#nam yoondo x reader
ericssmile · 2 years
let me adore you || eric.n
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warning(s): swearing, lots and lots of swearing; parents divorce; my terrible writing lol; idk what else... I feel like that’s it... maybe?? idk; just shit writing mainly lol
pairing: eric nam x reader
genre: friends-to-lovers; fluff; angst
author: @ericssmile
summary: to put it simple, you and Eric are best friends who, of course, both have feelings for one another, but are just too darn scared to say anything about it (or just won’t admit to it)
word count: 3.6k
Part Two of Three
If you haven’t read the first part, you can read it here!
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After resting his eyes for what he thought was at least 3 hours but was actually 30 minutes, Eric sighed and turned to look over at you. Sound asleep with your phone held tightly in your hands. He smiled softly. He even noticed a strand of your hair hanging over your eyes, and fought with every ounce of him to not move it and tuck it behind your ear.
When he told you about his tour in Australia, you jumped for joy, screaming at the top of your lungs which then at that point made Eric the happiest that he’s ever been. Now that he’s here, in your home country with you, he couldn’t wait to spend time with you. And your family of course. He deep down, like real deep down, wanted you to show him around all the places you grew up in; the parks you went to; old childhood houses; where you went to school. He wanted to know everything and see it all for himself and try to imagine himself being there with you. As cheesy as it sounds.
He couldn’t wait to meet your family. As far as he knows you’ve told them about him. And hopefully none of it was embarrassing. He’s already met your mum, after he had accidentally crashed one of your many FaceTime calls with her. After the first hello, your mother instantly fell in love with the boy, which in a way you found to be cute but weird. But it was all good when she reassured you that it wasn’t at all what you were thinking. There were times whenever your mum called, Eric would answer and talk to her for hours on end. He was pretty much another son to her, despite never actually meeting him in person. He knows about your brother and his wife and their little boy, who you adore so much; your sister, who’s currently going through a rough divorce and a big custody battle over her two girls who you spoil rotten. He knows how you wanted to be there so badly for her and the two girls right now, so now was the perfect time to see them and spend time with them as much as you can.
One person who you never talk about much though was your dad. The only words he’d heard you say about him were “Asshole” and “A bastard who only cares about himself.” He remembers you talking about your parents divorce, how your mum wasn’t going to commit to it at first, but your dad just kept going on and on with his stupid decisions; never listening to either of you, never making an effort to call or talk to you unless he needed something; it had gotten that bad that you and your siblings pretty much cut ties with him. He never showed you guys he loved or cared about you, so why should you have to.
It was with you telling Eric those parts of your teenage hood, he wished that he would have known you then. So that way, he could’ve been there for you through your parents divorce, all the times your dad had pissed you off to the point you left the house; he would’ve picked you up and taken you somewhere where you could relax and rant to him. When your aunt passed away, he recalls you saying that that was the biggest heartache that you can never recover from. He wished at that point, 11 years ago, he was there for you, to hold you close, gently brush your hair with his delicate fingers; he’d even sing your favorite song to you with a gentle yet soothing voice. He just wishes he was there to help you get through it all.
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“Eric! Eric, wake up lazy ass! We’re here!” The time has finally come. You were able to see your family once again. Well, you will once Eric wakes up from his beauty sleep. Even when he sleeps he looks cute. Whoa. Where the hell did that come from.
Eric tried his hardest to push you away, your grip on his shoulders tight as he mumbles quietly “just 5 more minutes mom.” You roll your eyes at that, deciding to hit him, gently of course, on the back of his head.
“Ow. Jesus Y/N.” Eric groaned out in pain, holding onto the back of his head as he looked at you. You had a sinister smile on your face, but excitement in your eyes.
“Sorry. Had to otherwise you would be staying in the car for a while.” You unbuckled his seat belt and pulled on his arm, opening up the car door and exiting the car with Eric pleading and whining for you to let him go. You ignored it completely, your mind on other things as you stand in front of what was once your home.
In an instant, all your childhood memories start filling your head, making you feel so overwhelmed in emotions that your vision starts getting blurry. But it was a good thing. You were finally home after such a long time. You were able to hold your mum in your arms again and cuddle your nieces and nephew.
