izum-chan · 1 year
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Happy B-day Gin-chan!!
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glamfurarchive · 1 year
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ART BY: Nai-chan on FurAffinity • 05/31/2007
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erveinangel · 8 months
hii feel free to ignore this if u don't wanna answer but i find it rly interesting 2 see folks who r plural in unique ways & i'd love 2 hear abt ur experience/why u consider urself plural but not a system if u feel like talking abt it!!! by not a system do u just mean ur not medically plural? i've seen it defined several different ways
sorry for seeing this just now, I don't think i have notifs on. putting this undercut. I can't put my thoughts into clear words so i apologize that these end up sounding off.
Not being medically plural (or at least, questioning it.) is one of few reasons why I don't say I'm a sys, but the other reason is that I simply don't feel comfortable with it ... I've had some bad experiences with it before & I feel like plural just fits my identity better.
I constantly question my Identity to the point of no return & Having someone trying to "help" me just feels like being thrown around like a puppet. I want to wait for the right time & heart to think about stuff like this, and now is simply not the right time.
I've thought about it since around like, late 2022 or very early into 2023, a friend of mine (who is not plural, i will mention) wanted to help me find out my identity by searching DID/OSDD on forums
... It got kind of iffy to me because their source was one (1) friend of theirs who're a sys, and the fact they're using it as like, concrete information???. saying things like "oh i don't think in-system relationships are possible" when said friends' experiences are not universal. I have had, a few friends around me say that in sys relationships are possible.
I'm not talking about this more but essentially ... we like plural better. xP
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sesiondemadrugada · 1 year
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Eye in the Sky (Nai-Hoi Yau, 2007).
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Forest in the Chua Chan Mountain, Dong Nai Province, Vietnam
French vintage postcard
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Am I still valid? 🤣 I rly wanna read it and this is the only way- 7 for 700yen also! Dirt cheap! 😭🙏💕
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Guehehe ~ the silly <3 ft her unamused brother haha
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noelshourai · 1 year
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These were stickers that I sold at Anime North's Artist Alley this year. If you want another chance to get some of these I'll have them again for Anime Toronto in September.
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kdram-chjh · 1 year
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Cmovie: Ride On (2023) | dir. by Larry Yang
RIDE ON - Tráiler Subtitulado Español (2023) JACKIE CHAN
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7dzAv_xA2A
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dirt-str1der · 2 years
In yk1 when you make kiryu eat when his health is full and he says “If i eat another bite i’ll burst” , that was sexual as hell
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pyonpyonpyon · 2 years
@shouga-nai liked for a starter!
Oh no. Oh no.
Sora quickly retraces the way she came, worried gaze sweeping from side to side in hopes of finding what she's lost. No luck: the most she's been able to find was a bunch of papers that were from... E. L. Medical? Oh, that's the same company that...!
Wait, no, not the time to think about that right now! But it did seem that someone dropped this bunch of papers, so... the least she can do is to deliver it to the company building or something... whoever lost these must be working for the company, after all, and that's better than these papers actually being lost...
But Sora has a more pressing concern right now, and a distinct worry weighting down the pit of her stomach. Maybe it was her fault for putting so many things into her backpack, which resulted in how she lost--
--Ah, her Kirimi-chan plushie! Someone has it! In her excitement, she quickly runs toward them, stopping in her tracks when she's just barely about to crash into the person who has her plushie. About to get her phone out to talk, she pauses as her gaze goes up from his shoes... and up to his tie... to his eyes... to his hair...
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"..." Her jaw drops, and she stares.
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the-nai · 2 years
I wonder how MySpace is doing...
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listen I may just be in an strange and twisted mental state right now but I believe that toby schmitz should play bon clay in opla 2. goodnight
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bet66win · 2 years
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thelingodingo · 5 months
Inarizaki's Kansai Dialect
Japanese Dialects are split into Eastern and Western, with the Standard Japanese dialect being Eastern (Kanto region) and Kansai region dialect being Western (eg. cities of Osaka and Kyoto, and of course Hyogo prefecture- where Inarizaki is from). The pitch, tone, and stressing of the sounds is different from standard Tokyo Japanese so you should be able to hear the difference in how the Inarizaki members speak even if you don't know any Japanese.
just in case yall didn't know, Suna is the only member on the team that does not use Kansai dialect as he was scouted from Aichi prefecture, so he basically just speaks in the standard dialect
Some linguistics of the dialect that may or may not be heard in the show:
"ya" ending vs the standard "da" ending.
