#namelysane asks
namelysane · 2 years
If hypotheticly the hellspawn au would take the morro gets resurrected because reason this and that what would be his relationship with our beloved hellspawn? What would lloyd think?
Hmmm...I'd say Lloyd would be quite wary of his undead cousin — well, the guy did try to kill them all, after all (can you blame him?), and this would also mean Lloyd would be hesitant to let the resurrected emo interact with his —niece...I guess? This is assuming the resurrection happens before DOTD and happens just after season 5, so Morro hasn't given a full apology yet. Also, Morro did kinda threaten hellspawn in Lloyd's mind when he was possessing him, so...yeah. Green bean still has trust issues.
But over time, Lloyd starts to realize how wrong he is about his cousin. Other than that, when Lloyd isn't looking, hellspawn likes to toddle to the newest addition to their somewhat family, some weird guy that looks like he feels more out of place than that children's book Lloyd usually keeps with his comics. I like to think that Morro's wind abilities would amuse her and Morro would fly a kite using his wind in front of her just to make her smile. Sometimes, his wind even brushes against her hair like a hair ruffle, which makes her giggle.
Wu notices that he made a new friend immediately and can't hold back a smile when he comments on it to him. Morro turns red, but doesn't deny it. Instead, he merely scoffs that Wu is just seeing things in his old age. The top of Wu's staff collides with his head as a result.
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namelysane · 2 years
Wilted... 👀👀👀
A.k.a an attempt at writing dysfunctional Lloyd & Misako content 🤣.
This takes place some time after Prime Empire. The ninja begin noticing that Lloyd's been acting a little off for the past few days, and he's a lot more distant than usual. Nya immediately assumes that he's hiding the fact he's sick or something but when she checks on him, she soon realizes that he isn't. Kai and Cole try talking to him as well, but Lloyd keeps assuring them that he's fine—that he's just tired and every other unbelievable excuse in the book. Jay suggests to the others that the kid might've had a secret break up that none of them know about, while Zane & Pixal decide to do some detective work.
Eventually, it spirals into Lloyd actually losing control of his powers — something that really takes the team by surprise because this hasn't happened ever since Lloyd was literally a child. (It's kind of like what happened to Nya in the beginning of Seabound, but just replace Water with Energy) That means flickering lights, breaking bulbs, exploding toasters, blowing up transformers and Lloyd himself being more exhausted than ever because most of his power is unintentionally being used in excess. It's around this time everyone realizes that there's something seriously wrong.
Of course, when they ask green bean about it, Lloyd keeps denying it and says that maybe it's because he hasn't been training with his powers that much recently. Everyone around him knows that's pure bull, because 1) how on Earth does an Elemental Master who spent years mastering their element suddenly forget how to control it, and 2) it's Lloyd talking. Even Wu's already had enough with his nephew at this point, and sternly tells him to stop playing games with the team because this was clearly serious. There's even a moment when Wu loses his patience by threatening to strip him of his element with Chronosteel if he doesn't explain at all, but Lloyd still doesn't tell him.
However, the ninja really have to do something about his powers blowing up every nearest electrical appliance so they make the decision to put a vengestone bracelet around his wrist that he himself can't remove. This pisses Lloyd off so much, but at the end of the day, it was definitely necessary. And considering that green bean's still not saying anything, it's gonna be a long time until they'll take it off because they can't solve his issue right now.
So this goes on for a while until Nya suggests something that just might work; finding Neuro. (Honestly, you would've thought this would be the first thing they would've thought off) The ninja and Wu waste no time doing this, and soon, they find out what's going on.
Needless to say, it's something that is definitely the most unexpected, but at the same time, it's not surprising.
So apparently Lloyd has some unresolved abandonment issues with Misako which have recently worsened for reasons they do not know yet. And yeah...she isn't here right now either.
Kai & the others aren't really happy with Misako after finding out about this, while Wu is kind of in denial because he thinks Misako's been quite present after reuniting with Lloyd in the museum. It takes him a while to realize that the answer is actually... no, just no.
So unbeknownst to Lloyd, the ninja & Wu start trying to get hold of Misako to get her to come back to the monastery. That's easier said than done by the way, but after a while, they manage to do it. They don't tell her about what they found out from Neuro though.