The sound of the door opening and two the sound of two girls screaming your name pulled you out of your daydream and back into reality. A wide smile makes it onto your face as your eyes meet your nieces, Willow and Quinn, a happy giggle falling past your lips as you run to them and drop to your knees, awaiting their giant bear hug.
Eric leans against the car, his arms crossed over his chest; a fond smile on his lips as he watches the scene before him. He could tell how much you loved your nieces and nephew. They were pretty much the three things keeping you sane. Well, besides Eric of course.. at times.
You were good with kids. Eric has known that for a long while. He always thought how wonderful of a mother you would be. At some point, he even imagined having children with you. But, he stopped himself as soon as it happened. Cause there was no way that that would ever happen. I mean, after all, your best friends. Best friends who see each other as brother and sister. Best friends who have been there for one another when something bad happens. Best friends who cheer one another on when something exciting happens.
Best friends who could never love each other like that. Ever.
Standing by the front door was your sister and your mother; your sister however, caught the way that Eric was looking at you- a sly smirk appearing on her chapped lips. Definitely gonna be talking about that later.
“Mumma! Mumma! Aunty Y/N is here!” Your laughter soon dies down as soon as Willow jumps off of you, running towards her mother. As you were sitting up, you made direct eye contact with Eric, but, for some reason, this one interaction caused you to blush a crimson red and little butterflies to flutter in the pit of your tummy. What the hell was that about? Eric definitely noticed the blush, but never mentioned it. Instead, he smirks to himself and looks down at his feet instead. He bit his lip, trying his hardest to maintain his cool.
He soon walks over to you as you get back to your feet. You looked up at him and smiled wide. Without even thinking, you grabbed his hand causing his smirk to disappear and instead be replaced with shock as you led the two of you to the front of your childhood home. Once you got closer to your mum and sister, your vision became blurry as more tears were beginning to fall.
You let out a quiet “hi mum” as you wrap your arms around her neck. She wrapped hers around your waist, holding you tight and squeezing you, too scared to ever let you go again. You tapped her shoulder playfully, chuckling softly as she eventually lets you go. Her rough, warm hands cupped your face, her thumbs rubbing over your reddened cheeks. A wide smile on her face. She soon looked over your shoulder, her focus now on Eric.
She let out a cry of joy, shooting her arms into the air, scaring you slightly but you laugh it off as she runs toward him and wraps her arms around his neck, swaying side to side. Something a mother does when she hasn’t seen her child after a long while. The only difference — Eric wasn’t her child and the only time she had ever seen him was through a phone screen. The sight warmed your heart though.
You could hear Eric laughing with glee as he wrapped his arms around your mum. Not too tight though. He didn’t want to hurt her even if she preferred the tighter hugs. Your mum backed away a little, placing her hands on his face. “Oh, it’s so wonderful to see you in person for once!” She says, a wide grin on her face. “You’re even more handsome in person.”
“Mum!” Even though that’s how she was, your mum's statement still shocked you. Eric took the compliment though, smiling wide and blushing slightly, waving his hand as if to say “oh shush but tell me more.”
Your mum turns to you, her hands still on Eric’s face. “What? I’m just telling him the truth.”
“At least your mom acknowledges my handsomeness.” Eric retorts, a small smirk on his lips. All you could do was roll your eyes and shake your head.
This was going to be an interesting week.
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“And,” you sighed, dropping the last of your bags into your childhood bedroom, smiling proudly as you turn to face Eric. “This is my room.”
Eric walks into the room, a look of awe written on his face. The walls were covered in photos of your childhood friends and your family; as well as some posters of your favorite bands such as Green Day and My Chemical Romance. So you were an emo kid… makes sense. Eric never pictured you to be like that. But he does recall you saying how your music taste does vary, but that you’ll never skip songs from My Chemical Romance.
The walls were white; your bed was a simple one; just a plain king single bed and next to it on the floor was a spare mattress that your mum must’ve put in here when she found out you two were coming to stay.
Your mum was very sweet. Very kind. She treated Eric like as if he was her second son. Treated him like family. Which he pretty much was.
Eric soon spotted a picture that stood on top of your chest of drawers; a photo of what looked to be, possibly, your dad and you when you were no older than probably 3 or 4. For some reason, he was drawn to it. Didn’t even realise that he was walking toward it.