Kore kirai ya. vs Kore kirai da. (I hate this.)
the use of the "h" sound instead of "s"
Han vs standard san (honorific suffix, not really used anymore)
Negation suffix "-hen" instead of the standard "-nai".
Taichou kanri dekitehen koto, homen na. vs Taichou kanri dekitenai koto, homen na. (Don't compliment him when he's obviously not taking care of himself.)
verb "oru" vs the standard "iru".
Dareka ga mitoru yo, Shin-chan. vs Dareka ga miteiru yo, Shin-chan. (Someone's always watching, Shin-chan.)
verb "temau" vs standard "teshimau"
Naitemau yaro! vs Naiteshimau darou! (You're gonna make me cry!)
Negation "suru" verb becomes "sen" instead of "shinai".
Ki ni sen dee. vs Ki ni shinai yo. (Don't worry about it.)
Some words that are different in Kansai dialect:
Honto becomes Honma (really)
Sodane becomes Seyade (thats right)
Nande becomes Nandeyanen (why)
Totemo becomes Meccha (very)
ii becomes ee (good)
"aho" means stupid in Japanese, but apparently in the Kansai dialect calling someone an "aho" is actually a compliment?! (even though it has the same definition)
Overall, I could watch the Karasuno vs Inarizaki episodes a hundred times just to listen to Inarizaki's dialect and how different it sounds to the rest of the characters in the entire show.
Although Karasuno speaks in the standard dialect (which isn't very strange since Miyagi is a suburb close enough to the Kanto region), theres a few lines here and there where one of them says something using the Tohoku dialect (the dialect that would be used often in the rest of Tohoku, such as Aomori).
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(I especially like Kita's voice, thank you Nojima Kenji.)
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yilinggusu · 1 month
Got some Thai language information if anyone is interested.
So on the beach Rak says to Mut 'chan rak nai' which literally translates to I'm in love with you. Nai means in so Rak is saying I'm in love not 'I love you' but we get the message that he loves Mut. No wonder Mut is grinning like an idiot right there on the beach considering Rak did once say he doesn't believe in love and it's just a thing that belongs in fiction and is not real. Now Rak is declaring he is in love with Mahasamut after admitting his feelings to himself.
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In the next part Rak says 'chan rak nai maag maag' and gets all giddy over saying the words. Maag means a lot or very much but when you add the second maag it's emphasizes the statement and makes it stronger. So Rak is saying 'I freaking love you' or I'm fucking in love with you' and Rak doesn't care at all. Now that he can say it out loud he just wants to say it as much as possible because he's not afraid anymore.
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No wonder Mut is holding Rak as tight as possible with the happiest grin on his face in the last picture. They both deserve to be happy.
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pikahlua · 5 months
MHA Chapter 422 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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tagline 差しのべた手で送り出してーー さしのべたてでおくりだしてーー sashinobeta te de okuri dashite-- Sent off by the hand that reached out to him--
1 青山くん! あおやまくん! Aoyama-kun! "Aoyama-kun!"
2 走れ☆‼︎緑谷くん はしれ☆‼︎みどりやくん hashire☆!! Midoriya-kun "Run☆!! Midoriya-kun."
3 白く… しらく… Shiraku... "Shiraku-..."
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1 攻撃が通じない‼︎固すぎる‼︎ こうげきがつうじない‼︎かたすぎる‼︎ kougeki ga tsuujinai!! kata sugiru!! "Our attacks don't go through!! He's too hard!!"
2 AFOと違ってマボロシにマジレスしてくンだけど! オール・フォー・ワンとちがってマボロシにマジレスしてくンだけど! OORU FOO WAN to chigatte MABOROSHI ni MAJIRESU shitekuN dake do! "Unlike All For One, this guy is mad-seriously responding to my illusions!" (Note: The slang Camie uses here, MAJIRESU, means "a serious reply on a message board such as 2ch.")
