#natalie dormer was the best thing in this
eloiseloveshistory · 24 days
What are facts that Tudor fans need to accept? (Mostly the TV show ones)
- Anne boleyn did NOT seduce Henry VIII. Letters from Henry VIII prove this. Anne left the court after Henry started pursuing her. It was her childhood dream to be Catherine of Aragon’s lady in waiting, so we can technically say that she left her dream to not to be a mistress. Anne was in love with Henry Percy. But when Henry (VIII) learned about their engagement,he sent wolsey to break the engagement. He wanted Anne as a mistress at first, and she kept saying no. Henry didn't take no as an answer. She kept pursuing her until she would say yes, but Anne never did. So, Henry started to think about divorcing Catherine of Aragon to marry Anne. He proposed to her in 1527, and this time, she couldn't say no. No women in the 1500s could say no to a king. Especially one like Henry.
- Unlike his father, Henry VIII, Edward was not an evil creature that fell from hell. He was only a child when he became a king and was manipulated by his uncles. Henry never even regretted his actions. He was completely from hell. Edward was taken advantage of by many people due to his age( even by the dudley's)
- Charlotte hope is not Catherine of Aragon’s most accurate actress. Both by looks and acting. Catherine of Aragon was short and chubby, Charlotte hope is tall and skinny. The only thing they had in common was the hair and eyes.
- If you can excuse Mary I's actions because of her past and trauma, you can excuse Elizabeth I's actions as well. Both had a bad life and were traumatised(mostly by their father). They were both victims.
- Natalie dormer is a great actress, and she is also very beautiful. But she wasn't Anne boleyn's best portrayal. The tudors portrayed Anne badly. Real Anne boleyn was way more different than Anne boleyn in the tudors. In my opinion, Anne boleyn in the tudors should not be liked. She destroyed a home and seduced Henry. If I never knew the real Anne boleyn, I would say that she deserved her fate.
- Even if you hate Mary I, you must accept that her bad actions were because of the trauma she went through. She was abused by her father for 3-4 years. She wasn't allowed to see her mother. She would not be this cruel if she wasn't separated from her mother.
- Mary, Queen of Scots, was guilty. She was not innocent. She tried to kill Elizabeth. Elizabeth never wanted to kill her, but she tried to kill Elizabeth. She was a bad ruler, not a good one. It's embarrassing how she wanted England while she couldn't even rule her own country.
- Henry VIII was NOT a good father. I've seen lots of TV show fans say that he was a good father, but no, he wasn't. He abused his first daughter and didn't allow her to see her mother, even on her deathbed. He neglected his second daughter, Elizabeth, for years. He only started to notice her in Catherine parr's reign. He neglected his son, the boy he wanted for 28 years. He humiliated Catherine of Aragon, killed Anne boleyn, and treated Jane seymour badly until he gave birth to a son. Only for him to neglect Edward. Mary was the one who looked after her siblings.
- Mary I did not hate Elizabeth when she was born or when she was a baby(before Anne boleyn died). I've seen many tudor fans say this on tiktok. It is not true. Mary loved her sister from the first moment she saw her. She referred to her as "sister" instead of her highness(which she was supposed to do since she was now a bastard). Most women in Mary's age were married, but she was not. She saw Elizabeth as her only family. She viewed Elizabeth as her own daughter.
- And Elizabeth neither despised her sister. She loved her very much. She was the one who stayed with Mary when the court abandoned her on her deathbed.
- You don't have to like a historical figure, but hating on them, insulting them, or making jokes about them are disrespectful. No matter what, the dead person deserves to be respected. (It's fine if you do it to Henry VIII!)
- Most of the Anne boleyn fans are more educated than Catherine of aragon fans. There are so many toxic Catherine fans, and they are all uneducated. (Idk if this can be considered as a fact)
- Anne boleyn and Catherine of Aragon did not hate each other. Anne's childhood dream was to be a lady in waiting to Catherine of Aragon. They were most likely friends. Catherine asked her lady in waitings to pray for Anne after hearing them badmouthing her. Do not believe everything you see on social media.
- The tudors fans are annoying (Yes, this is not a fact. I just wanted to say it)
Hi! This is my first post. English is not my first language, so please, excuse my bad grammar. Have a great day/night!💕
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theinkedfoxsl · 4 months
was that questions post like an oc ask game but for you instead? i bet other people have asked questions but i want ALL OF THEM. bc i think u are so cool. please :3 n for 36: what is your very favorite time of day and why?
What is your nickname?
Len :3
When is your birthday?
I don't celebrate it! But I celebrate my name day on October 29th
What was your longest relationship?
5 years this June with Henrik :D
What is your favorite book?
Ripper by Stefan Petrucha. I was obsessed with it as a child
What is something you're insecure about?
Rn? My voice cracks. They're pretty bad with where I'm at on T and they embarrass me
5 Male celebrity crushes
Pedro Pascal, Joaquin Phoenix, Nic Cage, Ryan Gosling, and Hugh Jackman
5 Female celebrity crushes
Can I put Natalie Dormer for all of them? But her, Salma Hayek, Nicole Kidman, Jessica Alba, and Kesha!
