xkuja · 7 months
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@nazorneku "........" moves plate AWAY and starts to eat cakes as quickly as good manners allow.
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sacredflorist · 1 month
A secluded oasis of entertainment and purchasable merriment, a place to pretend the turmoil consumed the outside world did not exist whilst being enveloped by a deceitful peace, an apparent repulsion distorted his habitually impassive image and carmine glance narrowed with perceptible scorn, and yet that man was in no position to impose any judgment, as he committed the exact crime, the sin he had to atone for. A scarcely audible exhalation found its way out of his mouth, when gunslinger shook the head to exempt own mind from heavy thoughts which periodically struck with a merciless reminder; mayhap it was the very reason those people dragged him to such a bizarre place. In a measured pace, Vincent wandered along many floors and halls within Gold Saucer, actually extending an attempt to discover something worth wasting time with. Battle Square obviously appeared to be a more appropriate choice, nevertheless, he walked past it, electing to take a glance over Wonder Square, where he was greeted by a familiar voice not far from the floor pointers. Instantaneously the stance shifted to face the female, providing a rather vague gesture of the hand. "I will be a poor partner. I know not how anything of this works." The only event he was qualified for was battle, yet it was excluded promptly under the lack of desire to impose more fighting onto Aerith.
Unprompted Ask | Always Accepting | @nazorneku
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Aerith likes the Gold Saucer, even if she knows she can't let herself be too distracted. This place is beautiful, with so many possibilities, but it's a facade. The Planet is still in crisis, and Sephiroth will destroy it using Meteor if they don't stop him. But for now, the group has stopped here, and Aerith plans to enjoy her evening. She sang on the stage and is proud she did, but she's not tired yet, not at all. Actually, she needs to distract herself even more.
That's why when she sees Vincent, she quickly tries to catch his attention. He joined the group quite recently, and he doesn't talk much at all, but Aerith doesn't mind. She's good at doing the talking, and she wouldn't question him about his past or anything. He's mysterious, but Aerith herself hates to talk about herself. She can't picture herself forcing someone to open themselves either.
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She raises an eyebrow, offering him a playful smile. "We're doing this just for fun! Don't worry!" She lets a happy chuckle escape her mouth. "How about Queen's Blood ? We could play together! I just..." I just don't want to be alone right now. She shakes her head, keeping her bright smile on her lips. "I just want to have fun tonight! I don't mind losing at any of the games! And we could go to the Battle Square after that! What do you say ?"
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mjm5655 · 4 months
starter for @nazorneku !
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the first customer of the night was here for him as majima checked himself over, guised as goromi, his hostess self, he makes sure that his make-up is in check, & that his dress is covering just enough of himself before he goes out there to greet the lucky ... or unlucky customer ... what the hell ? no one could be unlucky to have got him, especially when they just requested any 'decent' hostess sees to them.
going out onto the floor, majima finds the man waiting at the table ... looks like a cop ... the clothes he wore. maybe majima was the unlucky one here if he had to entertain a cop for the night, but regardless, he walked over to the man, & greeted him excitedly.
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❝ hello ~ ! i'm goromi, i'm gonna be yer hostess fer the night. ~ ❞
taking a seat next to the man, majima awaits his reply, & reaction to the turn of events ... it wasn't one of his regulars that knew after all.
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ichoric · 11 months
@nazorneku said: 📜 twins with Estinien 🤧
Alisaie: Hey Estinien, Estinien: Yes? Alisaie: Can a person breathe inside a washing machine while it’s on? Estinien: Where’s Alphinaud?
Alisaie: Do you ever want to talk about your emotions, Estinien? Estinien: … No. Alphinaud: I do! Alisaie: I know, Alphinaud. Alphinaud: I’m sad! Alisaie: I know, Alphinaud.
Alisaie: Estinien, keep an eye on Alphinaud today. He's going to say something to the wrong person and get punched. Estinien: Sure, I’d love to see Alphinaud get punched. Alisaie: Try again. Estinien, sighing: I will stop Alphinaud from getting punched.
Alisaie: Why are you on the floor? Estinien: I'm depressed. Estinien: Also I was stabbed, can you get Alphinaud, please.