As for Lloyd, he's like really surprised that his mother finally came home after like...(2 seasons) And he's also not stupid either. They all know — that's why she's here — it's as simple as that. The ninja don't admit it when Lloyd confronts them, which frustrates him. Thankfully, Wu interrupts the argument and tells Lloyd to make the most out of what his friends have done for him by finding Misako, and leaves. Lloyd utterly hates that.
Then the next few days are literally just the ninja trying to set up Lloyd with his mother. (Imagine your friends setting you up despite your protests, but instead of a date, it's bonding time with your parent) This goes on for like multiple chapters until Lloyd's powers go back to normal, and him and Misako have a relationship as close as the one he had with Garmadon.
And that's literally the wip.
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namelysane · 2 years
Will little hell spawn inherited her dads power or will she have a different one?
Definitely not asking because i had a scenario in mind where little hell spawn displays a power or an element never seen before and everyone are just shocked and than look at lloyd like " da hell kinda' monstrosity have you brought upon these lands lloyd!?"
"da hell kinda monstrosity have you brought on these lands, lloyd." THIS. WHEEZES I CAN JUST IMAGINE JAY YELLING THIS LOL.
To answer your question, at first I was thinking about making Lloyd often wonder if there will be a day his daughter will inherit his element from him, only for that curiosity to turn into worry as that means he might lose his powers in the near future. Not that he's being selfish though — it's just that he's concerned about just how he's going to continue being ninja without his powers. He had a kid young so that means he's also going to lose his powers young, it's as simple as that and he knows it. That's kind of a tough pill to swallow — especially considering how he was at the beginning of S9.
But it would be really funny if all this ends up being for nothing and she gets something else lol. And "da hell kinda monstrosity have you brought on these lands lloyd" sounds exactly like what would happen in a chaotic Lego show, so *takes breath*..... I'm gonna make something work using this.
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namelysane · 2 years
What would have happen if Hellspawn was on the bounty at the end of S8?
Well, first of all, this would make Lloyd despise Harumi (and maybe even Garmadon) a lot more because it's partially her fault hellspawn & the guys just got crushed by the Colossus. The beginning of season 9 would also be well...more depressing, I guess. Nya, Misako & the others know deep down that nothing they ever say will console Lloyd — she was his kid, for FSM's sake. She was his kid. And now, he's lost her along with his brothers and uncle all because he was too trusting.
And as for hellspawn, she's having the time of her life, aside from missing her dad. (Poor Cole tho — he's got two kids to babysit) I think she would've gotten along really well with Faith and child Wu, but she'll be a little disappointed when teenage Wu comes into the picture because he barely pays any attention to her. (Not that he hates her, he's just too focused on finding Faith and the dragon armor, that's all) I also think that Iron Baron would've scared the shit out of her (to be fair, that guy's fucking creepy) and other than that, she finds Kai's S9 stress episodes absolutely hilarious, which is odd considering Zane had tried to get Kai to calm down because he was worried Kai was scaring her.
Back to what's going on in Ninjago, I'd say Lloyd and the others remain in their depressed states until they find out the guys are alive when they see the Traveller's Tea at the bounty's wreckage. Hunted then ends as it originally did.
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namelysane · 2 years
Do you wish that garmadon didn't become evil?
I do, because first of all, this family definitely deserves to be happy without a baby snake's venom screwing it over — but then again, Garm not being evil would take so much away from the show and make it boring without the whole "doomed to fight your own son" thing so I guess...
It was right making him evil.
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namelysane · 2 years
How were the ninja managing to take care of little hellspawn throughout the seasons? Did her existence changed certain events or did the seasons plot stay the same?
Also little hellspawn hugging her daddy when he's sad after the oni trilogy and being adorable comforting him
P.S: i can't think about any right now but how about names that start with L to match her dad? maybe search some on google?
Hmmmm. Well, I would say MOST of the events stayed the same with her existence. Not all, but MOST. I'll answer until Season 10 first.
So she would have to be born during Season 3, before Lloyd lost his Golden Power. There are two options here. One is that it was an ordinary day at Garmadon's monastery and Lloyd just happened to be experimenting a little with his powers, while the other one is that she was born while Lloyd and Garm were on the run from the Overlord. It's also Lloyd's fault for not listening to his dad about being careful of overusing his powers. Take your pick.
Although I personally love chaos * inserts maniacal laughter *, I'll be using the first one for this post. (I might write another one about the second option if there's a lot of interest in it though, but right now that's kinda hard to work with)
She's like six months old here, and Misako takes the kid while Lloyd and Sensei G are on the run from the Overlord. Garmadon still isn't quite happy with the fact his son just spawned a kid at the age he currently is, and Lloyd on the other hand is still a disaster when it comes to children. They somehow manage to work it out though. She's also present at Zane's funeral.
