nathfiset · 6 months
Hypno-Baby: a complete program for natural birth
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Hypno-Baby: a complete program for natural birth
 The process of giving birth is one of the most transformative experiences in a woman's life. However, for many soon-to-be mothers, the idea of a natural birth can be intimidating.The thought of intense pain and lack of control can cause anxiety and fear. That's where the Hypno-Baby program comes in. Developed by renowned hypnotherapist and retired family doctor, Nathalie Fiset, Hypno-Baby is a complete program designed to guide mothers through a natural and empowered birthing experience.By combining the power of hypnosis with evidence-based childbirth education, Hypno-Baby teaches women how to release fear and trust their bodies to achieve a calm, gentle, and pain-free birth.This article will explore the principles and techniques behind the Hypno-Baby program, and how it has helped countless women around the world to achieve the birth experience they desire.Whether you are a first-time mother or have had previous birth experiences, Hypno-Baby offers a comprehensive and holistic approach to childbirth that will leave you feeling confident, empowered, and in control of your own birth journey. 
Prepare for natural childbirth with Hypno-Baby.
 Hypno-Baby offers expectant mothers a comprehensive program designed to prepare them for natural childbirth.This unique approach focuses on utilizing self-hypnosis techniques to alleviate pain, reduce anxiety, and enhance relaxation during labor and delivery.Through a combination of hypnosis, breathing exercises, visualization, and positive affirmations, women can develop a deep sense of confidence and control over their birthing experiences.The program aims to empower mothers to trust their bodies' natural abilities and to embrace the transformative journey of childbirth. With Hypno-Baby, women can cultivate a calm and positive mindset, enabling them to approach labor with a greater sense of ease and readiness. 
Relax your mind and body.
 In the Hypno-Baby program, the importance of relaxation for both the mind and body is emphasized. By incorporating relaxation techniques into the childbirth process, expectant mothers can promote a sense of calm and tranquility throughout labor and delivery.Through guided imagery exercises, breathing techniques, and mindfulness practices, women can learn to release tension and stress, allowing their bodies to work harmoniously during this transformative experience. By creating a serene and peaceful environment, mothers can optimize their physical and emotional well-being, ultimately leading to a more positive and empowering birthing experience.Relaxation is a fundamental component of the Hypno-Baby program, supporting women in embracing the natural process of childbirth with confidence and serenity. 
Learn self-hypnosis techniques.
 In addition to the comprehensive Hypno-Baby program, another valuable aspect that expectant mothers can explore is learning self-hypnosis techniques. Self-hypnosis is a powerful tool that enables individuals to tap into their subconscious mind and create positive changes in their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.By mastering self-hypnosis techniques, women can cultivate a deep sense of relaxation and mental focus, which can be particularly beneficial during labor and delivery. Through regular practice and guidance, expectant mothers can develop the ability to enter a state of deep relaxation, allowing them to effectively manage pain, reduce anxiety, and enhance their overall childbirth experience. Learning self-hypnosis techniques empowers women to take an active role in their birthing journey, fostering a sense of empowerment and control throughout the process. 
Manage pain without medication.
 Another valuable aspect of the Hypno-Baby program is its focus on managing pain without relying on medication. This approach recognizes that childbirth can be a challenging and intense experience, but it also acknowledges the body's natural ability to cope with pain. Through the use of hypnosis and relaxation techniques, expectant mothers can learn to harness their inner strength and tap into their body's natural pain relief mechanisms. By deeply relaxing the mind and body, women can effectively manage discomfort during labor, allowing for a more empowering and positive birthing experience.With the guidance and support provided by the Hypno-Baby program, mothers can confidently embrace a medication-free approach to pain management, promoting a sense of empowerment and holistic well-being throughout their natural birth journey. 
Trust your body's instincts.
