#nats ledesma
jujuygrafico · 2 years
Morales ratificó promover inversiones, emprendimientos y desarrollo de proveedores
#Jujuy #Ledesma #LGSM | #GerardoMorales ratificó promover inversiones, emprendimientos y desarrollo de proveedores
El Gobernador de la Provincia de Jujuy, Gerardo Morales, participó de la apertura de la zafra 2022 del ingenio Ledesma, oportunidad en la cual, además de participar de la inauguración de una nueva línea de producción de Papel Nat, reivindicó el aporte de esa empresa al desarrollo económico y social de Jujuy, la generación de oportunidades laborales, el fortalecimiento de la cultura del trabajo y…
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Cuadernos tapas blandas. 40 hojas lisas / rayadas / punteadas. Papel Nat #ledesma #natledesma #papelcañadeazucar #encuadernacion #bookbinding #hechoamano https://www.instagram.com/p/CpFng-xO1e3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ssjthug · 5 years
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“ Making comics is a long and often expensive process. Our goal is to bring you a complete story featuring Dynamo Azaan that will show his world..”
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By  Roosevelt Pitt and Nats Ledesma
“ I've always loved the Saturday morning cartoons of the 70's and 80's. Especially the Hanna Barbera animated shows such as Space Ghost, Herculoids and Frankenstein Jr. Dynamo Azaan is sort of a homage to those shows which taught family unity, the importance of personal responsibility and moral values that I share. Dynamo Azaan is that project created through the lens of a little black boy who wanted to prove that he too can be a hero destined for greatness.”
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Jamil Khalid ten-year-old genius, designer of Dynamo Azaan
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Jamil's bio fusion suit! Equipped with an advanced state of the art visual components, stealth capabilities, limited flight and defensive weaponry.
The Main Mech: DYNAMO AZZAAN!!!
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At 50 Feet tall Dynamo Azaan has the powers of Flight, solar shields, Bio Kenietic eye beams, Energy containment/entrapment fields and an assortment of visual capabilities and other offensive weapons.
  As the worlds first Bio-sentient Robot or Bio-Synthedroid Dynamo Azaan is equipped with tri-dimensional cerebral unit or T.D.C.U. A highly advanced electronic brain that simulates the synapses functions of a human brain and houses experiences for future recall.
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A Revolving Cockpit for Jamil that can detach and converted into a land to air vehicle.
Characters: The good guys.
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Dr. Yassir Khalid father of Jamil is the worlds foremost expert in bionics and robotics. He is also the builder of Dynam Azaan and founder of Khalid Industries.
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Special Agent Shelia Danhurst: One of the top field agents of the FBI it takes a lot to make her nervous. When it happens, she calls Dynamo Azaan!
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The only student who’s come close to challenging Jamil in the academic arena, Carmen Sung loves competition.  sometimes wisecracking, but down to earth and practical, Carmen helps Jamil see the bigger picture in most situations .
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Chief Nwankwo: Tough as nails and a pure believer of "going by the book", Chief Achojah Nwankwo will use every means at his disposal including his special tactical unit the Last R.E.S.O.R.T.
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The Orishna goddess of love and creation and the mother of Jamil Khalid.  She is also referred to as the queen of the witches: She is a teacher of both magic and mysticism.  Oshun loves casting spells, especially those related to romance and seduction. She is the granter of wishes and all of your heart’s desires.
The Bad Guys
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Dr. Cryptic, A lover of cryptic messages and a master of genetic engineering, Dr. Francis Stewart known as Dr. Cryptic plans to bring back the prehistoric age no matter the cost.
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Madam Matrix
Sylvia Colter is the mistress of cyberspace and owner of the worldwide internet conglomerate Uninet.Sylvia Colter is also the ominous Madam Matrix.  
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Atomic Sam  
Atomic Sam has the power of atomic fusion and can increase his mass for short periods of time as well as generate atomic blasts at will.
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Creator/Writer Dynamo Azaan
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So, please support and spread it around to others.
