#national populists
dosesofcommonsense · 2 months
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A Whose Who of War Pig, NeoCon, Greedy RINOs
For those still unaware, the Republican Party is a pendulum of conservatism. On the far left of that conservatism, which sits in the grey zone of the overall political pendulum, sits the RINOs (Republican in name only). These asshats put America last and their pockets first (and I realize I put the Bush clan in this mix. Thanks to the Bushs, we ceded more of the US to the NWO [Bush Sr] and removed freedom from Americans through the Patriot Act. This group of people send our money, our kids, our people, and our blood overseas and get kickbacks for it through their 3rd party US contractors and contracts. This group also has key “assets” who further divide the party and the nation.
The far right of the conservatism pendulum is the populist/nationalist group (Trump). Everything is America and Americans FIRST. We love our country and its citizenry. We’re proud of the country. We want to ensure our children get to experience the joys of living here. That’s the MAGA coalition. We don’t care about your skin color, gender, race, ethnicity, ideologies. We all have our differences, but in the push for unity, we’re better defined by our similarities. We want to band together and find common ground, because we are stronger together than we are divided apart. We’re Americans, and we want a safer, wealthier, stronger, and greater America for everyone.
How MAGA are you? The RINOs are globalists hiding under the Republican Umbrella. They’re not MAGA; they’re not for us; they’re for themselves and only Republicans when people elect them as Republicans. Republican in name only = RINOs = Globalists. The Old Guard, RINO Party is going away. The Populist Republican Party is on the rise.
If you think I’m blowing smoke up your ass, that’s not me. I’m not about snake oil or deception. If you don’t believe me, check it out for yourself. Watch the RNC live; stream it. Get it right from the source without commentary. Look at the past days speakers and such. See if the party really is evil like the MSM and content creators have told you. See for yourself and think for yourself. Your life depends on it.
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tmarshconnors · 27 days
Stop Using "Nazi" Out of Context!
Today's polarised political climate, it’s become all too common to see accusations being thrown around with little regard for their actual meaning. One of the most alarming trends is the misuse of the word "Nazi" to discredit or silence opposing viewpoints. In Germany, this is particularly evident when discussing the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party. Many supporters of the AfD are often labeled as Nazis, but this oversimplification is not only unfair but also dangerous.
As someone living in the UK who supports the Alternative for Germany (AfD), I find it frustrating that political discourse so often descends into name-calling and false associations. Simply supporting a political party like AfD, which focuses on issues like national sovereignty, immigration control, and Euroscepticism. Nobody with these values should ever be called “Nazi”
The Alternative for Germany (AfD) is a right-wing political party that advocates for stricter immigration controls, preservation of national identity, and skepticism towards the European Union. It appeals to those who feel that traditional political parties have ignored their concerns—especially about issues like immigration, national sovereignty, and economic policy.
Seriously what I ask you what has that got to do with being a Nazi?!?! Oh I know. I shall tell you NOTHING!
Us AfD supporters come from diverse backgrounds. Some are disillusioned former voters of centrist parties who feel that their views are no longer represented by the political mainstream. Others are concerned about the cultural and economic impacts of mass migration. Still, others are simply advocates of a more limited government and national pride.
None of these positions automatically equate to Nazism. In fact, they represent opinions that are shared by many people across Europe and the world, regardless of their political alignment.
Why "Nazi" is a Dangerous Label?
I don’t know why you wouldn’t know why it’s dangerous but for the less educated out of The term "Nazi" refers to members of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP), led by Adolf Hitler, responsible for one of the darkest chapters in human history the Holocaust and World War II. To casually throw around such a loaded term diminishes the horrors that actual Nazis inflicted and distorts historical memory. It also shuts down meaningful discussion.
Labeling AfD supporters as Nazis is a form of intellectual laziness. It avoids engaging with the real issues they care about and reduces complex political debates to crude name-calling. This tactic not only alienates people who might be open to dialogue, but it also entrenches divisions and fuels resentment.
Moreover, calling someone a Nazi is an accusation with serious implications. In Germany, Nazism is not just a political slur it carries legal weight. The country has strict laws against Nazi symbols, speech, and activities, which makes the label even more inflammatory. If every right-wing or nationalist stance is equated with Nazism, it dilutes the power of these laws and makes it harder to identify actual neo-Nazis who do pose a threat.
It’s vital to differentiate between political disagreement and extremism. Not every conservative or nationalist is an extremist. AfD supporters, like those of any political party, have a range of motivations and beliefs.
Many are simply frustrated with the status quo and seek change through democratic means. They participate in elections, engage in policy debates, and advocate for their vision of Germany’s future—just as supporters of other parties do. Political disagreement isn’t extremism. Far from it.
I genuinely can’t believe I have to explain this but the problem with labelling AfD supporters as Nazis is that it dismisses their legitimate concerns out of hand. Immigration, national identity, and economic sovereignty are valid topics for debate, and dismissing them as fascist talking points only serves to deepen the divide between different segments of society.
You MUST understand the political landscape of 21st-century Germany is not the same as it was in the 1930s. Comparing today’s AfD to the NSDAP of Hitler's era is misleading and historically inaccurate. While the AfD may take controversial positions, it operates within the framework of a democratic society. It faces scrutiny from the media, opposition from other political parties, and judgment from the electorate. Its rise is a reflection of the electorate’s discontent, not a return to fascism.
By placing It all together all right-wing movements under the Nazi label, we ignore the nuances and complexities of modern politics. People who support AfD aren’t advocating for a fascist dictatorship—they’re expressing their views on how Germany should be governed in a rapidly changing world.
What we need more of in today’s political discourse is open dialogue and a willingness to understand different perspectives. Disagreeing with AfD policies is entirely valid, but dismissing its supporters as Nazis is not a productive at all!
