#nasha rambles
nagirambles · 2 years
Rambling about Fairies - Manga Chapter 160.5
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I didn’t realize Day of the Fateful Encounter was canon, too! What a surprise.
Reading this again, I find it kind of sweet how quickly they clicked. This is a standard romance manga trope, that these two clicked and they immediately got along well due to their similarly friendly personalities, and their shared interest in books and writing. It reminds me of Zeref and Mavis. 
But to continue the point-- this trope usually ends with the conclusion that despite their similarities, the girl chooses the guy who’s personality is her opposite (Natsu in this case), because their differences combine together much better. 
An example of that is in Soul Eater, where Maka literally makes the point in the final battle that her identical wavelength to her father can never surpass the chaotic, harmonious tune she composes with Soul. 
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This isn’t a groundbreaking way of advancing Nalu or anything, but I think it’s sweet that Mashima gave this to the fans. I wish we had more of it so their relationship can actually move forward instead of being stuck in that obnoxious not-not-not-semi canon thing they have going on now.
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Like, I’m aromantic, but I still prefer ‘romantic ship teasing’ like this chapter, rather than the annoying “haha, look, another Nalu counterpart that’s officially canon while our main couple remains vague in canon!” thing that Mashima keeps thinking is funny. 
(Seriously, Fairy Nail is cursed. City Hero does not exist ❤ Edo Nalu is alright, but oh, Edo Gruvia doesn't make sense to me. Edo Jerza is even worse. I'd rather Mashima focus on the actual personalities and dynamics between those counterparts rather than throwing a bone and a lovechild at the shippers. I like Edo Nalu, it was foreshadowed in Edolas arc that Edolucy liked the upfront and bold Natsu, so it made sense that they became a couple with a car sex joke lmao, but they are them. Earth is earth. And yet, people celebrate all of these counterparts as a Nalu win especially with the reveal of Nasha, so Mashima keeps doing it because it drives the popularity. I really think it's just an excuse to distract everyone from the fact that Natsu and Lucy have not had a single explicitly romantic advancement like this chapter in ages. At least, not one that isn’t literally rehashed over and over like the backhug, or the 'holds hands and run away from the guards, let's go!' moments.)
But all that aside, this chapter was genuinely, incredibly sweet. 
The manga makes it short and simple, too, it’s not weaved between the another messy Jason episode full of cringey skits and Shubidubap, so this is an entirely Lucy-centric episode. 
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softbinu · 4 years
wait ur girl is 20 officially which means i gotta change the bio real quick 😚✌️ lmao
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therianomalocaris · 6 years
On questioning
Everyone’s talking about questioning and stuff and I’ve been mostly silent but I guess I’m gonna talk about it now like because I actually have something to say* on this.
So hi, the name’s Aleksandr, and I’m the dumbass who questioned their fictotype for 2 years because actually fictionkin didn’t fit my spiritual beliefs and I had to think about it so much it legit hurt me at times. My beliefs did change during that time, but I legit think if I didn’t obsess over that part then it’d have been way easier for me to accept that I’m Vriska Homestuck y’know ?
Anyway yeah it took me way longer than expected to figure that one out because I was obsessing over the “why ?” and “how ?” instead of actually figuring myself out and all that. Now I’ve always been kinda spiritual but also chill about it, like okay yeah past lives are a thing I believe in but it could be psychological, I don’t know, and I really don’t care anymore so why even try to sort that one out at this point.
I’m an anomalocaris person, and I’m also a reptilian nightmare centaur with wings which I call a dragon for simplicity’s sake, and I’m also Vriska Homestuck. I’m also Aleksandr Karkat Noë Nasha, a human with too many names, who is also Z-ero, an android with too much to say, and Fortuna, a person with no fucks to give, and many more people because we’re plural**, and that makes all of me.
My sense of self has already taken a bullet, and trying to eternally find the source of it all has brought me nothing but pain and anxiety. When I see people in the same situation I was in 2 years ago I just want to scream and shake them and tell them that they shouldn’t worry as much about it because it really doesn’t matter ! Who you are matters more than who you were in a past life, or why you are the way you are ! Those are things you’ll figure out along the way, if ever, and at the end of the day they’re really not important.