 Trusting your body's instincts is a fundamental principle of the Hypno-Baby program. The belief is that a woman's body intuitively knows how to give birth, and by connecting with this innate wisdom, she can navigate the birthing process with confidence and ease. Through hypnosis and relaxation techniques, expectant mothers are encouraged to tune into their body's signals and respond intuitively to its needs.This trust in the body's instincts allows women to surrender to the birthing process and let go of any fear or tension that may hinder progress. By embracing this approach, women can cultivate a deep sense of trust in their body's ability to birth naturally, leading to a more fulfilling and empowered birthing experience. 
Experience a calm birth.
 The Hypno-Baby program offers expectant mothers the opportunity to experience a calm and peaceful birth. Through a comprehensive set of techniques and strategies, women are guided to tap into their inner resources and find a deep sense of relaxation and tranquility during the birthing process.By practicing self-hypnosis, visualization, and affirmations, women can create a positive and serene mindset, allowing them to release any fears or anxieties surrounding childbirth.This focus on maintaining a calm state of mind throughout labor not only enhances the mother's physical comfort but also contributes to a smoother and more efficient birthing experience. The Hypno-Baby program empowers women to embrace the transformative journey of childbirth with confidence and grace, ensuring a memorable and serene start to their baby's life. 
Partner involvement is encouraged.
 In the Hypno-Baby program, we recognize the importance of partner involvement in the birthing process. Research has shown that when partners actively participate and support the mother during labor, it can lead to a more positive and empowering birth experience. We encourage partners to attend our comprehensive childbirth classes, where they will learn various techniques to assist and advocate for the mother during labor.From practicing relaxation exercises together to offering physical and emotional support, partners play a crucial role in creating a nurturing and calm environment for the birthing mother. By actively involving partners in the process, we aim to strengthen the bond between the couple and ensure a shared, beautiful journey towards welcoming their baby into the world. 
Suitable for all birth settings.
 With the Hypno-Baby program, we designed it to be suitable for all birth settings, whether it be a hospital, birthing center, or even a home birth. The techniques and tools taught in our program are adaptable and can be utilized in any environment. Our emphasis on promoting relaxation, mindfulness, and positive affirmations can help birthing mothers feel more confident and in control, regardless of the location.We understand that every birth is unique, and our program is designed to provide expectant parents with the knowledge and skills to navigate their chosen birth setting with grace and ease. By empowering couples with a comprehensive program that can be applied to any birth setting, we aim to support their desired birthing experience and ensure a safe and peaceful journey into parenthood. 
Evidence-based and researched program.
 This comprehensive program for natural birth, Hypno-Baby, is rooted in evidence-based research and has been carefully developed to provide expectant parents with the most effective techniques and strategies for a positive birthing experience. Our program draws from the latest scientific studies and incorporates proven methods that promote relaxation, reduce anxiety, and enhance the natural birthing process.Our team of experts has extensively researched and analyzed various approaches to childbirth, ensuring that the Hypno-Baby program is based on sound scientific principles. By offering an evidence-based and researched program, we aim to provide expectant parents with the confidence and knowledge to make informed decisions and achieve their desired birth outcomes. 
Empower yourself for birth success.
 In the journey towards birth success, it is crucial for expectant parents to empower themselves with knowledge and preparation. Understanding the birthing process, exploring different coping mechanisms, and developing a strong support system can significantly contribute to a positive and empowering birth experience.By engaging in childbirth education classes, attending informative workshops, and seeking guidance from experienced professionals, expectant parents can gain the necessary tools and confidence to navigate the various stages of labor. Moreover, fostering a mindset of self-belief and trust in the body's natural ability to birth can further enhance the overall experience.With the right mindset, education, and support, expectant parents can embark on their birthing journey feeling empowered, informed, and prepared for a successful and fulfilling birth experience. In conclusion, the Hypno-Baby program offers a comprehensive and evidence-based approach to natural childbirth. With its focus on relaxation, visualization, and positive affirmations, this program equips expectant mothers with the tools they need to have a calm and empowering birth experience. Its step-by-step guide and support system make it a valuable resource for any parent-to-be.Whether you are a first-time mom or have experienced childbirth before, Hypno-Baby is a valuable program that can help you achieve the natural birth you desire. With its proven success and expert guidance, Hypno-Baby is a program that every expectant mother should consider. 
