#naruto liveblog
youhavebeentraceyd · 1 month
I'm nine episodes into Naruto (for the very first time) and yeah it's good pacing so far. They're slowly giving us lore and stuff but I'm still confused about the jujitsu techniques. It feels like the clone / replace techniques can be exploited in the story a lot. Like "aha I got you!” "ha! You fool it was a clone, I've got you" "heh I thought you'd do that, so I made a clone" etc etc. I feel like this will annoy me soon...
Kakashi is hot AF. I knew that already lol but it's nice to finally see him in action.
I really enjoy seeing Sakura's internal monologue, she's so funny - but uh...when is she going to get in the fights? This better not be the standard situation, where she literally just watched from the sidelines. Please?
Naruto (the character) is currently very annoying sorry, I'm not endeared to him yet. Same with Sasuke.
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seaemberthesecond · 11 months
Naruto Liveblog
Watching Invasion Arc and I have many thoughts
asdfghjkl this is SUCH an embarrassment for Konoha. Like this is such a failure of intelligence and internal security - how can you fail to see the pieces moving for a planned invasion? I mean, it takes a lot of effort, energy, and investment to pull off a plan like that and that sends out ripples and disruptions. How do you a HIDDEN VILLAGE, a community specialized in uhhh warfare and counter-intelligence just NOT have any idea, especially when Konoha goes around saying it's the strongest of the villages.
The ANBU really went to shit the second kakashi left huh? Every episode of this arc is just:
Kakashi: I leave this very important and crucial job to the ANBU. The best of the best. There's no way they will fail.
*Immediate cut to the ANBU completely and thoroughly failing in the worst, most incompetent way possible*
Kakashi: Motherfu-
OBSESSED with Gai being like "We need to save the hokage!!" and Kakashi being like Nahh let that old man die who gives a fuck. King Behaviour.
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The konan vs obito fight holds up so well
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japplejottomjeans · 1 year
“Naruto, i…” are you fucking kidding me
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iseeyougohalfblind · 1 year
When ino makes shikamaru and chouji hold each others hands so she can circulate both their chakra …… wtf sooooo cute 😭 they are best friends…..
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sanebard · 2 years
Here are some screenshots of my notes ive been making as I went through Naruto
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mokutone · 1 year
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thank you conicalcrowd for the kofi tip!!! :^D ! here is a hayate gekko doodle for you!
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putterphubase · 1 year
khatha having his gay ass tragic backstory and thoughts broadcasted to literally everyone he knows after those same people watched him go on a gay ass bender for like a week getting drunk and getting his ass beat because of his gay ass crush (his gay ass crush was watching the tragic backstory as well) is crazy
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ahalliance · 1 year
étoiles compared his rp to naruto I repeat he compared it to naruto . qkameto is the sasuke to his naruto I REPEAT
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clamsjams · 1 year
spying for the federation and betraying the islanders is kametos ninja way believe it
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seaemberthesecond · 1 year
Naruto Liveblogging
Watching the chunin exams arc and neji really be airing the Hyuga's dirty laundry in front of EVERYONE. Love that for him. Like I would assume people can't hear him up in the stands but Hanabi and Hiashi can clearly hear everything so I dunno what's up with that.
Secondly, it's so insane to me that even the Clan Head's TWIN BROTHER gets the caged bird seal. That means literally the only people in the entire clan who don't have the seal would be the Clan Head and his direct heir. So, at maximum, there would be three people in the entire clan without a cursed mark seal: the current clan head, the clan heir, and the previous clan head (if they were still alive, which is unlikely because shinobi don't exactly have long lifespans and I'm assuming succession would take place if the previous head dies).
So, in fics when the "Hyuga Elders" are referenced, by rights there shouldn't be any group of clan elders without the seal except for Hiashi's father/mother whoever was clan head before him which is a little strange.
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Kakashi and Yamato sticking up for Naruto when the Raikage wouldn’t listen to him 🥺❤️
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japplejottomjeans · 1 year
up to like season 5 of the original series at least , the only time naruto gets those eyes and claws etcetera of the nine tailed fox is when sasukes in trouble
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sokumotanaka · 7 months
There he is Naruto 's REAL best friend!
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sanebard · 2 years
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And so we've reached the end of not just the episode, but also the fight, as well as seemingly this arc.
Now that we've got our new Hokage in Tsunade, Naruto has his new move, and Orochimaru is probably going to be out for a little bit, I think our next move will be to return to the village and check up on Sasuke.
Next time on Naruto: we'll be doing episode 98! (I think episode 97 is filler.)
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Chapitre 188 - The Ruins on That Day
The splash text reads:
Wounds that do not heal, a Light that I cannot see
Onwards... Even so, I just keep moving onwards
And ohhh this is so striking!
This is the cover that slaps you in the face with what it wants you to be looking at. All the lines and angles draw the visual focus directly to Lava Lamp’s eye as he stares directly back. It’s quite the confronting moment. It’s defiant. It calls back to the heavy lidded focus he had when he was still missing part of his soul and hadn’t had the chance to be anything other than his goals for years and years of his life. And arguably this is still the case, but with slight windows of characterisation opening up every now and again, almost against his will - which is very much in line with the splash text. Lava Lamp has dedicated himself to this existence of SUFFERING in order to fix [the big important something], and he would seemingly trade away any part of himself to make it happen and see it as more than a fair trade. Or more than that. He sees his suffering as irrelevant. He sees his suffering as something that must happen, and he will pay it again and again until he achieves his goal.
But all that aside! Here in the image the stark contrast of light and dark gives us the Full Syaoran Imagery Experience, especially when combined with the inversed colours in the background. The play of black and white against each other is trying to evoke the conflict between the Syaorans and just how different they are - and the focus on the eye in particular is hammering this home. Because what IS his eye here, other than a dark circle with a smaller circle of white within? It’s a banner showing his half of the yin yang symbol and a call back to everything this is a metaphor to. 
And on a more story level, the Evil Wolverine Magic Prison Lines are here as a timely reminder of what happened to Lava Lamp so that we’re thinking about it while we finally get to visit the Clow Ruins and presumably find out more about that all happened in the first place. 
Which I can’t wait to see :D
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