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tapecase-space · 5 years
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Louise Episode 6
Featuring the  music of Karen O & Danger Mouse, Lee "Scratch" Perry & The Upsetters, Susumu Yokota, Nat "King" Cole, Can, Brian Eno, Yo La Tengo, Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith, Cocteau Twins & Harold Budd, The Ronettes,  Jo Stafford and the Paul Weston and His Orchestra & George Greeley, 明晰夢, Hrvatski, Sugar Minott, Felicia Atkinson & Jefre Cantu-Ledesma, 睡眠⾳音楽のアカデミー, Ethel Azama, Metoronori, VisibleCloaks,  Helena Hauff, and Blondie
with Louise Hay
featuring ASMR Ambient sound by Lisabelle ASMR, Miracle Forest, and Dr. Robert Duff
also with sound and dialogue from the movie, Worlds Beyond
Listen to Louise
Louise is a radio show programmed by Touch Touch Publishing  ∵ ∴ Archived and broadcast on BFF.FM in San Francisco Saturday 2am to 4am Pacific
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lelitblog · 5 years
Viviendo con mi psicosis: La angustia del cuerpo
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La angustia, la creadora, no me dice
ni una palabra o himno. Un vaho
de lejanos perfiles, noche y día
me desvela; no he descubierto aún
por qué la pulsadora
ceniza no es un fruto,
un reflejo;
ni cuándo de la dicha necesaria
podrá nacer lo último:
la evidencia del alba.
-        Efraín Huerta
¿Qué hay en la apariencia del cuerpo que nos carcome tanto su imperfección? ¿Por qué a la Angustia le gusta posarse en las curvaturas de la cadera o del abdomen? ¿De qué posible toxina se nos enturbia la mente cuando la mirada se desliza por la propia piel? El dolor que provoca la lastimosa sensación de insuficiencia nunca dejará de mutar en una distinta combinación de razones siempre cambiantes en cada individuo en el que se incrustan. Pero lo cierto es que no hay ni una gota de transparencia en la imagen de nosotros mismos que contemplamos en el espejo. La poca objetividad que aun no ha sido empapada con los miedos, las inseguridades, la nadería que nos untamos en los ojos cuando juzgamos el aspecto propio, y la poquedad que nos hernia alrededor de la tráquea y la contrae, es prácticamente nula. Incluso cuando la apreciación hacia uno mismo no podría ser más grande y nos gusta lo que somos y lo que vemos, algo, algún comentario ajeno, alguna punzada insignificante y pasajera, o algún pensamiento rápido y fugaz de aquello que nos falta para alcanzar la perfección, se tergiversa con los segundos que pasamos frente al espejo. Pero ¿Qué pasa cuando el sentimiento de ser poco más que nada se vuelve patológico? ¿Cuándo los segundos de desdén hacia uno mismo se multiplican y proliferan hasta que todo tú te sientes infecto de miedo, de asco, de aversión?
           No voy a pretender que sé la respuesta. Mi espejo no ha sido más que el objeto de los complejos que se fueron soldando en algún rincón dentro de mí, y no recuerdo cuándo fue la última vez en que mis “defectos” más evidentes no hayan sido objeto de crítica para todos aquellos que sintieron que mi físico era de su incumbencia. No voy a negar que, como todos, he tenido momentos en los que he querido cambiar más cosas de mí misma de lo que mi vergüenza me permite admitir, pero nunca he sentido un completo desprecio hacia lo que soy físicamente, e infiero que es porque tuve la fortuna de entender a pronta edad que sin aceptación personal la vida es un tanto tortuosa, quemante y sanguinaria. Hirientes no es un adjetivo que usaría para definir de manera generalizada las experiencias de vida que tuve, por lo que, para mí, el espejo permaneció objeto y mi cuerpo nunca se ha distorsionado de tal manera que sea motivo de los miedos y las preocupaciones que me martirizan la conciencia por las noches; no ha sido aquello que me exprime la tristeza a tal grado que ésta dependa de un hoyo más o menos en mis cinturones; de si uso la talla mediana o chica; de si mi clavícula se nota más o menos que la de la “chica bonita de la escuela”; que si puedo o no sentir mis costillas, que si mis piernas, mis brazos y mi cintura son más o menos parecidas a las de aquellas gentes que han sido calificadas como perfectas. Desafortunadamente, no todos han tenido mi suerte. Hay trastornos, tales como la anorexia y la bulimia, que zigzaguean por los surcos de los duelos de algunas almas vidriosas y urden sus tormentos a la tela corrosiva de la psicosis.
