#natural flagstone edging
mrs-storm · 1 year
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Driveway - Traditional Landscape An example of a large traditional front yard stone driveway.
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DC Metro Craftsman Patio An enormous stone patio with a fire pit in the backyard designed in the arts and crafts style is an example.
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alisonsbow · 1 year
Lap - Southwestern Pool
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Mid-sized southwest backyard stone and custom-shaped lap hot tub photo
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gatsbycodes · 2 years
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Driveway Driveway in Calgary Photo of a sizable, contemporary, concrete-paved front yard driveway.
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 2 years
so. i would LOVE to hear or maybe read your thots on this pic:
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So many thots.
Okay, so I'm working off the pretence that this is Aemond with his spouse and not his brother (sorry Aegond stannies, not a ship I sail on)
Aemond is really respectful of women, as we've seen from the series. He does not care to indulge in the activities within pleasure houses, clearly loves his sister and dotes on his mother. With this in mind, I don't think it's in Aemond's nature to be sexually aggressive. He adores his wife and when he's built up a strong foundation of trust and mutual respect he is open to being more playfully adventurous with her.
We're going to assume that this is where the relationship is at for this little drabble. NSFW. 18+ below the cut.
You huffed a restless sigh, listlessly ruffling the pages of the book in your lap. You'd lost interest in its contents ages ago, desperate for something else to occupy your time.
You glanced over to your husband, every bit the image of handsome Targaryen prince, as the crackling fire cast shadows across his sharp jaw and pert lips. His white hair shone like a halo in its light. He was still engrossed in the tome he held between his long fingers.
"A History of Dornish Lore"
You rolled your eyes. How boring. You couldn't muster the energy to ask about it.
"Aemond, I'm bored" you whined, your tone bordering on insolent brattiness.
"Mmm", he hummed, not looking up from his reading, "That's a shame."
You scowled, vexed that your beloved would scorn you so.
"Aemond, I want something to do!" You leaned forward, fingertips caressing his knee.
His violet eye flickered upwards to regard you briefly, before returning to the pages. "Perhaps Helaena is in need of some company?" he said offhandedly.
You didn't doubt it. Aegon barely gave her the time of day. She had only her handmaidens and the children for company. But it wasn't your sister in law's attention that you craved.
"I want your company, husband" you insisted, standing up and snatching the book from his grasp.
Aemond's head snapped up, but he stayed rooted in his seat. "Dovodedha riña", he chastised, but there was no real anger in his voice. You could tell from the playfulness of his smirk. Silly girl.
You held the book aloft, a soft giggle falling from your lips as your stared down at your husband. A silent challenge.
"Tepagon bona arlī," he commanded, "Iā kesā sagon vaoreznuni." Give that back, or you will be sorry.
"You'll have to catch me first!" You turned and ran from your shared apartments, you footfalls echoing along the flagstones as you heard Aemond move to pursue you.
"Iksan jāre naejot jiōragon ao" he taunted from behind you. I'm going to get you.
Your giggles became maniacal as you found your way into the empty Council chambers. As your eyes darted around the room, scoping out the best place to hide, you gasped as two strong arms encircled your waist, pulling you back into your husband's chest.
"Jiōraton ao." he whispered. Got you.
He spun you to face him, snatching the book from your grasp and depositing it on the nearest available surface. Aemond crowded your space, backing you up until the backs of your thighs met with the edge of the Council's meeting table.
Gently, but with enough force to ensure your body was pliant, Aemond pushed you to lay back.
You struggled against your husband, attempting to sit up. "Aemond, what are you..."
You shuddered as he placed a hand to your throat. Not applying any real pressure, more of a gesture to hold you in place and let you know that there was nowhere for you to go.
His other hand began hiking up your skirts. His deft fingers were quick to find your centre; wet, warm and ready for him.
Your back arched as he swiped his fingers through the wet folds. Mewling as his thumb began to circle the area where you needed attention most.
"Gūrogon nyke", he hissed, suddenly spearing you with his index and middle fingers, curling them upwards against the spongy spot inside of you. Take me.
Your mouth fell into a slack 'o' at the delicious drag and stretch. Each touch sending sparks of white hot electricity along your spine, until the familiar tautness in your lower belly began to build.
"Aemond...I..." you stuttered.
He gave you a knowing smirk, speeding up his ministrations, until finally you came apart with a cry, hands flying up to grab his biceps for support.
You panted heavily, finally becoming more lucid and with it the horrifying realisation of just how public what you'd engaged in was. Anyone could have caught you.
"Aemond, this was completely inappropriate!" you gaped up at him, still stuffed full of his fingers with his hand around your throat.
"Mmmm", he murmured. "And yet", he whispered, bending so that his lips grazed the shell of your ear, "You still came. Little slut."
Your cheeks were ablaze as he withdrew his fingers from you, holding them out for you to suck clean.
You complied obediently, expecting him to free himself from his trousers and enter you once you'd finished. You looked on in horror as instead he turned, grabbed his book and exited the Council chambers, leaving you alone to straighten yourself out.
"He'll pay for that later", you thought.
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eluvisen · 7 months
The Bear and the Barbarian
Fandom: Baldur’s Gate 3
Characters: Karlach/f!Tav
Rating: M
After unleashing nature’s wrath on the goblin camp, Rhodeia struggles to return from the violence she inflicted. Karlach helps.
Notes: Written for Femslash February 2024. Prompt: chose violence.
Lost in her wildshape, the killing is easy. Easier than it’s ever been as Rhodeia rides the rush of battle-tides, losing herself in the current. Fire and blood spill across defiled stone until there’s no roar left but echoes off the crumbling walls and she doubles over, panting. A red string of saliva drips from her mouth to the floor.
With every breath, she becomes aware of the flagstones under her paws. The wet stickiness coating her claws. But the shape of them feels wrong, too short and too blunt, and it takes several tortured seconds to realise her paws are no longer paws at all.