What is your dream job?
I wanted to be a writer for a game company.
What do you consider your biggest accomplishment?
Landing Henrik- uhm but no, finishing the Ambros Twins. It meant a lot to me, and I put in a lot of work for it. Even if I don't go there anymore.
What is a fact about you that nobody would believe?
ALL OF MY WEIRD FACTS PEOPLE GO "that makes sense" SO IDK?? I'm afraid of the ocean?
What were your highs and lows for this last month?
Eugh,, the lady at the blood clinic has been really transphobic and ableist to me the last two times I've went and its really sucked. Today was particularly bad cause the barista and some random girls were also quite rude. But! I ordered my cane and I'm so so excited to get it! I also got a skin I wanted in Outlast Trials!
Where is somewhere you'd like to visit?
I wanna go back to Germany, it was so nice. But I want to visit Munich next time!
How do you de-stress?
Stressful video games :3
What are your favorite apps besides tumblr?
Discord! All my friends are in there.
Describe yourself in one sentence.
Exhausted and blunt but kind
What do you think makes you attractive?
My fierce determination to make things work even when I'm on a wire. The people I love, I love dearly. And they know that. I think its an attractive quality to have, to care so deeply about others.
What is something you're really good at?
Writing! I'm also really good at listening.
What is something you're really bad at?
ADVICE- I can listen but not give advice. I'm also fucking awful at soulslike games we've discovered (nobody is surprised)
A time that you told a lie.
Pretty much every day. I'm a compulsive liar, I'm working on it.
What's a totally random and useless fact that you know?
Some ladybugs can have no spots!
Who knows you the best?
Rowan or Henrik I think
What is your most prized possession?
My engagement ring.
What is your longest friendship?
MAX! I've known him since I was 16! Almost ten years yeesh
When did you first feel like an adult?
I still don't sometimes. But I'd just moved into my apartment on the lake to be closer to my job and I was sitting on this empty living room floor and I realised that I was well and truly alone. I wasn't a child at home anymore. I was alone and I was an adult.
Do you/ Have you played any sports?
I played volleyball, baseball, and I did track.
How are you feeling right now?
Like I said bad day, so I'm a bit sad. But I'm watching Max play Lies of P and I'm hanging with friends so hopefully better soon.
Are you an early bird or a night owl?
Night owl
Do you believe in love at first sight?
Chemical reaction at first sight lol
Favorite song lyrics right now?
"I'm blinded, how am I to find a path that's righteous?"
What does self care look like for you?
iced coffee and nap
Describe yourself with 3 singers.
Tonight Alive, Icon for Hire, Hollywood Undead
What makes you nervous?
What’s a pet peeve you have?
What will always make you cry?
Tadashi ):
What kind of first impression do you think you make on people?
Unpleasant. A lot of people don't like me. That's okay
what is your very favorite time of day and why?
3am! When I'm hanging out and its dark and things are quiet and I can just breathe
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What do you think of Margot Robbie?
I feel a weird sense of pride about her success lol. I remember loving her as Donna from Neighbours so after she left the show and then suddenly she was a huge star I was weirdly proud. I'd followed her career and seen her make it big and it was nice to see her do so well.
But actually a friend of mine was in Australia a while back (I don't remember when but it was after I moved to London and before COVID so between 3 and 8 years ago). She was staying in Australia over Christmas and New Year so her family back home recommended she spend the holidays with her godparents who lived in Australia. She went and they said that they were going to be getting their whole extended family together for New Year and meeting up with this other big family they knew. Long story short, that other family was Margot Robbie's family. And so she spent the New Year's break with Margot. She said she was a bit closed off the first day - probably jet lag - but then after that was really lovely, friendly, relaxed. I'm wary of drawing conclusions about a celebrity's character based on fleeting fan encounters (except when I met Natalie Dormer, that's different lol) but I think my friend got to see her in a rare natural environment with the people she knows best and had nothing but good things to say. So personally I am a fan of Margot and really pleased to see her succeed.
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mihrsuri · 5 months
All righty then...here, have some emoji asks!
🎥 Pick a fic and I'll tell you the song I imagine playing during its movie trailer. - for Such A Time As This, please.
👄 Your OTP are having their first kiss. What song do you imagine is playing?
🦉Is there another author that helped inspire you to write?
🚿Where do your best ideas seem to strike?
🍎What's something you learned while researching for a fic?
🦗Do you write in sequence or jump around?
🎬One of your fics gets turned into a TV series. Which one is it and what network is it on?
🐸 If you incorporated your OTP into a Disney movie plot, which would it be?
⏳If you could go back in time and tell your younger writer self something, what would it be?
👩‍🏫Pick a character and I'll tell you their favorite season and why. - for Anne, Thomas and Henry please.
I'm sorry there are so many, I couldn't choose!
🎥 Pick a fic and I'll tell you the song I imagine playing during its movie trailer. For Such A Time As This (there’s a translation in the description and it just..it fits. I’d honestly love to get Maureen Nehedar to write a song for the soundtrack specifically).
