#goma pod commentary
natticusthegomamon · 7 years
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Elliot: Since it’s 2018, I went looking for a new calendar for Fan~ This one didn’t cost anything, and it’s all about Canada! :o Hopefully it gets here soon! :3
[[ ‘Content source’ is the link to get one for yourself, it’s 100% free for Canadians! Free is something I can afford these days lol ]]
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natticusthegomamon · 7 years
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Natticus: It’s heeeeeeeerrrreeeeee! ( ºωº )
Fandramon: Calm down a bit Natticus, sheesh. Glad it fits you, I was worried it was too small-
Zarrus: You mean, you thought Red would be too fat? :b
Natticus: I’m not fat, and I’m not Red either! Grrrr!
Zarrus: Oh hey, mine’s here too! Check it! (ˇωˇ) The only thing that could make it even more awesome is if it had dolphins on it.
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Natticus: What’re those little things on it between the trees? Flying bananas? :b
Milus: ...It looks like Swords of Revealing Light... maybe I should take a break if I’m seeing things from my video game in real life ^^;
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natticusthegomamon · 7 years
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Milus: Throwback Tuesday to when I traveled with Fandramon to her parents cottage! It was very quiet at night, you could only hear frogs peeping! Or maybe bats too, I didn’t bother looking out the window to see what they were ^^; We slept on an air mattress, it wasn’t quite as soft as Fandra’s bed at home but we managed to sleep through the night without too much trouble :3
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natticusthegomamon · 7 years
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Fandramon: Look who got a new shirt today! :D
Natticus: Here’s a hint: it wasn’t me :<
Fandramon: You know I ordered all of the shirts at the exact same time, they were just all shipped differently so I can’t be sure when the other ones will arrive. Sorry Natticus.
Milus: The material is moderately stretchy, light and breathable. Perfect summer wear! It’s very comfortable, and I like the design. Thank you Fandra :3
Fandramon: You’re welcome Milus! Hope we can all enjoy a bit more summer weather before it starts getting colder ^^;
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natticusthegomamon · 7 years
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Elliot: Me and Fan went out exploring the city today! Here’s some things we saw~
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natticusthegomamon · 7 years
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Zarrus: Check out this sweet bandana I’ve got! Fan gave it to me. Now everyone knows I’m an alpha matcher (ˇωˇ)
Milus: That’s... completely inappropriate (-ᆺ-);
Natticus: That’s only because there weren’t any bigger sized ones that’d fit me or Milus left, or she’d’ve gotten one for each of us to be fair. So stop bragging like you’re special (¬ᆺ¬)
[[ Last Sunday I went to a pet expo event! It was pretty crazy, so many dogs and cats and other animals there! I just went to buy food for my pets ^^; Sadly I didn’t get to stick around for very long so I couldn’t take some fun pics with Elliot. If you’re wondering, AlphaMatch is a neat service that provides specialized ad services for pet owners in Canada. ]]
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natticusthegomamon · 7 years
Digimon Adventure Crest, Jogress Compatibility & Partnermon Generator
Fandramon: Yes you read that right XD I found a Japanese Twitter thing that will generate a random partnermon, crest and Chosen partner that yours could Jogress with! Of course, the Goma Pod had to give it a try:
"Zarrus with an emblem of good faith. Ogremon is a partner Digimon, Taichi Yagami is a partner of Jogress evolution."
Natticus: Haha! Forget Tai, Let’s just imagine how ridiculous a jogress with Ogremon and Dolphmon would be X3
Milus: ...Would it look like a Goblin Shark from the human world? Hmmm...
Zarrus: Shut it Red, I bet yours is even worse!
Natticus: We’ll see;
"Natticus with the emblem of knowledge. Kabuterimon is a partner Digimon, Daisuke Motomiya is a partner of Jogress evolution."
Natticus: ...Uh. What? I feel like Milus would be better suited for the crest of Knowledg-
Zarrus: Oh, so you’re admitting you’re an idiot then huh? Save me the trouble :b
Natticus: Shut your snout Zack :/ That’s not what I meant at all. I’m gonna guess a Kabuterimon and a Veemon would look pretty similar to Paildramon as a Jogress, so that’s kinda boring. I don’t think I’d wanna combo with either of ‘em, and that Daisuke guy seems pretty dumb. I guess if he’s the baseline for smarts maybe the Knowledge crest does suit me ;>ᆺ>
Milus: Alright, let me try this out now;
"Milus with the emblem of knowledge. Birdramon is a partner Digimon, Ken Ichijouji is partner of Jogress evolution."
Milus: Wow, I got the crest of Knowledge too!
