nastyburger · 4 years
Draw more of your phantomverse!!!
im on a danny b kick
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chaoticrobotics · 2 years
For the pride thing asexual moon? (I really like your lesbian Mangle by the way!!!)
Asexual Moon has already been asked, but I'll add to my notes to tag you in the post when I get to that one! :D
And thank you for liking my lesbian Mangle! Honestly doing these requests really resparked my love for Mangle! I said it before and I'll say it again: Mangle is so much fun to draw!
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bittydragon · 3 years
So in regards to the ant au, is it just a concept, or is there an actual story somewhere, I live for that whole tag and have read it all!!!
I'm glad you like it so much! The only ant AU content I have is in the asks though, there is no actual story written for it. But there is a whole lot and much more to come as well!
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lexosaurus · 4 years
he made his own OC, tried to pass it off as canon by providing “proof” from the show forgetting we know how to read and do basic math, and then made an entire video about it 
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taikova · 4 years
That first chapter/part of your comic is amazing 😭😭😭🤩🤩🤩🥲
thank you!! i had a lot of fun making it.
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twiniverse · 4 years
Lapis and Nora? She's got a shell on her belt buckle!
OoOoOoo, no but good guess! Lapis and Nora’s fusion is available on Patreon, though. :3
I’ll give you all one hint. Pronouns are they/them.
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the-suit · 4 years
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I don’t know what any of you are talking about. What do you mean...
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Incidentally, reminder that the next page releases tomorrow, 10/12 at 9am EST. Guess we will see what transpires then.
(Comments from Page 09)
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Taffy just puts "Because i wuv you /OwO/"
Dawwwwwwwww XD
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suppressedanxiety · 5 years
VIRGIL, PUT ON MORE BRUISE CREAM, feel better sweet cinnamon roll
Virgil didn’t move from his slouched position by the door. “What does it matter? They’re just bruises, I’d have to actually move around for them to bother me. After all,” he gestured halfheartedly to the moat portal, “we all know I’m not going anywhere.”
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Glad you’re enjoying it so far!
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nastyburger · 4 years
I understand what you mean about not wanting to delve in to find a label, I also just use ace as an umbrella term, its all up to you what you want to go by!
yeah! again its kinda whateves with terms and stuff like labels on sexuality is more for convenience for me lol if anything i’d just not call myself anything! but you know, sometimes i cannot resist a joke >:)
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su-skybound-au · 5 years
I saw the header picture and NEEDED to see what this was, and after 2 minutes of scrolling, I have now committed to protecting Spinel birb child forever
aww tysm!! happy you’re enjoying the au!
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doberart · 5 years
Oh my gosh I love that Henry and Linda picture so much!!! 🤩
Thank you! I love them so much. Haha.
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corruptimles · 5 years
Who's Sans!Henry?
That nickname came from a joke by the stream chat, from when I showed my drawings of him and explained the concept and another joke to a friend who was guest starring
The character itself is still from Team Sillyvision AU but more like an AU-AU or “bad end” kinda schtick (there’s officially 3 endings for TSV, this is more of an off-shoot mid-story)
His actual nickname is Grim or Grim!Henry and he was just a fun concept to mess around with so I had some drawings of him but I just never posted them for some reason
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mojang-officialer · 5 years
I just wanted to say that I kinda find your post on suburban moms offensive, as someone who watched my mom go through the pain of knowing that my active-duty dad was cheating on her ( she was also active-duty ) and then seeing this, I kinda felt like it was being a bit sexist towards woman, but that's just me I suppose. Anyways, we can all have different opinions, so I would still like to wish you a nice day.
i mean yeah. it’s kind of an over-generalization.
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delimeful · 5 years
its too bad virgil already avoids all of them at all costs and doesnt respond to knocks at his door, or else maybe patton would notice his absence... 
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