          Por años, he escuchado atribuir este tipo de problemas a los estereotipos de la sociedad; a las modelos con el cuerpo soñado, a las burlas que se mezclan con los susurros en el pasillo de la escuela y que te retumban en el oído: “está gorda, ¿no tiene cintura?” “de seguro se la pasa comiendo y comiendo” “debería hacer una dieta, ¿enserio se va a comer eso?” “está gorda, está gorda, está gorda…”. Y por supuesto que cuando eres joven y aun no tienes idea quién eres, cuando apenas te estás construyendo y algunos pedazos de ti se despegan y se despegan dejando huecos que aún no encuentras con qué llenar, el propio equilibrio se cuartea al más fino tacto de la insuficiencia. Sin embargo, como dice la doctora Araceli Aizpuru, “aunque los trastornos alimenticios parece que únicamente están relacionados con la imagen corporal, sólo es la punta del iceberg, y de alguna manera es como un síntoma. Es como la fiebre que nos está mostrando que hay algo mal pero que no es el problema. (…) No saben cómo pedir ayuda y esa carencia de comunicación se canaliza a través del cuerpo y de la comida como objetos de angustia. (…) Lamentablemente, estos síntomas los pueden llevar a la muerte.” (Aizpuru, 2018)
        Piensan que comer es motivo de vergüenza, que el afecto se pesa, que no hay otra cosa dentro de ti que valga más que lo palpable y lo visible, que la felicidad yace en el asentir de la misma gente que araña y desfigura la percepción de uno mismo, que el peso del cuerpo es más importante que el peso de la mente, de la autoestima, del corazón. “Cuando veía a mi mamá comer me daba asco (…) no comía por once días seguidos y lo poco que comía lo vomitaba. Usaba muchos laxantes, escondía la comida (…) juro que en el espejo me veía gorda, me sigo viendo gorda.” (Angélica, 2018) Hay una dualidad en el núcleo del dolor de uno mismo, en el que el cuerpo se aferra a la vida mientras la mente lo va matando de a poco. Es una enfermedad solitaria y silenciosa que bulle desde los más profundo de la desesperación por alcanzar lo inexistente; un humo caliente que se inhala de repente y carboniza todo desde adentro hasta que esas brasas dolientes y mortuorias terminan por hacer que se luche contra la biología: contra la necesidad de comer. Uno se mata sin querer matarse, se mata buscando otra cosa e ignorando que lo único que se puede encontrar es la cara de la Muerte. “Yo nunca me he querido morir, sólo que nunca he sabido cómo vivir”. (Angélica, 2018)
       Mantener satisfecho a todo el mundo es algo que con el tiempo todos aceptamos como imposible. Algunos te desdeñan por tener kilos de más o, en mi caso, por tener kilos de menos. Así que es de esperarse que en algún momento todo ese hastío provocado por opiniones que no pediste se deshaga, sino por completo, sí hasta al punto de convertirse en un hálito casi imperceptible y tolerable. A mí, por ejemplo, las vértebras que sobresalen en demasía de mi piel y los comentarios de “te vas a romper”, dejaron de ser más que molestias esporádicas que únicamente despiertan mi desgano cuando estoy agrietada por la vida más de lo normal. Mis ojeras, mis costillas, mis brazos huesudos, mis pies asimétricos, entre otras cosas, me son indiferentes la mayoría del tiempo. Y ese es el anhelo y el suplicio de la gente cortada por este tipo de trastornos: que los “defectos” de su cuerpo los dejen dormir por las noches. “Que te tengan encerrado en un lugar y te pongan a comer un plato de comida entero cuando tu mente está enferma y débil y tu cuerpo también, es doble sufrimiento. Pero nadie lo entiende, nadie lo entiende así. Entienden que tú eres una niña caprichosa y estúpida que no sé por qué no te comes la comida. ¿Por qué no te comes la comida y ya no vomitas? Eso es lo que dicen todos y me enoja tanto, tanto, tanto. (…)” ( Angélica, 2018). Así que dejemos de pensar que es un mero capricho, que pasará, que son débiles, influenciables, suicidas, porque nadie es ajeno a la insuficiencia. Y sí, quizá ésta no sea el objeto de nuestro dolor, pero lo es para alguien y, si tristemente no hay nada en nuestras manos que nos permita arrancarles el sufrimiento que ya les ha hecho metástasis en el alma, por lo menos podemos tratar de entender que el dolor hierve en la sangre de todos. 
Pero cuánto pavor,
violenta alma mediata,
te infunde todavía esa burlona voz
que a solas te susurra “estás salvada”.
 No, no:
tu destino ni ha muerto ni es tu esclavo.
Soberbia y Miedo, confesad:
la vida toda fue verdad.
-        Tomás Segovia
Por Luz Ledesma
(2018). Anorexia y bulimia Nat Geo. National Geographic Latinoamérica. [Archivo de video]. Recuperado de https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lq548SjJ48w
Huerta, E. «Poesía en movimiento.» Ciudad de México: siglo veintiun editores, 1966. 249.
Segovia, T. «Poesía en movimiento.» Ciudad de México: siglo veintiun editores, 1966. 146.