A creak of leather, and a pair of knees sink into her field of vision, accompanied by a wave of heat. The infernal reek beats against her, crisping the air with an unnatural acrid tang. Some animal instinct as deep as the earth beneath the temple floor needs to attack, but her claws are bloodied nails once more, and she can only gasp as black spots roll across her eyes. 
“Come on. Focus on me. That’s it. Battle’s over, in case you couldn’t tell. But you probably can, since you changed back.”
Her vision is dim, greyed at the edges. Distant noises roll in like a tide, and she twitches at a nearby laugh. Voices. The crackle of flames, and a closer heat against her face. She heaves in breath after breath, the air clawing the back of her throat. The pain brings her back, just a little.
Rhodeia manages, “Karlach?”
“Ey! She speaks! Good news, soldier: we won, and now there are hot baths in our imminent futures. Or a dip in a cold stream, rather, which is almost as good.” Karlach’s voice lowers. “Come on, now. On your feet, soldier. No baths for you if you don’t.”
With one hand planted on her knee, Rhodeia pushes herself upright. The dimensions of her body feel wrong—too narrow, too contained. Cold air on furless skin.
“That’s it, soldier. You can do it.”
A final push, and Rhodeia makes it to her feet. Just. Beside her, Karlach rises to her full height with far less wobbling despite the bruises and streaks of blood marring her skin. Rhodeia scans the temple courtyard, but the bear hasn’t quite left her yet; her gaze snaps towards every nearby sound, searching for threats. Lae’zel brings her blade down on a not-quite-dead goblin while Shadowheart cleans her mace with a sneer at a defiled statue of Selûne. The others similarly move through the tides of the dead, pilfering trinkets and slitting throats. Halsin stands gore-streaked in the moonlight, his hands and chin gloved in red. Rhodeia supposes she looks much the same.
She blinks, and they’re a safe distance from the temple ruins. At some point they must have stopped to make camp, and she watches from somewhere beyond her body as they wash away the blood and seal their wounds. Something squeaks nearby, and she realises her eyes have focused on a bat hovering above Halsin’s hands. With a final murmur from him, the bat takes flight, speeding in the direction of the Emerald Grove. Firelight glimmers off its wings, and then it disappears into the gloom.
Rhodeia is vaguely aware of a chunk of flatbread being shoved into her hand. Maybe she eats it. Maybe she doesn’t. When she rises to her feet, the bread is gone and the warm crackle of the fire has faded behind her. Overhead, the forest canopy shivers and peels apart like unwinding fingers, offering precious silver glimpses of the distant sky where all of Selûne’s grace shines down from her pale, full cheek. Perhaps she’s pleased by the slaughter.
Rhodeia passes through the trees until the foliage drops away, revealing a small creek that winds through the night-silvered forest, gurgling in its gravel bed. The sound makes her teeth itch. 
She finds a place to sit. The trees aren’t particularly tall—certainly nothing like the old growth of the deep forest she calls home—but here they loom like living shadows. They stand over her in a silent guard, shivering above while she shivers below. The unfamiliar shape of them leaves her feeling small. Isolated.
Something moves in the underbrush, and she tenses until she sees dim orange light reflecting off leaves and tree trunks in a phantom blaze. A phantom blaze that’s at real risk of becoming a real blaze, but Karlach navigates towards the creekbed with all the care she can muster, and the forest remains blessedly unburnt. She halts a little ways away, and Rhodeia recognises Karlach’s wolf-wariness, head half-cocked and feet light. The yellow glow of her eyes fix on Rhodeia. 
“Hey, soldier.” She scuffs one boot in the gravel as the rocks heat and sizzle “Thought you might want some company.”
[Read on AO3]
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emma-ofnormandy · 9 months
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Indulgent Impulse Pt 2 @vikingsevents Day 6 Prompt: Hot Steam Rating: Mature Pairing: Canute x Emma A/N: Part 2 to Indulget Impulse posted earlier in the week. Thank you so much to the folks over at vikingsevents for hosting and I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season!
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Steam curled above the surface of the tub, the white tendrils of moisture dancing in the firelight.  Floral scents wafted from the water, the room filling with a delicious fragrance. Outside the sky was dark, the snow that once batted the lead glass no longer visible, though Emma knew it still fell. The wind had slowed, the whistling no longer detectable, and chill that had infiltrated the rooms had seemed to recede with it.
Or perhaps it was the man who was with her that had chased the chill away.
She shifted and water sloshed over the edge, the distinct plop against flagstone the only sound as she pressed back against the hard chest of her husband, her head resting against his shoulder as his hands caressed her person below the surface.
It had taken longer than she had expected to get to this point, an interlude in bed deferring them, but Canute had kept his promise and helped her draw a bath, only to join her within minutes of her sinking into the tub. Not that she minded. It was a rare occasion that they got a moment like this together, duty drawing them both away from each other more often than not and she had no interest in cutting this interlude short.
Emma watched the steam dance and fade above them, and her thoughts wandering along with it. A decision had been made that the court would gather over Christmastide and the preparations for such a gathering had only begun to be made. Elderman and their families would be in residence soon, days of feasts and activity to entertain, all the while conversation would be laced with political motives and deal making, men looking to boast themselves in the eyes of the crown while women boasted up their sons and daughters in search of the best matches for the offspring. The entire situation left a sour taste in her mouth.
“What is troubling you?”
“You lie, min kaerr.” Canute’s hands trailed up her side to the muscles that bunched along her shoulders. “I had taken great care to loosen these moments ago and now you have undid all my hard work.” 
The corners of her mouth lifted, amused despite herself. “Court will convene in a matter of days and there is still so much to prepare for.” Not to mention it would be the first gathering of all the Elderman since Canute had dispatched Cynehard of Kent for the thievery of assets. 
The handling of the matter had ricocheted through the noblemen, once again securing his control of the subjects of the crown and reigniting a streak of fear in those that may question his abilities, but Emma feared what the undercurrents would be.
“The household staff will see to everything. There is nothing to worry over.”
Naturally he believed everything would come together, not giving a second thought to the logistics of it all. Emma had spent just as much time with battlements defending London as she had planning for court gatherings and in this moment, she would take the battlements.
“And the events in Kent?”
