#nathaniel: we need you to close the rift. i can try to close the rift but it will look like i'm conducting a ghost orchestra
18catsreading · 11 months
Ahhhh the consequences. Are about to happen. I'm so nervous.
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pestopascal · 7 years
1, 4 - basilia and ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) cassian
LMAO alright lets go
1. an overheard conversation about your OC
“That was her!”
“Don’t be daft. They’ve been saying for years she’s dead. Ain’t no one seen the Hero since nine thirty three.”
“Who said that? She’s been in Denerim at least once a year to meet the Queen. They’re good friends, I hear.”
“No no, she was in Amaranthine until now. I saw her there too.”
“I’ve passed her on the way to Orzammar a few times. She can’t have been staying in Amaranthine!”
[continued squabbling over where the Hero was, and if she actually died]
“Aha, allow me to interfere, if you will?”
“… Who are you?”
“The good lady’s husband. We have been in Antiva for quite some time, actually.”
“We have company.”
“This time of year? Have to be daft, coming this far out in the middle of a war.”
“I’ll go take their order. Stop staring at them.”
“I’m not staring, girl. Hurry up.”
“Human that talks like a Vint, and a dwarf from Rivain. What are the chances?”
“What’d they order?”
“Whatever food we have left, and all the mead too.”
“Huh. Not bad. Boy! Get the fires going! Ask if they need a bed, too. Their pockets look a little full.”
4. a letter from your OC to their love interest
Zevran Zev Ser Arainai Z 
It has been months a while since we last saw each other in Par Vollen. I hope you got my last letter about the situation in Amaranthine. Everything is settled, now. 
I miss you We need to talk should talk soon
When are you planning on visiting Ferelden again
[entire paragraphs have been scratched out and are completely illegible]
Something has come up. You need to see me as soon as possible
With all my love Always yours Until the end With love,
B Warden Commander Amell Basilia Amell, Arlessa of Amaranthine Basilia
PS. Greetings, Ser. My name is Nathaniel, and I am sending you this letter on behalf of my Commander. She has been trying to write to you for several weeks now, and as such the situation is growing by the second. At the earliest convenience from whatever you are up to in Antiva, you need to come to Vigil’s Keep.
I am not going to treat this lightly, Ser. Basilia is pregnant, and quite frankly her mental health is deteriorating because of it. She needs you. 
Please respond as soon as possible so we can make preparations for your arrival. Basilia is a great friend and an admirable commander, Ser. She’s spoken of you and there is no denying how much she loves you. 
Nathaniel Howe
Alhana, Amatus,
You were right about Tevinter, but of course you were. Word of our actions has spread from east to west, and there is a change in the air. For once, there seems to be hope, that something new is coming to my home. It fills me with… I don’t know the words for it.
What was meant to be a small return to the cities has unfortunately extended longer than expected. Marnas Pell remains a desolate place, as it always has (you remember that story I told you about the Qunari forces dying en masse?), but a crew of five of us managed to close the rift before anymore rose from the dead. 
I have yet to make it back to Qarinus, as Vyrantium had reports of rifts. I do wish you were here, Lita, making everything a little more bearable. So used to the two of us on our own for so long… my countrymen are grating on my nerves. How I lasted before meeting you never ceases to amaze me. 
I know we agreed to meet in Qarinus, before returning to the Antivan border, but I’ve gathered some rumours about Nevarra. I had always wanted to visit the country, perhaps we can make a detour? I hear it’s lovely this time of year, demons and all.
By the time you read this, you may very well be sitting on the beaches of Qarinus, and I long to be beside you.
Tuus perdite sodalis amans
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miraculoussideblog · 7 years
Ways to Say I’m Sorry- Chapter 3
Chapter [1][2][you are here]
Chapter 3-Art
Chloe checked her reflection in the mirror one more time before heading out to work. This was ridiculous, why was she so nervous? Nathaniel was at the bakery every day, why did the thought of seeing him again make her heart flutter? He was, at the moment, her only friend. She just needed to push these feelings down. Thinking about his soulful eyes and defined arm muscles was not helping.
Chloe sighed and walked down to the bakery. Today would be just like any other day, she’d man the cash register, make coffee and try not to mess up orders. Who cares if Nathaniel sat in the corner, sketching away...his hair falling into his eyes as he gets lost in his work, and smiling ever so slightly when he was proud of what he drew.
Oh boy, she got it bad.