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legion-libros · 3 years
Pero... ¿ Quién mató a Susan Miller ? - Silver Kane
Pero… ¿ Quién mató a Susan Miller ? – Silver Kane
Poco a poco, las carcajadas cesaron. El silencio pesado, expectante, también pareció volverse del color de las luces amarillas. Nat Temple intentó huir, pero ya no pudo. Quedó tenso, jadeante, al darse cuenta de que alguien acababa de cerrar la puerta. Francisco González Ledesma (Barcelona, 17 de marzo de 1927-ibídem, 2 de marzo de 2015)​ fue un periodista, guionista de historietas y novelista…
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responsivesites · 4 years
New Post has been published on Website Design Naples Florida Webmaster
New Post has been published on https://vinbo.com/wordpress-5-4-adderley/
WordPress 5.4 “Adderley”
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Here it is! Named “Adderley” in honor of Nat Adderley, the latest and greatest version of WordPress is available for download or update in your dashboard.
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Say hello to more and better.
More ways to make your pages come alive. With easier ways to get it all done and looking better than ever—and boosts in speed you can feel.
Welcome to WordPress 5.4
Every major release adds more to the block editor.
More ways to make posts and pages come alive with your best images. More ways to bring your visitors in, and keep them engaged, with the richness of embedded media from the web’s top services.
More ways to make your vision real, and put blocks in the perfect place—even if a particular kind of block is new to you. More efficient processes.
And more speed everywhere, so as you build sections or galleries, or just type in a line of prose, you can feel how much faster your work flows.
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Two new blocks. And better blocks overall.
Two brand-new blocks: Social Icons and Buttons make adding interactive features fast and easy.
New ways with color: Gradients in the Buttons and Cover block, toolbar access to color options in Rich Text blocks, and for the first time, color options in the Group and Columns blocks.
Guess a whole lot less! Version 5.4 streamlines the whole process for placing and replacing multimedia in every block. Now it works the same way in almost every block!
And if you’ve ever thought your image in the Media+Text block should link to something else—perhaps a picture of a brochure should download that brochure as a document? Well, now it can.
Cleaner UI, clearer navigation—and easier tabbing!
Clearer block navigation with block breadcrumbs. And easier selection once you get there.
For when you need to navigate with the keyboard, better tabbing and focus. Plus, you can tab over to the sidebar of nearly any block.
Speed! 14% faster loading of the editor, 51% faster time-to-type!
Tips are gone. In their place, a Welcome Guide window you can bring up when you need it—and only when you need it—again and again.
Know at a glance whether you’re in a block’s Edit or Navigation mode. Or, if you have restricted vision, your screen reader will tell you which mode you’re in.
Of course, if you want to work with the very latest tools and features, install the Gutenberg plugin. You’ll get to be the first to use new and exciting features in the block editor before anyone else has seen them!
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Your fundamental right: privacy
5.4 helps with a variety of privacy issues around the world. So when users and stakeholders ask about regulatory compliance, or how your team handles user data, the answers should be a lot easier to get right.
Take a look:
Now personal data exports include users session information and users location data from the community events widget. Plus, a table of contents!
See progress as you process export and erasure requests through the privacy tools.
Plus, little enhancements throughout give the privacy tools a little cleaner look. Your eyes will thank you!
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Just for developers
Add custom fields to menu items—natively
Two new actions let you add custom fields to menu items—without a plugin and without writing custom walkers.
On the Menus admin screen, wp_nav_menu_item_custom_fields fires just before the move buttons of a nav menu item in the menu editor.
In the Customizer, wp_nav_menu_item_custom_fields_customize_template fires at the end of the menu-items form-fields template.
Check your code and see where these new actions can replace your custom code, and if you’re concerned about duplication, add a check for the WordPress version.
Blocks! Simpler styling, new APIs and embeds
Radically simpler block styling. Negative margins and default padding are gone! Now you can style blocks the way you need them. And, a refactor got rid of four redundant wrapper divs.
If you build plugins, now you can register collections of your blocks by namespace across categories—a great way to get more brand visibility.
Let users do more with two new APIs: block variations and gradients.
In embeds, now the block editor supports TikTok—and CollegeHumor is gone.
There’s lots more for developers to love in WordPress 5.4. To discover more and learn how to make these changes shine on your sites, themes, plugins and more, check the WordPress 5.4 Field Guide.