Natticus: Breaking news: this confirms that, in fact, Zack is the idiot here X3
Zarrus: Grrrrr, don’t make me go over there Red (¬ᆺ¬)
Milus: With such contrasting attributes I wonder how a Birdramon and Stingmon Jogress would turn out?
Natticus: A crispy caterpillar, that’s how :b Anyways, if anyone or any ‘mon else wants to try this out, you can go here: shindanmaker.com/4080
Milus: This is a randomizer, so if you put the same name in again tomorrow the results might be different! Give it a try and have some fun with it~ (・ω・)
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natticusthegomamon · 8 years
Floramon: Thanks! I still wish I had more and consistent options like you... I think Gazimon's line is better XP
Natticus: Wow Gazimon can evolve too? Into what? :o
Zarrus: Maybe just a big failmon haha X3
Natticus: This is why I hardly get asks, shut it Zack :/
Milus: In my studies I’ve found that Gazimon can evolve into Devidramon, Dobermon or even Gaogamon due to their common base data...
Zarrus: Well don’t ruin the mystery Milus, let’s hear what this Gazi’s gotta say about it!
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natticusthegomamon · 8 years
Floramon: Cool Digivolves, Gomamon! Better than mine. I turn into a Kiwimon? LAME! -_-;
Natticus: Thanks! :3
Zarrus: Mine are cooler though~
Natticus: Go away, no one asked you Zack. I think Kiwimon is a cool digimon, they can run really fast! Running isn’t really something I can do too well in most of my other evolutions ^^; You can summon friends to fight with you kinda like I can summon the Marching Fish, that’s awesome too! (^ω^)
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natticusthegomamon · 8 years
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Natticus: Yay, another box to unbox! :D This one seems kinda heavy for being this size oᆺO
Fandramon: The parcel is from @hugglebunny​! It was supposed to get here for that one big holiday, but the post delivered it late ^^; At least it didn’t get lost somewhere.
Natticus: There’s bubble wrap inside, and a thing wrapped in even more bubble wrap! I’m gonna open it~
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Natticus: Check it out! It’s art, in a frame! That human looks kinda like you Fan :3 Hmmmm, the gomamon doesn’t quite look like me though, and he looks too big to be Elliot or Zack-
Zarrus: *from another room* Oi, are you taking trash about me Red?!
Natticus: *cough*JustThatYou’reASmallGomamon*cough* Anyways, I think that it must be Milus! Wow, awesome work, I’ve never tried painting before, but I don’t think it’s for me ^^; Oh, there’s even more artstuff in here!
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Natticus: Look! There’s one of ME! :3 And another one of a DemiDevimon. I don’t actually know any, maybe it’s a picture of @deviderp​ before he evolved?
Zarrus: *walks into the room* Hey! There’s stuff for you and Milus, but what about me!?
Natticus: Scram, this isn’t about you Zack :/ Whoa, there’s something else in here... Hi there!
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???: ...zZz...
Natticus: Guess he’s tired from the long trip over here. He was hiding between all these snacks! Whoa!
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Natticus: There Zack, stop whining, you can eat some of these :b
Zarrus: :/ I don’t like sweets-
Pumpkin: *dashes into the room* Did someone say sweets?! 8D
Natticus: ...Well now you’ve done it, Pumpkin’s gonna inhale them all ;>ᆺ>
[[ A slightly belated festive x-mas gift from Hugglebunny! If you like this awesome art, check out her tumblr for commission info! :D ]]
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natticusthegomamon · 7 years
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Elliot: Yesterday I went with Fan to see an art gallery! The lights were weird, they made almost everything glow, even me! It was really neat to see so many different painted things that glowed~
[[ This is a pop-up art gallery by Starlight Enclosures happening in Toronto! Check them out, they can even do commissions! And yes, they said everyone at the gallery was free to take photos, so these were all taken with permission. ]]
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natticusthegomamon · 9 years
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Natticus: Tah-dah! I told you guys I’d get this done...eventually ^^;
Zarrus: Yo, IceDevimon though? The hell happened to you?
Natticus: It was a one time thing, an accidental evolution in an emergency I swear D: I kinda went too far inland one day and couldn’t run fast enough to get back to the water before a big blizzard hit the area... Let me tell you how awkward it is to go from flipper-paws to arms-on-stilts ;>_> Flying is an interesting experience but like, no. Never again.
Zarrus: Can’t you just dig through the ice though? Weak!
Natticus: No, because when you go further up on land it’s tundra. That’s frozen dirt for your information. I’m not a Drimogemon :/
Zarrus: I can’t believe your main ultimate form is that blue and white noodle, you’re a weirdo.
Natticus: I’m sure your ultimate form isn’t that interesting or awesome. What even is it?
Zarrus: Not telling :b Maybe I’ll do one of these chart things too sometime, then everyone will know how much more awesome I am~
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