When she got down to the bakery, Marinette stood at the cash register the place was practically empty. No Nathaniel in sight. Chloe let out a sigh of relief.  Now she could mentally prepare for his arrival.
“Chloe,” Marinette turned to her. “We need to talk.”
“Sure.” This couldn’t be good. They haven’t “talked” since she moved into her old room. It was only matter of time before she kicked her out. “Is everything okay?”
“No,” Marinette glanced around the shop to make sure they weren’t in earshot. “The team and I were talking, you need to start showing up to patrol or give your Miraculous back to Master Fu.”
Chloe’s face dropped. Give up her Miraculous? She loved being Queen Bee even after the shit hit the fan and she fled to London she still missed being a superhero. Keeping Pollen dormant was the toughest decision she had to make. She knew it was only a matter of time before they tried to take her back.
“Okay,” Chloe muttered. “I’ll wake up Pollen.” She had a lot of explaining to do when she did.
“All right,” Marinette nodded. “You’ll meet Alya at the Eiffel tower at eight o’clock in the evening. Don’t be late. Don’t showboat. You are there to do a job. This is your last chance to prove to us you’re part of the team.”
  Alya was the most outspoken one on the team after the reveal. While Adrien and Marinette stared at each other in shock, Alya was very vocal about her long time tormentor being her partner in crime fighting. She sure as hell would tear at her for abandoning the team. Chloe did not want to face her this soon.
The bell rang, Nathaniel walked through the door. All of Chloe’s troubles seemed to melt away. He waved slightly before taking his regular seat.
“Don’t hurt him, okay,” Marinette said. “And don’t take him for granted like--”
“Don’t say it,” Chloe cut her off. There were some things she didn’t want to think about. “I won’t hurt him. I’m not even sure
“As someone who spent years pining over a the same boy, don’t waste time. If you want him, don’t play games, go get him. But be careful. He’s sensitive.”
“I know.” She frowned. “I’m just not sure if he feels the same way, you know since I treated him like shit when we were kids.”
“Chloe, he would not be spending this much time with you, if he didn’t like you. We’re not teenagers anymore. You’ve changed for the better over the past couple weeks. And I think Nathaniel is good for you. But please, don’t fall back into your old ways.”
“I’ll try.” she nodded.
Marinette handed her an espresso cup. “Go get him.”
“Thank you,”
Marinette patted her shoulder and went back to work. Chloe began making Nathaniel’s espresso determined to make it correctly. She owed him that much at least. Her hands began to sweat under the pressure. She’d never been this nervous to speak to a boy in her life. Why was he so different.
Because he didn’t want anything from her. All the boys she dated in the past were only out for her money and social status. She was just arm candy for a photo op or the invitation to the hottest parties in Paris. She never loved them, and she knew they didn’t love her. The possibility of being with someone who wanted her for her was nerve wrecking, but thrilling at the same time.
Chloe picked up the espresso and headed for Nathaniel’s table. He looked up from his sketchbook as she placed the cup on the table. “Hi.”
“Hi.” She glanced down and saw a black and white pencil sketch of her face. Nathaniel tried to close the book, but Chloe was faster. “Is that me?”
The sketch was magnificent. In the drawing,  captured her essence beautifully. There was a light in her eyes that she had never seen before. She flipped through the book, at least a dozen pages were filled with sketches of her face. Some were rough, some were incredibly detailed, but all of them were beautiful. Chloe’s eyes began to water.
“I can explain--”
Chloe handed his sketch book back. “You don’t have to.”
“I know you must think I’m a crazy stalker--”
“Stop, Nathaniel, I love them.” She dropped the sketchbook on the table and embraced him. “They’re beautiful.”
“You think so?”
“I do,” Chloe nodded. “I’d love to see more, if you have any.”
“I have a few more.” Nathaniel tapped his fingers on the table rhythmically before looking up into Chloe’s eyes. “Would you like to come by my apartment and see them? I can cook you dinner.”
Chloe smiled slowly. It was time to dive in. “That sounds wonderful, when?”
“Tonight, Eight in the evening.”
Chloe’s face fell flat a little. She was supposed to meet Alya then for patrol. She couldn’t bail, there was too much at stake. “Can we do seven? I have plans at eight that I can’t cancel.”
“Shit, I’m meeting up with someone at seven.” Nathaniel pondered for a bit. “How about ten?”
“Ten works.”
“Great it’s a date.”
Chloe’s heart warmed. A date. With Nathaniel. Things were finally starting to look up again.