👄 Your OTP are having their first kiss. What song do you imagine is playing?
🦉Is there another author that helped inspire you to write? So @eidetictelekinetic made me think it was possible to write Queer Tudor Fic Content. All my friends really inspire me a lot honestly. In terms of published authors - Tolkien, Leigh Bardugo, Tamora Pierce, Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik has a lot to do with Such A Time As This coming to be. You for the expanded Tudors OT3 historian/archives universe.
🚿Where do your best ideas seem to strike? I feel like so often it’s after a swim/when I’m drifting off to sleep (I have learned to write them down on my phones notes app)
🍎What's something you learned while researching for a fic? I learned that sofas really came to England after the 16th century! (This was actually an interesting one because Mihrimah brings them earlier in the Tudors OT3 verse and it’s also part of the reason fashion changes)
🦗Do you write in sequence or jump around? I’d say I actually write in sequence when writing the story but I absolutely get snippets of what happens later that I’ll write down once I’ve got the basic plot in my brain (my fics basically always start with what I call ‘a trailer’ so there’s a ‘clip image + dialogue and sometimes even music’ (sometimes just the images/internal dialogue sometimes just the images but it does start at the beginning of the story where I want to start (not always ‘the beginning’ but the beginning of where I start writing even if I go backwards if that makes any sense!
🎬One of your fics gets turned into a TV series. Which one is it and what network is it on? Tudors OT3 on the BBC. I was going to say Such A Time As This on the BBC but uh, maybe not. (I would say Amazon purely for budget reasons because I refuse to give Netflix content even in my imagination /salty Shadow and Bone fan)
🐸 If you incorporated your OTP into a Disney movie plot, which would it be? Me: so okay Tudors OT3 verse in universe Disney movie about them is my new favourite thought EVER. (Me: oh is it like Cinderella but with a King and a Queen looking for a consort?)
⏳If you could go back in time and tell your younger writer self something, what would it be? It’s okay to write. It’s okay. You can write the self indulgent thing. I promise, you are okay, you are allowed to write that.
👩‍🏫Pick a character and I'll tell you their favorite season and why. - for Anne, Thomas and Henry please. Listen I love everything Natalie Dormer does and while I do strategically ignore some/a lot of the writing/executive choices re Anne’s depiction in The Tudors (mostly in Season One) Natalie is always always incredible to watch. I think Thomas is, like do not get me wrong, love S3 Thomas but somehow, somehow James Frain gets me to feel for him during SEASON TWO. SOMEHOW. Acting dot gif. I really think JRM does a genuinely amazing job in S4 - show makeup choices not withstanding but you can feel Henry’s regrets/denial of those regrets so much.
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homielander · 2 years
If you don't mind, can I ask why you thought Alicent's writing went downhill after episode 5?
yeah, of course! i talked about it in another post but that was mainly about rhaenyra so i'll elaborate
i think alicent's progression from eps 1-5 was very logical. episode 6 is where the first issues started for me. pre-time jump alicent was very politically astute and generally diplomatic, even to her husband and especially in the presence of other nobles. one of the coolest things about the green dress scene is that she didn't have to say anything outwardly antagonistic (she still greeted viserys and congratulated rhaenyra), but in interrupting the king's speech donning the colour of her house's beacon for war, she was able to signal to everyone where her allegiances lied. but in episode 6 she's openly scoffing and rolling her eyes at the heir to the throne during council meetings, or mouthing off to the king in earshot of his advisors. i would imagine book alicent delivering a line like "soon or late, you met get one who looks like you" to laenor the way we saw natalie dormer's margaery make passive-aggressive comments to cersei ("i wish we had wine, but it's still a bit early in the day for us"). it's easy enough to pass off as genuine to a spectator but the receiving party and the audience pick up on the undertones. to see alicent so openly aggressive after being very cognizant of all the courtesies expected of her for 5 episodes was..... jarring, to say the least.
episode 7 was the best of a bad bunch, i think. for the most part i really liked what we got in terms of alicent. the biggest complaint i have is the "now they see you as you are" line. like i said, alicent has been pretty open about her dislike of rhaenyra for over a decade now, so the moment doesn't actually feel like the epic unmasking that it should be. imagine how cool that scene and line would have been if alicent had actually maintained the facade of a perfect wife and stepmother for about a decade.
episode 8 was... eh :/. i like it if i abide by the interpretation that vaemond's execution really rattled alicent (which it should have done... fear for her children's lives is supposed to be her main motivation) and she did her best to play nice with rhaenyra for the remainder of the episode. but i don't believe that's what the writers intended, which is further reinforced by alicent misunderstanding viserys at the end of the episode.