Tournament of Elements
The season where our new dad literally leaves his kid sleeping in his dad's monastery to compete in a noodle guy's tournament. (Sigh) She's about a year old here. And eventually, her grandad leaves too but his is actually an attempt to knock some sense into her father, but even he doesn't come back either so...
About fifteen months old.
While helping Wu set up the tea shop, Lloyd left her alone long enough for her to get her hands on Montrositea and use it on a plant.
While being possessed, Morro would often torment Lloyd by showing him nightmarish visions of him hurting her whenever he tried to fight back. On one occasion, he had a nightmare that he caused her death while being possessed, and without even a single ounce of control to stop it from happening.
Around 2. I like to think that Lloyd would be the type of person to keep their kid out of the spotlight ya know?Considering how much the press had been on him after the Final Battle. And, I also like to think that the fact that the Green Ninja even had a kid was leaked shortly after Stiix. Just imagine the fan girls scene in the first episode of Skybound... but ten times worse.
While they were in jail, the kid got taken by CPS. After they broke out, Lloyd found her and gave her to Dareth in the middle of the night after literally breaking into the dude's apartment. Since the events of Skybound were erased, this no longer happened, and no one remembers this.
Day of the Departed
3 years old. She goes with Misako & Lloyd to light a lantern for Garmadon in the Corridor of Elders. She also thought Pythor was actually an overgrown tape worm, well maybe that's what he was in the Great Devourer's belly.
Morro felt really guilty for what he did to Lloyd while possessing him. So much so that the guy even apologized.
Hands of Time
Still 3. (I can't do much with this season because I didn't really finish it) But let's just say, Krux thought her eyes were a bit creepy.
Sons of Garmadon
Well, I think I've already explained this one before.
But if you're interested in some pre SOG info : The kid started to notice her dad's voice pitching deeper but whenever she points that out, Lloyd just laughs. It's only until the team comments about it in The Mask of Deception does he actually realize she was right. During the year the team is searching for Wu, he lives in the city with her and Pixal—who's a lifesaver whenever he gets a bit clueless on things about children's development. She's about 4 here by the way.
Bonus; she fell really ill at some point during the year they were searching for Wu and Lloyd took her to Mystake, hence explaining Mystake's familiarity with Lloyd in Season 8. (This was before his voice completely settled btw)
The kid stays with Lloyd in Ninjago, and does her best to cheer her dad up after the death of his friends. It goes to a point where Lloyd actually snaps at her, something which makes him feel utterly terrible moments later. (It's stress from everything bruh. His friends just died and the city's under the rule of his tyrannical resurrected father. Give him a BREAK)
And do you remember that scene where Misako and some of the EMs got arrested by the SOG? Little hellspawn was one of them and this really sent Lloyd and Nya into fucking panic mode for the most of the season.
However, she was actually unharmed. Emperor Garmadon basically took one look at her and decided he kind of liked this kid, I guess? (* insert Harumi seething in the corner *) Kind of like Maleficent and young Aurora vibes, if you get what I mean.
The season ended like it originally did though. The Resistance members in Kryptarium broke out, and Garmadon was arrested.
March of the Oni
Nya bought her a green kimono while shopping for her own blue one. Hellspawn also caught Jay practicing his proposal to Nya but decided to keep it to herself.
Garmadon also requested Lloyd bring her while visiting him, but Lloyd decided not to and went alone. Garmadon wasn't quite pleased.
When the ninja heard about the dark cloud thing happening in Ninjago City, Lloyd told his kid to stay in the monastery, but of course—like a certain demon child that once snuck on a Serpentine bus—she snuck aboard the bounty. Lloyd almost lost his shit when he found out.
After Garmadon was released from the prison, he tried to get closer to the young hellspawn while on the bounty, getting to know her etc. Lloyd wasn't happy with that, and told him off immediately, having very little trust in this version of his father.
Hellspawn helped Garmadon to understand humanity after Lloyd yelled at him about survival in The Fall. He doesn't quite understand everything, but he gets a somewhat picture of what it means. Of what there's more to life than survival means.
When it was time for the final fight in the monastery, Lloyd suddenly picked her up and handed her to Misako despite her protests & attempts to bite him.
