#namor x filipino!reader miniseries
rokuhoku · 2 years
"... are you pouting?"
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Pairing: Namor x Filipino!Reader
Rating: General Audiences, Comedy
Summary: Namor waits by your usual meeting place... except this time you don't show up. And for the following days, you fail to show up again, causing your friend to feel greatly unnerved.
Word Count: 3,552
Content Warning: None
Disclaimer: Again, as mentioned before, Namor is slightly cold towards the reader! He isnt hateful or anything, just has his guard up bc of surface world resentment. Though, that guard can be taken back down sometimes ;)
Reminder: This fic is part of a Namor x Filipino!Reader miniseries, but can be read on its own! Miniseries fic(s):
a piece of your history. / "beloved." /
"... are you pouting?"

“I always go here before the sun sets, the view gets really good, you know? Pero wala pa rin siya sa Pinas, ang init dun, shet.” 
You stated, though what you said only seemingly fell on deaf ears. Namor continued looking ahead, not showing any signs that he was actively listening. Nonetheless, you smiled, staring back at the ocean, just as he was. 
“Yung tipong parang niluluto ka na nung araw kada labas mo.” You laughed to yourself, and Namor’s lips twitched upwards for a split second.
The golden hues shining on your skin wasn’t as scorching as it was in your country, however. You mused to yourself. Your hands splashed a bit in the water, as you were in it with him this time, making sure to wear something waterproof.
Was it a dumb idea to be in the same environment as someone who could kill you in an instant? Probably. But it was a particularly hot day out and you will be damned if you don’t take a dip in the water.
“So when you come up here to…” Your lips pursed, and a part of Namor disliked your hesitation. “... meet up. Make sure to not make it so late? I don’t like waiting until night time. Baka magtaka kaibigan ko tas masampal pa’ko pag nakauwi ako ng sobrang late na, hehe.” 
Namor would’ve scoffed if he could, it was as if you were demanding him to attend these meetups that weren’t even mandatory. It did not benefit him nor you in any way to keep meeting up like this.
And yet.
He still always managed to come on time. 
Just as how it is right now.
Namor’s eyes scanned the area from where he was in the deeper parts of the water. You weren’t here yet, which was particularly strange for him. You always managed to get here a few moments after noon, so seeing your regular spot empty was somewhat foreign to him, having spent so much time with you.
He frowned, this was peculiar. You were always there to greet him with an enthusiastic smile and wave, sometimes with a book in your hands or with the soft tunes of your native tongue in the air. Today, however, none of those were present on the land he often frequented.
Had something come up? You would usually tell him the day before if you were not able to come by, though he would often reply with nothing or just a silent nod. He did not know why, but his stomach seemed to turn in on itself as he anticipated you to walk in any moment now.
Namor waited with bated breaths while he stared down your usual spot, as if you would materialize there in any moment. He waited for you to walk in with a laugh, pointing at the way his head would stick out of the water. He waited for the sound of your home country’s tunes, or the sound of your voice humming quietly as you would set down a blanket of sorts to sit on, because you hated the feeling of sand in your clothes.
He waited. 
Namor paused in his thoughts. Why was he overthinking this? An earlier, not so distant past version of him would have felt relieved to not see your face, to not see the face that was somehow capable of flipping his whole worldviews upside down, who challenged yet understood his worldviews.
The blue hues of the sky soon faded into a colorful mixture of yellow, orange, and purple. Yet there was still no sign of you, causing Namor to slowly feel quite dumb for waiting in the water for as long as he did.
He should just go back, his mind would reason with him. Manage over the people, protect your land, protect your people.
Namor’s lips twitched downwards as the scenery around him already darkened, the sun disappearing over the horizon, and still no sign of you.
He wistfully sighed and turned back around to head for his home, it was not fair of him to expect you to always attend these daily meetups of yours. He, for one, has been guilty of not attending these meetups and just leaving you in the dusk. So of course, he should not have expected punctuality from you when he himself did not even do it.
The familiar heavier pressure of the waves underwater enveloped Namor’s body, as did the feeling of... disappointment.
The following day, Namor made sure to come a bit earlier, justifying that this time he would leave earlier instead. When in reality, the back of his mind had been telling him that he should try to make up for the lost time from yesterday. 
Your usual spot had still been empty, with no evidence of you by a blanket or bag in sight. The sky wasn’t clear this time, as if the clouds were accompanying Namor in your absence. This time, his head was fully out of the water instead of the upper half just peeking out, so he could get a good look from his position to the whole beach.
His eyes desperately searched the area, his ears twitching in hopes of hearing your familiar mischievous laugh, his hands twitching within the water as he remembered the few times it had brushed with yours.
Namor’s actions of today echoed those of yesterday, yet now with a slight hint of more desperation and anticipation. It felt foreign not to see your face, the way it somehow always managed to trick his lips into smiling more and more as the hours would go by.
This hadn’t even been the first time he hadn’t seen you for days at a time, yet those were by his terms. Now, it was you deliberately not meeting up with him, and it somehow affected him quite a bit.
Namor’s thoughts recalled those of his yesterday, as he is reminded with the various times he would just not show up for days at a time, and yet you were always there to welcome him with a laugh and a wave. Sometimes, you would even come with a mango in hand that you claimed to be superior to the rest as it had come from your home country specifically.
He should not feel bad. His mind would reason. He is the one tasked to lead and protect his people. It continued. He had duties. Of course he wouldn’t always be available. Namor knew that, and he was sure that you did too.