Try engaging in meaningful conversations about the concerns that drive people to support AfD can lead to better understanding and potentially even compromise.
It���s crucial to recognise that the misuse of the term "Nazi" ultimately harms the democratic process. When we reduce our opponents to caricatures, we lose the opportunity to engage in healthy, constructive debate. This is happening all over the western world. If we can’t have simple constructive conversations all the men and woman who fought for our freedom etc would of been for NOTHING!
Supporting the Alternative for Germany does not make someone a Nazi. It’s that simple!
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thenewdemocratus · 4 months
Steve Schmidt: 'DONALD TRUMP CONVICTED: What Comes Next? Republicans Call For Retribution'
Source:The Warning With Steve Schmidt talking about the aftermath of Donald J. Trump becoming a convicted felon. Source:The New Democrat “Republicans are calling for retribution after former President Donald Trump was found guilty on 34 counts by a New York jury. “These senators and members of congress are ransacking, vandalizing the U.S. judicial system,” Steve Schmidt says.” From The Warning…
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willrogerssays · 7 months
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corruptionchronicle · 24 hours
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pcwpolwrestling · 8 months
2/3-Extreme Political TV-Columbia (SC) Clash-Part One
Outside the arena… …a throng of eager spectators swirled in a chaotic dance, their chants and cheers muted by the heated exchange at the entrance.
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PCW Owner Dawn McGill, her medium-length blonde hair catching the sunlight like a beacon of business acumen, stood resolute between the two clashing titans of political theater.
To her right, Progressive Alliance House Leader Hakeem Jeffries, brandishing his Progressive Alliance badge like a championship belt, argued passionately with hands that cut through the air, his insistent voice a rallying cry to let the masses witness the spectacle within.
Hakeem Jeffries: Everyone deserves to see the show, Dawn!
Jeffries’s gaze locked onto every camera and potential voter in sight.  Progressive Alliance Senate Leader Dick Durbin nodded fervently beside him, his eyes alight with the fire of conviction.  The supporters of the Progressive Alliance cheered and shouted their support.
Dawn shook her head in opposition to their plan.
Dawn McGill: Look, I get it… 
Her tone firm yet fair, the very image of a woman who had fought tooth and nail for every inch of her empire.
Dawn McGill: …but we’re packed to the rafters! There’s no room and it’s not fair to the people who paid good money to be here tonight to let people in for free.
On the opposing corner, American Patriot House Leader Mike Johnson, flanked by the ever-stoic Senate Leader Mitch McConnell, countered with a sharp southern drawl tinged with the theatrics of a heel wrestler taunting the crowd.
Mitch McConnell: This is about order, about following the rules. If they don’t have tickets, they don’t get in!
The American Patriots’s supporters also made a lot of noise and together, all the voices crescendoed into a symphony of discord, as the clash of ideologies threatened to erupt into a battle royal right on the concrete. Cameras flashed, capturing every moment for the evening news, while the fans outside chanted, hungry for the drama to unfold.
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Political Championship Wrestling Columbia Clash Part One Columbia, South Carolina Taped Saturday February 3rd, 2024 Sunday February 4th, 2024
Announcers: ‘The Voice of PCW’ Johnny Suave AGE: 50 / HT: 5’ 11” WT: 195 HOME: Philadelphia, PA HAIR: Brown / STYLE: Like Ronnie Dunn / FACE: Goatee DRESS: Brown suit without tie
Colleen Crowder of ‘That Big New York Newspaper that Pushes Narrative as News’ AGE: 38 / HT: 5’ 5” WT: 142 HOME: New York City, NY HAIR: Black / STYLE: Curly / FACE:Narrow face with rounded jaw, turned-up nose, faint freckles, and thin lips. Bulging blue eyes, thin eyebrows. DRESS: Black pants suit
Opening: The buzz of anticipation was tangible as the camera swept over the sea of faces, each fan a testament to PCW’s magnetic pull. They were unified in their chant, “PCW… PCW… PCW!”, a mantra vibrating through the air.
In the center of the ring, under the hot lights and the gaze of thousands, stood ‘The Voice of PCW’, Johnny Suave, microphone in hand. Beside him, Colleen Crowder, her journalist’s eye scanning the crowd for the narrative she would later spin. Suave’s voice boomed through the arena, part carnival barker, part statesman of the squared circle.
Johnny Suave: Welcome one and all to PCW’s Extreme Political TV! I am Johnny Suave.  She is Colleen Crowder of ‘That Big New York City Newspaper that Pushes Narrative as News.’
Colleen Crowder: That’s right Johnny.  We tell you what you want to read about.
Johnny Suave: Tonight, we’re coming to you live from the heart of South Carolina!”
His excitement infectious, Suave pivoted smoothly to recap the previous week’s showdowns.
Johnny Suave: Last week in Iowa, folks, we witnessed Donald Trump making it two for two as he clinched a victory in the American Patriots Iowa four-way clash defeating Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley, and Vivek Ramaswamy!
Colleen couldn’t help but make a sour face at the news of Trump winning, her mind racing with headlines and editorials, already scripting the dramatic narrative that would enrapture her readers.
Johnny Suave: Also last week, Joe Biden—The Supreme CEO of PCW—stood tall in the Progressive Alliance match, laying waste to the competition!
Colleen Crowder: He used his great power to turn his challengers into large, heaping piles of ash.
 Suave continued to build the hype for what was to come.
Johnny Suave: Yes he did and tonight, he looks to repeat that dominance in the Progressive Alliance’s South Carolina match.
The camera zoomed in on Johnny Suave, his expression animated as he gripped the microphone with both hands.
Johnny Suave: Folks, you can feel the electricity in the air tonight!  We’ve got a lineup that’s hotter than a political Twitter feud!  
Suave paused for the requisite “PCW” chants and fed off the crowd’s raucous energy.  He had to raise his voice to be heard over the din.