3 "道"をつくるんだ‼︎ "みち"をつくるんだ‼︎ "michi" wo tsukurunda!! "Make a path!!"
4 死柄木に至る道を‼︎ しがらきにいたるみちを‼︎ Shigaraki ni itaru michi wo!! "A path that leads to Shigaraki!!"
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1 「全因解放」 「ぜんいんかいほう」 「zen'in kaihou」 "All Factors Unleash,"
2 その本質は"感情任せ"に膨れ上がることではない そのほんしつは"かんじょうまかせ"にふくれあがることではない sono honshitsu wa "kanjou makase" ni fukure agaru koto de wa nai "the essence of which is not to leave all to my emotions and swell up."
3 数多の力を"抑し" あまたのちからを"よくし" amata no chikara wo "yokushi" "It's to suppress numerous powers"
4 "支配"してこその故 "しはい"してこそのゆえ "shihai" shite koso no yue "and control them."
5 数で勝ると思うなよ かずでまさるとおもうなよ kazu de masaru to omouna yo "Don't think you've outnumbered me!"
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1 葉隠X はがくれX Hagakure X "Hagakure! [line cut off]" (Note: This text line is cut off. I assume the full text is "Hagakure-san!!" which wouldn't change the meaning here.)
2 光線の類Xわたし こうせんのたぐいXわたし kousen no tagui X watashi "The type of light rays X me." (Note: This text line is cut off. Based on the context, I can only guess she's saying something to the effect of "No matter the type of light rays, I can refract them!")
3 電磁投射砲! でんじとうしゃほう! denji toushahou! A railgun!
4 用意 ようい youi "Ready."
5 ウェイ UEI "Oui!"
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1 小賢しい こざかしい kozakashii "Clever."
2 これ以上皆をーー これいじょうみんなをーー kore ijou minna wo-- "[You won't hurt] everyone any more than this--!"
3 全身ズタボロだろ!温存しろ! 全身ズタボロだろ!温存しろ! ぜんしんズタボロだろ!おんぞんしろ! zenshin ZUTABORO daro! onzon shiro! "Your whole body is in tatters! Preserve [your strength]!"
4 あいつに届く力はおまえだけだ‼︎ あいつにとどくちからはおまえだけだ‼︎ aitsu ni todoku chikara wa omae dake da!! "Only you have the power to reach that guy!!"
5 俺たちが禦ぐ‼︎ おれたちがふせぐ‼︎ ore-tachi ga fusegu!! "We will defend!!" (Note: This word for "defend" is the same All For One used in chapter 363 when he said that heroes are the ones who "defend/protect.")
6 行け‼︎ いけ‼︎ ike!! "Go!!"
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1 ママ!お姉ちゃん‼︎ ママ!おねえちゃん‼︎ MAMA! oneechan!! "Mama! Big Sis!!"
2 パパお姉ちゃ‼︎ パパおねえちゃ‼︎ PAPA oneecha!! "Papa, [it's] Big Sis!!"
3 梅雨っ つゆっ Tsuyu "Tsuyu-!"
4 ガンバレお姉ちゃあん ガンバレおねえちゃあん GANBARE oneechaan "Do your best, Big Sis!" (Note: From this point on, understand that I am using "Do your best" as this chapter's translation of ganbare. This word is something shouted when cheering someone on, such as at a sporting event. It could be translated in many ways into English, including "Do your best!" "You can do it!" "Go for it!" "Hang in there!" "Keep at it!" "Good luck!" "Give it your best!" etc. etc.)
5 障子くん… しょうじくん… Shouji-kun... "Shouji-kun..."
6 がんばれ障子くん…! がんばれしょうじくん…! ganbare Shouji-kun...! "Do your best, Shouji-kun...!"
