES! This is so point! ˃̵ᴗ˂̵ Don't have the highlights though (You didn't make me uncomfy or overbearing bb, its kinda how coincidence works; You're either on point or a complete miss or like half way there. What you say can match with what I wear so nah I'm not creeped out) i do sit in the front near a window; cause the last time i sat in the back i had to listen to this drag of a story abt my classmate pounding his gf against a wall (poor attempt at bragging) and turns out he was a cheater... ৻( •̀ ᗜ •́ ৻) (idek what to say except that he is a dirtbag smh)
its a very cute description starry! And yeah blue is one of the colors i have along with gray and white including the tanned boots and if I give that sort of vibe then you've caught it ; akfbebfhf blue fairy (꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)
Tinkerbelle (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ) [time to make this a tag]
I love how people look aesthetically as well. Cause i study and draw statues or paintings; and i'm also an author/ writer. And i write abt people so I get it- and i'm familiar and get what you're trying to say;
૮(˶˃ᆺ˂˶)ა - And I look forward to the day you start writing your own stories (only if you want to tho)
As for webtoons killing stalking , LORE OLYMPUS! I did read lore olympus! Hades is a comfort character of mine and Persephone and he get along so well together! Cue me not liking minthe and I'm so glad that Hades fell for Persephone and not her, cause persephone fits his rugged personality so well; its been months since I read last cause I forget that things have been updated with so many busy things happening at once; I read other works as well like the remarried empress, I love yoo, i used to read unordinary now idk what the scenario looks like, home sweet home- been a while since i read that, lookism, eggnoid, my dear cold blooded king, siren's lament, i was reading windbreaker... and let's play. Even that one with bts in it but then I dropped reading it (save me was it…?)
I absolutely love the art style of Lore Olympus. Maybe I should pick it up to see if things are fine with Hades and Persephone... Lore olympus reminds me of... *got struck by an idea* brb cause you'll see after I release this.
I'm doing pretty good! Fifa is here and I'm pretty excited - cause we take football pretty seriously here- working on a new piece (and dw its angsty fluffy; just finished with Nagi and I'm on Oliver now - wanna cry cause this man doesn't exist)
I gave a u-quiz and I got Pluto as a roman god aka Hades - I've always wanted a cerberus...
but yeah life's going good, very solitary and I like it atm Hope you're doing good with college and everything (づ๑•ᴗ•๑)づ♡
*sending big hugs back* get urself a man like Hades. He’ll give you donuts <3
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tranakin-skywalker · 5 months
20 questions for writers
Was tagged by @jaguarys. Thanks for the tag!
How many works do you have on AO3?
14 so far. technically more because I have some orphaned works too
2. What's your total AO3 wordcount?
415,200 0.o
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Primarily Star Wars rn (the brainrot is strong). I have some Harry Potter fics that I put a lot of love and work into, but I haven't been able to engage with that fandom for... obvious reasons. I've also written for Bleach, Persona 5, Venom (the movie), Our Flag Means Death, and X-Men
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Enoument (Harry Potter)
Empiricist (Harry Potter)
Cytokinesis (Star Wars)
Star-Birth (Star Wars)
Ouroboros (Harry Potter)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to. Sometimes it takes me a while to get around to it, and when the comment is just something like "I loved it" or "great fic" I usually won't because saying thank you over and over again is, idk, kinda weird. Usually when someone writes a really in-depth comment or theorizes or asks questions I'll respond almost immediately. It's a lot easier to reply when it feels like there's a conversation, ya know?
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
This is hard to answer since most of my fics are still wips lol. I'd say as of right now it'd probably be For a Son.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Again, same problem lmao. Also I don't tend to write happy fics.
8. Do you get hate on your fic?
Not really. I've gotten a few where people would complain about not liking some of the things I did but I wouldn't really call that hate. Just entitlement.
9. Do you write smut?
I've dabbled but I haven't published anything.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Nah. I'd be open to it if the inspiration ever struck me though
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
I've tried it a few times with some friends but we never got far enough to publish anything.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
I don't think I have one. I'm open to basically any and every ship as long as I think they way the characters play off each other is interesting and compelling.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Sigh. Empiricist. I really do love that fic and had so much fun working on it. But it is... massive. 200k words and I'm only about 1/4 the way through the plot I had. Plus the huge difficulty I have with writing Harry Potter now... I just don't think I'll be able to go back to it any time soon.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Honestly I have no idea. Apparently I am very good at delivering gut punches? (if anyone wants to tell me what they think my writing strengths are, I'd love to hear it.)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Action. I don't think I'm very good at writing action at all. Also getting to the plot. I tend to get distracted by introspection and character studies and forget to the big plot points lol
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I think it works really well when used right. I really like it when you have a pov character who doesn't know the language, and you don't give the reader any translation for what is being said so that they are just as in the dark as the character.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Guardians of Ga-Hoole, back before I even knew what fanfic was. (I actually emailed the author to tell her about my silly little story that I had written myself inspired by her books. Apparently Kathryn Lasky didn't know what fanfic was either and was very confused by my email. I was like... 10 maybe?)