Johnny Suave: First up, we’re going to witness the debut of the Extreme Weather Network right here in the PCW ring!  Jim Frascatore and Mike Baddass…
He gestured toward the stage where ominous clouds and lighting effects promised a stormy entrance.
Johnny Suave: …will be facing off against Weapons of Mass Destruction.  A. Tom Bomb and Hy Drogen Bomb.  Those guys don’t just bring the pain; they bring the fallout!
Colleen Crowder:  I don’t like them already.
Suave nodded and smirked.
Johnny Suave: And in other news, the grass is green and the sky is blue.  Also tonight…
He paused for effect, letting the crowd’s anticipation build before dropping the bombshell.
Johnny Suave: …we will find out the representatives from the American Patriots, Progressive Alliance, and American Heartland Coalition who will clash in the squared circle next week to determine the new PCW champion!
Colleen Crowder: Speaking of clashes…  
A smirk playing on Colleen’s lips as she leaned into the mic.
Colleen Crowder: …our main event features our wonderful Supreme CEO Joe Biden. He decimated the competition in Iowa, and tonight, South Carolina’s own blue wave rises to crest once more!
Johnny Suave: All right. As you saw earlier, we’ve got some chaos unfolding outside.
Colleen Crowder: Johnny, people should have the right to come into the arena and see the show.
Johnny Suave: But not if they haven’t paid for a ticket… and not when the place is sold out!
Colleen Crowder: It’s not fair.  Surely Dawn McGill can find somewhere to put them.
Cut to…
That Place Where Chaos is Unfolding Outside Dawn McGill stood resolute among the cacophony of political debate.
Dawn McGill: Fine.  If you’re not going to listen to me. 
With a swift gesture, she beckoned to someone off-screen, and like a well-orchestrated wrestling entrance, Texas Governor Greg Abbott emerged, flanked by security, put up barbed wire fencing glinted under the arena lights—a stark symbol of no entry.
Hakeem Jeffries: Tickets or not, this is a public spectacle!
Jeffries’s protest was met with the unyielding barrier and Abbott’s stern gaze.
Mitch McConnell: Order must prevail!
Cut to…
The Broadcast Desk The broadcast desk was a beacon of calm in comparison to the pandemonium going on outside the arena. Suave cleared his throat, reclaiming the attention of millions.
Johnny Suave: Tensions are high, and the stakes even higher.
The cheers from the crowd rose into a fever pitch.
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MATCH #1: The Extreme Weather Network (Jim Frascantore and Mike Baddass) vs.
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Weapons of Mass Destruction (A. Tom Bomb and Hy Drogen Bomb) The camera panned to the center of the action where Kimber stood, microphone in hand, poised to usher in the night’s first epic confrontation.
Kimber Marshall: Ladies and gentlemen… our first match will be…
Crowd: ONE FALL!  
The audience’s ritualistic response filled the space like an approaching storm.
Kimber Marshall: Introducing first…
On cue, the video screen flickered to life…
…and painted dire predictions across its broad canvas. Images of nature’s fury unspooled—howling hurricanes, spiraling tornadoes, downpours that turned streets into rivers.
Kimber Marshall:  Accompanied by Stephanie and Jen, they forecast pain and bring the thunder… Jim Frascantore and Mike Baddass… THE EXTREME WEATHER NETWORK!
The duo marched down the ramp, flanked by their meteorological mavens, drawing a mix of cheers and jeers. Frascantore, his face set in stern concentration beneath his slicked-back hair, looked ready to dissect an opponent’s strategy like a complex weather pattern. Baddass, flexing exaggeratedly, seemed more inclined to be the storm itself.
Before the fervor could settle, another anthem ripped through the speakers. Avenged Sevenfold’s “This Means War” heralded the arrival of their adversaries, and the Bomb family didn’t disappoint.
Kimber Marshall: And their opponents, lead to the ring by Daisy Cutter-Bomb and accompanied by Newt Tron Bomb and General George S. Patton…
Kimber Marshall: …A. Tom Bomb!  Hy Drogen Bomb!  They are… WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION!
A. Tom Bomb led the pack, exuding radioactive charisma, while Hy Drogen Bomb’s explosive energy sent ripples through the onlookers. Newt Tron Bomb, with a smirk suggesting fissionable intentions, strutted beside Daisy Cutter-Bomb, whose steely gaze promised detonation at ground zero.
Johnny Suave: Looks like we’re in for some climatic chaos tonight, Colleen.  The Extreme Weather Network is known for their unpredictability, but can they withstand the apocalyptic onslaught of the Bomb family?
Colleen Crowder: Oh Johnny, it’s just a disaster waiting to happen. These conflicting forces will create a monstrous supercell that will wreak havoc on our planet. 
Johnny Suave: Wait.  THAT’S your narrative?
Colleen Crowder: But of course.  Let’s not forget the bigger picture here. This isn’t just about a silly wrestling match. It’s about the impact on our ever-changing climate and the shortcomings of our military establishment.
Johnny Suave: All right, here we go!
Johnny Suave: IT’S OVER!  Well, Mike Baddass and Jim Frascantore take advantage of their PCW debut and get the pin for the Extreme Weather Network!
Colleen Crowder: Well, I hope the ninety billion-jillion people in danger heed their words. 
Outside the Arena Back outside, The Supreme CEO of PCW Joe Biden comes out to deal with the fence, dressed in a black shroud and black robe and looking menacing.  Joe Biden, squaring off against a formidable barrier of stainless steel and barbed wire, wore determination like a suit of armor. His mission: dismantle this divisive boundary. But Governor Greg Abbott stood firm, a bulwark of Texan defiance.