At the end of the season, Garmadon doesn't immediately leave. Instead, he attempts to stay behind as his four-armed resurrected self merely to remain close with hellspawn (maybe it's also cuz she begged him not to leave when he wanted to lol). But what I'm saying is, the only reason this guy is still in the monastery is hellspawn, not Lloyd, not Wu, not Misako. Just this tiny young girl who looks a lot like a blonde boy he faintly remembers. But Lloyd here believes his father is up to something and (I really hate to say this, but for the sake of Crystalized's events I have to 😭), but Lloyd basically just yells at Garmadon to leave, and he does. Poor guy's trust issues are damn severe.
And hmmmm, names starting with L it is.
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namelysane · 2 years
Lloyd's hellspwan au ask
Brought to you by my random thoughts
Whats the kids relationship with wu's murder chicken
* spits out coffee *
What's the kid's relationship with Wu's murder chicken—you mean THAT CHICKEN???
I have to say....I really love your random thoughts.
Okay, here's this. Surprisingly, the kid really loves the chicken. Yup, shocker (no pun intended) It's just her dad, her aunt and her uncles that don't. Like, she would be perfectly fine with petting and feeding the chicken and all but once any of the others even dare to try that, it's instantly a free electrocution session. Yeah, even the chicken has its favorites.
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namelysane · 1 year
Will there be any new chapter of “so you came back to me”?, I just finished reading it, it’s absolutely amazing! Your writing style is soo good!
It's great to know there are people still finding my fics. ❤️:D And the answer is yes, there will be new chapters of So You Came Back To Me.
I have a national exam in late Feb, which is why I haven't been updating my fics as of late. It really sucks cuz there's a LOT of stuff I want to toss into my fics, but at the end of the day I guess I have to hold myself back if I ever plan on getting into college. :( Hopefully I'll be back to writing around mid March — when I'm finally done with highschool. I have every mind of finishing So You Came Back To Me. I just need to put my focus on some stupid papers first. Really sorry for the lack of updates.
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namelysane · 2 years
Whens the next chapter for so you came back for me coming out🥲
I need to know what happensss
It'll be a while, I think? *sweats nervously* Although chapter five's already at 4.5k words so far, it's far from finished. I guess this one is going to be a bit longer than the rest I've put out so I apologize for the wait. 😅
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namelysane · 2 years
an underwordly visit for the wip thing?
An unfinished fic written from pre-pilot Garmadon's pov (after he was banished, of course) and it's just him having a seemingly normal day in the Underworld only for a portal to suddenly open up and spit out two unconscious strangers at his feet.
....yeah. 😅
One of them is none other than our resident Green Ninja — who Garmadon suspects is a student his brother recruited and sent to the Underworld to challenge him, while the other one is a girl around the Green Ninja's age with the most bleached pinned up hair he's ever seen in his life.
And on top of that, there's also something else lying on the ground; an Oni Mask.
So Garm does the obvious. He snaps at the Skulkin to shove these two in a cage and takes the mask for himself to examine it — it's definitely an Oni mask, alright, but how the heck did these two have it?
Some time passes, and he receives news that one of the prisoners has awakened. Hearing this, Garm wastes no time making his way to the Underworld dungeons, and sees the conscious one is none other than the Green Ninja.
Upon seeing him, Lloyd's eyes go wide. Garm is highly confused at this, and just when he is about to make a sarcastic remark about trespassing, Lloyd calls him Father. That completely takes the King of Shadows by surprise, but it doesn't last long, because the next thing that happens is that Garmadon immediately slaps him.
Garm then starts snarling at him for stooping low enough to masquerade as his son, because 1) he hasn't been banished long enough for him to suddenly have an almost adult son and 2) last time he checked, Lloyd had red eyes, not green. It's only then that Lloyd realizes that he time-traveled.
Unfortunately, when he starts asking Garm what year it is, Garm's only thought is that this ninja's screwing with him — which really pisses off our Dark Lord, by the way. After a while, Lloyd starts getting frustrated himself and Harumi wakes up. Garm's just about to snark something at her as well but goes silent once he sees her reaction to him. She looks excited, as though she's just met her idol. Lloyd gets really irritated seeing this and these two get into an argument with Garmadon confusedly watching.
Inside the cage, Lloyd's basically just putting all the blame on Harumi by accusingly saying that she definitely did something with the mask, and now it's her fault his own father doesn't want to believe he's his son. Harumi's just unfazed at this — because technically, she got to meet Garmadon. This infuriates Lloyd even more, and soon, there's nothing other than yelling coming from the cage.