And yet, the multiple times of Namor not even showing up seemed to have weighed heavily upon his shoulders as he returned once more to Talokan, the sky already turning dark.
As the days went by, the feeling seemed to only grow heavier and heavier, as he felt somewhat more and more anxious and impatient to see you, desperate to listen and reply to your various musings about the most mundane things.
The people of Talokan could somewhat feel the disappointment and loneliness haunting their king as he went on his usual strolls about their kingdom. 
The king thought he was subtle, but almost everyone knew of his escapades, often disappearing into the shallower parts of the water. But no one had the heart to tell or stop him, seeing as he always seemed to be in a better mood, his smiles being gentler and brighter whenever he visited their various homes. 
Their king had a sort of bounce to the way he traveled the waters, and this feeling seemed to travel and spread with his people, as children were joyfully laughing, playing and running by him.
Yet now, the king seemed to wear a sullen expression, his eyebrows pushed down, furrowed as he seemed to be deep in thought. Of course, he would still gently smile and nod whenever making eye contact with his people, yet it felt hollow and empty this time.
The Talokanil did not speak of it, but it was clear that whatever their king had been doing, he had not seen much of it recently.
It had officially been five days since the last time Namor saw you.
And there had still been no sign of you.
For five straight days, Namor waited by the deeper depths of the water until it was past dusk, waiting for anything from you. The past five days have felt as if they were five moons, with him constantly scanning the area in hopes that you were only playing a cruel game of hide and seek. Namor kept on arriving earlier than the previous days, yet still going back to Talokan only when the sky was too dark for him to justify that you would somehow still arrive. He felt like his mind had been drowning in various anxious thoughts regarding you.
What if something bad happened to you? What if you were in great danger? What if you moved back to your country without telling him? What if you decided his grumpy presence wasn’t worth it? What if you got sick of him for being so distant and cold? What if others had found out about your close relationship with him, and planned to blackmail information from you?
Close relationship?
He shook his head, bubbles forming around it. The thoughts swirling inside his mind could conquer the strongest cyclones and typhoons if they tried. A few fishes were nearby, side eyeing him as if to say, calm down.
Namor found that his world had become rather… quiet and uneventful without you trying to trick him into swearing, or trying to learn his own native language and stumbling over your words, before trying again with a determined look. Without the soft tunes of your music lulling him into entering a world where he could just be. Where, for a moment, he could just relish in the calming sound of the waves and your humming. Or even with only the quiet sound of you turning a page and subtly acting out the descriptors of your book with your face.
He didn’t know when or why it had become so… empty and quiet without your company. A large number of your meetups, you two wouldn’t even converse and would simply just exist around each other, with him occasionally sitting beside you and silently reading along to whatever book that piqued your interest.
The corner of his lips pulled downwards even more, as he practically bore a hole with his eyes onto your usual spot, an action he had been doing for a few days by now. Namor was somehow never tired of trying to find you and repeating the same actions, thoughts, and feelings beat for beat with each passing day of your absence. The sky was yet again fading into a warm mixture of orange, yellow, and purple hues, the sun already beginning to lower.
Namor looked back at your usual spot before sighing, shaking his head and turning away, already making up his mind to go home. He should stop waiting for you for so long, anyway. He was sure that the people of Talokan were starting to take notice of how often he would leave for more hours at a time than usual.
Namor’s head whipped back as a loud footstep was met on the sand’s surface. Could it be…?
Thud. Thud. Thud. The familiar sound of running.
As if not believing his own senses, Namor’s body slowly moved through the water’s currents, as the top half of his head peaked through the water’s surface, his eyes squinting under the harsh rays of the rather beautiful sunset.
A laugh, and a point.
You were catching your breath by the seashore, an eco-bag over your shoulder, with your usual blanket tucked under your arm. You let out a rather tired sigh of relief, muttering to yourself about how thankful you were you didn’t miss the sunset. The moment your eyes met Namor’s, it seemed as if his world had become much noisier once again, as he was suddenly very much more aware of the tactile feeling of the water’s texture surrounding him, more aware of the fishes swimming near or around him. 
“BA’T KA LAGING GANYAN SUMILIP AMPUTA?!” Followed by more laughter, as you practically keeled over laughing.
And more importantly, he could clearly hear the sound of your laughter, your voice.
You were laughing at him again, more than usual. Perhaps it was due to the fact that you missed seeing him weirdly peeking out of the sea with a glare, or perhaps this was just one of those days wherein you decided to be a bit more teasing.
His mouth moved on its own, a smile slowly forming on his face, as he rather dramatically flouted out of the water, the sound of his ankle-wings flapping in the air. When he was nearing you, you bore a grin at him, before setting down your bag and blanket, ready to hangout like you always did.
However, when Namor’s feet finally landed on the sand, you were met with a rather sour expression on his face. Your eyes narrowed at him, as the corner of his lips tugged downwards, the usual scrunch between his eyebrows being scrunchier than usual.
“O, anyare sa’yo?” Namor frowned even more at you, if it was even possible. His mind was already throwing its own tantrum. ‘What’s up with you’? That’s the first thing you say?
This caused you to feel quite flabbergasted on how quickly Namor can switch from smiling at you to suddenly looking at you as if you gripped on his wings (again). You stood up from your spot on the blanket, crossing your arms and tilting your head to the side in confusion. 