At seven on the dot that evening, Nathaniel sat at a bench across from Seine. A figure in a trenchcoat, fedora and sunglasses sat next to him. “Can you cool it with the theatrics Sabrina? You’re standing out.”
“Sorry,” Sabrina took off her sunglasses. “Force of habit. When you’re Chloe’s sidekick for years, you have to be creatively sneaky.”
“Why did you call me here?”
“I need an update.”
“No you don’t. She’s not starving, she adjusting to her new financial situation well and she seems to be happier. I told you this last night, why did you call me here? I thought the arrangement was to only communicate through text.”
“I thought the arrangement was for you to set Chloe up at the bakery and watch her from a distance.” Nathaniel scoffed. A few weeks ago when Sabrina approached him to help Chloe out. She’d been keeping tabs on her in London and knew she would return to Paris sooner or later. At first, Nathaniel only agreed to help her out of pity. Hanging around with her almost every day was never the plan. “You’re too close, when she finds you’re talking to me, it will not go well for the both of us.”
“I don’t understand this secrecy, what happened to you two?”
“I don’t want to talk about it okay?” Sabrina snapped. “Sorry, sorry. Chloe’s still my best friend, no matter how big the rift is between us now, and she needs me. Even if she doesn’t know it.”    
“Who knows what would have happened to her if I hadn’t stepped in.”
Chloe was smart, but she refused to ask for help. She could have easily been taken advantage of or worse. Nathaniel shuttered at the thought.
“Thank you for helping her out,” Sabrina said. “But I don’t think it’s wise to go out with her at this time in her life.”
“I have eyes and ears all around Paris, how do you think I did all of Chloe’s dirty work?” Sabrina sighed. “Chloe is vulnerable right now. She’s attached herself to the first person who’s paid attention to her. When she finds out that I was the one who told you to keep tabs on her, she’ll unravel.”
“I don’t plan on telling her, are you?”
“No,” Sabrina put on her sunglasses back on her face. “I don’t condone whatever relationship you’re forming with her. If I had it my way, Marinette would have this job, but she drew the line at letting her stay at the bakery. But you were around, and had no real relationship with Chloe when this arrangement was made.”
“We could just end it,” Nathaniel scoffed. This was getting too far out of hand. “You can find someone else to keep tabs on her, and I’m free to do whatever I want.”
“Of course,” Sabrina said in a chipper voice. “We end things, and I’ll tell Chloe everything. How long do you think she’ll spiral before she hits rock bottom again?”
“You wouldn’t dare.” Nathaniel stared her down, Sabrina remained still, not giving up any power. “You care about her too much.”
“You do too.” She cocked an eyebrow. “So don’t test me. We’re in this together now whether or like it or not.” Sabrina stood up and patted Nathaniel’s head. “Enjoy your date.” She said before sauntering off.
“How did you--”
“Eyes and ears everywhere Klutzburg,” she called out.
Nathaniel sunk down on the bench. Sabrina was right, Chloe would freak if she discovered he was told to help her by Sabrina and not by the goodness of his heart. Sure, the shopping trip and the daily bakery visits were of his own volition. But she would be too stubborn to believe him. Their relationship was a ticking time bomb.
Nathaniel sighed and looked at his watch. He had some time to kill before his date. He needed to clear his head. He pulled out his tablet and tried to work on his comic. His thoughts always shifted back to Chloe. Her laugh, her smiles, every little quality that made her unique.
Nathaniel shoved his tablet in his backpack. So much for clearing his head. Nathaniel leaned back on the bench and shut his eyes. Seconds later he felt the weight of his backpack disappear from against his leg. His eyes snapped open.
Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted a teenager sprinting down the street with his backpack in tow.
“Stop Thief!”
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Nothing good happens in the Blackmarsh, some jokes are made, and Levy writes reason #336 to dislike Anders
"Is it wise to be touching those?" Nathaniel asked, hovering over Sigurn as she rolled a mass of white bone through the bog. Mud sucked at the more jagged ends, letting go with reluctant pops and slurps that had Anders making lewd jokes that sent her into a fit of giggles. Nathaniel was red from his neck line to his ears by the time she worked the first section of spine into place, and disagreed with Anders' encouragement to find more.
"The poor thing must be missing them," was her argument, and Leverette didn't believe it to be a very sound one. The dragon no longer had the ability to say whether it liked having its opinion made for it or not.