episode 9 was ssjhksjkshs. i can't even talk about it without fuming. apparently alicent has never imagined herself on the iron throne even though vaemond literally said the words "it's a queen who sits the throne these days" (or something close to that, i'm paraphrasing) referring to her an episode prior (and in the show's timeline, that moment was just a day ago). apparently alicent's primary flaw in this story is not ambition, but serving men... even though she agreed to crown aegon based on the wishes of viserys, and everyone was fine and dandy with her following those wishes when she thought rhaenyra was his desired heir. it's just nonsensical because in this case, the man she is serving is viserys! which is the man whose wishes the opposing side is also fighting to fulfill! because he's the king!!! so how is alicent less "feminist" than the other side??? even in the show's canon, this theme of alicent being an enforcer of the patriarchy falls apart (especially considering she was supposedly totally cool with crowning rhaenyra an episode ago, and because the validity of rhaenyra's claim also rests on words from the mouth of the king). this one dumbass decision took away alicent's agency, alicent's primary motivator which was to fight for her children, the debate of legalism vs absolutism, and any possible thematic coherence lmao i hate that for her
(btw book alicent would be rolling in her grave over these changes lol. apart from letting viserys's dead body rot for days, she also never spoke his name during her addled last days, even though she mentioned king jaehaerys, whom she read to when she was a girl lmaooo. i appreciate they tried to add some nuance to their dynamic in the show but it's infuriating how show alicent's drive now rests on upholding this man's last words considering just how much book alicent seemed to despise him.)
(also, was book alicent an enforcer of the patriarchy if we consider that she defied the wishes of her husband? i mean yes she opposed rhaenyra but allowing rhaenyra's reign actually wouldn't have meant additional freedom for any woman but rhaenyra. much to think about...)
there's also just a difference in mannerisms that's a bit difficult to process. emily played alicent as a nervous wreck who directs all of her anxiety inwards, while olivia plays alicent as pretty openly neurotic. i think i prefer emily's portrayal purely because it actually aligns with the perfectly poised, shrewd, widely-beloved queen from the book (which we reallyyy needed in the second half of the season imo). don't get me wrong, i don't fault olivia, she's one of the most talented actors on this show -- she just needed better direction. it probably would have helped if she and emily could have spoken a bit about the way they were planning to play alicent.
one thing i will say is that the show is doing well with is alicent's relationship with her children (i hate the way they wrote aegon it's not even real to me anymore but i mean apart from that). it makes the greens so fun and fascinating. i don't think they actually meant to do them a favour there, considering the show shies away from any dysfunctionality in rhaenyra's children to paint her in a better light... but the result is that the green family is far more fleshed out and interesting, so you know. a win is a win.
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avengerscompound · 1 year
You know something? I’ve been following you for years. And I still have no clue who Natalie dormer is or what she was in that related to your iron man stuff.
Obviously ignore this is if it’s stupid but please tell me
She's an actress. She was best known for playing Margery Tyrell in Game of Thrones and Moriarty in Elementary. But she's in a lot of things. She starred in the more recent series of Penny Dreadful. She starred in Picnic at Hanging Rock.
But I'm not an Iron Man blog. I'm an Avengers Blog. If anything I'm an Avengers blog with a preference for Captain America. And if you're wondering how she relates:
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This is Private Lorraine played by Natalie Dormer.
Anyway... she's my future girlfriend and that's my main reason for sharing pictures of her.
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lesbianalicent · 1 year
i got tagged by @lottieurl to try and get anon hate ig 🫡
rules: share some unpopular opinions about 5 different fandoms of your choosing
gonna do yellowjackets, hotd, succession, and bc i haven't been loud about them in a while: dragon age and mass effect
literally do not care about jackie outside of her relationship to shauna sorry. like i love her role in the story but like as a character i'm just like. ok forgettable. she served her purpose. any time i see fics where she survives i'm like you are so fucking boring oh my god. also i have been known to enjoy shaunajackie on occasion but i really do think they're super overhyped. like what the show has currently is perfect for me. yes girl haunt the narrative! i also find misty deeply boring and i'm sick to death of jeff and coach ben.
i really enjoyed the 1996 storyline in s2 but the 2021 storyline was soooo dumb on so many levels and the pacing was terrible. too much focus on walter and jeff and the adam shit at the expense of everyone else and it's such a waste of talent tbh. also where tf is simone and sammy.
had no opinion on daemon until the targ stans started being themselves and now every time i see him i see red, which is especially annoying because he is essential to rhaenyra's entire character and the rhaenicents who claim otherwise are bonkers like guys c'mon now.
team black vs team green is stupid as fuck. moralizing asoiaf in general is just so, so stupid.
l*cemond's popularity is just misogyny plain and simple. you are all nuts. leave that poor actor alone.
alicent is a lesbian.
greg should've been written out in season 3 if not earlier he did not serve a purpose in season 4 and the fact that nic braun got an emmy nom had me doing deep breathing exercises to try and calm down.
dragon age
people whose three canon romances are alistair, anders, and cullen are immediate red flags.
i think dao is genuinely the only good game out of the three. dai has extremely lazy storytelling and i hate here lies the abyss because it tries to play on the player's attachment to these characters instead of the inquisitor because like, why would the inquisitor give a shit about these people they've never met? they tried to pull a virmire without having the narrative weight behind it that would've actually made it juicy. it was just dumb!