7 俺たちの機動力じゃこの猛攻をかいくぐるのは難しいが おれたちのきどうりょくじゃこのもうこうをかいくぐるのはむずかしいが ore-tachi no kidouryoku ja kono moukou wo kaikuguru no wa muzukashii ga "With our mobility, it will be difficult to evade this onslaught, but"
8 少しだけあなたを運ぶことぐらいなら すこしだけあなたをはこぶことぐらいなら sukoshi dake anata wo hakobu koto gurai nara "if we can carry you just a little..."
9 障子くん しょうじくん Shouji-kun "Shouji-kun!"
10 梅雨ちゃん! つゆちゃん! Tsuyu-chan! "Tsuyu-chan!"
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1-2 根性‼︎ こんじょう‼︎ konjou!! "Guts!!" (Note: I think they're shouting this word to hype themselves up.)
3 鋭ちゃん‼︎ えいちゃん‼︎ Ei-chan!! "Ei-chan!!"
4 三奈‼︎ みな‼︎ Mina!! "Mina!!"
5 頑張れ‼︎ がんばれ‼︎ ganbare!! "Do your best!!"
6 頑張ろ‼︎ がんばろ‼︎ ganbaro!! "Let's do our best!!"
7 うん!!!!!! un!!!!!! "Yeah!!!!!!"
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1 何だ なんだ nanda What's this?
2 屍肉にしか見えぬ者共… しにくにしかみえぬものども… shiniku ni shika mienu monodomo... These people I can see as nothing but dead carrion...
3 何故 なぜ naze Why
4 死なない しなない shinanai won't [they] die?
5 ろくに動けていないのに ろくにうごけていないのに roku ni ugokete inai noni Even though they can't move very well,
6 目玉だけが めだまだけが medama dake ga only their eyes-- (Note: He's saying that the most they can move is their eyeballs, or in other words, they can only watch and do not much else.)
7 目玉をギョロギョロさせるだけの めだまをギョロギョロさせるだけの medama wo GYOROGYORO saseru dake no Helplessly watching on...
8 出来損ないに渡ってしまった事が間違いだって できそこないにわたってしまったことがまちがいだって dekisokonai ni watatte shimatta koto ga machigai datte Conferring this power to someone so worthless was a mistake! (Note: Text from speech bubbles 7 and 8 is a flashback to chapter 287.)
9 そうか緑谷 そうかみどりや sou ka Midoriya So that's how it is, Midoriya.
10 緑谷出久… みどりやいずく… Midoriya Izuku... Izuku Midoriya...
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1 緑谷!!! みどりや!!! Midoriya!!! Midoriya!!!
2 おまえの omae no Your
3 弱さが よわさが yowasa ga weakness
4 ガンバレ GANBARE "Do your best!"
5 頑張れ‼︎ がんばれ‼︎ ganbare!! "Do your best!!"
6 オールマイトにはなかった OORU MAITO ni wa nakatta is what All Might didn't have.
7 頑張れ…! がんばれ…! ganbare...! "Do your best...!"
8 弱き強さが よわきつよさが yowaki tsuyosa ga The strength of weakness
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1-2 こいつらを何度でも立ち上がらせているのだ こいつらをなんどでもたちあがらせているのだ koitsura wo nando demo tachi agarasete iru noda is what makes these guys stand up again and again
3 おまえがその足を止めぬ限り おまえがそのあしをとめぬかぎり omae ga sono ashi wo tomenu kagiri so long as you don't cease your steps.
4 射出座席は切った筈X ベイルアウトはきったはずX BEIRU AUTO (kanji: shashutsu zaseki) wa kitta hazu X "Must have bailed out (read as: ejection seat) X" (Note: This text line is cut off.)
5 あんたの仕業だな あんたのしわざだな anta no shiwaza da na "This is your doing, isn't it,"
6 オールマイト OORU MAITO "All Might?"
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1 あの子らが目指したのは… あのこらがめざしたのは… ano kora ga mezashita no wa... "Those kids were aiming for..."
2 完全勝利だから… かんぜんしょうりだから… kanzen shouri da kara... "a complete victory, so..."
3 喪うものは少ない方がいい… うしなうものはすくないほうがいい… ushinau mono wa sukunai hou ga ii... "it's best if we lose fewer people..."