So Biden decides to use his ‘powers’ and shoots laser bolts from his eyes.  Unfortunately, the bolts don’t cut through the stainless steel, barbed wire fence and it ricochets all over the place hitting people- kind of like that scene from the first Indiana Jones movie where Belloq opened up the Ark of the Covenant unleashing spirits who came out and killed everyone… except Indiana Jones and Marian (of course) because they closed their eyes. 
But at least no one’s face melts.
Suave’s voice hitched as he caught sight of the pandemonium outside.
Johnny Suave: HOLY CRAP!
His usual composure shattered like the safety glass of decorum while Colleen, mouth agape, struggled to process the melee unfolding before them.
Colleen Crowder: I… I have no words, Johnny.  But I know somewhere deep down that this is somehow Donald Trump’s fault.
The Progressive Alliance Locker Room The cameras panned away from the chaotic exterior to find the Progressive Alliance, and leaders Hakeem Jeffries and Chuck Schumer, huddled in a corner of the locker room.  Also on hand: ‘Mr. Hollywood’ Kevin Daniels and ‘Country…er…Pop Songstress’ Taylor Switt, Kathryn Randall Collins “KRC,” Union Jack Taylor, The Ultimate Social Justice Warrior, NPC, ‘New Age Sensitive Guy’ Brandon Thomas-Taylor with Soccer Mom, Professor McCarthy’s Flock (Leader: Berkeley, California Professor McCarthy, Code Pink, Emily S. List, The GWO, Young Jerks, LOAF), Green World Order (Valet: Peta from PETA, GreenPete, ‘Extreme Vegan’ Brock Cole Lee, PeaceNick), The Young Jerks, and the Legion of Anti-Fascists (LOAF)
Their debate echoed through the chamber like the rapid-fire promos they were known for, but today’s topic was internal strategy rather than external bravado.
Hakeem Jeffries: Listen, we need to think outside the box…
His voice was tinged with urgency.
Hakeem Jeffries: Who represents us next week isn’t just about strength—it’s about the message we send.
Overenthusiastic Junior Member:  Exactly! So let’s settle this with a match and send our best wrestler!
He is met with collective laughter, head-shaking, and tut-tutting.
Chuck Schumer: That’s not how things get done here and this isn’t some run-of-the-mill championship!
Schumer followed with a dismissive wave.
Chuck Schumer: We’re talking high stakes here!  It’s not just about choosing the best wrestler.   We must choose the ‘right’ wrestler.
The American Patriots Locker Room Meanwhile, across the divide, the American Patriots were engaged in their own brand of decision-making.  With the following wrestlers watching: ‘Starz N. Stripes’ Kevin Scott, ‘The One Man Hollywood Conservative A-List’ Stone Chism, Corporate World (CEO: Gordon Guyko, Kirk Walstreit ‘Wall Street Market Analyst with the Man Crush on ESPN’s Kirk Herbstreit’ and P.M.C. Banks), Magnum P.O’d with Robyn Masters, Nate R. Adams (NRA), Texas Jack, and Neal Conn (making foreign policy as paramount responsibility of government, seeing the need for the U.S. acting as the world’s sole superpower as indispensable to establishing and maintaining global order).
Leaders Mike Johnson and Mitch McConnell were conducting a telethon-like spectacle where donors pledged cash live on air.
Mike Johnson: Remember, folks, the wrestler with the most money raised gets to represent the true American spirit! 
Johnson’s eyes alight with the gleam of greenbacks rather than championship gold.
One Hopeful Patriot: Shouldn’t we, maybe, wrestle it out?
He was instantly drowned out by the cacophony of ringing phones and Mitch McConnell’s guffaw.
Mitch McConnell: Son, in politics—and wrestling—money talks louder than a body slam!
The room erupted in hearty agreement with McConnell.
Backstage In the midst of all the political posturing and financial maneuvering, Dawn McGill was seething with frustration. Her patience in dealing with the unticketed people who the Progressive Alliance demanded be allowed in had frayed to its breaking point, only matching the delicate fabric of her latest Henhouse photoshoot outfit.
Dawn McGill: Enough!  I’ve had it!
Dawn charged down the aisle, her furious gestures aimed at the blue seats that were sold out and occupied.
Dawn McGill: You want them in that bad… fine.
Johnny Suave: What?  Dawn’s backing down?
Colleen Crowder: As she should, Johnny.
Dawn McGill: They can sit in your section.
Johnny Suave: WHOA!
Colleen Crowder: WHAT?
The crowd erupted into a frenzy as the unticketed individuals flooded into the blue seats, climbing over others, blocking their view, and causing chaos.
Colleen Crowder: This is not right! 
 What was once an excited atmosphere quickly turned into a hostile battleground as people fought for their chance to catch a glimpse of the event from the blue seats. Angry shouts and boos drowned out any cheers, creating a chaotic scene filled with tension and frustration.
Colleen Crowder: Why can’t they also sit in the red seats?
As the camera zoomed in on Dawn’s triumphant smile, the scene faded to black.
Back inside… 
Announcement of the Wrestlers who will meet next week for the PCW Title Johnny Suave: Let’s get down to brass tacks, folks!
Johnny Suave stood up from his commentary table, a theatrical glint in his eye.
Johnny Suave: The Progressive Alliance has made their choice for next week’s PCW Championship match, and let me tell you, I’ll bet you it’s as politically correct as a vegan hot dog at a climate change rally!
The crowd responded with a mixture of cheers and jeers, their anticipation palpable in the charged atmosphere. The video screen flickered to life, showcasing the Progressive Alliance leaders, Hakeem Jeffries and Chuck Schumer, standing beside a wrestler whose steely gaze was as firm as his stance on renewable energy.
Chuck Schumer: By virtue of seniority, making all the right moves outside the ring, and our desire to suck up to big Hollywood and the entertainment business, our representative… and the NEXT PCW champion… will be none other than ‘Mr. Hollywood’ Kevin Daniels!   