“Did something happen?” Namor refused to look you in the eye, and his arms soon mirrored your own, albeit it was aggressively crossed. His head turned the other way, and you were sure you heard a quiet hmph come from him, causing you to laugh lightly. You hummed, noting the way he refused to meet your eyes. 
“Teka…” You muttered quietly, before stepping a bit closer to scrutinize his face. You practically shoved your head towards him, causing him to flinch for a split second before going back to such a grim and tight expression.
“... Are you pouting?” You were holding back laughter, he could tell from the snorts you tried to cough away. 
Namor sighed, already inching towards the water. Why he waited ever-so-eagerly for you is beyond him now, as he is met with the usual teasing and laughing from you. 
When he started taking a step towards the water, you panicked. You already knew that look! You immediately stopped and grabbed onto his bicep. A part of him found that the scorching touch of your hand against his cool skin was relieving, though this part was quickly buried away.
“Hoi! Joke lang, ‘eto naman!” You practically protested, pulling Namor back to your usual sitting space. This obviously did not work, as his body went rigid, with you practically hauling him back to no avail. Damn you, super-strength!
Namor sighed once more, and turned back, sitting down with a ‘thump!’ on the sand next to your blanket, crossing his arms once again. This confused you for a moment, before you shrugged it off and sat down on the blanket, not really used to the close proximity as the fish-man tended to prefer being in the water instead of the sand. 
The thick blanket of silence was placed upon the both of you, as you practically fiddled with the material of the blanket between your fingers. Meanwhile, Namor was simply sitting beside you, staring straight ahead. Gago, ba’t ang awkward?! Isang linggo lang naman kami ‘di nagkita!
In reality, Namor was also in the same predicament as you, finding himself at a loss for words or what to say to you. For a reason that escapes him at the moment, he made sure to patiently await your company for days at a time, so why can’t he say anything right now?!
He collected himself once more, opening his mouth to speak to you.
“... Tu'ux ka'ach?” Namor’s head turned to you, his frown softening along with the scrunch in his eyebrows, as he looked at you with what appears to be curiosity, maybe even with a hint of concern?
Catching on that he spoke in his native tongue, you slowly mouthed out the words he said, a quirk he noticed earlier on, before beaming at him with a reply, indicating that you understood what he had said.
“Ay! Nilagnat lang ako ng sobra, hehe.” You casually said, practically waving it off as you pulled out some usual snacks and fruits you brought with you from your bag.
“Ba'ax úuch?”
Namor was exasperated with how you brushed off the fact that you were sick, his eyes now fully showing concern as he slightly turned towards you more, leaning down to listen more intently. You decided that stuffing your face with more snacks would distract you from the palpitations that seemed to have come from nowhere. You were sure that he could hear the violent pounding of your heart, so you swallowed thickly as you processed his question.
“Actually, ‘di ako sure? Bigla lang ako nagkasakit, baka dahil nag-swimming ako nung isang araw.” You recalled, noting the way you practically didn’t even try to dry off due to how hot it was that day.
If Namor had it in him, he would have facepalmed at your carelessness. Sometimes, you were too careless with your body, just as how you were when you two first met (but that is a whole other story on its own).
He clicked his tongue at you. “You’re only human, ten asab Bik.” Namor basically scolded you. You playfully scoffed and rolled your eyes at him. “Pasensya na, ‘di lahat kasing lakas mo.” You remarked lightly. Though, with the way he seemed to be worried over you did make your heart skip a few beats. You took a mental note of going to the cardiologist.
“Seryoso ako.” Namor suddenly spoke up, jumpscaring you to your core as he spoke in your mother-tongue, albeit you can hear the slight hesitation in his voice.
His arms uncrossed, as a hand hesitantly placed itself on your leg. “Kanantaba, take care of yourself."
You were at a loss for words, sputtering around the place. A corner of Namor’s lips curled slightly upwards, amused that he somehow managed to make you choke on your words, with you always doing it to him any chance you get.
You cleared your throat, before a mischievous look glinted within your eyes once again, causing Namor to feel that maybe he should have evaluated the situation more.
“Bakit?” You started, leaning towards him, the space between the two of you now only being centimeters apart. Namor didn’t flinch, surprisingly enough, as he was too shocked at your actions.
“Na-miss mo ‘ko, ‘no?” 
If a fellow Filipino were to have heard you right now, they would have smacked you with a hanger due to how cheesy the line you delivered was.
Meanwhile, Namor was too busy having a crisis on his own. Did he miss you? Is that what it was? The anticipation? The waiting? The disappointment? What nonsense! You were but a mere surface dweller and he was the king of Talokan! (Namor would later on realize that he sounded like a child throwing a temper tantrum.) 
Back to your perspective, you were only met with complete and utter silence. You didn’t know if it was the heat or what, but you were sweating quite a bit as you awaited his reply. Soon however, dread settled in your stomach as you thought of the possibility of him walking out on you again. 
“Uhm, huy, joke lang yu-”
“Yes, I did.”
Silence once again.
But this time, K’ukulkan was the one to have the mischievous glint in his eyes. The way he answered so matter-of-factly caught you off-guard, and he was glad it did. 
Your mouth was practically agape when you finally processed what he said. Did he just admit to emotional vulnerability? To you?! Especially about missing you?!
However, when K’ukulkan’s lips soon curled up into an amused smile, you rolled your eyes and turned away from him, hoping that the pounding of your heart against your chest couldn’t be noticed. 
