#natticus writes stuff
natticusthegomamon · 2 years
Am contemplating which name to go with over on cohost dot org; Natticus or NatticusTheGomamon? I’m not always a Gomamon, though that’s what most folks know me as now #DigimonProblems
In the meantime, check out the rest of the Gomamon pod along with Gomamon Day 2022 posts coming December 9 and (SFW) re-shared posts over there now! :3
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natticusthegomamon · 6 years
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"Thinkin' about those guys is like washing up old stones, but hey, even those will disappear eventually. It'll get better, okay?"
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natticusthegomamon · 9 years
About the Muse Meme [Natticus]
“Rules”: repost with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc. If you fail to achieve some of the facts, feel free to add some other of your own! When you’re done, tag some followers to do the same!
tagged by: @astamxn​
BASICS Name: Natticus Age: a few cycles, haven't really kept count Birthdate: dunno, but I came to Earth on December 9th Species: Gomamon [Marine Animal Digimon] Gender: Male Orientation: Haven't really thought about it. What's that one where you're not too sure until you get to know them first? Probably that. Humans have so many words for these @_@ Profession: Here on Earth "unemployed" seems to fit my situation best, but I am a digimon partner, does that count for anything?
PHYSICAL ASPECTS Hair Fur: White with purple markings and a red mane Eyes: Teal Skin: Light brown [like a Bukamon] Height: From my mane to my paws, about 20.5"/52cm. I'm longer than I am tall though Weight: Around 30GB; don't ask me to convert that
FAMILY Siblings: Don't know any Parents: Never met 'em Grandparents: Ditto Other Relatives: No idea! It's hard to track lineage when you're a digimon Pets: ...Do the marching fish count?
SKILLS Abilities: swimming, diving, surviving in cold climates, digivolving Hobbies: eating, sleeping, playing in the snow, watching movies, lazing around
TRAITS Positive: I'm awesome, cute and cuddly~ Outgoing and friendly, but I only take the time to truly befriend a few, but I'll be there for ya no matter what, so if you're one of 'em you'll know...probably. If not, don’t worry, you’re still better as a tool ally than an enemy :3 I'll know if you betray me! I’m not very cuddly when I’m angry ;>_>  Negative: Everymon here says I'm spoiled and a troublemaker, but that’s totally not true ._.; I'm also not much of a fighter unless I have no other choice, because then I have to evolve, and that takes effort.
LIKES Colors: Icy-blue and purple Smells: The ocean and fresh seafood~ Textures: ...can't think of anything in particular Drinks: I'm good with water
OTHER DETAILS Smokes?: No, ew :< Drugs: Nah Driver License: Nope [no legs to reach the pedals] Ever Been Arrested?: No, I'm a good digimon :3 good at not getting caught
TAGGING - Whoever wants to do it, I don't care~
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natticusthegomamon · 9 years
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Natticus: Tah-dah! I told you guys I’d get this done...eventually ^^;
Zarrus: Yo, IceDevimon though? The hell happened to you?
Natticus: It was a one time thing, an accidental evolution in an emergency I swear D: I kinda went too far inland one day and couldn’t run fast enough to get back to the water before a big blizzard hit the area... Let me tell you how awkward it is to go from flipper-paws to arms-on-stilts ;>_> Flying is an interesting experience but like, no. Never again.
Zarrus: Can’t you just dig through the ice though? Weak!
Natticus: No, because when you go further up on land it’s tundra. That’s frozen dirt for your information. I’m not a Drimogemon :/
Zarrus: I can’t believe your main ultimate form is that blue and white noodle, you’re a weirdo.
Natticus: I’m sure your ultimate form isn’t that interesting or awesome. What even is it?
Zarrus: Not telling :b Maybe I’ll do one of these chart things too sometime, then everyone will know how much more awesome I am~
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natticusthegomamon · 10 years
New blog!
Hey I have one of these cool blog things~ Now I gotta write up some posts to make it more exciting. First things first though, Natticus is not:
-A ship [ships belong in the ocean!]
-A shellfish [that's just rude]
-That mythology guy that loves himself [totally not like him, ignore what my tamer says ;>_>]
-The Gomamon from Digimon Adventure [don't get me wrong, he's a cool mon but we're totally different!]
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