Now I’m not at all saying that you shouldn’t question anything, healthy questioning is important and valuable, but I know more than anyone why and how too much questioning can hurt you. Spending entire nights worrying about why you are the way you are ? Yeah I did that, and it’s bad. Being yourself shouldn’t be a struggle, it should feel good and be fun. This might sound insanely fluffy but at this point I’m very much done with elitism, you shouldn’t have to know all the answers to the questions you ask yourself right away. It takes time but the first step is accepting yourself for the person you are right now.
Thank you for your time,
- Aleksandr
* Sorry if this is rambly as fuck, as always I just write stuff without thinking too much about it. Also please remember that english ain’t my first language ! ** I don’t talk about it here but follow us on Twitter @anomalousShrimp for that side of things
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sky-larking · 6 years
Spoilery and rambley thoughts about Revenge + Catacombs + Le Fantome
Really, fair warning, I do ramble a bit here
I was interested to watch this one because it’s had such a split response. 
- Doesn’t everyone scrub up well?
- Riley’s wry little smile when Mac said about people in their line of work not getting to have normal relationships was interesting.  I wonder if that’s to do with her relationship with Billy.
- Can you take time apart from someone you are in a long distance relationship with? You’re already apart? I’m wondering how that works.  I’ve been thinking about Nasha and I don’t think her character would actually pass the sexy lamp test.  The sexy lamp test is a bit like the Bechdel test, if you can take out a female character and replace her with a sexy lamp and it doesn’t really make difference to the plot the writers need to have a word with themselves.  Nasha hasn’t proactively done anything except give Mac her necklace which hasn’t been referenced since.   The writers should be doing better, especially on a show that is quite good at having a diverse cast, and it’s disappointing that they have fallen into the trap of using a woman as a plot device.  (Again. I’m still not over Jill)
- I love awkward, adorkable Mac.  He is so precious.
- Excellent captioning game again.  10/10 for that.
- Hello Charlie!  I like Charlie.  He has massive shoulders, almost as massive as LL Cool J’s.   It must be a struggle to find shirts that fit and to maneuver himself into small spaces.
- Oh dear the Irish accent.  Oh dear.
- Mac made a space in the fire for him to stand in using carbon dioxide?  Okay, brilliant, why not? ✌
- This show and dads.  I don’t know why I didn’t see that The Ghost was Eileen’s father from the first moment she turned up.  I’ve thought for a while that the show runner’s theme as a writer is fathers.  Most writers have themes, things that tend to keep cropping up in their work, and the one that I think the main writer for MacGyver has is definitely to do with dads.  There’s obviously Mac and his relationship with his dad, then there’s Riley and Elwood, Jack and how important his dad is to him and Riley and Jack’s relationship.  Good fathers, bad fathers, fathers leaving and father’s coming back are some of main plot points/tropes for the show.  I think that means we’re not going to get Mac saying to James, “Actually, I know you’re my father but you don’t matter, I don’t actually need you so I’m not going to continue our relationship” even though it would arguably be a healthier, more realistic and more interesting thing to happen.  Not when 'the importance and impact of dads’ is such a reoccurring issue.
I think the writers are working through their daddy issues or something, maybe writing father based plots is easier and cheaper than therapy.   
(One of my own writing  themes is defiantly food.  People cooking and eating appear in things I write over and over again.  And if they’re not eating characters in my stories often have cups of tea or coffee with them.  I was writing something recently and realised I couldn’t set the part I was working on in a diner because the chapter before it was also set in a diner and I needed to STOP DOING THAT!  I’m an emotional eater, what can I say?)
- Eileen killing The Ghost was pretty Shakespearean now that I think about it, especially since she stabbed him rather than shot him.  I wonder if when she turns up again, I think she might, she’ll be obsessively trying to wash the blood off her hands.
- You stay, we stay = you go kaboom, I go kaboom.