Daniels, dressed in a suit as sustainable as his wrestling technique, raised his arms, absorbing the mix of applause and dissent from the politically divided crowd.
The American Patriots choose their wrestler The screen now split to reveal Mike Johnson and Mitch McConnell standing with a smug-looking wrestler counting a stack of bills with gloved hands.
Johnny Suave: Money talks in the American Patriots camp, and boy, did it sing a sweet tune of cash registers ringing!
Mike Johnson: Our champion… and the NEXT PCW champion… is Wall Street Market Analyst… Kirk Walstreit.  Because nothing says ‘America’ like a man who can make it rain in the ring!
Wallstreet waved the bills in the air, an arrogant smile plastered across his face, while the audience voiced their opinions, some chanting “Sell out!” in rhythmic disapproval.
Johnny Suave: So, the Progressive Alliance chose ‘Mr. Hollywood’ Kevin Daniels… the American Patriots chose ‘Wall Street Market Analyst’ Kirk Walstreit… who will the American Heartland Coalition choose? 
The American Heartland Coalition chooses its wrestler Then the American Heartland Coalition’s “Red Solo Cup” Ray McAvay, Charlie Blackwell, and “The Prairie Populist” William Daniels Bryan strode out, the very image of determination etched onto their faces. They were the picture of solidarity, each man representing the heart and soul of the wrestling world.
Ray McAvay: Ladies and gentlemen.  Tonight, there won’t be any boardrooms or bank accounts or political correctness nonsense deciding who steps up for the American Heartland Coalition. 
Charlie Blackwell: We’re not going to choose our representative… y’all, we’re gonna battle it out the old-fashioned way—the way it should be done!
William Daniels Bryan: By deciding in the ring… this is how the American Heartland Coalition decides who their representative next week will be… right here… right now, in front of you roaring fans!
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MATCH #2: Ray McAvay vs. Charlie Blackwell vs. William Daniels Bryan The trio reached the ring, their boots thudding against the apron as they climbed between the ropes. The crowd’s excitement swelled, a crescendo of anticipation that filled the arena like thunder before a storm. With solemn nods, McAvay, Blackwell, and Bryan extended their hands toward one another in a show of respect—a handshake that sealed their pact to let their prowess speak for them.
Johnny Suave: And Charlie Blackwell will represent the American Heartland Coalition next week after he earned the right to wrestle in the PCW Title match in the ring.
Colleen Crowder: The American Heartland Coalition has no right to be in the PCW title match, Johnny.  They are an insignificant second-tier faction.
Johnny Suave: Well Dawn McGill thinks they have a right to be there and so do the people. 
Colleen Crowder: No they don’t.  We the media set the agenda and we tell the people what they should care about and it’s not some flyover country, second-rate, American Heartland Coalition group.
Progressive Alliance Suite Dawn McGill stood tall and unyielding, her blonde hair a beacon under the bright arena lights. She herded the unticketed masses who continued to surge into the building like a tidal wave.  Dawn crashed through security to breach the gates of the opulent Progressive Alliance suite.
Dawn McGill: You wanted them in here, you can deal with them. 
She stood aside and watched as they flooded the space.
Colleen Crowder: No… she can’t do that! 
Flustered Elite: Ease up, folks! Mind the spread!
The eager crowd descended upon the lavish buffet, silverware clattering and crystal shattering in their wake.
Colleen Crowder: This is not fair.  Why can’t she take them over to the red sections?  
Lobster tails and caviar disappeared as quickly as campaign promises, while the disheveled elites recoiled in abject horror.
Sharp Dressed Man: Those are Wagyu beef sliders, not hot dogs!
His voice of protest was drowned out by the chaos.
Another Sharp Dressed Man: Save the champagne!
He tried desperately to salvage a bottle from the grasp of an overzealous fan wearing a “Vote or Die” T-shirt.
The scene was one of pure bedlam, with gourmet food flying through the air and entitlement running rampant. The fragrant aroma of expensive delicacies mingled with the sour stench of desperation as the once civil veneer of the Progressive Alliance crumbled like a stale cracker under the weight of their own greed. It was a scene that perfectly embodied the excessive excesses of politics and power.
Cutting away from the pandemonium, the camera focused on the ringside where ‘The Voice of PCW’ Johnny Suave stood poised, his expression a mix of amusement and disbelief. Colleen Crowder, her face alight with partisan zeal, sat next to Suave… horrified at the chaos.
MAIN EVENT- SOUTH CAROLINA MATCH- Joe Biden vs. ??? Johnny Suave: Well, ladies and gentlemen, get ready for the main event: The Progressive Alliance’s South Carolina match!
The lights dimmed, save for a single spotlight that centered on the entrance ramp. Kimber Marshall stepped forward, her voice cutting through the anticipation like a blade.
Kimber Marshall: Ladies and gentlemen!  Tonight’s main event will be…
Crowd: ONE FALL!
Colleen Crowder: I hate it when they do that.
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A hush fell over the crowd as a hooded figure emerged, cloaked in shadows and gravitas. It was Biden, channeling the dark majesty of a certain emperor from a certain star space-like movie franchise, his gait slow and deliberate as he approached the ring.
Johnny Suave: Looks like he’s tapping into his dark side tonight.
The remark elicited a sharp glance from Colleen.
Colleen Crowder: Or maybe he’s just showcasing the unmatched power of the Progressive Alliance, Johnny.  I mean, Joe Biden is so powerful… I don’t think anyone else is going to show up here for the match.
Indeed, Kimber Marshall just stood in the ring and waited. 
Johnny Suave: Well… after what happened last week. 
The arena echoed with the referee’s count, each digit ticking away the chances of any opposition showing face. At ten, the bell tolled, and Biden was declared the victor by default.
Colleen Crowder: Another win for the Blue Wave, isn’t it wonderful
Colleen clapped her hands together as if she were at a victory rally rather than a wrestling event.