“WHATEVER, ‘bala ka ‘jan!” You exclaimed, pretending to look for your phone in your eco-bag, just to find something to do with your hands. K’ukulkan chuckled, which sounded like a melody to your ears, so you couldn’t help from smiling and quietly chuckling with him. 
After a few moments, soon enough you were both back to your usual positions, with K’ukulkan back in the water as you quietly read a book from your blanket. The soft tunes of your native tongue played in the air, as Namor took note that this was one that he particularly favored, and he was sure that you caught on to that. He felt that this moment was close to his home.
A small part of K’ukulkan meant what he said, and he also wondered if you felt the same.
You did. 
You both did.
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rokuhoku · 2 years
hiiii just for clarification, almost all of my x reader fics are gender neutral!! 😭 i hope im able to showcase it more but i tend to not use exclusively he or she pronouns and just use "you" and "they"!!! hope this helps 😭
i tended to feel kinda left out when fics used strictly she/her as a person who goes by she/they, and i wanted my readers to have represntation as well!! for me personally, in my fics, x readers can be /anyone/ (except for a said characteristic in fics like filipino!reader or poc!reader) and i wanted to show it with my stories!! so sorry to bother yall with this 😭
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rokuhoku · 2 years
15 notes · View notes
rokuhoku · 2 years
my hands are itching to write more namor x filipino!reader fics but aghhh i have so many deadlines bc christmas break is coming up,,, hopefully i can churn at least one fic out this week (mayhaps the first meeting one?)
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rokuhoku · 2 years
omg me when i expected this namor fic to only be about 2k words but it reached 3.4k AKSJDHKJSAH WILL POST SOON I JUST HAVE TO EDIT THIS BAD BOY
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rokuhoku · 2 years
a piece of your history.
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Pairing: Namor x Filipino!Reader
Rating: Mature, Comedy (No smut but there is tension)
Summary: It hurts to not be able to properly recreate your traditional pre-colonial Filipino clothing, and Namor takes notice of this feeling of yours.
Word Count: 2,578
Content Warning: Mentions of colonialization
Disclaimer: Namor is kind of cold and dark towards reader!! Idk if its ooc but i would imagine that he would generally be apprehensive towards a surface dweller. you have been warned
Reminder: This fic is part of a Namor x Filipino!Reader miniseries, but can be read on its own! Miniseries fic(s):
a piece of your history. / "beloved."
“Do you like it?”
You asked, grinning, slightly turning yourself around in order to fully show off your work proudly.
Namor hummed, sitting in the water by the shore of the beach. He was always like this, meeting up with you now and again. 
“Is this the wear of your people?” He asked. You grinned and nodded, letting out small chuckles while fiddling with the fabric between your fingers. You had always wanted to make the Pre-Colonial traditional clothing of your Filipino ancestors, it was the closest thing you had of home as of now. 
The process was tedious, you admit that. So little resources or references online on how your specific region’s clothing looked– much less how it was made, due to how much the Spaniards burned and banned, but you had still managed to gather enough to make one as accurately as possible.
“It’s… beautiful.” He simply says, eyeing up the clothes and how it wrapped around your body, causing you to tear your eyes away from him in fear of showing how his compliment affected you in such a way. 
“Why have your people stopped wearing this? Are they not your traditional wear?” Namor asked, remembering the photos of your family that you had shown him. They were wearing what you had called a “baro’t saya” and “barong” for the celebration of “Buwan ng Wika” as he recalled it.
“It’s gorgeous, and made by the hands of your people instead of the colonizers.” He continued, “It escapes me on why your people have abandoned wearing your traditional garbs, instead choosing to wear what they gave you.” This statement slightly irked you, causing you to deadpan at him.
“Dude, we were enslaved and tortured by them for more than 300 years.” You crossed your arms. “Do you think we abandoned it willingly?” You were met with silence, and for once, Namor was the one who was left speechless by bluntness.
“... Right. My apologies.” Was all Namor could reply, causing you to let out a small laugh, shaking your head. It’s not often you’re the one leaving him silent, with him often bashing “surface dwellers”, causing you to regularly remind him that you yourself are a surface dweller. 
Namor never had a proper reply for that.
However, even if you were happy with your work, you still frowned and sighed. You dragged your fingers along the cloth, wistfully looking at its patterns. Namor’s eyes followed the way your face curled up to a grimace, causing him to frown even more (if that was even possible) in confusion. 
“It’s not much, though. The fabric’s sorta cheap ‘cause it was the only one I could find that had this specific pattern. I had to pick between comfortability or accuracy.” You sulked, sitting down on the dry sand close to him. You hugged your knees close to your chest, already itchy from the scratchy inside of the fabric.
“I chose accuracy, of course… for them.” You vaguely finished, slightly bitter on how hard it was to make your country’s real traditional clothing in an authentic way. You palmed the sand, looking for your bag before taking out your trusty cellphone. 
Ah, surface dwellers and their hand-held yet fragile technologies… Namor thought as you typed and scrolled away at your phone. 
“I mean, look at this!” You held your phone out, showing what appeared to be a real life replica of your garbs, just made in a better way. Namor narrowed his eyes in confusion. 
“So your people still make this?” 
“Well technically yes, but no? God, I wish, though. This is just a historical costume for entertainment…” You replied, huffing. 
“Tangina talaga ng Espanya…” You grumbled under your breath. Namor chuckled at you, as he had heard you swear in your mother tongue (he was sure it was a swear– it was literally the first word you had taught him) at one of your country’s past colonizers.