The Squad
This release was led by Matt Mullenweg, Francesca Marano, and David Baumwald. They were enthusiastically supported by a release squad:
Editor Tech: Jorge Filipe Costa (@jorgefelipecosta)
Editor Design: Mark Uraine (@mapk)
Core Tech: Sergey Biryukov (@sergeybiryukov)
Design: Tammie Lister (@karmatosed)
Docs Coordinator: JB Audras (@audrasjb)
Docs & Comms Wrangler: Mary Baum (@marybaum)
The squad was joined throughout the release cycle by 552 generous volunteer contributors who collectively worked on 361 tickets on Trac and 1226 pull requests on GitHub.
Put on a Nat Adderley playlist, click that update button (or download it directly), and check the profiles of the fine folks that helped:
0v3rth3d4wn, 123host, 1naveengiri, Aaron Jorbin, Abhijit Rakas, abrightclearweb, acosmin, Adam Silverstein, adamboro, Addie, adnan.limdi, Aezaz Shaikh, Aftab Ali Muni, Aki Björklund, Akib, Akira Tachibana, akshayar, Alain Schlesser, Albert Juhé Lluveras, Alex Concha, Alex Mills, AlexHolsgrove, alexischenal, alextran, alishankhan, allancole, Allen Snook, alpipego, Amir Seljubac, Amit Dudhat, Amol Vhankalas, Amr Gawish, Amy Kamala, Anantajit JG, Anders Norén, Andrés, Andrea Fercia, Andrea Tarantini, andreaitm, Andrei Draganescu, Andrew Dixon, Andrew Duthie, Andrew Nacin, Andrew Ozz, Andrew Serong, Andrew Wilder, Andrey Savchenko, Andy Fragen, Andy Meerwaldt, Andy Peatling, Angelika Reisiger, Ankit Panchal, Anthony Burchell, Anthony Ledesma, apedog, Apermo, apieschel, Aravind Ajith, archon810, arenddeboer, Ari Stathopoulos, Arslan Ahmed, ashokrd2013, Ataur R, Ate Up With Motor, autotutorial, Ayesh Karunaratne, BackuPs, bahia0019, Bappi, Bart Czyz, ben.greeley, benedictsinger, Benjamin Intal, bibliofille, bilgilabs, Birgir Erlendsson, Birgit Pauli-Haack, BMO, Boga86, Boone Gorges, Brad Markle, Brandon Kraft, Brent Swisher, Cameron Voell, Carolina Nymark, ceyhun0, Chetan Prajapati, Chetan Satasiya, Chintesh Prajapati, Chip Snyder, Chris Klosowski, Chris Trynkiewicz (Sukces Strony), Chris Van Patten, Christian Sabo, Christiana Mohr, clayisland, Copons, Corey McKrill, crdunst, Csaba (LittleBigThings), Dademaru, Damián Suárez, Daniel Bachhuber, Daniel James, Daniel Llewellyn, Daniel Richards, Daniele Scasciafratte, daniloercoli, Darren Ethier (nerrad), darrenlambert, Dave Mackey, Dave Smith, daveslaughter, DaveWP196, David Artiss, David Binovec, David Herrera, David Ryan, David Shanske, David Stone, Debabrata Karfa, dekervit, Delowar Hossain, Denis Yanchevskiy, Dhaval kasavala, dhurlburtusa, Dilip Bheda, dingo-d, Dion Hulse, dipeshkakadiya, djp424, dominic_ks, Dominik Schilling, Dotan Cohen, dphiffer, dragosh635, Drew Jaynes, eclev91, ecotechie, eden159, Edi Amin, edmundcwm, Eduardo Toledo, Ella van Durpe, Ellen Bauer, Emil E, Enrique Piqueras, Enrique Sánchez, equin0x80, erikkroes, Estela Rueda, Fabian, Fabian Kägy, Fahim Murshed, Faisal Alvi, Felipe Elia, Felipe Santos, Felix Arntz, Fernando Souza, fervillz, fgiannar, flaviozavan, Florian TIAR, Fotis Pastrakis, Frank Martin, Gal Baras, Garrett Hyder, Gary Jones, Gary Pendergast, Gaurang Dabhi, George Stephanis, geriux, Girish Panchal, Gleb Kemarsky, Glenn, Goto Hayato, grafruessel, Greg Rickaby, Grzegorz Ziółkowski, Grzegorz.Janoszka, Gustavo Bordoni, gwwar, hamedmoodi, hAmpzter, happiryu, Hareesh Pillai, Harry Milatz, Haz, helgatheviking, Henry Holtgeerts, Himani Lotia, Hubert Kubiak, i3anaan, Ian Belanger, Ian Dunn, ianatkins, ianmjones, IdeaBox Creations, Ihtisham Zahoor, intimez, Ipstenu (Mika Epstein), Isabel