#nah hooty deserved better
Do you ever get the feeling that while she was writing “The Owl House”, Dana Terrace had a clear idea at almost all times about what kind of story she wanted to tell and why she wanted the show to be about at its core, while Nate Stevenson didn’t have much idea what he wanted to do with “SPOP” other than “Something something Catradora Canon…something something venting my Evangelical religious trauma…something something I’ll figure out the rest eventually”?
hmm. i do think dana terrace had a clear idea at first but i wouldn't say she carried it out well either. excuse me while i go on a rant.
the owl house was definitely a lot better than spop but i still think dana lost sight of her show towards the end. belos starts off as a really strong villain with complex motives and an intriguing backstory. he was a very compelling character up until s03e01. but then, in the finale, they just did a 180 and made him the "pure evil big bad". that just didn't sit right with me. i don't mean to say i wanted him to have a redemption arc, i just think he deserved a more climatic ending. the thing that king's parent told luz completely contradicts belos's character. he literally sacrificed his own health for his beliefs, calling him self-centered and evil is downplaying his entire purpose and character. yes, he was a terrible person who wanted to commit mass genocide but since he was heavily implied to be a victim of religious trauma, labelling him as simply Evil™ feels very lazy.
not to mention, the final season focused more on useless subplots than the actual story. i know many people would disagree with me but huntlow was rushed and counterproductive to both hunter's and willow's arcs, the whole hexside and kikimora subplot was unnecessary and boring, and luz suddenly getting titan powers in the end undercuts her entire arc of choosing her own destiny. "but papa titan gave her a choice!" no he didn't. he might have said that but luz was literally dead. her only option was to accept the titan powers if she wanted to live and also save everyone else. it wasn't a difficult decision, it was her only choice. what was she supposed to do, just chill in the afterlife with papa titan?
so yeah, while i don't think toh messed up quite as much as spop did, i can't say it was flawless. i get it, the show was cancelled, yada yada. but that's not an excuse and if you want to know why i don't consider that an excuse, check this post.
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dove-da-birb · 10 months
My Collection of Hoovis Photos
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If you are confused about what on Earth the context for these photos are, it is because my mutual said Clavis's one face looked like Hooty from The Owl House... it escalated from there [first photo]
@xxoomiii @vioisgoinginsane (sorry, also making sure you see whatever the hell this is)
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random-bi-writer · 2 years
My Reaction to Thanks To Them
Took me two days to finish my projects first before watching this but it is definetely worth the antagonising wait.
Spoilers for those who haven’t watched it yet.
And once again, Anne made me laugh.
Wait...there are sponges that aren’t yellow?
Get Some Therapy Challenge: Failed.
Nah, that british gay man who dresses like a straight person ain’t human to begin with.
Goddamit, of course he shows up.
I see a picture of what seems to be Luz slapping a cake on her dad’s face.
Child, you need to get out more often.
Why would they freak out- oh. right, Abominations...
I wonder if Disney let a full season, we would have a more in depth scene about Vee meeting the others for the first time instead of this.
Hallway of pictures. There’s the dad throwing baby Luz in the air (that explains a lot about Luz) Chat Noir cosplay, 
Hate that I can see the dad’s full face, but it’s too fucking small for me to stare at.
Pfft. I’m sorry, I had to rewatch this 5 times to make sure I’m not watching a fanmade amv instead of the episode. Also nice to include Hooty photobombing.
The amount of sadness with the drawings is just...
Designs. Gus, yes. Willow, maybe. Amity, maybe less dark colors and ditch the hat. Hunter, goofy boy.
Mirabel Madrigal.
Damn, that explains the haircut. Still miss the ahoge, though.
They’re so cute, especially Amity, I want to pinch her cheeks.
I prefer the non-romance cute. Lumity is so cute and wholesome that it’s disgusting.
Aww, the boys are having fun.
Willow looks like a mom with her hair down.
Is that spanish, I hear? I’m so proud.
I thought you were over that.
So Willow likes photography now.
Aww, Hooty’s there.
Vee is more babey when he speaks spanish.
Lmao. You’re gonna have three more kids once you meet King and the Twins. Maybe four, depending on the Collector. Or five, since Eda is kinda of a child sometimes. Wow, you’re gonna be busy.
Wouldn’t people find it suspicous to see four kids walking around town during school hours? Why aren’t they going to school, then again, it would cost a lot.