“Jay, ba'ax jaaj le je'elo'...” He replied, agreeing, though this did cause your face to slightly feel warmer. You would never admit it to his face, but him speaking his native language was kinda hot.
You let out a small chuckle, before wistfully sighing and looking at the sky. 
“You know… I’m kinda jealous of you and your people of Talokan.” Namor rose an eyebrow at you, his head turning to look at you. You put your hands up in mock defense, clearly meaning well.
“I don’t mean it in a bad way! And yeah, you guys have faced struggles with water pollution, junk and also colonizer stuff… It’s just… y’know…” You trailed off, suddenly feeling bashful. Namor’s gaze softened, as he nodded to indicate that you continue. You breathed in deeply.
“Well, I mean, you guys got to keep your culture intact, no outside forces ripping it away from you.” You mumbled, picking at the sand that got between your nails.
“No forgotten gods… no forgotten stories… no forgotten practices.” You longingly looked at the sea.
You snorted, though. “Even if they tried, you could still put up a fight and protect it.” You smiled at him, causing him to avert his gaze and look back at the ocean.
“I just… I just wish I could salvage at least a small part of it.” You finished, already feeling your throat close up and tears form in your eyes. God, why did you have to be so emotional? Putangina naman… 
For a beat or two, Namor stayed quiet. You already felt dread setting in your stomach, oh god. What if he had another diva moment and dove back in the water? Before you could panic even more, you heard the water move, as water droplets seem to fall from sky and onto you. You looked up in confusion, squinting your eyes at Namor, who had stood up from his place to sit closer to you.
“... May I see more of these garbs?” 
Your frown was replaced with a smile, as you swallowed back the lump and blinked away the oncoming tears. “Sure! I have so many saved and printed– it’s important to have references before crafting, after all!” 
Your signature grin was back as you happily took out what looked to be a plastic bag containing pictures that looked similar to your clothes. You happily explained away, showing him more and more photos– though he did notice that you had backed up a bit when he came a bit too close to your personal space. 
He followed along as you showed more and more photos– along with more pictures of Pre-Colonial jewelry that you wanted to replicate yourself. He noticed the way you would stop and longingly gaze at them, before continuing on with explaining.
Namor watched the way your eyes would brighten as you talked more and more about your history, before they would dim as you brought up on why it was not used by your people in the modern day anymore. 
“... And yeah, that’s pretty much what my own region wears! Though, it does get a bit tricky to see if it really is my region per say,” Namor looked at you, a bit confused but waiting for you to continue. Your smile grew wider. 
“All regions basically have a lot of similarities and differences! So sometimes it gets a bit confusing.” You rambled, before noticing yourself and getting a bit embarrassed. Namor softly smiled at you. 
“This just shows how rich the cultures of your people are, in etail.” 
You blinked before letting out a joyous laugh, surprised that Namor of all people complimented you! (Well, to be more precise, your heritage). You were about to reply before your eyes caught sight of the time on your phone. “Ay gago! Ang late na pala! I still have to call my parents!” You put on your coat over your work, before shoving your phone back in your bag. 
Before you could properly stand up, a hand on your wrist stopped you. Your brain loaded for a few seconds, your eyes following the hand and how it trailed back to Namor. “Come back here in two days time.” He asked (more of demanded).
You gawked at him, this was the first time he ever confirmed that you were going to see him! Most of the time, he simply came and went as he pleased. The look in his eyes already made it impossible to say no, so of course refusing him was not an option. 
“I-I…” You stammered, meeting his eyes that had so much emotion in them. You gulped. “Okay! See you in… two days, dude!” You quickly went on your way home.
Namor nodded at you, before he caught sight of the familiar plastic ziplock you had left behind. Before he could call out to you, you were already too far away, and if he were to approach you someone would surely see him.  
Namor watched your back fade from the distance, already confirming the idea forming in his head. He nodded to himself, before grabbing the ziplock bag and diving back into the sea, making sure to not let anything get wet. 
You practically ran towards the beach as you grinned, excited that your.. Friend(?) or Frenemy(?) personally requested your presence. You cleared your throat and attempted to act cool, though severely failing, before sitting down by the drier parts of the sand, admiring how beautiful the waves looked. 
A few moments later, a familiar head peeped out from the water, causing you to laugh and wave at him. Namor uncharacteristically bore a grin at you, continuing to get out of water, the droplets from his hair magically disappearing with each step.
“I have a surprise for you.” was the first thing he said as he offered you a hand in getting up. You nodded, though a bit confused now. 
In his hands, you had finally taken notice of a makeshift waterproof bag tied by a drawstring along with a familiar plastic ziplock of papers. “Ay, onga pala! I accidentally left my papers…” You exclaimed, surprised that he kept them in such good condition.
Namor gingerly handed you the drawstring bag first, urging you to open it. “Please, have a look inside.” You hesitantly took it in your hands, noting the way the fabric practically had gold woven into it.
What you saw took your breath away, 
it was Pre-Colonial indigenous Filipino clothes.
You ran a hand through them, the fabric being silky yet cool to the touch. Just as how Filipino clothes were theorized to be. Somehow, Namor had found a way to wove it with gold, just as what your research had said. You felt tears well up in the corner of your eyes, it felt like a piece of history was being given back to you. 
 “Well? What are you waiting for?” Namor’s voice snapped you out of your stupor. You looked back at him, open-mouthed and too shocked to reply. He chuckled at you. “Try it on, in etail.”