Johnny Suave: Well?  Joe Biden picks up a big win here in South Carolina!
The blue seats celebrated Biden’s big win but yet, the spectacle was far from over.  Biden, now standing center-ring, pointed dramatically at a towering sign that read: “PCW’S EXTREME ELECTION NIGHT 2024.”
Johnny Suave: Now, Joe Biden is celebrating the most time-honored tradition of PCW’s Extreme Election Night season by pointing at the sign.
Colleen Crowder: It’s wonderful, Johnny.  Joe Biden is one step closer to another four years of being the CEO of PCW!
Johnny Suave: Well, November’s a long, long way away but I think Joe Biden will have his hands full this fall with Donald Trump.
Colleen Crowder: Donald Trump?  Hmmph.  You just wait, Johnny.  Our narrative is going to be that Joe Biden will catch fire and-
In an unexpected turn, two laser beams shot from Biden’s eyes, striking the sign and igniting it in a conflagration of blue and red flames.
Colleen Crowder: Uh-oh.
As the sign collapsed in a fiery heap, Suave turned to Colleen, a knowing smirk curving his lips.
Johnny Suave: Crash and burn?
Colleen began to scramble for an angle
Colleen Crowder: Clearly, this is metaphorical! A burning desire for change, Johnny. It’s… progressive firebranding!
Security stream to the burning sign and start to put it out with fire extinguishers.
Johnny Suave: Whether it’s a burning desire or just burning down the house, folks, you can’t deny PCW always brings the heat.
Colleen Crowder: That’s enough with the fire references!
Johnny Suave: I’m sure in the next few months we’ll see more pyrotechnics… political or otherwise.  
Colleen Crowder: JOHNNY!
Johnny Suave: We will be back in South Carolina in three weeks for the big American Patriot showdown between Donald Trump and Nikki Haley. Next week, we will be in Nevada with both Trump and Joe Biden in action. Also, the PCW Title will be up for grabs. Until then, for my colleague Colleen Crowder, I’m Johnny Suave saying good night.
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thepopoptic · 10 months
Is This The Most Based President You’ve Never Heard Of?
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greatspacedustbin · 1 year
Politicians during regional elections: why is no one talking about these nation-wide issues?
Same politicians during national elections: why is no one talking about these very specific regional problems, uwu
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carladuquette · 4 months
European elections are on Sunday, June 9 🇪🇺
And for the first time, 16- and 17-year-olds get to have a say!
If you are
- 16, in Austria, Belgium, Germany or Malta
- 17, in Greece
you can vote in this election.
European elections might sound boring, complicated, less sexy than your average national elections. But they matter greatly.
Since the establishment of the EU, this previously volatile region has not seen war. We are stronger and better together 🫶 But our peaceful life together doesn’t run on autopilot. Right-wing populists across the EU are spreading hatred, trying to draw lines between “us” and “them.”
Democracy and the EU we have right now depend on all of us to get involved. So make your voice heard. Vote in the EU election on Sunday, June 9. In some countries (for example in Germany), you are already able to vote now, via mail-in ballot or by going to your city’s election office. Whichever way you do it…
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You get to brag about it here afterwards (and, you know, get to keep living in a democratic society 🙂)
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xtruss · 1 year
The EU’s 🇪🇺 Liberals Need Better Ways To Deal With Populists! Demonisation Isn’t Working
— September 14th, 2023 | Leaders | The Real Threat From Europe’s Hard Right
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NPD Demonstration on the 8, May 2005, 60 Years of Ending of the World War II. Image: Justin Metz/Getty Images
Aspectre is Haunting Europe: the spectre of a rising hard right. In Germany the overtly xenophobic Alternative for Germany (AFD) has surged to become the country’s second-most popular party. Its success is polarising domestic politics and it seems poised to triumph in state elections in the east next year. In Poland the ruling Law and Justice Party is leading the polls ahead of a general election on October 15th, and it is being drawn further to the right by an extreme new party, Confederation.
As we explain in this week’s Briefing, there could be more grim news to come. Next year the hard right could gain more sway in elections for the European Parliament, due to be held in June. Marine Le Pen, the leader of National Rally, could win the presidential election in France in 2027. If she did, France would become the second big country to be run by the hard right, after Italy, where Giorgia Meloni and her Brothers of Italy took power last year in a coalition with the Nativist League.
Make no mistake, Europe is not about to be overrun by fascists, in a repeat of the 1930s. But the new right-wing wave presents a big challenge. Handled badly, it could toxify politics, disenfranchise a large share of voters and prevent crucial reforms of the European Union (eu). Rather than trying to exclude hard-right parties entirely from government and public debate, the best response is for mainstream parties to engage with them, and on occasion do deals with them. If they have to take some responsibility for actually governing, they may grow less radical.
Europe’s hard right has enjoyed several surges over the past quarter of a century. In 2000 Jörg Haider, an anti-establishment demagogue, shocked the continent by entering government in Austria: his Freedom Party is now the most popular there. A migration crisis in 2015, when over 1m people from poor and war-torn countries crossed the eu’s borders, led to another wave of support for xenophobic and Eurosceptic parties, including Britain’s Brexiteers.
The new wave that is breaking is different in three ways. First, the hard right has opportunistically found new topics to drum up fury about. Most such parties are still anti-foreigner, but having seen Britain’s experience, some have moderated their hostility to eu membership, and fewer want to ditch the single currency. All are animated by new concerns, most obviously hostility to pro-climate policies, which they argue are an elitist stitch-up that will fleece ordinary people. In Germany the afd has successfully mobilised opposition to a government push to require people to install expensive heat pumps in their homes, forcing the government to water down the measures.
The second shift is the breadth of their support. Our calculations show that 15 of the eu’s 27 member countries now have hard-right parties which have support of 20% or more in opinion polls, including every large country bar Spain, where the nationalist Vox did badly in July’s elections. Almost four-fifths of the eu’s population now live in countries where the hard right commands the loyalty of at least a fifth of the public.