He gathered her hair in one large hand and pushed it over her shoulder, his lips lingering against her neck. “What about them?”
“Are you not concerned how the rest of the Elderman will respond?”
She could feel him smile and she felt a shiver of foolishness. Of course he was not concerned. Canute ruled London like she imagined he led his armies, with unwavering strength and no tolerance for disloyalty, and the gathering of the Elderman, some of which still had questionable loyalty, was simply a strategic battle maneuver and he relished in the excitement of it.
“They will not speak against it, if for nothing more than out of fear for their own life.” There was a chilling finality in his words and Emma shivered against him. “Besides, since then, it would seem that East Anglia had a sudden increase in revenues.”
The turnaround in the revenues did not surprise her. Oswick was more careful than Cynehard and the second he thought someone had caught onto his plan, he would retreat back. Emma was only disappointed that she had not been able to confront him herself on the matter.
“All on his own?” She asked.
Behind her, Canute’s chest vibrated with a deep chuckle.“Oswick is no fool and a coward. He knew he would have been called in to answer for the missing revenues eventually.” Distractedly, his hands began to trail back beneath the water and caress her stomach. “And Agnarr may have made a visit to East Anglia.”
The only thing more fool hardy than going against the King would be to go against the King’s man. Agnarr was not a man to be trifled with and Emma believed the Elderman were beginning to understand the power the King had granted the large, stoic man.
Despite the worry of the coming days, she could feel the tension leaving her as Canute continued to touch her, his large hands stroking gently, enticingly. They trailed lazily from her stomach to the top of her thighs, each caress more teasing than the last. The shared bath in front of a crackling fire, shadows dancing across their skin as they lay in each other's arms, painted an intimate picture and Emma could feel her heart skip in her chest.
She turned in his arms, the movement displacing more of the scented water, and straddled his waist, his hands automatically coming to rest on her hips to hold her steady. Emma kissed him soundly and looked into his unwavering, ever patient gaze. “If you are trying to distract me from everything that will be coming to London, it will not work.” She did her best to keep her features neutral and her tone grim, but the hint of amusement in her voice was unmistakable. 
The caressing touch at her hips slipped lower between her thighs and there was a flicker of determination in his eyes. “Is that so?”
His fingers toyed with her, stroking the sensitive flesh as his lips covered hers, swallowing the moan he teased past them. In the distant part of her mind Emma could feel the water cooling, the steam slowly disappearing, but she found that it did not matter. It would not be long before they made their own.
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marydublinauthor · 1 year
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Random gt drabbles: Mother
Characters: Markus (ft. Jane briefly)
Safe for work • @smol-smoggie
The commotion near the entrance had been growing more unorderly as the night deepened. Usually, it didn’t bother him much. That kind of thing was almost a lullaby at a haunt like this. But when shouts of protest joined the laughter, he knew someone had past their limit.
Jane elbowed his forearm, giving Markus a meaningful look over her tiny glass of mead. Markus sighed, tipping back the rest of his drink before standing. Being big was a dumb fucking responsibility sometimes.
Luckily, this crowd required minimal effort. The drunken travelers were searching through a couple’s luggage at their protests, tugging at the carpet bags. The couple looked older, too — easy targets. Markus’ shadow fell over the group, and everyone forgot how to speak.
“Time to pay your tab,” he said, leaning down to pluck a mug of ale out of one’s hand. “And get out.”
He downed the pint like a sip and let the mug clatter to the stone floor. It bounced on the flagstone several times, rolling to the boots of the offending drunk. Without hesitation, the men fled. Markus eyed the old couple, already gathering their belongings to make their way towards the barkeep.
“Thank you, young man,” the old lady said.
“You ought to pick your inns more carefully,” he grunted back.
In the edge of his vision, he saw her give a start, the way most people did when a giant acknowledged them directly. He was starting back for Jane when he heard her call after him. “M-Markus?”
He stopped short and whirled on them. They were brittle-looking humans. Older, dressed in clean, modest clothes. The man was still gathering spilt belongings, but the woman was edging closer to Markus’ boots.
Too old to have fucked — he was pretty sure.
How could she possibly know his name?
“Markus, sweetheart, it’s…” She swallowed hard. “It’s you, isn’t it? Do you remember me?”
His jaw went slack. “You,” he breathed. He knelt down, trancelike as she rushed at him. He could see her face under her traveling hat now. The woman who had briefly taken him in. The closest thing to a mother he’d had after his own had passed away.
After all this time, he’d imagined they’d forgotten about that bizarre chapter in their life.
“Look at you,” she crooned. “You’ve grown so much. And so handsome.” Shakily, she touched the hand he had resting on the floor. The last time he’d held her, she’d fit across the whole of his hand. Now, she’d be able to sit in his palm with room to spare.
“You remember me?” Markus couldn’t help but ask.
“Oh, Markus,” she muttered, rubbing her eyes. Crying. “I missed you every day. Darling—” She spun, seizing her husband’s arm and yanking him forward. “It’s him.”
The man’s weathered face looked up and up. His brows nearly lifted right off his face when recognition dawned. He gave another once-over, as though growing nervous in light of their less-than-mutual parting those many years ago.
“You got bigger, boy,” he greeted, voice taut.
Markus barked a small laugh, remembering the coarse nature. “You didn’t.”
Mother rushed at him again, like she couldn’t contain herself. She gathered her skirts. “Don’t leave an old lady on the floor. Pick me up, let me get a better look at you.”
Hesitantly, Markus scooped her into his palm and brought her to his face. He grunted to keep her from falling as she lunged at his face, touching his chin and the short beard peppering his square jaw. Her hands were still cool and soft, the way he remembered.
“It’s like you’ve never seen a giant before,” he muttered, muscling down the flush in his cheeks. The prickle of wetness in his eyes.
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cemexecution · 5 months
I have worn nothing but blood and death for years.
It fell from his mouth, a malformed excuse. Hitting the flagstones between them, it lay like a spaniel’s find – a collared dove with its innards spilling out, viscera bulging in shades of rubellite and spinel. Viola pursed her lips, unimpressed. Such was the nature of hunters. Standing apart from their fellow man, tied together with knotted ribbons of blood, wearing the same stink of burnt fur and sour spittle.