 What is Hypno-Baby and how does it differ from other childbirth preparation programs? Hypno-Baby is a childbirth preparation program that incorporates hypnosis techniques to help women have a calm and comfortable birthing experience. It differs from other programs in that it focuses on using hypnosis to manage pain and fear during labor, rather than relying solely on medical interventions. Hypno-Baby teaches relaxation techniques, visualization, and positive affirmations to help women stay relaxed and in control during childbirth.It aims to empower women to trust their bodies and to approach labor with a positive mindset. How does Hypno-Baby help women achieve a natural birth experience? Hypno-Baby helps women achieve a natural birth experience by utilizing hypnosis techniques to reduce fear, anxiety, and pain associated with childbirth. Through relaxation exercises, visualization, and positive affirmations, Hypno-Baby teaches women to enter a deeply relaxed state during labor, allowing their bodies to work harmoniously and efficiently.This approach promotes the release of endorphins, which act as natural pain relievers, and helps women stay calm and focused throughout the birthing process. By harnessing the power of the mind-body connection, Hypno-Baby empowers women to trust their bodies, minimize interventions, and have a positive and empowering birth experience. Can Hypno-Baby be used for all types of childbirth, including home births and hospital births? Yes, Hypno-Baby can be used for all types of childbirth, including home births and hospital births. The techniques and methods taught in Hypno-Baby can be applied in any setting, as they primarily focus on relaxation, breathing exercises, visualization, and positive affirmations to manage pain and promote a calm and comfortable birthing experience.Whether you choose to have your baby at home or in a hospital, Hypno-Baby can be a valuable tool to help you stay relaxed and in control during labor and delivery. Are there any scientific studies or evidence supporting the effectiveness of Hypno-Baby in reducing pain and facilitating natural childbirth? There is limited scientific evidence supporting the effectiveness of Hypno-Baby in reducing pain and facilitating natural childbirth. Some studies suggest that hypnosis techniques used during labor may have positive effects on pain perception, anxiety, and satisfaction with the birthing experience.However, more robust and well-controlled studies are needed to draw definitive conclusions. It is important to consult with healthcare professionals and consider individual factors when considering Hypno-Baby or any other childbirth technique. What are some specific techniques or methods taught in the Hypno-Baby program that women can use during labor and delivery? The Hypno-Baby program teaches various techniques and methods to help women during labor and delivery. These include relaxation techniques, self-hypnosis, visualization, breathing exercises, and positive affirmations.The program aims to help women achieve a deep state of relaxation, manage pain, reduce anxiety, and promote a calm and positive birthing experience. Women are taught to use their breath and focus on visualizations to help them stay relaxed and in control during labor. The program also emphasizes the power of positive affirmations to reframe any negative thoughts or fears surrounding childbirth. Overall, the Hypno-Baby program provides women with tools and techniques to support them in achieving a more comfortable and positive birth experience. 
