capravulpes · 10 months
Not at all
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"That's no fun, so you're just spitting at people for no reason. I'm guessing you're just bored."
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sylvctica · 1 year
@narvvhal said:
Does it count when…. when. ok nvm yeah probably
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      No, no, continue that statement. When what? The when 'when'???
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aeviare · 2 years
@narvvhale​ said: Answer Ae
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      “i suddenly can’t read or hear or see.”
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constellaris-a · 2 years
  @narvvhale​ :   He's frozen. Like a deer caught in headlights.
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   “ We are already bound to one another ,  are we not ?  I see no reason not to engage in mortal marriage customs as well . ”  
   Cue happy tail wags at seeing his mate.
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songzhong · 2 years
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@narvvhal + @narvvhale .
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mrcyclopsfan · 2 years
@narvvhale​ : I won't be fighting our archon for sure, unless she wishes for it. Big brother simply wishes to be able to get strong enough to protect everyone, and fighting the strong archons is easiest way.
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“But our archon is strong....If you don’t want to fight her does that mean you think she’s weak?” 
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abyssmalice · 2 years
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Tonia has been diligently compiling a list of rumors to spread around for Operation Ruin Her Brother's Reputation As Revenge. They are as follows:
He lost to a Hydro slime.
He lost to a Cryo slime.
He lost to a Pyro slime.
He lost to all slimes of all kinds period.
Has a twin who's cooler than the real him and occasionally trades places while masked because he's too lame to do things without a doppelganger.
Can't boil water. (Needs a fire.)
Can't freeze water. (Needs Tonia to help.)
Slipped and fell down the stairs once when Tonia was younger. Had a very goofy look on his face which is why she still remembers this somehow.
Is a moth.
A mothman.
Secretly snacks on whatever moths snack on.
Bugs?? Grass?
Addition: Eats his own uniform which is why he has nothing to wear except his uniform like a loser.
Snacks on people.
Actually a member of the Abyss Order because he can snack on people if he feels like it, theoretically.
He has zero IQ.
Idiot sleepy head.
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cryoexorcist · 2 years
@narvvhale​: Moo? 
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“Childe, I don’t mean to disappoint you, but I am not a cow.”
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devctiion · 2 years
"Could say the same to you."
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"You could- but there'd be no point, really. Love doesn't fill one's coffers, now does it?"
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cattivvo · 2 years
Meow meow meow meow
meow meow meow meow
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“ I’m already insane but this ginger going to make it clinically.”
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risingsol · 2 years
@narvvhale​ / "At the end of the day, simply don't threaten us with a good time. Or do."
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“I’ll have to agree that sparring is a good time, but uh... aside from that... think you and I have some very different ideas of a good time.” 
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aeviare · 2 years
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{i’m not sorry}
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constellaris-a · 2 years
@narvvhale​:   Picks him up.
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   Almost immediately he made a point to snuggle right against his beloved’s chest,  trills becoming happy purrs.  He loves his Harbinger.
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songzhong · 2 years
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💧 @narvvhale​.
A straddle of Zhongli's lap, dull blue orbs staring in close proximity to burning gold. Some may blame decisions on the influence of alcohol, yet they both certainly knew how well the Harbinger held his liquor. Whenever Childe returned to the streets of Liyue to check the reserves of the bank, he made time to visit his companion, to share a meal over wine and tea, company he allowed through his walls. Still, how had they come to this point? A spur of the moment? A desire for a reaction? Another reason entirely or perhaps a mixture?
Foreheads hovering as arms wrap around the former archon's neck, resting arms against their shoulders. They hadn't been pushed away just yet, so an ounce of curiosity seeps into the Harbinger's thoughts. Digits playfully toy with dark brown strands of air with a soft hum. Tilt of head just a tad to the right while snipping away the gap left between them. Graze of lips and a flutter of eyelids shut. Childe slips his lips against Zhongli with small force to connect them together, soft and warm as air puffs through nostrils.
Uncertainly momentarily shocked the back of his mind, yet he hardly plans to back down now. That brief period of attention and warmth of another body, of someone he knew with an ounce of care. Will he regret this? Hard to say.~ Childe pushes forward more into the consul, attempting to part their lips a little farther apart as tip of pink muscle grazes top of bottom lip with small trail of saliva. Could he gain access? Most likely not.
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It’s a surprise at first ... to say the least. Was Tartaglia this excited to be back in the land of Geo ? He drank more than usual, but Zhongli figured between friends he could indulge from what he imagined were hectic travels given what which was boiling down under Teyvat and to come ... the way such a youth could handle this much kept both fascinating and nearly worrying part of the consul. Was this one of the many ways the Snezhnayan coped ... ?
There is no way he will hurt me. Is what the dragon thinks when he let the other’s touch grow more intimate, and the familiar scent of the redhead tickle his sensitive sense of smell, before a warmth grazes against the Archon’s thin lips. He still does not move : do not wake up someone who is sleep walking ... this saying felt oddly appropriate in this moment. Was this Childe asking of him an indulgence away from anything but the two of them ? This was ... way past the social contract they both have had, but with the Gnosis having passed on months ago, and both their role in the world out in the open with nowhere to hide ... this felt ... different, than it had been since they first met.