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calamitus · 11 months
❝ no matter how hard you try, i guess you can’t escape your past. ❞ general furry @ dh
last of us sentence starters. | @nazorneku
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TRY THOUGH HE MIGHT, IT'S FUTILE. he has known from the moment he set foot upon the express that this peace and tranquility was never meant to last; that the prospect of a present and a future in which he is someone other than memories of the past looming over his shoulder was naive & wishful, but never something that was truly meant for him. part of him had, foolishly, begun to ponder that such a life was perhaps not as impossible as he first deemed it to be, in the days prior to their arrival upon the xianzhou luofu.
sufficed to say, his fleeting dream had been cut short. a lesson in humility, he had mused ⸻ following the initial all-consuming dread. it wasn't particularly shock, no ... ( after all, this had always been fated. hope though he might, he understands it is just that. ) but despair, that after so much time spent trying to distance himself from that person, he stands before jing yuan, a mirror image of the one who had been exiled from the very land they walk.
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❝ ... that past is no longer my own. ❞ his eyes close, a quiet sigh huffing from his nose. though his expression remains the same mask of neutrality, there is a subtle sadness overshadowing it. doubt, perhaps, that the words he speaks are as honest as he would convince himself. through hazy memories & the looming weight of sin he tries even now to distance himself from, dan heng curls his fingers and lifts his head. he sets his gaze upon jing yuan, and hesitates.
❛ why is it that even now ...  ❜ he thinks, and for a moment that sadness reaches his eyes. the longer he inhabits this body / wanders these waters, the heavier this weight becomes. the more that quiet feelings of forgotten bonds forged and irreplaceable friendships leave him questioning that decision that he ( or not him ) chose to make. if he / that person hadn't done so, whether things would be different now. for the first time in the history of his escaping that self, dan heng almost finds himself wishing that his memory was clearer in that moment.
❝ that is... ❞ he begins, and averts his gaze. ❝ i digress. we should continue. ❞
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fatedevour · 1 year
♢  —    @nazorneku​ asked:  📓  @  al-haitham
encounter my muse in a scenrio 📓 → reading out a sample of a book they’re reading
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  “ Exposure to whole-body vibration, better known as WBV, by heavy machinery causes a distribution of motions and forces within the human body. To complicate matters, the transmission of vibration to the body is also dependent on body posture. To date there has been little attempt to accurately reflect many of the typical postures and vibration environments experienced by the human body or the trauma that such vibrations may pose to the human body. The machines with the greatest vibration emission were generally those that spent most of their time tracking. The worst machine for vibration exposure was a challenger 85D tracked tractor towing a 'hex' attachment. Operators of this machine would exceed the Teyvat Physical Agents Exposure Limit Value in about 2.5 hours. “
   A resounding THUD filled the air as Dottore snapped the book shut abruptly, casting it aside with disinterest. The AKADEMIYA might not know, but Dottore did. Though he was under no pretense of wanting to share that information.  “  It seems the Akademiya has taken a more ACCEPTING stance towards inquiries with machinery these days. Although i somehow imagine there’s still great restrictions to it. Always such a hassle.  “
   Dottore’s speaks calmly, although there’s a note of DISDAIN beneath the calm as he glances around. Oh he LOATHED these halls, albeit they were not the same ones he has once walked. But was that any surprise? It’d been over four hundred years by now since he’d roamed this area under a DIFFERENT name, things were expected to change. It’d be pathetic if they hadn’t, even if he’d already LONG left the school in his dust when it came to his knowledge. Although he supposed SOME things never changed. Like the fact this place was filled to the brim with hypocrites and cowards, unwilling to truly do what was necessary for the sake of learning.
   “  But I don’t imagine you care much for a reading lesson, now do you?  “  His masked visage finally properly turned to look towards the Scribe, head tilted to one side ever so slightly. 
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xkuja · 4 months
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Hark, there is a laugh. An annoying laugh of an annoying someone who hasn't got any delicious chocolates so the joke is on him, really.
He starts scarfing them down with an angery-face territorial 'shut up' glare sent toward the fabric bits.
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abundanced · 8 months
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the aeon of abundance has very little dealings with the other aeons , & in some ways , they are grateful for that. coming into contact with their fellow gods was rare , even for one hunted such as yaoshi themselves. but there is little that abundance can do to truly ignore the aeons , even one they are so at odds with.
❛ nanook. rare that we cross paths , isn't it ?? ❜
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abundance regards @nazorneku with cold neutrality , hardly bothering to glance destruction's way when they speak , twirling a branch between their fingers instead. yaoshi does not bear them any ill will , utterly incapable of doing so , but they don't particularly find themselves fond of nanook , & make it no secret.
❛ what cosmic tragedy caught your attention this time ?? ❜
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sacredflorist · 3 months
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Vincent doesn't talk a lot. It's something Aerith has understand from the moment she met him. And yet... she's curious. He's a former Turk. He used to work for Shinra before she was even born. Back when her father was also still working for Shinra. Was her mother herself around ? She wishes to ask, but she's also scared to ask. Speaking the truth, hearing the truth... is sometimes scary.