Brison, ispreview, Jake Spurlock, Jakub Binda, James Huff, James Koster, James Nylen, jameslnewell, Janki Moradiya, Jarret, Jasper van der Meer, jaydeep23290, jdy68, Jean-Baptiste Audras, Jean-David Daviet, Jeff Bowen, Jeff Ong, Jeff Paul, Jeffrey Carandang, jeichorn, Jenil Kanani, Jenny Wong, jepperask, Jer Clarke, Jeremy Felt, Jeremy Herve, Jeroen Rotty, Jerry Jones, Jessica Lyschik, Jip Moors, Joe Dolson, Joe Hoyle, Joe McGill, Joen Asmussen, John Blackbourn, John James Jacoby, John Watkins, Jon, Jon Quach, Jon Surrell, Jonathan Desrosiers, Jonathan Goldford, Jonny Harris, Jono Alderson, Joonas Vanhatapio, Joost de Valk, Jorge Bernal, Jorge Costa, Josepha Haden, JoshuaWold, Joy, jqz, jsnajdr, Juanfra Aldasoro, Julian Weiland, julian.kimmig, Juliette Reinders Folmer, Julio Potier, Junko Nukaga, jurgen, justdaiv, Justin Ahinon, K. Adam White, kaggdesign, KalpShit Akabari, Kantari Samy, Kaspars, Kelly Dwan, Kennith Nichol, Kevin Hagerty, Kharis Sulistiyono, Khushbu Modi, killerbishop, kinjaldalwadi, kitchin, Kite, Kjell Reigstad, kkarpieszuk, Knut Sparhell, KokkieH, Konstantin Obenland, Konstantinos Xenos, Krystyna, kubiq, kuflievskiy, Kukhyeon Heo, kyliesabra, Laken Hafner, leandroalonso, leogermani, lgrev01, linuxologos, lisota, Lorenzo Fracassi, luisherranz, luisrivera, lukaswaudentio, Lukasz Jasinski, Luke Cavanagh, Lydia Wodarek, M A Vinoth Kumar, maciejmackowiak, Mahesh Waghmare, Manzoor Wani, marcelo2605, Marcio Zebedeu, MarcoZ, Marcus Kazmierczak, Marek Dědič, Marius Jensen, Marius84, Mark Jaquith, Mark Marzeotti, Mark Uraine, Martin Stehle, Marty Helmick, Mary Baum, Mat Gargano, Mat Lipe, Mathieu Viet, Matias Ventura, Matt Keys, Matt van Andel, mattchowning, Matthew Kevins, mattnyeus, maxme, mayanksonawat, mbrailer, Mehidi Hassan, Mel Choyce-Dwan, mensmaximus, Michael Arestad, Michael Ecklund, Michael Panaga, Michelle Schulp, miette49, Miguel Fonseca, Miguel Torres, mihdan, Miina Sikk, Mikael Korpela, Mike Auteri, Mike Hansen, Mike Schinkel [WPLib Box project lead], Mike Schroder, mikejdent, Mikko Saari, Milan Patel, Milan Petrovic, mimi, mircoraffinetti, mjnewman, mlbrgl, Morgan Estes, Morteza Geransayeh, mppfeiffer, mryoga, Muhammad Usama Masood, mujuonly, Mukesh Panchal, Nadir Seghir, nagoke, Nahid Ferdous Mohit, Nate Finch, Nazmul Ahsan, nekomajin, NextScripts, Nick Daugherty, Nick Halsey, Nicklas Sundberg, Nicky Lim, nicolad, Nicolas Juen, nicole2292, Niels Lange, nikhilgupte, nilamacharya, noahtallen, noyle, nsubugak, oakesjosh, oldenburg, Omar Alshaker, Otto Kekäläinen, Ov3rfly, Paal Joachim Romdahl, page-carbajal, pagewidth, Paragon Initiative Enterprises, Pascal Birchler, Pascal Casier, Paul Bearne, Paul Biron, Paul Kevin, Paul Schreiber, pcarvalho, Pedro Mendonça, perrywagle, Peter Wilson, Philip Jackson, Pierre Gordon, Pierre Lannoy, pikamander2, Prashant Singh, Pratik Jain, Presskopp, Priyanka Behera, Raam Dev, Rachel Cherry, Rachel Peter, ragnarokatz, Rami Yushuvaev, raoulunger, razamalik, Remco Tolsma, rephotsirch, rheinardkorf, Riad Benguella, Ricard Torres, Rich Tabor, rimadoshi, Rinku Y, Rob Cutmore, rob006, Robert Anderson, Roi Conde, Roland Murg, Rostislav Wolný, Roy Tanck, Russell Heimlich, Ryan, Ryan Fredlund, Ryan McCue, Ryan Welcher, Ryo, Sébastien SERRE, sablednah, Sampat Viral, Samuel Wood (Otto), SamuelFernandez, Sander, santilinwp, Sathiyamoorthy V, Schuhwerk, Scott Reilly, Scott Taylor, scruffian, scvleon, Sebastian Pisula, Sergey Biryukov, Sergio de Falco, sergiomdgomes, sgastard, sgoen, Shaharia