Zhongli is unable to tell what his heart feels, entirely focused like a third party observer on the other’s mitigations. He is also thinking, about what is appropriate, when being attacked by such an inappropriate rascal ?
Amber eyes focus, meeting the other’s deep blues, reading the depth of those empty globes, the influence of the abyss so intertwined in his person there is no way to tell the two apart ... it is still just as striking how much of a sight Childe is amongst the people of Liyue. Bright and loud. Brash and impetuous. Both his physique and personality have him truly be one in millions the God has seen ... but is this enough to close a gap to intimacy ?
Almost mechanically, Zhongli’s lips part, twitching as his head remains in place to show a sign of kissing the younger back. Given the assault, it does not take long before his tongue soon taste his partner. At first slightly meek, like any proper first moment of intimacy between two people : would Tartaglia be scared biting his tongue off with his dragon maw ? The thought amuse the funeral consultant, who silently hiccups while still in place : one could by this motion almost hear his deep voice chuckle, even if no sound actually came out.
He still cannot tell if he wants this, only that he does not mind any outcome ... and that putting a stop to it would have how far the Fatuus could go be an enigma. And every time their path cross, Zhongli is fully aware of the very real possibility of it being the last time.
The tip of the dragon’s human tongue gently pushes against the younger’s, gently, as they both get to know one another carnally. The taste, the touch ... all those things entirely unfamiliar to one another until now despite their tumultuous friendship. The signs of not stopping encourages Zhongli to put the Snezhnayan more at ease, his still gloved right hand sliding up Childe’s thigh, taking its time to trace over his garter and teasing the side of the material like he was about to slide right under it. Yet he does not do so (yet), instead softly holding onto the redhead’s small back. Touching it, without pushing him away nor closer to him.
The other hand moves upwards as the deity briefly interrupts the kiss, teeth grabbing onto one finger before pulling his glove to reveal his porcelain, milky honeyed complexion underneath. The movements are slow, deliberate, elegant so as to not stop the pace of their intimacy. Zhongli’s bare skin moves up the Harbinger’s stomach as he distracts him by moving forward to have their lips meet again, while his touch travel above the scarlet fabric of his shirt ... Then, in a smooth motion, as if used to this, rise underneath the other’s harness, his hold now bent to the shape of the youth’s firm chest. A comforting, golden warmth subtly shine while the consultant’s skin harden, hands and arms turning scale by scale into a darker, deeper shade with Rex Lapis’ golden linings.
Ajax’s heartbeat. He wants to feel it. Is it calm ? Erratic ? What is this, honestly, annoyance feeling in this very moment ? The kisses never seem to end ; the dragon’s usual calculations stop as he finds no purpose counting when their tongue and lips part to move against one another again ; it has simply gone long enough he is unable to tell his own taste from the other.
In the escalation and grip he is now holding onto more firmly where his hands laid, the former Archon had not even thought about the way his long leg was naturally rising to hold their position, but also near imperceptibly riding up between Tartaglia’s thighs. It is a tease : not committing consciously while pressing just enough to hint at hidden promises.
It does not matter how long had passed, it is enough to have their breath heavier, and a small strand of drool between them breaking while Zhongli move back to speak the first words since what seems like forever ago. His baritone voice is still as firm and patronizing as ever, like nothing special had just occurred, as if he was only a few moments from scolding the Fatui for this scandalous initiative.
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“ ... You’re drunk. ”
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stcllariis-a · 2 years
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 @narvvhale​​​ liked for a smol starter!
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     “and just what exactly do you think you’re doing?” he asks, huffing quietly at the harbinger. he reaches out to take the taller’s wrist in his own, dragging him as best as he could, “you’re injured. you shouldn’t be going anywhere.”
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abyssmalice · 2 years
With one leg hanging off the edge, the older passed out on the couch without a single care in the world. It was just him and his sister, so no point to keep his guard up entirely. Still, it would have been better had he decided to head to bed the moment he got sleepy, dozing off on the couch.
For her part, Tonia hadn't really been paying attention to her brother - instead focused on doodling a messy scrawl that made minus zero sense to the passing observer, but to her, looked like a slightly (massively) disorganized diagram of plans for the week.
"Done!" she chirps as she looks over the drawing for a critical second, soon turning around to Ajax, "Big brother, big brother, I—"
The loud commentary stops once she notices his sleeping form on the couch. Either passed out in the middle of whatever he had been doing or decided to just take a nap there and then - and well, either way was reasonable. It's been a long day, and it would be quiet here for the next couple of hours. If he wanted to catch up on sleep, now was a good time as ever.
Ah, well. Then again, Tonia has never been one for leaving people in peace...
But despite the passing instinct to utterly ruin his naptime, the girl simply watches the steady rise and fall of breaths and dreams for a contemplative moment. Eventually, she rises from her own spot in the room and meanders away, returning in a few minutes - with a blanket, bundled and dragged from her own room. It doesn't take too long to gently drape it over her brother, head tilting in careful observation to see if he had been disturbed at any point.
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And when it looks like he's still soundly asleep, after another thoughtful - or perhaps thoughtless - second of consideration, she slowly clambers into a little ball next to him, in what space she can find to curl up on the sofa with him.
It's been a long day. She can show Ajax her fun itinerary of pranks... later.
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