#nancy the colera ghost
mooncalf87 · 5 months
K so we all need to agree on a Flower/Nancy ship name
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nkatr84 · 3 years
CBS Ghost: Update
I’ve missed the last few weeks but I’ve caught up on the show. Here’s the highlights,
Sam’s mom: it was nice Sam got to make peace with her mom after she died, but that storyline didn’t do much for me…however…
And good for you Nancy! Yeah you were a bit of a bully but helping Pete keep his secret even after he told you off means you’re okay.
Meanwhile why don’t the Colera ghosts sleep in the Moldy bedroom after the mold is gone? They can go back downstairs in the morning but getting to sleep in a bed would be nice right? Eh…🤷🏻‍♀️
I really liked the Jay’s sister episode. I liked getting to know Trevor better through his connection to Bela. I ship them almost as much as I ship PETE AND ALBERTA!!!
Good for Hetty telling off her scummy husband. He was a jerk.
AND HE ACTUALLY WENT TO HELL! Holy smokes! Literally! Good riddance…
Plus they added more lore to this universe. Ghosts can go the other way! And apparently some metal vaults can seal off ghosts
I need the writers of CBS Ghosts and BBC Ghosts to figure out a way to do a crossover!
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