speaking of mass effect, narratively the series is much much weaker than that trilogy and i think part of that is because they changed the formula with the second one and tried to make the protag like shepard and it really limited things. warden best protag.
solo queen anora and i will not budge on that. warden alistair endgame is his ideal endgame to me and leaving hawke in the fade is fine because the kirkwall gang will storm the fade to get them out if they don't get themselves out. it's hawke like, be fr.
mass effect
i'm more interested in humans than i am the aliens because i personally find earth politics way too fascinating. like yes please tell me more about the texan megapolis.
love ashley. love kaidan. you can imagine the kind of stress i am under at all times. also the space racist jokes make me want to put my head through a wall, because everyone misinterprets what ashley meant by the dog + bear convo and you too would be alarmed by the sight of an elcor.
garrus is overhyped and shakarians get on my nerves. i don't like bioware forcing liara on me. tali being straight is one of the cruelest things that bioware ever did.
andromeda was dai in space so i don't get why it flopped so hard. it was, like, fine i guess? and it had a natalie dormer asari. i could overlook cora for that.
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aphoenixgurl · 1 year
A quick muse listing. Everyone is bi and can switch as needed. I have a preference to write against f/nb muses in general.
Main Muses:
Jen- FC Kaya Scodelario- teens, 20s
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Jen's father abandoned her and her mother when she was young. She and her mother blamed each other for it since then and have fought ever since. This lead to Jen often acting out and frequently getting into trouble, particularly when petty theft became one of her favorite hobbies. The only thing she is really passionate about is playing guitar/bass and trying to get a band going. Jen is very submissive and likely to use to body to try to get the attention and affection she craves from others. Jen is someone whom everything seems to go badly for, but she prefers the bad to feeling nothing at all. Of all my muses, she probably prefers muses with c*cks the most, but can definitely go either way
Sam- FC Marlo Kelly- teens, 20s
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Sam has a certified genius level IQ, which makes her rather cocky and arrogant. She has a true passion to be the best as what she does whether it be gaming, kickboxing, or computer programming. Her goal is to launch a tech start up and make a billion dollars by the time she is 30. However, all of her dedication gives her little room for close relationships and she's reluctant to seriously date, even if she's often tempted. Sam is by far my most dominant muse. Part of her might enjoy someone successfully taking control, but she's yet to find someone who could truly do that. Likes to be called Daddy.
Zin- FC Alexis Ren- teens, 20s
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Zin is very open minded and thinks most people are too uptight about life in general, particularly when it comes to sex. She believes that anyone should be with whoever they want as long as both people consent. She is therefore open to being with anyone if they are able to confess that they want her. This is something that many people seem to find difficult, but it is a massive kink for her to hear the things someone wants to do with her and then make that come true for them. Because of her relaxed attitude, her parents sent her to an all girls boarding school through high school to protect her from getting into too much trouble, which she found very annoying. After that she found a successful career modeling and later on as an actress, though she doesn't take anything too seriously. Zin is someone whom everything seems to go well for, but she also has no real ego and uses her energy to help those around her enjoy life more.
Nessa- Virginia Gardner- teens, 20s
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Nessa discovered in college that she very much likes being with other girls far more than her old high school boyfriend who is still trying to cling to their relationship. She's often on dating apps trying to explore and discover more about this side of herself and very susceptible to a pretty face that wants to flirt with her. We can also say she doesn't have the boyfriend any more if you prefer.
Sarah- Emily Ratajkowski- 30s
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Sarah is confident and charming yet direct. When she meets someone that she feels chemistry with who seems interested, she does not hesitate to make a move. In part because of that, she might have a bit of a kink for hooking up when and where others would be reluctant to like a public place or someone else's house. I have written her as a cop, but she doesn't need to be. Strong preference for women:
Secondary Muses:
Chloe- FC Natalie Dormer- 30s
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Very flirty and sexually aggressive. Always down for a bit of fun with just about anyone.
Crystal- FC Jennifer Love Hewitt- 40s
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Desperately misses her days of being more of a party girl in her youth. She tends to be very sexually frustrated and in need of release. Slight preference for younger male muses.
Mary- FC Kate Beckinsale- 40s
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Wealthy and accomplished, yet trapped in a marriage to a man who pays little attention to her. Mary misses when she dated or hooked up with other women in her college days before meeting her husband and worries that she's wasted half of her life with him. Very interested in exploring relationships with other women with a weakness for younger ones.
Alice- FC Ester Exposito- teens, 20s
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Confident, fearless, manipulative, yet also cold. I've used her as an escort before, but that's not locked in.
Cat- FC Katie Douglas- teens, 20s
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More of a sweet and innocent type, but also very eager to try new things and trusting of others.
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lehdenlaulu · 2 years
With regard to the "shipping thing" - I always feel like so many "fandom wars" and general cringy-ness could be avoided if people just respected the 4th wall. Like, you fantasize about real people getting it on? I don't really see the problem, just keep it on tumblr or AO3. Don't tag anybody on social media for God's ake. If celebrities venture on their into their own tags on AO3, that's totally their own fault. Just keep fandom things separate, and it's all good.