Namor politely turned around, silently trying to hide and bury the way he felt when he heard fabric shifting and the likely assumption of you undressing. 
Your breath hitched as the feeling of the fabric against your skin was a comfortable one. It was perfectly tailored and made for you, as if someone had memorized every inch of your body down to the smallest details, the robes fitting like a glove on your body. 
“You can look now…” You managed to practically croak out, forever feeling thankful at such a kind gesture from no one other than Namor himself. 
The moment Namor turned around, he swore that he felt slightly lightheaded from how you managed to take his breath away with just your look. You looked like you were in your natural element, your most natural state.
It almost felt as if this was how you were supposed to be. 
The way the gold-woven fabric hung off your own copper skin had him thinking of thoughts he swore he would never have of surface-dwellers, and perhaps the most euphoric feeling was seeing the look on your face; the genuine joy and happiness. 
But wait, something was missing. 
He narrowed his eyes at you before rummaging through the bag he carried with him. Namor gently brought out familiar looking jewelry, though with its own twist.
“These… are also for you.”
Namor took your hand and placed it in his, slipping on a rather detailed and delicately made golden ring. He took both of your wrists and placed on them gold bracelets adorned with what appeared to be a jade material.
All the while, he made direct eye contact with you. You practically shook under his gaze, deeming it to be too intimate. 
Before you could process anything more, you felt the heat of Namor’s body behind your back, as you heard gold clinking together. His hot breath fanned on the back of your neck, as the heat in your ears never seemed to go away. 
You felt a heavy weighted necklace be placed onto your collarbone, before a click behind you was resounded. Namor’s hands lingered for a split second on the nape of your neck, before he practically ripped himself away and stood back, afraid of his own actions.
Your breath left your body for what felt like the nth time in the past 30 minutes, as you took the necklace between your fingers and observed the intricate designs of gold and jade beautifully fused together. 
All of this jewelry should have felt heavy, but to you they felt as if they were perfectly crafted and made for you and your people. It was as if these were all made with heavy and careful detail, making sure that they perfectly aligned with your own practices but still with its own twist and charm from the gifter.
You could never take back what the Spaniards have taken from your country, but it felt like a lost piece of your own heritage was being directly gifted to you, you could practically feel the pride of your ancestors. This was all so overwhelming. 
Namor suppressed the heat he felt as his natural name rolled off your tongue in such a breathless manner. 
Now, it was your turn to surprise as he did not anticipate that you would tackle him in a hug. You buried your face in his neck, not scared anymore of what he’d do. Namor’s own hands hesitantly placed themselves on your backside, before they tightened around you.
“Salamat… Salamat talaga, K'uk'ulkan…” Namor felt hot wet tears drip onto his shoulder. 
He hugged back even tighter.
“Mixba’al, in etail.” 
“Okay, now ‘putangina mo’ means I like you.” You said to Namor, though the way you tried to (and failed) to hold back your laughter made him doubt that that was the meaning of the phrase.
“Is it really now?” You laughed, nodding profusely. “Hell yeah it is! We Pinoys use it all the time to compliment each other! Like, ‘putangina mo tol, ang guwapo mo nakakabakla ka na!’ ”
“ ‘Nakakabakla’?” Namor narrowed his eyes at you. Were you just messing with him? You laughed even more, clutching your sides by how much it hurt.
“Gaga, uto-uto ka talaga.”
Namor had a deep feeling in his stomach that you were insulting him (he was right) so he stood up and sighed, walking back towards the sea.
“What the-! Hey! Where are you going?!”
“K'a' ak'ate.”
“Aw c’mon K'uk'ulkan! Can’t you take a joke?!”
He was already gone by the time you had said that.
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rokuhoku · 2 years
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Pairing: Namor x Filipino!Reader
Rating: General Audiences, Comedy
Summary: You ask your... "sorta" friend what the meaning of his other name is. His answers break your heart, so you take matters into your own hands.
Word Count: 2,516
Content Warning: Mentions of colonialization
Disclaimer: Again, as mentioned before, Namor is slightly cold towards the reader! He isnt hateful or anything, just has his guard up bc of surface world resentment. Though, that guard can be taken back down sometimes ;)
Reminder: This fic is part of a Namor x Filipino!Reader miniseries, but can be read on its own! Miniseries fic(s):
a piece of your history. / "beloved."
The soft tune of a Filipino song played in the air, its melody dancing along with the sounds of the waves hitting the sand. Namor could only make out a few words within the song as he remembered the few phrases you had taught him. The melody was nice and eased his nerves, though he would never admit that to your face.
“What did they call you again?”
Namor blinked, processing your sudden question for a few seconds. Before you had suddenly asked him a question, you were both simply by the shore of the beach you frequented, with him in the water and you in the dry sand as usual, reading to him aloud a book that had come across your interests.
He looked at you questioningly, causing you to sputter over your words. “Oh! I meant what the Spaniards had called you when they…” You trailed off, fearing that you may have crossed a line with him this time. You knew how sore the topic was already, despite not knowing the full details as Namor refused to show any hint of vulnerability with you (or so you thought).
“What I mean is…” You cleared your throat, already bracing yourself for his reaction. 
“.... Why do certain people have to call you ‘Namor’?” You finished, closing the book, shifting to fully turning to him, indicating that you were paying special attention. The cogs clicked in place in Namor’s head as he finally understood your question. He noticed that you had said ‘certain people’ instead of enemies, likely the reason being you two weren’t exactly enemies nor friends in both of your books. 