"The dragon is dead. It can't miss what it doesn't know it's missing." Nate crossed his arms with a roll of his eyes when she stuck her tongue out at him, but shifted his weight to allow her to pass. Her boots made their own series of squelches as she stomped around him, and Anders made another round of jokes. Nathaniel shook his again, as if it would keep the cackling away from his ears.
"It's a marsh," Levy finally spoke up. "It's infinitely better than the Deep Roads and they all know it. Let them have this before we have to go back."
"Is that an order?" There was as much dismay in his voice as there had been when attempting to disway Sigrun, and Levy felt his mouth curling.
"Take it as friendly advice."
The man grumbled under his breath, a sharp word about his thoughts on the manner, before marching onward himself. He stopped to groan, as if his grievances took up all thought in his body, when Sigrun announced she'd found another section of bone. Levy couldn't help the smirk that worked its way across his face, and he rubbed at his mouth with a fist when Nate sent a glare over his shoulder.
"You don't know where these bones have been," he shouted.
"In a dragon," Sigrun laughed. "I thought all your nobly surfacers had to be smart."
Levy coughed around a chuckle, choking when a hand smacked against his back. It struck him again, harder, and he leaned forward to work the air back into his lungs.
"I did not intent to cause harm, merely too anounce my presence. I've sensed you do not like surprises."
Levy shook his head, smile weak. They were all getting used to the Fade spirit tailing the group. Gaining a new companion was becoming a common theme on their adventures - breaking them out of dungeons or saving them from the throes of darkspawn blades, but stealing one from the Fade was a new one. Justice had been quiet, so far, and it was easy to forget the power pressing down on them when Velanna started an argument for the sake of noise, or Anders made Pounce meow to cheer Sigrun up about the weather. That was, until someone looked behind for any sign of wolves or demons, and the glow of the spirit brought him back into their thoughts. "Perhaps just a 'I'm right behind you' next time?"
Justice nodded, and Levy glanced away, stomach sick, at the way his eyes didn't move with the motion. Did he need eyes to see? He tried to chase the thought away, and watched Sigrun move another bone into place.
"Are they always like this?"
Levy hummed, rocking back on his heels. "This is one of their better days, I admit."
"They are...certainly loud."
Levy nodded, first, and paused, second. Justice wasn't wrong. Although, he supposed the spirit shouldn't be, but it was true that the bickering had grown in both volume and urgency. Nathaniel's warnings about touching bones had gained a sharp edge to it, and Anders' now included jerky motions of his hands. The Veil was still thin, closed as it was now, and Levy felt it twist one way and another as magic was pulled through. Leverette frowned, and pulled on his own mana when Justice stiffened besides him.
It was a trickle at first. Magic slowly leaked from the Fade, and he wondered if a rift had opened somewhere in the marsh again until the grounds were simply flooded with it. Levy staggered, nearly knocked off his feet at the force of the sudden rush of energy. Nate had been, and his arms were covered up to his elbows in mud as he scrambled away from the center of it. Anders paled and grabbed Sigurn by the arm, dragging her away with no comments about the noise the muck made at their escape.
"What is that?" Levy breathed.
The bones shifted as magic crackled through them. What pieces Sigrun hadn't found wedged themselves free from their sticky confines to join their brethren, and the magic grew with each addition. Legs stretched the dragon to the sky and wings unfurled from impressive shoulders, electric fields encasing it where muscle and flesh should have been.
"It seems the bones were enchanted," Justice said. Sigrun whimpered.
"Can we defeat it?" Nate asked.
"We can try." Anders rolled up the sleeves of his robes, though they rolled back down the moment after. He didn't cast a spell, either, and instead opted for running out of the range of the ethereal dragon's tail. It roared, a cloud of hot gas spilling from its jaws, and Levy set the air alight with fire to burn it away before it reached the rest of them.
Justice had yet to find the best position to assist them.
Levy found him marching straight for the beast, sword aloft, a challenge on his tongue.
"Dad!" Levy paused, eyes wide, and caught Anders wheel his arms wildly as he came to a sudden halt. There was a grin on his face until the dragon roared again.
"Justice is-"
"Going to be gone if you talk instead of act."
Anders batted his lashes. "As you say, Commander of the Wardads."
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◆Out Of Character Information◆
Name/Age: Cas, 31 Preferred Pronouns: She/Her Timezone: EST Desired Character: Constantine
◆Character Information◆
(1) What pronouns will your character be using? Would you like to list their sexuality at this time?:
~He/Him or sometimes They/Them, sexuality I dunno! He probably does’t even understand labels like that.