You watched him. Waiting for him to ask questions. But, you decided to just walk up next to him and stare at the picture with him. Wishing to yourself that you could go back to that time when your dad actually showed that he cared.
“He did care about us once. That was when we had such good times together.” You say quietly, your voice soft and unsure as you smile to yourself at the bittersweet memory.
The picture was of you sitting on your dad's lap; him looking down at you with so much love in his eyes. They say their father is a daughter's first love, and at first, he was yours, but your high school years came along and that had all changed.
You sighed, getting sick just from remembering anything to do with him and reached for the picture frame, taking it down completely. Eric watched you. He was speechless really. The man that he saw in that picture seemed like nothing of how you described him. But that was many years ago, and people do change. And unfortunately, some of those people can be our parents.
He just wished that it didn’t happen to you.
Someone who always cares about everyone around her — always putting others before herself. Someone who will look after you when you’re sick. Something you must’ve gotten from your mother.
“He cared for you then, sure. But, even as an adult, when you’re going through things you still need him there as a parent.” Eric spoke so softly, it was almost difficult to hear him. But you did. And he was right. God, Eric was always right. You sighed, sitting down on your old bed. Eric sighed and plopped beside you, making the bed bounce a little. It made you laugh quietly to yourself.
He placed an arm around your shoulders, his other hand coming up to your head and placed it on his shoulder. His fingers played with the ends of your hair; the gentle brush of his fingers along your skin sending so many butterflies to go crazy in the pit of your stomach. But it was the feeling of his soft lips placing a gentle kiss on your forehead that really caused your heart to start racing.
This trip back home sure is going to be something. Good something? Who the hell knows.
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The first night back home and you can’t sleep. It’s 2am and your mind is open; multiple thoughts running through it.
Eric on the other hand is sound asleep. Don’t know how but he is. Lucky bastard.
Grabbing a pillow from behind your head, you pull it up and bring it over your face, constantly hitting yourself in hopes that maybe it’ll tire you out and make you go back to sleep.
You stopped about midway once you heard Eric rustling from beside you. So, on instinct, you acted as though yo were asleep so he didn’t suspect you being weird. Not like it’s a usual thing between you two anyways.
‘I’m asleep. So totally asleep. Do not suspect anything Eric hahahahaha. Please.’ was the only thought replaying itself in your mind.
But before you knew it, the pillow was ripped away from your face. And even though it was pitch black, you could see the concerned look in your best friends face.
“You good there Y/N?” Even in the early hours of the morning, his voice was filled with concern. “And don’t even pretend to be asleep cause I heard you abuse yourself with your own goddamn pillow.” You seriously hate how well he knows you. Sometimes you seriously think that he’s Spider-Man in some form cause his senses are too intense; only when it comes to you though.
That boy should really start worrying about himself more instead of you.
“Don’t know what you’re talking ‘bout Eric cause I’m okay.” You say, singing Stray Kids’ ‘Miroh’ at the end. You could hear Eric giggle at your antics which then made you giggle too. His laughter is very contagious.
Eric let out a quiet "move over" and lifted up your duvet cover; you let out a deep sigh, saying "fine", making sure to draw out the i. You rolled over closer to the wall, instantly feeling Eric’s warmth once he got under the covers. He faced you, his warm, still somewhat minty, breath fanning over your nose.
Suddenly his close proximity was making you nervous. The kind of nervous when the cute boy at your school starts talking to you. Kind of giving you a little giddy feeling. The butterflies in the pit of your stomach were fluttering like crazy. This is the third time that he’s caused this reaction out of you. And you simply wished that you couldn’t feel like that; because since when did you start getting butterflies and all giddy around your own beat friend?
Little did you know, Eric felt the same way. Even if he keeps telling himself that he doesn’t see you in that way, deep down he knows that there’s something there towards you.
He didn’t even know what came over him to hop into your bed, but something told him that you weren’t okay. So his only logical reasoning was “she’s not okay so let’s just make sure she’s fine by going into her bed. with her still in it.”