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livingswag · 6 months
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ciarafisher19 · 8 months
My Birth Story
Before becoming pregnant, I enjoyed reading other’s birth stories and often found them inspiring so I thought I would share mine as well. What I did to Prepare for Labor Starting at about 36 weeks I began eating 3 Medjool dates per day. This has been shown to help soften the cervix in preparation for labor. I also started drinking red raspberry tea. I drank it hot and usually consumed 1-2 cups…
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janinebaechle · 3 years
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10-05-21 Your birth happened exactly as I envisioned it. In the safety of our cosy home with two gentle midwives, I birthed you on all fours (leaning over a birth ball) in front of our bed on Sunday morning. Our flat was nice and clean, everything was ready for you. We listened to our birth music, moved around & I had your Papa by my side. I was breathing through the pulling sensations and as it got more intense I was wondering if this is transition phase. A few extremely overwhelming surges and I already pushed you out! What a surprise how you rushed through my pelvis just after I couldn't feel your head at all with my hands. Even though I already birthed your sister, it was so surreal, when I held you in my hands. At the same time everything felt so normal. Now you are already more than 24 hours old, fast asleep besides me. Your tiny ears are super hairy and when you breastfeed you make little squeeking sounds. So far you have been quite content and calm. Oxytocin / Skin to skin, Offenbach, Germany, May 2021 From my new series in progress 'Becoming Parents'⁠ Censored for Instagram. ⁠ Thank you to @hessischekulturstiftung for supporting this project.⁠ #motherhood #postpartum #naturalchildbirth #birth #janinebaechle #contemporaryphotography #homebirth #newborn @novia_hebammen #photography #homebirth https://www.instagram.com/p/CSjOTXUsF27/?utm_medium=tumblr
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wobbly-walk · 4 years
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mrswittys · 4 years
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#naturalchildbirth #childbirth #childbirthwithoutfear #laboranddelivery #midwife #labornurse #midwifery #midwifelife #doula #doulasupport #doulalife #strongwomen #toughwomen #naturalbirth #naturalbirths #naturalbirthbaby #naturalbirthprep #etsy #etsyfinds #etsyseller https://www.instagram.com/p/B_olPv5B3VB/?igshid=1g67x42jt4onv
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juliebarracato · 5 years
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Join Seed and Bloom Birth Services for information on #childbirth #naturalchildbirth #birthservices #doula #birthdoula @holidayspiritualbazaar Dec 14th &15th @leesportfarmersmarket #holisticexpo #holistichealing #spiritualexpo #metaphysicalhealing #chineseauction (at Leesport Farmers Market) https://www.instagram.com/p/B35I7H8BId9/?igshid=jhaqm0ytnszv
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An actual photo capturing the moment I became a father... MEGESTIC AF SO CUTE!! #alien #h.r.geiger #childbirth #naturalchildbirth #happybirthday #itsagirl #itsagirl🎀 #prouddaddy #newbornphotography #photomanipulation #digitalart #infinitepainter #art #delandtattooartist #floridatattooartist (at Blackwater Inn) https://www.instagram.com/p/BybHzIrggUJ/?igshid=21iyp4fszzgi
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I've had to have two emergency c-sections due to complications but always wished I could of tried natural childbirth. So if any of you are thinking about #naturalchildbirth I want to let you know about #KGHypnobirthing which gives you important knowledge and tools to have the best natural child birth. @thecalmfam 💗 is a practitioner, family #yogateacher & positive birth empowerer who specializes in #KGHypnobirthing giving control back to you, releasing fear & supporting you through #pregnancy, birth & parenthood. #Hypnobirthing is an informative, empowering toolkit complete with carefully developed relaxation methods that allow you to feel confident in bringing your baby into this world in whichever way they arrive. #thecalmfam offers one on one sessions in the comfort of your home as well as welcoming you into hers if that is more convenient. She also runs group classes in both #Aberdeen & the Shire. Best of all you don't even have to be located in her area because she does online personal sessions too. #sponsored #thecalmfam #nurseblogger . To learn more visit @thecalmfam 💗 https://thecalmfam.com . . . . . . . . . . . . 💗 .#birthstory #naturaldelivery#laboranddelivery #laboranddelivery#labor #birthday #welcomebaby#besthusbandever #hypnobirthing#justbreathe #birthing#birthphotography #birthphotographer#birthphotos #birthingball#babyonitsway#icandoallthingsthroughchrist#thelordismystrength #influencer #momblog #momslife #mommyblogger #momsofinstagram (at California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvzWsMDAb_G/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1f7enn4dmlr5a
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nathfiset · 10 months
Hypno-Baby: course for natural birth