The final shift is that the stakes have been raised, particularly at a European level. The war in Ukraine has created a pressing need for the eu to welcome new members in the east, ultimately including Ukraine. In tandem, it will need to streamline decision-making to reduce the veto powers member states wield. The presence of a larger bloc of anti-immigrant nationalists could make that crucial task far harder. Hungary’s Viktor Orban, a guru to other populist-nationalists, has consistently tried to block eu reform. Imagine if he gains more allies.
How should centrist voters and parties respond to the threat from the hard right? The old answer was to erect a cordon sanitaire. Mainstream parties refused to work with the insurgents; mainstream media refused to air their views. That approach may have run out of road; in places it is becoming counter-productive. In Germany the isolation of the afd has reinforced its narrative of being the only alternative to a failed establishment. Mainstream parties cannot pretend for ever not to hear the voice of 20% of voters without eventually corroding democracy.
Meanwhile, there is more evidence that hard-right parties in Europe tend to moderate their views when they have to take responsibility for governing. Exhibit A is Ms Meloni, the first hard-right prime minister of a western European country since the second world war. Despite liberal fears, she has not, or at least not yet, picked fights with Europe, upended migration policy, or restricted abortion or gay rights. She has remained a supporter of nato and Ukraine, by no means a given on the hard right. In the Nordics a similar pattern has played out. The Finns and the Sweden Democrats, two nationalist parties, have become more pragmatic since either joining or agreeing to support a governing coalition.
Any decision to include a hard-right party in local or national government should be taken with extreme caution, especially in places where a history of fascism arouses acute sensitivity. Some rules of the road may help. One is that to be considered, any party must agree to renounce violence and respect the rule of law. Just as important is the constitutional context: at what level of government should they be included? What are the checks and balances created by the electoral system and other institutions? It may make sense to allow the afd to take part as junior members of local-government coalitions in Germany, for example. It would be a disaster if the hard right were to win France’s presidency, with its enormous powers.
Tame or Flame
Last, mainstream parties must accept that they have not done enough to satisfy a large and angry minority of their citizens. Trying to accelerate the green transition by loading people up with costs they cannot afford (Germany’s rules on boilers, for instance, or Emmanuel Macron’s ill-fated attempt to increase taxes on fuel) is just making greenery unpopular. Better communication and compensation for the worst-hit are both essential. Failing to control national borders alienates people, whereas a well-managed migration system could be shown to benefit them. The new success of the hard right in Europe is in part a failure of the centre—so the centre needs to raise its game. ■
— This article appeared in the Leaders section of the Print Edition Under the Headline "The Real Threat From Europe’s Hard Right"
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reasonandempathy · 2 months
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Walz has served as Minnesota’s governor since 2019 after 12 years in the House of Representatives and now chairs the Democratic Governors Association. He has built a reputation as a folksy politician who can get things done, as Minnesota has adopted a number of progressive laws during his tenure. According to a poll conducted earlier this year, Walz enjoys an approval rating of 55% among Minnesotans. Since Minnesota Democrats achieved a legislative trifecta in the 2022 elections, Walz and his allies have used their power to push a slate of progressive policies. The governor has signed bills protecting abortion access, expanding background checks for prospective gun owners and legalizing recreational marijuana. “Right now, Minnesota is showing the country you don’t win elections to bank political capital,” Walz said last year. “You win elections to burn political capital and improve lives.” That philosophy has endeared him to progressives, who threw their support behind him as the veepstakes kicked into high gear over the past two weeks. They reshared clips of Walz lovingly mocking his daughter’s vegetarianism and tinkering with his car to paint him as the dad that America needs right now.
This is fucking awesome! Honestly, sincerely good news and a very promising pick for the potential Harris Administration. An aggressive, unabashed, popular, populist left-winger with a track record of enacting real, substantive help for people is capital-G Great.
What has he done, specifically?
Abortion rights
In a 1995 ruling, the Minnesota Supreme Court upheld abortion rights in Minnesota. In January 2023, Walz signed the PRO Act (Protect Reproductive Options Act) into law, making abortion a "fundamental right," as well as access to contraception, fertility treatments, sterilization and other reproductive health care.
The law made Minnesota the first state to codify abortion rights in the aftermath of the U.S. Supreme Court's 2022 ruling in the case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, which nullified Roe. v. Wade after nearly 50 years of precedent. In April 2023, Walz signed the Reproductive Freedom Defense Act into law, shielding women and providers from any legal action originating from the patient's state.
Pro-LGBTQIA+ legislation
In March 2023, Walz signed an executive order to protect the right of residents to have access to gender-affirming health care. Weeks later, he signed the "Trans Refuge" bill, banning the enforcement of arrest warrants, extradition requests and out-of-state subpoenas for those who traveled to Minnesota for care.
"When someone else is given basic rights, others don't lose theirs," Walz said. "We aren't cutting a pie here. We're giving basic rights to every single Minnesotan."
Paid family, medical and sick leave
In May 2023, Walz signed a law creating a state-run program to provide paid family and medical leave for Minnesota workers, funded by a 0.7% payroll tax on employers, by 2026.
Legalization of recreational marijuana
In May 2023, Minnesota became the 23rd state in the nation to legalize recreational cannabis use. Three months later, people 21 and older could start to possess certain amounts of marijuana at home and on their person, in addition to legally growing up to eight plants at a time.
Restoration of voting rights for former felons
In March 2023, Walz signed a bill that restored the right to vote to more than 50,000 convicted felons who had already served their time.
Universal school meals
Amid the increase in food insecurity for many Minnesotans during the pandemic, and the subsequent strain on the state's food shelves that remains to this day, Walz signed a bill in March 2023 that ensures all K-12 students in the state have access to free breakfast and lunch on school days.