- No Jack again this episode, I missed him but I’m okay with it, I’m not going to get angry about him not being there because I watch this show for escapism and getting angry about things is not fun for me, there’s enough stuff happening in the world that makes me bloody furious without allowing my favourite tv show to wind me up.  Mac made a walkway through a fire for himself by exploding containers of carbon dioxide in this episode, this is not a show that is meant to be taken very seriously.  I’ve been in fandoms where people have grown angry that the writing hasn’t been done the things that they’ve wanted and it has always ended up souring the fandom experience.  I here for the lulz, the squeeing and the feels.  Raging is the opposite of what I want.  Jack is back next week which is awesome and I’m looking forward to it.
- My overall impression: I can kind of see both perspectives on this episode.  It did feel a bit chunky and lacked narrative flow.  They were a charity dinner.  They were in Russia.  They were in Paris.  There was a bomb.  But there was action and angst and flashback and some decent acting.  I’ll probably enjoy it more the second time I watch it.  In fact, I think I’m probably going to enjoy the whole season more when I go back and watch it all.  I usually find I enjoy things more when I got back to them because I know what’s the story I’m not wondering what is going to happen next and can just enjoy watching it all unfold.  When I re-watched the first season recently I probably enjoyed it more that I did the first time I saw it.  
This did get rambley didn’t it?  
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ftstorm · 4 years
I don't have an issue about MacGyver talking abut BLM. It's absolutely great they've done that! I hope they keep touching on sensitive subjects moving forward. Not necessarily social or political issues, just human issues you know?
What I don't like at all is the way they decided to do it.
Very extense and critical rambling under the cut. I don't know why I got so invested in this sneak peek lol.
Hopefully, my discomfort with it will dissipate once we get the full episode!
I know sneak peeks are taken out of context but... let's take it at face value for now.
Firstly, you expect me to believe that this would be a normal conversation between two human beings that are in the middle of a riot? Sure, let's stop walking in the middle of this convulted enviroment to catch up with our lives, why not.
Secondly, you expect me to believe that Mac -our MacGyver- would be embarrassed about "joining the cause late" and because of that he decided to hide it? Like what- excuse me?
Thirdly, Riley saying "Honestly I never really thought you saw my skin color"?? For real? Because she doesn't say it as in "you've never judge me by ethnic roots" she says it as she "I thought you hadn't noticed my ethnic roots".
Are we deciding to forget that Mac dated a Nigerian woman (Nasha) all the way back in Season 3? A person whom he cared about deeply!!
And wait, we don't have to go back to Season 3. MacGyver has been dating a woman with Asian roots for almost TWO WHOLE SEASONS.
You guys understand why this strikes me as dumbing down the audience.
I wouldn't have gotten so worked up about this if I hadn't watched last night's New Amsterdam episode (3x04). They NAILED inclusiveness, diversity and representation in THE OPENING ONLY. It was so beautifully done that this snippet of MacGyver pales in comparison.
For reference, I'll explain how New Amsterdam did it.
The episode opens with a small update of all the main characters lives. I'm going to center on Dr. Helen Sharpe but I want to make a special mention that Max (who lost someone important more than a season ago) is still dealing with grief in a very human and realistic way. Because, HEY, this show doesn't ERASE grief out of existence!
> Anyways, we get all the little troubling updates and lastly they show us Helen. She's in a good space. She's in bed with a sexy Asian doctor that she has decided to have a relationship with. Everything looks fine until she gets a phone call and Helen starts speaking... FARSI?
Yes. Farsi.
For context, Helen has been a character that even though we've have a lot of developmet for her in previous seasons, the show had never touched her background story. They hinted stuff from her past but never really exposed it clearly to the audience. This is the first time it happens.
And in ONE LITTLE SCENE they beautifully introduced us her ethnicity which means they've also introduced (yet another) diversity and representation in the show.
Subtly, not in your face. She didn't randomly tell some other doctor "Hey I'm from Iran". It was WRITTEN IN the story.
The phone call was an emergency call that gave her A PLOT for the episode and also a propellor to develop her as a character.
What they did with MacGyver was basically write a bunch of EXPOSITION and they didn't really wrote in the episode, they just smashed the piece of dialogue where it fit better.