The hunt was on tonight. Gascoigne would be soon called back to the horror and she would stay behind, closeted in the sanctuary of the parish hall – their differences were the same as those between shepherd dogs and the livestock they guarded. With the incense smoke burning in her nose, she would remain seated and cannulated until the colour bled from her face, until she was permitted to retire to a candlelit dormitory and there await the dawn. Already Viola grew pale, watched by the cataracted eye of the full, fat moon that peeked through the lead latticework of narrow windows, bathing them all in watered-down light. By the time she saw the sun, Gascoigne would be beyond her reach.
Thoughts of impending separation were what set Viola to thaw, to reach for his hand. How small and cool her palm, how impossible the task of covering his broad mitt with her own. What was in her was drawn into him, with lines of tubing running between them, faux arteries stitching them together like two halves of a heart. There was little romanticism in the observation – Viola knew that organ to be akin to a clenched fist, sinuous and sticky – but she did permit herself to wonder if he could taste her in the capillaries at the back of his throat, if he could feel her girlish vigour pulse behind his eyes.
Frost framed the edges of her gaze as she looked at his face, tracing the winding strip of linen that kept his eyes from her. Blood drip-dried where it painted his clothes in spatters, congealing deep in the treads of his boots. Who would clean them, when the hunt was over? Who would dress his wounds and rub the aches from his shoulders? As the daughter of a hunter, she understood there was work to be done at night’s end. As the daughter of a hunter, hadn’t she too seen her share of blood? It had clogged and caked under her short nails – the blood of beasts, the blood of her father, the blood of her own moon-guided cycles. All those mornings, hollow-eyed and sleepless, hadn’t she mopped the puddles and scrubbed the stains from her father’s front step?
“Do you believe yourself unfit for finer threads?”
Viola had been a child when she first laid eyes on Gascoigne, looming too-large in her father’s house, despite its high ceilings and lofty picture rails. Her stomach had flipped like liver in a pan – not the jittering of purported butterflies, but with a far more visceral, gut-bound feeling. Gascoigne had struck her as kind, even soaked in the briny scent of copper pennies, even as he walked blood into the plush pile of the carpet. As a girl, Viola forgave him for the mess, for the way he crowded the kitchen table. As a woman, she forgave him for being a man and a hunter, for shying when the door of his self-appointed cage cracked open.
“As I understand it, a man chooses his garments, they do not choose him. Perhaps it is time to adorn yourself with something unfamiliar?”
Her interest in men was a rarely sighted beast, a bony shadow slinking across distant moorland. Its infrequency did not render her a fool – Viola understood her desires, but would not indulge them where her standards were not met. After all, solitary life was no terrible penance for one who had been alone much of her girlhood, for one content to graduate to spinsterhood. Could Gascoigne say the same? Would he find fulfilment when old age eroded his teeth to their roots and he was forced to abandon the hunt? Would he be satisfied if his legacy was one only of bloodshed and beasts slayed? Would he be comforted by the expanse of a wide, empty bed? The cold fire of Viola’s eyes warmed by degrees, her elegant fingertips gently prising his digits apart, palm pressed to the coarse hair that sprung from the back of his hand as she tentatively and shallowly linked them together.
“Continue to don your cilice by all means, Father, but do so knowing I would gladly offer you something softer.”
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Redrew their first encounter, and rewrote the story! ================
The soft clicking of Tiavel's claws on the stone echoed through the vast caverns as the light from the lantern held in his little hand reflected off of the stone all around him. Each day exploring had brought the small fluffy moth deeper and deeper into the caverns. The normally gray stone was darker now, and took a little more work to break through. He wasn't too concerned with digging into the cavern walls at the moment. This new, darker stone was not what captured the moth's attention. His feathery antennae perked up as he noticed what looked like ruins.
This definitely captured his interest. Tiavel loved to explore. Perhaps he would find more books, more weapons, or some magical items to help him on his explorations or teach him more about this strange world he'd found himself in. The only word that came to the moth's mind as he carefully moved closer to the ruins was… Ancient. The place looked like it had once been a great city, but was now overgrown with something that reminded him of a climbing vine combined with a strange fungus. It squished wetly beneath his feet, so he tried to stick to the stone around him. There were the remains of flagstone roads and paths and crumbled walls of buildings all around. Some were more intact than others, but the place had clearly been here decaying for centuries. Placed here and there were lanterns, obviously magical in nature, producing a soft blue light. It was enough for his sensitive eyes to see quite clearly. There were remains of burned out candles.
He saw more and more of that strange blue-black fungus everywhere, the faint light of its bioluminescent specks giving the entire place an eerie and unnatural feel. It reminded him of stars in a dark night sky. As beautiful as it was eerie and unsettling. Strange tendrils sprouted from the dark fungal coating here and there, though he didn't go any closer to them. They made him incredibly uneasy and he didn't like how the stuff squished beneath his feet. Tiavel carefully crept deeper into the cavernous ruins, light on his feet and incredibly alert. Even with his careful movement, the barest tick of his claws echoing through the ancient caves made the tendrils sprouting from the strange dark fungus twitch and move more. The sounds they made put him on edge, his antennae flicking and twitching at every sound. It was nearly silent down here, aside from the distant sound of dripping and the alien clicking of the tendrils all around him.
Despite his unease, he was curious. He jumped at a strange wail shrieked out in the silence. It was jarring, making his heart hammer in his chest. The skittered of his claws exciting every tendril that sprouted near him. They lit up as they twitched excitedly, chittering a signal to something unknown. His vision went dark, for a moment, and he thought he heard something. A low thrumming, like a dreadful heartbeat ringing out in the darkness, strange clicking echoing through the caverns in response.
Looking around revealed no danger for the moment, but he couldn't shake the unease and paranoia burning in the back of his mind. His thick fur and fluffy mane stood on end. The fear did not deter the little cream and brown colored moth. Ever curious, he made his way deeper into the strange, dark and quiet caverns. His little wings flicked slightly. Loose stone crunched beneath his feet.