“Uhm, you don’t have to answer if it’s too… y’know….” You quickly added, waving your hands in a dismissive manner. Namor’s eyebrows raised at you, causing your face to heat up. “I mean… alam naman natin na gago sila…” You quickly mumbled the last part. 
Namor seemed to be deep in thought for a moment, before he shook his head and chuckled. “No, I can answer if you would like me to.” 
Namor ran his fingers through the water, clearly contemplating on how he should approach your question. He smiled bitterly at you as he remembered the hateful memory. Your hands immediately went to your phone, turning the volume down on the classic OPM playlist you were playing.
“When my mother died, she asked to be buried in her homeland,” He started, playing with the wet sand underneath the water. Namor smiled, a loving look overtook his bitter expression.
“She wanted to show me the surface world and its beauty.” Her soft and caring smile flashed in his mind, it was as if he could still remember the days where she hugged him with such care. His mother was always so gentle, so sweet with him. 
The prolonged gentle expression on Namor’s face was an unfamiliar one, as it was often hardened or practically deadpanned at you. You were only used to the occasional soft glimpses in his eyes.
A small part of you wished you could see this type of his face more, but that was crossing the line in your book.
“But, when I arrived…” Namor’s expression soon darkened. “They were here.” You winced, knowing exactly who he was talking about. He grit his teeth.
“They called me… ‘El Niño sin Amor’.” 
He looked back at the sea, feeling that if he stared at you, you would see nothing more than hate and anger burn in his eyes, a look that would most likely scare you away. You don’t know if it helped, but you nodded understandingly, almost as if implying that he can feel if he wants to.
Namor could remember the look of fear and hatred in the man’s eyes, as if the Spaniards didn’t force him and his people to retreat in the ocean due to the illness inflicted upon them by the colonizers, before enslaving those who remained on land. 
“The child without love, as they boasted.” Namor spoke in a rather biting sarcastic tone. Though he was smiling, the grin on his face was one of anger, holding no genuine joy or happiness in it.
“I took Namor from that, because I have no-” His eyes locked with you for a brief second before he averted his gaze. “-love for the surface.”
Your fingers played with the cover of the book you were holding, as you frowned even more and stared at him in disbelief. 
“Luh? So bale, you were called a loveless child,” You began, a startled impression on your face, “just because you killed the colonizers after they basically enslaved and killed your people?” You asked for clarification, scrunching your eyebrows in confusion. Namor nodded, a rather grim smile on his face.
“Aba, ang kakapal ng mukha nila ah…” You grumbled, before muttering something about how hypocritical and barbaric they were. Namor smiled gratefully at you, knowing you shared the same sentiment. 
He sighed, as if tired of having to relive the same memory over and over again. Namor looked back at the sea, a subtle slouch in his posture now. 
For a moment, you both sat there in silence, contemplating the lives of those who lived before (at least in your case) you. So many of Namor’s people were enslaved and forced by the Spaniards, yet they dare to call him the loveless child?
You pursed your lips, your eyes looking over Namor.
He wasn’t a child without love. His mother had loved him so, it was obvious by the way his voice would hush into a gentle baritone each time she was brought up.
His people loved him so, or at least, that’s what you can make up from his stories. You’ve only ever been able to gaze at them from afar in the sea, whenever they occasionally came to check up on him. Though with the way they addressed him you could easily see the fondness.
An idea popped into your head, though you were a bit hesitant to actually do it. 
“Hey,” You called out, scooting closer to him, the waves licking at your feet. Namor rose an eyebrow at you, though your invasion of his personal space did not deter him.
Finally, you sat in the water next to him, perhaps this was one of the very few times you were both less than three feet apart. Namor’s mouth opened, about to tell you off that your clothes were getting wet and rather quite see-through.
You snickered, a mischievous look overtaking your eyes, a look that Namor was quite familiar with. Too familiar with it, he adds to himself. 
You pointed at his face, before your pointer finger came into contact with the scrunch between his eyebrows.
Namor’s brain went blank, processing exactly what you had done to him. Before he can even make a reaction, you cut him off.
You started slowly, gauging for his reaction. Namor’s eyes narrowed at you, confused but not offended. Your smile soon went into a toothy grin. 
Namor grabbed your wrist and pulled away from your finger, clearly puzzled. The soft, cool touch of his damp fingers sent goosebumps up your back, but you continued nevertheless.
You were practically giggling at this point, leaning your body towards him, as if to tease him about the words you were uttering, completely dismissing that he had not understood what you were saying.
Hesitantly, your hand went to reach for his, causing him to flinch. You took Namor’s hand between both of yours, softly tracing the palm lines on it. 
His senses were being overloaded, the low volume of the OPM Playlist still playing in the background, though it felt as if it was echoing rather loudly in his ears.
Namor’s eyes met yours, he remembers what the word “mahal” means. But that couldn’t possibly be what you’re saying, right? Were you instead perhaps meaning another thing? (He was sure that mahal meant expensive as well, were you just messing with him and calling him expensive?)
One of your hands stopped playing with his and reached towards his face, caressing his cheek softly. You contemplated running a hand on his pointy ears. However, you decided you wanted to keep your hand intact with your body.
Namor could do nothing but stare at you, his free hand coming up to hold yours that was on his cheek, though he made no move to remove your hand. If you were to look closer, it was as if he was leaning into your touch. 
Your thumb softly grazed his upper cheek.
