cquity · 5 months
"this is ridiculous." the brunette admitted, pulling the box off of the shelf and comparing it to the other in her hand. "we're a small island we don't need 5 different types of long life milk - they all do the same thing." alicent was growing frustrated. "yes i understand the need for skim and lactose free but these two are full cream long life - it's ridiculous and we live in a society that only cares about consumerism."
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wcnderfulthings · 5 months
"What in the actual Hell?" she mused as she stood there on the beach in Sunset Cove. The last thing Natasha remembers is jumping off the Vormir mountains into the abyss below, sacrificing herself in the process in order to obtain the Soul Stone for the Avengers. She died. She literally died. So was this some weird version of Heaven or maybe Hell even? Natasha had done some horrible things in her past but she thought she had redeemed herself with all the good she's done since. So maybe this wasn't Hell? As she walked along the beach, she stopped when she saw another person nearby. Walking up to them, she gave a small smile. "Excuse me, this might be a weird question, but can you tell me where I am?"
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myhcneybees · 3 months
open to anyone
sunset cove beach
"What do you mean I can't leave? Why can't my magic get me out of here?" Stella huffed. "I mean, the sunshine here is a major bonus, but I don't even know what realm this is," she stated. "Ugh. I just want to go home, and I don't know how to get there from here. I can't even contact daddy to send someone for me, my phone calls to Solaria aren't going through," she added.
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brokcnrunes · 5 months
who: anyone
where: Black Rock Underground
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Sleepily, Logan pulled himself up from the couch he had been calling home. The faint sound of music could be heard throughout. His shift at the bar had started half an hour ago, but with the manager out for the evening, the male made his own schedule. With a scratch of his over grown facial hair, Logan idly walked out of the small room. As he entered the main club, the music almost deafening, the lights blinding to those without superhuman senses. "What can I get you?" Logan questioned with an unbothered tone, already reaching for a bottle of beer for himself.
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lcstorfound · 5 months
Where: Grand Naporia Mall Open: Anyone!
"Isn't it great here?" Lucy lifted her hands into the air and twirled in a circle, taking in the sweet scents of cinnamon rolls and fresh baked pretzels. All around her were shops: for clothes, for sports goods, for books, for shoes, and couches, and tupperware. For someone used to living in an apocalyptic wasteland, it was a dream come true: everything she could want at her fingertips. "And, my job pays me in cash. Look." She pulled a couple of hundred dollar bills out of her pocket and unabashedly showed them to the person in front of her, waving it around in a way that would have made it all too easy to steal. "And I just give this to the people at the shops, and they give me food back. And it isn't even poisoned at all."
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unfortvnatesculs · 3 months
The last thing Katniss remembered was the bomb going off knowing her sister was gone. She herself had fallen to the ground with flames surrounding her and when she woke up everything was different. Panic started to set in wondering if this was one last test from the Capitol but it all looked to calm for that. She was on a beach but it was no time for her to relax. Hearing rustling nearby her fight or flight mode was conflicted. ''Who's there? Where are we?''
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swornfate · 4 months
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it's all coriolanus can do to not direct a glare at the table across from him. he'd been reading in his usual spot at the cafe when someone's child decided to interrupt his blanket of silence with a head-splitting meltdown. he can barely process a word on the pages from all the noise. and if it wasn't bad enough already that someone decided that bringing their kid to a cafe so early in the morning was a good idea, they didn't even have the basic decency to shush them. coriolanus shuts his book with an inward sigh, knowing he won't get any reading done if he stays. as he finishes the rest of his coffee, his gaze shifts to someone seemingly looking for someplace to sit. he didn't even realize how crowded it's gotten. every table is occupied and the other chair at his table is just about the only one left. “you can take that seat if you'd like,” coriolanus says, nodding to the empty chair. “i won't be here much longer anyway.”
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bcnfire · 3 months
open to: anyone
location: the inkpot
These days, it felt as though very little in her life made sense. Admittedly, the freedom was nice - but was it enough to make up for everything else? Rapunzel wasn't entirely convinced that it was. Every day she seemed to ask herself the same questions; why was she here, how did she get here, where were the people she knew? Each, of course, remained unanswered, but she was trying to make the most of it. Making the most of it, in this context, had resulted in her picking up a job in a local tattoo shop - something else that was completely new, but it was working out well so far. It was where she found herself that afternoon, sitting behind the counter, sketchbook open in her lap as she focused on drawing - only pulled away when the door opened. When the bell over the door rang, she pushed her sketchpad aside, getting to her feet behind the reception counter with a small smile, "Hi, can I help you?"