Get Ready to Rock Your Birth Experience! Join Our Amazing Natural Birth Course Today!Hey there, expecting superstars!Are you ready to embark on the most incredible adventure of your life? We're talking about the journey to motherhood, where you'll discover just how amazing your body truly is! Buckle up because we've got something special for you - our mind-blowing course: "The Miracle of Natural Birth: Nurturing Your Journey to Motherhood."Now, we know the idea of giving birth can be a mix of excitement and "OMG, can I really do this?" But fear not, because we've got your back! Our mission is to arm you with the knowledge, confidence, and kick-ass techniques that will make your natural birth experience rock!Here's why our natural birth course is out-of-this-world awesome:- Expert Rockstars: Our team of childbirth educators is like a band of seasoned rockstars, ready to jam with you through every stage of the birthing process. They've got the skills, experience, and compassion to give you the support you need. We keep it real, evidence-based, and totally down-to-earth, so you'll be equipped with the latest and greatest info to rock your birth like a pro! - Groovy Holistic Approach: We're all about embracing your mind, body, and spirit! Our course takes a holistic approach that will have you feeling the good vibes all the way. We'll groove through breathing exercises, relaxation techniques, visualization, meditation, and the power of positive affirmations. Get ready to connect with your body and baby on a whole new level. It's all about finding your rhythm and owning that stage! - Partner Power: We believe birth partners are like the ultimate roadies. They're there to support you, cheer you on, and make sure your spotlight shines the brightest. Our course gets your partners in on the action, teaching them the ropes and empowering them to be your rock-solid support team. Together, you'll create an epic atmosphere of love, trust, and total rock 'n' roll awesomeness! - Mind-Blowing Curriculum: We've got all the bases covered, from the opening act to the encore! Our course covers everything you need to know, from the ins and outs of labor stages to pain management techniques that will have you singing hallelujah. We'll even dive into breastfeeding guidance, postpartum care, and more. Consider it your backstage pass to knowledge, empowering you to make the right choices for your birth gig! - Rockstar Community: You're not just joining a course; you're joining a tribe of incredible mothers who are ready to rock their births alongside you. Connect with like-minded mamas, share stories, and build friendships that will last a lifetime. Because let's face it, having a support crew that totally gets what you're going through is like having your own fan club cheering you on!Spaces in our rockin' natural birth course are limited, so don't miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Get ready to unleash your inner superstar and give your baby the most incredible entrance into the world.To secure your spot in "The Miracle of Natural Birth: Nurturing Your Journey to Motherhood," head over to our website or give us a shout at . Our crew is standing by, ready to answer all your burning questions and get you on the path to an EPIC birth experience!Remember, mama, you've got the power to rock this birth like nobody's business. Join us and let's make some unforgettable memories!Rock on,
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fortheloveoffanart · 5 years
Sitting in childbirth class tonight talking about induction and the best natural way to induce labor.
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Your Birth Helper highly recommends these books- along with Penny Simkin’s The Birth Partner! #yourbirthhelper #freetidbits #symbioticbirth #naturalchildbirth #books #reading #pregnancy #birth #labor #tombrewer #Robertbradley #williamsears #inamaygaskin #pennysimkins #childbirth #jayhathaway #birthpartner #husbandcoached #husbandcoachedchildbirth https://www.instagram.com/p/BtrF8aDA1j8/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1kdr99ji97kk1
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brightlynested · 6 years
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This sweet baby girl was born at at birth center almost 4 months ago 💞 Initially when I told friends and family I was going to deliver my baby at a birth center, everyone was really confused. The most common questions I received were, “What is a birth center?” and “Is that safe?!” Less than 1% of babies are born at birth centers so their questions were totally valid! At one point I had asked those same questions myself. My hope is that this post will answer all your questions about what a birth center is, as well as share how amazing my birth center experience was! 
What is a birth center?
A birth center is a home-like setting for women to give birth. Most birth centers are a free standing building on the grounds of a hospital or only a few blocks away. Some birth centers can even be attached to a hospital. Women are typically seen by midwives as opposed to OBs.
Pregnancy and childbirth are normal life events and are treated as such. In birth centers, midwives and staff hold onto the “wellness” model of birth, which means they provide continuous, supportive care during childbirth and only intervene if medically necessary. (During my birth, once my water had broken, my midwife did not leave my side until hours after the baby was born. She coached me and encouraged me the whole time while I was laboring. This was a stark difference between my first child’s hospital birth when the doctor only showed up a few minutes before the baby was born and then left immediately afterwards. I had never met her and never saw her again after that). 