The eerie banshee-like wailing sound echoed out again. Tiavel squeaked out in fear, jumping with his wings flaring out as he felt panic welling up as everything went completely dark, as if he was blinded. He couldn’t see anything, even the light of his lantern obscured, stumbling as he tried to regain his bearings as the heavy sound of a heartbeat echoed loudly through the caverns. His own heart hammered in his chest as he skittered back and away from the sound and backed up against a ruined wall. The darkness passed after a moment, though the heartbeat echoed all around him now. It was impossible to tell what direction it was coming from. Tiavel swallowed as his mouth went dry and every hair on his fluffy little body stood on end again. He could hear something moving in the darkness. Heavy steps, a low, rumbling huff from something huge. He held his lantern up a little higher as he peered around, when he finally saw it. A glowing swirl of blue energy in the darkness. Surrounded by a massive, hulking shape. It had large, powerful arms tipped with long, sharp claws, a thick shiny looking mane hanging over where eyes would be if it had any, and around the neck and shoulders, resembling loosely the mane of a lion. The face looked almost felid at a glance, though a closer look revealed that the resemblance was only superficial. He saw the nostrils flare as it took in the scents around it, heard it's deep, heavy sniffing. It sounded as big as it looked. Its face was almost humanoid, though slightly muzzled with those almost feline traits. Long tusks jutted up from the lower jaw. The beast’s mouth was open, giving it an almost ghoulish appearance. It let out a low, clicky chittery groaning growl, followed by another low huff. It had strange bony growths on its arms and down its back and wrapped around its sides, resembling a ribcage. The material of it resembled bone, but the growth pattern reminded Tiavel of fungal stalks. The thrumming heartbeat continued, the glowing within its chest pulsing in time to the sound as the thing turned to face him. Each sound that came from the thing, the way that thrumming heartbeat sound rang through the air, made Tiavel feel as if his entire body was vibrating. He felt a pressure in his ears and a dull, buzzing thrum in the back of his skull, like the vibrations one feels racing through their body when waking up with sleep paralysis. His heart jumped into his throat, but the thing didn't seem interested in him. At least, not yet. He raised his lantern to try to get a closer look at it. The lantern shook in his grip.
It sniffed the air again, turning its head from side to side. It was breathing heavily. The deep, thrumming heartbeat droned on and on. It seemed aware that he was there, it's head tilting ever so slightly as it faced him. Despite its lack of eyes, he felt like it was staring at him. Studying him. Its long tail flicked back and forth slowly.
He carefully took a step back, but a loose stone crunched beneath his feet. It sounded deafening in the stillness down here in the Depths. That was enough to cause the strange tendrils on the side of the thing’s head to twitch, raising up and glowing eerily in the darkness. It homed in on him in an instant. It stood up straight. It was even bigger than he realized when fully standing, over twice his size, thick, and rippling with powerful muscle. The thrumming heartbeat picked up tempo as it faced him as if it could see him even without any eyes. A low growl rumbled from its chest. The very air shook and vibrated. Tiavel's antennae dropped and tucked back as his eyes widened. It took everything he had to control his shaking breaths.
He took another step back, as careful and quiet as he could be. His heart hammered in his chest. The tempo of the thrumming heartbeats the creature emitted started to slow back down as it sniffed the air again, going back into its crouched position. It was aware of him, but this scent was new. The vibrations coming back to its tendrils through its echolocation were fuzzy. It made his shape harder to make out. It was just enough for curiosity to briefly bubble to the surface, to make it pause instead of attacking immediately.
It provided enough of a distraction for the moth to slowly back away. Tiavel managed to sneak back a few more steps, careful not to make the slightest sound when the squeaking and fluttering wings of a little bat made the Eldritch beast wince and stand straight with an unnatural and horrifying roar. It crackled and clicked unnaturally. Tiavel’s lantern fell to the ground with a clatter. The clatter seemed to anger the thing more. It took a breath, the energy within its stomach and chest swirling and lighting up brighter. He could feel and hear the energy building up within the thing. It unleashed a terrible roar that seemed interlaced with an earth-shattering shriek and howl, all at once, culminating in a deadly and powerful sonic boom and a massive ripple of energy tearing forth from its belly as the bony growths around its ribcage opened up to let the dreadful attack out. The moth was already running as fast as he could, using fluttery wings and little claws to climb out of the deep caverns and away as fast as he could go. He didn't see the bat fall to the ground, instantly killed from the sonic shriek, then get crushed beneath the creature’s bone-clawed feet. He heard another roar echoing through the caverns. He stopped once he was sure the thing wasn’t following him. He leaned back against the wall, trying to calm his hammering heart and ragged panting. He realized he was in his alternate form, a form he dubbed ‘Weremoth’ because of its large, beastly appearance.
He looked back in the direction he came from for a moment, got another lantern out of his pack, lit it with a shaking forepaw, picked it up in his mouth, and started to make his way back out of the cave system, thoroughly shaken by that encounter.
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stonefootings · 23 days
How to Enhance Your Garden with Natural Stone from StoneFooting
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Enhancing your garden with natural stone is a timeless way to add both beauty and functionality to your outdoor space. At StoneFooting, a leading natural stone supplier and manufacturer in the UK, we offer a variety of high-quality stone products that can transform your garden into a serene and stylish retreat. Whether you're looking to create a stunning patio, a winding garden path, or a feature wall, natural stone offers durability, aesthetic appeal, and a connection to the natural world that few other materials can match.
The Timeless Appeal of Natural Stone
Natural stone has long been a popular choice for gardens, and its use has only increased over time. Natural stone offers the ideal fusion of contemporary elegance and rustic appeal for gardens, which are frequently viewed as an extension of the home in the UK. StoneFooting offers a wide selection of stones, ranging from sturdy granite to timeless limestone, so you can discover the ideal material to complement the design of your landscape. Each item is distinct because to the inherent variances in color, texture, and pattern, giving your landscape a custom look that imitation synthetic materials are unable to achieve.