His heart was racing, he’s got the same butterflies in the pit of his stomach; nervousness making him want to puke but not really. His feelings for you were confusing to him. When you first became friends, he saw more as a sister; like family. But once you two started getting closer and closer and hanging out with one another almost every single night, he saw as way more than that. He started picturing you and him, living together, getting married — that thought alone he’s had multiple thoughts of I different venues — at some point he’s even had lifelike dreams where you and him lived in a suburban home with at least 2 or 3 kids; a boy and a girl or two boys and one girl.
It was those thoughts alone that terrified the living shit out of him. Cause what if one day, he gets a lil tipsy and just blurts out his feelings for you, and you just reject him because you don’t see him like that. And by god it’s so hard for Eric to just keep these feelings to himself because he just wants to blurt them out. Blurt them out to you, to the whole world. But he can’t because he’s scared. And he doesn’t want to be scared.
Eric brought a hand up to your face, brushing away your loose strands of hair behind your ear. And you weren’t going to lie, the light contact of his fingers brushing against your cheek really made your cheeks go a bright red. Thank god it was still the middle of the night.
“Why were you hitting yourself with your pillow you weirdo?” Eric asked, his voice soft but filled with concern. It made the poor man wonder if this was something you did on the regular. Which really, would not surprise Eric at all.
You bit down in your lip, trying your best to suppress an embarrassed cackle to escape. You tried your best to come up with a believable answer, but literally nothing would come to mind. Well, it was still the early morning. Your brain is still closed and won’t be open for another 6 hours. Probably.
“Did you have a bad dream?” Eric questioned, trying his hardest to get answers from you. “Is that why you hit yourself? To rid of the horrid images?”
You snort at his question, completely not expecting it. You nod your head and smile, bringing a hand up to his face, lightly patting his cheek. “Yeah sure. Let’s go with that.”
And even though it was dark, you could tell that Eric rolled his eyes and smiled. “It’s a best friend privilege” he would always say whenever you could sense how the other reacts without even seeing them do it.
Closing your eyes, you let out a small yawn, retracting your hand away from Eric’s face and instead placed both hands under your pillow, trying to find the best comfortable position. “Let’s go back to sleep. It’s like 3am and you know how I get when I don’t get enough sleep.” Eric snorts this time at your remark, somehow not expecting it from you, but instantly agrees. His arms instinctively wrap themselves around your waist; the action causing you to blush deep, for your heart to start beating like crazy and the butterflies in the pit of your stomach to go wild.
Isn’t it crazy how one person can cause you to feel that way? Though sometimes, you weren’t so sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing that you were starting to get these feelings towards your best friend. Considering the fact that you constantly told yourself that you’d never be one of those “cliché movie/fiction tropes because it’s so predictable of what’s going to happen.” Only in this case… you had no clue as to how this was going to end.
Although, it does feel nice. Being wrapped up in Eric’s arms. They're homey. They make you feel secure, like nothing is going to harm you because Eric is right there to protect you. It was calming.
You could feel some of your skin being exposed, so you try to pull down your shirt, but Eric was quick to shoo away your hand, placing it on his chest where you could feel his heart beating against your palm. It was a normal beat, but you could feel it speed up once he placed his hand at your waist where your skin was exposed. You closed your eyes and listened to his wild heart beat, all the while feeling your cheeks turn a deep shade of red, like a cherry, as you could feel the pad of this thumb tracing small circles along your waist.
You start to wonder if he could feel your heart beating too. A happy grin on your lips as you hide your face in his chest, trying your best to fall back asleep.
And you do. As soon as Eric starts tracing his fingertips along your spine; the sensation causing you to relax and just fall into a deep, deep sleep. You couldn’t see it, but he was smiling ear to ear now that he knew how to put you to sleep.
He’s definitely using that on you from now on.
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a/n: finally!! part two is here!! after almost two years!! not gonna lie, i probably could have already posted this part ages ago, but so much had gone on in my life that i just never really found the time to do so. but now i have the time and hopefully soon, i'll have part three done!! i hope you guys enjoyed this part!! (the ending sucks but.. thats kinda the point.. kinda idk DON'T JUDGE MEE!!)