Additionally, birth centers are universally committed to family-centered care. In birth centers, it is the childbearing woman’s right to be the decision-maker about the circumstances of her birth. Women are encouraged to eat if they are hungry, move around and spend time in a tub if they wish, and push in whatever positions they find most comfortable. Birth centers recognize that the mother knows what her body needs to give birth (🙌).The midwives and staff attend to her needs, while diligently watching for signs that are outside the realm of wellness. If anything should should happen to where the mother or baby’s life may be at risk, the mother and baby are immediately transferred to the hospital.
In the U.S., 98.8% of births take place in hospital labor and delivery units, with physicians attending 86% of these births. In contrast, 0.3% of births take place in birth centers, where nurse-midwives and midwives provide most of the care. Among women who give birth in hospitals, approximately 85% are considered low-risk, while all women who are eligible for care at a birth center are healthy and low-risk.
Since hospitals specialize in treating acute illness and injury, they are an obvious choice for women who have complications that require medical or surgical intervention or who choose to have high-intervention births. However, when normal, healthy pregnant women give birth in hospitals, their care often gets swept up into this same medical way of doing things. The philosophy is often "What if something bad happens?" instead of "What is happening right now?" Standard protocols, meant to prepare for problems that may never arise, can disrupt normal labor for healthy pregnant women.
As a result, many women in hospitals receive interventions, whether or not they need them. Almost all women (87%) who labor in hospitals undergo continuous electronic fetal monitoring, 80% receive intravenous fluids, 47% have labor artificially accelerated with medications, and 43% of first-time moms have labor artificially induced. In addition, 60% of women giving birth in hospitals are not allowed to eat or drink, 76% are restricted to bed, and 92% give birth lying on their backs. There is strong evidence that routine use of these practices, when carried out without medical indications, has few benefits and many potential harms for healthy mothers and babies.”
*All information & statistics were taken from birthcenters.org
My Birth Center Experience
I loved absolutely everything about my birth center experience! Once I got pregnant with my second baby, I was still on the fence about going for a natural childbirth. It wasn’t until I was 16 weeks pregnant that I decided to switch from my OB’s office to my local birth center. Immediately they welcomed me with open arms. My first appointment was an hour long. During that appointment I got to know one of the midwives and shared my medical history with her. I also let her know all the details of my first labor and delivery. From then on, at each appointment I saw a different midwife on staff. There were only 5-6 midwives and only three of them are on-call for labor and delivery, so I knew to spend a little extra time with those particular midwives because I knew one of them was going to deliver my baby! 
Once my labor began I called the birth center to let them know. My (favorite) midwife called me back immediately and told me she was on-call that day! She seemed just as excited as I was and couldn’t wait for me to arrive at the birth center. I had just seen her the day before and she told me, “I want to catch your baby!” (typical midwife jargon meaning, “I want to deliver your baby!”)
Long (labor) story short, I labored at home for the first 8 hours I was in labor. Eventually I knew it was time to go to the birth center and when I arrived I was 4cm dilated, fully effaced, with a bulging bag of water. I labored for another hour until my midwife asked me if I wanted her to break my water, which I did! I knew once she broke my water labor was really going to pick up. Once she broke my water I immediately got into the water birth tub. From that point on my midwife never left my side. She also never checked to see how dilated I was after that, but she knew exactly how dilated I was from the sounds I was making. Eventually she even told me my baby was going to be born within 30 minutes (again, without even knowing how dilated I was) and she was exactly right. My sweet little girl was born 20 minutes later. Her confidence and calm disposition astounded me. It was so obvious how incredibly knowledgeable and skilled she was in delivering babies. 
