#nami is the one with long nails and the one who can do everything twice as better than them even with those
beanghostprincess · 6 months
Thinking about the acrilics nail thing with fem sanji and nami and as a person who also works with their hands a lot I hate when my nails get too long (and that for me is if I look at my palms and can see my nails I will cut them) but a friend of mine loves doing nail art and I love it when she does my nails bc she makes them short bc she knows that I hate them long
So back to my fave girlies, Nami sees that Sanji is stressed and sad bc of the nails so she asks her to let her do it again, Sanji apologizes for ruining them but Nami quickly shut it down saying that it doesn't matter that she wants to try a new thing and Sanji bein the simp she is lets her
Nami goes for a short nail length and decides to try and do these watercolor effect on her nails (look it up if you don't know they're really cool) since she doesn't have a lot of space to do anything with it and it ends up looking like the ocean, Nami tried to do the all blue for her
It really could be any ocean but Sanji is crying of pure happiness and love and just overwhelmed with her gf taking into account her discomfort over her nails but also doing something to accommodate her and representing something she loves
It's really cute and Sanji goes through this phase where you awkwardly do everything without really touching anything so you don't ruin your nails but after a while she does everything normally again and Nami couldn't be happier than seeing her gf happy with something she made
AWWWWWW This is so cute. I'm sure they love spending time together while Nami does her nails!!!! It's not always sea themed btw!!! Nami is good with nails but she is not the BEST at drawing cute tiny things there, so she ends up calling Usopp (Yes I am making this lesbian Sanusona honoring my name deal with me please) bc their other girlfriend is the best artist known to mankin (I don't accept other opinions srry). And Usopp is THRILLED because now she can like. Draw little eggs. And bread. And fishes. In Sanji's nails. Like. She just has a whole set of acrylic nails that's just food-themed. It's adorable. She is the cutest, prettiest cook in the world so she has to have the most beautiful nails!!!!!!!
Please, that phase is so funny. You have to learn how to do basic stuff-- Me too. I mean. It's actually the first time I get acrylic nails and the first day is weird but tbh it's not as bad as people make it seem. But Sanji would be okay because she has shorter nails and she learns that! Wow!!!!!!! You can live normally with them!!!!!! But the first days she is calling Usopp to do everything for her bc she is scared of something happening to her nails and Nami is there rolling her eyes like "If it happens we just fix it, sweetie, don't worry".
I am sure tho that in the middle of a fight she would end up somehow breaking one of the nails and she'd be. So dramatic and angry abt it to whoever is fighting with her. Because her hands are now even more precious to her!!!! She has art her girlfriends made for her!!!!!! So ofc she is angry. The guy she is fighting laughs at her like "Hahaha ofc a girl would get so whiny for breaking her nails!!!!" and she just. Beats the shit out of him with so much pent-up anger and the fury of the gods on her side.
When the fight ends she goes to Nami and Usopp like *teary eyes* "Please fix my nails, my dearest, my treasure, please-" and Usopp and Nami complain abt her being dramatic but it's actually so cute that she appreciates their work so much.
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exec--savethem-blog · 7 years
Incomprehensible || Ulrich Reaction
Ulrich Ohlhauser was growing tired. So very, very tired. His nightmares were growing worse, flashing of people mocking him, abandoning him, everyone leaving him because he wasn't good enough. He was never good enough... Even as Ulrich escaped sleep to stalk Ryuu in the night, his hunts came up fruitless, a thoughtless endeavor that would never save anyone. Why was Ulrich like this? And now, exhausted, dragging his body down to the kitchen, he stood, arms crossed waiting for the doors to open. Who could have started the fire? Was it an electrical problem? Someone keep the tea on the stove too long..? .... Was Ulrich forgetting something in the oven? No, no, nothing like that. Though seeing what was waiting for him in the kitchen, he really would have rather had a burnt cake or toasty teapot.
Ulrich covered his mouth as he inhaled the smell of burning. Smoke hit his eyes as they began to water, but even then he couldn't tear his eyes away from the two bodies that lay before him. Nami... Ryuu.... Why... why were they here? Why weren't they... Why were they both on the floor like that..? Ulrich stumbles closer to the two, falling to his knees and staring at the two corpses. Ulrich's mind was a mess; he was becoming an emotional wreck, afraid of losing people, afraid of being the one to push them away. And now Nami and Ryuu were gone, they... abandoned him. He felt his chest tremble and his lips quiver at the thought. Nami's kindness and understanding nature, Ryuu... calling Ulrich his little brother. They were like family. Ulrich found something to smile about in these two... And now they were gone.
It felt like everything was falling from the sky, a powerful force of gravity weighing down his shoulders, forcing him onto his hands and knees. Every moment with the two of them ran through his head like a video rewinding itself, showing Ulrich every moment that made him happy, or made him mad. He laid his forehead to the wet floor as he felt his tears begin to fall in silence. What did he do wrong? What could he even do? The weight that these deaths held hammered itself into him, every time he took them for granted another nail to drive into himself. These people were gone, permanently. They were never coming back, and now Ulrich didn't know what to do.
He crawled over to Nami, resting his hand on their body, staring at their lifeless corpse. They looked so peaceful, clinging to Ryuu so closely... it made him feel sick. He reached for Butterscotch, wanting to hold him tight, but pulled himself back, clinging tight to Nami's sweater as the sobs became audible. They were bitter tears of emotional inarticulance, confusion, and the misery in knowing that Ulrich was never going to be able to fix this. No amount of apologies or wishes could undo any of these unnecessary deaths. He raised his hands to his eyes, shaking his head violently as he struggled with understanding the grief he was feeling. The soul-crushingly heavy dread that hung on his shoulders, threatening to throw him down to his hands and knees once more. Stopping his sobbing to breathe, Ulrich whimpers out to no one but the ones who can no longer listen,
"Wh-Why...? Why did you have to die...? I-I don't want you to die..." He shook his head again, "This can't be real, this can't be r-real... Please..."
Everything felt so far away for the knife thrower. It was distant from him, an image at the end of a very long tunnel, one that Ulrich couldn't walk to the end on his own. There must be something he can do, besides cry about it! Ulrich Ohlhauser was o coward! Ulrich Ohlhauser would stand up, and fight to find the killer! This was easy, he has done it twice before already! A third time won't hurt him! Yeah, that's all Ulrich had to tell himself. He forced himself to his feet, blinking his tears away, before covering his face in hot shame and fear, then he ran out of the room. Ulrich had to leave, he couldn't handle any of this... Not without fixing his makeup. The Ulrich Ohlhauser was never going to ruin his image! And that meant more to Ulrich Ohlhauser than anything else!
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