Do you know what makes this even better?
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Fuck 'Em. I know negative partisanship is important and can help motivate right-wingers to vote, but they're going to vote anyway. And him being afraid of Walz is just a sign that he's a good pick, in policy and politics.
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i desperately need people to understand how fascism started because i am seeing many on the left gleefully walk assbackwards into goosestepping.
fascism did not start out as a far right ideology even though that is the endpoint. in order to gain power, there was a deliberate false synthesis of left and right populist ideals in order to gain a wide base from people upset with the political status quo. this is why the nazis were called national socialists. because they stole rhetoric and language from socialist movements and twisted them to their own ends.
this is why average people supported the nazis. not because they were stupid or incredibly bigoted but because the nazi party promised we will provide just as soon as we deal with the Bad People. however once nazi control was assured, the entire left wing of the party were purged. Gregor Strasser who was the leader of the left wing was assassinated in the night of the long knives.
his whole political ideology was nazism but anti capitalist. pro trade union, anti banker, pro wealth redistrubution, pro socialised housing and medicine. all of which ended in them being slughtered when they were no longer necessary. these people existed and were the useful idiots that aided in hitler taking full power.
you need to pay attention to who is saying what and why. easy answers, scapegoating, portraying whoever the outgroup of the moment as being behind every ill in the world, surface level anticapitalism and anticolonialism, reactionary leanings in problem solving. anything to get you to point at a group and declare them they enemy.
this is why you need to learn history, pay attention to the sources you get your information from and what narrative they are trying to weave out of the situation.
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Working class Dems who campaign on economics beat Trumpists in elections
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I'm on tour with my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me FRIDAY NIGHT (Mar 22) in TORONTO, then SUNDAY (Mar 24) with LAURA POITRAS in NYC, then Anaheim, and more!
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The Democratic Party Pizzaburger Theory of Electioneering is: half the electorate wants a pizza, the other half wants a burger, so we'll give them all a pizzaburger and make them all equally dissatisfied, thus winning the election:
But no one wants a pizzaburger. The Biden administration's approach of letting the Warren/Sanders wing pick the antitrust enforcers while keeping judicial appointments in the Manchin-Synematic universe is a catastrophe in which progressive Dem regulators (who serve one term) are thwarted by corporatist Dem judges (who serve for life):
The Democrats – like all parties in two-party systems – are a coalition; in this case, a "progressive" liberal-left coalition with liberals serving as senior partners, steering the party and setting its policies. These corporate dems like to color themselves as "neutral" technocrats with "realistic, apolitical" policies that represent what's best for the country:
This sets up the left wing of the party as the starry-eyed, unrealistic radicals whose policies are unpopular and will lose elections. But for a decade, grassroots-funded primary challenges have made it possible to test this theory, by putting leftist politicians on the ballot in front of voters, especially in tight races with far-right Republicans (that is, exactly the kinds of races that the corporate wing of the party says we can't afford to take chances on).
The 2022 midterms included enough races to start testing these theories – and, unlike traditional midterms, these races enjoyed high voter turnout, thanks to the unpopularity of GOP positions like abortion bans, book bans and anti-trans laws. Jacobin teamed up with the Center for Working-Class Politics, Yougov and the Center for Work and Democracy at ASU and analyzed those races:
Their conclusion: candidates from working-class backgrounds who campaigned on economic policies like high-quality jobs, higher minimum wages, a jobs guarantee, ending offshoring and outsourcing, building infrastructure and bringing manufacturing back to the US won with a 50% share of the vote in rural and working-class districts. Dems who didn't lost with a 35% share of the vote:
In other words, in the kinds of districts where Trumpist politicians are beating Democrats, running on "left populist" policies beats Trumpist politicians.
That's the good news: if Dems recruit leftist, working class politicians and put them up for office on policies that address the material reality of voters' lives, they can beat fascist GOP candidates.
Now for the bad news: the Democratic establishment has no interest in getting these candidates onto the ballot. Working-class candidates, by definition, lack the networks of deep-pocketed cronies who can fund their primary campaigns. Only 2.3% of Dem candidates come from blue-collar backgrounds (if you include "pink-collar" professions like nursing and teaching, the number goes up to 5.9%):
All of this confirms the findings of Trump's Kryoptonite, an earlier Jacobin/CWCP research project that polled working-class voters on preferences for hypothetical candidates, finding that working-class candidates with economically progressive policies handily beat out Republicans, including MAGA Republicans:
Since the Clinton-Blair years, "progressives" have abandoned economic populism ("It's not a burning ambition for me to make sure that David Beckham earns less money" -T. Blair) and pursued a "third way" that seeks to replace half the world's of supply white, male oligarchs with diverse oligarchs from a variety of backgrounds and genders. We were told that this was done in the name of winning elections with "modern" policies that replaced old-fashioned ideas about decent pay, decent jobs, and worker power.
These policies have delivered a genocide-riven world on the brink of several kinds of existential catastrophe. They're a failure. The pizzaburger party didn't deliver safety, nor prosperity – and it also can't deliver elections.
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Name your price for 18 of my DRM-free ebooks and support the Electronic Frontier Foundation with the Humble Cory Doctorow Bundle.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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thenewdemocratus · 1 year
Slate Magazine: Dave Weigel: Sarah Palin vs. Beltway Republicans: Conservatism in America 2014
Source:The New Democrat  If Rick Santorum and Sarah Palin are the faces of Conservatism in America in 2014, then we might as well start planning its funeral and Liberals can declare victory in this ongoing ideological war of some 50 years now. The only two Conservatives at CPAC last weekend were Senator Rand Paul and former U.S. Senator/actor/talk show host/commercial spokesperson, whatever the…
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willrogerssays · 10 days
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corruptionchronicle · 1 month
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