In that last hour of birth I cried out for strength and help from our Lord and she was right there with me saying, “You’re doing amazing!! You have all the strength you need! You got this girl!!” Even after my sweet little girl was born, she told me over and over how well I did. Her words really impacted me and made me feel so accomplished. After delivery, she took the time to show me my placenta and tell me everything about it. Previously, I had been a little grossed out by placentas honestly, but the information she was telling me was fascinating. Afterwards, she proceeded to tell me how much she loves her job and how delivering babies will never get old to her. After 12 years of delivering hundred and hundreds of babies, she still enjoyed every single birth. 
Again, this was a stark difference between my first birth in a hospital by an OB I had never met and never saw again. 
In the weeks following birth, I was counting down the days until my 6 week postpartum visit with my midwife again. I couldn’t wait to catch up with her and talk about the birth. Once my appointment finally came we laughed and chatted together for over an hour while she held my sweet baby. My appointment happened to be the last of the day and she told me I could hang out as long as I wanted! You don’t hear that very often at a doctors office! Ha! Needless to say, I can’t get over how personal my birth center experience was. It was a stark contrast to my previous doctors office where I was just another pregnant woman. I know I am biased, but I will always, always recommend a birth center birth if you have the option! You won’t be treated like just another pregnant woman, and you can expect individualized, personal care. 
Additional Birth Center Quick FAQ’s
Do birth centers take insurance?
Yes, they accept most forms of insurance. Once you switch over to your birth center, they can tell you how much your birth will cost according to the type of insurance you have. Birth center births are cheaper than hospital births so you may not need to pay much at all! 
At what point in your pregnancy should you start going to a birth center?
As soon as you find out you are pregnant. Your appointments follow the same schedule they would at a typical OB’s office.
Do birth centers give epidurals?
No. Birth centers specialize in unmedicated births, but there are some things they can give you to help ease the pain of labor if needed.
What happens in the event of an emergency during childbirth?
If the midwife feels the mother or infant’s life is in immediate risk, they are transferred to the hospital immediately.
Can I check out the birth center first before I commit?
Yes! Most birth centers will let you tour the place first and see what they are about before you commit. My husband and I did a tour and a class before we committed!
How do I find a birth center near me?
Find a birth center near you using the American Association of Birth Centers (AABC) website: https://www.birthcenters.org/search/custom.asp?id=2926
Do I go back to my original OBGYN after the baby is born?
No! :) Most birth centers provide full-scope gynecological care for women of all ages, from teen to post-menopausal. They provide annual exams with pap smears, mammograms, contraception/birth control, natural family planning, holistic management of menopause, preconception counseling, and much more!
In 2013 a nationwide study was done on birth centers called the National Birth Center Study II. The findings confirmed that women & newborns receive top notch care at birth centers. Read the whole article here https://www.birthcenters.org/page/NBCSII .
I hope you enjoyed the read! Are you considering a birth center birth? What other questions do you have? Do you have friends considering a birth center birth? Feel free to tag your pregnant friends to share this post with them! 
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psychlone · 6 years
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Regram from @2lifedoula via @blissful.herbs Homebirth, no episiotomy, no tear, no shoulder dystocia, perfect APGAR. #youcanbirthyourbaby #hireadoula #hireamidwife #naturalchildbirth #bigbaby #homebirth #birthdoula #yonidoulanyc (at Yoni Doula NYC) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoNiFnrFkyH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=d7q9bhq2n3hx
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beatsbyjenn · 6 years
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Gray and gold custom heartbeat painting 😍😍😍 This is one of my favorite color combinations to paint. I love the way the gold pops on the neutral gray background. Link in bio! #nurseryart #heartbeatpainting #soundwaveart #heartbeat #sonogrampainting #sonogram #ultrasound #ultrasoundart #babysonogram #babyheartbeat #babyshowergiftideas #babyshowergifts #momtobe #babyontheway #babyonboard #mominainteasy #naturalchildbirth #birthgift #babygift #babiesdontkeep #nurseryideas #nurserydecor
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prbyshonda1425 · 6 years
Natural childbirth. AMAZING!!! And others want to say women aren't strong. We're some of the strongest individuals that you'll EVER EVER know. #naturalchildbirth #womenarewarriors #donotquestionourstrengthorourabilitytobesuperwomen
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