Creating a Stunning Patio with Porcelain Floor Tiles UK
A patio serves as a hub for gathering, dining, and relaxing in many gardens across the United Kingdom. Porcelain floor tiles from the UK are a great alternative if you're trying to decide what kind of material to use for your patio. We have a large assortment of porcelain tiles at StoneFooting that blend the elegance of real stone with the usefulness of porcelain. These tiles are perfect for the erratic UK weather because they are impervious to dampness, ice, and stains. Porcelain tiles are very simple to keep clean, so your patio will continue to look lovely for many years to come.
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The Benefits of Outdoor Porcelain Tiles UK
Outdoor porcelain tiles are the ideal choice if you want to create a smooth transition between your indoor and outdoor areas. These tiles are made to be both aesthetically pleasing and weather resistant. With the range of finishes and sizes that we provide in our outdoor porcelain tiles in UK at StoneFooting, you may design a unified aesthetic throughout your garden. StoneFooting can assist you in creating the desired aesthetic, whether you're more interested in a sleek, contemporary style or a more classic appearance. They are a safe option for locations that are likely to get wet, such as the area surrounding a pool or fountain, thanks to their non-slip surface.
Designing Garden Paths with Natural Stone
Garden walkways can improve the overall aesthetics of your garden in addition to being utilitarian. You may design winding paths that guide guests around your garden and entice them to explore other places by using natural stone from StoneFooting. Compared to gravel or concrete pathways, natural stone's uneven textures and shapes give a more organic appearance. Stone pathways are a sensible option for any garden since they are strong and require little upkeep. Whether you go for slate, cobblestones, or flagstones, a stone path will give your garden personality and charm.
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Enhancing Your Garden's Borders with Stone Edging
A cheap and efficient way to mark the boundaries of your grass, pathways, or garden beds is with stone edging. It keeps mulch, plants, and soil in their proper places in addition to giving your garden a polished appearance. Granite, sandstone, and limestone are just a few of the natural stone options that StoneFooting offers for edging. To fit the style of your landscape, these materials can be cut into a variety of shapes and sizes. Stone edging completes the look of other stone elements in your garden, giving it a polished and unified appearance.
Building a Feature Wall with Porcelain Paving UK
In your garden, a feature wall can act as a center point, attracting attention and introducing visual appeal. StoneFooting's porcelain paving UK products are a great option if you want to make a feature wall that looks good and is long-lasting. In addition to having the appearance of natural stone, porcelain pavers are lightweight, simple to install, and weather-resistant. StoneFooting can help you reach your design objectives, whether you want to create a dramatic backdrop for your plants or a privacy screen for your patio. You may design a feature wall that harmoniously blends in with the rest of your landscape thanks to the variety of colors and textures that are available.
Incorporating Water Features with Natural Stone
Water features in your yard, such as waterfalls, ponds, and fountains, can create a calming atmosphere. The best material for making water features that mix in with the surroundings is natural stone from StoneFooting. A harmonious equilibrium is created between the smooth surface of the water and the jagged texture of the stone. The longevity and aesthetic appeal of your water feature will be improved by adding natural stone, whether you go for large boulders, pebbles, or slabs. Your garden gains a calming element from the sound of water cascading over stone, creating a tranquil haven from the daily grind.
The Advantages of Using Natural Stone in UK Gardens
Using natural stone in gardens in the UK has many benefits. The longevity of it is one of its main advantages. Stone is more resilient than wood or plastic against the severe weather that is common in the UK, such as wind, frost, and heavy rain. In addition to being insect and rot-resistant, the stone will last for many years as a stunning landscape accent. Natural stone is also a choice that is friendly to the environment. Because it is a locally obtained sustainable resource, the transportation sector's carbon footprint is decreased. In addition, the stone ages beautifully, acquiring a patina that enhances its inherent beauty with time.
Customizing Your Garden with StoneFooting's Expertise
Since every garden is distinctive, StoneFooting provides a variety of stone items to accommodate various tastes and styles. Our team of professionals can assist you in selecting the ideal stone for your project, regardless of whether you want to design a classic English cottage garden or a modern minimalist garden. Additionally, we provide bespoke finishing and cutting services to guarantee that your stone is made to your exact specifications. With our skill, you can design a garden that perfectly captures your style and elevates your outdoor living area.
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gravelpaversusa · 1 month
stone edging for landscaping
We are one of the best destinations for stone edging for landscaping it helps to transform the outdoor area into stunning showcases of natural beauty. Garden edging enhances the curb appeal and helps to add more value to residential and commercial properties. We have a team with many different edging landscaping ideas for commercial properties they are long-lasting and eye-catching, and we carry and install natural landscape rocks, flagstone, gravel, and other materials to outline the landscape edging flower beds. Most of our clients are schools, commercial businesses, property management companies, Houston Apartment Management Companies, etc.
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geekpress · 1 month
Top 10 Design Ideas for Stunning Pools Oval
Designing a pool can be an exciting endeavor, and when it comes to selecting the shape, pools oval offer a blend of elegance and functionality that can transform any backyard into a personal paradise. The smooth, elongated curves of oval pools provide a unique aesthetic that stands out from traditional rectangular or round designs. If you’re considering installing a pools oval, here are ten design ideas to help you create a stunning and functional outdoor space.
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1. Natural Stone Surroundings
One of the most sophisticated ways to enhance the appearance of your pools oval is by incorporating natural stone into the design. Surrounding your pool with natural stone—such as flagstone, slate, or granite—creates a timeless and luxurious look. The earthy tones and textures of the stone blend seamlessly with the natural landscape, giving your pool a more organic and harmonious appearance. Consider adding a stone deck or coping around the pool to complete the look and provide a durable, slip-resistant surface.
2. Integrated Water Features
Adding water features to your pools oval can elevate its aesthetic appeal and create a soothing atmosphere. Waterfalls, fountains, and cascading jets are excellent choices that can be integrated into the design. For instance, a waterfall cascading over one side of the pool adds both beauty and the relaxing sound of flowing water. Fountains can be placed in the center of the pool or at strategic points around the edge to create visual interest and movement.