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"Vincent. You're a good man," she admits, letting a smirk cross her lips. Well, it probably seems very random coming from her, but Aerith always feels quite talkative late in the evening when the group stops by an Inn. "Maybe it's weird of me to ask, and you don't have to say anything if you don't want to, but... were there some nice scientists working for Shinra around your time ?"
@nazorneku ❤'d !
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scarletrotted · 1 year
he is right there, with the cemented flowers and chocolates, waiting for hand-to-hand combat date
So, too, does Malenia stand several paces before the knight. She glances from head to toe, surmising that he may be in the company of knights affiliated with the Dragon Cult. Perhaps their leadership had met with her brother. And perhaps they had taken a brief recess and were permitted to explore the Capital. Surely, however, they would travel with at least one other within their company. So, she would assume. 
Still, Malenia stares at this particular knight with peculiarities in his possession. How he stands before her with no sword, spear, or even shield. In his possession were flowers encased in a stone-like, opaque resin; which she has found herself surprised at how well they remain erect given the notable contrasts in the stems’ and blossom’s structures. In another hand is a decadent box, one that she speculates to contain confectionaries; though the designs she could not discern if the box was acquired within Leyndell.
A stiff silence freezes over them. His lips remain locked as his gaze upon her still. 
Malenia had no intention of prolonging it.
“If you seek my brother, you will not find him in this part of the city.”
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decaeysa · 1 year
Vivid crimson twinkled with indomitable mischief upon spotting the familiar figure amidst the stalls of local delicacies, the demon remained in no pursuit of a particular goal that day, thus ruffling a few Crow's feathers appeared as a sufficient distraction. A spiced scent of smoke greeted the other first, when Ais slid next to them, flashing an utterly impish grin, accompanied by a not so subtle ridicule. "Didn't know sparrows ate fish." With deliberate and emphasized attention to uttering their nickname in a long drag, he spoke, ensuring to remind 'bout own disregard towards their actual name. @nazorneku
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the warning smoke doesn't alert them to anything unsavoury at first -- a common smell, one they have yet to associate with the presence of the annoyance. they turn their head only out of curiosity for the source when mismatched eyes fall upon ais. crow expels a short breath at the taunt, somewhat amused by his commitment to uttering the wrong name.
" then you don't know much, do you. "
as their attention is taken away from the stall they can do nothing but glance over the man in front of them with mixed annoyance and surprise. has he truly nothing better to do? they finish their transaction at the stall and, rather than pack it away for later, immediately take a bite out of it. mouth still full, they gesture between themselves and the fish.
" see, now you've witnessed it first-hand. sparrow eatin' fish, bet you didn't think you'd see that in your lifetime. "
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mjm5655 · 1 year
💻 @ vincent
written notes // accepting ! // @nazorneku 💻 a friendly email
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yo, copper.
thanks 4 makin' sure they didn't buzzcut me. i think i would have died o' shame. (ノдヽ)
ur a pretty good cop. how 'bout we go out 4 drinks sometime ? i'll pay. it helps 2 b friendly with a copper, right ? maybe u can pull some strings 4 me if i ever get myself stuck in the jammer again, i member some dude ... way back in the 80s was good with a cop, n' he always used that 2 his advantage, maybe u can b my good cop. ~
regards, majima goro.
ps. go easy with the handcuffs next time though, that shit hurt.
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inavagrant-a · 1 year
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@nazorneku said:
“Are you seriously going to wear that?” eloquently points at the hat @ Al-Whiteman gimme your worst, apollo
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Buer is having Tetsuya work with quite the character today, though truly he's the last one who should be going on about interesting characters because he more than likely takes the cake for that one. But he owns it and kills it as well. Apparently this... person was a sage-elect but that he turned down the position. As to why, he does not care the why, but how interesting it is to see the a mortal turn down the possibility of higher status and more power. Those are quite the rare breed in the mortal realm, he's come to learn in his elongated period of life. Tetsuya's having a hard time finding him interesting though, so caring to make conversation of some sort never crossed his mind, only focusing on the task Buer had given him. That task being that they both go check on the exiled sages who betrayed Sumeru.
With arms crossed over his chest, the wanderer awaits for Al-Haitham within the library, since that's the spot he was told they would meet first before heading out. The occurrence is uncommon, but he did decide to rest his hat on the table next to him if only for a moment before his temporary partner showed up. The scribe blessed by dendro seemed to know he's going to be his partner today and approaches him. Tetsuya merely nods his head and then reaches for his hat when the distasteful question is presented. Tetsuya immediately furrows his brows at this, bringing the hat up and placing it to rest over his head. He stares for a long moment at this Al-Haitham, Tetsuya immediately deciding in that instant that he does not like him.