Like, I get it. People have been fascinated by other people's relationships since the dawn of time, probably. That's why we have stories, that's why we have theater and cinema. Reality TV. Gossip mags and sites. I mean, even Shakespeare wrote historical RPF. Dante took it a step further and self-inserted himself into hanging out with Vergilius in Hell. And so on.
But yeah, I feel like there's a new, even more invasive aspect of it with modern internet fandom and social media: this idea that actors etc. not only owe you your fictional ship but also their private life. That you're somehow justified in getting upset when they're not dating/fucking/whatever their co-star in real life but are perhaps (exclusively) dating/married to someone else. Or not (out as) [insert sexuality/gender identity] in real life.
That because you can follow them on Instagram/Twitter/etc. and therefore can technically interact with them directly, you get to demand these things from them, imply unprofessional workplace conduct, slander/threaten their RL partners or send them pornographic material of themselves and/or their colleagues (kids, that's literally sexual harassment and not only deeply fucked up but also illegal) etc. "Parasocial" is the latest buzzword in Tumblr as well and I kinda hate that it has already lost its weight. Because it's not a joke.
Also... I feel like many people are unfamiliar with the concept of 'bleed'. What's 'bleed', you ask? Simply put? You know how they say if you put on a fake smile, it will eventually turn real etc.? It's that. We can trick our brains into feeling things by pretending to feel that thing. And if you pretend to have strong feelings for someone you have good chemistry with (because that is how casting works, you purposefully find people who vibe with each other) for elongated periods of time, especially in high-stress environments? Those feelings will inevitably become at least a little bit real. It happens. All the time. And as an actor, you process and deal and move on to the best of your ability. Sometimes you fuck it out of your system, sometimes you cut all ties, sometimes you end up in a disastrous marriage because it turns out the feelings were never really real. I think it was Natalie Dormer who said actors form intense bonds quickly but also tend to move on just as quick out of necessity.
But yeah, the bottom line is, if you think two actors are in love and/or sleeping together IRL? They honestly might very well be. But what it is is basically... occupational hazard. Which is not to in any way undermine the deep bond Sam Reid and Jacob Anderson for example seem to have, but... you know. And whatever the case may be, that's still their business even if it sometimes happens in front of cameras.
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puncromancer · 2 years
twitter going downhill is the best thing that’s ever happened to me because the natalie dormer blogs are no longer natalie dormant
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realityquestioned · 2 years
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✰ it’s time to wake up, MARGAERY TYRELL, you’ve been in cryosleep for too long and the people of GAME OF THRONES/ASOIAF miss you. when you went into slumber you were THIRTY FIVE years old, your pronouns are SHE/HER, and you WERE VOLUNTEERED for the cambria program. now that you’ve awoken, your position as a GARDENER is waiting for you. remember, the cambria one thanks you!
NAME: margaery tyrell
ALIAS(ES): queen margaery
AGE: 35
PRONOUNS & GENDER: she/her, cis woman
BIRTHDAY & ZODIAC: exact date unknown, likely a gemini
FACECLAIM: natalie dormer
AESTHETICS: the sharp thorns hidden just below a delicate rose, a knowing smile that can speak volumes, hands that are both gentle and firm.
BACKGROUND: margaery is primarily show based, though with some book influence as well, and taken from just before her death in the show.
WEAPONS: only her mind!
POWERS/ABILITIES/SKILLS: politics, adaptability, a kind heart with the intelligence to know how to use it to better her standings.
GREATEST STRENGTH: her ability to hide her intentions has always uniquely been hers - while she’s cunning and intelligent, and keeps a keen awareness of how to best improve her situation, she’s also empathic and caring with a deep loyalty to those close to her.
GREATEST WEAKNESS/FLAW: ultimately, her downfall in westeros came from over confidence. she believed she’d already won and made just the slightest misstep, leading tragically to her death.
ONE FEAR: losing her family, and possibly worse, disappointing them.
ONE HOPE: that this strange place in the future may grant her the one thing she’s never had, a life of her own where she can make decisions based on her heart and not just her head.
while margaery is confused about just how they ended up here, and all that this new technology has to offer, she’s finding new opportunities in it and that brings her some excitement. she’s determined to adapt into the new surroundings and is trying to get a handle on it all to be able to better herself.
the idea that there are whole other worlds out there is simply fascinating to her, and she looks forward to seeing all that they have to offer.
her grandmother, olenna, and brother, loras. olenna has always been a source of guidance and support for her - even when pushing her to better their family, it was never without love and care. and truthfully, margaery has always worried for loras, knowing his heart was gentle and the world was not ready for his goodness.