3. Lighting Innovations
Proper lighting can dramatically enhance the beauty of your pools oval, especially in the evening. Underwater LED lights can create a captivating glow, highlighting the pool’s shape and depth. You might also consider perimeter lighting, such as LED strip lights or spotlights, to illuminate the surrounding area and create a warm, inviting ambiance. For a touch of drama, install color-changing lights that can shift through various hues, adding a dynamic visual element to your pool area.
4. Contemporary Decking Materials
Modern decking materials can significantly impact the overall look of your pools oval. Composite decking, porcelain tiles, and high-quality pavers offer a sleek, contemporary aesthetic. Composite decking, for example, provides a low-maintenance option that mimics the appearance of natural wood while resisting moisture and insects. Porcelain tiles are durable and come in various styles and colors, allowing for a customized look that complements your pool’s design.
5. Landscaping and Greenery
Incorporating lush landscaping around your pools oval can enhance its visual appeal and create a serene retreat. Choose a mix of plants that offer a range of heights, textures, and colors. Palm trees, ornamental grasses, and flowering shrubs can add vibrancy and privacy to your pool area. Additionally, incorporating raised garden beds or planters can help frame the pool and create a more cohesive outdoor space. Be mindful of plant maintenance and choose species that thrive in your climate and require minimal upkeep.
6. Outdoor Living Spaces
Transform your pool area into an outdoor living oasis by incorporating comfortable seating and entertainment spaces. Install a pergola or gazebo near the pool to provide shade and create a cozy area for lounging or dining. Adding outdoor furniture, such as chaise lounges, dining tables, and chairs, allows for relaxation and socializing. Consider including an outdoor kitchen or bar area to make your pool area perfect for hosting gatherings and enjoying meals al fresco.
7. Elegant Pool Fencing
Safety and aesthetics go hand in hand with pool fencing. For an elegant look, opt for glass fencing that offers an unobstructed view of your pools oval while maintaining a sleek and modern appearance. Glass panels are durable and easy to maintain, providing both safety and style. Alternatively, wrought iron or aluminum fencing can offer a classic look with intricate designs that enhance the pool’s elegance. Ensure that the fencing is compliant with local safety regulations and complements the overall design of your pool area.
8. Zero-Edge or Infinity Design
For a truly stunning and contemporary look, consider incorporating a zero-edge or infinity design into your pools oval. A zero-edge pool creates a seamless transition between the water and the surrounding landscape, giving the illusion that the pool extends infinitely into the horizon. This design is particularly striking when positioned on a hillside or overlooking a scenic view. The effect of water seemingly disappearing into the landscape creates a dramatic and luxurious visual impact.
9. Color and Tile Selection
The color and tile selection for your pools oval can greatly influence its appearance and ambiance. Choose tiles that complement the pool’s shape and the surrounding environment. Light-colored tiles can create a bright and inviting appearance, while darker tiles offer a sleek and sophisticated look. Mosaic tiles can add intricate patterns and textures, providing a touch of artistry to the pool’s interior. Consider the maintenance and durability of the tiles to ensure they stand up to regular use and environmental factors.
10. Custom Pool Covers
Incorporate custom pool covers into your design to enhance both functionality and style. Automatic covers offer convenience and safety, while custom designs can be tailored to match the shape and color of your pools oval. A pool cover not only helps keep debris out of the water but also improves energy efficiency by reducing heat loss. Choose a cover that blends seamlessly with the pool’s aesthetic while providing the practical benefits you need.
Designing a pools oval offers endless possibilities to create a stunning and functional outdoor space. By incorporating natural stone, water features, innovative lighting, and modern decking materials, you can enhance the beauty of your pool and transform your backyard into a luxurious retreat. Thoughtful landscaping, elegant fencing, and creative design elements further elevate the overall aesthetic. Whether you opt for a contemporary zero-edge design or a classic natural stone surround, the right design choices will ensure your pools oval becomes a centerpiece of relaxation and enjoyment for years to come.
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sleeklandscapes · 1 month
What are some popular designs for patio hardscaping?
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Popular patio hardscaping designs include:
1. Paver Patios: Durable and customizable with various materials like brick, stone, or concrete. Patterns such as herringbone or basketweave add visual interest.
2. Natural Stone Patios: Use materials like flagstone or travertine for a classic, elegant look with unique, durable surfaces.
3. Stamped Concrete: Mimics stone or brick at a lower cost, customizable with various patterns and colors.
4. Gravel Patios: Offers a casual, rustic appearance with good drainage. Use edging to keep gravel contained.
5. Deck-style Patios: Uses composite or wood decking for a seamless extension of your home’s interior, adaptable to raised or flush designs.
6. Fire Pit Areas: Integrates a fire pit as a focal point, built from materials like stone or metal for a cozy gathering spot.
7. Outdoor Kitchens: Adds functionality with grills, countertops, and storage, enhancing indoor-outdoor entertaining.
8. Seating Walls: Built-in walls provide extra seating and serve as both decorative and functional elements.
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topwebdesigndubai · 1 month
Best Landscaping Services in Dubai, UAE
Landscaping in Dubai
Landscaping in Dubai
Are you weary of managing hoses and envisioning a secluded garden or a new lawn? Whether your project involves new construction, renovation, planting, or irrigation, Green Creation Landscaping Dubai provides a proven record of superior landscape installation. We collaborate closely with clients from the initial design phase through to project completion, ensuring every aspect of your landscape is executed with precision. Specializing in both residential and commercial landscapes throughout Dubai and the UAE, we are committed to delivering outstanding outdoor spaces by understanding your vision, utilizing high-quality materials, and managing the entire process from site visit to final installation. For a reliable and seasoned landscape contractor or consultant in Dubai, Green Creation Landscaping is your ideal choice.
Our approach to landscaping integrates creativity with practicality to create outdoor environments that are both visually striking and sustainable. Our services encompass bespoke garden design, eco-friendly planting strategies, advanced irrigation solutions, and customized maintenance plans. Allow Green Creation to transform your property into a lush oasis that reflects your distinct style and enhances its natural allure.