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© ericssmile, 2022; please do not take or repost
32 notes · View notes
ericssmile · 4 years
let me adore you || eric.n
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warning(s): reader being an absolute clutz; swearing; really not that much tbh; oh yeah, and even more shit writing
pairing: eric nam x reader
genre: friends-to-lovers; fluff; maybe some angst if you look close enough; a little bit of crack
author: @ericssmile
summary: to put it simple, you and Eric are best friends who, of course, both have feelings for one another, but are just too darn scared to say anything about it (or just won’t admit to it)
word count: 4.2k
Part One of ??
a/n: I am so sorry... this is probably shite but oh well 😅
||𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚙𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚢 𝙷𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝚂𝚝𝚢𝚕𝚎𝚜' 𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝙰𝚍𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝚈𝚘𝚞 (𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚊𝚗 𝚎𝚡𝚊𝚌𝚝 𝚍𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖 𝚒 𝚑𝚊𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚜𝚌𝚎𝚗𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚘)||
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Shit. Shit! SHIT!
How, and I mean how could this happen to all people?? One minute you were in San Francisco with your handbag that literally had EVERY essential and necessity of yours, like for one, your phone and wallet! Two things that you need to oh, I don’t know, survive?! And then the next thing, you were in Sydney Australia without it.
You left your shit in another country. That’s all the way on the other side of the fricken planet.
Great. Fucking fantastic.
Now some bastard probably found it and is spending all your god damn money and doing only god knows what with your phone. Not like they could do much with it, cause after all, there is a password on it.
Oh fuck! Shit. Fuck. Crap! Without your phone you can’t cancel your damn bank accounts. Well.. there goes all of your savings.
Just think to yourself right now; was it really worth going on tour with your best friend who happens to be Eric Nam? In a way, yes it’s worth it cause um, hello, travelling for free? Who could say no to that?
A mad person that’s who.
Eric and you had become instant friends when you first went over to Korea to study abroad. You were extremely nervous and a little scared, as you had moved to a completely different country, where you would have to learn a new language to be able to understand some things and be by yourself. No family. No friends. Just you.
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                                             2nd June, 2011
The streets were quiet. The breeze oh so nice, and so very calming. Felt like a new beginning. Well, it pretty much was. You did move to a whole new country after all. A country where you barely spoke the language and only knew bits and pieces of the culture, but you’d learn the longer you lived in Korea.
You were walking along the streets of Seoul, taking everything in. The way that the streets looked at night; you stopped every now and then to take it all in, even to window shop (even though the shops were shut, but window shopping never hurt anyone).
When you finished unpacking all your items from their required boxes, you were feeling quite peckish and had remembered seeing a little convenience store on the way to your apartment. Luckily it wasn’t that far from your place, so you had loaded up your ‘Google Maps’ app on your phone, letting it be your guide to what will be your new local store. And that leads to now. On a slow stroll to find something to eat.
Letting out a deep, yet tired sigh, you kept on walking, looking down at your phone every now and then to see how close you were to the store. And soon enough, the bright green and blue lights came into your line of vision which was soon followed by a rather loud rumble from your tummy.
As you walked closer to the store, you locked your phone and placed it in your jacket pocket and your hands placed in the back pocket of your jean shorts. You watched your feet lead the way, the lights getting brighter and brighter with every step. Every now and then, you avoid the cracks, cause ya know, ‘step on a crack and you break your mama’s back’. Although you never believed it, you just simply did it out of pure boredom.
And even though you had been watching your feet, you still managed to trip over something and lose your footing completely. It was like slow motion. Like how you’d see it in the movies and cruddy, predictable as fuck tv shows.
As you were falling, you took notice of a slightly tall figure in front of you, dashing his way towards you to prevent you from falling flat on your face.
But, he too eventually tripped over his own footing and somehow managed to land on the pavement just before you. Unfortunately for him though, you had fallen directly on him.
What a way to start your new life in Korea!
As you landed on top of the man, he let out a loud groan of pain. That alone was enough to send you into a slight panic; the thought of you actually hurting someone? Yeah, that just doesn’t sit right with you. You could barely hurt a fly! Now, spiders on the other hand… they’re a different story.
You let out a small squeak of shock, trying your hardest to push yourself off of the stranger without hurting him even more than you already have.
“Oh my gosh! I am so, so sorry!” You say frantically, finally getting back onto your feet. You held your hands out to the stranger , offering to help him back up. “Shit!” you cursed under your breath, slightly freaking out and wondering if this man even understood you or not.
But really, you had nothing to worry about. Though you were too much in a frantic headspace today even comprehend the soft smile and quiet giggle the stranger let out as he got back to his feet. With your assistance of course.