4 どの口が… どのくちが… dono kuchi ga... "Look who's talking..."
5 緑谷少年…あの日君が駆け出したから みどりやしょうねん…あのひきみがかけだしたから Midoriya-shounen...ano hi kimi ga kakedashita kara Young Midoriya...because you dashed out that day,
6 私も体が動いたんだ わたしもからだがうごいたんだ watashi mo karada ga ugoitanda my body moved, too.
7 あの日からずっと君はーーーー あのひからずっときみはーーーー ano hi kara zutto kimi wa---- Ever since that day, you----
8 頑張れ がんばれ ganbare "Do your best!"
9 頑張れ! がんばれ! ganbare! "Do your best!"
10 初日の下校を思い出す! しょにちのげこうをおもいだす! shonichi no gekou wo omoidasu! "I remember when we left school on the first day!"
11 今なら彼女が言っていた事もよくわかる気がするよ いまならかのじょがいっていたこともよくわかるきがするよ ima nara kanojo ga itte ita koto mo yoku wakaru ki ga suru yo "Now I feel like I really understand what she was saying."
12 麗日さん うららかさん Uraraka-san "Uraraka-san"
13 もう病院つくから… もうびょういんつくから… mou byouin tsuku kara... "is already headed to the hospital..."
14 頑張れ…皆も頑張ってる がんばれ…みんなもがんばってる ganbare...minna mo ganbatteru "Do your best... Everyone is doing their best, too."
15 でも demo But
16 「デク」って 「DEKU」 tte "Deku," well…
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1 「頑張れ‼︎」って感じでなんか好きだ 私 「がんばれ‼︎」ってかんじでなんかすきだ わたし 「ganbare!!」 tte kanji de nanka suki da watashi (literal translation) I like how it's got a feeling like, "Do your best!!" (official translation) It just screams, "Do your best!!" I kinda like it.
2 がんばれ…! ganbare...! "Do your best...!"
3 今すぐ全ヒーローを日本へ向かわせろ! いますぐぜんヒーローをにほんへむかわせろ! ima sugu zen HIIROO wo nihon e mukawasero! "Have all our heroes head for Japan right now!"
4 しかし大統領AFOが勝利しー場合 我が国の保 しかしだいとうりょうオール・フォー・ワンがしょうりしーばあい わがくにのほ shikashi daitouryou OORU FOO WAN ga shouri shi-- baai wagakuni no ho- "But Mr. President, if All For One is victorious, our country's protection-"
5 知るか行けえ しるかいけえ shiru ka ikee "Who cares? Go!"
6 皆の声が みんなのこえが minna no koe ga Everyone's voices,
7 聞こえる きこえる kikoeru I can hear them.
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1 頑張れ がんばれ ganbare "Do your best!"
2 がんばれ ganbare "Do your best!"
3 頑張れ がんばれ ganbare "Do your best!"
4 がんばれ ganbare "Do your best!"
5 ガンバレ GANBARE "Do your best!"
6 頑張れ がんばれ ganbare "Do your best!"
7 ガンバレ GANBARE "Do your best!"
8 がんばれ ganbare "Do your best!"
9 頑張れ がんばれ ganbare "Do your best!"
10 がんばれ ganbare "Do your best!"
11 がんばれ ganbare "Do your best!"
12 がんばれっ ganbare "Do your best!"
13 私の最高のヒーローだったよ! わたしのさいこうのヒーローだったよ! watashi no saikou no HIIROO datta yo! "...you were my greatest hero!"
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1 頑張れ がんばれ ganbare "Do your best,"
2 出久‼︎ いずく‼︎ Izuku!! "Izuku!!"
tagline 1 No.422 緑谷出久:ライジング 堀越耕平 ナンバー422 みどりやいずく:ライジング ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 422  Midoriya Izuku: RAIJINGU  Horikoshi Kouhei No. 422 Izuku Midoriya: Rising Kouhei Horikoshi
tagline 2 仲間が拓いた道の先ーーー みんながひらいたみちのさきーーー minna (kanji: nakama) ga hiraita michi no saki--- Ahead of the path paved by everyone (read as: [his] comrades)---
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