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
It changes. Star-Birth is up there because of all the cool things I've done with it and plan to do. Groundwater is probably going to be a close contender though
I can't think of anyone to tag atm but I'd love for any of yall to play and tag me. I wanna see what you're all writing
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toxicshumai · 2 years
How about all of the characters and vanilla (because apparently vanilla is a kink nowadays and I'm one of the most vanilla person you could ever meet). You don't need to do all of them if it's too much, you can just pick whoever you feel like talking about but I'm curious what you think 👀
Have a great day my queen ♡
nah man LET'S GOOOOO. I'm gonna do the dateables in a separate post bc this is already way too long
Send me an Obey Me character(s) and a kink and I’ll leak my thoughts
Lucifer: He's a canonical sadist and seems to enjoy a brat taming but he's not going to initiate any kind of scene unless he has enough time and energy to give 110%. He takes that responsibility seriously. Since he's overworked and sleep deprived most sex is going to be vanilla. If he's especially tired, he'll probably get lost in how good he feels and cum prematurely. If you're topping just fuck him through it and he'll feel wonderfully relaxed and exhausted. If he's topping, he'll be mortified and then use his hands to get you off as many times as you can handle to compensate. Vanilla sex is vulnerable for Lucifer and his favorite part is foreplay when he can just run his hands and lips over your body and feel your warm skin against his. It reminds him that you're alive and chose him.
Mammon: Subby boy. Soft brat. Mammon is eager and tends to get ahead of himself so he's going to want to speedrun all of your shared kinks almost immediately. He buys toys, lingerie, candles, restraints, different lubes, you name it. Partly because of Mammon's Too Much Gene and partly because thinks if he can keep the sense of novelty going, you won't get bored and leave him. Make him slow down. Take him apart slowly, treat him like something delicate and precious. Spread him out under you so he can't hide his blush or expression of pure adoration. Look into his eyes and hold his hand while you slide into/onto him slowly. He'll cry after and probably during (though he'll deny it) but it's only from the intense emotional catharsis. The other side of this coin is goofy established relationship sex where you're both giggling from endorphins, teasing each other, and fully indulging in each other's bodies. Mammon will give you a dopey lovesick smile the whole time.
Levi: You're going to have to work this poor man up to penetrative sex but he's a fiend for mostly-clothed hand stuff while you're both in his bedtub. We all know Levi has a degradation kink and most likely hentai brainrot but he's not going to bring that up in the bedroom without a lot of prompting and time together. Vanilla sex makes him feel so much more exposed that roleplay or d/s power dynamics because he doesn't have a roadmap. He has to just be himself and be in the moment and that's terrifying. On the other hand, nothing compares to the rewards of submitting to the mortifying ordeal of being known. He's going to need a ton of aftercare after vanilla sex or he'll get lost in his head and the endorphin dump will fuck him right up.
Satan: I hc Satan as being less experienced than his other brothers partly because he's been alive the least amount of time and partly because he's not going to let his guard down around just anyone. Also he has high standards. He's also a romantic who reads too many romance novels and erotica. Satan would watch Hallmark movies with Asmo. So this man? Loves vanilla sex. Playful sex with an established partner, sweaty desperate quickies, and slow sensual marathon sex are his jam. Woo him a little. Light some candles (actually maybe use some LED ones given that his room is a fire hazard), take your time kissing and working him up, tell him you love him and how happy you are to be his. Also, I hc that he has a lot of wall sex because his bed is full of books. Favorite position is for you to drape yourself across his back and fuck him hard and deep while he ruts against a pillow.
Asmo: Yes, he'll do vanilla but he needs to show off the entire time. Deepthroating, making you squirt, bending himself into ridiculous positions, etc. Praise him but bring his focus back to the connection you share; he doesn't need to impress you or perform for you. He doesn't have to win you over because he already has you. Kiss the back of his hand, his palm, and each one of his fingertips while you tell him you just want to be close to him and make him feel good. He's going to be clingy after.
Beel: Ohh softe boi. I don't think Beel has a lot of kinks so you end up having vanilla sex by default. He likes how domestic missionary feels unless you're much shorter or smaller than him, in which case he prefers you on top so he can actually look you in the eye and not worry about crushing you. I think Beel is very easy to please. Some mostly-clothed heavy petting and making out followed by snacks and he's happy. Full-on penetrative sex is less frequent because if he tops he's a stretch and if he bottoms uhh having to void first makes him hungry and then he just needs to eat.
Belphie: You want him to stay awake for sex? Not even a little somnophilia? Ohhh jail. Jail for MC. He's going to be very soft once he realizes you're not up to play with his brat persona. He wants to have sex lying on your sides either facing each other with your leg hooked over his hip or spooning you and leisurely thrusting while rubbing your clit/dick. If he bottoms, he's going to whine to be facedown in the pillows but keep an eye on him to make sure he stays awake. You can fuck him in missionary but he'll pout if you don't massage his legs after.
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