And there you were. Face to face with the stranger you literally saved you from ruining your face. Not gonna lie, he was pretty cute. Quite tall too. Well, really, for you any guy who’s over 5’0 is taller than you.
“I am so, sorry.” The words came out slow, in hopes that the stranger could speak and understand even the tiniest bit of English; your eyes as wide as a doe, still in a panic that somehow you could’ve severely injured the cute stranger.
To your surprise, the man chuckled and smiled wide. Gosh, even his smile was to freaking die for. Like seriously, it’s so perfect? How? But seeing this has calmed down your nerves a little bit. You watched as he ran his fingers through his dark brown hair, his smile never fading away. “It’s okay, honestly.” As he spoke, he made direct eye contact with you and shrugged his shoulders slightly. But God, even his freaking voice was literal heaven. “I kinda brought it on myself really.”
Are you sure you’re not dead? Cause this man is like a living angel.
You laughed softly and smiled, watching as he rubbed the back of his neck out of embarrassment. At least you assume it’s because of that. Moving towards him, you nudge your shoulder against his, smiling even more. “How about we just say that it’s both our faults and admit that we’re both a clutz.” You compromised, raising your eyebrows as you watch the strangers reaction.
You watched as he pondered over his answer for a few seconds, his hand resting under his chin and his pointer finger tapping above his upper lip, like as if he was actually thinking long and hard over his answer. And not a second later, his wide and contagious smile was back, and this time, his hand held out towards you. “Deal.” He says, his eyes watching you. He noticed your eyes light up and how you brought your right hand up to meet his hand, your small, delicate fingers wrapping around his surprisingly soft hand.
As you shook the man's hand, you decided in your head that now was probably a good time to introduce yourself, otherwise this could probably get slightly awkward. “I’m Y/N, by the way.” You smiled, continuing to shake his hand.
You felt him squeezing your hand gently, bringing his other hand on top of yours so then he’s holding your hand with both of his. The action almost made your heart combust. Can this man get any cuter? He smiled once again, making eye contact with you and this time, you could literally see the stars from the night sky shine in them.
“I’m Eric.” He spoke so softly, as if he was lost in a trance of some kind. All you wanted to do in that moment was just take it all in. Remember his smile; remember his sparkling eyes; and most importantly, remember his voice. Cause who knows when you’ll be able to see this man- Eric, again.
You reluctantly let go of Eric’s hand, forever wanting to stay in this moment. All though you just met this man, it almost felt as if it was… destiny. Like as if a Guardian Angel has sent him your way. You could still feel his touch on your skin. Jesus Christ. The fuck is this man doing to your sanity?
“Well, in that case, it was an honour falling for you Eric.” You remarked, a playful tint to your voice and your eyes full of mischief.
Eric cackled loud. So loud that the whole neighbourhood could probably hear him. But you didn’t mind. It was a sound that you most definitely could get used to. It was a contagious kind of laughter, so of course you had to join in.
The laughter lasted for about a minute or two; you doubled over and almost tripped over again because of how hard you were laughing. The comment wasn’t even that funny but Eric’s laugh just made it all the more funny.
Once the both of you calmed down a bit, you smiled wide; Eric doing the same. He chuckled softly to himself, moving his hands to his back pockets and says: “Well Y/N, I could say the same about you.” And for some reason, that comment alone had a whole heard of butterflies fly wild in the pit of your stomach.
You watched as Eric stood closer to you; a whole bunch of scenarios running through your head. Is he going to rob you? Was he faking being all nice just to take advantage of you? As if he would do that… the dude barely looks like he could hurt a fly.
But all the bad scenarios went forgotten once you felt his arm wrap around your shoulders, ultimately making you freeze on the spot and your eyes to widen. But oddly enough, you didn’t feel uncomfortable. Normally if any other person did that to you -if you got a real bad vibe from them- you would instantly snatch the persons arm off of you. One time you pulled someone’s arm so hard you heard it crack.
You don’t know what it is but there’s just something so different about Eric. Maybe it’s just him, but it just felt like you’ve known him for years even though it’s only been 10 minutes. But there’s just something… special about Eric; like as if he was sent to you. It’s probably just crazy talk. But you have a good feeling that something great will come out of this interaction.