This goes on until Garm himself steps in and barks at them both to stop. The two go silent — which is an absolute relief to Garmadon's eardrums (who can blame him?). Then, he starts asking who they are, and why they have the mask. Lloyd opens his mouth to once again say he's his son only for Harumi to cut him off by saying who she is.
...and after that, I don't know what to add lol.
This one is one of those time-travel fics I promised I would chuck in the No Parties To Crash So Why Not The Past series — but obviously, there's only one fic currently in that thing — so yeah, this one's still depressingly unfinished at that moment.
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namelysane · 2 years
Hey, sorry to be sound annoying or anything, but do you know when the next chapter for So You Came Back To Me is going to be up? :O
i'm really excited to see Lloyd's reaction.
I'm finally answering this, and first I want to apologize for how long it's been. Well...right now the fourth chapter's at 3k words, uhhh still unfinished and probably rewritten more times than it should be because I wasn't satisfied with it. I don't know when I'm going to post it, but all I can say is you don't have to wait another...two months I guess? I just need to end this chapter and refrain myself from ever touching it before I'll post it — that way I won't be tempted to scrap it again.
Edit : I finally posted it.
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namelysane · 2 years
🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
5 Songs I Like To Listen To
- For Your Entertainment by Adam Lambert.
- Don't Blame Me by Taylor Swift
- Monster by Beth Crowley
- Right Round by Flo Rida, Ke$ha
- I Can't Lose It All by Make Me Feel Like
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namelysane · 2 years
*bites your ankles* YOUR FSM FAMILY FICS GIVES ME LIFE *bites ur ankles again*
and thank you 🤣🫶🏻. I was at school when I saw this ask and laughed like a madwoman for the rest of the day.
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namelysane · 2 years
When you get this you have to list 5 books/book series you love. Then send this ask to last 5 persons from your notifications. Spread love.
Um... *sweats* the thing is, about 100% of my reading these days comes from fanfiction. But I think I can still remember what I read before discovering ao3 tho.
1. Star Wars: Lords of the Sith by Paul S. Kemp
2. The Harry Potter Series by J.K Rowling
3. Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard
4. The Curse by Lee Su Ann
5. The Diary of the Wimpy Kid Series by Jeff Kinney
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namelysane · 1 year
Hello namelysane! I wanted to ask what age was hellspawn when the merge happened? Btw this is for fanart reasons, cus I wanna draw my oc (Lydia garmadon, yes, I’m yellow rose lady and the one with the dad Lloyd au similar to yours) with hellspawn.
I also wanted to ask if this is not to bothersome, how would hellspawn react to a lil’sister like Lydia who is pretty bratty and very greedy with Lloyd attention? (Cus ya’know, she was raise with only her dad and her dad’s full attention, she’s gonna be pretty territorial over him and his attention? Ya’know what I mean???)
Anyways, I’m just asking so I can draw ideas for what it would be like if they were in the same universe. If you don’t like it that’s okay, hellspawn is your oc and I can respect and back off of drawing her with my oc if you want!
It’s up to you and what you’ll consent to your oc being used for (in this case an what if au merge)
Just to ask because I’m curious and think it would be a pretty cool idea, what If hellspawn turns out to have golden ninja powers but like, full time? The powers don’t disappear or go away cus she was made form them?? Idk , I’m just blurting out ideas now.
If you wanna check out my au you can go to my blog where I post about the au: @yellow-rose-lady :)
Don't worry, it's not bothersome! Thanks for asking me beforehand!
Before the Merge, she's like 8. During Dragons Rising she'd be about thirteen.
And oh yes, she'd be really territorial. For all this time, it's been just her, after all. And don't worry, you're free to draw her how you want.
But about the golden power thing though, I'm really sorry, I've already picked an element for her 😭 but thanks for the suggestion though.
Check your messages, it's there 🤫. Consider it as my thanks for drawing her.
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namelysane · 2 years
Hiii do you know when chap 3 of so you came back is gonna release? The story is really interesting 😊
Aaaaaa, sorry for the late reply! I didn't see that someone had asked me something.
And to answer your question, I'm planning to post somewhere around next week - cuz right now, the chapter's at 2k words and I haven't reached the point where I'd like to end it yet.
Btw, I'm glad your enjoying the fic so far. That means a lot to me.
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