(2) Any changes or comments?
~I am considering some mark on him from the Circle of Light that he can’t glamour off his body. Like a tattoo or something ‘ugly’ he can hide that is sort of a 'mark of a traitor’ type of thing. Will headcanon it out.
(3) Why this character?
~I was torn a few months ago about taking him or Phillip and decided that Phillip would be an enjoyable bio to play, so I took him. But now that time has passed, I find myself staring his bio down, and I think it’s time to dive into his character. This is the season for playing new species! I am playing a vampire, and now I’d like to also try the fae.
What captivated me with Constantine was his Bloodhawk connection. There is history I have with the hunter clan from previous seasons, and I couldn’t pass up being involved with them again. Constantine’s role is very different from anything I have written before which I think will be fun to explore especially with us pushing so many political plots forward involving the King over hunting supernaturals down. As an admin, we can use him for the main plot which is vital to keep things moving forward as well. I also want to explore ALL the realms!
(4) Interpret this character:
~When I first read his bio, I immediately thought 'wow, he’s all glitz and glam! How fun! Phillip will be so jealous!’ And he totally is this but then it sunk in how complicated he is once you read his history. The fact he has alluded to corruption in his magic is a 'red flag’ of sorts. He was imprisoned as The Guilty One by the Circle of Light so that immediately makes me wonder why? I have a few ideas to allude to this avoidance of darkness, some stemming from his magic and his family history. Was he imprisoned because they thought he couldn’t succumb to it or was he entombed because he’s actually already a monster and doesn’t know it?
Or was it all just a farce? Lots of ways to take it.
His beef with the Circle of Light is the crux of his need to be with the Kingdom. I think he honestly loves Athoria and King Nathaniel, and there isn’t an ounce of falsehood to his want to adhere to the laws and to enforce them. It can even almost seem to go too far in some cases. The Bloodhawks are literally the family he lost and always wanted.
I will probably have Constantine suffer from some PTSD and phobia involving the dark and especially enclosed spaces. I believe his house is illuminated with sunshine and light at all hours of the day, to an obnoxious and overdone point. He sleeps better in a huge bed with lots of soft objects alongside the glam of his home.
Constantine has a collection of three Brownies who take care of their house. They can take the shape of crows and are an annoying bunch, chatty and squawking, and sometimes can be a weird intimidating presence when they are all together. Constantine will sometimes alter his shape into a crow to blend in with them, using that form to spy on people or to listen in on conversations.
The fae enjoys listening to others speak. He will lead them easily down the path he wants without having to do much but nod or respond with simple words to keep their interests. This is mostly because of his trust issues and finds he can learn more about a person if he lets them lead the conversations. Constantine will hover in the front of someones conscious when they speak to detect lies but prefers to see them ruin themselves. When he’s ready to explain he will go a bit overboard, and use lots of words and questions built in to not lie about anything.
Corruption hasn’t festered in Constantine, and yet he is surrounded by it often. His work with the Bloodhawks can be nerve wracking at times, especially when calling people out on their lies and trying to establish strong connections outside the border of Athoria. He enjoys walking in Leeds to whisper in peoples ears or use his magic just enough to alter potion’s potencies to enact a new response. He has been known to answer questions about magic from the Isles that hasn’t been learned on Earth yet, and there are rumors they have seen Hell with their own eyes making those demonic magic wielders desperate for his attention when he’s in town.
Constantine isn’t a violent person, when engaged he will often run than deal with it directly. His victories are in negotiations, but he won’t try too hard to sway someone he doesn’t think worth his time. His trust is permanently stunned into submission. If he were to run into any Circle of Light members, he would be torn between wanting to corrupt them in darkness as payback (looking at Remy LOL) or attempt to find someone to deal with it for them.
He is one of the rare few fae’s who has elf souls. They are around his neck in a protected pendant. He mostly collects gifted human souls in Leeds, especially the really nasty ones. It’s amusing to him to have gotten a hold of such ugly souls and treats them like a memento of sorts. He is a realm traveler and a nosy fae. I want to use him for all the connections involving the realms.
Some plots and quests I am very interested in.
I’d like Killian to be the one to find him.
I want him to take Remy to Hell.
A changeling thread to get into his headspace about the corrupted fae.
I’d like to see him stop some environmental issue plaguing the lands either close the rift in Cresent Grove or lower the waters in Grimsby, all for the King obviously.