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"When you decide to switch out of those clown shoes you call boots then speak to me about what I decide to wear and what I do not." He jabs in return. Those pointy jester-like shoes, he looks ridiculous. Tetsuya wasn't going to say anything but he tried him.
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calamitus · 11 months
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ichoric · 1 year
😎 for twins obv, and estinien casually adopted ryne too
alisaie took her time warming up to it but she knows she is estinien's family, same as alphi :') i'll never get over the twins getting a cool big brother. also i just imagine ryne and estinien having a bit of a stare off before he just sighs... gotta adopt her too
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tenuuchlegch · 1 year
[ UNSENT ] @ Estinien
Letter Prompts
[ UNSENT ]:     a letter written for the recipient, but which the writer ultimately never sends for reasons that the writer conceals, or may reveal within the letter itself.
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         A sigh escapes au ra, as pools of orchid scrutinized the pen and parchment before her. Deep breath in. Deep breath out. She could do this. With those actions performed, xaela then commenced her writing.
Dear Estinien,
You likely think it is quite unusual to communicate with you, in such a fashion. Why write to you, when I can perform a quick teleportation and visit you in Radz-at-Han? Well, to be frank I feel I can speak more freely in letters than I can with actual face-to-face conversations. Ridiculous, as that may seem. Here is the warrior of light, who cannot even bring herself to be social? That is to say, it is not as if I feel uncomfortable in your presence! Quite the contrary, for I am proud to call you both a companion and ally during times of crisis. Truly you have risen above and beyond Azure Dragoon. I cannot help but be inspired by you, in some instances. That being said, I believe a long overdue expression of gratitude is in order. 
First of all, I would like to thank you for joining the Scions. I am aware you did it mainly or mayhaps only for Alphinaud’s sake and he needed it, especially after the fallout with his own father prior. Alisaie required some extra support too, in that front as she too seemed devastated by his disownment of them. Though I am certain you have heard enough about my mad ranting on that man, to last a lifetime when we were on the boat towards Sharlayan. 
Secondly, I would also like to thank you for accompanying me, Thancred and Urianger to Radz-at-Han. I admit when I heard we were going there I felt a bit apprehensive to do so, considering what happened when I was there last time. Nevertheless, I found it strangely comforting to have you in our group. It kept my mind from delving too much into my past, in some ways. Because of this I confess I was a little on edge when you were taken by those alchemists, as Thancred and Urianger could surely attest. It was also quite astute of you to see through Vrtra’s guise. While there was something about Varshahn that struck me as unusual, I never would have deduced him to be one of the first brood.
But on to a different topic, Garlemald. I admit after what Fandaniel and Zenos did there I was not myself. I was terrified, to go and confront them so soon. Uncharacteristically cowardly of me, I know. Nevertheless you and the Scions remained by my side and pushed me forward, so I cannot thank you enough for that.
I would like to think we have both come a long way, from those people who traveled in Churning Mists. You should know, you were the first person I have openly discussed Hotgo with, outside of my family. It felt nice to have someone who I could confide in, concerning that topic. I eventually told others of course, or they deduced it themselves but nevertheless thank you for being my start of opening up more. You really are a wonderful person, you know? I am aware you enjoy portraying a gruff persona, but you have such a kind heart. You are so much more than weapon, you’re someone who has done great works who many people care about. Maybe a few even feel deeper than that. 
I know you offered me your lance that night, but you should be aware that I will always care for you health and value it more. When you dissipated in Ultima Thule I was devastated beyond compare. Not only at the fact that you were gone, but that the others including myself may never come back either. Indeed for a bit I entertained the notion of turning back, but such a thing was not possible then. It would have made yours and the others' sacrifice amount to naught wouldn’t it?
That is also why I sent you back to the ship without me, because despite being warriors yourselves I could not bear the thought of loosing you all again. I love you. You are one of my dearest friends, and the Scions my family. I already lost everything once, I refuse to lose it all again. 
But enough about my ramblings. When you have the time, I would like to meet with you in private to discuss certain matters that have recently become apparent. I am aware that I claimed it is easier to be more open in letters than face-to-face conversations in this very message, but there is something I need to get off my chest and I think it is best that I speak with you in person about it.
Sincerely yours,
           Once done writing she looked over the paper, as a result red-faced embarrassment grew on her cheeks. Bah! This was far too sappy. Plus what if he read that one line she scribbled out somehow? Crumbling it up she then threw it into a bin by fire place. 
          Dancer would make sure to burn it, a bit later. 
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