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sandwormrp · 6 days
Dune RP: Wanted Character(s)
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Royal Sisters
Link to the request is here
Family life of the Royal Creche is difficult for many people to understand, but I shall try to give you a capsule view of it. My father had only one real friend, I think. That was Count Hasimir Fenring, the genetic-eunuch and one of the deadliest fighters in the Imperium. The Count, a dapper and ugly little man, brought a new slave-concubine to my father one day and I was dispatched by my mother to spy on the proceedings. One of the slave-concubines permitted my father under the Bene Gesserit-Guild agreement could not, of course, bear a Royal Successor, but the intrigues were constant and oppressive in their similarity. We became adept, my mother and sisters and I, at avoiding subtly instruments of death. It may seem a dreadful thing to say, but I'm not at all sure my father was innocent in all these attempts. Royal Family is not like other families. Here was a new slave-concubine, then, red-haired like my father, willowy and graceful. She had a dancer's muscles, and her training obviously had included neuro-enticement. My father looked at her for a long time as she postured unclothed before him. Finally he said: "She is too beautiful. We will save her as a gift." You have no idea how much consternation this restraint created in the Royal Creche. Subtlety and self-control were, after all, the most deadly threats to us all.
—"In My Father's House," Princess Irulan
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Looking for royal sisters for political intrigue, weird family dynamics, and everything in between! This want ad has "claims" but is always open, following the spirit of the site, so its more of a quick reference for players open to playing so-and-so character. (In other words, multiple people can claim the same sister.) Obviously, only crack threads would have repeat characters with spider-man pointing memes.
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Irulan Corrino
The oldest and the Empress under Paul's rule. FC: Florence Pugh.
Chalice Corrino
The second of the Emperor's daughters. Suggested FC: Open.
Wensicia Corrino
Seen plotting with Irulan in later books. Learned "shiftiness" from her eldest sister. Suggested FC: Natalie Dormer, Ana de Armas, Open.
Josifa Corrino
Second youngest. Suggested FC: Deborah Ann Woll, Karen Gillan, Open.
Rugi Corrino
The youngest of the five sisters. Suggested FC: Elle Fanning, Lily Rose, Open.
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Current Sisters:
Irulan Corrino: Played by Rora
Josifa Corrino: Played by Peregrine
Rugi Corrino: Played by High Priestess
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From Rora: - Irulan concocting a dinner party in which one or some of the sisters attend. This lot with the spice drinks flowing. What could go wrong? - Sisters fight dirty sometimes. Irulan isn't above metaphorically kicking some sisterly ass. Has something you love destroyed? Did something horrific to your bed? Who knows. - Sharing a moment together? Be Irulan's mannequin for the afternoon (promise not to poke you with too many pins).
From Peregrine: - Stealing each other’s favorite (dresses/jewelry/gom jabbar needles) or god forbid wearing it before the other person gets a chance. Who cares that they have a closet full to bursting. - Meeting up Bene Gesserit style to talk about how best to spy on their father / the other nobles. Probably being catty the whole time. - More Serious Tone: Adjusting to life on Salusa Secundus after their father’s exile. Any of the AU’s (or the main timeline) would be awesome.
From High Priestess: - Rugi is the youngest sister, the baby of the family, so she always gets her way. Thus she’s become spoiled and a nightmare to be around when she’s in a mood. - Rugi looks up to Irulan, although she would not necessarily make it obvious. She’s seen as more rebellious in comparison to her eldest sister. Quite unruly for a lady her age. Maybe that creates some tension between herself and Irulan, each envying the other’s composure or lack of. - Since they’re close in age, Rugi always steals Josifa’s clothes without asking and it’s creating quite a lot of discord between the two. - She’s closer to one of the sisters who simply gets her. This sibling would be her confidant and could blackmail her if a situation arose that required it. - She’s not a team player and prefers to lounge about while others do all of the dirty work, but when it comes to her sisters needing help, Rugi is first (ok maybe second) to lend a hand. - As the youngest daughter, Rugi doesn’t need to take anything that seriously. Even after her father’s exile she’s still acting childish, trying to diminish any responsibilities her sisters might try to throw her way. If anyone needs to throw a party, she’s the best event organiser around. Although the festivities might not always run as planned. - She absolutely loathes one of her siblings, but when they need to work together to save their own lives/save their siblings/save the universe, she puts aside her sassy attitude and gets down to business, collaborating splendidly. - Rugi is a terrible Bene Gesserit and she doesn’t know most of the teachings, but her sisters are covering for her. She still enjoys the outfits and the secret meetings, although she’s not interested in marrying to protect the breeding program. At the end of the day, it will not be up to her whom she marries or how she lives her life, but that isn’t stopping her from disregarding the Bene Gesserit code of conduct whenever she gets the chance while she still can.
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When it comes to tiara hair, are you a fan of hair up or hair down? I’ve always preferred hair up but I’m rewatching the Tudors with Natalie Dormer and she’s rocking it
That's just because Natalie's a perfect human being. I met her once and managed to somehow not pass out even though I was hyperventilating trying to get the courage to go and talk to the best Anne Boleyn. It was the closest I can get to actually meeting Anne Boleyn hahaha. She was so nice though and I know celebrity interactions are not necessarily how they are day to day but she was honestly so sweet that I'm unwilling to accept that she might have flaws lol.