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itzallstardust · 3 months
Status: OPEN
Louise was both house and dog sitting for the week. Her friend having to go out of the city on a business trip. Did she have any experience with dogs? No. But was she going to turn down a friend in need? Well, okay, maybe she owed them a favor. Hence why she was at the park, walking the dog along one of the winding paths. What started out as a beautiful and serene walk, turned into a nightmare all because of a ballsy pigeon. The little guy deciding to be brave and flying almost right at Louise, who screamed and flailed and dropped the leash. Now, the big golden retriever was running after one of the pigeon's cohorts, and the petite brunette was chasing after Buddy. "Stop that dog!" She bellowed out, her hands acting as a megaphone over her mouth once she made eye contact with the person. Her pace not letting up, even with her hair going wild in the air around her.
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mendsbcnes · 5 months
What’s there to do around here?
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cquity · 4 months
"have you seen this?" the pink haired woman replied as she held the history book over to the other. "the things that they write about me is absolutely ridiculous - i seriously didn't sleep around that much." a huff escaped katherines lips. "this is so unfair - why did they make him look so good? i'm a victim."
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wcnderfulthings · 3 months
After Sunset Beach Bar | Open starter
Ava sat alone at the bar sipping on yet another fruity cocktail. Usually this time of the year, Ava would be ecstatic about celebrating the love that she and her wife shared but this year, being without Sara in Naporia, Ava mostly just felt sorry for herself. So she sat at the bar drinking away her sorrows. Looking over when someone joined her at the bar, she tried to give them a smile but it came out really strained. She sighed and ran a hand through her hair before she sipped her drink again. "If you're looking for something strong," she said before pointing out one of the bartenders. "She has a very heavy hand."
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myhcneybees · 4 months
open starter, in the parking lot of the Hibiscus Room Mika didn't really like being an early riser, but she couldn't sleep. She was still weirded out by this place. She knew the hospital didn't like it when she slept in her van there, but she didn't have anywhere else yet, and she couldn't do another night in an on-call room. So she slept in her van, and got a decent sleep for once. She had run into the cafe to use the washroom and brush her teeth, but promised she'd be back in to buy something once she wasn't in her pjs anymore. Once she had gotten herself ready for the day, she popped out of the back door of the van, clearly startling someone who was passing buy. "Sorry. There's not exactly a warning that fires off in there," she chuckled. "I didn't hit you with the doors did I?"
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swornfate · 2 months
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“hey, look. it’s you,” mj says, a proud grin on her lips as she flips her sketchbook to show off her best interpretation of her newest miserable muse. a spitting image if she does say so herself. “hope you don’t mind. your misery inspired me.” she chuckles as she returns the sketchbook back into the safety of her lap. it seems this island has no shortage of people in crisis. “you can have it. if you want.”
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itzallstardust · 3 months
Status: OPEN
Charlie was up to bowl. Her eyes trained down to the end of the alley way. It can't be that hard, right? Her blue eyes drifted down to her shoes and then the dots on the floor. What's this for? She was completely clueless. Looking back at her friends cheering her on, she couldn't help but to swallow. They can't know that she can't bowl. Already, the embarrassment was turning her cheeks a shade of scarlet. The lump came back in her throat, just as she viewed the person in the game over bowl. So you just... She peeked at the floor again, lining herself up with a couple dots. It was the overwhelming feeling of wanting to crawl up in a ball and cry that sent her off balance. What happened next was something straight out of a cartoon or one of those ABC sitcoms; the ball jumping over to the game next to Charlie and her crew. Her eyes were shot open at the sound of the crack it made upon landing on the other's alley. That was before both balls knocked over all the pins at the end with another loud crash. "Hey! At least we got a strike?" The petite woman blinked, her voice an octave higher than usual, unsure of how the other was going to take it. But, she was going to see the good in it.
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cquity · 2 months
heather & open
heather placed the lollipop between her lips, her mouth making a smacking noise as it closed. "honestly this is one of the best things about this place." she admitted, a grin on her lips. "yellow lollipops - pineapple flavoured of course."
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