Landscape Design Dubai
At Green Creation, our landscape designers possess extensive knowledge of both landscape construction techniques and plant growth characteristics. We consider your family’s use of the garden, budget constraints, stylistic preferences, and material choices to create a design that aligns with your brief and financial plan. The final design will be rendered to scale, enabling us to provide an accurate quotation for implementation. By the conclusion of the design process, you will have a clear vision of your garden’s appearance, and we will have a precise brief to avoid costly misunderstandings during the construction phase. Utilizing cutting-edge design tools and premium materials, our team ensures that every project becomes a masterpiece. With a strong reputation for excellence and client satisfaction, Green Creation Landscaping is the premier choice for transforming landscapes into extraordinary settings. Trust us to create the ideal outdoor environment for your home or business.
Soft Landscaping Dubai
With over twenty years of experience, Green Creation Landscaping has provided exceptional soft landscaping services to both commercial and residential clients across the UAE. Our projects range from dynamic landscape planting schemes for corporate headquarters, educational institutions, retail parks, and industrial estates, to residential gardens. We deliver innovative soft landscaping solutions tailored to our clients’ specifications. Our process includes site evaluations and drawings, and we collaborate closely with architects to ensure cost-effective, high-quality results. Our dedication to excellence is reflected in our impressive client base and the high rate of referrals we receive. We pride ourselves on delivering unique planting schemes and maintaining a reputation for integrity, reliability, and affordability.
Hard Landscaping Dubai
Enhance your outdoor space by integrating hard elements that establish symmetry between your home and garden. Hardscaping elements such as pavers, stonescapes, and outdoor structures not only define your landscape but also enhance its aesthetic appeal and functionality.
Green Creation Landscaping Dubai transforms hardscaping into an art form. Each custom design incorporates color, texture, and dimension to deliver a distinctive elegance to your outdoor environment. Our skilled team has hands-on experience in installing a variety of hardscaping features, including stamped and colored concrete, stone walls, patios, paved pathways, flagstone, and boulders.
Hardscaping Services Include:
- Stonescapes - Paver and Stone Work - Patios - Walkways - Retaining Walls - Stacked Stone Walls - Terraces - Pool Decks - Driveways - Concrete - Wood Decks - Arbors
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murphymasonry · 2 months
Outdoor Living Spaces: Creating the Perfect Stone Patio for Your Backyard
Transforming your backyard into an inviting outdoor living space can enhance the value and enjoyment of your home. One of the most appealing ways to achieve this is by creating a stone patio. A well-designed stone patio not only adds beauty and elegance to your outdoor area but also provides a durable and functional space for relaxation and entertainment. Here are some tips and ideas to help you create the perfect stone patio for your backyard.
Choosing the Right Stone
The first step in creating a stone patio is selecting the right type of stone. There are various options to choose from, each with its unique characteristics and benefits:
Flagstone: Known for its natural, rustic look, flagstone comes in a variety of colors and shapes, making it a popular choice for patios. Its irregular edges and textured surface create an organic and timeless appearance.
Bluestone: This dense, durable stone is ideal for patios and pathways. It has a smooth texture and comes in various shades of blue, gray, and tan, which can complement a range of landscape designs.
Limestone: Limestone offers a soft, natural appearance and is available in various hues such as gray, blue, and beige. It is easy to cut and shape, making it a versatile option for custom patio designs.
Granite: If you're looking for a highly durable and low-maintenance option, granite is an excellent choice. Its unique patterns and colors add a touch of sophistication to any outdoor space.
Design Considerations
Once you've chosen the type of stone, it's time to plan the layout and design of your patio. Consider the following factors:
Size and Shape
The size and shape of your patio should be proportionate to your backyard and the activities you plan to host. Whether you prefer a small, intimate seating area or a large space for entertaining, Murphy Masonry can help you design a patio that suits your needs and complements your landscape.
Think about how you'll use your patio. Do you want a space for dining, lounging, or both? Incorporate different zones within the patio to accommodate various activities. For example, you can create a cozy seating area around a fire pit or a dining space with a built-in grill.
Seating and Features
Enhance the functionality and comfort of your patio with built-in seating, such as stone benches or retaining walls with cushions. Consider adding features like a pergola for shade, outdoor lighting for ambiance, and a water feature for a soothing atmosphere.
Installation Process
Creating a stone patio requires careful planning and precise execution. Here’s a brief overview of the installation process:
Preparation: Start by clearing the area of any grass, plants, or debris. Mark the boundaries of your patio and excavate the soil to a depth of about 6-8 inches.
Base Layer: Lay a base layer of crushed stone or gravel, followed by a layer of sand. This provides a stable foundation for the stone and ensures proper drainage.
Laying the Stone: Arrange the stones according to your design, starting from one corner and working your way out. Use a rubber mallet to tap the stones into place and ensure they are level.
Filling Gaps: Fill the gaps between the stones with sand or mortar, depending on the type of stone you’ve chosen. Sweep the material into the gaps and compact it to secure the stones.
Finishing Touches: Once the stones are in place, add any additional features such as seating, lighting, or landscaping to complete your patio.
Maintenance Tips
To keep your stone patio looking its best, regular maintenance is essential:
Cleaning: Sweep the patio regularly to remove dirt and debris. Use a mild detergent and water to clean any stains or mildew.
Sealing: Apply a sealant to protect the stone from weathering and staining. Reapply the sealant every few years, depending on the type of stone and exposure to the elements.
Repairs: Inspect the patio periodically for any loose or damaged stones. Address any issues promptly to prevent further damage. If you need professional help, contact Murphy Masonry for expert Minnesota Chimney Repair & Restoration services.
Creating the perfect stone patio for your backyard can significantly enhance your outdoor living experience. With careful planning, quality materials, and expert craftsmanship, you can enjoy a beautiful and functional space for years to come. Whether you're looking to relax, entertain, or simply enjoy the beauty of nature, a stone patio is a timeless addition to any home.
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