A dream realm thread where he’s there to get information from that person while they are vulnerable.
◆ Interview Questions ◆
(1) How do you avoid corruption after all the evil that you seem to accomplish? Aren’t you afraid that one day it will all catch up to you?
“Is corruption evil?” The fae easily turned the question around, a dancing finger fluttered near the person’s face allowing flecks of sparkles and glitters to gently cascade off his attire from the motion. “Is being tainted a terrible thing? All around us we see species evolving. Those myths you wish to tell your children about in your beds are often depicted as punishment for stepping on a side they should not have. If doing evil is such a horrible thing– if doing it didn’t somehow allow the light to exist at all…” He smirked, a gentle lift of his shoulders as if to expel a silent laugh. “Well, traveler. You would think it has caught up already, what does that say about your world?”
(2) What made you take the position in the Athorian Government as a Bloodhawk?
“The Kingdom is my home, and I want to help where I can,” Constantine settled comfortably in the chair, legs propped up on the counter of the bar. There were a few onlookers at the position in his seat, but no one said anything. “Though the job was practically made for me, how could the King not want me in it?! Who else would be so perfect other than– well, me? Well, there could be a few others, but I am good at it. Don’t you trust the King and his choices on the matter?”
◆Writing Sample:◆
~ Constantine’s brow lifted into a gentle curve against his forehead. The situation was tense by his standards. Not everything was supposed to work out easy all the time, that would make for a very boring new life– or so he delicately convinced himself. Being ignored was the frustrating weapon trust into his gut with a feral twist. The negotiations were apparently falling quicker apart between the two women over what, he glanced over too, was livestock.
“Madam’s,” his voice alone drew their gazes towards his position; he purposefully tucked his hands into a clasp behind his back. “I know this donkey, was that what it’s called?”
They both nodded, folding their arms into secure protection across their chests. Their cheeks were flush from the argument, and Constantine could tell both were ready to go off at the moment he said the wrong thing. His eyes trailed side to side between them off for a dizzying moment until squarely glaring at the lady on the left who took a step back in the sudden confrontation.
“You partner did get drunk and bet your donkey and unfortunately lost,”
“However,” Constantine wiggled his fingers, and the lady’s outburst snapped her lips shut for her. “Your husband purposively deceived him from the beginning. Putting the bug in his ear all night about the donkey, then when he was drunk enough got him into a betting situation where he’d lose.”
“You cheat!” “I ain’t no cheat you bugger!”
Constantine closed his hands together with a clap, bringing them to his lips where the nails just touched them. They both were silent immediately, purple magic tethered around their wrists like a bangle before fading.
“You summoned me to help you. I was not called here on Bloodhawk business, surely something over a donkey could have been resolved between two adults and not require me?” The ground trembled, a crack forming just under their toes. Constantine asked a lot of questions; it was part of his way around revealing too much truth. Masking curiousness and being unsure about topics with an inquiry.
“You have helped them before,” one of the wives quickly said, lifting her hands in a mild exposure of surrender to their bickering. “We trust you when you make a decision.”
“Alright, then I say this,” he sighed, releasing the bound claps of his fingers from near his face and snapped them instead. The husbands appeared by their sides, both already drunk and it was barely mid day. He drew out a piece of parchment out of thin air and quill.
“You can keep the donkey, but you owe them the amount of coin or trade for the value of one since you did lose the bet,” Constantine lifted his gaze from the parchment and glared at the other man. “And you are prohibited from gambling in Brailston. I won’t extend it beyond those borders, but since this family lives here, I feel that’s a fair trade.
"You know this is magically binding– even more so since you summoned me personally. If you do not keep your end of the contract, Jailor Kei Barcena will receive notification. Then things our out of my hands,”
With a curl of his hand, the parchment disappeared and went into his filing system.
They walked away quietly, adults with their heads bowed low as if he had struck a whip to their backs in disappointment. Humans were so confusing and depressing sometimes; he couldn’t entirely understand their fights even though he made an effort to keep the peace for King Nathaniel.
“Didn’t know you were in town,” one of his fellow Bloodhawk members took a few steps to meet his side, and Constantine offered a crooked smile in return. A calmness washed over him the very second the other neared him. The clan was home, and he wasn’t going to mess this up.
“Wasn’t planning on it, I was supposed to be Leeds for the remainder of the season,”
“Well, it’s good to see you. Why don’t we catch up?” Constantine nodded with a gentle wave in the direction of the main steet walk.
“Of course–”
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