Anyway, despite that, I would say updos. And it's not actually because I like hair up. I personally would never ever leave the house with my hair up, I hate how it looks on me, but I think the thing with tiaras is that they are often a century old and have been worn by multiple generations of Queens and princesses and that history has a weight to it. So I feel like the most successful hair styles are those that understand the weight of the tiara - not literally, the symbolic weight - and put in some effort. And so loose hair can work with tiaras - Madeleine's loose hair in the amethyst tiara is a stand out - but often it just looks like no effort has been put in and they've stuck with their ordinary hair stylist who doesn't know how to work with tiaras. The most successful tiara hair-ers are the Swedish royals. I know some people think they're extra but those people are wrong and should shush. And the reason I like what they do - especially Victoria and Silvia - is 1) they have stylists who really understand how tiara hair is done so it always works and 2) they give some respect to the pieces they're wearing by making their hair a work of art too. So it's not necessarily that loose hair can't work or that hair up always works, it's just that if you wear your hair up you can play with more styles and use more accessories like brooches in creative ways, and that can really complement the tiara while making it feel fresh. I mean, just look:
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Ultimately the tiara should speak to you and tell you the hair style, if that’s not too silly to say. I think the Amethyst Victoria wore recently needs loose hair, personally. Madde nailed it like no one else. A whopper like the Braganza needs an up do or short hair, but it needs to be fuller to balance the weight of the tiara. A smaller headband style piece like the ones Mette Marit wears can suit more delicate or simple up dos or a half up/half down situation because you don’t want to overwhelm the tiara.
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rpgadverts · 1 year
Wanted on My Bad Habits…
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Massive Friend Group looking to round out the last two fellas. All of the guys in this group are as close as it gets. Backgrounds are flexible, face claims are all completely open. This group of guys are always getting up to something, they are mischievous, fun, and good humored. Always helping out one another. They are basically brothers. This group of friends is well known throughout the town and the site itself! There are so many built in connections already for these guys. Bring them on! We are dying to have them!! Face claims are completely open (some suggestions are: Richard Madden, Ryan Reynolds, Tom Hiddleston, Tom Hardy, etc)!
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You are My People - looking for a law enforcement partner (the Benson to my female Stabler) and childhood best friend/partner in crime wanted for Katheryn Winnick. Open face.
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House Kade - Natalie Dormer/Richard Madden/Florence Pugh/Jennifer Lawrence/open wanted as Stark Family inspired siblings from GOT for Katheryn Winnick.
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Thunder in Our Hearts - Stranger Things BFFs wanted for super active Joe Keery!
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Let’s Share a Wall - Looking for one more female (22) and one more male (22) to be a part of this roommates/(loosely based) Friends style want ad for Zendaya. Already a part of the group are Zendaya, Victoria Justice, Jacob Elordi and Tom Holland. Super tightknit group of friends who celebrate everything and cry together when needed.
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Cowgirls Never Quit - country music star inspired friend group. Open faces all around the age of 25. 
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Blooming in the Night - Flower named siblings wanted for super active Saoirse Ronan
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Dashboard Queens - sisters wanted for super active Joe Keery
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therpdirectory · 1 year
Wanted on My Bad Habits…
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Massive Friend Group looking to round out the last two fellas. All of the guys in this group are as close as it gets. Backgrounds are flexible, face claims are all completely open. This group of guys are always getting up to something, they are mischievous, fun, and good humored. Always helping out one another. They are basically brothers. This group of friends is well known throughout the town and the site itself! There are so many built in connections already for these guys. Bring them on! We are dying to have them!! Face claims are completely open (some suggestions are: Richard Madden, Ryan Reynolds, Tom Hiddleston, Tom Hardy, etc)!
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You are My People - looking for a law enforcement partner (the Benson to my female Stabler) and childhood best friend/partner in crime wanted for Katheryn Winnick. Open face.
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House Kade - Natalie Dormer/Richard Madden/Florence Pugh/Jennifer Lawrence/open wanted as Stark Family inspired siblings from GOT for Katheryn Winnick.
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Thunder in Our Hearts - Stranger Things BFFs wanted for super active Joe Kerry!
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allthingsroleplay · 1 year
Wanted on My Bad Habits…
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Massive Friend Group looking to round out the last two fellas. All of the guys in this group are as close as it gets. Backgrounds are flexible, face claims are all completely open. This group of guys are always getting up to something, they are mischievous, fun, and good humored. Always helping out one another. They are basically brothers. This group of friends is well known throughout the town and the site itself! There are so many built in connections already for these guys. Bring them on! We are dying to have them!! Face claims are completely open (some suggestions are: Richard Madden, Ryan Reynolds, Tom Hiddleston, Tom Hardy, etc)!
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You are My People - looking for a law enforcement partner (the Benson to my female Stabler) and childhood best friend/partner in crime wanted for Katheryn Winnick. Open face.
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House Kade - Natalie Dormer/Richard Madden/Florence Pugh/Jennifer Lawrence/open wanted as Stark Family inspired siblings from GOT for Katheryn Winnick.
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Thunder in Our Hearts - Stranger Things BFFs wanted for super active Joe Kerry!
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