“Say Y/N,” Eric spoke softly, his gentle voice bringing you back to reality. You smile softly, feeling his left hand squeeze your left shoulder out of comfort and turn your full attention onto him. “Are you by any chance Australian?”
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                                                  Present Day
“Y/N, it’s not that bad.“ Eric reassures unconvincingly, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and bringing you closer to him as you both walk off the plane together. “I mean, sure, it was a dumb move to forget your bag in another country-“ You slap his chest, glaring up at him. He winces, using his free hand to rub over the area you just hit. With the hand that was around your shoulder, he playfully pinched your skin, causing you to flinch slightly, and removed it with a pout forming on his lips.“That was rude. I didn’t even get to finish my sentence.”
“Go on then.” Rolling your eyes, you rub the spot that stung from Eric’s pinch, forming a pout of your own as you tried to match your pace with Eric’s feet.
Eric smiles softly to himself as he watches you. “But, because of that little incident, why don’t I buy you a new phone?” Your sudden halt in movement concerned the poor boy. As you slowly turned around to face him, you could see slight fear in his eyes. Good. You thought to yourself. He should be scared.
What Eric wasn’t expecting was for you to smack him in the back of the head like as if he was back in high school and his parents found out he did something wrong. All he did was offer you a new phone! The one thing he knew you couldn’t live without!
“You will do no such thing Eric Nam.” Your voice was low and stern, trying to make sure that you got your point across to him. You crossed your arms across your chest, jaw clenched. Although you thought you looked tough, to Eric, you just looked really freaking constipated. Of course you were going to be stubborn about it. Be your own Independent Woman or some crap you always say when you lose something of yours.
Taking cautious steps towards you, his gentle hands reaching for your face, squishing your cheeks together. He cooed and laughed to himself and looked into your eyes. “Y/N,” he sighs, a victorious smile on his lips. “No matter what you say, I’m getting you a phone. Whether you like it or not sweet cheeks.” Eric pats your cheek, blows you a kiss and speeds walk ahead of you like his life depended on it.
All you could do was stand there, shake your head and mumble incoherent words that not even you could understand.
“Eric! Stop! Don’t you dare even think of buying me a phone you shit!” You were not gonna let him buy you a phone. No matter the circumstances.
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“Thank you Eric! You’re my life saviour Eric! You’re the bestest friend ever Eric!”
“Shut up shithead.”
Eric was right though. He really was your saviour. He knows how much you loved your phone. You’re practically glued to it 24/7. Most of the time he gets concerned, but it keeps you occupied so he’d leave you be. You won’t tell him he was right though. You still have some sort of ego to keep.
“Besides, I don’t even sound like that.” You roll your eyes, trying to drown out the sound of Eric’s high pitched voice that was supposed to be the way your voice sounded. If anything, it was just offensive in your opinion. You don’t sound like a barbie wannabe.
Eric just laughs, a proud smile on his face. At this point he’s surprised that his mouth hasn’t fallen off with the amount that he’s laughed and smiled today. Must be some kind of record for him. He sighs and notices the car that his manager was driving parked in front of the phone store. His eyes widened as he grabbed your hand, the movement almost causing you to drop your brand new phone as he basically dragged you to the black sedan.
You both hopped into the back, you sitting near one window and him on the other. You rest your head on the back of the seat, smiling to yourself and turn your focus over onto your best friend. The fact that you get to be in your home country with him, just makes this all the more special.
“Welcome home Y/N” You giggle softly, the reality of this all hitting you. You were home. You were back home. Sure you had come to Australia for Christmas (and let’s just say, going from -3 to 35 Celsius is just a lot to get used to) and to see your mum on Mother’s Day to surprise her, but those were all short visits that only lasted at least 3 days. This time, it’ll be a week. A whole week that you get to see your mum, sister, brother and nieces and nephews who you adored so much.
Welcome home indeed.
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a/n: here is part one of my Eric Nam story! I thought it’d be best if I split it into parts so then it doesn’t draw on and on with nonsense. But I hope you guys like it and look forward to the next part! I promise it will be more interesting. This is just a start to introduce the characters and how they met and all that jazz.
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©ericssmile, 2020; please don’t copy my work without permission or at all
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