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@nekaiatsoome oooooh yes okay okay okay I Definitely Have Thoughts :D (also before I get into this I mention it a lot but I am autistic and I definitely end up coding characters like that even if it’s by accident lmao)
When Mac and Jack met at the desert, Jack was always known as the ‘chatty’ one, and Jack was never sure why. I mean, out of all 20 year olds that he knows, basically none of them are too keen on being quiet
Eventually there’s one bomb where Mac just begins talking about certain electrical compounds, but it seems like Mac’s just saying it more to himself. Jack feels like a bit of an outsider listening in through comms
For the entire time Mac spends defusing the bomb, he continues talking about the same thing
Jack thinks it’s a little quirky, but, hey, everything this bomb nerd does is a little quirky
At some point Jack teases him about knowing a lot about that subject, and it kinda just shuts Mac down, and Jack doesn’t know why
Sometimes when Mac’s deep in thought during experiments or defusing, Jack will get to hear Mac talk on and on about the same subject, which he doesn’t mind. In fact, Jack begins to enjoy it
They go to DXS, and Jack learns a bit more
Firstly, he finally gets to meet the infamous Bozer. He’s just as great as Mac said, and Jack’s feeling great about having a partner in crime when it comes to playing pranks
One day Jack’s over for a barbeque, and Mac begins talking about a certain type of conductive heating while Bozer is grilling. Despite the fact that Boze was just talking about some film, he’s perfectly content with just listening in on it. Mac talks for the entire time they grill, and even continues afterwards, barely eating, so he can continue talking
It’s probably one of the happiest times Jack’s seen him
At some point Jack asks Bozer about it, and he gets the cryptic reply of “His dad never let him ramble about things. it only feels right to let him now that he lives with me.”
The first time Mac infodumps in front of Nikki, she kinda shoots him down, which makes Jack get all protective, but in all honesty, there’s nothing much he can do about it. He does notice Mac’s a little bit more subdued for the rest of the mission, though
As Mac gets closer to Nikki romantically, Jack notices less and less of Mac’s rambles. 
Whenever the two are alone, Jack does his best to get Mac started on a favorite subject, so he’ll get to talk and talk about it as much as he wants
After Nikki “dies,” Mac doesn’t really talk much
This includes infodumping, and it breaks Mac’s heart a little more
After Riley comes, Mac’s mumbling to himself during a mission while he’s doing his best to arrange a fulcrum, and Riley asks what he was talking about
He kinda shuts down, but after realizing that she’s being genuine, Mac ends up infodumping about certain physics laws
It’s the happiest Jack’s seen Mac in a long, long time
Patty leaves, and their first mission with Matty is awful. She doesn’t like the way Mac works, and she doesn’t like the comms being clouded with “useless information”
It takes months of forming a friendship with Matty until Mac feels comfortable infodumping again. Sometimes she cuts him off, but Mac knows that there are time constraints sometimes
After he dad comes back, it’s like Mac completely shuts down again.
Even coming back post-Nasha, Mac never really infodumps. He’ll give necessary bits of knowledge when it’s needed, but Mac doesn’t go into details again.
It takes a lot of work on Jack’s end before he gets Mac comfortable enough to start infodumping again
Everyone on the team knows that Mac’s at his happiest while infodumping, so they try to let him go for it as often as he can
Keep infodumping, all of my neurodivergent friends! You know you’ve found your bubble of people when they don’t ever cut you off, and don’t ever settle for less! You deserve to infodump all you want <3
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softbinu · 5 years
Is your best friend even your best friend if they don’t shut up about you and speaks of you at every given point and boasts about you and says how you are the most beautiful person who has ever graced this earth including all humans and animals and how you are the prettiest even after the second you wake up in the morning or literally even when you don’t shower or wash up and always has heart eyes for you and clearly has a soft spot for you and shares food with you even though they refuse or make others do something in return before they share their food with them and loves the way you cook ramen and loves it and gets super happy when you ask them “do you want ramen?” and also finishes any food made by you even though it tastes bad because you put so much effort into it and chooses you everytime they are asked who they wanna date (if they were the opposite gender) and calls you by cute nicknames and ditches their much loved gym/work out session to join you in your livestream or joins your livestream at midnight even though they got woken up while they were sleeping (though they might refuse when you ask them to join you in you livestreams or refuse watching a movie with you a couple of times and might call you cute but dumb through a song sometimes lmao) and cries together when you cry or say how you are a burden to others and when you say how you feel like you are lacking and are they truly your best friend if they don’t tweet or talk about you and say how proud they are of you and how hardworking you are and to do well in everything and says that their (home) country is cold because you are overseas at another country??