Azam, Shannon Smith, shariqkhan2012, Shawntelle Coker, sheparddw, Shital Marakana, Shizumi Yoshiaki, simonjanin, sinatrateam, sirreal, skorasaurus, smerriman, socalchristina, Soren Wrede, spenserhale, sproutchris, squarecandy, starvoters1, SteelWagstaff, steevithak, Stefano Minoia, Stefanos Togoulidis, steffanhalv, Stephen Bernhardt, Stephen Edgar, Steve Dufresne, Steve Grunwell, stevenlinx, Stiofan, straightvisions GmbH, stroona.com, Subrata Mal, Subrata Sarkar, Sultan Nasir Uddin, swapnild, Sybre Waaijer, Sérgio Estêvão, Takayuki Miyauchi, Takeshi Furusato, Tammie Lister, Tanvirul Haque, TBschen, tdlewis77, Tellyworth, Thamaraiselvam, thefarlilacfield, ThemeZee, Tim Havinga, Tim Hengeveld, timon33, Timothée Brosille, Timothy Jacobs, Tkama, tmanoilov, tmatsuur, tobifjellner (Tor-Bjorn Fjellner), Tom Greer, Tom J Nowell, tommix, Toni Viemerö, Toro_Unit (Hiroshi Urabe), torres126, Torsten Landsiedel, Towhidul Islam, tristangemus, tristanleboss, tsuyoring, Tung Du, Udit Desai, Ulrich, upadalavipul, Utsav tilava, Vaishali Panchal, Valentin Bora, Varun Shanbhag, Veminom, Vinita Tandulkar, virgodesign, Vlad. S., vortfu, waleedt93, WebMan Design | Oliver Juhas, websupporter, Weston Ruter, William Earnhardt, William Patton, wpgurudev, WPMarmite, wptoolsdev, xedinunknown-1, yale01, Yannicki, Yordan Soares, Yui, zachflauaus, Zack Tollman, Zebulan Stanphill, Zee, and zsusag.
Many thanks to all of the community volunteers who contribute in the support forums. They answer questions from people across the world, whether they are using WordPress for the first time or since the first release. These releases are more successful for their efforts!
Finally, thanks to all the community translators who worked on WordPress 5.4. Their efforts bring WordPress fully translated to 46 languages at release time, with more on the way.
If you want to learn more about volunteering with WordPress, check out Make WordPress or the core development blog.
Original source: https://wordpress.org/news/2020/03/adderley/
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solonerdbird · 3 years
My interview with the Creator and Narrative Writer of 'Joystick Angels’, T.J. Sterling, (@raecomics) currently on Kickstarter. Collaborators include J. Spenser Sterling (Soundtrack Producer), Nats "Shun" Ledesma (artist), Loris Ravina (colorist), and Deron Bennett. <LINK IN BIO>
Original theme music 'Neon Drive' composed by Tim Roven on www.tabeltopaudio.com. <LINK IN BIO>
-KICKSTARTER: http://kck.st/33Cr8wf
-T.J.'s artist website: www.raecomics.com
Now streaming on:
IG: solonerdbirdpodcast
Twitter: solonerdbirdpod
FB: solonerdbirdpod
Tumblr: solonerdbird
WordPress: solonerdbird.wordpress.com
Fanbase: solonerdbirdpodcast
Twitch: solo_nerd_bird
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jujuygrafico · 2 years
Ledesma comenzó una nueva zafra
#Jujuy #Agroindistria #Economía | #Ledesma comenzó una nueva #zafra
Ledesma inició su cosecha anual de caña de azúcar en la provincia de Jujuy, donde se origina el proceso productivo de azúcar, papel, bioetanol, cuadernos y repuestos y productos electrolíticos.Este año, Ledesma espera una producción de azúcar similar a la de 2021, con una molienda de alrededor de 3.200.000 toneladas de caña. El año pasado, la compañía jujeña produjo 308.000 toneladas de azúcar…
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ssjthug · 3 years
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This campaign is funding the first two issues of Joystick Angels!