Luz, for the love of all things holy, get some therapy.
Pfft. Luz what the heck?
Aww, it’s nice to see other humans liking Luz...that better not be a prank...
Damn, imagine if Luz lost her dad from a car crash, this scene would have been really something.
Ugh, gross.
Dang. Nice, Hunter.
Babey Boy.
The back cover looks gay.
Flashbacks? Nice.
For some reason, I’m thinking of Marcy.
Oh, so it’s a nightmare.
Manny Noceda. Am I getting that right?
I’m gonna be honest, I have no idea what I should say about Camila’s nightmare.
Shit. I know this a serious moment, but look at the picture of Camila and Vee being cute together. Probably the last thing I should focus on.
You know that feeling where you feel like something’s bad is going to happen? I’m getting that from the egg.
Oh, god. That is disgusting and horrifying.
Hunter, no.
LMAO, Amity’s face!
Lmao, the Huntlow shippers are getting fed
Belos is gonna show up when Hunter’s alone, isn’t he?
God dammit, why am I always right? Can’t I be wrong for a change?
Lmao, Willow.
Are they watching Amphibia?
Gus is afraid of firelights. Amity is a mood with the circles.
Is the shadow fucking necesarry
Luz looks weird smiling like that.
Wait, that black haired actress looks like Luz.
Lmao, that’s saying it midly.
Huh, both of the siblings eyes glowed blue.
Fucking hell, he’s inside of him.
Damn, they went hard at the animation again.
Oh damn, having a basilisk on your team really is good.
No...no...No! Hunter and Flapjack deserve to be happy together!
Lumity call back, I don’t remember which episode..
Aww...I thought Vee would be coming.
Lmao, Vee.
So Thanks to Them is just Season 3A jumbled together.
Wait...Thanks to Them....Thanks to Disney...LMAO
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joshterry · 6 years
having no clue what you’re doing but eating cheese toast anyway
When I was 18 years old I went to college thinking I wanted to be a newspaper editorialist. A week into college I realized I really just like telling people what to do, but that I didn't really read newspapers and that I had no clue what I was doing. I went to lots of concerts and downloaded music on Napster for free, lots of it, so much that I froze my hard drive twice. I figured music might be something I wanted to pursue as a career. I knew no one that worked in music & had no clue how one even started career in music. Through some research (mostly by looking in liner notes of CDs of regional bands (kids CDs are these things that existed before Spotify & Apple Music that you used to have to pay for, they were giant wastes of plastic & money, enjoy your music for free, you're welcome), I found people in my state that had small businesses that worked in music. I joined street teams of bigger companies around the country & put up their posters and passed out their CDs for free all over my campus. I joined a concert board, brought a lot of concerts to my campus, met some of my best friends & helped be part of a team that increased overall funding for that organization by almost 200%. I got yelled at a lot. I interned everywhere and I mean everywhere for free. No one paid me any dang money and I was totally fine with that because I didn't have enough knowledge to deserve any money. Management companies, booking agencies, venues, festivals, a record label owned by Hootie & The Blowfish as well as a few places that I think were just covers for people who probably sold drugs, were addicted to drugs or drank vodka for breakfast (it wasn't all pretty people) while they did their drugs. Most of the time I kept thinking "I have no clue what I'm doing." I got yelled at a lot. I never learned how to make coffee, I still don't know how to make coffee. I questioned why I wanted to do this a lot, maybe I wasn't good enough at this, it seemed to come more naturally for other people but I was stubborn and was going to figure out how to do it even if I fell on my face. I made enough mistakes to where I probably should have been fired a million times, for some reason none of those people ever kicked me out of their offices and were patient with me. When I was 21 I started a small business out of my apartment where I'd book and manage bands. I did so because I had interned for virtually everyone in the southeast & no one was hiring and crap I was graduating in a year. I had no business plan, no clue how to budget & really no clue what I was doing. I just found bands that I liked that no one else was helping and that needed help. I made some money, I lost a lot more of it. Before I graduated college I made a plan to move to Charleston to keep working with bands because there were a lot of good bands coming out of there and I thought maybe that'll open up an opportunity for me. 2 days before I graduated college, I got fired by my biggest client because music had burned him out & he wanted to go home and paint houses for the rest of the year. At my graduation I didn't tell anyone this happened so they wouldn't talk me out of moving to Charleston to pursue this music thing that by the way still wasn't guaranteeing me any money. I also blew every single dime of my graduation money that night. Every. Single. Dime. But it was quite an epic party. I moved to Charleston without any graduation money (idiot), lived in a friend musician's house for