With the way Namor talked fondly about his people, you couldn’t help but notice the love and adoration in his eyes. He truly loved his people and protected them with his whole heart. 
Even if Namor couldn’t fully understand what you were saying to him, he could still somewhat comprehend what you were trying to say.
Namor was not a child without love, he has loved and has been loved. He will continue to love and he will continue to be loved, you were sure of that.
To your and his surprise, his eyes fluttered close as he leaned into the warm touch of your hand against his damp cheek. The feeling was scorching against his cool skin, yet it brought comfort to him even so. 
A part of him wanted this moment to never end, the soft tunes of your mother tongue playing in the background, as you practically showered him with affection that you two had an unspoken agreement about.
Soon, however, you couldn’t help yourself.
The hand on his face traced his cheek softly, before it came and pinched it rather aggressively. 
Namor’s eyes snapped open as he suddenly experienced a rather painful pinch to the cheek. Your ninangs would be proud of you if they saw the red mark on his skin right now. You snickered, making kissy-faces at him.
“Bebeluvs~” He deadpanned at you, fully knowing the sound of your rather trickster voice.
“My sexy, sexy love!” You finished, laughing so much your stomach hurt. You knew that Namor probably wouldn’t get the reference, but you couldn’t help yourself from quoting none other than the queen herself, Kathryn Bernardo. 
You were still laughing, peeving Namor a bit. This caused him to pull away from your touch and some distance between the two of you. The laughter soon died in your throat, as you instantly sort of regretted the fact that you ruined the moment. Shet, maybe you should’ve maintained the wholesome moment just a bit longer.
You fully expected him to stand up and leave you there in the water again, already used to him doing it with the many, many times you’ve tried to trick him into saying rather comically funny words in your language. Namor could always figure you out, though it may be because of the way you haven’t been able to stop yourself from laughing each time.
To your surprise, he simply stayed there, a contemplative look on his face as he looked down at the water he was in. 
You cleared your throat, scooting closer to him once again. You opened and closed your mouth, unsure of what to say next now that you have feared you may have offended him. Namor’s voice soon filled the one-sided awkward silence left in the air.
“Your words… What did they mean?”
You beamed at him, jumping at the chance to answer. “They can all actually mean different things! ‘Iniirog’ for example can mea-” A single stare from Namor shut you up from overcomplicating the answer, though it did not stop you from grumbling about the complex meanings of the words.
“Uhm, well, generally, they all kinda mean…” You whispered the last part, suddenly feeling shy and embarrassed that you had even started all of this. 
Namor sighed heavily, staring at you in dismay by your sudden bashfulness that always seemed to appear out of nowhere. “Ka a'alé, speak up.” His body turned towards you more as he leaned his head down in order to listen more carefully.
You shakily let out a breath, fully preparing to face his rageful wrath yet again. 
(You were exaggerating, the most he’s ever done is splash water directly into your face. Though it did go straight to your eyes once, you never forgave him for that.)
“Uhm, what I meant to say was…” You were stalling again, nervously fiddling with your fingers on your lap, flexing them under the water. 
Namor sighed. “If you can’t say them to my face, why say them at a-”
You practically shouted at him, shocking him to his core. You swore you could feel the water suddenly shift. Oh no, what if the Talokanil have been watching you all this time and you just shouted at their king?! 
“Or… Haha… Other things as well.” 
At this point, you were just trying to fill in the rather thick silence in the air. “But uhm, they could all also mean beloved.”
Meanwhile, Namor stayed silent at your confession. Have you been whispering to him such intimate words of affection all this time?
“All those words… were you calling me ‘beloved’?” At this, you shook your head slowly, confusing him even more.
“.... Actually, the last part means something else.” You felt like you were hyperventilating at this point. Perhaps you’ve ruined your favorite OPM playlist forever, as you will always associate it with this moment.
“The… The last part means ‘loving’...” You weakly replied, not daring to meet his eyes. You feel like you’ve royally screwed up, banished from the ocean even. Goodbye, night swimming, you will be dearly missed.
You slowly looked, bracing yourself for his reaction. The scene made your jaw drop, and Namor’s face would have been priceless to you if the situation hadn’t called for it. 
The flusteredness on his face would’ve caught anyone off-guard. The way his eyebrows raised as the corner of his eyes pinched at the corners. His lips were slightly open, as if to say that he was too shocked to even close his mouth. 
Soon, however, Namor finally came to his senses. He finally realized what you had been trying to say to him all this time.
They had called him “the child without love” in their spitting, hateful language.
And you had called him such loving words in your native language, as if to imply that they were wrong.
When you scooted closer to him once more, he didn't flinch or pull away this time. You blinked at his movements, noting the way he slightly leaned onto you again.
“... Niib'oolal." was the only thing Namor said after a few minutes.
You’ve talked to him enough to know what that means.
You gleefully smiled at him, before clearing your throat and relaxing your posture.
“Psh, ako pa? Wala lang yun, K’uk’ulkan.”
The soft tunes of the OPM playlist from your phone continued playing in the air, and the cold feeling of the water soon came to feel like a warm embrace instead.
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rokuhoku · 2 years
ok so i may have decided to make a namor x filipino!reader miniseries!!! writing "a piece of your memory." was so fun and i wanna try my hand at writing more!! the series isnt really linear and follows more of their moments together, and its more of a "reluctant acquaintances to friends ig to ACTUAL friends to lovers" series :DD but ofc when i post the fic of how they met thats technically the "prologue" ig
here are some ideas :DDD
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