A NEW comic series written by T.J. and Spencer Sterling, Illustrated by Nats "Shun" Ledesma, colored by Loris Ravina and lettered by Deron Bennett of Andworld Design. This will be a full color, 54-page comic book with some very cool Variant Covers!
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The purpose of this campaign and our mission is to help put this entertaining and unique comic series Joystick Angels into the hands of people all over the world and continue to celebrate positive and uplifting black stories in comics.
It is also our prime mission to bring many more of our creative projects to life with the help of the Kickstarter community and more.
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Issue one of JOYSTICK ANGELS is 100% drawn and colored. Lettering is taking place as this campaign is running. Here are some samples of the amazing work by artist Nats "Shun" Ledesma and colorist Loris Ravina.
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Damien Fox aka FOX
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He is the brash and cocky 16 year old leader of the Angels fighter pilot team. At the age of five Fox’s parents were killed in the first galactic war against the Eukarya Empire. Raised by the officials at Libor, Fox made it his life's mission to become a space pilot like his parents before him and fight the evil of the Eukarya. Fox has a serious chip on his shoulder which eventually gets him into trouble but his keen eye and almost prodigy-like understanding of space jets makes him a major asset to the movement.
Lexi Winbush aka DEUCE
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a 16yr old animal humanoid hybrid creature which they call The Naku. She along with many of her kind spent most of her life in a lab and was created for the sole purpose of assisting Libor space squadrons in extra-planetary exploration by testing out living conditions. This is something that she is not happy with which has caused many issues in her life. The only person that really accepted her for as she was and treated her like a person was Fox. When Fox formed the Angels team she joined as his second in command. Her animalistic side also makes very formidable in battle.
Andrew Marx aka DRAGONETT
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He is a flamboyant 16 year old black kid who is a lover of music and dance as well as all 80-90’s. He also happens to be the fastest fighter pilot in all of Libor. Just like Fox, Dragonetti’s parents were killed in the first galactic war against the Eukarya. Growing up on the Libor Space Station Dragonetti stayed getting into trouble and eventually met Fox and was swayed by his passion and devotion towards retribution. He eventually joined him and partnered with Fox to create the Joystick Angels team where he serves as Battle officer and strategist.
Aisha Garcia aka LEGZ
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a 14 year old AfroLatina Queer girl who serves the Angels team as lead engineer and tech wiz kid. Legz spends most of her time building robotic sentries, writing AI code and servicing the Angels ships in preparation for battle or space flight. She also has a very hot temper which gets her into trouble. So much trouble that she met Fox in a stockade after they both got caught stealing. From that point on they formed a bond and eventually years later when Fox formed the Angels she joined her friend as one of his right hands.
Cassandra Middleton aka TANK
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She is a strong and snappy young 15 year old black girl who doubles as espionage agent for the Libor government as well as a member of the Angels team. Besides being one of the best pilots in the galaxy she also is assigned to interplanetary travel and intel collection. She serves the Angels as lead strategist and data analyst. Tank only grew up with her mother as her father died in the first galactic war against the Eukarya. Her love of life is only eclipsed by her love for all things fashion and retro. She is assigned to join the Angels and provide multi level support.
Tj Sterling - Founder, Co-creator and Writer Joystick Angels
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TJ Sterling is the owner/operator of RAE Comics. He is also the cowriter for the Joystick Angels comic series and the lead writer and artist for the ongoing comic series Okemus. He has also the writer for the Tisena, Okemus Dark History and APG series, all coming soon.
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Nats "Shun" Ledesma - Illustrator Joystick Angels
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Jonathan L. Ledesma, but in the Art Realm, also known as Shun-008. His work usually falls in the areas of Concept Design,  environments to creatures, armors and weapons... and characters. He learned to through a friend of his who taught him the basics. From there, he started developing his own style upon seeing different art styles from artists in comics. Artists like... Dale Keown, Joe Madureira, Clayton Crain and other artists from the 90's.
Had the opportunity to work as a Layout Artist on some of the leading animation studios here in the Philippines. Companies like Toon City, Filcartoons, Philippine Animation Studio Inc., and Sketzaholiks.
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filamento-cuadernos · 2 years
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Cuadernos tamaño A5 15x21 cm Tapas blandas Encuadernación acaballada 64 hojas lisas Papel bookcel 80 grs y Nat ledesma #cuadernos #libretas #acaballado #encuadernacionartesanal https://www.instagram.com/p/Cb9CET5sWnb/?utm_medium=tumblr
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