free. Most of my bands barely made enough money to pay me but they still did whenever they could. On my worst financial month ever, someone broke into the house I lived in and stole my bicycle, some change off the counter & some Pauly Shore DVDs. In retrospect that criminal probably needed those Pauly Shore DVD's more than me but losing Encino Man was really just a rude slap in the face but a pretty epic rock bottom. For a year, 90% of my daily meal plan was cheese toast & Dr. Pepper on recycled paper plates because I had no money to buy anything else not even new paper plates. Not too long after that, a few of my bands signed record contracts, a few of my bands started growing regionally and making a little money, and a few of my bands just complained a whole lot and eventually decided they didn't want to be in bands. Some things haven't changed. Slowly but surely things started connecting. When I was 23, I got a call and asked if I wanted to go on the road. I reluctantly said yes. I got to travel all over the world in tour buses & airport shuttles. The bands I worked with played arenas, amphitheaters, big clubs, little clubs. I got yelled at a lot more. I had no clue what I was doing. Every time I got yelled at, I tried to figure out why and never did that again. I got better at my job. I spent 2 years of my life doing that and made some friends who I got to watch accomplish their dreams & that I'm still close with today. At the end of that, I got a call to move to Chicago to work at a company that first inspired me to work in music. This was a bigger experience than I had ever imagined for myself. I had no clue what I was doing and just wanted to make sure I didn't screw up enough for them to realize that and toss me out. I worked all the time and we signed a lot of bands that ended up becoming really big and selling lots of records & tickets and a few even won awards. That company eventually let me move to Nashville to open a satellite office because I hate snow & it snows a lot in Chicago. Somehow they never tossed me out & I worked at that company for 9 years with some of my favorite people & got to do some incredible things. Then after thinking about it for years, I decided to start my own business...again (what an idiot huh). It was a risk to leave behind a salaried job at an established company with a 401k plan and good insurance (god I miss the good insurance). I was worried I still had no clue what I was doing and maybe my bands or my assistant wouldn't come with me. All my bands did & my assistant did too. My only goal was to not go bankrupt in the first year. Now every year on our anniversary we host a "Not In Debt Yet" party and will do that until we do go in debt & then we won't do that anymore because we'll be in debt. In the first few months of working for me on a car ride back from Atlanta to see Mayday Parade, I told my assistant that I had a plan for her to become a manager. She probably thought I was crazy & probably thought "I have no clue what I'm doing" but I knew she had all the tools to be great at this. Now going into our 3rd year, that assistant is now a manager at my company. She manages 2 of our bands now and she's better than I was at her age and probably better than I am at my age now honestly. We were driving back from Atlanta last week & I remembered "hey remember 2 years ago when we did this same drive home and I told you you were gonna be a manager and now you are one, funny how that happens." Things were going good & I was starting to think "hey maybe I do have a clue what I'm doing" but deep down I knew I wanted to grow and I couldn't get that thought out of my head. I overthought about it a lot, ran the numbers more times than I want to admit & kept talking myself out of it because things were working how they were & maybe changing things up like this would mean "maybe I don't have a clue what I'm doing." I've had someone I wanted to hire for a year now, everything in my heart said this was the person, everything in my brain kept saying "nah you have no clue what you're doing" and so I stalled, I kept talking myself out of it. Then we talked again at a party for an hour about how to figure it out & I got that gut feeling of "do this idiot" & so I said I'm going to figure this out. I hired that new kid 2 weeks ago, she graduated college this weekend, & she starts in 2 weeks. Now I somehow have to figure out how to fit 3 desks in our tiny office...actually no I don't... my new assistant has to figure that out because now all the things that I have no clue how to do is her responsibility. ALL OF THEM Maddison. That's called delegating folks. If I'm honest, most days I still don't think I have a clue what I'm doing, but looking back at it all, every year after a lot of overthinking, praying & trying to be honest with myself, I've faced my fears and trusted my gut and because of that I've found myself surrounded by better people each year who somehow help me get a clue about what I'm doing and because of that things seem to keep getting better and easier and they're working. Here's to another year of having no clue what I'm doing but doing it anyway... and hopefully not going in debt, because then we can't have that party and I like that party.
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