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softbinu · 5 years
more pics of eunwoo from dazed are coming out and im like FJFJ!!1!! PLEASE GIVE ME A MOMENT TO TAKE IT ALL IN
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softbinu · 5 years
hello !! i’m currently unfollowing some blogs as my dash is filled with way too much stuff and sometimes astro content or content that i want to see just gets hidden among them so yea. If i end up unfollowing any mutuals i hope u dont feel bad or take a wrong meaning :( not unfollowing any of u bc i hate u or anything like that ! So pls feel free to come talk anytime or hmu even if i do end up unfollowing and breaking the “mutual”-ness hjhjh
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softbinu · 5 years
just 3 words: BLUE FLAME AOTY !!!!!!
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softbinu · 5 years
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softbinu · 5 years
I have been reaaaallyyyy inactive here but i just wanted to let you guys know that you guys are precious and i hope you have been taking good care of yourself! Don’t forget to drink plenty of water and eat and sleep well!! (This is funny coming from me bc i sure as well dont take that good care of myself lol but YOU GUYS HAVE TO OK?!) I wuv u all so so so much 🥺💓🌈☁️✨ @arohaloveclub @bin-uwu @moon-hyuks @uwujpgs @heybinnie @binnie-binnie-bambam @jianhyuk @kaptain-k-pop @etoilejun @pcrkmin @buffbin @soulclub
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(And this goes to my mutuals, followers or anybody that comes across this post! Just know that you all are loved and cared for and that u guys are doing amazing 🥰✨✨)
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softbinu · 5 years
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softbinu · 5 years
ok so apparently my electricity is going out tomorrow again from 8:30am to 5pm and i could either go out with my mom to drop my bro at 15:40 and get some fresh air but my mom stays there till my bro finishes his class which means it would be around 18:30 by the time we come back and i would have missed astro’s vlive or i could stay home to watch the said vlive when power is back at 17:00 since the vlive starts and 17:30 and guess what do i do? That’s right! choose to stay home and suffer almost 9 hours in heat just to watch my boys 😔✊🏼
#if this aint true love then idk what is#but im so mad about this electricity issue tho#like it went out even yesterday for 6+ hours and its just so frustrating#tho i did go with my mom yesterday to drop my bro and i was so bored also bc i didnt wanna lose my data#so i didnt play with my phone that much#(btw i rarely go there. the place is kind of a school for all the maldivian kids living here in this country so almost all the maldivians a#are at this place and i mainly dont go bc i dont wanna interact with my own people gjgjh)#my mom introduced me to her friends there and inside im like ‘yes hello its me i appear once in a blue moon so enjoy meeting me bc u#probably wont see my face for another century’ lmaoo#but omg!! i had the chance to go the ‘zumba’ place they have there which is basically a practice room and stepping into a room like that in#ages and seeing both the walls covered in mirrors rlly did wake something in me. like it made me realize i really wanna be in a room like#that and get back on my dancing like i used to :(( like ofc i love dancing but it literally made me realize how much i love it and have a#passion for it and im so sad bc i really wanna go to a practice room like that and officialy start learning and practicing dance :(#oh and i also saw a handsome boy there who was there to play football but students there are younger than me by atleast 1-3 years sooo#thats that fhfhgh#anyways thats its for my rambling ok bye ghgjh#text#astro#nasha rambles
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softbinu · 6 years
in this house we support idols dating, getting married, having children, having a kiss scene in a drama/film and also all the idols in the lgbt+ community!!
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softbinu · 5 years
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