#nakina skywalker
anagram-skywalker · 6 years
Additionally, here have a close-up of Nika, too:
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no i don’t know how to make faces let alone anakin’s weird tcw face i’m doing my best here guys
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anagram-skywalker · 7 years
Obi-Wan, tearfully to the 212th: "Four years ago, I lost my dear padawan, Nakina..."
Nika, on the holo-projector behind him: "Quit telling everyone I'm dead!"
Obi-Wan, visibly trying not to snicker: "Sometimes I can still hear her voice...!"
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anagram-skywalker · 7 years
Obi-Wan: "You're humming."
Nika: *pauses humming* "Your point?"
Obi-Wan: "You only ever hum under very... specific circumstances."
Nika: "Mm-hmm..."
Obi-Wan: *delicately clears throat* "Right. How was your night, Nakina?"
Nika: "Lovely, thank you for asking. And yours?"
Obi-Wan: *coughs pointedly* "Loud."
Nika: *smiles beatifically* "Shame."
Obi-Wan: "You have none. I'm aware."
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anagram-skywalker · 7 years
Nakina is named directly after her grandmother. Anakin was named after her as well, but in the same way Shmi was named after her own grandfather, Misha.
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aces-to-apples · 6 years
Sugar and Spice, Rex POV Nakina Skywalker universe collision fic
3 Times Locus Met Vern And 1 Time Sam Met Tucker
Haat Verd, Epsilon POV
A Non-Comprehensive Guide To Force-Sensitivity, Dooku POV
where there's poison, there's a remedy, Grif POV
obirex smut
The Adventures of Shiny!Wan and the 501st, Rex POV
I'm stuck in starbucks for at least another hour, I may as well work on something
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aces-to-apples · 7 years
kinda feel like maybe starting a sideblog for all my “nakina skywalker” thoughts and ideas because lord knows i may never actually circle around to writing the damn thing....
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aces-to-apples · 7 years
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@aerefyr Nakina "Nika" Skywalker?
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anagram-skywalker · 6 years
Updated pic of Nika:
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I liked the pink leggings and undershirt but the golden blade, while a great Look™, doesn’t quite jive with her personality re: Jedi Sentinels. Plus, the pink blade is great because it isn’t quite red, much like how Nika isn’t quite a darksider.
Besides, pink and black in the desert? *Captain Shakespeare voice* Nightmare.
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